Wednesday, August 25, 2010

El Clon, Wed., August 25 - Summary for Discussion

The truth about Daniel starts to spread out across the cast like a tidal wave with varying reactions depending on the level of education and religious persuasion of the hearers.

When he gets home, Lucas gets a strange look from Marina, the maid, but all she says is that Leo is in the study with Albieri. Lucas replies that he will take a bath first and then come down.

Rosa shows Daniel photos of Diego as a child. ¿Me parezco? he asks Dora, 'Do I look like him?' Daniel recognizes the photos of the adolescent Diego. 'Parecemos clonados', It's like we were cloned, says Daniel. That's too much for Dora and she hustles Daniel out of the house. Rosa asks Luisa whether Daniel belongs to Dora or to them. Luisa says that she doesn't know.

Meanwhile Lucas wishes he were 20 again (si pudiera regresar a mis 20 años..). He says that he would do everything differently.

Jade, too, is thinking about the choices she made when she was young. She tells Zoraida that if she hadn't fallen in love with Lucas, she would be in Morocco with Jadiya and falling in love with Said. She would be happy like Latifa is. She asks why she threw her fate to the wind. Zoraida blames the power of love. Jade goes on to say that she is afraid of the 'shadow' that she saw. Having only seen Daniel for about 10 seconds, she can tell that he isn't the Lucas who lied and 'threw her to the winds,' he's the Lucas of 20 years ago, who only lives in her memory.

Latifa tells Jade that she has asked Ali to convince Mohamed to let her live with them. Jade replies that Ali won't be able to convince Mohamed this time. She doesn't want to cause trouble for anyone. She is responsible for what she did with her life.

Mohamed tells Said that Jade wants to stay in Miami but he won't allow her to stay at his house. Jadiya and Rania come in. Jadiya can't understand why she can't visit Mohamed's house. Rania distracts her with a trip to the mall with Yamil, the boy she met at her birthday party.

Rania and Amina hope that Jade will go back to Morocco with Ali and get out of Said's life. Yamil ask Jadiya why she wears so much gold and says that she looks like a Christmas tree (parece un árbol de navidad del occidente). Jadiya says Yamil's clothes are horrible.

Dora and Daniel return to their house. Daniel tells Estela that his resemblance to Diego was amazing. When he leaves the room, Dora tells Estela that Albieri is now saying that Daniel is a clone. She doesn't really know what that is. She thinks it is a robot, a genetic experiment or a monster. Estela concludes that Albieri is crazy.

Back at Leo's, Rosa is still babbling about reincarnation. Albieri puts her straight. He says that Daniel is not a reincarnation (reencarnado), he's a clone. '¿Dice que hizo con mi muchacho, lo que dice que hace con el ganado del Señor Leonardo?'Are you saying that you did the same thing to my boy that you told me you do to Senor Leonardo's cattle? Yes, replies Albieri. Rosa refuses to believe it. '¿Desde cuándo Dios lo hizo su socio?' Since when did God make you his partner? she asks sarcastically.

Lucia tells Andrea about Nati's condition when she saw her at the mall. Andrea reassures her mother that she does not do drugs. Lucia asks about Fernando. Andrea reports that he has decided to go straight.

Fernando is regretting that he didn't take one last hit with Paula.

PSA time: Enrique tells his shrink that he believed every day was his last one taking drugs but he couldn't quit. He says that if he could talk to young people who are living the hell that he did, he would tell them to get professional help because a person can't quit on their own. Meanwhile, Fernando is getting antsy.

Roberto reports to Clara that Malicia is avoiding him and won't sign the papers transferring the apartment. 'Lo sabia,' I knew it, says Clara. The Chump continues to tell Anita about his problems although she has been less than sympathetic. He tells her that he can't understand how Malicia has changed so much. She replies that people don't change all of a sudden (de repente). He just never knew the real Malicia before.

A grim Silvia asks Julio what his position is on what Albieri did. She is going to turn him into to the FDA. Julio replies that he is conflicted. Albieri is more than a teacher to him, he is like a father and he doesn't want to see him in jail. So what he did to Dora doesn't count? asks Silvia. She accuses Julio of being Albieri's accomplice. She tells him that she has agreed to wait a little while until Albieri straightens things out but then she is going to the FDA.

Marisa comes home and Rosa announces that the reincarnated one was there. Marisa thinks Rosa is delirious. Leo summons Marisa and Rosa to hear what Albieri has to say. Rosa tells Marisa that Albieri claims that he made a clone of Lucas but she doesn't believe it. Now Marisa is really confused.

Vicki tells Cristina that Dora and Leo were looking for her. Vicki believes that Dora and Leo never had anything together. Vicki urges Cristina to call Dora but Cristina refuses and says that if she sees Dora, she'll kill her.

At Cristina's bar, Dora, who used to dance so joyously, is wearing a sweater and shuffling around the floor with Miguel like she was 90 years old. She says that she is sad from all the bad things that have happened in her life. Miguel asks if he can do anything to help her. He is going to visit Osvaldo but Dora has no message for him. She says that that chapter of her life is over. Vicki reports to Dora on her failure to get Cristina to see reason. She tells Vicki about Daniel being a clone. Vicki doesn't know what that is either. Dora hopes that Daniel never hears about this.

Ali goes to see Father Andres. They agree that since Albieri doesn't believe in God (no tiene Dios), he is capable of anything. 'Albieri le quitó la sombra a un hombre y le dio vida en otro,' Albieri took the shadow from one man and gave life to another, says Ali. They wonder how someone who is really only a shadow can exist in the world. Father Andres says that Daniel doesn't have a father or a mother under the normal definition of those terms. Ali asks him what is the position of the Catholic Church on cloning. Not surprisingly, Father Andres says that the Church opposes cloning.

Leo tells Marisa about the clone. She has trouble believing that Albeiri created a clone. She says that there is no proof and how could he have concealed it all these years. [He concealed Daniel's existence by the magic of novelas where persons who would have recognized Daniel conveniently don't see him.] If he did make a clone, she asks Leo whether he is normal and what is his life expectancy. Leo replies that the clone appears to be normal and is the same age as Diego when he died.

Rosa tells Marisa that according to Alej, Nati has disappeared again.

Ramoncito comes over to Alej's and is there when Nati and Paula show up. Nati wants to take a clock but Alej won't let her leave in that state.

Leo tells Lucas that Daniel is a clone of him. 'Daniel es un clon tuyo.' Lucas refuses to believe it. Leo says that Albieri explained it all to him but he can't remember all the technical terms he used so he can't explain it to Lucas. Lucas accuses his father of not being interested in that. He says that Leo only cares about the fact that Diego has returned. He refuses to listen to anymore.

Alej throws Paula out of the apartment bodily. He refuses to let Natalia leave the apartment until she calms down (Aquí te quedas hasta que te normalices.) He locks Nati in the apartment and warns Ramoncito not to tell Gloria anything about this. [Fat chance of that] He is going to stay outside the door until Nati becomes herself again. Nati is trashing the place. Then she drinks what appears to be some household cleaning fluid while Enrique drones on about what the physical need for drugs will make addicts do.

Clara is happy to find Fernando at home working. She offers to stay with him but he is eager for her to leave. Finally, he leaves.

Ramon is ready to tell Gloria what he saw at Alej's but she refuses to listen. Diana and Pablo are at Gloria's discussing Alej and Nati. Zamira, the Naz and Zumaya are walking by and Zamira spots Pablo. The Naz tells Zumaya that Pablo is one of her suitors who was driven away by her brothers. Amin, the snitch, tells Adbul that the women are spreading corruption. Abdul runs outside, sees Gloria and has a fantasy of her extremely voluptuous body dancing for him. Then he shoos the women inside.

When Alej comes back into the apartment, he finds Nati unconscious on the floor with empty containers near her.

The next day at the empresa Ferrer, Fer has not shown up for work and Clara has to tell Carolina that he bolted from her house the previous night and disappeared. When Enrique finds out that Leo wants to see Roberto about adopting Daniel, he throws his usual hissy fit.

Roberto tells Leo that he has no idea where to start with the Daniel problem. Leo replies that the kid is his son and he wants him by his side and Roberto had better hop to it.

The sKank finds Daniel. He says that he wants to go to the desert and does she want to come along. Karla tells Daniel that she is preggers. He asks if it is his child and she says no, she is 3 months along. Daniel asks if she is sure that the baby is hers, explaining that his father has told him that the woman who gave birth to him is not his mother and that his real mother died before he was born. This is way too much for the tiny sKank brain but she sees that Daniel is troubled and she comforts him.

Ramoncito tells Gloria that when he was at Alej's, Nati was high on drugs.

I guess Alej could tell that Nati didn't drink anything dangerous because he didn't take her to the emergency room. When she wakes up, Alej asks why she drank all that stuff. She replies that she was angry and he made her nervous and she didn't want to be left alone in the the apartment. She claims that she was fine when she came home until Alej started fighting with Paula. He tells her that he is exhausted and about to lose his dream because of her.

Daniel goes to Leo's house.

Marisa can't believe that Albieri could put all that garbage about cloning in Leo's head at this time. She asks Rosa to call Nati and then find her missing phone.

Marisa looks at an old picture of herself and like everyone else, says, 'Cómo quisiera devolver el tiempo,' how I wish I could turn the clock back. She looks out the window and sees Daniel looking back at her.

The credits roll.


[He concealed Daniel's existence by the magic of novelas where persons who would have recognized Daniel conveniently don't see him.]

You seem to have forgotten that Dora sent little Daniel to live with his grandmother in New York. That's why no one saw him. When he grew older he became a wanderer and that's why he went to Mexico and then from there came back to Miami.

That's true, Anonymous 10:53 but there were plenty of near misses before Dora took Daniel to NYC. For example, Leo was about to come to Daniel's birthday party when Marisa went into labor; when Rosa ran into Albieri and Daniel on the street and he kept the child facing away from her and others. Then when Daniel returned to Miami, he had numerous near misses and was only seen at first by drugged (Nati) or drunk (Enrique) people.

Jean, thank you the recap and morning Spanish lesson.

I am on vacation and computer time is hard to come by, so hopefully I will have more time later in the day.


Thanks, Jean, for the excellent recap, complete with Spanish and great photos. I must say, I'm also very impressed with the response you made to Anonymous 10:53. I can barely remember what happened in the TN last week, let alone all the details from months ago.

I was surprised that Nati didn't do herself serious harm when she drank that array of stuff. I was assuming that she'd be so sick that Alej would have to rush her to the hospital, and that that would be the transition to the inevitable stay at the rehab center. Apparently not, or at least not yet. I guess we still need a few more insufferable PSAs from Enrique first, just in case we watched with blinders and earplugs and so didn't understand what was happening.

Interesting that Leo and Marisa discuss Daniel's life expectancy and the fact that Daniel is now the age Diego was when he died. I didn't hear ominous music in the background during that conversation, but....

What I was implying was that the recapper made it seem that by using the term "the magic of novelas" (as if phony) that it was the reason Daniel wasn't recognized. In the earlier part of the novela when Daniel was a little boy, Albieri only had to conceal Daniel from Lucas immediate family (Lucas, Leonardo, Mama Rosa), etc.

Jean, I love the way you managed to tie things together for us today. What a great job of writing!

I was struck by Rosa's response when she is told that Daniel is a clone:

With the first part of her comment, she shows us that at least in broad terms, she understands the science: "¿...hizo con mi muchacho lo que hace con el ganado del Señor Leonardo?" (He did with my boy what he does to Señor Leonardo's cattle?)

And the second part of her reaction registers how appalled she is as a religious person: "¿Desde cuándo Dios lo hizo su socio?" (Since when did God make him his partner?)

And of course the third part of her reaction comes later when we realize that the idea of cloning is so horrible to her that she rejects it in favor of her original hypothesis: reincarnation

Jean, I loved your remark that Daniel's disclosure about his parentage was "way too much for the tiny sKank brain." I admit I find
the relationship between Karla and Daniel intriguing. She's not only turned on by him, she seems to like him. In that, she is a member of a very small club. Maybe before the end of the story, she'll learn of his connection to Osvaldo and help get him out of jail for Daniel's sake. (I'm also not convinced that Roberto is her baby's father; Daniel makes much more sense.)
Are we meant to see the mild insults exchanged by our tweens Jadiya and Yamil as a courtship ritual? It would be good for Jadiya to hang out with a boy with a less rigid world view than her own. Maybe it will soften her stance toward her mother.
Juanita, I was also quite surprised that Alejandro didn't take Nati to the hospital. Even if he knew what she consumed in the house, he couldn't have known what was already in her system. And dramatically -- well, we're all ready for that bomb to explode, aren't we?

Too bad Nati didn't do herself in with her "home remedies." I'm so, so bored with this story line. It's gone on too long, and while the actress is doing a good job; too much repitition. Way too much. I want to see more of the Clon's story, and I'm itching to see another Lucas/Jade encounter. Lois

Thanks for the recap, Jean.

I don't know why Alej insists on keeping Nati's condition a secret. After all, he isn't married to her and I believe her family has a right to know of her condition. He isn't giving her he help she needs. For all he knew she could have killed herself drinking the fluids in the apartment.


Thanks, Jean, great work, as always. And I am also impressed by your incredible memory of near misses of seeing Daniel when he was still a child.

Juanita, I was also amazed that Alej was so calm seeing the empty cleaning fluid bottles. That really made no sense; surely she would have been poisoned by some of that stuff. And she was passed out. ¿Qué? Wouldn't a sensible person take her to the hospital?

Anonymous 10:53 and 12:19, we appreciate your comments and welcome everyone. But I must say that the tone of your comments seemed fairly critical of Jean. These recappers/summarizers are heroes to me, offering me a place to discuss the loony goings on in Novelaland. It's a real community, and we try very hard to be respectful of each other.

I'm fairly bored with Jade and Ali. I've always liked Ali but his remarks about Jade's destiny and Albieri's bad move in taking over Allah's job are very repetitive.

I'm looking forward to Marisa's reaction to seeing the clone tonight.

Jean, kind of off topic, but trying to test my sanity. Wasn't Sylvia portrayed by another actress in the beginning of this novela? I remember her being the same actress as the looney chicken restaurant owner in Victorinos. Am I nuts?

Jean, Thank you for the super recap, with perfectly captured photos, and some Spanish for practice. We so look forward to the recaps and this one was no exception, filling in gaps with our understanding, e.g. the “tweens” exchange in the mall. For us this episode was non-stop entertainment, with only one brief session of whining by Jade – thank goodness. Really, this telenovela is better than many movies. Again, thank you!!


Hi Novelera,
While I also expected Alejandro to take Natalia to the hospital, it was my impression that she had ingested things like perfume and mouthwash for their alcohol content rather than more lethal-type cleaning fluids. Even so...

I didn't see Victorinos, so I could be totally off base here, but I wonder if you are thinking of Miss Brown, the other female scientist we saw at the beginning of the story? Dra Silvia looks the same to me except for a new do.

By the way, I'm not sure what is going on with my postings. I have noticed before that sometimes (not always) they disappear from the delicious bookmark page. Then I have to refresh to make them show up. Sometimes that doesn't work; then I have to leave the page and return and there they are. I have no idea why this happens. If anyone else does, please let me know.

Thanks all for the nice words.

I too don't understand why, with all the evidence that Alej has that Nati is out of control, he doesn't send her back to her family. In terms of the plot, I'm guessing that he has to actually lose his dream of being a luchador because of Nati before we can move on the to the next stage.

I also agree that the Karla/Daniel relationship is strange. I'm sure that her baby is not Roberto's so I guess it could be Daniel's. They did get together twice.

Yes, you are right, Novela Maven. The actress who played Miss Brown was the crazy chicken lady in Victorinos. Silvia is portrayed by the same actress with, as you say, a new 'do that represents 20 years passing (!).

I guess it makes sense that Nati did only drink mouthwash and perfume for the alcohol content but if someone had passed out from drinking anything, I would take them to the hospital. There is such a thing as alcohol poisoning. I'm surprised that Nati didn't have to throw up when she woke up.

I find this 'Daniel is a shadow' business rather irritating when espoused by educated people like Ali and Father Andres. Didn't the sheik tell Ali that Daniel had a soul? All this 'who is his mother? who is his father? stuff is ridiculous in the 21st century. The circumstances of Daniel's birth aren't different from a child borne by a surrogate mother except in this case, the surrogate parents, Leo and Isabel, didn't know about the pregnancy.

Bravo, Jean. This excellently filled me in on pieces that I missed.

Wow--I thought sKarla's "first trimester" affirmation was a definitive answer to many of our "baby daddy" questions. Guess we'll have to stay tuned to see what's what. (did she begin bedding Daniel around the same time her mother put their DNA plan into action?)

Novelera, I too think you may be thinking of Dr. Brown (the doc Albieri sent Sylvia to as an assistant). And, again, Sylvia does have different hair (?)... I believe her surname is supposed to be Valencia.

Anyone think/know if Ozzie will rerturn to the story? I've noticed that the name Pedro Telemaco is still included in the opening credits; and I kinda miss that little rascal.

Thanks, Jean and NovelaMaven. My memory had conflated Silvia the geneticist and Miss Brown, whose role in the novela I don't remember at all. What was amazing to me was how perfectly bilingual the chicken lady was. As Miss Brown she spoke perfect English and then segued into Spanish to speak to, presumably, non-English speaking characters in the novela.

Yes, Miss Brown and some other guy whose name I have forgotten had these incredibly boring arguments with Albieri about the ethics of cloning. I had really forgotten about both of them and Miss Brown's bilingualness.

I hope Osvi will be back too. I assume that he will since Miguel mentioned visiting him.

Karla and Daniel had sex when they first met and then again much later. I can't remember when the first encounter was. Wouldn't it be delicious if the sKank's rich guy turned out to be Leo and not Roberto? Since I'm assuming Daniel isn't going to see the end of the novela, his child would be precious to Leo.

Anon Thu Aug 26, 01:11:00 PM EDT -
I too am soooo bored with Nati storyline; as well as the whole TN. still been hitting that >>ff>> button.

where in the heck is Zein?? also, they oughta find a man for the Naz already.. pronto pronto.

love reading ya'lls comments everyday.

Great recaps and spanish lessons!
Thank you!

I also believe that karla is probably pregnant with daniel's baby. If this proves to be true,
she therefore has successfully snagged 18 years of child support from a millionaire. So her plan worked, just not with roberto.


Jean excellent recap and i agree with what Novelera told the Anon, simply put we are getting this for free and people are doing this out of their busy schedules to give us these recaps. Try to be a little more appreciative of what you are getting unless you think you can do better?

I didn't know drinking perfume would have you just passed out, not saying i am going to try it. I would have called 911 right away.

Even though Jade was whining she seems to be accepting the consequences for her actions.

It is kind of hard to like most of the characters in this novela, i think the ones i feel the most sorry for is Dora,Estella and Daniel.

Jean, thank you, another fine recap! I agree with many of the commenters that:
A) Why did Alej not rush Nati to get medical help?
B) Silvia does look way different, I thought it was the hair, but the whole Crazy Chicken Lady discussion makes me wish I had watched the Victorinos.
C) When Karla (con "K") answers Daniel's question if her baby could be his, she says No, I'm 3 months along, like that would eliminate him from being the Daddy. But, I agree, the plot almost demands that he be the Daddy!

I loved Paula's entrance into the apartment. She went over to the kitchen table, picked up the oj jug that ramoncito had left there, sat down and swung her feet up onto the table, clunked down her heavy black boots as loud as possible, then leaned back and got ready to take a swig from the oj jug. At that point Alej grabbed Paula and 86'ed her from his kitchen and I would have done the same thing to anyone who pulled that in my home. If he had been that tough in his last fight he'd be fighting for a championship by now.
Also did you notice how Tio Susio Abdul's eyebrows were jumping like Groucho's while TSA was looking down Gloria's blouse at the restaurant and during the fantasy belly dance? Talk about Haraam!!

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