Sunday, August 29, 2010

Llena de Amor #15 Fri 8/27/10

Netty and crew are ready to eat in the dark when some spooky lady shows up asking if this is the place that rents rooms.

I (we) are forced to suffer through the fake rape Mauricio/Mari scene again. This actor is a great bad guy, I never see him on screen without feeling the urge to kick him in the nuts.

Fedra is upset that Netty plans on getting involved in the whole inheritance mess. She wants The Mask to ‘take care of them’ – Mari and Netty. In the words of recapper/reader Kat, “Fedra is fugly and she makes me sick.” Well said.

Lorenzo cries and yells at people, the maid runs to call an ambulance. He’s so upset that Muneca did this, not seeing that it’s all his fault, really. He is mad at her for ‘playing this game’, and yells for the ambulance again, I guess he thinks they are magic or can fly.

More ugliness as Mauricio pretends to rape Mari.

Delicia debates whether or not to read Mari’s diary, she finally decides yes. She slowly opens it. Poems and love notes for EMANUEL.

The whole house stares at the creepy lady, one wants Netty to throw her out, but Netty says of course not and invites her in. Netty shakes her hand and there is an electric shock between them, creepy lady suddenly says she is receiving something, the others realize she is a medium. Wow this show just took a hard turn towards ridiculous. They try to sit creepy lady down, but then she says to Netty “the only one here who needs help is YOU.” Say goodbye to a decent rate on your rental, after that comment!

Emanuel, accompanied by his hot sister and his hot girlfriend, is knocking on Mari’s door. Of course there is no answer, inside Mauricio has his hand over Mari’s mouth. Mauricio tells Mari she better not say anything, or he’ll tell Eman that she came on to HIM. She says she’ll yell the truth, he says fine go ahead, see who they believe. I realized this is the second time now that I’ve seen this actor pretend to rape this actress, it happened in MEPS too, though she didn’t have the fat suit that time.

Creepy lady says a powerful lady is going to close all of Netty’s paths. She is channeling Juan Pastor. A woman with seven demons will not rest until she sees Netty dead. A fugly woman, no doubt. Netty says the same thing, “Fedra!”

Eman gets in with a key, nobody is in the room. The chicks say it’s strange, they left her there and went to get Eman, now she’s gone. Kristel wonders in her head if Mauricio has Mari in the bathroom, completing his plan. Eman finds the dress on the bed and is mad that they bought maternity, they have stores for people like Mari! The girls say yeah, but no way are they going to set foot in one of THOSE stores.

Netty wants to know about Mari from creepy lady, but after hearing the name Fedra, she had collapsed on the chair and lost her connection with Juan Pastor, apparently. Creepy lady wakes up and looks at Netty funny, and says she wants to rent a room. The lights come back on, freaking everyone out.

Mauricio has Mari in the bathroom, I guess, and is telling her to keep quiet. Kristel is leaning on the door on the other side, making Eman suspicious. He knocks, no answer.

Delicia, like every stupid novela character ever, says her thoughts out loud REALLY LOUD about what she CAN’T LET ANYONE FIND OUT, namely that Mari is IN LOVE! Of course Nereida is right there and hears it and wants to know who. They fight over the diary. This fight would be a lot better in bikinis and jello, just saying.

Now Eman is trying to unlock the other door, complaining about how all the doors have locks. Me too dude. The girls insist on looking for Mari, in other places. Not here, other places. They insist that they want to be friends with Mari, that’s why they bought her this stuff! Fedra comes in and says “WHO bought WHAT for la gorda?” Apparently that is against the law in that house.

Nereida’s hair comes loose in the fight, nice. Delicia ends up with the diary and runs off.

Lorenzo is talking to the other woman on his cell phone right there in Camila’s hospital room. He is blaming her for what happened, after her phone call. She says whatever, now you are free of her. Lorenzo says it’s the mother of his daughter! Lady says “hey, we have a son too.” He says it’s a lie, he has heard it before. She says she’ll prove it. Come over to her place and see. He says she’ll pay if she bothers him or his wife again.

Fedra wants an explanation from Kristel, it was paid for with Fedra’s money it turns out and she is beside herself. She prohibits any more expenditures on Mari’s behalf. Eman tries to go talk to her. Mauricio in the other room says ok they’re gone, let’s get down to business. Kristel tells Ilitia that Mauricio and Mari are in the bathroom. Mari slaps Mauricio in the face, pushes him away, and his towel falls. She freaks out and turns away covering her eyes. She tries to leave, he stops her. Great. I get the episode long rape attempt, lucky me. She slaps him again. Then starts hitting him with a painting an escapes. She runs over the other two girls on her way out, who were eavesdropping.

Mari runs past Eman and Fedra talking in the hall, when Eman tries to stop her, she trips and falls down the stairs. In slow motion. So we might think she died or something, here in only the 15th episode of the show. Maybe now she ends up in a coma and in the process loses all the weight. We’re all ready for the fat part to be over, right?

Netty stresses, somehow the lights went off again. Oh it’s the middle of the night and she was pacing. Brandon’s mom shows up and they stress and worry together.

Eman runs to Mari, yells at his mom to call an ambulance, do something useful for once. Mari comes around. Fedra says “lucky” and walks upstairs. Mari says she’s in bad shape, mostly from being here (in this house). You got that right. She gets up and says she has to leave to feel better. She leaves.

Mauricio comes out of the bathroom naked, Ilitia freaks out. Kristel teases him. Ilitia throws the pregnancy dress at him and tells him to cover up. Yes please. He says ah, it bothers you to see this, compared to what you normally see (a dig at Eman). She says of course not! There is a knock at the door. They all panic.

Mari sits outside and cries and whines. Delicia wanders by and sees her. She comes over and is disgusted with the makeup the girls put on her. Mari tells her what Mauricio did. Delicia takes Mari inside.

Eman is at the door, yelling at Ilitia, there’s someone else there, right? Mauricio ends up on the balcony again. He jumps off, landing right in front of Fedra. Oooops. “Lose your clothes again, Mauricio?” Hahaha. Good one. “let me guess, they came back and assaulted you again?”

In the kitchen, Mari tells the whole story to Delicia. Delicia says to tell everyone, Mari says what for, they won’t believe me. Of course not. She’ll stay quiet and this will go on forever. Wow her makeup really is bad. Delicia says Mari looked for a little trouble, though, being in love with Emanuel.

Eman yells at the girls. They get all defensive “omg how could you accuse us” etc etc. “some people don’t know how to accept love and caring.” Eman has heard enough. “She fell down the stairs, almost died” Really? She got up and walked away, but whatever. “She wants to leave this house, what did you do to her?” Then he holds his head like he is having an aneurysm, that’s the second time tonight I’ve seen that. I’m sure it means something. He falls onto the bed, the girls are alarmed.

Mauricio makes excuses, but Fedra doesn’t want to hear it. She tells him that if Emiliano finds out about this, he’ll kill him. Mauricio begs her to not say anything, Fedra says fine, but…. Mauricio says whatever you say. She owns him now. Emiliano shows up, mad about the snake in Mari’s room. Fedra says Mauricio did it. Now that Fedra owns him, he confesses that yes, it was him.

Ilitia tries to get Eman to relax. He can’t, he’s upset with the Mari situation. He wants her to feel at home here, but can’t get it done. Ilitia promises to be Mari’s friend, he says sure, just like Kristel? She promises again, she’ll do it for him. Ominous music plays as he believes her this time.

Emiliano rips Mauricio a new one. He whines that it was just a small thing, he didn’t mean, etc etc. Emiliano puts Mauricio on notice – he bothers Mari again, even the smallest thing, you won’t be allowed in this house or to be Kristel’s boyfriend. Mauricio thinks of what he just did and worries. Emil and Fedra tell him to go find Mari and apologize. Emil ends up thanking Fedra for her help, Fedra says she can’t stand what everyone is doing to poor Mari! Bleah.

Delicia rather rudely tells Mari she’s nuts for being in love with Eman. Mari says respect my feelings, Delicia says fine, ok. Mari says she loves Eman back when they were kids and that feeling stayed with her. Man everything seems like I’ve seen it before, this reminds me of Eduardo and Fernanda on MEPS. Speaking of, if anyone sees that a show with Silvia Navarro is coming on anywhere, let me know. I thought she was great on that show. Anyway – Mauricio is eavesdropping it turns out, he comes in the room to gloat over his new knowledge.

Ilitia reports back to Kristel that she got Eman to buy that they want to be friends with Mari. Ilitia says they should cool it a bit. Another eavesdropper, this time Gretel, who wants to know what’s going on.

Mari denies everything to Mauricio, who says he is going to tell Eman. Of course he wouldn’t, that would give away his power, but Mari is of course too stupid to realize this. As long as he doesn’t tell Eman he has that to hold over her, she should hope that he DOES tell, to get it over with. Delicia starts to yell at Mo, Mari the wimp tells her to stop. Mo tells Delicia to leave. Mari the wimp says yes, she should go. Great. She is going to lay down, completely, for this. She begs Mo not to tell Eman. He says fine, but let’s go, I have to apologize to you for the snake in front of Emiliano, and you are going to accept.

Gretel doesn’t buy the whole innocent act from the hotties either. They go on and on about how they are going to help her lose weight and Gretel seems to start to believe them. Sort of.

Mo apologizes to Mari in front of Emiliano, Mari accepts too quickly. Mo goes on to say we’ll be friends now, right? She says yes. She even goes on to say that she is the one who started everything. Emiliano says she appreciates her maturity, and no more jokes in this house! Emil takes her to the kitchen for some tea. Fedra says she has to talk to him, he says wait until I get back. Mo and Fedra are left alone. He thinks he has met his part of their deal, she says no way. She takes a cigar out of the box and says the next time she finds him here with no pants – she clips the end of the cigar with a cutter. Yikes. Then she says she’ll kill him. I think the clipping threat would be enough.

Later, she is in the office alone when Emiliano returns. She complains that Kristel spent a ‘fortune’ on clothes for Mari. Emil thinks that was nice. Fedra whines and cries that it’s not her fault Mari doesn’t have any clothes or money. More whining and crying. Emil says it’s his money too, and Kristel can spend as much as she wants on Mari, is that clear? Emil then says he wants to start the paperwork to get Marianela her inheritance. Fedra tries to hold him off, but he has made up his mind. He wants Mari to get what is hers so she doesn’t feel like they are supporting her. He says that if he has to kick the entire family out of the house to make Mari comfortable, he’ll do it, and Fedra better pack her bag because she’ll be the first one out the door, understand? Hell yeah, kick her out now! Why wait!

Fidel, Lorenzo’s driver, shows up looking for Ilitia. He tells her about her mother.

Fedra looks out the window and whines about Mari. She says poor Emiliano, 25 years and he still doesn’t know her. She pulls out a fancy dagger. She walks towards the bed. She vows that the house and inheritance will belong to her, not Mari. She makes to stab Emiliano.

Monday – Mari gets a HUGE check for her commercial, it is a hit. Can a commercial be a hit? Netty is going to get some money in 5 days. Or is Mari going to get it? Not sure. Fedra makes to stab Emiliano, again.


My heart goes out to you Chris. This was one weird episode, and you're dead right the "I'm going to (whatever he was planning) you" by Mo was just too long and flat out stupid. But you're recap was great, and far more amusing than some of the stupid characters we got too much of.

Speaking of stupid, in a truly jump the shark moment, that whole weird creepy lady business...what was that?? and it served what purpose?? Well, except to again try to make the Netty householders look like they are one load shy of common sense. C'mon. Stupido.

Our dear Fedra - the poster woman for "what's mine is mine and what's your is mine". She has the audacity to whine to Emi on three lousy pieces of clothes that Kristel bought? She never ceases to amaze me...and nauseate me, but that's what she's there for.

Love the show...but we need some real plot movement now. Intros are over!

Chris, great recap, I appreciate all of the humor you put into this episode. It was much better than the episode itself. How much longer do we need to see and hear the anger of Fedra. Maybe she needs another night out. I do agree with Fedra, Mo could do with a little "clipping".

OT - how are the wife and kids? The little one must be at least a year old by now.


Great detail, great commentary, very entertaining. Agree that this went to a weird place right quick with the medium at Netty's pension. Yeah, not a great way to get a good deal on a rental.

I recant everything I said the other day about the good guys being smart. They are all behaving like the taxidermist has removed their brains and stuffed their heads with sawdust. I really thought I must have missed some vile threat Malicio made to Mari to keep her quiet. "I'll tell Emanuel you were hitting on me; it's my word against yours"?!?!???!!!? That was enough?! Please! Wait does she gain by not telling on him? NOTHING! She should go straight to Emanuel and tell him all of this, including Malicio's claim, and they can have a good hearty laugh that Moroncio thinks he could be appealing.

I hate hate hate Fedra, but I do enjoy watching her make Mauricio squirm. He certainly could use a little pruning.

Since Marianela owns the house, she should charge Fedra back rent for all the years her family has lived there. Market rate on a mansion is probably a little more than the cost of a few maternity outfits! I know Fedra is trying to claim Eva owed her a lot of money, but if the amounts were that significant, there should be bank records, and Fedra won't be able to come up with those, will she? What is the "paperwork" she had Bernardo fake, some notes that say "IOU 50 million pesos. -Eva"?

Ha ha IOU - that's funny.

The only good thing about this episode and its weirdness is that maybe something different will start happening, maybe an end to the daily hour of fat jokes? ah who am I kidding.

Rosemary - thanks for asking - my daughter is almost TWO already! Her birthday is 12/31, she is 20 months old now. She finally learned to say 'Daddy' properly and she is practicing by saying it 1000 times a day.

Chris, you are truly blessed. I can't believe she is almost two, I remember when she was born. Just wait until she learns to say "NO"! I didn't think my son would ever learn to talk, but once he did, I didn't think he would be quite again.


Oh for pete's sake what a weirdo of an episode. Thanks for taking one for the team Chris. Trust me we won't forget what you did!

Even though Fedra is completely horrid and deserves all the bad that comes her way I did enjoy when she threatened Mauricio. However she completely annhilated that poor cigar; that was NOT the proper way to clip the end, harrumph. Oh well, I guess she wanted to make a point so to speak.

Well, it looks like I was wrong about the whorrible hotties not being a part of Mauricio's plan. Those skanks were in on it all along.

I was perusing the telenovela foro earlier today and noticed that one of the commenters is doing a "baby" count, i.e. how many times Ilita calls Eman "baby". They suggested making a drinking game out of it except one would be rip-snorting drunk by the end. I thought that was hilarious. Apparently Kristel caught the bug because she called Mauricio "baby-boo". And no, I still don't know how to say "gag me" in Spanish but I think I'm going to learn soon.

Thanks Chris! As usual your recap was WAYYYY better than the original.

Told ya'll, Cap't., that Mauricio and the girls had plenty his extra- curricular activities with Mari. I remember him saying that he would do something to her (Mari) that would make her forget all about men. Slimebucket was true to his word. Of course, Emanual lets Mari run off, out of the house, after falling down a long flight of stairs. What a doofus!!! If this is the caliber of a galan for this show, heaven help us. He ranks pretty low on the galan level so far. I hope the dude and Mari both get some backbone. If not, we will spend upteen episodes watching Fedra and her co-horts walk all over them. By the way, Emiliano needs get a backbone also, though it looks like Fedra wants to flay him like a fish. This show has got to get better really soon, right?

Just saw bits and pieces of this, Chris. Can't handle an entire episode but loved your recap and loved your story about your little girl. Saying "Daddy" about 1000 times a day sounds quite accurate! But lucky you to be so treasured. Try and remember that adoration when she becomes a teenager.

So true Judy - my son is 10 going on 18, I like to remind him that there was a day when he thought I could walk on water and now he thinks I'm such an idiot. He doesn't like that.

Well, keep in mind Emanuel probably isn't thinking clearly due to the fact that he himself should still be in the hospital after his crash and head injury.

And at least we don't have to see Marianela in the school uniforms anymore. She only had two, and they're both destroyed now, right?

It was utterly rude of the witches to buy maternity clothes for Mari, but that red dress really isn't that bad. She just needs to take off that lace high-collared shirt, cut off those hideous cuffs and hem the sleeves shorter, and maybe tie a sash around the middle to eliminate the maternity effect. Maybe not the height of fashion, but not terrible, and at least it's something to wear that looks like normal clothes.

Is it just me or did the creepy medium look ALOT like Fedra?????

Mauni in Wa

She did have that pinchy face, wild hair sort of look that Fedra tends to sport.

Chris – thank you for this romp! It was a great read. Also, I enjoy the male point of view on the hotness levels of the female cast.

I must be the only one who thought the mysterious lady was a hoot. I thought she was a nice switch from all the Marianela-baiting, and I thought it was fun that practically everybody at the pension seemed to accept that a person might run into a medium anywhere, so why not at your front door. I also got a laugh out of the telenovela convention that all the actors stand in a row commenting to each other, so the camera can see them all.

And I laughed when the lights came back on after the medium came out of her trance.

Why seven demons exactly? Is that the usual number?

I also thought the plotting was clever – they way they set it up so this person and that person couldn’t blab, or else.

What I didn’t like was Fedra coming at Emiliano with that wiggly knife. We saw that knife in another novela, but I’m straining my brain to remember which one. Anyway, I don’t think a knife like that would be as effective as a straight one, but it looks more evil on screen. I’m really worried that she’s going to off Emiliano and then we won’t have Cesar Evora.

Maggie, I believe that same knife was used by Fernando Escandon to stab Ruth (sob) in FELS. I think that he bought it at a local Voodoo Mart. I remember remarking at the time he bought it that I was disappointed in him because it was a little girly-knife. Nice to see that they recycle at Televisa.


How could you buy a knife like that and not get on some criminal watch list? Would it have any conceivable purpose other than theatrically stabbing someone?

Carlos - I only saw tiny snippets of FELS! The wiggly knife was in one I watched through. Cuidado?

Oooh, good memory, Maggie! The wiggly knife was definitely in Cuidado, in Yvette's creepy apartment.

Was it the same dagger that Yvette stabbed Viviana with?

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