Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Llena de Amor #12 Tue 8/24/10 The line to strangle Fedra forms behind me.

Overlap from Monday: Marianela decides she needs to go back to the viper pit, since she didn’t tell Emiliano she was leaving, and also it is her house. Brandon drives her, but is too busy telling her she shouldn’t return to that infierno and nosing into her love life to watch the road. Even when Mari shrieks, he still doesn’t look or step on the brakes, and thus he plows right into Emanuel and his moto.

New: Tia Carlota calls again from Madrid, demanding to speak to Marianela. Emiliano tells her that Mari no está, as she spent the night at her Tia Netty’s house. Carlota and her helmet hair are horrified. That actriz is not good company for Marianela! She is despistada (clueless) and estrafalaria (eccentric)! Emiliano thinks she’s being a tad melodramatic, but Carlota insists that he get Mari out of that house of sin immediately if not sooner. He will be held responsible if anything happens to Marianela!

Mari and Brandon jump out of the jeep and see that it is Emanuel they have hit. He’s lying on the pavement, unconscious and with a bloody gash on his face. Mari shrieks that they have killed him!

Lorenzo and Ilitia go to an office to pursue Ilitia’s case against Brandon. While they’re waiting, Ilitia fusses that she hasn’t heard from Emanuel. Lorenzo says guys need a little space, so she shouldn’t be so clingy. Does she want to turn out like her mother? Over my dead body, says Ilitia. He convinces her to put the phone away so they can focus on bribing a judge to make Brandon pay.

Muñeca breakfasts in bed and tells her maid what Ilitia and Lorenzo are up to. The maid says she thought the young policeman was just doing his job. Muñeca, who was actually at the airport, agrees. He almost certainly saved Ilitia from being killed, and his bravery probably prevented a huge massacre, as well. Unfortunately, Ilitia and Lorenzo don’t see things the same way.

Lorenzo describes to the licenciado the damages Ilitia has suffered as a result of her little jaunt in the mens’ room: trauma, ruined reputation, loss of employment. The guy asks them what they hope to get. Lorenzo wants a public desagravio (amends, indemnification) to clear Ilitia’s name. {I’m still not sure what people think she did wrong, but whatevs.} Ilitia wants Brandon imprisoned, starved to death, fired from the police, and run over by a train. Lorenzo nods.

A crowd has gathered around, and Emanuel hasn’t woken up. A guy tells Mari and Brandon that the ambulance is on its way. Mari begs Emanuel to open his eyes.

Netty tells Gladiola that she thinks Emanuel will help her with the inheritance case, because he also wants the best for Mari. Gladiola wonders if he might find it difficult to fight against his mother. Well, Netty isn’t going into this fight without backup. The lawyer will know what to do. Gladiola, ever the little raincloud, doesn’t think their lawyer will be effective against rich people and their lawyers. Netty says you can’t buy intelligence. Her lawyer is smart and studied the same laws. Glad says maybe you can’t buy intelligence, but sometimes you can buy “justice.” Netty says not to worry; she is an indefatigable fighter and she will do what it takes.

The General chews out Emiliano for letting Marianela spend the night in Netty’s pension. Emiliano says by the time he found out, they had guests and it was late, and what’s the big deal, anyway? “If it matters so much to you, why didn’t you go get her yourself?” “You know very well why I never leave this room!” “Yeah, because you’re a crazy old coot.” “No, because I refuse to leave until that usurper serpent hypocrite Fedra is out of this house!” “You are speaking of my wife!” “Careful, you’ll be eaten by jealousy and your soul will be poisoned! Get out of my room!”

Doris and Netty are outside the lawyer’s office, in the humbler part of town. Doris says to be careful and pay attention so the lawyer doesn’t take advantage. Netty says not to worry; everyone says this lawyer is a really good upstanding guy who takes good care of the parish people’s legal needs, and he’ll help her get Mari’s assets away from the evil Fedra.

Fedra reads a document stating that Marianela will receive her father’s estate when she turns 21. Bernardo says that will give them plenty of time to make use of the documents he has forged regarding debts Eva had to Fedra. Fedra says Mari will surely just go along with it quietly in order to avoid dragging her mother’s memory into a scandal. Bwahahahaha, she will wish the earth had swallowed her up. Bernardo says Fedra will be tranquil and satisfied once she is the owner of this happy home. “Tranquil and satisfied?! Bernardo, it’s like you don’t know me at all!” She tells him she also wants the money Marianela will be collecting from her tia Carlota. Emiliano has just come down the stairs. “What money are you talking about?”

Netty introduces herself to Licenciado Pacheco, who is most accommodating and chivalrous, almost excessively. He objects to her description of herself as lowly and humble and compliments her physical assets. Well, anyway, she tells him, she needs a lawyer who is honest, decent, a fighter, and cheap. He thinks he is just the guy, and is then delighted to find out that Netty is unmarried. He kneels at her feet and kisses her hand and asks her to call him Eugenio. Um, okay. She starts to tell him about her case.

Fedra claims she was talking about the fortune she is going to earn from some real estate business deal. She is super good at business, doncha know? No doubt, says Emiliano. He gets rid of Bernardo and fortifies himself with booze while he builds up steam. “We need to talk about Marianela’s position in this house,” he tells Fedra.

Axel and Gretel are at the university. Gretel says Mom has threatened her, as usual. Axel asks about the toast. It seems she knows something about their mother. Gretel doesn’t want to say anything. She just tells him either a. to just worry about keeping Fedra happy, or b. to worry BECAUSE Fedra is happy, I can’t tell. Anyway, he says he’s doing what he can, studying the field Fedra wanted him to study, when he’d rather study music. Fabiola and Alfredo greet them. Alfredo tells Axel not to act jealous (that he’s with Fabiola), because he had his chance when Fab was slimily throwing herself at him and he didn’t fight for her, and no one would believe his jealousy anyway. “Huh?” says Axel’s face. But Alfredo supposes women aren’t his type. Say, he knows someone who shares Axel’s strange tastes. Maybe he should introduce them? He says this in a snotty sarcastic way, of course, not like he actually wants to introduce Axel to someone, so Axel gets offended. Fabiola and Gretel try to intervene but Axel grabs Alfredo and says he’s going to break his face.

Fedra claims she has nothing against Marianela, she just didn’t want her to come live in this house with her mother. That boozehound would have been such a bad influence on the children! “Eva had recovered, and you know it!” says Emiliano. “Marianela is a family member, and the owner of this house, and my responsibility, and if I get the slightest whiff that you are doing anything to abuse her... Don’t even THINK about it, you hear me?”

Fabiola and Gretel are still trying feebly to avert the storm that’s a-brewin’. Alfredo continues the taunts and tells Gretel she’d better take her brother away before he teaches him with trancazos (blows) how to be a man. So Axel knocks him over with a swift right hook. “Bring it on! I am not afraid of you!” Afraido pops back up, clutching his face. They face off and fume.

The ambulance has arrived at the hospital. Brandon tells them he ran over the patient with his car. The patient was wearing a helmet, but it fell off in the crash (crappy helmet!). Marianela shrieks at the doctor to save him, because the doc would never have thought of that on his own. Doc calmly shines a light in Emanuel’s eyes and sends him off for scans, telling Marianela to relax. She grabs him and demands to know the prognosis, even though the doctor has examined Emanuel for approximately two seconds. The doc blithely tells her that these injuries are severe and could be fatal. He can’t guarantee anything; they have to wait for the scans. Marianela looks about as impressed with this doctor as I am.

Axel and Alfredo are really going at it now. Oliver is on campus for some reason and sees the fight. He runs over to save the day. His badge flashed around does the trick. Then his phone rings, and for some reason we get a lingering look at the phone clipped to his hip.

Brandon calls the Comisario to explain why he’s late for work and asks him to inform the Ruiz y de Teresa family of what’s happened.

Meanwhile, Ilitia and Kristel lounge by the pool with fancy drinks, whining about their own troubles. Ilitia tells Kristel that she was fired by her agency and is SO EMBARRASSED by the photos in the tabloids, with her hair ruined and her makeup running. {Maybe that’s why she was fired. The agency only wants models who look stunning in hostage situations.} But her career isn’t what’s really bothering Ilitia. As crazy as it sounds, she thinks maybe Emanuel is interested in la gorda. Kristel spits her drink all over herself. Mauricio spends the whole scene lurking in the pool nearby.

Marianela is in a chapel, begging the Virgencita to save Emanuel’s life and take hers instead, if necessary. She has his blood on her face. Why doesn’t she ever wash stuff off her face? What a slob. Brandon comes in and assures her that Emanuel is in good hands (that’s debatable) and everything will be fine. The doctor comes and tells them that Emanuel doesn’t have any skull fractures or edemas, just a concussion. Do they know whether he’s had any previous head injuries? Marianela remembers knocking him out with the box of chocolates, and tells the doctor. The doctor says Emanuel needs to stay for 24 hours for observation, and they need a blood donor. Brandon offers, but Marianela insists that she will do it.

Kristel laughs and laughs at Ilitia’s absurd suspicion. The episode must have been a bit short because then Mauricio wants to know what she’s laughing about and Kristel repeats the whole story to him. Ilitia is not amused.

Fedra and Bernardo search Marianela’s bedroom but don’t seem to find anything useful to them. Bernardo says at least they have experience; they did the same thing to Mari’s mother years ago! They laugh uproariously, remembering how Eva thought the house was haunted by Luis Felipe. They think Mari will be as easy to manipulate as her mother. Fedra tells Eva’s photo that she has a gift for her: she’s going to buy her daughter a ticket to join her over there.

Mauricio and Kristel assure Ilitia that they were just teasing. Of course Emanuel is not interested in Marianela! She is just a charity project for him! “Since when do charity projects make men not want to have relations?” asks Ilitia. “Qué?!” They cannot imagine such a horror. Ilitia assures them it is true. Mauricio agrees that this is a serious situation, but he has an idea. After he’s through, Marianela will never want to see another man in her life!

Emanuel is lying unconscious in bed. Marianela comes in with the doctor, saying she’ll give her cousin as much blood as he needs. The doc says it’s actually not for him, it’s just to restock the supply. Take a pint, leave a pint, is the hospital’s policy, I guess. Marianela beams at Emanuel, and still no one has suggested that she wash her face.

Nereida tells Fedra she has a call. Fedra flirts outrageously with her “designer,” “Jean François,” who wants her to come “try on his new designs.” She agrees to meet him tomorrow. Bernardo is not such a fan of his fashions, it seems.

The police have come to the big house, and Delicia reports to Benigno, who reports to Nereida, that Emanuel has been run over and is in the hospital.

Marianela hovers at Emanuel’s side, asking him not to die, because she can’t stand to live in that house without him. He is like a light in the darkness. She remembers him telling her that he will never fail her and she can count on him for anything. She kisses him on the forehead and says “te quiero,” and then, “te amo,” and she goes for the lips.

Nereida tells an abusive Fedra about Emanuel’s accident. Fedra yells at her that she’s crazy.

Marianela rebukes herself for kissing Emanuel, then giggles madly, then begs his forgiveness (he’s still zonked out), then chastises herself some more, then says he’ll never know, then decides she had to say and do that, because “te quiero, te quiero mucho.” He wakes up, scaring her.

Fedra assaults the police officer, demanding that he tell her that her son is okay. He shakes her off. She rants that the rat that ran over her darling probably ran off like a coward, right?! No, says the officer, he took Emanuel to the hospital, along with the victim’s cousin. “La GORDA?” Of course, to Fedra this is even worse than the running over.

Emanuel tries to get up, and Marianela tries to stop him. He says hospitals don’t have good Feng Shui for him and he’s allergic to them. She makes him lie down again. Once he’s accepted that he has to stay for observation, she tries to find out how much he heard before he woke up. He remembers the crash, but after that, just a headache. She’s relieved. Mari explains how she happened to be there when he was hit, hesitating and making very clear that it was all just an accident before admitting that it was Brandon who was driving. “That snotty poli?”

Netty arrives at home, gushing to Gladiola how well the meeting with the lawyer went. She does not notice that Emiliano is behind her. “This lawyer is going to help me get Marianela what is hers from the Ruiz y de Teresa family!” she exclaims. “I don’t think that will be necessary,” says Emiliano. Netty fans herself furiously.

Marianela begs Emanuel not to get all riled up. The accident was not Brandon’s fault! {Except that it was.} He settles down. Then he notices she has blood on her face, and worries that she’s hurt. No, it’s just his, from when she was holding him in the ambulance. He thanks her for saving his life and wipes off the blood, which has not dried in all this time. They hug. Now that everything’s all settled, Emanuel decides once again that he’s ready to go home. Marianela tries to get him to rest, but he stands up, then gets dizzy and collapses on the floor. Marianela shrieks for help.

Oliver hauls Axel and Alfredo into the police station in handcuffs, with Gretel and Fabiola trailing along and protesting. Oliver tries some patronizing sweet talk on Gretel and gets an earful for his trouble. The comisario walks in and wants to know what’s going on. Oliver explains. Sounds like he takes his police duty a little too seriously and too far. Gretel stares at him, then seems to nod in approval.

Marianela imagines that she is an olde-tymey nurse and Emanuel is a soldier dying in a smoke-filled war zone with machine gun fire in the background. “Caldito…de pollo…” says soldier Emanuel, but it was actually real Emanuel. “What?” says Mari. He says all he needs to recover is a little chicken broth…and maybe a blood transfusion, so he can get out of here quicker. She says she’ll give him plenty of blood. He calls her beautiful and she hugs him again.

Brandon calls the pension and tells his mother about the accident.

A nurse has gotten Emanuel back into bed. He’s sleeping again, and Marianela tells him she’ll stay there and take care of him. She calls him “mi amor” and confesses that she is in love with him. Fedra walks in and immediately blames Marianela for the accident and threatens that she will pay.

Emiliano tells Netty that Tia Carlota is the albacea (executor) of Luis Felipe’s estate, and Marianela will get the money when she is 21. Gladiola runs in and tells them that Brandon ran over Emanuel. Impactados.

Fedra is still blaming Marianela for everything ad infinitum and says if Emanuel dies, she will kill Mari with her own hands. Mari insists that it was an accident. Fedra is not interested in facts. She digs her claws into Mari’s arms and growls at her menacingly. Emanuel wakes up and asks what’s going on, and Fedra rushes over, all sweetness and concern for her baby.

Oliver finally calls Brandon back. He says he was busy before. Brandon asks if he was busy with the same old thing, trying to get into the university. Oliver says he is going to do it because he wants to improve himself. He just needs to get a scholarship. Brandon thinks maybe he’s really just interested in the high concentration of pretty young ladies at the university. “Speaking of which, guess who I have here in the delegation!” says Oliver.

The dumb police have foolishly left our fighting foursome in an office by themselves. Alfredo continues taunting Axel about not being a man, and when the ladies try to make him stop, he laughs that Axel needs girls to do his fighting for him. Gretel gets offended and attacks Alfredo and starts to strangle him. This gives her flashbacks. We see her as a little girl, watching from a hiding place as freckled lady hands strangle her uncle.

Fedra makes a big show of fussing over Emanuel. It would be more heartwarming if she didn’t interrupt herself every three seconds to spew the haterade all over Marianela. “I know very well that you planned all this to kill my son!” crazy Fedra garbles. Mari and Emanuel are both stunned.

Tomorrow: Ilitia finds out about Emanuel’s accident. She swears revenge. Fedra goes to the police station to make a murder accusation (even though Emanuel is not dead).


I noticed in the credits that a lot of the background music was composed by Alex Sirvent, who played the swoontastic Rolu in Gancho! Go Rolu! And please appear soon in a telenovela I watch, thanks. How about this one?

Yet another great idea from our resident brainiac Julia. I would LOVE it if Alex Sirvent had a role or even a cameo in this one. Good eye amiga; I was noting the music this very evening but had not thought to read the credits.

I wonder what Tia Carlota and grandpa have against Netty. Is is just that she's an actress and rather dramatic? Really? Clueless and eccentric? That's it? She's like the most pleasant person in this whole show. Brandon too except that he runs over people.

Carlota = helmet hair...good one, heh. However I think she will be a very good ally when all is said and done.

Thanks Julia!

Oh Oh, I want to get in line!!! Great recap Julia and I appreciate the detail on dialog as I was having to listen to my son telling me about something for college. (Goes back Friday!)

I agree with Sylvia, what has everyone got against Netty. All I can think is that maybe at one time she was really a character and much more "bohemian" than she is now and that's what they remember. She is very easily swayed by a man getting all mushy towards her, and that could be a problem.

Mari and Eman and the whole hospital scene was a little over the top, but kind of cute until Fedra showed. I found it very interesting how upset Eman got over that little bit of blood on Mari's face (to her defense, she didn't know it was there it seems) and then the way he seductively removed it (though laughing). yeah, he's falling and doesn't even know it...can't wait for the day when he wakes up and smells the roses. (Probably another couple dozen episodes????Arg)

I can't even add to your great snark on Fedra - my mind is starting to reel thinking of different scenarios for giving her what's hers in this thing. And Bernardo, aka The Joker, just nauseates me.

All I'll say is poor Brandon...

So, please, get this girl new clothes (those have to be getting a bit gamey), and hopefully allow her some ability to grow a spine...maybe she could go to the University too. Methinks her "talent" in medicine (notice she knew how to check his pulse and she wrapped Netty's arm) might lead her to the medical field?

Hi Julia. Excellent recap as always. My favorite line? "Marianela shrieks at the doctor to save him because the doc would never have thought of this on his own." I find the hysterics in this one a little wearying. First, all the high-pitched sturm und drang last episode when Marianela was having an asthma attack. Last night it wa Marianela shrieking. And then Fedra. Jeez, half the characters in this need to be on medication and the rest need a good swat upside the head. So far, the sweet maid and Emanuel are the only ones I like.

Awright, Brandon and Oliver too.

And isn't the actor playing Oliver looking a little more buff these days? Thought I saw broader shoulders as he broke up the university fight. Must be working out in the gym.

This will be one I watch irregularly but will certainly try and tune in on your and Sylvia's recaps. Gracias, amiga.

Yes, all that shrieking gets a bit old.

I did like how Mari was starting to stand up to Fedra in the hospital though. Obviously Fedra freaks her out but Mari seems to be getting used to the harpy.

Thanks Julia. Enjoyed a lot. I also would not mind if our Rolu from Gancho showed up in this show.

I just love Netty. She is so quirky in a good way.

Julia, put me in line also. I am sure its getting pretty long. Fedra is making a very good villian seeing as we all want to kill her already.

And yes please get Mari some more clothes. So tired of seeing her in that uniform. At least let her put on that dress that Emanuel just bought her and then somebody take her shopping. Just not the Barbi twins. Can't take much more of them either.

Great recap Julia.

My wife refers to this show as "the one where everybody is yelling all the time."

I agree that whoever plays Fedra is doing a good job because I totally hate her, like Bertha back in Heridas de Amor. What a horrible woman.

I also don't get what is so bad about Netty, she's nice, pretty, loves people, dresses conservatively even. What's the problem?

Julia, stellar as usual.

Going out of order, I'll add my voice to the chorus hoping to see Alex Sirvent very soon.

Enjoyed "Carlota and her helmet hair" and "Take a pint, leave a pint, is the hospital’s policy, I guess". The embedded vocabulary was appreciated.

"Ilitia wants Brandon imprisoned, starved to death, fired from the police, and run over by a train". Hmmm, she doth protest too much.


I can't figure out why no one is calling the doctor to sedate Fedra all the time. She's way, way crazier and more out of control than Gretel is. It's pretty clear from her ranting accusations that she has no grip on reality, in fact I don't think she can even see reality from whatever orbit she is in. Her constant shrieking is kind of starting to ruin the show for me; there is just TOO MUCH of it. We need to focus more on the other characters.

What exactly is Alfredo afraid of? Why his excessive interest in Axel's preferences? I always think people who are that viciously homophobic must be really, really insecure.

Julia, another very funny and cleverly written. I'm still warming to this show and you talented recappers are the main reason I have stuck with it this long.

I know we shouldn't examine things too closely, but maybe I missed something, can someone tell me why Manny was transfused? I saw a little laceration on his forehead, but not a lot of blood. I don't even think he needed any stitches.

I also thought that the wreck was Manny's fault, even though Brandon wasn't paying attention. Manny turned in front of him.

Isn't there a Lane Bryant shop in Mexico City?

I did think that Ilitia was funny when she listed what she wanted done to Brandon and her dad was just as funny when he said, "Well said," with a straight face.


Carlos, I also thought that was very funny, how Ilitia was so earnest about her absurd demands, and her dad agreed very seriously. She's a brat but she's entertaining. I think she is making the most of the role.

I wasn't at all sure about the blood transfusion, either. Did he actually get one? Or was the doctor just taking an opportunity to increase the hospital's stock, but in that case why didn't he suggest that Marianela and Brandon BOTH donate?

Julia – really wonderful, and a hilarious title too. And thank you for the vocab!

That Lic. was waaay to flirty for my taste.

And the doctor! Not stabilizing Emanuel – no drip or anything, no blood pressure taken, just send him off to x-rays with the comment that such accidents can be fatal. Whadda guy! Then he asks if Emanuel had any previous head injuries, but doesn’t ask when, or how bad.

This show seems to be wearing on some of you, but for me, after three grim weepers, it’s a delight. I can watch only one novela, so it has to be the one I’m recapping, which means I haven’t had any comic relief on these things for maybe a couple of years. I love each and every member of the cast, and I’m happy just to sit and let the nonsense wash over me, as long as I get to watch them act.

Lynda commented yesterday about the Brandon actor, who was so evil and horrifying in Mi Pecado. I remember in MP he had a couple of scenes where he was called on to act tender briefly and it was quite startling how effective he was. For that reason, I was curious to see how he did in a nice guy part. I never get my novela wishes, but this time I did. I think he’s going great.

I started a long rant in the recap regarding Emanuel's crummy medical care, but then decided there was no point to it. Novelaland medicine usually defies explanation.

They didn't even have a monitor on him when he was resting, though. And it took forever for a nurse to come in when he collapsed. What's the point of having him in a hospital if they aren't going to pay attention? I always thought it was important to keep a watch on someone who had a concussion.

Julia, I agree about Axel's friend - Chris Cooper's character in "American Beauty" comes to mind quickly on that point.

Kat from AL, I saw your comment on yesterday's post and I am utterly convinced you are right, but I have no proof to help you win your bet. Ilitia's hair is definitely in a asymmetric cut. It's similar to that annoying character in MEPS, can't remember her name, pretty lady with a weird hairdo. It much be a thing among the cutting-edge stylish set.

The lady in MEPS is the same actress who played Ximena in Pasion, I can't remember her name or the character in MEPS, she was the main character Fernanda's friend. I do agree that it is the same haircut. My wife has that haircut.

Julia, I'm pretty sure the Dr.(?) said the blood was to replace the blood they used. Usually, if blood is administered to an adult, at least two units are given or none at all. The reason for this is that if only one unit is used, the Dr. will be required to explain to a transfusion committee why if only one was needed (often legitimately the case), why any was given at all. 2 units? No problem, no questions. 1 unit? More paperwork and explanations.

I thought it was funny that with all that was going on, the other pt. in the room snoozed through it all.



Interesting, Carlos. I didn't know that about units of blood. So Emanuel did receive a transfusion? I wonder why. Telenovela medicine works in mysterious ways. Usually they just need a blood donor as an excuse to discover that two people aren't related, or are.

Maggie, that's the spirit!! No wonder I enjoy your recaps, they are just very positive. Just sit back and enjoy the ride...sounds good. Anyway, when I start overanalyzing these nutty shows it makes me crazy.

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