Thursday, September 16, 2010

Llena de Amor #28 Wed 9/15/10 A Lesson Given in Beatles Lyrics

As usual the first ten minutes repeat from yesterday. So, I'll start with the new:

Part One-

Ilitia actually reads the gossip magazine and continues to rant about how much she hates Brandon.

Emanuel gives Marianela a box of chocolates and they share them. Emanuel tells Mari that he's not here just to give her chocolates, he'd like her to return home with him. He tells her that she is missed and besides, it is her house. Mari says not anymore because of Fedra. Emanuel tells Mari that she can pay off the debt. "How?" Mari asks. "From the inheritance from Tio Maximo," Emanuel answers.

Fedra asks Kristel what's up with her. Kristel expresses her concern over losing Nereida. She's a treasure, she organized Kristel's closet by designers, and she's the only one in the house who can iron. Fedra seems to think these are all good reasons. Nereida comes into the room with her packed bags and says that she doesn't want to be accused of stealing, so Fedra should check her bag. Fedra walks over and checks the weight of the bag (picking it up with one hand......she's got to have super strength powers, or I'm someone who overpacks waaay too much). Fedra turns to Kristel and says that she can stay, but Nereida better be careful because she knows perfectly well that she (Fedra) will throw out in the garbage things and people that don't serve her well. Kristel is happy that her secret is protected and Nereida is happy to not be losing a job. Fedra is happy to be dressed like the whore she, oh my, that has got to be the most horrid pair of boots I've ever seen!

Mari tells Emanuel that she'll never take Tio Maximo's money. Eman tells her that it is the only solution. Mari tells him that it won't fix everything-- like her mother's tarnished reputation. Money doesn't matter to Mari and she's upset that Eman doesn't understand and thinks it can fix everything. Mari wonders when the entire Ruiz de la Teresa family will leave her alone. Eman says he only wants to help Mari. The only thing he can do to help her, Mari tells him, is to leave there and leave her alone. During this conversation the camera pans to show Netty and Doris eavesdropping on this conversation. Mari gets up to leave and Doris lets Emanuel have it....can't he leave her alone! Netty demands to know what Emanuel is trying to do with her niece.

Oliver is razzing Brandon about the magazine article. Brandon goes to see the commissioner and is shocked to see Fedra in there, having a little chat with his boss. Fedra spots Brandon at the door and with a sly smile, she gives him a little wave hello.

Doris has followed Mari back to her room and advises her friend not to seek solace from the box of chocolates. Mari rehashes everything she just said to Eman. Doris tells her that all rich people think that every problem can be solved with money. Doris encourages Mari to forget Eman, he's apparently believing the word of his witchy mother. Mari confesses that it won't be easy to forget Eman, because she loves him.

Fedra accuses Brandon of trying to harm her son. Brandon says that wasn't the case, Eman got in his way and couldn't avoid him. It wasn't a deliberate accident. The commander hands Brandon Fedra's report of the incident. Brandon looks it over and says it is all lies, this woman is trying to ruin me. Fedra gets irritated and starts pushing Brandon around. The commissioner demands she calm down and Fedra turns her offense into a defense......accusing the police department of being corrupt, trying to cover up Brandon's misdeeds. Brandon says he's not afraid because truth is on his side. Fedra tells the commissioner that she recommends he clean out the garbage in the department, starting with "this" and she points to Brandon. Fedra leaves and telling Brandon to get out of her way.

Don Maximo meets with his lawyer and makes arrangements for Mari to get his money, his medals and even his gun---which he pulls out and points at the lawyer. He wants his documents ready asap. This afternoon, the lawyer replies and leaves.

Emiliano and Gretel discuss trying to convince Fedra to allow Mari to return. They run into Don Maximo's attorney, who promptly tells Emiliano that his uncle just changed his will, leaving all his money and property to Mari. Bernardo overhears this and is impactado.

Eman tries to explain to Netty why he came to see Netty. He is surprised to find out that Netty doesn't think the idea of Mari getting Don Maximo's money is a grand idea. Netty lets Eman know that thinking money solves all problems is so typical of the rich. Never will she allow her niece to take Maximo's money. That all Mari needs is love and money can't buy her love. He tells the women of the pension that he adores Mari and all he wants to do is protect her. He decides he needs to talk to Mari, he needs to explain things. Netty says not gonna happen, he needs to leave.

Doris tells Mari that Eman is the wrong person to love. Mari says she can't help it, he's so good looking and kind. Doris reminds her that he's also her cousin and has a girlfriend. Mari know, she knows, and she swears Doris to secrecy.

Kristel rubs it into Nereida's face that she was responsible for getting Nereida's job back. Should Nereida light a candle and say a rosary for her? Kristel warns the maid that is she opens her mouth, she'll be in for a world of hurt.

Eman tries to convince the women of the pension that he's got Mari's best interests. he tries to go upstairs to see Mari and the women bock/block the stairs and take a broom to him. He calls for Marianela and we go to a commercial break.

Lorenzo and Mauricio agree to be partners in selling contraband alcohol. Mauricio tells Lorenzo that it will all go down without the police knowing and that Lorenzo should have confidence in him. Lorenzo only sees dollar signs, so he's quite agreeable. Mauricio is wearing a red shirt and this only further emphasizes the orangeness of his skin...I can't believe no one has told this actor that he looks like an Oompa Loompa. As Mauricio makes his exit, Andre enters. Lorenzo asks Andre to do him a favor. He needs help because his wife caught him in a bad position. How can he help, Andre asks.

Mari hears all the noise down below and wants to go down to help. Doris stops her.

Ilitia shows her mother the magazine and says look what your "friend" has done. Muneca says that what Ilitia needs to learn from this is not to be so impulsive. Muneca says she can talk to Brandon, but Ilitia doesn't want that. She's going to the police station, tear Brandon to pieces, and then she'll return. Muneca thinks her daughter is joking.

The commissioner warns Brandon that things have got to get sorted out, and the problem with the model seems to be a misunderstanding, but it probably wasn't a good idea to spill his story to the gossip magazines. Brandon says that he needed to get his side of the story out there. So now what, Brandon asks. The commissioner says you continue to work for us. Brandon is delighted to hear this. The commissioners warns that this business with Fedra and her son better be put to rest and if he finds out that what Brandon has told him isn't the truth, Brandon could lose his job.

Emanuel continues to holler for Mari and he does make some progress up the stairs, but with the combined front of the pension women he is pushed back. Netty's lawyer arrives and he tells Eman that he has no business being there and needs to leave this private property.

Emiliano goes to visit his uncle to find out why he disinherited his children. Don Maximo says that Mari's inheritance was stolen by Emiliano's woman. Emiliano is upset with how much hate his uncle has for his wife. Don Maximo says that neither his children nor his wife will ever touch a cent of his money and now the discussion is over.

Emanuel is insistent on seeing Mari. Netty won't let him near Mari. Eman says that he's not there to hurt her. The lawyer tells him that he's in no position to discuss this and he should leave immediately. Fine, I'll go....Eman agrees. He calls for Mari one more time before he goes. Netty falls victim to an attack right after Eman leaves. The lawyer tells her that they are going to put up a fight and prove that Fedra's documents are forgeries.

Bernardo goes to tell Fedra the bad news about Don Maximo giving Mari all his money.

Brandon and Oliver walk out of the police station, discussing the days events. As Brandon steps off the curb, someone tries to run him over.

Fedra flips out and starts to attack Bernardo (in this case I urge her to shoot the messenger). She's going to kill that infeliz. She's going to lose her house and be left without a cent. Benardo holds her back and tells her to calm down.

The police are able to stop the driver of the car and surprise, surprise it is Ilitia. Brandon takes some pleasure in ordering Ilitia out of the car. When she refuses, he drags her out of the car and arrests her for attempted murder. Oliver advises her to get a good lawyer. She tries to run and Brandon picks her up and hauls her into the station.

***Part Two (sorry so late at posting...our computers were out at work during break time and I just didn't get a chance to post this until much later than planned).

Muneca is at the orphanage and runs into Begona. Begona tells her that she'd love to help her do the good work that she's doing. Muneca says how can I work with the lover of my husband. Just then Andre appears and says "I hope what I just heard is a bad joke." Begona introduces Andre, her fiance, to Muneca.

Oliver and Brandon present Ilitia to the commissioner. Brandon tells his boss that Ilitia just tried to run him over. No, she rebuts, he was in my way. The commissioner tells Ilitia that she needs to go before the Minister of the Public.

Andre spins a tale about being in Brazil and that he's Begona's baby daddy. Muneca decides that she must have been mistaken to think that Begona was Lorenzo's amante. Begona tells her not to worry and that she looks forward to them working together at the orphanage. Muneca tells Flora that she's made a great mistake...she unjustly accused her husband.

Doris gives Mari a pep talk. She needs to move forward without looking back. Mari feels that she can do it, perhaps she should look into taking classes at the university. Doris likes that idea and Mari says she'll make a point to look up when enrollment begins. She vows to study and do really well and show the Ruiz de la Teresa family that she can do well without them.

Meanwhile, Emanuel is outside talking to Netty's house. Telling anyone/no one that he can't forget Marinela because she is his cousin Someone driving by beeps at him and he doesn't miss a beat, saying "adios" and continues with his lines without breaking out of character....he continues to say that he's on Mari's side. A young boy walks by and Eman tries to talk to him, but the boy says he's not supposed to talk to strangers. Eman convinces him that he just wants to talk to the gordita at Netty's house. Will he help, by doing him a favor?

Brandon tells Oliver that he doesn't feel bad about Ilitia being locked up...she's got to learn that the law needs to be respected, but he does decide to give her mother a call.

Muneca tells Flora that she's got to talk to Lorenzo and ask him to forgive her. Flora's not so sure that Muneca should be so hasty. This conversation gets dropped when Muneca gets the call telling her that Ilitia is in jail.

Ilitia is proclaiming her innocence as she being taken into her cell. The guard has no sympathy for the poor little rich girl. Ilitia tries to convince her that her father has connections, but that doesn't work either. The guard leaves and Ilitia realizes that she's in a cell with some "working" girls. They 'admire' Ilitia's bling (apparently personal effects are not removed and put into a big manila envelope in Mexican jails). They start to take what they like and Ilitia thinks about how she needs Emanuel now more than ever.

Javier, the little boy who's agreed to do Emanuel a favor, goes into Netty's and finds Marinela. He tells her that he's got a message for her. "There is a man in the street who's got a message for you," he tells her. The note tells Mari that Emanuel is outside and needs to talk to her. In the note, he urges her to come outside so they can talk. Mari questions what she should do. Mari spots Netty and the lawyer and worries that if she says that she's going out, Netty will question her. She wonders if she should sneak out a window, but that won't do she'd kill herself.

Emanuel is bummed that Mari hasn't left the house to talk to him. He hears the street vendor and mocks how it sounds, but as he spots the vendor on his bike, it appears that Eman might have a new idea.

Lorenzo laughs it up with Andre as he recalls his run in with Muneca. Lorenzo asks Andre for his discretion in the matter and Andre agrees that it wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to find out his role in this matter. Begona arrives at Lorenzo's table as Andre leaves. She tells him that she did her part and she's sure that any minute now Muneca will be calling asking for forgiveness. Sho nuff, Lorenzo's phone rings and he says "oh are you calling to ask me to come back home?" "No, no," she anxiously replies, she's calling to tell him that Ilitia is in jail.

Don Maximo's lawyer receives the updated will from his secretary. He admires it, but then Fedra pops into his office and snatches it out of his hand rips it up. She threatens the lawyer (who's name is Rivas) that she can be a force to be reckoned with.

Emanuel borrows the vendor's microphone and broadcasts so Mari can hear. He asks her to forgive him. Netty overhears and is ready to send him away with the broom again. Mari hears and it seems like she's ready to capitulate. Brandon arrives back home and sees Eman on the microphone and he demands to know what's going on here. END OF EPISODE.


Good morning Cathy. Thank you for the very detailed recap, part one. Wow, I totally missed that Lorenzo and the Oompa Loompa (fantastic description!) were discussing dealing in contraband alcohol. I must have walked out of the room or something.

I'm jumping ahead a little bit, but did anyone notice later in the show, when Eman talks to the little kid Javier outside Netty's house he calls him "super heroe". This is the same nickname he used to call his kids in Las Tontas no Van al Cielo. Valentino Lanus seems to like working with kids; he has a good way with them.

So Fedra is once again stomping around town in her skanky ho boots leaving a swath of destruction in her wake. It looked to me like the commissioner was giving her the stink eye, like he thinks she's got a screw loose or something.

Thanks for part one Cathy, I look forward to part two.

-Sylvia, still laughing about Oompa Loompa

Cathy- Can't wait for your part two because part one was a delight. I loved seeing Eman getting chided and beaten by the ladies. Not because I want to see him hurt, just because the scene had such funny visuals.

I got a kick seeing Fedra and the police chief together as we last saw them in Sortilegio playing estranged spouses- where she was evil as usual, but he was a broken down weakling. Tio Maximo was also in that playing the Abuelo who also hated her.

Cathy: Thank you for the terrific recap - full of great detail.

I howled at: "Fedra is happy to be dressed like the whore she, oh my, that has got to be the most horrid pair of boots I've ever seen!" and of course "...I can't believe no one has told this actor that he looks like an Oompa Loompa. Excellent!

Sylvia, excellent observation about Lanus calling Javier a "super heroe" and relating it back to Tontas. I've always liked him, particularly because he really seems to love children. Actually, I'm still upset Jackie chose Jamie over Valentino (sorry Paula!). :)

Vivi, another great catch about Fedra's meeting with her Sortilegio ex. It's nice to see him in a role where he's not reduced to constant sniveling.

Looking forward to the rest. Thanks again Cathy!


Cathy, thanks so much for a great first half! I was distraught because somehow my recorder only got the second half with all the schedule changes on the west coast, but you described it so well I feel like I saw it.

So Mauricio and Lorenzo are dealing contraband hooch? I wonder if that has some relation to the police bust Lorenzo watched from across the street, way back when.

I did get to see Brandon and Ilitia together, and that was fun. I enjoyed his manhandling of her, and I think she did too ;). It's kind of funny to me to see scenes with Oliver and Ilitia together, though, after the actors played such involved characters in Guapos, because their characters are so similar here. I keep expecting Oliver to hit on her and for her to call him "Morgan."

Why is the police guy even letting Fedra give a statement on the accident? SHE WAS NOT THERE! Everyone who was there insists Brandon was not at fault. She's one of those people who thinks she can win by being the loudest and sticking to her story, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Cathy – really wonderful! This episode was a lot of fun.

Julia – I’m with you. What’s up with Fedra bringing charges? And also, what’s up with the lawyer blabbing his client’s business? Whadda world!

There were lots of funny bits in the recap, but I have to point out one that I think was probably a typo..."he tries to go upstairs to see Mari and the women bock the stairs and take a broom to him."

That made me think of them as squawking mother hens. Hilarious image.

Yeah, it was a typo, but bocking they were doing as well as blocking... so they both fit. :-)

I, too, love how Valentino relates to kids. He's such a talented actor in many ways, but the natural chemistry he has when working with kids just shines through. I loved it when the the passing driver honked the horn in this episode. Valentino didn't miss a for Tontas, I would have been happy with either choice that Candy could have made...I was torn between the two for pretty much the entire novela.

Hey, I noticed during this episode that Muneca's maid's name is Flora, so yet another flower reference, even though now we're kind of on the squawking chicken thing.

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