Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dinero 9/21: Cotton candy, whiskey, love potion, and an over-ripe blonde lawyer...

I got quite a delicious episode tonight! I have to be up all night working after this so I better hustle and crank out your recap!

Ale and Rafa are happy and googly eyed. She says she'll go to the end of the world with him. They almost meet with the very inebriated Marco - but while he's busy yelling at Susana they slip out the back door and hide in one of the showroom cars while Marco ("that blond over-ripe fish") staggers around.

Fleeing, they run into Doña Arcadia and she teases them about their covert activities. And as they are about to slip into Ale's car, Vicki drives up!

Rafa hides in the trunk and, though VVV is suspicious, our happy couple escapes to a park and to a proper fair, "not one of those gringo fairs you probably go to." Many kisses, and cotton candy.

Meanwhile Vicky, in her usual rage, sees Marco. He staggers over, grabs her love potion and drinks it. She's horrified. So is he, because it tastes terrible!

He wobbles off in search of whiskey to improve the taste in his mouth, then staggers home, astounding Rosario and Jorge again with his level of intoxication, and falls asleep on the couch. Tabled for tomorrow.

I have to say Marco and VVV have been HUGELY ENTERTAINING lately!!!

Vicky stomps home, finding her men consuming 50 tacos. She says she was watching horror films and calls them orangutans.

Zetina shows up with the camera chock-full of incriminating photos, but Rafa isn't there, it will have to wait till tomorrow. Zetina had to buy so many sandwiches while stalking Marco, he is flat broke and had to walk to Auto Siglo - he has holes in his shoes.

Ramirez isn't pleased to find Milagro at his house waiting for him. He says he's a simple mortal, not her sort, but she says simple humble men achieve the portals of heaven. She wheedles him into inviting her to go to a concert tomorrow night - of a church's childrens choir. Oh great, he thinks. Gloria calls him, worried about Marino's sixth sense that she's been up to something. Ramirez promises to see her next day and shoves the "boring nun" out the door, dodging the cheek she offers up for a kiss.

Ale gets home and, in the face of Rosario and Jorge's demands that she tell them what's going on, says she wants a divorce, that she doesn't love Marco; marrying him was a mistake. They are eloquent in trying to dissuade her and say she must reconsider etc. She says her decision is final. They say (1) sleep on it; (2) Marco gets a say in this. Tabled for tomorrow.

Rafa goes home jubilant and tells his ma, "We are in love! She's getting a divorce!" "You are of different social classes, that'll be a problem, but since you're happy, I'm happy for you!" "I have to help her get a divorce, and I have to have proof for her that everything I've said about him is true!"

Julieta comes home, crowing she'll get her first paycheck tomorrow. Rafa says, give half to mom, mom demurs, Julieta says she has loads of things she wants to buy, Rafa: "Oh, so I didn't provide well enough?" "It's not that, it's ... I want to buy clothes and shoes..." "Tell a woman not to buy more clothes? Might as well tell the ocean not to make more waves!"

Morning! Ale and Susana share a happy moment. Ale says they're not telling the sales staff now, "after all, office romance is prohibited, but then YOU..." They laugh.

Ale says she's sure there is somebody else here, somebody besides Marino, who's against "lo nuestro" (I love this elegantly short description of "whatever it is that is us.") Rosaura demands gossip but receives no satisfaction other than what she can guess.

Ale tells Rafa she needs a lawyer for her divorce. "Oh, I know a good one - Marco Valenzuela!" Hah hah. Ale suggests Jaime. I think she needs somebody with a little more experience.

Finally Zetina catches up with Rafa. The camera is indeed brimming with wonderfully incriminating photos of Marco smooching Carmela.

As Rafa dashes out to find Ale to show her the goodies, Zetina pushes many, many buttons on the camera. Has he erased everything? Stay tuned.


Melinama, you did get a delicious episode tonight and it was such a treat to read.

I was cracking up when Marco took Vicky's little bottle and drank it up. I sure didn't see that coming.

I sure hope Zetina didn't erase those pictures.

Thanks again Melinama for such a fun read.

Great title and great recap. No one else has quite your ability to get right to the kernel of a recap and discard all the trivia.Like an elegant theory that explains only the necessary and leaves out the rest. In "my next life" I'll know how to do that, dang it!

PS What was this Love Potion supposed to do? First I thought Marco might fall madly in love with Vicky. Then I was afraid he'd be overcome with lust for Rosario....or God forbid, Jorge! Now maybe I think it's just going to add to his beaut of a hangover.

Excellent, Melinama. Concise and precise. Humorous too. I can't think of a thing you left out. Along with Judy, I stand in awe.

I thought Marco drinking the potion as Vicki looked on and shrieked in horror was one of the funniest moments ever in TNs. I laughed out loud.

I've mixed feelings about Ramírez and Milagros. I have a feeling they may end up together, but then I like him with Gloria. I'm wondering if Milaros will get a makeover before we're done.

As I was recapping Fri and saw what great pictures Z-man was getting I was afraid that he'd find a way to botch it... looks like he did. That loud beep sounded very familiar and ominous.

By the way, I had trouble finding this this morning. For me, it wasn't in the usual lineup of recaps.


But now it is. I guess I just scrolled right past it... never mind.


Great recap to one of the best episodes in a long time.

I thought I heard Marco say/slur "Victoria" while he was laying on the couch, just before he conked out. I'm not set up to record the show so can't check it. Anybody else hear it? Maybe wishful thinking-they deserve each other.

Ramirez is not my favorite, and Miagros looks young enough to be his daughter! The whole thing with him and his mother is kind of creepy anyway, and even more so with Milagros thrown in the mix. It looks like with not too much makeover, she will be muy caliente.

Great recap, Melinama! You picked out the funniest bit from each scene, and we get the whole picture. For example "Vicky stomps home, finding her men consuming 50 tacos. She says she was watching horror films and calls them orangutans." That's it! I know they said a lot of things, but this is all we needed to remember. :)

Rip, I didn't hear what Marco said, but that would be great if he's now smitten with Vicky.

I don't think Zetina erased all the pictures, just all the incriminating ones. In the last scene, Ale seemed to be looking at a picture that may have been bad for Rafa. I was racking my brain, trying to remember what it could be, but I couldn't figure it out. I'm sure we'll find out soon.

Thanks for the marvelous recap. As usual I bow to the ultimate master.

I'm still enjoying the G-rated googly-eyed, cotton candy love between Rafa and Ale. I think I could go all thru 7th grade this year with them and not complain.

I'm wondering too--what's going on with the love potion?

I'll be really aggravated if Zetina deleted the pictures again. I hope the writers are toying with us.

Melinama- Another slam, bam recap that gives us all the highlights. I would love to see more scenes with Vicky and Marco. The few times they have been in the same space as each other results in some of our funniest moments.

Barbara- I am also enjoying the G-rated affair Rafa and Ale are having. They do make each other happy, and Rafa brings out Ale's wacky, fun-loving side.

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