Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dinero, Friday, September 24th – What is a Normal Man?
Many of our recent shows have been focusing on the lovely ladies of our novela. And I’m not just talking about focusing on their legs, or their busts, although the director does seem to take special delight in these types of camera angles. I’m talking about the ladies’ insecurities, their career aspirations, their plans, their tricks, and all the little things they do to get what they want. But tonight, there seemed to be more of a focus on the guys. A bunch of them behaved somewhat badly, but defended this behavior as “normal”. But what makes a guy normal? Just as women face a challenge in trying to be attractive and sexy, but not trashy, men try to be macho, but still caring. And where does one draw the line between strong and protective, and a wild boar out of control? Tonight, our guys got a bit wild, but hopefully, they didn’t “bore” us.
Of yes, and Vicky got even MORE crazy!
We begin in the only disco in Mexico City, given that Ale and Rafa, Julieta and Cesar, as well as Marian and Daniel, all just happened to end up there. As we saw last night, Rafa spied Daniel and DECKED him! Rafa accuses Dan of luring Ale to the cabin and trying to take advantage of her (which of course, he did). Marian is shocked, Danny denies, Ale denies, too, not wanting a scandal, and everyone tries to hold the boys apart. Danny even says he searched all over for Ale in the woods, yelling, “Ale, Ale!”, he was even sweating, his HAIR got messed up, and he got scratched (sudé, me despeiné y me arañé). Awww, poor Danny. He calls Rafa a beast, a caveman (cavernícola). Marian hustles Danny away, but it appears that no one’s defending the caveman this time. Julieta says Dan was right, Rafa IS too violent, and Alejandra is quite upset with him, too. Ale is embarrassed at Rafa’s behavior, and they all decide to go home. One bit of justice, though, is that little Cesar gets stuck with the check!
In a quiet coffee shop, Rosario seems smarter than we previously thought. She tells Quintana she knows he’s not really in love with her. He’s moving way too fast. But Quintana is persistent. He adamantly insists that his intentions are sincere, and Rosario, who says she actually does love Quintana, resolves to fight for their relationship, to make Quintana love her for real. They kiss. (Quintana is really frustrating. He does seem to have real feelings for Rosario. Why not tell her the truth about Marco? Ah, well, time will tell).
Claudia calls Marco, invites him over for some Siglo gossip and more, and Marco agrees, thinking this will be a good test to see if he’s really cured. He looks at Ale’s picture, saying “you drove me to this” (tú me orillaste a esto).
Outside Apartment #7 (may not be so lucky for Ramirez), Milagros debates, should I or shouldn’t I (knock on the door)? A neighbor walks up, and Milagros, after denying that she’s selling cookies, pretends to be Germán’s sister, and finds out that Señora Gloria lives there, and her “brother” may not come out for quite some time. Milly looks up for divine guidance, crosses herself, bites her lip, clenches her little fist to knock,
We’re whisked away to a fine restaurant, where Gabriel is begging Rosaura to come home to him and the kids. Today.
Time for a commercial, but how are our guys doing on the normal scale so far? Was Rafa’s violent jealousy and overprotectiveness normal? What about Daniel’s smarmy self-absorption? Quintana’s earnestness? Gabriel’s dry pleading? I’m not sure our guys are doing so well tonight, although in many ways, they’re all “normal”.
Rosaura wants to move back to Miami. Gabe gives the same old saw, can’t find work at his high level. But he does love Rosie, and wants to please her, so he’ll keep trying. This is enough for Ro, who agrees to trust Gabe. Let’s go home right now! (Ay, pobre Pepeto!)
In his luxury car, Daniel is playing the fight for all it’s worth. He winces from the teeny little cut on his mouth, declaiming to Marian that men who settle disputes by blows are brain-damaged (descerebrado), unlike him, of course. Marian has to agree, she was really disappointed in Rafa. Dan reminds her that Rafa is also clearly in love with another woman, so Marian should really forget about him. Does your cut hurt? she asks. It does, but nothing a kiss couldn’t cure, he replies, leaning in for some sugar. She’s a little too sleepy for this, just wants to go up to her apartment (alone), and Danny’s okay with that. After she leaves, he muses to himself that Medina’s jealousy was just the thing he needed to get in good with Marian.
Back at Medina central, Ale isn’t mad at Rafa, she’s just disappointed. She reminds him how violent he almost got with that mariachi guy who was coming on to Ale a few months ago. You have to learn to control yourself, Rafa. Julieta’s lapping it up. Finally, a woman who can control her brother. Leonor wants to know what happened. After she finds out, she says she hopes Marian won’t be so upset at Rafa, she’ll fire Julieta from her job at Grupo Celeste. Rafa gulps.
Now for some REALLY normal men. Not! We see Jimenez’s father in law snoring on the couch, as Ramiro is doing some architect work on the computer (don’t you love the way he’s pecking furiously at the keyboard with one finger, hitting one or two keys over and over? Yes, that’s some HEAVY computing). But here come his wonderfully understanding wife and suegra, tastefully attired in matching granny robes, slippers and rollers.
What are you doing, looking at filth (cochinadas)? asks one of the lovelies. The other thinks he’s wasting light, it’s not free, is it? Ramiro defends himself, he’s working, for Doña Arcadia, designing a new agency. His wife seems to like this, but suegrita reminds him she bought this computer for the kids, so he’ll have to pay rent to use it for his purposes. And interest. As they go off for a cup of warm milk, his father-in-law says he should be thankful they don’t charge for the light. Or the chair. But it’s MY house, he moans. Wise suegro reminds him that when you marry a woman, what’s yours is hers. And what’s hers is…hers.
Marco rings the doorbell, Claudia opens, dressed like a Playboy Bunny, and my eyes sort of glaze over at her bountiful, bodacious bodice, bouncing buoyantly, glistening with baby oil, and…..
and nature takes its course (actually there was a commercial, but you know me and my imagination).
Rosario and Quintana are kissing a bit more chastely, as Jorge comes out, wearing what looks like a ski hat, couldn’t sleep,
Ale’s not home yet, and Marco left. So what are you doing here, Quezada? Quiñones, corrects Quintana, forgetting his own name. I think this memory thing is catching. Anyway, he says goodnight.
Milagros is still outside Gloria’s door, can’t stand it any more, crosses herself one more time, raps on the door, and shuts her eyes. Nada. She knocks again, and Gloria opens, dressed in her negligee. She looks at Millie, asks if it isn’t just a bit late to be selling cookies? Shouldn’t you get back to your convent? Before Millie can a-nun-ciate a response, out barges Ramirez, pants down, shirt half off, tell-tale lipstick festooning his frenzied face.
They each give each other a “qué haces aquí”, before Milly asks all the right questions, and Ramirez gives all the wrong answers.
M: Are you two man and wife?
R: No, of course not.
G: What do you care?
M: Holy mother Mary, then this is an adulterous relationship? Doña Quieta would die, she’d just die.
R: No, no, no, please, you’re not going to say that to her.
G: What a pair of clowns (she goes back into her apartment and slams the door).
R: Look, no, please, Gloria, no, please (bumps his mouth on the door).
R: Please, you’re not going to tell my Mom, you CAN’T tell my mother. (he rubs his head in distress, then looks down, his fly is open, too!) Milly crosses herself again.
M: Of course I’ll tell her, she has to know her son is not what she thinks.
R: But if you tell my Mom I have a girlfriend, it’ll be really bad, I mean, she already discovered I had magazines with naked women, and she kicked me out of the house (Milly crosses herself), if she knew I was going out with a married woman (points to Gloria’s door, Milly crosses herself, starts praying)…
M: You’re going out with a married woman? And looking at magazines of naked women? You’re a degenerate!
R: No, I’m a normal man, totally normal. (you be the judge)
M: Normal?!
R: Although I recognize it’s not good that I’m going out with Gloria.
M: I don’t know what to say, after all you’ve just told me, Germán. I thought you were a different kind of man.
R: I told you, Milagros, I’m a normal man.
M: Normal? Germán Ramirez de Betancourt. You’ve disappointed me. (She starts praying). Revered Christ, help this man to save himself, and if he doesn’t save himself, may he be condemned.
R: Oh, calm down, Mamá – I mean, Milagros. Milagros, I’m really sorry, truly, but it’s good you found out all this before you got excited about me.
M: (Calmer, sadder) But I already was excited about you.
R: Really, truly, I’m sorry, Milagros.
M: I’m more sorry.
R: Milagros (takes her hand), I want to ask you a favor, don’t tell my mother any of this, I beseech you, I beg you, affectionately (she pulls her hand away)
M: I’ll think about it, but I’m not promising anything. (She leaves).
Ramirez hopes the spare couch is still available over at Marino’s.
Ale is pontificating about Rafa. The perfect man doesn’t exist. Rafa, you scare me sometimes, you’re so jealous. Every man who comes near me, you jump, Rafa. Julieta thinks Rafa is, like, SO last century. Ale is grateful her man protects her, but wishes it were done in a more peaceful manner. Still, she’s in a good mood, and forgives him. She’s really comfortable with Rafa, and with his whole family. She finishes her coffee, warmly says goodnight to Leonor and Julieta, and Rafa walks her out to the car. But guess who’s lurking in the shadows. Vicky, dressed to kill. But when she sees Rafa and Ale kiss under the stars, she SNAPS! Ale and Rafa drive away in the Pantera, and Vicky screams, it can’t be, it can’t be, those kisses were mine, Pajarito! You’ll pay! All of a sudden she gets fearful, starts walking backwards, whimpering about dark forces, she gasps, backs against the wall of the house, startles a random stranger, screams, and clutches her clutch to her breast! Could this be the curse of Morolongo???!!!
Okay, do you think this is symbolic? Let’s see, we have two big round candles, and one tall thin one.
Post-coitally blissful, Marco and Claudia thank each other, softly caressing their barely draped bodies.
Vicky enters her house, sees her family, and screams. Her Dad’s a little PO’d at the hour. Where the devil have you been? No, no, she shrieks, don’t talk of devils or things like that, please. Her brothers wake up from their couches (Pancho was dreaming of “Belinda”), and when they find out she was looking for Rafa, they tell her to stop this. But No, Sir! She will NOT stop looking for her Pajarito, because she still loves him, and she’ll never let that WITCH have him, no way, over her DEAD BODY, No, Sir!!! She storms off to her room. The boys think the psychologist isn’t working. Dad disagrees, at least he got Vicky to drop the veil. But what really bothers him is that now she’s upset when he says the word “devil” and she’s talking about dark forces. The boys make cuckoo noises, showing how “normal” THEY are.
The Pantera pulls up in front of Ale’s building, and the lovers go for the vacuum cleaner (aspiradora) kiss.
Monday, En la guerra y en el amor, todo se vale (all’s fair in love and war).
Sudé, me despeiné y me arañé – I was sweating, my hair was messed up, and I got scratched up
Un cavernícola – a caveman
Tú me orillaste a esto – you drove me to this
Descerebrado – brain damaged
El que calla otorga – silence is telling, literally something like he who is quiet delivers the prize
En la guerra y en el amor, todo se vale – all’s fair in love and war. Let the fightin’ and lovin’ begin!
Labels: dinero
I just rewound the VCR to watch this episode Nd found that I had hit the wrong channel button & recorded something else. Que lastima! ...... But then I found your wonderful recap with its very interesting analysis of "normal" men and with its array of fascinating pictures. Thank you. Thank you.
Speaking of pictures, the shot of Claudia akes it quite evident that the little tangent you started down was more than understandable.
So, Marco is apparently cured. I had wondered if it would be only Vickie who could rouse his little soldier (either due to witchcraft or to the stiffening effect of vengeance.) But that is not the case. Claudia seems up to the challenge.
Thanks again, Hombre.
Güera from Syracuse
I've thought this several times throughout the course of the show, but once again Vicky reached a new level of crazy. Oh my, what is she going to do next? I'd still really like to see what would happen between her and Marco. Guess he's too busy with Claudia at the moment!
Daniel is such a slimeball. I enjoyed seeing the punch again. Marian really deserves better, hopefully she can find a good guy.
Thanks for the great recap!
We certainly don't have many of those on this novela do we. Maybe Don Gaston would be considered fairly normal if it wan't for his crazy family.
I thought is was so funny when Vicky got spooked when she thought the forces of good and evil were out to get her. Then when she freaked out when ever Don G. mentioned the devil I was cracking up. Am enjoying the brotheres more and more.
Doesn't look to good for Rafa and Ale with Marco showing up at the same time in a taxi.
Poor jimenez. Those in-laws are horrible. I shudder everything his father in-law has screen time.
Gracias for recap
> Somehow Beltran and Arcadia will find out about Rafa and Ale. This is agains
> company policy so there will be some kind of dilemma.
> Marino's latest attempt to corner the institutional market will not only
> fail but will put him in peril.
> Quinatana will probably enlist the help of Daniel in his attempt to do
> something with the hacienda.
> Marco will see Rafa and Ale kissing and will send Leonor to jail.
The above are Private 057's predictions. He is stuck in France dealing with lost passport issues. SO WE NEED ANOTHER SUBSTITUTE RECAPPER FOR NEXT TUESDAY. BARBARA...ARE YOU GAME FOR ROUND 2? WE REALLY LOVED YOUR "WHAT A JERK!" RECAP.
Like everyone else, I found your musings on "what is a normal man" delightful, and I loved the phrase:
"Milly asks all the right questions and Ramirez gives all the wrong answers."
And clever fellow, asking us about the symbolism of the candles! That blew right by me but now that you ask.......
And speaking of sexy thoughts, I assumed when Jimenez' wife asked him if he was looking at "cochinadas" that she meant "were you looking at computer porn?", no? Another thought to ponder about normal men.
Thanks too for the great vocabulary. Tu me orillaste--you drove me to it-- is a great new phrase for us to learn.
Muchas gracias ,Hombre Misterioso y sin duda Normal tambien....
I sense that many of us are not too fond of Marco these days. But Rosario and Jorge think he's so perfect! Maybe if we all yell at the screen at the same time.....!
Tracie, it's still possible Vicky and Marco will get together. Now that Marco is cured, maybe he'll call up all his old flames, too. I agree with you that Marian deserves better than Daniel. How can ANYONE be attracted to Daniel? Yes, he's handsome and rich, but that personality???
Pata, you're right, Don Gaston is one of the few normal men. Well, actually, Rafa, Jaime and Bebe are fairly normal. Maybe the craziness of the others is what makes this show fun.
Private 057's predictions are very intriguing. We should try to look back to see how many were right.
Claudia is a puzzling character. She seems to cause trouble more out of a sense of oversexed mischief rather than malice. Maybe she and Marco will live happily ever together. He'll have to scale back his lifestyle to live on her modest sales salary. Or maybe he'll make an honest woman out of her through marriage, and she'll make an honest man out of him since he has to find a legit job.
About your normal man theme, I'm afraid that Fri. night, the most normal man we saw was young Cesar. I don't like him for a single moment, but of all the candidates, if we're judging by behavior, he wins hands down.
I love that Jorge, even with his failing memory, still has a wonderful sense of humor. After Rosario said good night to Quiñones, She said, "Rest well, mi vida." Then Jorge followed up with, "Lock the door on your way out, mi vida."
Vicki just gets better and better. Marco and Claudia were wonderful together. This is a very enjoyable installment and your recap completes the experience. Excellent.
The surprise of the evening was not among our many imperfect men, but one of our women- Rosario. She has done this before. Surprised us with her perceptiveness when we believed her to be totally clueless. Her strategy with Quintana might actually be working, because it seems the old codger is really falling for her. Now he needs to "man up" and do the right thing about Marco, the hacienda and the house.
What will Milagros do? I think she'll take a trip to the salon and the dentist and combine the passion and beauty that impresses Ramirez, with the cultured piety he grew up with. :)
Thanks again Hombre.
Judy, I agree Claudia is a puzzle. She appears to have compassion for others at times, but then she stirs things up and causes trouble. She is definitely a wild card.
Cesar was obnoxious when he first met Julieta. Since then, I have to agree with Carlos, he has been a "normal" , OK kinda guy. I think we can bet it won't last though as we presume Julieta to be destined for togetherness with Jaime.
Vivi, I was surprised that Rosario told Quintana that she knew that he didn't love her. The only way I could believe he really cares for her is if he does: "man up" and do the right thing about Marco, the hacienda and the house. He's been a silent bystander about this so long though, it may be too late.
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