Friday, September 03, 2010

El Clon Thursday September 2: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 141: In which: Albieri has finally found someone who gets it – Jade! Daniel tries on the role of Material Boy. Escobar begins to doubt. Clara takes Fer to a bar to celebrate his sobriety. And Nati is circling the drain.

Escobar has once more dipped into the Bottomless Well of Bad Ideas. He seeks out Clara at work, and asks her, as a sensible (sensata) person, to talk to Malicia and reassure her that she won’t be evicted once the apartment has been signed over to Fernando. Clara reminds him that he signed the apartment over to Malicia precisely because he felt Clara was a crazy fool (loca insensata) who would spend all their money on boy gigolos. (At that time, Escobar must have had his wife confused with Lucas’s. Ni modo.)

Anita and Luisa are at the Albieri house discussing Escobar’s plight. Albieri trudges in, depressed by Daniel’s anger and resentment. Daniel wanted to know if he would die young and if he would be a normal person, Albieri tells Luisa. And he admits he had no good answers for him. Both Luisa and Albieri know that Daniel is wounded by the way people are treating him. Even so, Luisa says she just can’t manage to see him as the person she once knew.

We see Daniel stare at his reflection in a car window.

At Casa Ferrer, Lucas remains skeptical of the clone story. He would like DNA verification. He tells Rosa that his father is very vulnerable right now and they don’t yet know cuáles sean los intereses de por medio (what motives/interests are involved).

Outside Dora’s apartment building, Leo catches sight of Daniel and embraces him: ¡Hijo, hijo mío! Dora watches with silent fury. Roberto must be seeing Daniel for the first time because he looks astonished. Daniel asks a startled Leo:
Señor, Usted cree que me voy a morir pronto?
Sir, do you think I’m going to die soon?
Roberto and Leo persuade everyone to go inside so they can talk. Roberto tries to charm Dora. Leo slips into Daniel’s bedroom and finds him reading a large tome, Molecular Genetics. He enjoys reading, Daniel tells him. Leo invites him to stay at his house for a few days. Daniel turns him down. He’s planning a trip to Morocco. Leo’s delighted to hear this and says: Why don’t we go together? Morocco is one of my favorite places! It's agreed: they will all go to Casa Ferrer, have dinner and make their plans.

Jade and Zoraida are at Mohamed’s place talking about going to see Albieri. Latifa and Mohamed are still arguing about Samira and Carlos.

Then Latifa finds Samira and Zumaya in the bedroom. Your father will cool down and everything will be okay, she says. Samira hangs tough. She defends her right to define her own life. She tells her mother:
Carlos es mi novio… Me voy a casar con la persona que elija y punto.
Carlos is my boyfriend... I’m going to marry the person I choose and that’s that.

Alejandro comes home to an empty apartment. Gloria phones him. Ramón (metiche!) told her he’s got a match coming up. Yes, he says, but it’s just a training match and it will be in Chicago. And yes, of course, Natalia will accompany him, if she can. It depends on her schedule.

¿Dónde estás, Natalia? (Where are you, Natalia?) he mutters to himself. Then he notices their DVD player is missing.

Jade and Zoraida arrive at the Clinic to see Albieri. Once seated in his office, Jade comes right to the point: You know my story with Lucas, right? Now twenty years later you show up at Tío Alí’s house with your godson who seems to be a copy of Lucas (parece una copia de Lucas). And Albieri responds:
¡No, no parece! Lo es. Es una copia. ... Es un clon, es un clon de Lucas. Hice un clon de Lucas.
No he doesn’t seem to be a copy! He is a copy. He’s a clone, a clone of Lucas. I made a clone of Lucas.
What do you mean? asks Jade. I mean, says Albieri, that I recreated Lucas:
Yo hice que naciera de nuevo, que viviera otra vez.
I caused him to be born again, so that he could live again.
Jade is astounded: That means that the past and the future are crossing in front of me? There are two Lucases?
Yes, Albieri assures her, there are two.
¿Y sus corazones son los mismos? Su mente la misma, su forma de ser, su forma de sentir es la misma, doctor?
And their hearts are the same? Their minds the same, their way of being, their way of thinking is the same, doctor?
That I don’t know, admits Albieri. They are bound to have some differences because of the way they were brought up. But Daniel – yes, his name is Daniel – has expressions very like Lucas’s.

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa takes Daniel to Diego’s room and invites him to make any changes he wishes. We’ll buy you anything you’d like! Would you like that? Well, yeah, smiles Daniel. [And it’s hard not to remember the bratty child Daniel who was seduced by Albieri’s extravagant gifts and broke his mother’s heart again and again.]

Anything you’d like to change? Daniel picks up two model helicopters. These, he says. [Since Diego died in a fiery helicopter crash, you’d think Rosa would see it as significant that Daniel doesn’t want these particular toys around. But no.]
Marisa appears at the doorway, watching Daniel taking clothes out of the closet and thinks: Remodeling the untouchable room?

Jade and Albieri continue their conversation. Albieri talks about the marvel of being able to live in two different time periods. We have all asked ourselves what we’d do differently if we had the opportunity to live our lives over, to choose a different path. Now the clone is going to give us the answer!
Jade: So that means that if Lucas is a fearful, insecure person, his clone may not be like that?
Yes, exactly, says Albieri. Fearful, insecure people are usually that way because of the way they were raised.

While Zoraida waits in the reception area, in reply to Anita’s question, she explains why Muslim women cover their hair in public. Anita asks her what she would do if she had one day of freedom from the restrictions of her religion. She is surprised that Zoraida wants no part of western “freedom”. Occidentals treat women so badly and don't respect them. [Anita, why don’t you ask Samira these questions. The answers might interest you.]

At Casa Ferrer, Marisa remarks to Rosa that when she looks at Daniel, she realizes how much she herself has changed. [Marisa and Rosa have been gettting pretty chummy lately. I suppose Marisa has to talk to someone and because of the not so secret Natalia Problem, she can’t talk to Lucia like she used to.]

As Jade and Zoraida head home, Albieri’s words echo in her head: I created Lucas anew, I caused him to be born again.

The discussion among Dora, Leo and Roberto is anything but amicable. She accuses Leo of trying to buy her son and threatens to go to the police. Leo says he’d be glad to take her on in court. Oh yeah, says Dora. Well let’s see who wins: The woman who gave birth to him or the crazy man who wants to take him away from her.

Outside the Casa Ferrer, Dora is dragging Daniel away by the arm.

Inside Casa Ferrer, Leo gives his blessings to any changes Daniel would like to make. Soon he’ll be living here with us, he says and smiles down at a photo of him and the twins.

Alejandro phones Andrea and tells her Natalia stole a DVD player they bought together. She promises to come over so they can talk.

Natalia and Paula have escaped alive from the scary drug house and are walking along the street looking weird and ugly, getting in people’s faces for kicks.

Enrique: People were afraid of me. When I had alienated everyone, I sold everything I owned for $40 to get more drugs.

Lucia notices that Andrea has spent a lot of time with Pablo lately. Andrea tells her there’s nothing going on between them. Over her mother’s objections, she leaves to meet Alejandro at the apartment.

Malicia lets the phone ring. She and Pablo are too busy to answer it.

At the clinic, Escobar complains that Malicia’s not answering. Says Julio:
Te metiste en un callejón sin salida.
You’ve got yourself in a dead end / at an impasse.
Ever so delicately Julio asks: Do you think she might be interested in someone else? Escobar is quick to dismiss the suggestion but to himself he says: ¿Sera? (Is it possible?/I wonder)

Alas it is possible, Raul. We get a glimpse of Malicia and Pablo (and a glimpse is too much).

Clara and Fernando are at home discussing the sad state of the apartment dispute. But listen, says Clara, the most important thing is that you are putting your life in order. Fernando tells her it’s not so easy, he still has tremendous cravings. You just have to keep away from the situations and people that are harmful, says his mother. And then she invites him to join her at Salamandra for an alcohol-free celebration of this new start in life.

Enrique tells his therapist that families don’t understand that a recovering addict can’t be anywhere near alcohol.

And we see Fernando first sipping, then chugging a drink at Salamandra while his mother dances obliviously a few feet away.

Andrea advises Alejandro to tell Marisa and Lucas that Natalia is stealing things from her own house. He refuses, although he knows he has to do something. But you’ve talked to her so many times, points out Andrea.

Scary Nati and Paula need more money but they are inconveniently far from the bank, that is to say, Alej’s stuff. The resourceful Paula sees a woman unlocking her car. Paula pulls a huge knife from her boot, runs up and grabs the woman from behind, and holds the knife to her throat. She snatches her purse and she and Nati run off with it.


It's funny that Jade asked Dr. Albieri if Daniel can be a person who isn't fearful or insecure like Lucas when I actually think she's the one who is fearful and secure. I always viewed this story as being about a man (Lucas) who falls profoundly in love with a woman (Jade) whose afraid to love. Because of her fear, Lucas becomes a prisoner to that love. He has to wait for her to come to him. Her fear of defying her religion and her family is what kept him away. If Jade and Lucas stay together by the end of this novela it has to be because she finds the courage to love and to defy her family and religion, leaving everything behind. This of course is impossible to do because of her daughter. She's in a no-win situation and finds herself living a life of perpetually conceding to the will of her family and the precepts of her religion. Meanwhile, Lucas has become a prisoner of his circumstance with his daughter and her drug problem. He finds himself having to do onto Jade what she has always done to him which is to think about everyone else other than themselves. As a viewer, I find it astonishing to think that these two people can get together under those impossible circumstances. We'll see.

Super recap, as usual NovelaMaven or shall we say NovelaMaiden?

I thought Nati stole the DVD player. She wouldn't get much for a DVD.

So now Nati is an accessory to armed robbery. Alej is still an enabler.

It's hard to believe that Clara could be deluded enough to believe that Fernando can be cured overnight or that it would be a good idea to take him to a bar to celebrate. Does Enrique only talk to his shrink??

Always look forward to your excellent recaps, NovelaMaven. Your Spanish lessons are an added bonus. Thanks.

It's terrible that after being married for so many years and having two children, Latifa has to worry about being sent back to her family because of something her children might do.

Jean, I agree that Mauricio Ochmann is doing a great job with the dual roles. His Daniel is believable.


Hola NovelaMaven. Muchas gracias for another wonderful recap, with lots of helpful Spanish and bits of delightful snark.

One thing I found a bit surprising was your statement that Anita should ask Samira the questions she had asked Zoraida about the veil and how Zoraida would feel if she were freed from her religion's practices for a day. You said that Samira's answers might interest Anita, but I would imagine that they'd be very much in keeping with what Anita already thinks and would merely confirm her assumptions. It was Zoraida's responses that surprised Anita, who assumed that Muslim women feel oppressed by their religion's practices.

It looks as if Nati is headed for big-time trouble. It's hard to believe that the TN will end with her en la carcel, but....

To my surprise, Clara is turning out to be as clueless as the Chump. Perhaps they're better matched than I thought. What could she be thinking (or NOT thinking), taking Fernando to a bar to celebrate his "new life"?

And I too am wondering whether Enrique talks only to his therapist.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again for the recap and Spanish Lesson.

I cannot believe that the Chump went running to Mama Clara to make it all better with Alicia! On the subject of Clara, she needs to join a Al-Anon group and take Alej, et al with her. What was the girl thinking taking Fernando to that bar.


Thanks for the interesting comments and nice words, folks!

Jean, you're right about the DVD/DVD player thing. Even though Alej says she took the "DVD" it's clear he means the player. Thanks! Corrected!

Juanita, what I meant (but apparently didn't say very skillfully) was that after hearing Zoraida's responses, Anita might be surprised to hear another point of view. She may now think she knows what "Muslim women" think. In fact, she knows what one particular, middle-aged, conservative, uneducated Muslim woman thinks. But of course you're right that if she had asked Samira in the first place, that would have only confirmed what she already believed.

Anon 0713, I agree that Jade's nerve has failed her at critical points. I'm hoping both she and Lucas eventually do find the courage to defend their love.

Prinny, to me the most terrifying thing about the threat of being 'returned' is the loss of the children. If there were a definitive rift between Latifa and Mohamed, he would keep the kids -- either to be sent to Fez and live under Abdul's reign of terror or to be raised by a replacement wife, like, say, Amina.

Rosemary, you are so right -- Clara and Alej would do well do find an Al-Anon meeting. Until they do, they are doomed to remain the poster children for cluelessness.

Thank you for filling in so many of the (?) moments I had (watched this without Mr. Panama anoche).

Well, Enrique has spoken to Clara and La Casa Ferrer a few times. But his counsel seems to fall on deaf ears. :-( I wonder if his therapy sessions will help him throw away his trusty flask?

I hope the Anita/Zoraida exchange tickled a lot of people's ears as it did mine, in a devil's advocate kind of way...

Resolving to hang in there for next week... You all really do keep me filled in, Novela-Doncella. :-)

Thanks for the further explanation of what you meant re Zoraida/Samira.
That makes good sense.

Actually, I too thought that Alej said that Nati had stolen the DVD, not the DVD player. Didn't she steal the stereo (which I assume was or included the DVD player) earlier? This time, she's desperate enough to take whatever is left, even a DVD.

Excellent recap, Novela-Doncella (thanks Erin!!!).

Loved Bottomless Well of Bad Ideas.

When I saw Daniel looking in the car window, I had a moment's thought he'd break in and steal something to get the fare to go to Morocco.

I had exactly the same thought when Daniel had that bemused smile on his face as Rosa was telling him they'd buy him anything he wanted: shades of the greedy kid!

It looks more and more like Jade and Daniel are going to at least hook up. Her questions about the clone not being miedoso (fearful) seemed to hint that she might be thinking about a second chance with a braver version of Lucas.

Anonymous, I enjoyed reading your ideas about the relationship between Jade and Lucas. But I didn't think of Jade as afraid to love, at least not early on. She was totally ready to run off with Lucas multiple times, but he was the one who failed her. If he hadn't been waylaid by Marisa and had shown up where Jade was waiting on the beach, suitcase in hand, this would have been a much shorter novela.

Is it possible that witnessing Paula's putting a knife to that poor woman's throat will wake Nati up? Enrique's PSAs seem to dictate that addicts will do ANYTHING. And, I'm very, very tired of Alej's constant covering up for Nati, even though it seems typical of co-dependent behavior.

NovelaMaven thanks once again for a great recap and the work that you and Jean both do on this novela.

OMG i really can't believe the writers for this novela, it's one thing to hammer it home every chance they can get about drug addiction. But to have Clara lightly treat it like Fernando is over his drug addiction just like that because he says so is not believable.Plus like Erin has said Enrigue has spoken to her about how he has gone through the same addiction. You would also think a concerned parent like she is portrayed would look up more info about this on the internet. Not believable anymore for me they need to end this storyline now pronto.

Novelera, you're right. But if you look at the novela from the beginning there was only one time that Lucas didn't leave with her and that was when he first arrived back to Miami and learned of his brother's death. The time you're talking about, he actually showed up with his luggage. I view that time as Jade's fault because she came up with the brilliant idea of getting Christina to agree to let her and Lucas stay in her apartment. When Lucas didn't show up on time, she should have gone to Christina's and waited for Lucas there. Instead, she went back to Morocco and got married to Said. When Lucas showed up at the wedding dressed in a burqua, that's when she realized her mistake and therefore all her actions afterward were of a woman afraid to leave her family and her husband. Another example was when Lucas and Marisa went to Morocco. She was able to get Lucas to agree to go back to his hotel and send Marisa packing. When Lucas showed up at ruins he didn't find Jade there. Desperate, he was relieved when he saw at her house. He pleaded with her to go with him which she agreed to but was caught by Said who grabbed a dagger to look for Lucas and kill him. Lucas escaped back to Miami with his life. What did Jade do? She called Lucas and told him not to look for her anymore, that she didn't love him, she loved Said. Lucas even had the audacity to return to Morocco regardless if Said was there or not. She totally destroyed his heart not to mention his marriage. You see, she could have told Lucas to be patient, let things smooth over for a while before trying again. She let her fear get the better of her. What I'm saying is that after she got married to Said, her actions or lack thereof were a result of her fear. Whereas Lucas was having accidents such as when was he was jumping from rooftoops and such.

I said this before but the way how everyone's reaction to Daniel is so compelling it amazes me how we as people view certain things or try to comprehend and cope with the unknown.

Last night's episode with Rosa doggedly insisting that Daniel is Diego returned to her was like watching a horrible train wreck. You could see that no matter how much you tried to explain Daniel existence she wouldn't accept it. The same for Leo also insisting that Daniel is his like he is his property.

Poor Dora i agree even though Daniel was genetically made up he is still her son. It will be interesting to see if Leo is that selfish and willing to go court to battle her over Daniel not taking into account how this effects Daniel at all?

I think what Luisa said will have more stronger implications she actually honestly admitted that she knew Daniel as a young child but she can't even believe when she looks at him now as normal.


Of course, the worst part of being returned would be losing your children. I'm not sure what would be worse: living under Tio Abdul's reign of terror or being raised by a replacement wife like Amina. (I think I'd prefer the replacement wife.)

Have a great weekend everyone.


Thanks once again NovelaMaven. You had me laughing right from the "Bottomless Well of Bad Ideas".

"Anita, why don’t you ask Samira these questions." Or Jade, or Nazira. This show represents a few different perspectives on the experience of Muslim women. Zoraida is one of the most secure and satisfied in her station, so she naturally doesn't want anything else. That was a surprise to Anita, but I'm sure she would benefit from hearing other opinions.

I think you're right on the new Marisa/Rosa chumminess. And it's nice to see Alejo talk more to Andrea. That will probably lead to one good thing or another. (Maybe that she stop doing her hair like some sort of toy dog.)

Why didn't Albieri or Leonardo bother to tell Daniel about his mole, when Leo had been so conspicuously worried about Lucas's mole for half the show? Foreshadowing?

Albieri has takes a very intellectual position on Daniel's problem: it's all due to people's mistaken beliefs that Daniel is not a normal person. He is ignoring two things: first, it's still a real problem Daniel needs help dealing with, and second, as Luisa tried to explain to him, even people who understand what a clone is can't help feel odd about it (probably because clones really are different in ways we don't know how to handle).

Anon 7:13/1:56: I would like to think Jade's fears kept her away from Lucas, but I find it hard to accept. She really has put everything on the line to be with Lucas, even after she married Said, but almost always when she marches out the door she has a completely impractical plan, or no apparent plan at all. She's been bashing her head against the wall trying to get with Lucas for most of this show, not realizing what's obvious to all of us (and many of the characters), that she's going about it the wrong way. Unfortunately, it's hard for me to see her as pitiable rather than pathetic. But I would love to be convinced she's not as bad as I think.

It seems to me that Leo would definitely go forward with the court case. He's not changed much during the novela. Whatever he believes is gospel, and he can't conceive of not getting his way all the time. A great example is when the redheaded girlfriend gave up on him. He just couldn't accept that anyone would be crazy enough to break up with him. So he went back to her one more time trying to get her to reconsider.

Believe me, no spoiler, but I have a hunch Daniel WILL go to Fez with Leo and Jade will go with Ali. This would set up Jade's possible romance with Lucas' clone.

Luke, you wrote "Zoraida is one of the most secure and satisfied in her station, so she naturally doesn't want anything else. That was a surprise to Anita, but I'm sure she would benefit from hearing other opinions." If you mean that she would benefit by becoming aware that there are a number of different opinions held by Muslim women, I guess I agree. But frankly, I was really glad that she spoke with Zoraida. My sense is that Anita, like many people in the West, somewhat smugly assumes that all Muslim women feel oppressed, and that they would jump at the chance to change to the more "enlightened" and "superior" lifestyle of the West. Though as a Western woman I certainly prefer the life I lead, I can also see the negatives of Western life. I was thus glad to see Zoraida express a decided lack of enthusiasm for Western life.

Luke M. What I was trying to say is that her actions such as the Lucas leaving Marisa in Morocco scenario sent Lucas the message that he should forget her. What other motive can there be but fear in telling Lucas to forget her and that she doesn't love him. She did the same thing when they met at the beach in Miami. It was the scene where she went to see him in secret at the tennis court. Why would you want to see him secret other than you fear that Lucas would see you. It's what Christina told her, "If you don't come back in 30 minutes then that means you decided to run away with him." It was Christina's clever way of goading her to get with Lucas and go for it. I don't see why she wouldn't want to, remember this was before she got pregnant. When they met at the beach, she recieved a verbal smackdown from Lucas but he still asked her to go with him. What did she do? She told him that she didn't love him. Several years later, when Said tempted her by forcing an encounter with Lucas, she pleaded with him not to take her. If you count, these three scenarios are the actions of a woman who believs she's in love Lucas but was afraid to actually love him. When she finally found the courage to love, everything went wrong and she now finds herself dealing with everything that Lucas had to deal with for 20 years. The question now remains, do they give up after 20 years of trying or do they press forward? Do they feel in their hearts that it was worth all the hardships they went through. The one who feels yes is the one who has the courage to love and the one who feels no does not.

Juanita: yes, that's what I meant, and I agree with you that it was probably more informative for Anita to hear from someone who didn't fit her theory at all. But now she might be surprised to hear Zamira fits the theory well. Jade and Nazira are somewhere between Zoraida and Zamira, since they want to accept their culturally-defined roles in some ways, but not others.

Anon 4:29: You may be right about Jade not waiting for Lucas long enough at South Beach because of her fears, but I think I interpret the other events differently. When Said was trying to kill Lucas, Jade vowed to Allah that she would stay with Said, away from Lucas, apparently in order to save Lucas's life. That was why she told him (once when he showed up at her place in Fez, once on South Beach) she didn't love him, even though she clearly did. It's not because she was afraid of loving him, but because she was afraid Said would kill him, and because of her vow. I don't see her fear of loving Lucas reflected directly in her behavior, the way I see her bad planning, fear of Said, etc. But I think the show leaves open whether she has some subconscious fear of being with Lucas. Maybe that's what you have in mind, although I'm still not convinced by the evidence. Thanks for arguing your side though. I'd love to join Team Jade if I could.

Luke, you perfectly expressed what I have been thinking about Jade.

She told Lucas she didn't love him and actually showed affection toward Said in public in Fez because she was convinced that Said would kill him if she tried to leave with Lucas.

She STILL tried to leave Morocco when Jadiya was a baby but was brought back by Said's thugs. If my memory serves he told her at that time she could go, but the baby stayed. She begged him to take her back because of her love for her child.

And she kept to her bargain until Said insisted on dragging her to Lucas' house in Miami to "test" her.

All the comments about the Jade and Lucas fear based relationship are all interesting. My personal view of this story is that the thrust of this novela is about a Muslim woman who struggles between conceding to the precepts of her faith and the non-Mualim man she loves who to her represents the ultimate leap of faith. The "leap of faith" is at the root of her fear.

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