Wednesday, September 01, 2010

El Clon Tuesday, August 31: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 139: The Good News? Enrique had the night off. And well … maybe there’s a glimmer of hope for Fernando The Bad News? Everything else: Jade gambles big and loses; both Zein and Lucas are left longing for Jade; Dora and Daniel are bereft; Cris and Escobar get Maliciated; and Albieri – Albieri doesn’t see what all the fuss is about.

We see Daniel walking alone, head down, hands in pockets, along the wet, dark Miami streets.

Leo is at home staring at a photograph of Diego.

Dora and Estela are still fuming after Albieri’s visit. With all the needy children in the world, all the orphans, why on earth does he have to be fixated (encaprichado) on my son?

Albieri is at home whining to Luisa:
Dora se niega a entender. Nadie consigue entender.
Dora refuses to understand. Nobody understands!
Actually Luisa is among those who fail to understand. She says she’d have a heart attack (a mí me daría un infarto) if she found out she had a clone. Albieri contends that cloning will soon be commonplace. And people will just have to get used to it. (Tendrán que acostumbrarse.)

At Mohamed’s house, Jade tells Zoraida:
Ya tomé una decisión – Si Said no me toma de vuelta, me voy a quedar con Zein.
I made a decision – if Said doesn’t take me back, I’m going to stay with Zein.

Said is at a desk in his house, looking very much the western businessman. Rania hovers subserviently in the background. For once her hair is loose. Jadiya bounds in and asks her father:
¿Qué decidiste? Mi mamá va a volver o no?
What did you decide? Is my mother coming back?

Said doesn’t answer her directly. He picks up the phone and calls Mohamed. He learns that today is the day Jade must decide whether to accept Zein’s proposal. (Remember that when you are wondering later whether Said has manipulated the outcome of events.) Said tells his brother he’d like to see Jade.

Then Said tells Jadiya: Voy a hablar con tu madre. (I’m going to talk to your mother)

Since Amina hasn’t been lurking behind a column listening in, Rania has to run upstairs to tell her what has happened. She vows to make Jade’s life a living hell if she does come back.

Jadiya announces merrily to the Naz that her mother is coming back and then she runs off to call Zoraida with the good news. The Naz indulges in a good old exhibicionista/odalisca rant and Said has the good fortune to come on for the I raised wimps not men wind-up.

It’s all smiles for Jade, Latifa and Zoraida when the news reaches them that Said has asked to see Jade. Everyone assumes that Said’s willingness to talk to Jade means that he is going to take her back.
Says Latifa:
El destino te está dando una segunda oportunidad.
Destiny is giving you a second chance.

Daniel comes back to Dora’s sad little apartment and starts filling his backpack. He tells his grandmother he is going to Morocco, to the desert, to find the woman of his dreams. She convinces him not to leave without talking to his mother.

Pablo and Alej are working out at the gym. Pablo thinks it would be a good idea for Natalia to get a job and help out. Alej is resistant: Natalia is special, she should finish her education. And Pablo says:
Si estudiara, entendería. (If she were studying, I would understand: estudiara: imperfect subjunctive because it’s a contrary to fact conditional. She’s not, in fact, studying. entendería: conditional)
Besides, continues Pablo, working would give her a sense of responsibility.

Well you know what they say about great minds thinking alike. Leo presents the same argument to Lucas, Marisa and Rosa: why not give Natalia a job at Empresa Ferrer? Marisa, of course, rejects the idea because… well, Marisa is kind of Debbie Downer, isn’t she? Lucas and Rosa are on board. Leo pontificates:
¿Sabes cuál es el peor cancer de la juventud? La inactividad!
You know what’s the worst cancer in young people? Idleness!

Cut to a shot of a desolate Natalia, alone in the apartment. We hear Leo’s continued voiceover: Natalia’s problems are very serious -- we can help her but she has to do her part.
[As we look at Natalia, we know that she isn't ready for the classroom or the boardroom -- try a hospital room, geniuses. This girl is sick. Yeah, yeah Debbie Downer is right, but for all the wrong reasons!]

A hopeful Zein arrives at Mohamed’s place only to learn that Jade has chosen to go back to Said. Ali tells him:
Zein, una familia que ya está creada habla más alta que una familia que aún no se crea.
Zein, a family that already exists speaks louder than one that is yet to be created.
And ever the mensch, Zein accepts his disappointment gracefully:
Se feliz para que mi dolor valga la pena. (Be happy, so my pain isn't meaningless).

Meanwhile Cris, who is sure Jade is at this very moment, taking Zein back, is telling Vicki how she decorated Zein’s suite to receive Jade.

And Zein returns alone to his room where rose petals are strewn on the floor and bed. (This is a visually arresting scene, the stark white of Zein’s shirt and jacket, the black of the background, the blood-red of the rose petals.) And he says: Y ahora ¿qué voy a hacer sin ti? (And now what will I do without you?)

Lucas is also thinking of Jade, remembering how she danced for him: ¿Qué voy a hacer sin ti, Jade?

Marisa and Rosa watch him from behind. Rosa is still convinced that Daniel is Diego reincarnated. She remembers how Diego used to appear to Natalia when she was a little girl. (We’ve been waiting for someone to make this connection. Too bad Marisa doesn’t pick up on it.) Marisa keeps trying to orient Rosa to reality, the way you do with the cognitively impaired, (Daniel is a clone, he isn’t Diego and he isn’t Lucas) but is finally reduced to talking about “the Lucas in the livingroom” to distinguish him from his dead brother and his living clone.

Marisa is daydreaming too. She remembers her brief contact with Daniel, how they started to kiss. His simple words: Eres tan bonita.

Daniel assures Dora and Estela that he isn’t running away from them. He needs to get away from everything:
Yo no soporto que la gente me mire con miedo. Yo no aguanto esta idea de ser clon.
I can stand people looking at me with fear. I can’t bear this idea of being a clone.
You’re not a clone, cries Dora. You’re my son!

At Casa Ferrer, Leo declares that Daniel is coming back to him. And if his mother refuses? asks Rosa. She’s not his mother, insists Leo. His real mother is Isabel.

And at her apartment, Dora tells Daniel that although she is sorry that Leo’s son died, she has no intention of letting him take her son as a replacement. Leo notwithstanding, Daniel is determined to leave. And he wants nothing to do with Albieri. Dora pulls away his backpack to keep him from leaving. Fine, he says, I’ll go without my bag.

Roberto tells Leo he has some advice for him now that he has consulted with two colleagues with more experience in family law (I guess that would be Enrique and his other brother Enrique). It would be best to come to an agreement with Dora and only take the dispute into court as a last resort. Leo is convinced that his truth is irrefutable. Albieri made a clone of his son and now that clone belongs to him. Nevertheless he finally agrees to pay Dora a visit with Roberto, unannounced so they will have the advantage of surprise.

At Cris’s request, Malicia shows up at the bar to talk. Did you enjoy your trip? asks the rodent. Yes, very much, answers Cris, but not as much as you did. You managed to get a job and a boyfriend out of it. Malicia goes into action, twisting truth into unrecognizable forms. Now Rogelio is responsible for losing Cris’s report. And Rogelio has been acting odd Ever Since He Started Seeing Clara.

Clara is at home with Fernando and is distressed to discover that money is missing from her wallet. She confronts Fernando forcefully. At first he is defiant and aggressive, but Clara doesn’t give up. She manages to reach him at last. He breaks into tears and confesses. And then he says the magic words: Necesito ayuda, mamá! (I need help, mom). Estoy contigo (I’m with you) replies Clara.

Daniel has wandered into a park. Along comes Karla, all giggly and flirty. Daniel wants to know if Karla knows any clones. [I'm sorry but you know you don't get out much when the sKank is your Science Guy] Anyway we can all swell with pride at our public education dollars at work as Karla recites: A clone is a person who is exactly identical to another. The first clone in history was a sheep named… oh some country singer.
¿Tú sabes si un clon vive mucho tiempo? asks Daniel. (Do you know if a clone lives long?) Karla, who thinks Daniel must be kidding, says: They don’t exist. But if they did – they’d be an exotic thing, half man, half wolf, with a squirrel’s tail and a chicken foot – as she is speaking Daniel slips away. He thinks:
Lo mejor que me podría pasar sería morir. Sí, morirme.
The best thing that could happen to me would be to die. Yes, die.

Cris recounts Malicia’s version of events to Vicki. Vicki is understandably skeptical.

Escobar arrives on Malicia’s doorstep determined to get her to sign over the apartment to Fernando. She’d love to sign over the apartment, she tells him, but Clara would throw her out and she’d end up sleeping under bridges. And after all, Escobar himself was responsible for her rift with her ‘Tía’. And the Chump, being a chump, buys her story and backs off. [In fact, if he had the euros, he’d probably go out and buy her a yacht right now.]

The final scene takes place at Mohamed’s place. He and Alí are discussing Jade. Mohamed is unforgiving; Jade has brought disgrace to their family. Alí feels it would be sinful to interfere with a couple who are trying to reconcile. Said arrives and joins his brother and Alí while Latifa and Zoraida are in the bedroom with Jade happily helping her prepare for her encounter with Said. We feel as if we are with a bride and her attendants, all slightly giddy with anticipation.

Jade joins the men. Alí leads Mohamed out of the room. On parting, he says:
Que Ala desate el nudo de sus lenguas para que puedan entenderse el uno al otro.
May Allah untie the knot of your tongues so that you can understand each other.

You wanted to speak to me? says Jade. Said says he is there because Jadiya asked him to take her back. Jade tells him how much she regrets leaving. She acknowledges her past errors but swears she has changed and she is ready to return on his terms. However she denies ever abandoning her daughter. Said insists that is exactly what she did. And he knows that she asked Lucas and Zein to abduct Jadiya and neither one would do it.
Said: Vengo a responder a la petición de Jadiya. (I’m here to answer Jadiya’s request.)
Jade: ¿Y qué decidiste? (And what did you decide?)
Said: Que no te tomo de vuelta. (That I’m not taking you back)

Credits roll.


Oh amiga, you were good form tonight!!!

..Anyway we can all swell with pride at our public education dollars at work... I laughed out loud.

..Marisa is Debbie Downer.. how true but she is right to pour cold water on the idea the the solution to Nati's problems is working at Daddy's company.

Jade finds out that bad acts have consequences. It's about time.

Poor Daniel - he is so alone.

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for another wonderful recap.

If Leo cares so much for "his son", Daniel, he should be more sensitive of how the news is affecting him and back off. Unfortunately, Leo just cares about what Leo wants.


NovelaMaven great recap and thank you so much.

I agree about Marisa being Debbie Downer, geez nothing satisfies this woman at all huh?

Cris wake up you are being maliciated by a pro, it's one thing when it's the Chump but not you two.

Karla are we even sure she graduated from one of our finest public schools? If so we are in a sad state with our education aren't we?

I agree Daniel is alone in accepting that he is a clone,but he does have the love of Dora and Estella unconditionally.I am glad he doesn't want anything to do with Albieri anymore.

Leo it's not all about you, so selfish.

Thanks for the nice words, folks!

Maybe I'm the only Friend of Jade left standing, but I don't think she deserved this. As I interpret it, Said deliberately got her hopes up so she would reject Zein and be left with no one.

I suppose this is all in service of moving the plot forward. Now we can focus on Daniel and Lucas. Still, I now officially loathe Said, him and his two-headed hydra, RanAmina. I'd like to see him left penniless in the global economic crisis. Let his unlovely family subsist on what they can earn from a falafel stand in Fez -- not too much, I'm betting, if he glowers at potential customers the way he has glowered all through the story!

And Jadiya? Maybe she'll rebel and run away from Said and her wicked madrastra and back to the arms of her mama (especially if she's egged on by Islam's Baby Iconoclast, Jamil).

Jean, yesterday was a travel day so I didn't get to comment, but once again thanks.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again. Okay, tell me how you really feel about Said. If it helps, I am in total agreement.

I really feel sorry for Jade and Zein. I wish they would have stayed together. Maybe all of that jet travel to and from Fez and living with Said has arrested her emotional development. Emotionally she is at the same age as Daniel, so I can see them having a fling.

I feel really sorry for poor Daniel, especially if he had to resort to Karla for an explanation about clones.

I am alone in feeling sorry for Leo. I have friends that have lost a child and it is something they get over.


Thanks muchly, NovelaMaven. I really needed this recap, since I had taped the episode, forgetting that President Obama was going to address the nation at 8 pm. When I went to watch what I had taped, I got El Presidente Obama and part of "El Clon." I had no idea that Said had rejected Jade until I read your excellent recap. As you say, his act does advance the plot, but he's now high up on my mierda lista, second only to Malicia.

Though I didn't see the scene where Said again says he won't take Jade back, I bet Jadiyah will regard that as a nasty bit of deception on his part. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she runs off to be with Jade rather than live with Said and las víboras.

Excellent work, NovelaMaven!!!

I agree 100% that Said set it up so Jade would say no to Zein and then be turned down by him. Of course telenovelógica (Thanks, Luke) dictates that Jade probably feels that that ship sailed. Of course, if she called Zein, he'd immediately take her back again. But I don't really think that will happen.

Leonardo is insufferable. Dora has raised Daniel with lots of love from birth, but his golden genes trump all? It's probably inevitable that he and Cris will get together in the end, but I want him to be old and alone. I'd like even Rosa to leave him.

Albieri has got to have a bad ending somehow. He just can't accept that he's done anything wrong.

I like the idea of Said selling felafel from a little stand with a very skimpy umbrella in Fez.

NovelaMaven, you are not the only one standing with Jade still. I enjoy her and think Sandra is going a great job interpreting her. And you are doing a great job capturing her. I remember how little outside information Jade has to help her interpret what is happening in her world and how best to react to it.

I'm surprised that Cris hasn't caught on to Malicia. Wonder who finally figures her out and exposes her. When that happens, can we perhaps find out what her intentions have been all along?

Oh Daniel, poor boy. What a thing to learn about oneself.

Thanks NovelaMaven for the summary and amusing commentary. "Our public education dollars at work" was a nice touch. If I may pick a very small nit, I think Rosa was not the only one confused in her conversation with Marisa. Rosa conflates Daniel with Diego, while Marisa half-conflates Daniel with Lucas. She mentioned "the Lucas in the livingroom" to clear up her own confusion, not Rosa's.

By the way, for anybody who missed the scene, you should take a look at Zein in his apartment without Jade (6:24):

I was happy to see another Daniel/Karla scene. These things are strangely funny and moving, because they hilight everyone's inability to deal with Daniel's problems. I now officially don't entirely hate Karla.

It was nice to see a small victory for Clara and Fernando. We were teased with two other victories though, for Cris and Jade. Cris was warming up to annihilate Alicia, then after the commercial break Alicia slithers her way out of it. As for Jade and Said, I'm not yet convinced he tricked her into giving up Zein. But he delivered a pretty solid blow. Some of you are hating him for this, but I'm happy for him. He's better off without Jade, though he should allow her to see Jadiya.

I expect Leo to become Dora's new arch enemy. He's almost sociopathic sometimes. Also, is Nati still going to be drogada when she is reunited with Daniel?

Excellent! Thank you! I especially liked your observation that Daniel needs to get out more if Karla is his go-to Science Guy about cloning!
Now, does anyone else remember on Monday night when Dora was confronting the 3 wise men (Albieri-Ali-Andres), denying that Daniel was a clone and then angrily saying "if anyone tries to take him away from me, I'll kill them." Was that an anvil-drop for Albieri? I think that if Daniel doesn't survive, the writers might kill off his creator Albieri too (a la Dr Frankenstein and his monster). Would Dora be capable of killing Albieri?

nooooooooooooo! I am still Team Zein no matter what.

Thanks for the great recap an translations, NovelaMaven.

I wonder how Dora's health is doing. Is it possible she has an incurable illness and Leonardo will adopt him??? Just wondering...


Novelera i agree that Albieri can't have good ending and i'm hoping the same for Malicia what a sleazy lying snake she is.

Who knows maybe Jade will call up Zein and tell him she has changed her mind.

Said may have set Jade up to reject Zein and end up alone (and clone vulnerable) but the real person he's hurting is Jadiya. She is going to be extremely unhappy when after raising her expectations, he comes home without Jade. The Rania/Amina hydra is not going to be able to resist gloating. Will this break the father daughter relationship?

Leo is sociopathic. I don't know what he thinks he can get out of a legal proceeding except to hurt a lot of people. He doesn't need a court decision to leave money to Daniel and recognize him as his son. He keeps saying that he wants Daniel 'by his side.' But Daniel is not a minor. Leo can't be awarded custody of Daniel. He can't make Daniel live with him. He would get farther by trying to get to know Daniel in a non-threatening way. It's surprising that although Daniel has some genetic memories of Lucas and maybe Diego, he doesn't seem to have any 'remembered' feelings for Leo or Rosa.

Thanks again for the kind words. Really interesting comments, today!

Rosemary, you are right about Leo. No one ever fully recovers from losing a child and his grief should be respected. What makes this show so good, I think, is that characters like Leo are interesting enough to evoke both pity and disgust. (Not much attention was paid to his grieving except for his anger at Cris and his insistence on making Lucas into a replacement for Diego.)

Jean, I agree that Leo has behaved badly; his behavior right now is inexcusable, perhaps, but as Rosemary suggest, understandable. But he is no sociopath. He has shown real affection and empathy at times, especially towards Natalia. Mr. Warmth? No. But the only bona fide sociopath here is Malicia -- she truly shows no concern for right and wrong and all the affection she displays is fake.

Even Albieri, narcissicist though he may be, is aware of right and wrong and -- very occasionally -- shows some empathy.

Joan, I think Dora did say she would kill "them" if they tried to take Daniel away, but I thought that was just her anger talking. (There have been an awful lot of angry threats in this novela -- Did anyone else notice that on one particular day, nearly everyone said about someone or other: Me las va a pagar!) Of course a lot of people might be capable of killing Albieri... he does bring out the homicidal instinct in a person.

Ann, good question about Dora's health. All we know is that she doesn't have cervical cancer. She could still be diagnosed with any one of a number of scary things.

Novela Maiden, I'm a sucker for fairy tales and soap operas, so I'm in Jade's corner as well (no matter how difficult it gets to remain so). This synopsis was so chucklesome (totally in a good way!).
Just to play evil, red-pen lady: the word in "...valga la peina" should be "pena," as in grief/while (rather than "combs").

(On top of the laughtastic summary) :-) at "mierda lista," Juanita. Amen.

Good question about Dorita's health, Ann. I was starting to wonder if the writers had forgotten that she hadn't been feeling well.

Both Said and Alicia played sucio last night; I'll manage my anger about that between now and Friday :-) I'm gonna be beside myself while watching Daniel until then. Pobrecito...

Oh gosh--now that song "Valió la Pena" by Marc Anthony is gonna be in my head for quite a while... Oy...

Ay, Erin! ¿Escribí "valga la peina"? ¡Qué pena con ustedes!

A propósito, me encanta que me llames "Novela Maiden"! jajaja

:-( omg. There must be something in the water!

The whole Zein and Jade story is unfortunate. It's hard to see Zein fall in love with Jade, a woman who is in love with another man (Lucas). That seems to be a recurring theme in this story. Marisa married Lucas who is love with Jade. Said fell in love with Jade who is in love with Lucas. The only two characters who stayed true to themselves is Jade and Lucas. Jade never loved Said and Lucas never loved Marisa. I remember about two episodes back, Zein asked Christina if Jade and Lucas were over and Christina admitted that she wasn't sure. If you have to wonder whether a woman has stopped loving another man, that's only a set-up for a failed relationship. I'm sure Jade thinks about this. She has to consider whether she is capable of learning to love another man or tie herself to a similar situation she had with Said. If I were Zein, I would harbor a deep apprehension of committing myself to woman with that type of history.

Anon 6:44: Good point. I'm not sure how well Zein understands Jade's past relationships. She was his main source of information, and we know she's delusional. Also, he seems to see her as presenting a challenge, and he thinks she will continue to do so, continuing to hold his interest and merit his affection. I doubt she sees it the same way, and I'm not sure Zein understands this. She's playing hard to get because she's all mixed up with Said and Lucas and Jadiya, not because of Zein. I wouldn't be surprised if Jade were to lose interest in Zein, because the relationship doesn't serve the same purpose to her as to him.

Great Recap!! We had recorded it but only got half of it because of President Obama's address to the nation. Thank you so much for all the work you all do in summarizing each show. It is sincerely appreciated. Linda

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