Wednesday, September 29, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 28: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 159: A night of lies, damn lies and … more damn lies.
In which Malicia delivers the death blow to Clara’s romance; Rogelio’s been taking Dumb pills; Marisa’s been taking Mean pills; and Fer and Crazy Paula pull a knife at Gloria’s Bar.

As promised, Jade takes Samira aside for some girl talk. She repeats what Zoraida told her when she first came to Morocco to live:
Cuando uno es la parte débil, hay que evitar.
(When you are the weaker party, you have to avoid (direct confrontation).)
Samira listens respectfully but still rejects the veil. And Jade smiles and says ruefully:
¡Ay Samira, si fueras mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí!
(Oh Samira, you couldn’t be more like me if you were my own daughter!)

Pablo and Malicia are saying their good-byes. She wants him to say he’ll be faithful to her while she’s cavorting in Paris – on business, of course -- with Rogelio. He says:
Mientras tú no estés, no voy a hacer reír a ninguna mujer.
(While you’re not here, I won’t make any woman laugh.)
[Pablo is at least as slippery as Malicia, but not nearly as slimy.]
Pablo goes to get his car to drive her to the airport. As soon as he is out the door, Malicia calls a taxi. [Apparently her broom is in the shop.]

Carolina was sure Rogelio would call before leaving for Paris. Why would he, says Clara, when he’s with that slut! (la zorra esa, literally ‘fox’)

Malicia has taken the cab to Salamandra. She wants to leave for the airport with Rogelio. Rogelio wonders aloud if he should call Clara. Malicia thinks not. She’s heard that Clara is getting back together with her ex- (and the father of her son), Escobar. In fact, Clara “se metió contigo para darle celos a Escobar.” (she got together with you to make Escobar jealous.)

Pablo gets back to Alicia’s ill-gotten apartment and finds a note saying she took a taxi – if she saw him again, she might not be able to leave! And the note concludes:
Te amo más que nadie en el mundo. (I love you more than anyone in the world!)

Hilda and Karla are at Gloria’s and dreaming of birth announcements and social pages and lawsuits. Miss K injects a tiny note of reality. Their lawyer has said that even if they manage to get what they are after, it will be a while before they see any money. Maybe they should be careful with their expenses. Yes, agrees Hilda, it might take a month…

When Andrea and Alejandro arrive, Karla gives him a jealous look. Andrea tells Alejandro to write to Nati and she’ll make sure the letter reaches her. Alej wants to visit Nati but no one will tell him the name of the clinic. He doesn’t understand – he’s the baby’s father!

And at Casa Ferrer, somehow Marisa has intercepted the letter. Rosa tries to convince her to give it to Natalia --
¡Llévasela! Se va a poner muy feliz! (Take it to her! She’ll be very happy!)
Marisa tears up the letter. Leo comes downstairs and is ready to go with Marisa to the Rehab Center to visit Nati. Lucia arrives unexpectedly. Marisa makes up a story about visiting a sick friend of Leo’s.

While Marisa is with Lucia, Leo takes Rosa aside and asks why she didn’t tell him Daniel had been there. When he hears that Daniel left abruptly after arguing with Lucas, Leo gets mad at Lucas: He should have more consideration with the boy!, he says. He’s an adult!

Albieri is at home when he gets a call from someone named Villegas. Villegas wants to see him and Albieri says he’ll be there within the hour. Then Albieri tells Luisa:
Lllamó Villegas. Lo sabe todo.
(Villagas called. He knows everything.)

Roberto finds Escobar at the clinic and informs him that his demand against Malicia was denied by the judge. The apartment is a lost cause. [Well, maybe if Escobar had a better lawyer…]

At the Rehab Center, Natalia tells Marisa and Leo that she has had time to think things over and she is ready to go home. But why didn’t Alejandro come with you? she asks. Her mother says:
Estará ocupado con sus cosas.
(He must be busy with his stuff.)
Then Leo repeats his job offer:
Mi propuesta sigue en pie. Quiero que vengas a trabajar conmigo.
(My offer still stands. I’d like you to come to work with me.)
Natalia could be his personal assistant. All three seem to like the idea.

Latifa no vino. Le ha dado muchos disgustos a Mohamed.
(Latifa didn’t come. She has caused Mohamed a lot of heartache.)
This is how Mohamed answers Zoraida when she sees he has come alone to Fez.
Alí is planning a welcome reception for Mohamed in the evening and Abdul has invited the businessman Yaser. Out of Alí’s earshot, Abdul explains that:
(Yaser) va a traer a su hija para que te conozca.
(He’s going to bring his daughter to meet you.)
Mohamed is less than enthusiastic.

Zoraida pleads with Alí to keep Mohamed from taking a second wife. Alí defends polygamy [although some of us may remember him saying on another occasion that, if he had to do it over again, he would have married only one wife.] But Zoraida insists:
A ninguna mujer le gusta compartir a su marido.
(No woman likes to share her husband.)
Furthermore, if Zoraida had a husband, she would make sure the marriage contract specified that he could take no other wives.

Albi and Luisa are talking about Villegas, apparently an old colleague and rival of Albieri’s and now an important figure on the Medical Board. They never got along and Villegas always thought Albieri was mediocre and dull (apagado). Albi needs to find out what Villegas actually knows. Luisa’s advice:
¡Niégalo todo, Albieri! (Deny everything!)

As soon as Albieri leaves, Luisa calls Julio. Is it a good sign that Villegas called? she asks. Julio doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think Silvia has made the formal complaint to the Medical Board yet or he would have heard about it.

Albieri is sitting before his old rival Villegas. Villegas expresses some reluctance to ask the question, but finally comes out with it:
Albieri, ¿es verdad que tú hiciste un clon?
(Albieri, is it true that you made a clone?)
And Albi, with a look of supreme satisfaction, says aloud:
Sí, yo lo hice, hice un clon humano y tiene veinte años de edad. Pero no me crees, tú no me crees capaz.
(Yes, I did it, I made a human clone and he is twenty years old. But you don’t believe me, you don’t think I’m capable of it.)
Villegas says he’ll need the weekend to think it over. They’ll meet again on Monday.

When Albieri leaves, another man enters the office. Villegas tells him that Albieri is a very eccentric man; he needs to verify his story so he doesn’t make a fool of himself in front of his colleagues.

Back at home with Luisa, Albieri laughs at Villegas’s dilemma. Albieri thinks he may get away with it because his nemesis is too arrogant to believe the truth. But he is torn because he does desperately want recognition for what he has done. And he can’t stand being underestimated.

Daniel tells Estela that Jade loves Lucas, not him.

And Lucas complains to Cristina that Jade seems prepared to love someone just because he looks like Lucas. How would you feel, he asks Cris, if you met a twenty-year old clone of my father? He’d be a stranger to me, she says. I didn’t know him then. Okay, what about this, asks Lucas:
¿Qué pasaría si ahora apareciera un clon de mi papá en la edad en que lo conociste? – ¿a cuál escogerías: al clon o a mi papá?
(What would happen if right now a clone of my father appeared, a clone the same age as my father was when you met him – which would you choose? The clone or my father?)
Cristina swallows hard. Al clon, she answers.

Daniel wants nothing of Jade’s, he tells Estela. He is going to return her necklace.

Jade ruminates over her vida sentimental with her cousin. (Maybe she is trying to get Latifa’s mind off Mohamed.) She shouldn’t have gone to the ruins… The shadows of Lucas did make her feel happy… she’s not afraid of Lucas but she is furious with him… when she accepted Zein, it turned out he had forgotten her…

Not exactly. Vicki and Zein meet by chance at the pool. Vicki knows that Zein was hurt when Jade didn't call him (Well, she did call, of course. But only we and the nameless hussy in his bed know the truth!) Zein is surprised to hear that Jade is now back in Miami and that she didn’t marry Said.

Daniel appears on Albieri’s doorstep, Jade’s necklace in hand. I need you to give this back to her, to Jade! he says.

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa speaks her mind to Marisa:
¡Fuiste muy cruel! No has debido romper la carta que Alejandro escribió a Natalia!
(You were very cruel! You shouldn’t have torn up the letter Alejandro wrote to Natalia!)
Marisa continues to scapegoat Alej as the source of her daughter’s problems. She is determined to keep him away from her.

At the Rehab Center, Natalia’s therapist tries to persuade her to stay longer, but she has decided to leave.

Enrique: I was afraid when I left the clinic. I had to learn how to protect myself from drugs and how to rebuild my life.

Marisa and Lucas pick up Natalia and bring her back to Casa Ferrer. Rosa and Marina greet her warmly. Marisa gets up to leave the room. Her purse is on the coffee table. Marisa glances at Natalia and then quickly picks up the purse. And Natalia notices.

Rosa offers to phone Andrea or Alejandro – he called so many times for you! – but Natalia asks her not to call anyone.

Enrique: The people around me had been hurt and now they were expecting me to relapse. I could see it, I could read it in the subtext of everything they said: How long before he relapses?

They’re partying at Gloria’s but Alej is feeling sad because Nati hasn’t called.

The three sKanks are there too. Consuelo is up there shaking it and Karla would be too but Hilda is afraid she’ll get elbowed and their investment will be damaged.

Two scuzzy black-clad figures appear abruptly. They push through the dancers to the cash register where Ramón is taking orders. Fernando’s hand is under his shirt and he points his finger, like a gun, at Ramón. Paula pulls out a very real knife and says: Dame todo el dinero. (Give me all the money.)

Credits roll


Thanks otra vez NovelaMaven. Nice one with "Pablo is at least as slippery as Malicia, but not nearly as slimy." Yeah, he's a bit sly, but I think he's been soundly outfoxed.

I have lots of questions. I'm not sure what to make of Jade's line: "¡Ay Samira, si fueras mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí!" Is she pointing out that she and Samira are very similar, or is it about the irony of children not resembling their parents? Either would be appropriate in the context. The English captions (lately a bit spotty) gave something like "If you were my daughter, you wouldn't be so much like me." Your translation takes the conditional a bit less literally, but it seems equally good (it could be just like the captions, except "Even if..."). Any suggestions on this?

Why did Rosa give Alejandro's letter to Marisa to give to Nati? Even Rosa knows not to trust Marisa. Misericordia.

I couldn't read Nati's expression when Leo said she will inherit his business. I have no idea what she wants out of life, besides (at the moment) being healthy and with Alejandro. Do we have any reason to think she would be for or against this?

Lucas asked Cristina a hard question, about whom she would choose between Leoncito and a 20-years-younger cloncito. I'm surprised she had an answer. I'm not even sure I understand the question. If I didn't know either of them, I'd pick the younger one, but if I'm already in love with one, I wouldn't leave him unless I was certain the other option was much better, enough to outweigh the bad of leaving and betraying the one I loved.

And what the heck---is Zein back in the game?

Also, I kind of like the angle of Albieri being underestimated by other geneticists. It's too bad we didn't hear about that earlier.

Muchas gracias, NovelaMaven. I missed seeing this episode, so I'm especially grateful that I've got your excellent recap. And, of course, I loved snarky remarks like "Apparently her broom is in the shop."

I was surprised that Cristina told Lucas she'd pick Leo's clone rather than Leo. It seemed a somewhat cruel thing to say to Lucas. Of course, the clone would probably be closer in age to Cristina than Leo is, whereas Daniel is easily young enough to be Jade's son. Then again, age doesn't seem to enter into any of these relationships. I guess it's not surprising, since many of the characters look pretty much just as they did when they were 20 years younger.

I was also surprised that Nati was already leaving the Rehab Center. How long was she there? It would seem like just a few days, surely not long enough to free her from her craving for drugs and teach her how to deal with temptation. I guess the same magical company runs the Rehab Center and Telenovela Airlines.

Perhaps Hilda used to work for Telenovela Airlines, since her notion of time ("a month" before they get any money) seems based on theirs.

If El Clon is in últimas semanas, can we really have a month to go?

NovelaMaven thank you so much for this recap.

So Rogelio stupidly believed Malicia, she's just collecting chumps left and right isn't she.

The main Chump needed to get himself a lawyer who actually works and knows about law. Roberto isn't it.

Why did Rosa give the letter to Marisa? All i can say is the stupidity on this novela is contagious.

I got the same impression that Zein may think he has a chance with jade since she didn't marry Said like she said she was going to. Looks like that dream Jade had might come true after all. Where all four of her suitors are closing in.

Juanita i was laughing when Hilda said it should take about a month for their lawsuit to settle. Did they even file one yet?

Nati coming out this early can't be good, are we going to have to suffer through another relapse?

It's possible we will be seeing the demise of Fernando and Paula with their latest robbery.

Thanks for the excellent recap, NovelaMaven.

I thought maybe Jade was going to suggest to Zamira that she wear the veil when she left the house and then take it off when she got to school or out of sight of her house. Amin might rat her out if he was her, though.

I agree with NovelaMaven's translation of the 'Si fuera mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí, sentence. Jade is remarking on how similar she and Zamira are.

I see that Cristina now understands perfectly that Daniel is a clone and not the product of an affair between Leo and Dora.

It was stupid of Rosa to give Alej's letter to Marisa. Lucas is never around when Marisa does her evil stuff. Alej never goes to Lucas to ask for info or access to Nati. The result is that Marisa is left to do her evil unhindered. But at least both Rosa and Andrea know that Alej wrote to Nati.

Unlike when Lucas was her age, I believe Nati was interested in Leo's business before she got involved with drugs. I sure hope we don't have another relapse. I never really listen to Enrique's PSA's but he seemed to be saying that he wasn't successful after recap because he didn't have any support from friends.

So Malicia gets to go to Paris. I sure hope an anvil falls on her before the end.

Were contact lenses part of Lucas’ makeover? Where are his glasses??? Y todavía, Marisa es una perra.

Juanita, I think it’s usually another couple of weeks after "ultimas semanas" before we begin seeing capítulos culminantes (give or take).

Still begging the writers to come on with sKarla’s pregnancy—I wanna see what she has, and what will happen afterward. Que ese zapato se cae, ya!

Oh, oh, oh--so glad that Zein isn't out of the loop. I certainly don't mind more screen time for him. :^)

Thanks everyone!

Luke, regarding Jade's line:

"¡Ay Samira, si fueras mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí!"

If you were to translate it word for word, you would end up with a meaning that is almost opposite of what was intended (or if not opposite, at the least, ambiguous):

"Oh, Samira, if you were my daughter, you wouldn't be so much like me."

That's why I tweaked the translation a bit to preserve the meaning: You couldn't be more like me (even) if you were my own daughter.

Besides, Jade isn't given to irony and wouldn't say anything that might seem like a subtle criticism of her own daughter Jadiya. Jean, thanks for weighing in on the question.

As for how Marisa got hold of the letter --
I just looked at the scene again. Alej writes: Nati mi amor, No dejo de pensar en ti. Me muero por verte a ti y a nuestro hijo...

The very next thing we see is Marisa reading the letter. We aren't shown how she got it. I assumed that Andrea showed up with it and was giving it to Rosa when Marisa snatched it out of her hands. I can't see either Andrea or Rosa voluntarily giving the letter to Marisa. They would have entrusted it to Lucas -- or even to Leo -- to a carrier pigeon! -- before giving it to Marisa.

Blu, you may be on to something with the robbery. These fools may finally have picked the wrong people to mess with.

Luke and Juanita, I found the whole Lucas/Cris conversation unsatisfying. But I had the feeling that Cris was imagining her own Leonardo with the clock turned back twenty years, yet all his life experiences up that point intact; of course that's not at all what a clone would be. If she had really understood the question, I doubt she would have answered that way.

Jean, thanks for reminding us that Nati did show interest in Empresas Ferrer before The Fall, so offering her a chance to get a taste of the family business now does make sense.


Thanks for the recap. Re the letter this is what I remember.

Rosa showed the envelope with the letter to Marisa and I THINK she asked Marisa to give it to Nati. Marisa didn't answer and then she asked Rosa to bring her coffee or tea and Rosa left the letter on the seat. When Rosa left Marisa read the letter and ripped it and left it on the seat.

Then Leonardo came in and also Lucia. They all left at the same time and when they did Rosa saw the letter torn in half.


Great recap, NovelaMaven.

And it's true that Escobar would stand a better chance if he didn't have a poolside regular for a lawyer. By the way, I can't stand Lucía. It's especially irritating when she shows up to take Marisa somewhere without calling first. Who does that?

I enjoyed Zoraida's conversation with Ali. I can't remember the exact translation, but, when he said polygamy was working perfectly well and all wives happy, she responded that those wives had no power to resist anything. But, if they did, they'd all want to be the only wife.

I don't think I can stand a relapse by Nati, but something has to wake her stupid family up to the fact that such a short time in rehab won't get the job done.

If Zein comes around trying to woo the still unmarried Jade, Said is going to go ballistic.

I also thought Jade would succeed in convincing Samira to placate her parents and wear the veil.

NovelaMaven, thank you once again. Great recap and comments.

I hope Gloria catches the Gruesome Twosome, they will not know what hit them.

I wish Nati would go live with Gloria and Alej, that would be her only hope for staying clean. She is not going to get any support from her family.

Anyone that believes anything Malicia has to say is on my anvil list. Yes, that means you, Pablo and Rogelio.


NovelaMaven and Jean: Thanks to both of you for slogging so faithfully through this and giving us so much more than a mere summary so often! You guys are terrific and I am so appreciative. The humor and witty asides are a bonus, por supuesto.

Because of work I haven't been able to keep up with the comments so I am not sure how many episodios we still have to go. Somebody said one more month? Did they extend this thing? Obviously there's too much to settle by this evening. (--Thanks in advance for answering my question.) =/8 ? )

Thanks Jardinera: Our best guess on the # of episodes left is 24, assuming that the Wikipedia entry is correct that there are a total of 183. That would have Clon ending on or about Oct. 29. We are in 'ultimas semanas' but there is no 'muy pronto' replacement notice yet.

Yes, Rosa tells Marisa to give Nati the letter, but I agree it's not clear that Rosa voluntarily gave Marisa the letter for that purpose. Marisa could have nabbed it, and Rosa would still plead with her to give it to Nati.

By the way, how long did Nati spend in rehab? If I remember correctly, she went in after Mohamed announced his trip to Fez would occur in two days, and she came out the day he got to Fez. So less than two days? Well, probably not. (Rule 2 of telenovelógica: time is relative.)

As for how much longer the show has, we've heard conflicting evidence. One thing's for sure: it will feel like a long time.

Thanks to the above commenters for the continuing Spanish lessons. I agree now NovelaMaven that your translation is better for that scene.

It's funny how much interesting discussion can arise from a flawed and mixed-up novela. Caray University, now offering courses in Telenovelógica, Plot Tectonics, and Colloquial Spanish.

luke M: Caray courses in Telenovelógica! LOL!

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