Wednesday, September 01, 2010

El Clon, Wed., September 1 - Summary for Discussion

Daniel tries to deal with being the world's only clone
Said disappoints his daughter

Jade accuses Said of exactly what we speculated - setting her up to reject Zein. Jade accuses him wanting to get even for never loving him. Angrily [he's kind of bug-eyed angry] Said admits that he loves Jade and always has but he doesn't want to keep being the guy who takes her in when everyone abandons her. '¿Duele que te engañen?' Does being decieved hurt? he asks. Maybe now she understands how he feels after being lied to so many times and having so many promises of reconciliation made to him. 'Siempre to creí porque te amaba,' I always believed you because I loved you. He screams that no one will love her the way he loves her. Jade grabs Said and kisses him. [It can't be desire - is it a cynical last attempt to get what she wants?] He responds but finally, he pushes her away and walks out. 'Qué suerte tan triste la mía', What bad luck I have, says Jade to Latifa and Zoraida.

Zein mourns the loss of Jade.
Jadiya rubs Rania's face in her belief that Jade will return and be the most important person in the house even if Rania is technically first wife. Rania is sure that when she gives birth to a boy, she will be treated as much more important that the woman who only gave Said, Jadiya, a girl. Once again, Jadiya predicts that Rania will have a girl so ugly that Said will throw her and the baby to the wind.

The Chump orders Malicia to give him back the apartment or he'll go to the police. She just walks away.

Daniel wonders if his fate will be the same as the person he is the copy of.

Lucas tells Enrique that is is hard when you are 20 to imagine what it will be like when you are 40. Enrique tells Lucas that he must be eager to see himself when he was 20 years younger. Lucas still isn't buying the clone thing. He claims that Leo, Albieri and Marisa have lost their minds over someone who just looks like him. 'Estoy huyendo del recuerdo de los 20 años porque hice todo mal' I am running away from the memory of those 20 years, says Lucas, because I did everything wrong. He wouldn't want his 20 year old self reproaching him for all the errors he made. Naturally, Enrique tells Lucas that he would tell his 20 year old self not to get involved with drugs.

Cut to two of our resident druggies - Nati and Paula. She tells Paula that she is fed up with the interference of her family in her life. Paula replies that her mother tried to control her life too until she threw Paula out of her house. Paula needs to do a line (necesito una linea) and convinces Nati to go with her even though she promised to wait for Alej.

Daniel accosts Albeiri in the street. He wants to know if the person he was cloned from has any diseases that he might get when he is that age. He aks if he is going to live a long time or die soon. Albieri doesn't understand why Daniel is asking these questions. Daniel replies that he doesn't have the slightest idea what will happen to his life going forward. He tells Albieri that he did some research on the internet and found out that cloning a human is illegal and that no other clones are known to exist. 'Albieri, tú me hiciste, tú me creaste, tú tienes que saber,' Albieri, you made me, you created me, you have to know. But Albieri doesn't have any answers. '¿A qué viena esa angustia ahora? Todo está bien,' Why are you so worried? (literally, What is this anguish coming from?) Everything is fine. He tries to reassure Daniel that he just like any other human being. Daniel says that if Albieri is so sure of that, then take him to see another clone who is normal. Of course, Albieri has to confess that he can't do that. He doesn't know any other clones. Then don't say that I'll have a normal life, says Daniel. He tells Albieri that he never wants to see him again.

Dora is inconsolable. Estela tells her that Daniel doesn't have bus fare much less enough money to go to Morocco. Miguel comes over and asks why Dora is crying. He has brought her flowers. He offers to leave but Dora says that she grateful for the support of a friend.

Daniel comes in. He tells his mother that Albieri couldn't tell him what would happen in his life from now on. Dora replies that Daniel promised not to see Albieri again. Daniel says that he has questions but Albieri didn't have the answers. He says that he doesn't want people to look at him strangely. Dora says that he is imagining things. Daniel says that his grandmother looks at him strangely, when his supposed father speaks to or looks at him, he isn't seeing Daniel but someone else, maybe his dead son. And Luisa, who practically raised him, won't let him get near her. Poor Dora can only tell Daniel that these things aren't happening. Daniel says that he is afraid for the first time in his life.

Alej is looking for Nati and runs into Pablo and Andrea. Andrea tells Alej that she saw Nati with Paula. Alej tells her that Nati needs them now. 'Uno no puede hacer nada por uno que no se quiere dejar aydar,' You can't do anything for someone who doesn't want to be helped, replies Andrea. Alej goes off to continue his search for Nati.

Andrea tells Pablo that they were best friends, the real thing but now they have nothing to say to one another. Of course not, says Pablo, you want to talk about music, a book you read or a movie you saw but Nati doesn't care. She only wants to talk about the latest drug that is available and where to get it. Andrea says that Nati just experimented with drugs and couldn't stop. Pablo replies that what makes him mad is that Alej is losing his dream because of Nati.

Problems with the next generation: Karla confirms to Amin that she is pregnant. Carlos comes to Gloria's and Zamira hides from him. Zumaya tells Carlos that Zamira isn't around and Mohamed tells her in graphic detail how she will burn in hell for speaking to a male stranger.

Ali tells Zoraida to pack Jade's bags. They're going back to Fez.

Said comes home and Jadiya asks for her mother.

Jade and Daniel are both at the beach. Jade's jade necklace falls off right next to Daniel. He picks it up. They see each other. Daniel calls her name and reminds her of their meeting in Morocco. Jade turns and runs.

Said tells Jadiya that Jade isn't coming to live with them. She is going to live in Morocco with Ali. Rania smiles in triumph. Jadiya pushes away from him and runs away.
With Latifa and Zamira present, Mohamed reams Zumaya out for talking to Carlos. He says that he will tell Abdul that Zumaya is an exhibitionist. Finally, Zamira confesses that she knows the boy who spoke with Zumaya. He goes to her school. Mohamed asks his name and when Zamira replies that his name is Carlos, Latifa knows that this is Zamira's novio.

Jade wonders what the loss of her necklace and its finding by the shadow means. Daniel runs around looking for Jade. Jade tells Zoraida that she saw the shadow and what's more, he took her jade pendant. Her mother told her that her fate is written on the that stone (me suerte está escrita en mi piedra) and now the shadow has it. Ali comes in and tells her that they are going back to Morocco the next day. She tells him that she saw the shadow again. Ali decides that he can't tell Jade that Daniel is a clone of Lucas or she'll dream about him again. He tells her not to think about what she saw and it won't come back. But Jade can tell that Ali is lying. She decides that Albieri must have the answer she needs.

Mohamed is still going on and on about how horrible it is that Zamira spoke to Carlos. [Apparently, they sent Zamira to a cooeducational public school but are surprised that she talks to boys.] Zamira tries to point out that she is in the West where conversing with a boy is acceptable. Mohamed asks if she has two heads: one for Morocco and one for the West. He suggests that Latifa didn't do a good job raising her children and reminds her that he wanted Zamira educated at home. He says that if what she did is known in Morocco, she will lose the handsome fiance he got for her. Zamira tells Latifa that she won't leave school but Latifa slaps her. '¡No mas!,' Enough!, she screams. Enough of your threats. Mohamed wants to send me back because of you.

Mohamed assigns Amin to spy on Zamira and make sure that she doesn't talk to any Westerners. Mohamed asks if Amin has ever seen Zamira talking to a Westerner and at least Amin doesn't rat out his sister right away. Mohamed says that he will watch Zamira the way Said and Mohamed watch the Naz. [Not a very good standard.]

Alej tells Andrea and Pablo that he hasn't found Nati. Pablo repeats his statement that Alej is destroying himself because of Nati. Andrea says that Nati is sick now but defends her as the sweetest, smartest, most generous person she has ever met. Pablo corrects the verb to the past tense. He says that he doesn't want to attack Nati but she has been dragging Alej down since they met. Pablo says that Alej was the best athlete he had ever seen. He kept regular hours and didn't do drugs. Since he met Natalia, he's been sharing her lifestyle. If she stays out all night, he stays awake worrying about her and it's destroying him.

Nati and Paula go to buy drugs in a nasty place with scary guys.

Leo tells Marisa and Rosa that he and Roberto are going to speak to Dora and he hopes to bring Daniel back to the house to live with them. Marisa notices how the appearance of Daniel has rejuvenated Leo. She listens in astonishment as Rosa says that she believes that Daniel is Diego reincarnated and that Enrique could restore his memories.

Rosa invites Enrique to dinner. He has an appointment with his therapist but he wants to go. So does Carolina. She wants to see the clone. But Enrique doesn't want to sit at the same table as Roberto and be told how he could learn from Roberto. Replay of Enrique's jealousy fit about the unappreciated legal work he did for Roberto. Leo comes in looking for Roberto.

Roberto is at the club lying to Lucia about his wherabouts. The sKanks are there, too and we have a complete replay of an earlier conversation of theirs: Karla feels sorry for Roberto and Hilda considers all rich guys to be fair game.

Clara tells Carolina that Fernando is his old self again. The Chump comes in and tells Clara that Malicia refuses to return the apartment to Fernando.

The credits roll.


Thanks so much, Jean, for another terrific recap. The Spanish was helpful, as always, and the photos--wow! I especially loved the one of bug-eyed Said!

I'm hoping that Jadiyah runs away, but I doubt that that will happen, since I would imagine that the encounters with Daniel will have to happen when Jade is alone.

Mohamed is really getting to me. Last night's episode made me rather uncomfortable, not just because Mohamed was his usual narrow-minded self, but because I fear his intolerant behavior may feed into the disturbing anti-Muslim sentiment currently raging in the U.S. Yes, this is only a silly telenovela, but I felt uneasy in a way I hadn't before. Captcha word is "calms." Is it trying to tell me something?

Thanks, Jean.

Awesome photos, recap and even Spanish lesson.


Thanks for a wonderful recap and the excellent pictures, Jean!

I found myself much more emotionally engaged with this episode than I have been with previous ones. I know "the kiss" -- between Said and Jade -- was meant as high drama, and maybe it was. But the previews had diluted the surprise.

Dora's quiet tears and Miguel's comforting presence brought me to tears too.

I gasped when Jade and Daniel recognized one another (although this was no surprise).

But the most disturbing and shocking moment for me was when Latifa slapped Samira. With that slap it was if the generational rift in the house officially became a war.

After Clara and Fernando's breakthrough scene on Tuesday, I thought they recognized the need for treatment. Last night, it sounded as if they thought he could just start doing normal things and the problem would take care of itself. If so... uh oh...

Exactly--you'd think Clara would recognize Fer's need for treatment... As for Nati, I'm marinating my hat tonight.

Mohammed and Latifa definitely got my attention last night. Yowza.

Thanks all for the nice words.

I thought Mauricio Ochmann did a great job in portraying Daniel's confusion and anguish, especially in contrast to Albieri's and Dora's incomprehension (for different reasons) of his pain.

When we saw Enrique and Carolina's eagerness to see the clone, it is easy to understand Daniel's fear of being treated like a freak.

I, too, was very surprised when Latifa slapped Zamira. First Mohamed is acting like a total a**hole and then Latifa goes bananas. If they were trying to drive thier children away from their religion, they couldn't to a better job.

I had the same uh-oh reaction to Clara's declaration that Fernando was through with drugs.

I have been watching this show barely a month and a half, and it is the first novela that there are few that I am rooting for. I don't care about Jade, I don't care about Nati (I hope her demise comes quickly and she is not rescued!). I do not like any show that promotes drugs like this show has, stupid parents, stupid boyfriend, any young person out there can deem this to be glamorous thinking that their family will always get them out of situations. There are only two characters I look forward to seeing and hope they survive Zein and Dora, they are the only reasons why I watch this show. I do agree though last night's episode was a most powerful performance by Mauricio.

Oh boy Nellie, what novela are you watching?

Great work, Jean. There were lots of interesting things in last night's episode, at least for me.

Jade surprised the dickens out of me when she kissed Said. I think it was calculated to get him to take her back so she could be with Jadiya. This is her only life plan now, and she said as much: to watch her daughter grow up. I interpreted that to mean she might leave Said after Jadiya finds a novio willing to cover her in gold and marry her.

Looks like the Chump finally got the wake-up call. I'm trying to figure out if he and Clara have any legal recourse against Malicia. He willingly put the apartment in her name, but he might be able to prove the euros were his (and Clara's of course).

Mohammed was the worst yet last night. It seems as if, as he gets older, he's channeling Tío Abdul. I also thought, as I watched, that Latifa is one of those women who loves her husband much more than her children. She helps Zamira some, but she's always coming from a fear based place, so she won't support her children if it risks her relationship with Mohammed.

At last Albieri gets at least part of what he deserves: complete rejection by Daniel.

The awful Paula isn't even subtle. She drags Nati to the den of drug dealers and then sticks out her hand for the money. If Nati was completely out of funds, her "friend" would be long gone.

Jean, thank you for another great recap and terrific photos.

Said is officially on my anvil list. He only loves himself. Who does he think he is kidding. If you love someone you do not deliberately hurt them. He has hurt his daughter and now Jade. The only reason Jade stayed with this neanderthal is because of Jadiyah. You can really tell that Said and Mo are related - those crazy bug-eyes!

You can see how Muslim children become either radical or westernized and assimilate into society wherever it might be. How in the world did the men come to believe that women were objects ?

The drug thing is getting old, lets either OD or get help, but lets please move on.


Jean thanks for another great recap.

Let me join in too enough about the drugs, we've been beaten over the head with this ad nasuem. Clara does need to Fernando into rehab him just going cold turkey by himself isn't going to work. As for Nati all i do know is Alejandro is the big problem the more he enables her and protects the longer it will take her to get her act together.

Poor little Zumaya, did anyone see the parallel between Jade and Zoraida. Last night Zumaya and Samira? Looks like they are trying to make her another Zoraida in training.

Novelera i agree with you about Latifa that slap was so unexpected, unfortunately there are women like that.

Wow does the Chump finally realize he's been had?

My sense of Latifa's feelings for her daughter is a bit different. Rather being "one of those women who loves her husband much more than her children", I see Latifa as loving Samira profoundly. If she were in a western-style marriage of equals, if she herself believed that women and girls have choices in this life, then we could perhaps accuse her of "not supporting her children if it risks her relationship" with her husband.

But the thing about Latifa is that she truly shares Mohamed's beliefs. She bends, stretches, looks the other way, not out of weakness or hypocrisy, but out of her heartfelt love for her daughter. In Latifa's eyes, Samira has developed into this alien creature, this 'occidental'; but she is still her daughter and she loves her so much it hurts.

There is no painless solution to her dilemma. To satisfy Samira, both Mohamed and Latifa would have to change in ways that they are not likely to be capable of. To satisfy her parents, Samira would have to deny her selfhood.

Great recap, Jean!!!

I believe Latifa loves her children, but she has so much fear that Mohammed will get another wife and that is more important to her.

As for Nati's family and Alej I can't believe how they think she can come out of the drug dilemma without getting help. Ditto for Clara. I find them all so dumb.

Could Clara sue Escobar and Malicia stating that it was HER money that paid for the apartment and she had no knowledge what Escobar did and therefore in no way can Malicia keep the apartment?


Ann, I like your idea about Clara having a lawsuit against Escobar for making off with the euros that were in the safe deposit box. I don't know if she'd have a case against Malicia.

NovelaMaven, your points about Latifa are good. Yes, of course, she loves her children very much. But I think Ann and I are leaning more toward her a) constant fear she'll be sent back, and b) that Mohammed will keep her but take another wife. Even though she professes to be a devout Muslim, she isn't willing to accept the multiple wives tenet. During the whole novela this has been drummed into our heads over and over.

I agree with the commenters who are fed up with the drug story. How many times will Alej believe Nati has changed? It's starting to remind me of Lucy, Charlie Brown, and the football. In case not everyone gets that reference, Lucy always teed up the football and then pulled it away just before CB kicked it.

Thanks Jean, for the recap and the helpful Spanish. :)

There was some powerful stuff in this episode. Like the rest of you, I was thinking a lot about Latifa and Mohamed. Latifa clearly has competing priorities, though staying with Mohamed and her children's wellbeing may be tied for first. Mohamed is clearly in denial about life in the West. There's no way to force your kids to be so different from their environment without screwing them up.

Blusamurai: nice catch on the Zamira/Zumaya-Jade/Zoraida connection. I didn't notice that, but you're right.

The more they repeat the same anti-drug advice, the less sympathetic Clara and Alejo are, because they fail to see something that's rubbed in our faces constantly. That's definitely a flaw in the show.

Also, I noticed the place Paula took Nati to get drugs was the same building Enrique stumbled out of in one of his therapy flashbacks. Same place? Also, how is Enrique such a great lawyer if he's had serious drug problems for much of his adult life?

Ann: I think when the Euro subplot started, Clara said they didn't have any paperwork that said the Euros were joint property of her and Escobar. That may complicate any legal case against Alicia. I can't think of anything she's done that's illegal.

Luke M, you have a point. I guess I'm hoping that she will get the apt. back. I hope they come up with something.

Did any of you lose CH 47. I lost it.


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