Friday, September 10, 2010

Llena de Amor #24 Thu 9/9/10 Poor people are happy and dance, rich people are cranky and yell

Last night we left the two opposing teams gathering over at Horror House for the announcement about Mari’s inheritance.

Netty’s pals are having a strength sceance (they keep chanting fuerza fuerza fuerza) with Angela to figure out how to help Netty spiritually. Angela screams... that moment a shot is fired over at Horror House. Everyone hits the deck except Brandon. Ever the cop, the little stud is ready for action.

They hear yelling and run to Tio’s room where Benigno is holding Tio up and yelling that Tio’s been shot.

Back to the sceance where Angie is majorly freaking, “lots of fire around Netty!” Gasps and whines from the ladies. “Danger is very near” whispers Angie.

Over at the dollhouse Muñeca and Lorenzo have the usual argument. Will she really kick him out this time? Will she resist his wheedling? Yep, and he finally leaves in a snit saying he won’t stay around her sick jealousies anymore. Jerk.

Emilio and Eman don’t find blood on Tio, looks like he had a heart attack.

Now the yelling is coming from the salon where Fedra wants Brandon O.U.T. out! She calls him a peeled smurf (pitufo pelado). The usual insults ensue between Ilitia, Brandon and Fedra until Mari finally annouces she’s the lady of the house and she doesn’t intend to sell it! Fedra’s lawyer is that actor who always plays a lawyer or doctor or military officer.

Oliver and Jairo butt in on the sceance ladies and scare the bejesus out of them. Angela sees death but Oliver hears music, so Doris agrees to go dancing as long as Jairo doesn’t make her dance La Quebradita and twist her up. Wow, she’s got a short attention span. (Check out telenovela star and dancer Liz Vega doing la quebradita here.)

Back at Horror House the good guys (Mari, Brandon, Delicia, Netty and Licenciado Pacheco) face off against Fedra, her lawyers, Agent Orange (aka Mauricio) and the fresas. Fedra’s pretty confident and Pacheco gets nervous; dude may be out of his league on this one. Gretel reassures Alex that Mari is much stronger than the lot of them. Fedra threatens The Mask (aka Brandon) again that if his plan fails he’ll pay with his life.

Mari is curious how Brandon knows Ilitia. He says they met when he was having a bad day and she is worse than a hangover. Netty spills the beans to Mari that she was almost killed twice just like the medium warned. But hey, there’s nothing to worry about because Mari’s mom is her guardian angel.

Benigno yells that Tio had a heart attack. Fedra and The Mask grin, if you that's what you can call his contorted rictus.

Lowrenzo takes his little suitcase and heads right over to Begonas. All of a sudden he wants to be in her bed. I can’t believe she falls for his tonterias.

Even more unbelievable, Muñeca is now crying that she threw Lorenzo right into his lover’s arms. Yo doormat, get a grip, grab some champagne and celebrate already! Instead of taking my excellent advice she starts the mirror yelling again. “You’re less than a woman!” and breaks the mirror, staring at herself through shards of broken glass. Not good.

Emiliano and Eman are basically doing nothing except staring at Tio. Luckily Mari shows up, pushes her way through and begs Tio to stick around for her.

The fresas bitch about Eman spending all his time with Mari. She’s a slippery tick (garrapata resbalosa) and Ilitia had better watch out. Then Ilitia starts insulting Brandon, calling him a drink in a bag (un refresco en bolsa), I guess it’s an insult, I don’t really get it. For the surprise conclusion to this conversation, Kristel announces she wouldn’t mind being locked in the bathroom with that particular refresco en bolsa. Naughty girl.

Tio emits a final groan and the guys announce he has no pulse. Tio has died. Mari begins doing CPR in a rather lackluster fashion. She tells him to fight for his life and gives him the breath of life. He breathes! Our Mari is a veritable superwoman. Eman announces she is his gordita hermosa and holds her hand over Tio’s chest. Tio observes and demands to know what the damn Eman is up to with Marianela. Eman’s face is all “duh, I dunno, what AM I up to?”

Agent Orange teases Axel and insults Gretel while Fedra tries to sequester herself with her lawyers and Netty tries to keep Licenciado Pacheco from drinking too much booze.

Tio tells Eman he saw Mari and Eman in the garden the other night and they were acting very odd. He only hopes that their affection doesn’t turn into another kind of feeling because sometimes love pops up when you least expect it. It would be a disaster for them and Tio won’t permit it! Eman and Mari stare at each other guiltily. An ambulance siren interrupts them and Tio jumps up and arms himself against the paramedicss.

Fedra insults Netty while Licenciado Pacheco stuffs his face with hors d’oeuvres. Fedra’s in the middle of telling Netty she’s not woman enough to get a man just as Emiliano shows up and stops her tirade. More nasty comments blah blah blah Mari arrives and says she’s ready to start. What? She just saved Tio’s life, then left him bouncing around the cellar with a rifle, and now she’s ready for the inheritance? Uh OK.

Lorenzo and Begona just got down to business and he announces to her that she’s going to help convince Muni to take him back. Now that’s the Lowrenzo we know and loathe.

Tio tells Eman he needs to stay at the battlefield to help protect Mari against that...that...Eman’s mother. Eman promises Tio that’s what he wants to do too. Tio tells Eman that he’s his pride and joy in spite of everything. In spite of what? asks Eman.

The lawyers open their briefcases and Netty watches The Mask. He gives her the creeps and Mari tells her that he’s Fedra’s guard dog. Netty gasps that she was warned a dog would try to kill her and that guy is darn ugly.

The housekeeper Doña Paula interrupts Eman and Tio to take matters into her own hands. She kicks Eman out and coyly approaches Maximo. She tries to get him to go to the hospital but he reminds her he promised he wouldn’t leave the cellar until the serpent leaves the house, and doesn’t he always keep his promises? They hold hands and smile at each other. She convinces him to let the paramedics in to see him and he says fine as long as she stays with him. Aha, so these two have some history.

The fresas check out the naco until Eman shows up. Mau tries to get Brandon to leave but Gretel defends him. Meanwhile in the background Ilitia tries to hug Eman but he worriedly stares at Brandon over her shoulder. Good stuff.

Oh man, Lorenzo again? He tells Begona he expects her to find Muni at the orphanage tomorrow and repair what she broke. He shakes her and she reluctantly agrees. I hope these women team up against him before too long.

Back in the barrio the happy folk are dancing. Brandon’s ma is a little worried about her son in that cave of wolves. Hey lady, that’s an insult to all the wolves of the world! She sends Oliver off to check on her baby and Netty. He preens and Doris accuses him of falling for one of Mari’s cousins.

Back at the house Emiliano announces it’s time for Mari to get the inheritance that her parents left her. Fedra’s lawyer begins...

Kristel tries to get Agent Orange to go boink in her room but he says if Fedra catches him he’s dead; better to wait until she gets some of the money and they can get their own place. He grabs some booze and off they go to some hidey hole.

Axel accuses Brandon of being with that other cop that arrested him at the university.

The randy duo of Kristel and Mau end up in Delicia’s ironing closet/laundry room. Stupid Kristel throws the hot iron in the laundry basket and kicks Delicia out of the room. Sigh, more delays.

The lawyer drones on while thought bubbles crowd the room. Fedra: where did Bernardo find this idiot of a lawyer? Bernardo: patience my sweet, have patience. Mari: oh dear, it’s not that I want the money it’s just that I don’t want my mother’s memory defrauded.

Ilitia protesteth too much to Eman about Brandon. She calls him changuito (little monkey) which is perfect, he does look kind of like a monkey.

It’s getting hot in the laundry room. Clothes are coming off and the basket is smoking.

More legal droning and it’s time for Marianela to sign the paperwork. “But just a minute folks”, sneers Fedra, snatching the papers away from Mari, “I propose that not one cent of the inheritance goes to Marianela. I want you all to hear at once that the only boss lady of this money is me!” Caras impactadas all around.


Ahoy, Cap'n, thanks for the awesome recap and dance video. Fun stuff. Lowrenzo, dollhouse...perfect. Also the peeled smurf translation...I could not figure out what she was calling him.

When I looked up garrapata, leech, I learned that in Mexico it is also slang for slut. Yes, yet another way to say slut.

I think the "drink in a bag" thing is a way of calling him poor (the worst insult Ilitia can think of), because it's a cheap thing you can buy on the street, like where they hack open a coconut and drain the juice into a plastic bag and hand it to you with a straw. Not something snooty Ilitia would deign to sip.

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE part of the episode was Axel's face in the background while Kristel was persuading Agent Orange to join her for a dimcestuous rendezvous. He is a gem.

Sylvia, "Horror House" indeed! Thank you for starting my day off with this marvelous, witty recap. The embedded voacabulary was greatly appreciated.

Favorite lines (of many) were: "Ever the cop, the little stud is ready for action", "Yo doormat, get a grip, grab some champagne and celebrate already" and "He grabs some booze and off they go to some hidey hole". Great fun as always Sylvia.

Lorenzo? Next! (As Carlos would say). Blech.

May I make a confession? "...Kristel announces she wouldn’t mind being locked in the bathroom with that particular refresco en bolsa". Hmmm. It's the one thing she's said I can't disagree with. Brandon has it going on....

Doña Paula and Tio. Who knew?

Have a great weekend everyone.


"...that’s an insult to all the wolves of the world!"
Sylvia, as someone who finds wolves beautiful, I appreciate your sticking up for the poor things. I'd say that group is more like a bunch of annoying gnats - and my apologizes to the gnat population.

I know the medical aspect of the General's heart attack was played pretty loose, but the whole thing was a bit of a hoot. When he grabbed the rifle and prepared to shoot the paramedics, I totally cracked up.And I think he knows the secret we all suspect - Eman is not Emi's son. Wonder if he'll be the one to spill to Eman.

Drink in a bag - he may be a common drink, but Brandon can still quench the thirst! Kristel is right.(Did I just say that?)Girl got a little hot and needed Agent O to step in! And now she's about to get hotter.

Julia - I loved that expression on Axel's face too. Perfect acting! Reaction even when your not the focus. Did you catch Delicia too as Netty's lawyer kept stuffing his face?

So now that the person who may wind up as the doctor in the family heads to get her inheritance, Fedra is ready to reveal her plan. The only good I can see is it may get Mari out of that house.

TGIF all.

Good morning Sylvia. Your title pretty much sums up the theme of all these telenovelas; reminds me of the theme in Titanic also. Mopey rich folks upstairs, ecstatic happy poor folks down below dancing away. Yeah, really....

Love "dollhouse", the Liz Vega video, the juicy embedded vocabulary, your asides etc.

Julia, thanks for that explanation of the drink in a bag. The only thing I could think of was the old booze bottle in a paper bag that I used to see when taking the Greyhound bus from Wisconsin back to my home in Indiana eons ago. But your idea makes more sense.

As troubled as I am by Muñeca's regret and self-criticism, even the strongest person experiences setbacks when trying to change. She is still in love with her husband, in spite of her anger over the betrayals, so it will take a looooong time for her to quit blaming herself for losing his affection and move on with her life. Not fun to watch but all too realistic.

Oh, and add me to the list of folks totally annoyed with the incorrect portrayal of not only asthmatics but also appropriate CPR. Marianela'a arms were totally wrong. They were bent. The arms have to be stiff when pressing down. She couldn't have resuscitated anyone that way. Aaarrrggh.

Julia, yes Axel's face was hilarious! I do like how they show funny background expressions. I'm sure it won't take Delicia long to start scolding Licenciado Pacheco the way she scolds everyone else, assuming he gets to stick around. She was rendered temporarily speechless by his gluttony.

Judy, thank you for your sensitive analysis of Muñeca. It's easy to dismiss her reactions as "wimpy" and "silly" but of course you are right. In real life people don't make an immediate about face due to an instant realization of their situation. It takes a long time to work through these things. Muni is kind of self-destructive. I hope she gets her act together before she really hurts herself.

I'm glad Tio Maximo didn't die before he could reveal the big secret. There's still a lot of fight left in the guy. Plus, we have to find out about his past with Doña Paula.

Julia, thanks for your take on refresco en bolsa, makes sense.

Thank you Sylvia. Lots of great lines as so many have already mentioned.

For sure needed a beanie during that heart attack scene. Really lame CPR and then the heart attack victim jumps up out of bed and is ready for battle. Glad the General didn't die though I really like him and he is the key to probably a lot of secrets. Obviously Paula and he have a past. Would like to know what happened there and is it still going on? And what was the shot we heard about?

Also Julia, the look of Axel's face behind Kristal/orange boy was priceless. He has a much better part in this and does Brandon. I really like them both.

Lynda, I think the general accidentally fired the shot. I believe Benigno actually said "he shot himself". I still struggle with reflexive verbage but I'm pretty sure that's what Benigno said. I think he also said "he gave himself a heart attack" so there was some subtle word tweaking going on there. At least I think so.

Thanks for this tasty recap, Sylvia. And twice this week. Good job.

I'm guessing the General knows something about Manny that we aren't aware of. Like maybe Emiliano isn't his real daddy?

Speaking of children and parents, Cristal certainly has a lot in common with her mom:

"Kristel announces she wouldn’t mind being locked in the bathroom with that particular refresco en bolsa. Naughty girl."

Judy, Marianela's resuscitation technique is faulty, but the results were pretty good. Nonetheless, TNs are not always the best places to pick up medical procedures or medical information.

I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Bernardo in his thwarted efforts to off Netty. At this rate he's bound to develop a lack of self-confidence.

One day I think Muñeca is finally pulling it all together, and the next I find myself shaking my head. Breaking the mirror certainly does not bode well.


Sylvia- This was a fun recap, and a madcap episode. Many thanks Capitana.

I also felt that the General was hinting that Eman is not Emil's son. But then why is so upset by the idea of him and Mari falling in love?

I loved Axel's expressions too Julia. :) And also enjoy the fact that he and Brandon were such jerks in Mi Pecado, and now are two of the favorites here. The magic of tns!

The maid who was in the laundry room was Nereida. If I lived in that house, I would probably hide out in there ironing all day, too. It's a nice laundry room. Kristel is such an idiot. Does she really not grasp that the iron is hot?

So now will they have to evacuate the house due to fire, and Fedra's threats about the will will be delayed? They're really dragging out this inheritance thing.

So, they've already called an ambulance, they might have to call for a fire truck, and with this crowd you can imagine a big fight breaking out and requiring on-duty police. Can you just imagine the group of emergency personnel gathered in the driveway trying to coordinate, and someone's all, "no, no, these are all completely separate incidents."

Why does the General refuse to leave his room? You'd think he'd want to be all over the house, defending it from Fedra. Surely a good General is out in the battle, not hiding in the foxhole all the time.

Thanks Sylvia! Super cap!

I just had a thought. What if Lowrenzo is not only Ilitia's daddy, but also Eman's. That would make them brother and sister, hahahaha!

Didn't see this episode, but feel like I did, thanks again. I really wish I had seen Axel's face, must have been funny, everyone is talking about it.

Maybe Lowrenzo is Emanuel's papa, but not Ilitia's? I don't think the telenovela deities would allow incest, at least not involving a protagonist and not as a backstory explaining how the tormented soul became such an evil villain.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lowrenzo is Kristel's father. They have some similarities in appearance that may be deliberate, plus Fedra seems to like Kristel more than her other kids and it seems she's been playing favorites their whole lives. Could this be related to their paternity?

I still suspect maybe the captain of the Lirio as Emanuel's dad. Is it possible he didn't actually go down with the ship and we will meet him?

Sylvia – this was a wonderful, rollicking recap. I loved very little morsel of it.

Why all these women are attracted to Lorenzo is a mystery to me. I find him repugnant.

So Maggie, I guess you don't find Lorenzo a lovable cuddly villain as I suggested previously. Sure he's a cad, but he hasn't killed anyone... yet. And wasn't he kinda cute waving to and making faces at his new son?


I dunno, Carlos… he looks like a 70s lounge lizard. All that’s missing is a polyester leisure suit. Also, his hair looks sprayed.

Hi all, TGIF!!!! And thanks for all your comments. You folks are the best.

Julia, I forgot to tell you that something in your first comment really made me laugh. I had no idea that garrapata also means slut! (Actually I was wrong, I meant to say it means tick, another disgusting bloodsucker. I just corrected my recap.) The reason your comment made me laugh is because there is a beautiful state park not too far from here in Monterey County called Garrapata State Park. I love to hike there, however I will never look at it quite the same way from now on. It was bad enough being Tick State Park, but now Slut State Park?

Maggie, Lorenzo really grosses me out too. I don't get his "charm".

Julia, I think may be right about the captain being Emiliano's dad. So far he is really the only one who could clear everything up, beside Fedra and The Mask and they ain't talking. But like Vivi says, if the General knows why is he so against Eman and Mari hooking up? Also interesting about Lorenzo being Kristel's papa, it would
explain a lot.

I can't believe they named a state park that! With either interpretation it is disgusting! Are they trying to keep people from going there?

I got a wood tick lodged in my skin once when I was hiking as a teen, and I nearly had a nervous breakdown by the time it was removed, it was just. so. gross.

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