Thursday, September 02, 2010

Llena de Amor #18 Wed 9/1/10 "Is That a Grenade in your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me"

Emanuel yells at Mauricio, telling him to respect Marianela and to keep his distance. Maury makes a snide comment about the only thing Marianela keeps in her bed is a snake. Emanuel realizes "fuiste tu" and he goes in for a punch. Andre pulls his best friend off Maury and tells Emanuel that Maury isn't worth it.

Netty is hysterical, she's all wound up, telling Emiliano that he thinks she's a terrible woman and he probably thinks that she wants Mari to get her inheritance in order for Netty to get her hands on the money. Emiliano assures her that this isn't the case and to prove it he's going to make sure that Mari gets the inheritance from her mother the very next day.

Emanuel is worked up over his altercation with Maury. He starts talking to himself and when he refers to Mari as his gordita hermosa he surprises himself. He begins to question what Mari means to him. What's happening with her?

Oliver gets a phone call from Brandon. He tells Gladiola and the other women who hang out with her that Brandon's been reinstated with the police. The women are elated, but Gladiola begins to shout about Fedra and her threat (rather a buzz kill to the previous moment, IMO)...if she raises a hand against Brandon, well nothing can save him she worries (WOW! this woman can turn her emotions around on a dime---this entire scene was literally a minute long).

Netty and Emiliano fill Mari in on the plan to get her the inheritance. The three share a group hug and Fedra picks that time to arrive home. She sees them and she demands to know what's going on.

Emanuel tries to convince himself that all he's doing is defending Mari because so many people want to inflict pain. He reminds himself that she is his cousin and he reflects back to their younger years when they played together. Kristal and Ilitia barge in and disrupt his walk down memory lane. The harpies are, well they are harping. It seems that Mari being a model has set them into a tizzy.

Brandon gives Muneca a ride and he asks who she's looking for. She tells him it is her chauffeur, Fidel. She fills him in on Fidel being fired by Ilitia. Brandon makes a comment about Ilitia and her whims and Muneca says, "yes she's whimsical and silly, but she's not a bad person". She gets out of the car and tells Brandon that she needs to go see her children. She walks over to a crowd of kids and starts hugging them. Brandon is surprised to hear her refer to other children and he wonders just how many kids does she have?

Lorenzo goes to see his baby momma, but gets cold feet after he rings the doorbell.

Netty tries to explain to Fedra why she is there, but Fedra only wants to know why she hasn't left her house. Netty takes umbrage at this and is quick to point out that the house is rightfully Mari's.

Emanuel tells the to harpies to back off of Mari. He actually calls them turkey vultures (zopilotes). They are offended---by both his message and his terminology. He reminds them of what they did at the boutique. Kristal tries to pass it off as a mistake. Ilitia is more focused on why Mari got to be a model. The harpies end up telling our hero that his business is going to suffer if he uses models like Mari. Emanuel continues to defend Mari and he reminds Kristal that she is their cousin. The shrews question his judgment in using Mari and Kristal even pulls out the "this is daddy's business" card. Ilitia says she should be getting the jobs because she's a top model. Emanuel tells them that he gave the client exactly what they were looking for, an appealing plus sized model, not some skinny, insipid model like Ilitia. She is none too pleased to hear this.

Muneca has brought fruit to the kids, in what appears to be an orphanage. Brandon likes how giving she is, but wonders how such a great woman could have a daughter like Ilitia.

Lorenzo's baby momma (can't remember her name) has a phone call from her friend Jacky in Italy. She makes it sound that things are going well, but we can see that's not true. She learns that Jacky will be coming back to Mexico. They'll get together then.

Fedra is offended and she calls Eva a drunk. Emiliano yells at the women to stop, but directs most of it at Fedra. Fedra wants Netty to scram and Netty questions how Emiliano could be married to this woman. Fedra launches herself at Netty, threatening to kill her. Emiliano holds his wife back. Netty agrees to leave, but she tells Fedra that after tomorrow, things are going to change. Netty heads out and Emiliano follows. Benigno is watching from a distance and he notices that Netty appears upset. Emiliano offers to take Netty home, but she insists he stay with not leave her alone with Fedra. Emiliano tries to assure her that Mari isn't in danger with Fedra. Netty is not convinced and she urges him to make sure that Mari is protected. Emiliano agrees and he asks Benigno to take Netty home.

With Emiliano and Netty gone, Fedra pounces on Mari. She wants to know what's going on with Emiliano and Netty. Mari tells her she doesn't know. In the course of their altercation, Mari drops some chocolate and Fedra crushes it with her foot. Mari is upset...that was her chocolate. Fedra tells her that nothing in the house is hers, she better get used to it. Emiliano comes back into the house and catches the end of this conversation.

Brandon spots Fidel walking down the street where the orphanage is located. Fidel spots Muneca and he's happy.

Emiliano tells Fedra that there is no reason for to be acting like this....her insinuation are absurd. He won't tolerate her abuse of Mari. Fedra says now you are giving me orders, well be prepared to spend the rest of your nights sleeping on the floor of my bedroom. Emiliano yells after her and Fedra tells him to go to hell. Mari is upset to see what's going on with them.

Benigno and Netty talk about what's going on with Mari and Fedra. Netty tells him the good news about Emiliano getting Mari her inheritance.

Fidel tells Brandon how great that Muneca is as a boss. Brandon says that she's been looking for Fidel and that makes him even happier. Muneca finishes up with the kids and she's happy to see Fidel. She asks him to come back to work.

Fedra wants to know why Emiliano is going to give Mari her inheritance. She's not able to change Emiliano's mind. Emiliano wants the whole family to be there, even Netty. He wants Fedra to behave like a lady. Fedra tells him not to worry. After he leaves, Fedra threatens Netty....obviously for the audience's benefit, since Netty is long gone.

Mari cries, wondering why her parents have left her so alone. Doris arrives and gives Mari a hug.

Emanuel finishes filming what appears to be a dog food commercial being hawked by an alien (Andre). Ilitia and Emanuel make plans to spend some time together.

Emiliano tells his uncle, el general, about his plans for tomorrow. Don Maximo tries to offer up a warning, but Emiliano isn't having any part of it. Don Maximo decides he needs to take action, and only hopes it won't be too late.

Once she's at home, Muneca tells Brandon he's her guardian angel and thanks him for his help. Muneca explains to Fidel about what happened with the attempted carjacking and how Brandon's grenade saved the day. Brandon pulls the grenade out of his pocket and the look on his face makes it appear that he's nuts. Fidel cautiously warns him that those things are dangerous. Muneca is surprised to see it in her house. Brandon turns to Fidel, with the grenade in his outstretched hand just as Ilitia and Emanuel arrive---this doesn't look good.

Bernardo is following Netty.

Everyone starts talking to Brandon like you would talk to someone standing on the edge of a building, poised to jump. Brandon tells them not to worry, this is only a small gift to Muneca. It looks like he's going to pull the pin, everyone ducks. Brandon shows them it is only a lighter. Ilitia is upset and demands that he leave. Muneca scolds her daughter, Brandon is her guest and he's staying for dinner. Lovely!!

Fedra does a happy dance on her bed. She feels as if she's won against Eva Pavon.....she's six feet under with the worms and Fedra is above ground, celebrating that she's got Eva's money.

Ilitia insults Brandon and he says that he doesn't want to be the cause of Ilitia's indigestion. Emanuel and Brandon taunt each other and it gets a little out of hand. Muneca steps between them before it escalates too far. She is able to surmise that they know each other. Emanuel says that Brandon is just upset because he was disciplined because of Ilitia's complaint. Brandon informs him that he's being reinstated. Brandon apologizes to Muneca, but he won't be staying for dinner. He gives Muneca the grenade and leaves.

Netty goes to see the lawyer. She fills him in on what's supposed to happen tomorrow. She invites him to join the family.

Don Maximo questions Mari about Doris. She tells him that Doris is her friend. She's there because Mari needs her help. Doris is a make-up artist and she can change a person's look. Don Maximo isn't too receptive to this idea. Mari tries to explain that Doris is Netty's neighbor, but this fails to impress him. Benigno comes into help, and Don Maximo realizes that this is an ambush (emboscada). He's to be the one getting a new look.

When Netty leaves the lawyers office, Bernardo attempts to run her over with his car. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for Netty, the lawyer is able to push her out of harm's way from the car, but she's hurt from him knocking her down. As she's on the ground a doctor comes to help out and when he sees it is Netty, he demands to know who is this guy.

Ilitia continues to insult Brandon even after he's left. Emanuel tells Ilitia he doesn't like the way she's been talking to her mother. Ilitia wonders if Emanuel is now going to defend Brandon. Emanuel tells his girlfriend that he and Brandon had a row (bronca), but not about what happened at the airport. Ilitia wants to know what caused their row. Emanuel explains it off as sometimes people just don't get along. Ilitia realizes that the story behind Brandon and Emanuel has to do with defending Mari. She wonders if Emanuel is jealous of Brandon regarding Marianela. END OF EPISODE


No time to read recap this a.m. but the title is wonderful, Cathy! You've got me laughing on my way to work.

Ah, a work from home day, sipping coffee and a wonderful recap by Cathy. Great way to start the day!

Loved your title! The mystery of that darn grenade was solved (couldn't figure out how a suspended policeman had a grenade.) Too bad Brandon is more slated to be with her Royal Brattiness. He and Muneca might have made a good pair. Love to see her with the kids and how she treated Fidel. This woman deserves so much better than Lorenzo.

I'm actually thinking that somehow Fedra isn't going to win out with her plan to get Mari's money. Think Emi is going to find that folder of fake receipts?

Eman starting to ask himself what Mari means to him??? Yes, he's moving towards the light...

Can't wait to see the make-over...that was so sweet of Mari to do that.

Cathy, I can't read this yet either but had to share the laugh with you tip of the hat to Mae West's old line.

Thanks, Cathy, for a wonderful recap and a perfect title. Well done.

I felt badly for Begoña as she was tearfully lying to her friend. Hard to see where this is going,though.

I was so glad to see this side of Muñeca. I think that this actress is beautiful and was hating that she was portrayed as a poor pitiful poopy, suicidal over a faithless rat-bastard husband. She is a real gem amidst some very tacky rhinestones.

Loved the grenade. Brandon has just that right crazy edginess to carry it off.

Poor General. They are tampering with his persona.

I marvel at Ilitia. I even enjoyed her chewing on poor beleaguered Manny. She is just like a Jack Russell Terrier, cute but insufferable.


Great title!!

Carlos, are you developing a crush on Ilitia? You like those salvageable, bratty girls don't you?

OK guys, don't get mad at me but my favorite scene was Fedra's monologue or diatribe or whatever it was on her bed. She was awesomely nasty and wow, very limber.

Cathy, I forgot to say how much I enjoyed your terrific recap. How rude of me!

Sylvia, over the years I've had a number of young patients very much like Ilitia, and somehow they always seem to evolve into caring women and devoted mothers. Beats me how to explain the transformations.

Thanks for pointing up Fedra's over the top scene. She is a delight to watch. Sadly, I don't see her as being salvageable, but I hope she has a long run. Right now, she's the bent straw that stirs this bittersweet drink.


Cathy- What a fun recap! I actually enjoyed this episode. Maybe because there was minimal contact between Mari and the haters (Ilitia, Kristel, Mauricio, and Fedra), although I did cringe when Fedra had Mari pinned to the wall. I was yelling for Emiliano to hustle back inside the house! :) Oh well!

Sylvia- I also chuckled during Fedra's limber, evil monologue. It was funny. When she's not harrassing Mari (or pole dancing), I actually enjoy seeing Fedra oozing her particular brand of evilness.

And I agree that it was nice to see Muneca in a situation where she was happy, appreciated and not begging for love. Now we need a nice older gentleman to come sweep her off her feet.

Carlos- I also felt very sad for baby-mama Begona. She needs to wake up to what a creep Lorenzo is and either totally move on with her life without him, or sue him for child support and cause major scandal for him.

Carlos, you really have a way with words.

Yep, I think Fedra's toast but I see her hanging in there until the bitter end.

I have been hating Fedra, appropriately, she is such a nasty piece of work but this episode was a real showcase of her melodramatic over the top talents and yes, that bed dance was such FUN! I think now I can watch more of this with more humor as she becomes an arm pinching, pinching wretch against the poor gordita when her husband or son aren't watching. I am thrilled that Muñeca is developing as a strong character to add sweetness to the mix. Too many bitches spoil the brew. But don't they make if laughable.

Terrific recap, Cathy; thanks. It was very amusing.

Fedra really outdid herself in that Miss Hannigan act. It was perfect. She is so crazy. I'm also starting to suspect that maybe she won't get away with her plot to take Mari's money. Actually, I could see it going either way. If she doesn't get the money, she'll be hellbent on continuing to torture Mari to get it somehow, and also just out of bitterness and jealousy, and we must keep the villain antagonizing the lead up to the end. But if she does succeed, Netty will go on a rampage against her.

Emanuel's and Ilitia's relationship makes me laugh. He goes straight from insulting her to smooching. When she goes on her snobby jealous tirades he mostly just laughs at her. Emanuel seems like one of those people who finds everything other than outright evil amusing.

I'm hoping this is a turning point for Muñeca. Maybe she will accept that her husband is an idiot loser and stop trying to obtain his love and attention, and focus on the good relationships she does have, spending more time with orphans and people who appreciate her like Brandon. She did seem to perk up a bit when spending time with Brandon; I think it did her a lot of good to survive a scary situation and have someone pay attention to her and treat her well. She seemed so delighted with the gift of the grenade lighter.

Thanks Cathy. All the craziness from Fedra/Netty at each other to Brandon brandishing his lighter to the General fixing to get a makeover was a lot of fun.

Why did Marianela decide the General needs a makeover? She hates the way everyone has been mocking her appearance, yet she's going to critique someone else's? I agree that he needs a new look, but that she would organize an ambush seems strange to me.

Cathy – you hit it out of the park with your title! And your zippy recap was fun. Thank you so much!

I’d add one weensy factoid I thought was interesting: Emanuel told Kristel that the reason she isn’t automatically hired by their father’s agency is that her father wanted her to make it on her own. I had been wondering before why she didn’t work there.

Julia – I too was really taken aback at Marianela ambushing the general for the same reasons you give. If that’s the way he wants to look, leave him alone. Plus I like his shaggy look…

I was interested in Muneca’s comment that Ilitia isn’t really a bad person. I’m guessing that’s a redemption alert, but for me anybody who would tease someone so cruelly, and also be so dismissive of her mother’s suicide attempts doesn’t really fall in the category of “not a bad person.”

I’m with the rest of you on Begona’s phone conversation with her distant friend. It was very moving and poignant.

I was thinking about Maricio last night, how he has no context. He’s just there. We haven’t seen a family, home or friends.

I wish they’d use thoughtbubbling more – all these people talking aloud to themselves is pretty odd.

Maggie, I liked what Emanuel said to Kristel and Ilitia when they were at the agency being harpy brats: Sure, you two can have a chance to be in the advertisements. Just bring in your photos and résumés and get in line and audition with the others.

He's just so darn reasonable, no wonder they can't deal with him.

Also, if Ilitia is such a TOP MODEL as she keeps telling everyone, why would she want to be in this agency's horrible ads? Wouldn't the big glitzy places be coming to her with offers, if she were really all that?

As for the good person assessments, I think that people are good inasmuch as they do good, and bad inasmuch as they do bad. People are a mix of both, at some point on the spectrum. I find it irritating when people do something awful and say "but I'm a good person!" as though that means what they did doesn't count.

I know some of you find Fedra amusing, but last night took the cake for me. When she was hitting Mari, that was downright abuse. I can't stand abuse in any shape, form, or fashion. It is why I disliked Carmelo in Mi Pecado so much. As someone who suffered through emotional and mental abuse when younger, this crap pouring out of Fedra's mouth, as well as Ilitia and Kristel, is too much. I guess Mari is stronger than I was because it seems she tossing it over her shoulder. But, no matter the outward appearance, inwardly it still has to hurt. She needs to get a backbone and let Fedra have it. I was yelling at the screen last night for Mari to hit or kick Fedra as hard as she could. Instead, she just cowered against the wall. Mari is not used to people being so ugly and violent. Both is her world getting shaken up, badly and in a hurry.

Late comment, but I just wanted to thank Maggie and Julia for adding a bit more to the Emanuel and Ilitia/Kristal conversation. I have to admit for time's sake, I didn't dwell over their conversation, but I did miss some pretty important points. It is good to know that Emiliano isn't quite so willing to raise children with silver spoons in their mouths. Oh, how Kristal must hate the fact that daddy isn't handing her a career on a silver platter.

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