Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Llena de Amor #22 Tue 9/7/10 Smoking can kill, kids.

Also, our protagonists have a little chat about the birds and the bees and then spend the rest of the episode in bed together! Really! Also also, who knew there were so many words for swine?

Episode 22.

So yesterday, Marianela was crying in her bedroom and Emanuel was trying to get her to open the door. He threatened to get a cadena (chain) and candado (padlock) and chain himself to her doorknob if she didn’t open. I’d have let him do it, but after telling herself out loud that he must NEVER know she is in love with him, she finally opens the door. I wonder at what stage of development she will realize that other people can hear her, even when she is talking to herself.

Muñeca lolls in bed, too distraught to bother with life. She tells Flora she just doesn’t know what to do, seeing as how Lorenzo has an amante. Flora thinks getting out of bed and showering would be a good start. She finally convinces Muñeca that the orphanage children need her, so she has to get up.

Lorenzo is at the office, where his secretary announces the arrival of his favorite model, Begoña. He wishes Begoña would just be gone, ya. She’s amazed at the way his wife acts like she owns him and was so open about his failings, without empacho (embarrassment). Or maybe Lorenzo is the one who is supposed to have empacho, because his wife supports him financially. Lorenzo thinks Begoña is just after money, but she insists she does not want money. She did not get involved with him for money or to further her career, but because she fell in love with him and hoped they would have a future together. To her credit, she readily admits that this was stupid. But she hasn’t learned anything. She still wants him to be with her, so they can be all lovey-dovey and their son can have his father. She promises his wife will never find out about their relationship. I believe that ship has sailed. He tells her to get lost. She says if he won’t play her way, he’ll find out how far she can go. He will end up losing everything.

Emanuel asks Mari what’s going on. Why was she so upset? She says she was just mad because she dropped the glass, after she made his favorite energy juice just for him! He’s touched at her efforts and says he’d love to try the juice. But was she really mad about that, or about what Ilitia said?

Brandon and Oliver argue about Ilitia, and Javier asks Brandon if he really abused her like the tabloid says. Brandon assures Javier that he would never do such a thing; Ilitia just hates him, maybe because he doesn’t have a galán face or because he’s poor; he’s not sure why. Javier asks if they’re going to send him to jail. Gladiola walks in. “They’re going to put you in jail?”

Netty, Doris, and the other couple are still in the elevator, choking on smoke. Netty thinks it’s a bomb in the shopping bag. She pushes all the buttons trying to get the doors to open, but they don’t. Doris tries to pry the doors apart and says they’re atorada (stuck). The guy tries but he can’t move them either. They’re all getting sick.

Emanuel grills Marianela about why she felt uncomfortable when he and Ilitia were kissing. “See, Mari, when a man and a woman like each other very much…” he starts off, trying not to laugh. “Yeah, yeah, stop, I know,” says Mari. He apologizes, saying he wasn’t sure how sheltered she was with the nuns. She says it’s not that; she knows he and Ilitia are together, it’s just… Then she conveniently has trouble breathing, so he helps her lie down and try to relax.

Kristel and Mauricio are returning from their jog. Kristel has the most prissy princess gait I have ever seen. André comes out of the house with his lady of the hour; this one is Diana. She is very pretty, and Mauricio gives her a good look up and down, earning a smack from Kristel. André claims they are actually engaged, and will marry very soon. Who knew Mauricio and Kristel could be diplomatic, but they actually do not comment on this. André tells them that Emanuel said they could use the house for a photo shoot of Diana. She needs pictures for the club beauty contest. Kristel is not pleased to have the competition. Diana and Kristel size each other up while Mauricio pulls André aside and says privately that he thought he had another girlfriend, Rebeca, who was also entering the contest. André says Rebeca had to leave town and drop out of the contest, and Diana doesn’t know about her, got it? Mauricio agrees he also knows nothing about Rebeca, and they make a bet as to whose arm candy will win.

The unknown lady in the elevator has fainted. The others are still choking and worrying that they will die. Bernardo pushes an emergency alarm button in some service corridor and gloats that by the time they are found, they will be dead. Some security guys try to chase him.

Oliver teases Brandon that he and Ilitia look like novios in the magazine photo. Brandon tells him to shut up. Brandon decides that if Ilitia wants war, she is going to get a war. He’s going to the magazine to tell them his side of the story! Gladiola tells Oliver to go with him and stop him from doing anything foolish. Oliver says he’ll try, but she knows how her son is. Javier is still there. Who does Javier belong to? Has anyone ever said?

Doris and the man are now unconscious; only Netty is still barely holding on and saying she can’t die. She has to stick around to protect Marianela! And…she’s out. The security guys finally get the doors open.

Mauricio is taking the photos of a bikini-clad Diana. He’s got the skeezy photographer act down cold. He’s actually straddling Diana in order to take close-ups of her face. André does not approve. “What are you doing? These are supposed to be photos for the contest, not for a porn mag.” He takes the camera and proceeds to do exactly the same thing Mauricio was doing. Diana smiles prettily.

Kristel and Ilitia are nearby, but ignoring them. Kristel says she is sorry to have to tell Ilitia this, but her suspicions about Emanuel and Marianela may in fact be true.

Mari is still having trouble breathing. Emanuel tries to help by freaking out and rubbing her hands. He decides to go for a medic. She begs him to stay, and says “help me, help me” until he finds her inhaler right there in her pocket. She breathes in some medicine in a way Ferro surely wouldn’t approve of. Emanuel hugs her until she feels better.

Gretel and Axel are huddled on the floor in his room, both crying. She says she tried to talk to Dad, but he doesn’t seem ready to listen and understand Axel. Axel says it doesn’t matter. He’s decided he’s going to tell everyone the whole truth today. They’ll find out eventually anyway, and it will only be worse if they hear from someone else. Gretel fusses that he should wait until they think of a better solution. He says he can’t wait. She has no idea what it’s like to live a double life! “You do?” she asks. “What are you talking about?”

Ilitia and Kristel continue kvetching about Emanuel’s attentions to Marianela. Today’s insult: Lechoncita (filthy little pig). They decide that Emanuel just likes to do social work to feel better, and the more ugly and amorphous the subject of his charity, the more benevolent he feels. Yes, that’s it. Besides, says Ilitia, she has no reason to feel jealous, now that she and Eman are enjoying their honeymoon. “Finally?!” says Kristel. Ilitia elaborates, and Kristel seems to enjoy hearing the details of her brother’s intimate life.

Axel has come down off his ledge and lost his nerve. He leaves the house with Gretel, telling her he was just being dramatic; he’s just worried because he was suspended from school and doesn’t want their parents to find out. She says everyone hides secrets. He wonders what hers is. She doesn’t tell him, just says to trust her because she has one more card to play.

Hurricane Brandon blows into the offices of TV y Novelas and tells the editor if he doesn’t fix the problems he’s caused, he will be sorry.

Mauricio ogles Diana and thought bubbles something about humiliating Ilitia and sticking it to Emanuel.

Hilariously, there is an ad for TV y Novelas during the break.

Back in the office of TV y Novelas, Brandon yells that the magazine is filth and ruins people’s lives! The guy tries to defend himself, but Brandon is not having it. Because of these false reports, Ilitia lost her job, and he is probably losing his as well! The editor claims the photo proves Brandon molested her, but he says it proves nothing of the sort. He saved lots of people’s lives! Now editor thinks he just wants attention for his heroics, but saintly Brandon just wants to help people. That’s what he does. So the editor had better make things right so he can keep doing his job, or Brandon will take this to the press AND to court.

Ilitia says to Kristel that she heard Marianela is inheriting money; is it a lot? Kristel says the fortune is as big as Mari is, probably, because Tio Luis Felipe was swimming in money. Probably Mari will go buy a chocolate factory first thing. Ilitia thinks she should get liposuction first, but probably Mari thinks her fat looks good. After all, she did enter the beauty contest. Kristel says no, Mari knows they are going to make fun of her. Mauricio has it all under control. Ilitia cheers for this. She’s looking forward to showing that marrana (dirty hog) what’s what. They smirk and toast.

So, Emanuel didn’t know that Marianela was asthmatic. He thought she was having a heart attack. She convinces him that she dropped the glass and ran away because she felt an asthma attack coming on. No, no, she wasn’t upset that he was kissing Ilitia, not at all. In fact, he should get back to his novia. They agree that they will always be best friends. Marianela starts to cry as Emanuel is leaving, and he decides that best friends can’t leave each other all sad, so he coaxes her back to her bed and snuggles in beside her, taking off his shoes to get comfy. Mari looks decidedly NOT comfy.

Brandon tells his airport story to a reporter while a photographer takes shot after shot after shot of him. “Why so many photos? I’m not Ricky Martin,” says Brandon. The editor tells him that his story will be in the next edition. “Ha, take that, Ilitia,” he thinks. “You will get a spoonful of your own chocolate.” Let’s hope it has lots of calories.

Lorenzo goes to Begoña’s apartment and is taken aback when she opens the door holding the baby. She wants him to hold his son, but he won’t even look at the child. He asks why she hid her pregnancy from him. She says she was afraid that he would try to make her get rid of the baby, but her child is the best gift ever. She raves about how happy she was when she first held him in her arms and how much she loves her little baby, as Lorenzo reminisces about happily holding Ilitia (I assume) when she was a baby. He looks thoughtful.

Fedra tries to calm Muñeca, who is still crying about Lorenzo’s betrayal. Fedra pretends to be astonished that Lorenzo is cheating on her. “The worst part is that she pretended to be a friend!” says Muñeca.

Lorenzo is now hesitantly waving and smiling at the baby, behind Begoña’s back and from across the room. When Begoña turns around, he instantly goes straight-faced and asks what the kid’s name is. She says he doesn’t have one yet, because they should decide together. She starts smooching on Lorenzo’s neck and…doing something else, fortunately off screen, but he starts jumping around like grease on a hot griddle…and tells him she’s fine with him living with another woman for money, and she’ll forgive him for having other lovers while she was away, because she loooooves him. He breaks away and says he wants a paternity test, and if the baby is really his, then they’ll see.

Bernardo storms into the kitchen in a dark mood, yells at Nereida, and pours lemonade so distractedly that most of it goes all over his hand and the floor. Nereida tells him that if this is how he is going to treat her, then she is going to return the sentiment the next time he shows up in her bedroom. Curses, he mutters. He snarls that the little puppet has managed to escape from him again.

Doris and Netty are in the hospital, groggy but alive. Netty marvels that she has slipped out of Death’s clutches yet again. Doris says she really thought she was going to die. She saw a light at the end of a tunnel and everything. Netty tells her not to mention the light, or the eight rooms, or any of that. They’re alive. {Does anyone know what the eight rooms is about?}

Fedra tries not to flip out as Muñeca tells her about the Other Woman. She does get all indignant, but sells it as being on Muñeca’s behalf. She insists that Muñeca has to find out every last detail about this woman. Muñeca sobs that she can never forgive what Lorenzo has done to her. “What are you talking about?” Emiliano asks as he comes down the stairs.

Emanuel is still relaxing and patting Mari’s leg, and Mari is looking anything but relaxed. He brings up the beauty contest and says they’re just planning to mock her. She says she knows. “Well, then promise me you’re not going to compete,” he urges. She feels trapped, because if she doesn’t compete, Mauricio will tell! Emanuel will know that she likes him! This will be the worst thing imaginable!

Agent Orange is receiving accolades for his mysterious strategies down by the pool. He won’t tell Kristel and Ilitia his secret, but says he has a way of getting Marianela to do whatever he wants.

Lorenzo remembers his sudsy rendezvous with Fedra and says she is the only one he wants, the only one he would leave everything for, and the only one he cannot have completely.

Muñeca tries to tell Emiliano that she’s just upset about foolish everyday marriage stuff. He says one doesn’t attempt suicide over silly little things, and she’s tried several times. It must be something serious. He wants to help. Fedra sits there thinking that he is going to pay. She tells Emiliano that it’s ridiculous for him to keep acting like Muñeca’s novio when he ditched her years ago. All Muñeca needs is her good friend Fedra. Delicia tells Fedra the phone is for her. Some strange guy who says he’s her stylist.

André and Diana leave, and André gives Mauricio the camera to return to Emanuel. I’m guessing those photos are going to take a detour. Ilitia decides to go find Emanuel. Kristel asks Mauricio what happened between him and Marianela when they were locked in the bathroom. What hold does he have over her? What does he know that is keeping her from telling people what he did? He dives into the pool to avoid her questions.

Marianela won’t agree to stay out of the competition. Emanuel can’t figure out why she would want to be in it and asks who is pressuring her to do it.

Doris and Netty talk about the dog that Juan Pastor said was out to get Netty. But this wasn’t a dog, it was a man; they saw him. The doctor comes back and gives them medicine and says the gas was very poisonous and they could die within a week.

Fedra agrees to go see her “stylist” and “try the fabulous dress.” Emiliano doesn’t like her spending so much time with that man, but Fedra giggles that he’s hardly a man, if they know what she means, and she makes some comment about him that gets censored (but the captions don’t censor it. He “no tiene ni pelo, bueno, ni una pluma”). Muñeca decides that she’ll accompany Fedra to see the stylist. A new dress is just what she needs to cheer herself up!

Marianela doesn’t want to talk about the pageant any more. Emanuel figures out that Mauricio is coercing her, and demands to know what that orange pig is up to. Mari looks away, and he leans in and touches her cheek to make her look at him, just as Ilitia bursts in. Ilitia screams. Emanuel calmly looks at her like she’s nuts.

Tomorrow: Brandon and Emanuel try to mark their territory. Emanuel hugs Marianela while Ilitia yells at him.


Most excellent, Julia, and FAST! Since you’re on the west coast like me, you probably got it at 9:00 too, so I’m amazed your recap is up already.. I didn’t realize soccer was going to take over, so I missed it. Drat and double drat! But you saved the day for me.

Did Axel really climb out on a ledge, or was that figurative?

I’m sorry I missed the trip to TV y Novelas. I’m amazed they’re letting themselves be slammed the way they are in this show.

Julia, what a perfect title! You were in your usual fine form. My favorite lines were: "Let’s hope it has lots of calories" and "He wishes Begoña would just be gone, ya."

Lorenzo's flashback of holding Ilitia as a baby and his cooing over his son made him seem well, almost..human. I'm not worried. It won't last. He'll soon be slithering around like the snake he truly is.

Except for Bernardo's continual (and thankfully unsuccessful) attempts to murder Netty, there isn't a lot of plot substance here. I think the actors are doing everything possible with the rather thin storylines to keep this going. It doesn't hurt that they are very appealing. Of course, the masterful recappers here weave silk out of straw, so...


Not much in the plot movement department last night, but I so enjoyed your recap Julia. Too too much with Ilitia and Kristel last night. I think we get it that they hate Mari, have numerous names they can call her, etc. Thank s for filling in their conversations because I kept switching to US open tennis whenever their faces came on the screen.

Lorenzo was so funny last night. I love the way the actor uses his body and face to really say so much more than words could ever do. Waving at the baby behind Begona's back - hysterical. But, dude, really?? You need to take a deep breath, stand Fedra next to Begona, and then honestly say you want Fedra more. Has to be the cash...

Poor Mari. When Eman jumped back into the bed and kicked off his shoes, she looked like she wanted to shrink into the mattress. And when her Royal Brattiness walked in, he didn't even flinch. Loved it!!

And can I just say, I am so loving Brandon. I was willing to give Armando a break after MP, but he has surpassed my expectations. Glad Doris and Netty made it, but wait until Bernie finds out they are alive and well...

Hi Miss Julia. Like everyone else, loved the catchy title. Also the red-highlighted embedded vocabulary. "Empacho" is a new word for me so much appreciated.

I wish the writers would stop flipping Muñeca's character around. One minute she's a sniveling defeated wretch, the next a loving orphanage benefactor, the next a cool and collected power woman facing up to both her husband and his lover and holding all the cards, and then boom! a defeated wretch again who can't get out of bed without help. Granted we humans have big ups and downs, but usually in these telenovelas, they write a person's character very consistently. Fedra, for example, has never been anything other than hideous.

Oh well. Like many of you, I have trouble watching women cry and wring their hands like helpless victims.

Begoña seems very clever. Having seen than angry confrontation gets Lorenzo's back up, she's switched tactics and it seems to be working. As for Fedra, I guess we're supposed to believe that her sexual prowess (professional past?) is what has Emiliano and Lorenzo so smitten with her charms.

In near death literature there's nothing about eight rooms so I think what Netty said when Doris was talking about the tunnel and the light was "ni que ocho cuartos" (lit. eight fourths, fig. no way! not possible!). So when Doris mentioned that death seemed near, Netty shrieks "No way...don't even think about it!"

"Ni que ocho cuartos" gets said a lot in these telenovelas and it puzzled me for a long time. Just part of the fun ferreting out the meaning of these phrases.

Julia thank you so much for the recap and translations of various ways to say pig. Very funny.

Axel needs to just move on out of that house. I bet there is a room for him over at Netty's. Fedra said he would do what she wanted as long as he lived under her roof, well, I am just saying. Also it is really Mari's roof.

Judy B.,I so agree that the writers are very inconsistent with Muneca's character. It is like she has numerous split personalities. I would like to see her settle into the feisty one at the dinner table with the caring one at the children's home. The writers have her character so all over the place it is impossible to see who she really is.

I am wondering why Bernardo tripped the emergency switch at all if he didn't want them to be found alive. He almost got caught doing it. It makes no sense.

And why would Mari think that Emanuel would believe anything that orange boy said anyway.

Very funny, Julia. Nice job...

For me Lorenzo stole the show reacting to baby Lorenzo. Close behind was Fedra's processing of the details Muñeca was relating concerning Lorenzo's infidelity. No doubt we'll be treated to more guilty squirming from him. I wonder if he's seen her visual with the cigar cutter?

I noticed in the preview that Marianela has finally gotten some normal clothes.


Good grief, I don't know how people recap 9:00 shows every week. It's hard for me to understand English, much less Spanish, by the end of the late shows.

Maggie, the ledge was figurative. Axel and Muñeca actually seem very similar to me. They both have a big something to deal with, and they work themselves into a bit of bravura and get all sassy, but then they can't maintain the momentum and slide back into sad indecisiveness. They both have a line to cross, but if they do it, they can't go back, and they're not sure they're ready for everything to change, because as bad as their present lives are, it's a familiar bad, not a scary unknown possible bad.

I couldn't figure out why Bernardo pulled the alarm either. Was it a different alarm, like he was trying to divert the security guys away from the elevator to another part of the mall? Who knows?

Judy, thanks for the info about ocho cuartos. I had no clue.

Julia – thank you for the explanation about the ledge bit, and for your very insightful thoughts on Axel and Gretel’s states of mind.

Also, I forgot to mention that I loved the title. I can’t believe you got your recap up so fast – I too couldn’t handle a 9:00 show. 7:00 is a heckuva lot easier.

Also, off-topic and just for you: I’m sorry I gave away the plot line to La Fea and I hope I didn’t spoil your fun. The usual telenovela plot line is Evil people try to thwart lovers and in the end, they get theirs and the lovers get a boda. Fea’s is a big improvement on that, and I thought they wasted a good story by not using it at all in Ugly Betty. Enjoy!

Oh, not to worry, Maggie. I certainly don't expect to be unspoiled about a show most people have already seen. That won't ruin it for me at all.

I'm glad our side characters are amusing and even Lorenzo has some humanity. I'm having a hard time rooting for Marianela. She's driving me nuts. I like a protagonista with some spunk and a sense of humor.

Great recap, thanks for the shout out! I didn't watch last night, but I guarantee I would have been disgusted by Mari's inhaler use. On top of my previous gripes, there isn't an asthmatic in the world that would not be able to get their own inhaler. Just ludicrous. As soon as the feeling starts, that thing is in your hand ready to go, like a cowboy's pistol.

Thank you for the recap. Boy, I am REALLY starting to dig Axel- Diego Amozurrutia, he's turning out to be a great actor, from MP to this? Yay! :D And ayyy do I wish I coulda seen Ilitia's face when she walked in. Hopefully I can watch the show tonight! Thanks again.

Hahahaha! Another great title! Julia, huge kudos to you for recapping this LATE show and keeping your spunk in vinegar intact throughout. Hard to believe you were getting tired at all.

I love the character of Brandon. Armando and his brother are absolutely overflowing with charisma.

Everyone has pointed out my favorite details, but I will say I sure appreciated your vocab words, lots of new ones, and enjoyed all the new words for pig. Nice character analysis of Axel and Muneca. Sometimes these weaklings turn out to have the strongest backbones. I hope it's true for both of them because I like them a lot. Axel needs to move the heck out of hell house.

I also thought it odd that The Mask pulled the alarm; I figured he was trying to divert attention away from the elevator but who knows.

Thanks Julia!

Heh, my word verification was dimseste. Is that when two dummies do it? Like Mau and Kristel?

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