Thursday, September 09, 2010

Llena de Amor #23 Wed 9/8/10 Llena de quickie recap

Tonight is Cathy's night off and the title sez it all. If you have anything else to add just throw it in the comments and I'll add it to the recap later.

Ilitia sees Eman in bed with Mari and freaks out, she’s such a whiner. Mari kicks them both out.

Fedra doesn’t want Muneca to visit her stylist Francois (pronounced Frankoeese). Heh, Muni points out isn’t it pronounced Franswaaah? (Yes and this has been bugging me forever. Fedra you are such a peasant.) Kristel interrups them with her funny combo of fresa and english. Call me weird but I think she’s a hoot.

Netty and Doris are all boo hoo we’re gonna die from the poison gas. Doc sez just take the pills and live.

Gretel goes to the police station and her admirer whatzisname is smitten. She wants to ask a favor, she sure is sullen for someone who wants something. She sez it’s his fault her bro got kicked out of school. They argue nose to nose. They are so gonna be together before this show is over. He agrees to help.

Eman tells the family NO WAY is Mari gonna be in the concurso. She shows up and insists she will. They all have an opinion about this. Agent Orange shows up, pushes his weight around and pisses off Emanuel.

The Mask drives Fedra to her tryst with Lorenzo. She ain’t happy that Lorenzo's been cheating on her. She slaps Lo around a bit and tells him that Muni spilled the beans about his other amante. He gets turned on by this and manages to calm her down. What? These two are gross.

Mari and Delicia are talking about mari and Eman of course. Blah blah blah. Mari sez something about Delicia and Axel and Delicia laughs, doesn’t Mari know that Axel is gay? (Se le hace agua a la canoa?) OK looks like everyone knows except the family, so pretty much tracking with real life here.

Axel tells his friend that he’s the only one who understands his anguish. They are interrupted by Fabiola. Friend leaves and Fabi tries to kiss him. He’s repulsed and she says aha you don’t like girls. Luckily Gretel and the cop show up.

In a later scene Fab blabs to some other chick (much nicer it seems but I'm not sure) but I don't know what they said.

Eman tries to talk Mari out of entering the beauty contest. Confide in me Mari, you can trust me.

More gross nasty foreplay and sueltemes and grabass by our creepy couple. OK they’re gonna do it. Bye for now.

Compare to a “cousinly” hug with Eman and Mari, espied by Kristel and Ilitia who freak and shriek. This goes on forever as usual.

Netty and Doris are livin’ it up, come home from a shopping spree and find whatsername crying over her son’s bad press on TV y Novelas.

Cop comes down and sez it’s no use, the rector is harder than stone and flaquito is out of there. Gretel’s not happy but no crankier than usual in my opinion.

Oh I’m gonna hurl. Lorenzo and Fedra are in post coital bliss. Is his hair blacker? She sexily pretends to strangle him, then pulls the scarf tighter. Anyone wanna guess how he’s going to met his maker? Oh hell there they go again. They are just weird trips incorporated.

Mari has a new dress and it’s ghastly. Where did she get it? Not sure. Brandon is downstairs and Eman is irritated. Chest thumping and tie comparing ensues. Brandon has gifts, lots of them, clothing for Mari. Brandon keeps saying “mi” Marianela and Eman hates it.

Delicia flaunts Brandon's gifts in front of Eman. She’s a good pal to Mari dontcha think? Mari wants Brandon to stay. She hugs him and Eman is tortured. The guys glare. Gosh they’re both real cute.

Doris does a Netty makeover and the household oohs and ahhs. She looks the same to me. She and the lawyer have a date with destiny and the entire household greets him at the door. Doris tells her to be careful. Uh oh.

Oh cool, Muneca’s moving out. Correction, they are Lorenzo’s bags and she’s kicking him out. Cooler still if only it would last which it won't.

Fedra puts on her makeup and gives herself a pep talk about the announcement.

Brandon more or less shows off his six pack to Eman and then they bicker a bit. Mari comes down in her new outfit that Brandon bought, slacks and a sweater. Bman whistles, Eman smiles. Eman opens his arms for a hug and she runs by him to Brandon. That was cute. More scenes like that please, thank you writers.

Doorbell rings and everyone shows up all dolled up. Ilitia insults Brandon. Agent Orange and Kristel gloat.

Downstairs The General brandishes his gun. War could break out tonight and he wants to be prepared.

Netty shows up looking all hot and Emilio is smitten. Fedra will be totally ticked of course. OK, it looks like everyone is there and my recording stopped. Wow, tomorrow night should be exciting!


A quickie, maybe, but jam-packed with a month's worth of funny. I don't think you missed a thing, and it was way better than the episode, although I thought this was actually a very entertaining episode.

"Netty and Doris are all boo hoo we’re gonna die from the poison gas. Doc sez just take the pills and live." Great summation. Yeah, that was all a lot of sturm und drang for nothing, wasn't it?

Lots of funny bits in this capitulo. I love Oliver and Gretel together. Her bluster isn't fooling anyone; I suspect they'll be together sooner rather than later.

I still think Delicia would be a better partner for Emanuel than Mari will, but I like that Mari is getting him all steamed up with jealousy.

I, too, find Kristel's way of speaking very amusing. The random words in English for no reason, the arch diction...if she weren't tormenting Marianela, I would probably like her.

Sylvia, I just saw your comment on yesterday's recap. Yes, I think what Kristel and Mauricio do is dimseste, and it should definitely be illegal, because it's bad for the species. Very funny.

Sylvia: This sparkled and shone. You captured the highlights perfectly. In addition to what Julia already noted, I loved "She wants to ask a favor, she sure is sullen for someone who wants something" and "Chest thumping and tie comparing ensues". Excellent!

Aside from any scenes of which Fedra was a prat, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Eman is boyishly enchanting and Brandon is just well, plain hawt. (I'm totally loving the actor). The appreciative, loving looks they gave Mari when she descended the stairs in her new outfit melted my heart. That was some wolf whistle! Sylvia, Mari bypassing Eman to hug Brandon was truly a great scene. Definitely, more of these 3 please!

I agree, Emilio looked captivated when he saw Netty, didn't he? Evora and Flores have amazing chemistry.

Lastly, wasn't that Mauricio's picture on the flip side of the Ilitia/Brandon TV y Novelas issue? The writers are really having fun with this.


You may call this a quickie, but it was fantastic and covered everything.Kudos!!!!

You absolutely nailed it with " Oh I’m gonna hurl. " talking about Lor-dra. And if he sniffed her one more time...just way more nooky with those two than these old eyes needed to see.

Gretel & Oliver - they are so cute and that poor girl should have someone in her life besides her bro who loves her.

I think Netty's "makeover" was basically a new "do". Sexier longer hair. (So was her short hair a wig or is this 'do a wig. Hair doesn't grow that fast!) But I do like the softer look, and so did Emi. Love when these two are paired in a TN.

The best - the whole Brandon/Mari/Eman triangle, with a little Delicia (lord, I love this character) thrown in to stir the pot. Brandon is so open about his affection for Mari which I love and watching Eman fuming was wonderful! The light bulb is turning on!

Now we finally have Mari in some decent clothes, Doris needs to tackle her hair now. Hate those banana curls.

This inheritance ceremony is going to be tough to watch. We know her royal skankiness is going to ruin everything.

Thanks for the comments everyone. Agreed, last night's episode was happenin'. Whoa Diana, was it really Mau's pic on the back of the magazine?? I totally missed that! Good eyes.

I'm pretty sure Netty's got the wig thing going on before and after makeover. Still, it's a good look for her.

Oliver Oliver Oliver, OK I won't forget his name again. Now I just have to get all the names in Netty's household.

Thanks Sylvia. It seems pretty complete to me. I think that Netty actually bought the clothes for Mari. Brandon just brought them over.

That was so funny the doctor saying the poison will kill you in a week but take these pills and live.

Couldn't agree more about Fedra and Lo. The way he kept sniffing her was just too weird. These two just gross me out.

Looks like the general is going to get involved in the party tonight. Should be very interesting.

Excellent, Sylvia. You didn't miss a thing.
Am I the only one who liked Netty's hair better when it was short? The long was really 'wiggy' looking to me.
Oliver and Gretel are really cute together. Let's hope for a sane couple who don't have a hidden agenda. Imagine!

Oh....OK I get it. Netty and Doris went shopping for Mari!! Duh. Thanks Lynda.

Thanks Sylvia, very clever and very funny.

Glad Marianela finally got some suitable togs. I'm also really enjoying the little triangle between Mari, Manny, and Brandon. Poor Manny hasn't even recognized that he is in this competition yet. Brandon, meanwhile is going all out.

Poor Lorenzo certainly has his hands full all of a sudden. It would be a chore keeping any one of those three high maintenance ladies happy. All three? He's going to need help.

Fedra, on the other hand, seems to be easily keeping all her balls in the air.

I'm so hoping that Marianela doesn't enter that beauty contest. Her best bet is to go on a major offensive and admit her feelings for Manny. I can't see how it could hurt.


Slam bam thank you ma'am. I love that style of recap Sharkbait. Thanks.

The hubba hubba gotta have ya scene between Lorenzo and Fedra was just pathetic. Not sexy. Not hot. Alternately sad and funny. I felt bad for the actors and bad for whoever was directing that clumsy scene. Ugh. Worse than Fedra's ungainely dance at the nightclub. This one may end up being even funnier than FELS. After all, Ninel Condé and Niurka could actually shake those thangs pretty well. Not so our Fedra.

Anyway, show aside, your Speedy Gonzales recap was just a delight, Sylvia. Thanks.

Carlos, she'll wind up in the contest. They are playing it up way too much to not have her enter, and of course we can almost imagine what the terrible trio ( or KIM as I think of them- Kristel, Ilitia and Mau) will come up with to try and humiliate her once again.
Your comment on Fedra almost caused my laptop at work to implode as I almost spilled my ice water when I read it. Priceless!!

Thanks Sylvia!

Emilia, I too think that Netty's hair looked better before the make over.

How does Mari expect to keep her crush on Emanuel a secret when she talks about it loudly all over the house? I sort of thought Delicia was trying to sneakily get her to keep saying it, and louder, when they were talking in the kitchen, hoping that Emanuel would overhear, but alas, he was too slow in getting there.

I liked Netty's before look better. I can't stand Mari's headband. That needs to go. At least she has normal clothes now.

Oh, the other girl in the scene with Fabiola was Lorena, who has also been after Axel. Fab told her that she struck out with Axel, so of course he must be gay. {He almost certainly is, but even if he weren't, I don't think Fabiola would have a chance. He can't stand her.}

Fast and super funny, Sylvia – I loved it. I thought last night’s show was a lot of fun.

I’m with the rest of you on Netty’s hair. The earlier do was perkier, this one was droopy. And of course it was odd that a hairdresser can suddenly give you several inches more in length.

Fabiola said she’s leaving to go take advantage of a scholarship somewhere. Of course she was too thick to realize that Axel had zero interest in her, so I hope she does better with academics than with man-reading.

I was impressed that Brandon could do a wolf whistle with just one finger. I’ve never seen that before. Such talent! LOL

I thought Marianela’s new outfit was every bit as dowdy as the maternity clothes. I realize they have to cover the actress’s thin neck and visible collar bones, but there some wonderful tunic tops out there, and they could always add scarves. A mean – black and white???

I thought Mari's new clothes were boring, too, but at least they were normal clothes. I realize they have to cover a lot so we can't see that she's wearing a fat suit, but she could have more style. Maybe they need to start off blah, so they have someplace to go when she develops more confidence and her clothes go along with her character development.

Why does everyone buy clothes and bring them to Mari, instead of taking her out shopping? Don't they think she might want to pick out her own clothes?

I think she should take her fashion cues from Gabi on Gancho. She usually wore full-coverage stuff that was flattering to a curvier figure and would probably work on the larger Mari, and she always looked very chic.

Esta Nove is so silly and exaggerated I love it! I'm happy Marialena is growing some balls, I don't like it when she sits there feeling sorry for herself while everyone laughs at her, it's annoying. I can't wait to see what happens tonight with the Estate!

Claudia – I hope the General has good aim. First Fedra, then Bernardo. The ninny girls aren’t worth shooting, so maybe Marianela could get them jobs as truck-stop waitresses..

I forgot to mention my other favorite scene, Emanuel and Mari in the kitchen:

E: Do you want a hug?
M: No.
E: May I hug you?
M: No.
E: Come on, give me a hug.

And he hugs her, and then Ilitia walks in and shrieks.

Cracks me up how he's so oblivious to his attraction to her, but is so affectionate, and she is in LURVE with him but acting cold and aloof.

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