Saturday, October 30, 2010
Dinero Friday October 29th – Gran Final, Part One – Seven Beautiful Brides for Seven Lucky Guys
And now, after 230 episodes, after accidents on the highway, accidents of love, after devious dirty dealings, after losing it all, after fighting back, little by little, step by step, after lies, tears, schemes and many, many little (somewhat chaste) kisses, we’ve finally arrived at the great day. All our questions will be answered. All the loose ends will be tied up. Could the writers really make a Gran Final so satisfying, so delicious, that we’d forgive them for extending this show longer than just about any other? ¡Por supuesto que sí!
Vicky enters, clad in cast and choker, inquiring why Rafael is making fun of her. But you’re making fun of Ale, by imitating (remendando) her, says Rafa, noticing Vicky’s attire. He then realizes that this is no joke, Vicky was really hurt, and she tells how it happened. She and Marco were following Ale and Rafa, and saw them kissing. Furious, Vicky’s inner devil
suggested they do something to hurt the lovers, such as “borrow” Rafa’s precious car. After Rafa tells the drunk attendant to watch out for the car, he (the attendant) passes out. Our little tricksters scurry over to the car, conveniently unlocked, Marco bends down as if to “hotwire” it, and they’re off. Over the cliff they go (this time we see them flailing away as the car flips) and the captions say mucho ruido (lots of noise). Yes, mucho.
Vicky broke her leg and messed up her neck, so she’ll have to use a cane (férula) and a surgical collar (collarín) for a while. And Marco broke three ribs (poor baby). But what about the Pantera? asks Rafa. Vicky, for once contrite, says they’ll try to fix it, or her father will try to replace it. Rafa’s initially mad, and Marco begs like a baby not to go to jail. Rafa hems and haws a bit, but then agrees. He goes into a long speech about destiny, they didn’t plan this, nobody wanted to hurt Vicky and Marco, but you can’t stop love. He tells Vicky she’s noble and loving, although at times, she did hurt people, such as Jaime. But in the end, Rafa and Ale forgive Vicky and Marco, wish them the best, and the two of them leave.
This leaves Vicky and Marco together. Vicky has finally accepted that her Pajarito is no longer hers. Same with Marco, who feels terrible. But Vicky says they can help each other, and their hands touch in mutual support. Vicky manages a sweet smile as she thanks Marco for rescuing her from the accident, and acting like a gentleman. Marco is grateful, and wonders how Vicky’s father reacted. She didn’t tell him all the details yet, but he always helps her. Hmm, by the way, asks Marco, what does your Dad do for a living? Well, he owns various butcher shops, but he only personally waits on people in the largest one. Dollar signs start to form in Marco’s brain. He calls Vicky attractive and nice. Vicky’s thankful, and thinks Marco’s nice, too, although when he got hurt, he did look and act a bit like a little mouse (ratoncito). Well, this little mouse takes the bait, asks her out, and it looks as if they’ll be drying each other’s mouse-ke-tears.
Some time later (tiempo después), Jorge and Rubi are back from Switzerland, and Jorge’s rich! The password was right, and he’s going to be able to recover everything! Ale and Rosario are ecstatic. They fill him in on their two weddings which are being planned, and he assures them that not only will they be able to afford the weddings, he’s going to buy back the hacienda and his house. He and Rubi also exchange words of affection, and now, it’s time to eat! Jorge remembers Azucena’s name perfectly, and orders up some down home Mexican chow. Yumm!
At an outdoor café, Doña Arcadia orders Chato to take the doggies for some recreation, maybe to the swings (colúmpios). Jiménez and Daniel are also at the table. Todo yo Daniel wants to open a construction company (constructora), and wants Jiménez to be his partner and architect. He even wants him to run everything, and just send Dan the earnings. Ramiro is bowled over by this, is super grateful, and promises Danny he’ll do a good job. Daniel just has two conditions: One, lose the tie. Two, do you happen to have the phone number of a gal named Milagros?
Dandy and Susana are locked in an unending kiss, as Ale enters, wearing her highest heels ever, along with a sleek black strapless dress, looking on top of the world. Susana tells Ale she and Nelson are going to get married with a church wedding now, so why not have a double wedding? Ale's hip to this, and when Dandy wonders about the expense, Ale summons the two into her office to explain how that’s no longer a prob.
Cut to a fancy law office, as a now super hot looking Julieta (my, has she changed) enters, asking the receptionist, is licensiado Jaime Rincón available? He is. He looks very dashing in his dark suit and blue tie, as she tells him she broke up with Cesar. He bumps into the desk, fumbles a bit, but she tells him, look dumbo, there’s only ever been one man for me. You. She lays a scorching kiss on him, and I think we may have to up our wedding count.
Vicky’s shiny legs are sitting in a bar, accompanied by the rest of her, and a doting Marco. The cast is gone, as is the collar, and Marco is back to his dapper self. They declare their mutual affection, he’s her ratoncito, she’s his ratoncita,
Time to tie up our other big (although recent) loose end, as Rafa, Sr. shows up at the Medina-Nuñez abode, looking professional in his suit and white shirt, holding his head (and his hair) high (I guess the hair is teased up so far, because of the “tall” order he’s going to have to convince them). He goes into a long speech, asking forgiveness from Rafa and Leonor. He throws in the fact that he’s worked 14 hours a day, and has made lots of money, a whole lot, muchísimo dinero, more than they can imagine. (Did I mention that he’s made a lot of money?) Rafa’s not impressed, does he want to buy their love? No, of course not. He then gives them the stuff about how he always loved them, they were better off without him, Leonor raised them to be successful and happy. Rafa, Sr. tries tears. He tries reason. He sets the all time record for longest forgiveness plea. But Rafa, Jr. won’t forgive. No way. Until Rafa, Sr. turns to leave, and JUST before he gets to the door, little Rafa breaks down, I don’t want you to leave, Dad. Despite everything, I still love you. They hug. Julieta joins the circle. And a few moments later, Leonor accepts Rafa, Sr.’s extended hand, as the four actors hold their teary faces for what seems like an eternity through the sappy music, trying desperately not to break into guffaws (look, I cried for a second, but then it got SILLY), a perfect telenovela moment.
Tubby Trapito has proven to be every inch (or pound) the man crafty Carmela craved. They’re in a fish restaurant, where Carmelita orders everything on the menu for her hefty hunk. All SHE needs is a tall drink, she’s dehydrated (too much exercise, maybe?) She goes over to him, hugs him from behind, kisses him, squeezes his cheeks (not THOSE cheeks), he’s like a great big treat for her, and she’s going to take care of every bit of him. He wonders if he’s just an object of pleasure for her. Her response, if you don’t marry me, I’ll KILL you! He breathlessly agrees, at which point Carmela takes a ring OFF her finger, gives it to Trappy, orders him to put it back ON her finger, and she accepts! She WILL marry him! They’re all over each other (and the table), as the waitress and patrons look on approvingly.
Jorge and Rubi are dining in a restaurant with Leonor and Rafa, Sr. They discuss the double wedding. As father of the bride, Jorge will pay for the wedding. As father of the groom, Rafa, Sr. will handle the reception. And it’s going to be a multiple wedding, with lots of surprises (I can’t wait).
Shopping time, as the novias are buying dresses! Carmela’s making sure her assets are covered, Milagros is looking stunning (I guess Daniel got her number!), Claudia’s admiring herself in the full length mirror (as do I), Susana looks lovely in her strapless gown, Julieta picks out her gown with her Mom, and Ale and Rosario pick out their gowns together. We have seven brides!
And now, it’s the great day of the wedding of Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo and Rafael Medina Núñez….and others! Seven sleek white stretch limousines wind their way past Mexico City’s famous monument, white bouquets adorning their hoods and brides-side doors. Even the news media are covering the event, as they whisk us to the Hacienda La Alejandra, all decked out for the ceremony. Our reporter is Lorena Enríquez (Paula on Gancho, Doris in Llena de Amor), who tells us there’s a problem. The novias haven’t arrived, and the priest is threatening to cancel! The guys have their typical unique reactions to this, from Daniel’s smugness, to Don Gaston’s outrage, to Jiménez pointing out that the guys aren’t even married yet, and their wives are already taking over!
So where are the ladies? A huge protest demonstration (una manifestacíon -I think they’re demonstrating for the rights of fish) is blocking the highway. The brides get out of the limos, and start giving their opinions. Claudia thinks La Generala would like this. Lined up in a row, we have seven “No puede ser”s, as each gal leans her head onto the one next to her. Is our wondrous wedding wrecked?
After the commercial, the ladies have all gotten into one limo to discuss strategy (and provide better close-ups). Ale takes charge, let’s calmly figure out what to do. Claudia extracts her cellphone from her bodice, a present from Humberto, the best money can buy, but there’s no signal! As a matter of fact, they all have cells (modern gals here). But no dice. Carmela would try to convince the demonstrators to leave using her attributes (she glances at her ample bosom), but it might not work. Susana chides them for being negative. Let’s put together our positive energy. Everybody say, OMMMMMMM.
Back at the hacienda, the priest is just about to leave, when a mighty rumble shakes the air. The brides have solved the problem, as the smoke clears, and seven mighty motorcycles, driven by some friendly bikers, give the blushing brides a thunderous entrance. The crowd cheers, and the priest says he’ll do the honors, but it’ll have to be a quick wedding. Ramirez (no bride for him) is entrusted with organizing the brides, who goes with whom. He helps each off her Harley, puts veils in place, and we’re all set.
The hacienda has been transformed. In the great inner terrace, there’s a red carpet, a huge white modern cross, flowers, guest and decorations. But it seems that in his haste, Ramirez made a few booboos. Rafa is with Claudia, Quintana with Milagros, Ale with Daniel, Nelson with Julieta, etc. as the priest begins. We’re gathered here to celebrate the weddings of these beautiful couples. If there’s anyone here who has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace. To his surprise, EVERYONE starts screaming, waving their hands. They all have the wrong partners! A little keystone cop music later, Ramirez has made the necessary adjustments, and we’re good to go.
The priest talks of love, of family, and reminds them never to let money separate them (Ale and Rafa smile at each other). All rise, and seven gallant guys place silvery rings on the right hands of seven lovely lasses, telling them this is a sign of love and loyalty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. The ladies place their rings on the gentlemens’ hands, and pledge the same. The men drop coins (called las arras) into the hands of their wives,
as a beautiful young singer slowly walks the red carpet, singing the Ave Maria with elegance and emotion.
Rafa, Sr. softly tells Leonor that they are back together in God’s eyes, and he’ll never abandon her again. They kiss sweetly. Tears are streaming down many faces, as we see expressions of joy and love on all our beloved characters.
Ale looks to the heavens, filled with thankfulness, as she and Rafa gently join their hands, and the audience applauds respectfully.
The priest then asks each couple if they accept each other as their lawfully wedded husband or wife, and one by one, they happily say I do (or acepto, I accept). There are so many great pictures here, I’d really need an album, but let’s just say everyone looks handsome, beautiful and happy. The priest declares them married, and they may kiss their brides. Kiss after kiss shows the immense love that everyone in that room feels (as do we at home).
There’s a shower of fireworks behind the great cross, a huge ovation, more kisses, and even more majestic fireworks overhead, as the wedding march plays triumphantly. Seven newly united couples exit arm in arm, as confetti rains down like snow.
Zetina is there to take a picture. Rafa’s not so sure about Zetina’s camera skills, but not to worry. Zetina may not understand modern cameras, but he brought his grandfather’s old style camera, and he has no problem with that (although he does say pajarito, pajarito, or watch the birdie, prompting a chorus of No’s). By this time, the limos have made it through, and everyone piles in, off to the grand reception.
The host announces this is the most luxurious spot in Mexico, called El Splendid. The limos pull up on another red carpet,
Rafa, Sr. takes his son aside, gives him a picture of Rafa, aged seven, dressed up in a singing costume, a broad smile on his gap-toothed face.
Before we find out, Alejandra is introduced as the driving force behind having seven weddings combined, and in front of a projection of blue sky and fluffy white clouds, she takes the mike, curls piled glamorously on her head, long white train extending behind her incredible white gown, and tells the audience that you might think dreams come true only in telenovelas, but if you want it enough, they can also come true in your life.
Rafa, Sr. and Jorge give short, heartfelt speeches, and then Rafa, Sr. announces tonight’s special surprise. Ladies and Gentlemen, for your enjoyment, here is Rafael Medina Núñez!
And on that note, I bid farewell to all of you, my great friends, who have shared this wonderful, touching and humorous show, and pass the baton to Carlos, who’s going to bring us the climactic conclusion to Hasta Que El Dinero Nos Separe.
Remendando – imitating or aping
Férula – a cane or rod, another word for a cane is a bastón
Collarín – surgical collar
Colúmpios – swings, such as in a park or playground
Constructora – a construction company
Una Manifestación – a demonstration
Acepto – I accept, the way of saying I do in Mexico
Labels: dinero
A lot of things were surprising, especially the seven brides in one wedding. And the fact that one of the brides was Carmela. She was ripping the family off for the whole series and now she gets to a bride in Ale's wedding? Where is the justice?
One thing I missed was maybe a brief scene for every vendedor the sort "Where are they now" one. Especially that they they have all been replaced with their worse (IMHO) replicas at Siglo.
Otherwise I really liked the songs, especially Claudia's little show. I know I will miss the show for a couple of weeks now.
Also, I would like to thank all the recapers for providing excellent work and entertainment for such a long time. Judy, Melinama, Private, Pata, Vivy, Hombre - I greatly appreciate all the work and time you dedicated to this novela. The show itself would not have been so much fun without you. Thank you all.
I have to agree with Maria about Carmela. She should have gotten some kind of punishment. At least she should have given the car back.
I think it would have been more fun to have our 7th bride be Janet.
This is indeed was a fun show to watch and recap and thanks so much for joining the recap team and all your pointers on adding pictures. Your wit and poetic writing style was greatly appriciated.
It looked like the old workers went on to new and better things. That is the way I prefer to think of it.
I especially loved the ending. Regardless of some less than perfect endings for some of our less than perfect characters, it was a fun filled finale. Loved the multiple weddings and all the singing.
Have enjoyed sharing this show will all the recappers and commenters.
Signing off... Private 057
Your recap is once again incredibly entertaining and your picyures are excellent and so well chosen. My favorite was Vicki with her life counselor perched on her shoulder. That explains a lot.
The lady singing Ave Maria has such a wonderful voice. Much better than some of he renditions we've heard in previous weddings.
Our wedding anniversary was perfect, thanks in no small part to you. Thanks again for joining me with this Gran Final. I look forward to being in another recapping team with you sometime in the near future.
I'm sorry I wasn't here with you on this novela but I know you did an awesome job recapping as always. I don't know if you will continue with the next telenovela but I'll wait to see when you'll recap a new story.
I'm actually glad they gave Carmela a pass and lobbed her a happily ever after with Trapito. He deserves a happy and lusty forever after even if she doesn't. And I love it that she's feeding him up and spending her ill-gotten gains on him. Long live love and its nearest equivalent.
Really enjoyed all the dancing. Not just Claudia's incredible number but the dancing of the other folks as well. Too bad we didn't get to see another few minutes of Doña Leonor shaking her booty, she does it well....especially for a mother!
And I notice that Janet caught one of the bridal bouquets so we know she'll be next. If she were included in the bridal party, then Vicky would have had to attend, and that would have been too painful for our bad girl.
Generally, I find the gran finales to be a letdown. But this one wasn't. Really a terrific top off to the whole light-hearted story.
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