Sunday, October 31, 2010

Llena de Amor #58 Fri 10/29/10

Hello all - between Halloween with two kids and my wife being sick, this recap is going to be "the things I remember after watching the show". I wasn't able to take the time to sit down and recap as I watched in detail. If I forget anything please add it in the comments. I may list things out of order too but I'll try and get everything in there.

Brandon and the Comisario realize that a few different things relate to each other - Begona selling out Low, then Muneca saying they were in trouble. We have learned before that Begona took back her accusations after Low said he would give the baby his name. A couple flashbacks today remind us of this.

Brandon goes to see Muneca about it, she was busy explaining to Ilitia that she would like Ilitia to watch Little Apple for a couple days. When Brandon talks to Muneca about Low, Ilitia listens and Little Apple calls her a chismosa. Funny.

Later on, Brandon and his mother go to be witnesses at the registration of Christian, Brandon has now found out that Low is the father. When they see each other in the legal office, Brandon says "hey, small world!" I bet he uses this to get Low to stop getting between him and Ilitia.

Fedra is horrible to Mari, Axel defends her and just acts stupid. Some guy (has to be Spiderus) tries to kill Mari in the night, she maces him and of course when Emil searched the house there is no sign of him and security knows nothing. Those security guys should have been fired twice by now. Eman stays in Mari's room to keep an eye on her, there is much talking and flirting and etc etc. Eventually they start kissing, then we get the fantasy sequence previewed Thursday with Eman taking his shirt off. The rest of the fantasy is Mari trying to get her shirt off but she's all fat and gross (body double from behind, a real fat lady) and Eman changes his mind about her. In real time then Mari pushes him off, afraid that this would actually happen. Eventually she tells Eman that she is trying to lose weight for the beauty pageant, he decides to be her trainer. The next morning he wakes her up early and they go work out, of course there is a time when she falls on him and he can't breath.

Kristel sneaks into some room and takes money out of a safe, almost getting busted by Spiderus. Spiderus smells her perfume and gets all creepy and starts talking out loud about how it smells like HIS Fedra. Kristel gives the money to Nereida, who looks hotter each time I see her, to buy her silence.

Low is meeting some dudes in the strip club (before going to the legal office) and Orangey shows up and wants to get in on all this big illegal business stuff. He pressures Low to help get him in.

Netty's lawyer shows up and says that all the evidence that Fedra forged the documents is gone, the finding by the original judge will stand and Fedra will keep everything.

Emil has had enough of Fedra and leaves their bedroom to sleep somewhere else.

Fedra eventually goes to meet Low and take a bath. When Low takes off his robe to get in the water, she looks at him and says "is the water cold?" If anyone didn't get it, that's a shrinkage joke. You all know about shrinkage right? It was covered in depth in an episode of Seinfeld.

Kristel and Orangey are jogging, Kristel suddenly feels paid and thinks it's the baby. Emil just happens to be driving by and stops and of course says "take her to the house". Does anyone decide that a hospital or ambulance would be the right thing, ever?

Monday - apparently Mari has defied medical science and has lost a lot of weight. We see her working out a lot and then everyone's reaction to seeing her later on. Is this the end of the fat suit? Is this the beginning of pretending that someone can get the awesome body this actress actually has from being so fat in just a month? Find out tomorrow.

Edit - totally forgot about Gretel and Oliver. They are hiding out in a hotel, Oliver says they'll run wherever and hide if she'll go with him, she says yes, anything, they hit the sheets. Later or the next day, the cops pound on their door but it turns out to be something unrelated to them, a thief at the hotel or something. Because the cops are forever pounding on your hotel room door, right? Anyway it freaks Gretel out and her resolve to go wherever however with Oliver quickly fades.

Please let me know if I missed anything! Thanks and happy Halloween.


Hi Chris, Happy Halloween to you and everyone else! I figured you'd be busy with the kiddies and all. Sorry to hear your wife is sick.

What I want to know is, how did Fedra go from begging Emiliano to stay home and then next we see she's in the tub waiting for her shrinking violet? Was it the same night? How did she sneak out? Oh whatever, at least I got the shrinkage joke although I had to do a rewind to make sure.

The scene with Kristel hiding and Spiderus practically having an orgasm from smelling Fedra's scent was about his creepiest so far. I wonder what Kristel will think about that or if she's just so self-centered she'll immediately forget it?

Is Mari trying to lose weight for the SAME beauty contest? It hasn't happened yet? These telenovelas have major time warps.

Thanks Chris, you're a champ for pulling this one out of your hat amidst a busy weekend.

Hola all, happy Halloween and happy All Saints Day. Thanks for doing the recap, Chris, you manage to be funny even in a hurry. I hope your wife is feeling better.

Fedra isn't a very nice amante, is she? Or are insults their preferred foreplay? She and shrinking violet (good one, Sylvia) are so creepy. I wonder if she drugged Emiliano again, or didn't bother.

I don't think Marianela can keep complaining that Emanuel isn't willing to go public about his feelings for her, after that scene in the park. All the other joggers will be shouting for them to get a room. Sheesh, people, have some decency.

I wonder how much Mari will slim down in time for the contest. When is this freaking contest, anyway? Can it happen already? I wasn't sure if the previews they showed were just for Monday; it seemed like they were promoting all of November maybe.

Thanks for the recap, you covered all the important points well, Chris! Best wishes to your wife's quick recovery.

I was confused by the bizarre (well, more bizarre than usual) behavior from Bernardo about the perfume. Is Kristel going to get a clue that all is not well, or just blither on as usual?

Mari's "bad fantasy" of Eman being turned off by her fat is pretty real-to-life (a lot of big girls feel that way), but I doubt he is unaware of what she looks like under her clothes and I doubt he'd be grossed out. He wouldn't have gotten this far if he were touchy about those kinds of things. But! We've got a total of 205 episodes and a lot more drama to go through, so they must drag it out, don't you know! LOL.

Yeah, I'm wondering how long this weight-loss process is going to take. No spoilers here, I haven't a clue what really happens, but I always assumed that she would lose weight when she was away from the family, so they wouldn't recognize "the new her." Like Julia, I got the impression that this promo/preview was for all of November.

And yeah, Eman is not being shy about letting people know how he feels about her, is he? And what would have happened that night in her room if she hadn't had an attack of shyness? It seems like no one locks their doors and no one thinks twice about barging in . . . what an eyeful someone like Delicia would have had . . . (Or maybe it's just me that thinks about these things. ;) ) In any case, I can imagine that Fedra would have been horrified to have her Golden Boy just sleep on the floor of that Evil Gorda's room. Good thing she didn't find out.

yeah the Spiderus/perfume thing was so gross. I couldn't believe that Kristel barely made a face at hearing what he said, I guess she was just too scared. Whose safe was that anyway? She emptied it out for Nereida, so it wasn't the family riches or anything, just someone's on hand money. And how did she get the combination?

Thanks for the recap Chris. I hope your wife recovers quickly.

Count me in on thinking the previews were for the month of November. I hope they don't have Mari loose weight overnight but then again TNs don't actually strive for reality.

I hope Axel gets his brain back but without his past trauma.

Thanks Chris. Very entertaining. Very funny. I don't like talking about that shrinkage thing... a little too close to home. Sounds like you had your hands full this past weekend. I hope your wife gets to feeling better quickly.

I'm a little surprised that Begoña is still among the living. She needs to expose Low, but of course she won't.

I was glad that Mari had an opportunity to use the Mace, but I was hoping that it would be on Fedra. Hope she has some left.

There were complaints about Rafa's tight-lipped kisses... well, Gretel and Oliver certainly don't appear to need any lessons. Wow!


Chris, you're a trooper still cranking out a recap with your busy weekend. Hope your wife will be feeling better very soon.

Wasn't a real barn-burning episode, and I think you got all the pertinent new bits for us.

I don't think Marinela could possibly slim down that fast to deep-six the fat suit. maybe a new one to show she has been successfully slimming. I think the big eye-opening look will come later - I'm with Sweeney in that I remember from the original summary of the show that she goes off to Spain at some point. betcha that's when the newly slim Mari will happen.

but it's sweet that Eman is falling for her just as she is, and is no longer slyly grabbing kisses but is right out there in how he feels. atta boy!

Hate this "new" Axel. Can't someone take a few secs and just sit the boy down and tell him what's really going on?

Chris, you're a trooper still cranking out a recap with your busy weekend. Hope your wife will be feeling better very soon.

Wasn't a real barn-burning episode, and I think you got all the pertinent new bits for us.

I don't think Marinela could possibly slim down that fast to deep-six the fat suit. maybe a new one to show she has been successfully slimming. I think the big eye-opening look will come later - I'm with Sweeney in that I remember from the original summary of the show that she goes off to Spain at some point. betcha that's when the newly slim Mari will happen.

but it's sweet that Eman is falling for her just as she is, and is no longer slyly grabbing kisses but is right out there in how he feels. atta boy!

Hate this "new" Axel. Can't someone take a few secs and just sit the boy down and tell him what's really going on?

Chris- Thanks for finding the time to give us a recap despite the crazy weekend schedule you had. You managed to get it all in there from memory too.

Crazy certainly doesn't stop Oliver and Gretel from doing the bunny hop. Freak out/make out/freak out/have sex/repeat...Maybe we need a bit more time to see if this sexual healing strategy is working. :)

Eman certainly is not hiding how he feels about Mari. He's like a horny teenage boy.

Why didn't anyone get suspicious that everyone, except Bernardo, come out after Mari screamed? They know he's been suspected by the police of the last break attempt on Mari's life. Shouldn't Mari at least have pointed out his absence and been suspicious?

Seriously, these people are kinda idiotic. The guards say no one came or left...therefore she must have been attacked by someone still in the house. She sprayed mace. Round up everyone in the household and see who's suffering from mace in the eyes! Not to mention, the size of the attacker alone should narrow it right down. Next time she should spray some kind of dye that he won't be able to wash off. Or booby-trap her room so he'll get caught in a net or something.

If Marianela is serious about this beauty contest, she needs to do something about her hair. Her hair is way, way worse than the extra weight. It is so dweeby and unflattering. Doris to the rescue, please.

Julia - and those glasses!

Thanks, Chris! You’re a trooper to fit this recap into your very busy weekend!

Julia – I agree about the hair. Chris – I don’t mind the glasses. Maybe not fashionable, but they look nice on her, I think. She has lovely eyes.

Julia – you are so right about the mace. I expected to see a scene of Bernardo in his room, weeping and anguishing from the spray. And how could he see to escape? Also, she was so close, you’d expect her to get mace on herself at the same time.

I was astonished that Marianela has had two attempts on her life, and still stays in the house, with her bedroom door unlocked. Sigh. That’s telenovelas for you. Also, even though she’d almost been killed, she seemed to get over it right away and go on to sleep (well, after fiddling with the chocolates.)

I agree – how can she possibly lose any significant weight before the beauty contest? It must be coming up in a week or so.

I was relieved that Emiliano didn’t buy Fedra’s story. She made up a pretty good one, so I was afraid he’d swallow it, but he didn’t. Yay!

Carlos, funny you should use "Begona" and "expose" in the same sentence because I am thinking what is up with that window she calls a blouse? I am a straight woman but I have a hard time taking my eyes off that rack of hers. OK. I said it. I feel better now.

I'm also another one who can't wait for Mari to change her wig, er I mean hair-do. Poor actress must be roasting by now.

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