Friday, October 08, 2010
Llena de Amor #44 Thu 10/7/10 Will the real Fedra Curiel please lie down?
Back at Casa de Crabby Emiliano wrings his hands about Fedra missing and Gretel assures them that her mother is perfectly fine.
Mari tells Netty she’s off to work because she needs the money and if she can’t pay her way she’ll leave the Pension. Netty’s not happy with the work arrangement as evidenced by the way she angrily rolls her Rs when pronouncing RRRRRuiz y de TeRRRRRResa.
At work Mari and Begoña position a TALL LADDER, sure hope someone doesn’t fall off! Eman and Kristel arrive just in time for Mari to topple said ladder and Eman to fling himself under Mari to break her fall. He groans under Mari and Kristel (who looks like she’s about to crack up) wails that Mari has squashed her brother.
As Netty complains to her amigas about Mari’s work our two policestuds arrive home after searching for Axel. They say someone fitting his description got pummeled at the Don Pepe Cantina. Brandon puts out an APB and tells them to search heaven and earth for the kid. He finds out his Mari is working for RRRRuiz y de TeRRRResa, grrrrrrrrr.
They discuss this with raised voices. The voices get louder. Brandon goes ballistic and Netty yells at him, freaking him out. Eman is her PRIMO, her P-R-I-M-O so stop acting so jealous!
Eman is still groaning under Mari and Kristel is still doing nothing. Eman finally turns over and caresses his cousin. Ilitia strides in and wonders what her baby is doing underneath the whale. The expected insults ensue with nothing new EXCEPT Mari tells them to shut it and warns them not one more insult. You go girl! Eman’s face in the background is priceless.
She tells them she’s nobody clown then she calls them hypocrites and lunges at them. Eman pulls her back. Mari tells them it’s time she told Eman what they did. (They look stricken, ha!) She says it’s time Eman finds out what sort of person his Ilitia is.
Delicia runs in to say there is an ambulance in front! (What, the ambulance takes her home and not to the hospital? Whatever.) The paramedic helps a nearly-comatose Fedra stagger in. She lays her head on Emiliano’s lap as the family discusses whether she should go to the hospital. As if to allay our concerns the paramedic reassures the family that she’s fine at home. Thanks for that.
Fedra weaves her web of faux woe and Monsieur Dumas (aka Emiliano the dumba**) believes her of course. She lies that she went to a costume party and Tia Carlota knew about it, remember the call from before? Oh right. Oh puhleeze! Fedra has bamboozled the family once again. She even has the nerve to ask Gretel if she wished her mother was dead. Gretel snaps back that the only thing she wants is her brother Axel.
Kristel challenges Mari to reveal her great secret.
Benigno brings Tio Maximo up to speed on the bruja upstairs. She’s even got Tia Carlota hoodwinked. Tio says the battle isn’t over, he has the element of surprise and his sister will know the real Fedra Curiel. (Words are cheap folks and I’m tired of hearing that empty threat.)
Mari back-pedals and says she’s just sick of those two always giving her a hard time! She storms through them and Ilitia thought bubbles that she hopes one day that bomb explodes and they’ll be free of her forever. Wow, she is really threatened. She tells Eman he is not to follow the fatty as usual; that stops now.
Gladiola tries to dissuade Netty from following her acting dream. What happened the other day was a sign. Nope, Netty’s fervor remains strong and she’s going back to the studio. Gladi’s babysitting and can’t go with so Doris volunteers to be Netty’s companion.
The two fresas continue to insult Mari in front of Eman, and when Kristel laughs that the fatty cried tears of grease Eman decides that’s enough. He calls security and demands that the two get tossed out on their collective tuches. We have the commercial in which to savor this lovely visual.
Yep, he made good on his threat and the two yelping harpies are being escorted out. He calls to his adoring reception staff (remember them?) and they hustle up to hear their instructions. See the faces of these elegant ladies? From this point forward they are never to be allowed back into the building. Kristel has a hissy fit and Eman explains that in this company it’s who CAN enter, not who WANTS to. Enter Brandon looking for his novia. Eman puts his face in his hands.
Mari tells Begoña that Kristel and Ilitia will learn to respect her. Jacqui enters and applauds the sentiment. She’s wearing an incredibly ugly yellow dress and she looks incredibly hot in it. I’m amazed. Jacqui wants to help Mari but our heroine defiantly announces she needs no assistance in her battle against the viper.
After Mari leaves, Jacqui tells Begoña that years ago her mother helped Muñeca fake a pregnancy to fool the whole world. It turns out that Ilitia is not the daughter of a Porta Lopez. Oh no, that heavy lump was only the daughter of a pregnant pauper. By Begoña’s reaction Jacqui figures out the Lowrenzo is the father of her baby.
Brandon and Eman compare ties but Eman has the final word. Brandon gets the boot along with the babes.
Outside he tells them he ought to let the law handle them for what they did to Marianela. Ilitia calls him a gorilla but Kristel gets all hot and bothered, starts to disrobe, and then cops a feel of the cop's chest as Ilitia drags her away. Brandon’s face is priceless.
Eman proudly tells Mari that her boyfriend was ejected from the agency. Mari gives him an “oh you bad boy” look.
Jacqui tells Begona she regrets not fighting for Emanuel. What’s Begoña going to do to ensure that Christian has a name and support? They high five their alliance against the Porta Lopez.
Doris, Netty and her big hat are back at Televisa. Netty pretends to be insulted that the receptionist doesn’t recognize her. Or maybe it's not pretend. She's such a good actress I can't tell.
Mari scolds Eman for ejecting her wonderful novio. Eman does a great imitation of Brandon, that crazy monkey, and Mari runs off to find her man.
Down in the lobby, Brandon and Eman play tug of war with Marianela. She decides to go with Brandon. Jacqui runs up with some major boobage peeking out of her robe and is highly amused at Mari scolding Eman and leaving with Brandon.
Looks like Doris and Netty got into the studio, but now what? They spot that same tall blonde actress and Netty picks an argument with her. They insult each other until Netty stalks off in a huff when accused of being an old has-been.
Lowrenzo’s in his office enjoying porn on his laptop when Begona butts in. She sits there smiling at his insults and tells him to go ahead but be careful because she’s going to destroy him. He actually looks taken aback.
The two harpies get home and Kristel is still fanning herself from her encounter with Brandon. Delicia breaks up the fresa-fest by telling Kristel her mom was attacked and almost killed.
Fedra proudly tells Spiderus how she provoked the attack. Kristel arrives and fawns all over Fedra, than tells her that Mari is working for the agency. QUE?!?!? Now Fedra really does have a headache.
Tia Carlota approaches Paula and tells her she can’t believe Paula still hates her after all these years. Of course it makes sense that these two have some history. Paula still holds a grudge that the family kept her from the only love of her life, her only crime being she was a humble servant. Carlota confirms that Maximo has never loved another woman. OK then.
Netty is discouraged until Doris spots the head of talent with the same snotty actress. He says sorry they aren’t hiring but she can leave her picture. Smack down.
Brandon is annoyed that Mari didn’t tell him about her work. Why did she hide it? He says it’s because her cousin doesn’t think of her as a cousin, but rather as a woman.
Fedra and Spiderus gripe about her idiot of a husband. Fedra’s getting crazier I swear. She's incredibly irritated that Emiliano hired La Ballena (the whale) into the busines. She spits out that after twenty years of working toward having Emanual get control of the business and the fortune she won't have it jeapordized now. She wants to get rid of Marianela forever. "I want her dead!"
Brandon tells Mari that Eman only has eyes for her. She says it’s because he’s protective like a cousin. Brandon says no, they are the eyes of a man for a woman, not a little girl. Emanuel is in love!
Mañana: Jacqui makes her move.
Labels: llena
A agree, a priceless scene with Kristel trying to caress Brandon's chest. I just didn't expect that! LOL. Brandon looked so befuddled.
Thanks, I missed some of the stuff with Paula and Tia Carlotta. (I was pretty sure I understood, but not completely.) OK then indeed!
Looking forward to tomorrow, big time!
The stuff that made me laugh most:
"Fedra weaves her web of faux woe"
"Kristel gets all hot and bothered, starts to disrobe, and then cops a feel of the cop's chest as Ilitia drags her away." That was a truly priceless scene. I thought she'd just melt into a puddle right there.
Overall I thought this was a great episode; very funny. I really enjoyed Mari yelling at Kristel and Ilitia and Emanuel's expressions while this was all going on, and then the way he ousted the harpies from the agency. His imitation of banty rooster Brandon was spot on, too.
BUT WHAT ABOUT AXEL?! I am so annoyed they have left us hanging! This is cruel (but alas not unusual) punishment. The crew seems to be taking the usual telenovela lackadaisical approach to search and rescue, i.e. fretting a lot about his disappearance but not actually bothering to look for him. Are they really leaving this up to the rest of the police (who have lots of other things to do)? Way to care, guys, I mean really.
Love "Casa de Crabby", Emiliano the dumba** and "Now Fedra really does have a headache".
Mari is just getting feistier and feistier. So fun to see, and to see Eman's reaction to it. Loved that he threw the little brats out the door, and in front of everyone. Priceless. Maybe he's getting a decent spine too.
So Fedra wants everything for Eman...which explains why she could care less about her other kids. She just likes Kristel because she's a mini-me. She should realize if Eman and Mari hook up, they merge the empires so to speak... but I think she feels that if Eman gets it all, she gets it all. She doesn't want anyone from Emi's side to get to the bucks even though it's theirs.
I really want more of that back story....
With that call Brandon put out, we'll probably get the "finding Axel" episode either tonight or Monday. Had to get Fedra home first :)
Maybe we'll see Eman hooking up with Mari without knowing the truth about his real father yet.
The background between Paula and Carlota is interesting. In fact when Carlota first showed up Paula said something like "so you finally deigned to visit the kitchen." And then after some dialogue Carlota said she couldn't believe Paula had stayed with the family all these years living right over Maximo's head after.
Kristal and her fascination with Brandon just cracks me up. Last night I was wondering if Ilitia was even showing a little jealousy, "He's my naco cop... I saw him first."
OK, now I'm beginning to worry about Axel.
I'm loving how Begoña is gathering her forces. When I was critical of her before, I didn't realize that she has been plotting her strategy. Excellent.
"She’s wearing an incredibly ugly yellow dress and she looks incredibly hot in it. I’m amazed"
Me too. Like Ximena (Gancho), she'd look great in just about anything.
I love how Fedra told Bernardo that she had to help the mugger out a bit.
Emanuel really seems to be enjoying himself in this show. He's gotten better since Tontas or perhaps this part suits him better.
Thanks again, Sylvia.
Find Axel quickly people.
if there's one thing I'll say about this cast, they all look they are having a good time and adding a lot of tongue-in-cheek expressions and fun to their characers.
Yesterday I commented late and maybe nobody saw my question from Wednesday’s show. When Carlota and Emiliano were talking about Fedra having no known family or friends, did one of them say that Emiliano had found Fedra washed up on a beach, Bernardo with her? I didn’t quite catch that part, and it sure would add to the backstory.
Carlos and Daisy - I’m loving Valentino too. TV y Novelas disapproves of his performance here, saying he’s just phoning it in. I’ve never seen him in anything before, but I think he’s delightful and very convincing. Judy B comments that she hates the show, though she’s not watching it. I think the joy of this show is watching the actors have a ball. I look forward to each night’s episode. Fedra in particular has been glorious the past two nights.
Was Netty just a bit player before? If she really did star in novelas and movies, people in the biz would remember her, I’m sure. And telling her that she was before talkies, and appeared in black and white – low blows!
Emanuel doesn’t have very good taste in novias. Jacqui seems to be as catty and mean-spirited as Ilitia.
Carlota also asked Emiliano where in heck Fedra got all the money she supposedly lent to Eva. That made Emiliano wonder, though he'll probably forget all about it the next time Fedra bats her eyelashes at him.
I think Valentino is doing a great job in this role, too. Of course, I usually think TV y Novelas is a load of barnacles, but I find his performance nuanced and agile. I love his many facial expressions in response to the nonsense going on around him, and I think he puts in a lot of details, little physical things like the subtle physical humor when he's with Ilitia or the way he and Delicia tease each other without saying anything. And the way he looks at Marianela, it's pretty convincing that he's into her even if he won't admit it yet.
Actually, I just take it to read about the other telenovelas I’m not watching. But they’ve cut that section drastically in favor of coverage of leading figures of the Spanish-language stage and screen like Paris Hilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Daisy – TV y Novelas is published by Televisa. Yikes!
Julia again – thank you for talking about what Carlota said about Fedra’s arrival in their lives. I liked the mental image of Fedra washed up, clad in seaweed, which would be a better outfit than most others she wears. So it looks like maybe that’s not the way it happened, but I can’t shake the image.
I have to say, I'm surprised that Valentino has not been praised by them. I come into this TN as a complete newbie. Never heard of any of these actors before, never seen them in anything. (I also never heard of Fernando Colunga. Total TN newbie, that's me.)
The thing that struck me almost immediately upon starting to watch Llena was Valentino in particular was very good at relaying emotions, even when I had no clue what I was saying. (I was completely lost when I first started watching Llena and suffice it to say that this "Learn Spanish via Telenovela" method REALLY WORKS. I can't believe how much I've improved my comprehension in a relatively short amount of time.) Anyway. I was so impressed about how Valentino could relay his feelings like that. I think he's great. And funny. I agree, they all look like they're having a blast.
I also love Armando (can't remember his last name) who plays Brandon. It's a toss-up between Valentino and Armando for me. Love them both, though it took a while for Armando/Brandon to grow on me. I can't recall who commented on (in a recent episode) how Emanuel did an imitation of Brandon's "Bantam rooster" way of talking or something? I can't remember exactly, but Brandon is totally a Bantam rooster. LOL!
And Fedra. The actress who plays her is a GENIUS. I think she is amazing. All the actors in this show are great. This is so over the top, I'm hooked! (Though I do wonder what changes they have in mind for the months to come! Time will tell.) By my calculations, this will be on for another 6 months or so? Wow.
When I started watching Llena last month, I could barely keep up with the closed captions and basically it was all gibberish with an occasional sentence or word that I understood. Then gradually I understood more and more of the closed captions. I can't say I understand it all (not by a long shot) but it's amazing how much more I am picking up now. And now I'm starting to notice that some of the spoken Spanish is "becoming clearer." (Still quite a ways to go there, though.)
Another thing I am doing is re-watching the older episodes (I *cough* acquired copies online) which of course have no captions, while following along to everyone's wonderful recaps. All I have there are recaps and the spoken Spanish (no captions) so I really have to try to puzzle out what they're saying. I think all of this has really been boosting my comprehension.
I'm grateful for the good diction in our show. Particularly Marianela, but the others are very clear speakers too.
I have been working on reading Spanish, with no attention paid to spoken at all. Telenovelas are going to help fix that gap!
Julia, I forgot to say, I think it's pretty amazing that you could comprehend so much in 9 months! That's great. It makes me feel optimistic and it should make all of us feel optimistic!
I was looking today for a Spanish grammar workbook on Amazon, and passed on some of the ones with a bundled CD (for Spanish audio), because I thought, "I have telenovelas!" LOL.
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