Tuesday, November 02, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP35 11/01/2010 - Cold-blooded reptiles are resistant to spy cameras, but young idiots aren't

* After the "I'm not your sister" speech Asunción asks Juan José why he brought Elsa there, and he doesn't believe that JJ's only goal is to protect her from her idiot brother. Wink, wink. His new hobby of matchmaking gets on JJ' nerves.

* Mario tells Abelardo what he learned from Alejandra about JJ and this Juan Ocampo. While it's understandable that a man who spent so many years in prison and has no money sells his house to a rich customer, but there's something strange about them. Mario would like to know who's Juan Ocampo and where's JJ now. He doesn't want his niece to become a victim of some kind of vengeance plan. Abe promises to investigate after these men.

Alejandra comes into the study to talk about the reconstruction, and Mario asks her to find him a client who would buy one of his hotels. She says she'll tell his idea to Mauricio Medina, who knows many businessmen who are involved in tourism.

* JJ the Frustrated and Elsa the Gloomy are still mad at each other. They have another fight over Alejandra and Medina, then JJ gets fed up with her sad face and bitchy responses and gives her the money she owes to her slimebag boss. No, she doesn't have to give it back, she spent that money on helping him. After he leaves Elsa runs into the bathroom to cry.

* In the architectural office JJ gives 2,5 millions of pesos to Alejandra and Mina... In cash. The girls freak out, and he even teases Ale if she wants to count the banknotes. Ale gets a phone call from Medina and she tells him about Mario's hotel. Unfortunately Medina can't help her, but JJ seems to be very interested and eventually he knows a very distinguished man who would surely love to buy a hotel. I bet that rich gentleman has a wig and a niece called Caramelo.

* In the Genovés villa the trap is set for Adolfo, but naturally it doesn't work. No matter how passionately Mario accuses him with the murder of Marta, the cunning old rascal keeps calm and laughs at him, and when he gets tired of Mario's frenzy he leaves. Roberto shows up in the hall just in time to see Adolfo leaving and to eavesdrop the desperation of Mario.

David arrives home and the the boys go to the study to talk about the nasty marriage plan. In front of the cameras. Gosh, David, you're already in deep trouble. Roberto keeps playing the Iago of Mexico City and pushes the buttons of the jealous and insecure David. He can't attend the wedding because he has something else to do, but don't worry, everything will be fine, a friend of him called Juan Olvera will play the marriage registrar.

* In the rape factory Elsa gives Salomón back his money. Slimebag Sr. is surprised but tries to seduce Elsa again, however, she's much braver now that she's not beholden to him and tells him to frak off.

* In the headquarters Mario rewatches the tapes...

* Gaby tells Julieta that she and David will get married tomorrow in of his hotels. She's sad because she can't tell about the wedding to their father.

* ... and yes, Mario finds out the evil plan of Roberto and his precious little son. He shows the tape to Abelardo and orders him to look for that Juan Olvera as soon as possible.

* Roberto visits his friend and they discuss the details of the sham wedding.

* Marcos and Susana talk about their future plans and his long desired identity change.

* Mario visits Gabriela and directly asks her about the wedding. Does her father know about that? No. And does she love David? Yes, she does. And what about Carlos? Carlos? There's nothing between them. She tells him she went to the seaside villa with Moustache to look for her sister. Mario says he believes her and assures her he is very happy that his son has found such a wonderful woman like her. After Mario leaves Gaby relievedly tells Julieta that he's happy for the wedding!

* RobertIago visits David in his Sagitario office to tell him that everything is prepared for the wedding, but David's got cold feet, or maybe his conscience has woken up. Anyway, he tells Carlos he doesn't want to continue, he can't hurt Gaby that much. However, after learning more juicy details about the relationship of Carlos and Gaby he quickly changes his mind. *Viewerville: Someone shot them, please.*

* Abelardo finds Olvera and shouts his head off.

* In the Genovés villa Alejandra tells Mario that Sr. Ocampo may know a man who would buy his hotel, and Mario asks her to arrange a meeting with him.

* In the restaurant Gaby and Juli talk about Mario. She doesn't know him much but she likes him. This is their last night in Sagitario, they came to quit. I mean, really. But Juli has changed her mind, she wants to stay. Gaby looks for Carlos in the camera room but only finds Dolphie and tells the surprised Dracula that she wants to quit. And why? Because she'll get married.


Looking forward to your summary, Aribeth; thanks!

You Tube links for Episode 35:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Here are the screencaps:

Wow, this is going to be an interesting week.

And btw, there is a pre-emption tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Some Primer Impacto nonsense, IIRC. Thanks to Aribeth for the heads up.

Thanks for the links Jeri.

Aribeth, I laughed at your title. As usual, this was stellar.

You captured the serious moments perfectly: "No matter how passionately Mario accuses him with the murder of Marta, the cunning old rascal keeps calm and laughs at him, and when he gets tired of Mario's frenzy he leaves". Your words convey the utter frustration Mario is feeling.

The humor was rich and ripe: "bet that rich gentleman has a wig and a niece called Caramelo" and "*Viewerville: Someone shot them, please.*". Excellent!

I am enamored of the writing here. How clever to have David and Roberto's conversation caught on tape! So, what will Mario do? My first thought (no spoiler) was: would he possibly arrange for a real minister to marry them? Roberto won't be there and he's the only one who knows what Juan Olvera looks like! I hope it doesn't happen for Gabi's sake but it's an interesting possibility.

Aribeth, the pictures were wonderful. Roberto is becoming more like Wormtongue every day, isn't he? Planting insidious, poisonous thoughts...He is even starting to look similar! :)

I checked this morning and also noted this isn't on tonight.

This just gets better and better...


My schedule (for what it's worth :)
does show LVO airing Wednesday through Friday this week. Tonight is the only nightt it's not currently scheduled.


I love this continuing fast-paced intrigue. I think the casting is
excellent with one exception:
Gabriela -- although she is beautiful, she is about 34 in real
life and looks it. It is unrealistic in this day and age to
have this woman so innocent and sheltered. The role of her sister is better cast.

Thanks so much for the summary Aribeth. It and the pics were great. Two things made me very happy this episode- David getting busted by Mario, and Elsa telling off Slimy Solomon now that she's not beholden to him financially. I wish JJ would quit giving her a hard time. He's really ticking her off.

Floridia- I don't mind that Gali is an older actress (33 at the time) as the older male actors are always playing younguns with young girls opposite them (look at the new tn Eva Luna). And actually the actress that plays Ale is a few years older than Gali, and BOTH are older in real life than Gabriel Soto (David). I love that!

But the sheltered thing comes from the strict and on the run lifestyle Fausto brought them up in. Even the guys have commented on how old fashioned (anticuada) she and her sister are. Parhaps Fausto overdid the morality thing with them to combat Marta's slut genes?

Thanks Aribeth for the great recap.

Roberto has become a fixture at Mario's. He is always there lurking about. Why do they let that snake in the door. Hopefully now that the fake marriage plan has been discovered, next time the door will be closed in his face, real hard. Here's hoping.

JJ is still giving Elsa a hard time wth his nagging. JJ should give it a rest.

JJ gave Elsa a cheque, couldn't he give one to Ale as well. He probably wanted to impress her with that bag full of money.

"I bet that rich gentleman has a wig and a niece called Caramelo." Yep, I thought the same thing, lol.

"the cunning old rascal keeps calm and laughs at him, and when he gets tired of Mario's frenzy he leaves."
When I read that I could just see Adolfo twirling his moustache while laughing.


Thank you to Aribeth and Jeri. I use both the recap and links to improve my comprehension and I thinks it's working. Also like some novelas, the actors aren't speking a mile a minute (Dinero) so that helps as well. And the pics are great, Aribeth.

I think Adolfo is speculating that Gabi is resigning so she can flee with the diamonds or the money from fencing them.. I think he was surprised she's getting married though he might think that's part of her plan to disappear after resigning.

As I always state, this novela is terrific and the hour goes by so fast due to the absorbing plot since this isn't a cookie cutter story line. And the acting continues to be great.

Will Gabi and David get" faked" hitched tonight? As someone mentioned, David is a real doofus.


Hi, ladies, thank you for the comments.

Roberto is becoming more like Wormtongue every day, isn't he?
Have I mentioned yet that I love the tons of Lord of the Rings references in the recaps and the comments? :)

When I read that I could just see Adolfo twirling his moustache while laughing.
:DD He's such an old-fashioned, cartoonish, somehow funny but charismatic villano. Oh, I fell in love Julio Alemán. And I won't be able to take him seriously as the judge of Juan del Bipolario anymore.

Nowadays the biggest telenovela stars are over 30 or even 40 so I decided not to care (much) about the ages anymore...
Gaby (33) is 22, Ale (35) is 25-26, Juan José (46) is 30? It's crazy but it's fun. :)

Gawd, I would want to kill Adolfo just for his cussedness. He even made me mad laughing and lying; I can see how disgusting it was to Mario. I thought he would die from apoplexy.

That was really an excellent plot device to discover Roberto's fake marriage plot. I just loved it; good writing.

So, now I wonder what work Elsa is going to do. Seems like I remember someone offering her a job; I forget now.

Thank you so much for the recap Aribeth and Jeri thank you for the clips. I've been falling behind again because I've been helping my little brother with an altar he was supposed to do for the day of the dead with some classmates but ended up doing alone. I also made a tiny one for our pet with the material we had left.

I don't have a problem with the characterization of Gabriela, there are many girls like her: old fashioned and sheltered. There's also the fact that she missed out on a proper education and I do think that was impacted her life in more ways than one.

I feel sorry for Elsa's troubles with JJ. I think they need to calm down a little bit. He needs to stop nagging her about her friendship with Medina. I actually agree with Elsa in that Juan José should have given the job to Medina instead of Ale, since he was a great guy and has helped him so much. Of course, then we wouldn't have had the JJ/Ale interactions.

Speaking of, I can't believe Juan José brought cash with him. I would be just as freaked out as Ale and a little more worried, what kind of man walks around with that much money on him? mmmm.

I liked the little detail of Elsa teaching Caramelo the letters of the alphabet. Preschool is not obligatory in México but most kids already know how to read and have some very basic math notions before entering first grade of Primaria and it is very hard for those who are behind. I know JJ has the money to send Caramelo to a private school were she'd have special attention but I am glad they are showing real care for her.


Great recap, Aribeth.

I forget Caramelo's "uncle's" name. (I don't think he is really her uncle.)

Anyway, when JJ kept nagging Elsa about Carlo and Medina, did the "uncle" tell JJ why was he so interested in them. Was it for her well being, or perhaps he had other reasons. I'm thinking he thinks that maybe JJ is more interested in Elsa than he'd like to admit.

What do you think? I for one hope he is.


Jarocha- Que padrisimo! I wish we could see your Dia de Los Muertos altar.

Thanks for the info about pre-school not being mandatory. I really like as well that Elsa is helping Caramelo catch up before she starts school. Over on Duena, there's a background running theme about education and helping the children of the field workers catch up so they can enter the regular school.

I also agree about Gabi. There have been some underlying things brought up to show her regret at not having a proper education. I hope she gets a chance to pursue some higher ed, amongst all the crazy mysteries and happenings that will happen in this novela.

Ann- Yes Tio Limon (not a real uncle since he found Caremelo as an abandoned baby) seems to want JJ to choose Elsa.

In Dinero, Rafa would carry around a huge briefcase of cash and, like J J, take a taxi not a private car. It caused some anxiety producing moments for me as well.


No me diga...Eduardo Yanez tiene 46 anos!! Es dificil creer.

Anon- He's 50 now. He was 46 when this was filmed. The man really has aged well. :)

GinCA- I was also reminded of our galan in Dinero Medina, always running around with large sums of cash in his black briefcase and nearly giving that Ale a heart attack each time. :)

We got home from voting, and it dawned on me that tonight's pre-emption is probably due to Univision's mid-term election-night coverage.

They do a good job on that, so of all the pre-emptions they could have, this one makes sense, I'm thinking.

West-coast polls won't close until like 10 p.m. eastern, so it makes sense they would be late.

I don't know how it was by you, but our place was freakin packed. We had to wait in line a long time.

Hi everyone,hope those of you who can, voted.Thanks Jeri and Aribeth for the recap and links. I am on the fence with the coupling of JJ and Elsa.His behavior with her is a bit strange but he truly sees her as a sister with possible benefits.you know,wait on him hand and foot,hang on his every word and marry when he approves.As for loving him, that will be Ale's job. He had been locked up too long. My older brothers [all six of them] were just as protective, I remember hating them at times, especially if I liked the boy. What is Roberto up to? I thought his job was to spy on Mario.what did Gabriela ever do to him or David for that matter.His plan is pure demonic.That Adolfo is slick,at least something good came out of that whole fiasco.Roberto and David's plan got revealed.Lets hope Don Mario puts his own plan in place.Nice twist...


Aribeth, wonderful imagery. "Reptile" is truly the word for Roberto and "Elsa gives Slimebag Sr. the frak off" truly captured this great moment.

Mario is so wise - hard to believe as a young man that he must've been as block-headed as David is now to get a mess with Avila years ago.

If the "rich gentleman in the wig and a niece called Caramelo" buys the hotel, maybe there's a job in it for Elsa.

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