Friday, November 19, 2010

Llena de Amor #70 Thu 11/18/10 Fedra confirms her reservation in hell

Redux: Uncle Max is all up in the poor abogado’s face because his will is nullified by his crazy behavior. Fedra and Spiderus gloat over the latest fake will that leaves all Max’s money to Eman. Ilitia tells Kristel that Mauricio tried to rape her.
We begin tonight’s episode with the battling suitors rolling around Netty’s Technicolor couch. Benigno shows up and drags Eman away. Brandon struts like a bandy rooster until Dolores smacks him upside the head.

Kristel tells Ilitia just because 1500 nacos buy her magazine to do who knows what kind of filth with it doesn’t make her the most coveted woman in the universe (codiciada). Ilitia gives Kristel details of Mau’s vile behavior but Kristel refuses to believe. Que sorpresa.

Oliver stumbles into Casa Crazy to tell Paula he had no luck in locating Gretel. Spiderus crawls in and Paula is dismissed for the arachnid-to-man talk. He tells Oliver that he (Oli) has all his parts because Fedra is a patient woman, but Spidey not so much. Our brave polis refuses to back down. He gets his hackles up and says he knows Spidey knows where Gretel is and he intends to come every day, every week, every hour and set up a hut in front of the house until he sees her.

Fedra pays a little torture visit to Gretel in the extremely tidy wine cellar. She’s got a sloppily wrapped gift in a box that Gretel will love. She nudges it toward Gretel with her zebra leg. Oh no, say it ain’t so!

Kristel throws Ilitia out of her room and has a meltdown.

Caiman has buddied up with the guys who beat up Mauricio. He tells them orders from La Reina, make Mauricio plead for his death. Tonight. After the guards close down the cells.

Fedra blows nothing off a dustless bottle and continues to bait Gretel. She tells Gretel she did her the favor of bringing her best friend, meow, meow. Horrified, Gretel opens the box to find NOOOOO!!! "My God, Dumas is dead!" Fedra tells her she was thinking about hiring a taxi driver to do that thing where they pull out the intestines and make a stuffed animal out of kitty. (Die beeyatch!)

Spidey pokes his nose in to announce the polis are upstairs. Gretel goes ballistic and hysterically screams for Oliver. Fedra lolls against the rack, opens a bottle, takes a swig and casually observes her daughter.

Doris asks Mari what in the heck happened between her and Eman? Mari asks Doris to take a vow of silence, especially don’t tell Netty. Her night of love with Eman was a lie, a farce, a mockery of love. Doris’s lips are sealed. (We’ll see.)

Spidey tells Gretel nobody can hear her, least of all the police. Gretel begs them to leave her and Oliver alone. As if foul Fedra could be moved by her daughter’s anguished pleas, puhleeze! She tells Gretel that the only way to keep them from killing Oliver is for Gretel to convince him she’s been toying with him all this time.

“What will you do with me afterward?” Gretel asks. Fedra smiles her toothy grin, they’ll put her on a plane to Switzerland, she can hang with the cows and the cuckoo clocks. But if Gretel doesn’t cooperate then the next time she sees her love it will be at his wake.

Netty is in a tizzy, how embarrassing that Eman knew about her and Emiliano. Embarrassed? Her friends say she should be scared. If that Axel went home and blabbed then Fedra will scratch Netty’s eyes out!

It’s nighty-night time in the big house and the bullies show up and begin pounding Mau. One pulls a knife and tells Mau to get ready for the longest night of his life.

Brandon’s a little pouty because Mari told Doris what’s bugging her and she didn’t tell him. She thanks him for being such a pal and she’ll never let anyone dis her again. He opens her window because she’s feeling a little wheezy. He leaves and suddenly there came a tapping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at her chamber door. (Take that all you quoters of poetry. I can do it too, ha!!)

Oliver paces while he waits for Fedra. She appears from the cellar and he demands to know where his girlfriend is. Fedra steps aside to reveal a grim Gretel. Will she melt into Oliver’s arms or will she act her little heart out, the one she will break to save her man?

Mari’s surprise visitor crawls through her window and it ain’t the raven. It’s Eman and he wants to know what’s up with her? She holds a pale, wan hand upon her brow and tells him the only thing he wants is to destroy her! He protests he won’t leave until she gives him 10 minutes. Speak, she says, but if Brandon and Netty find you hear they’ll kick you out on the street.

Turns out Mauricio’s not quite the wimp I’d imagined. Instead of crying for mommy he knees his attackers in the nuts, steals their knife and goes on the offensive. He’s even bleeped, shame his dirty mouth!

I’m gonna hate this part. Oliver moves toward Gretel but she recoils, don’t come near me. He tells her she’s being threatened, right? Fedra and Spidey leave Gretel to her egregious task. She tells Oliver she can’t deny she had a good time with him. It was fun the way she used him to make her mom mad but now she’s done with him. Thanks for the great adventure but she’s tired OK? She’s bored with him. I can’t even begin to describe poor Oliver’s face. Anguish doesn’t do it justice.

Speaking of anguish, Emiliano’s at some bar languishing in a snifter of brandy. He stares at it and sees Netty ordering him to leave. An alcoholic ipod of the memory if you will. The funniest part was when he yelps “Netty!” and actually looks inside the glass. Dude, pathetic much? Emi’s imagination is in overdrive tonight, now he sees Fedra the wicked witch of the west in a mirror (or shiny plate) behind the bar. I was waiting for her to cackle “Aunti Em, Auntie Em” but instead Fedra blames Emiliano for all the bad that has happened in their family. He asks for the check and surprise! The barkeep is Eman who orders his dad to let him fight for Mari’s love. Emiliano shakes his head, wipes his face, and pays the real bartender who is looking askance at the crazy man.

Eman and Mari have the exact argument we would expect. He: I love you with all my heart. She: You’re a liar. One thing though, she slaps him and tells him never again in her life will she let him treat her like an idiot, never!

Back at the jail the bullies get the upper hand and stab Mauricio in the leg before hightailing it out of the cell.

Oliver pleads with Gretel, bears his heart to her. He knows her love and tenderness. She completed him. Meanwhile Spiderus stands outside the window providing artistic inspiration to Gretel by pretending to slit his throat. Gretel tells Oliver she’s a crazy schizophrenic and she invents her own reality. It’s not Fedra’s influence, its how she really feels.

Fedra and Spiderus and lurking in the hall just as Emiliano stumbles through the door. He staggers toward them, drunk, and begins hurling insults at Fedra. Spidey rolls his eyes in the background.

Caiman disinfects Mau’s wound with a lit cigarette. I never learned that little trick in first aid. Mauricio yells in pain and vows to get revenge against Fedra Curiel.

The Godfather calls his two lame henchmen, the ones who lost Christian, and tell them to stop looking for the baby for now. (Well actually, they were drinking in a café.) He has another job for them. They’re to make sure a tragedy happens to the poor son of Fedra, and no screwing up this time! Good luck with that one.

Mari and Emanuel argue for another whole scene where nothing happens. Finally at the end Mari tells him she overheard him and Fedra. Can we move this conversation along now?

Oh man, am I stuck with the night of nasty nattering or what? Back to the heartbreak of Gretel and Oliver. She laughs in his face, poor innocent schmuck, of course he wasn’t her first nor was it the first time she escaped from her house. He’s like a hobby actually. He kisses her but she refuses to respond. She’s never loved anyone and she never will, now get out and never come back!

Eman tries to explain his plot to fool Fedra. It was the only way he could think of to protect Mari. He loves her and he only wants to unmask his mother. Mari starts to melt but with great timing Brandon enters with her lunch tray.

Emiliano blathers a few bootless threats and lumbers off to bed. Fedra tells Spidey she’ll deal with him tomorrow, tonight she’s concerned with the little polis.

Right on cue the hapless couple emerges. Oliver tells Gretel it was she who destroyed their love. Gretel is in tears but remains silent. I don’t even know why Gretel wastes her breath asking Fedra if she’s happy. She’s positively beaming as she leads Gretel back down to the cellar.

Ilitia sneaks in through the side door with a bag over her shoulder. Is it her jammy bag I wonder?

Emiliano has wandered down to Uncle Max’s pad. (Oops, that doesn’t sound quite right.) Emiliano tells Max that he’s a failure as a father and husband. He wails that he never knows when Fedra is lying or telling the truth. “That serpent is ALWAYS lying,” advises Max. Emiliano says he has a doubt in his heart. He has a very hard time spitting out what he wants to say but he finally manages to grunt out his question, was there something between Fedra and his brother Luis-Felipe?

Brandon and Emanuel huff and puff at each other. Brandon is incensed when Mari asks him to leave the room. He tells Eman that for every tear he causes Mari, Brandon will collect it back in Eman’s blood.

Max tells Emiliano how dare he soil his brother’s memory with such a question. Luis-Felipe was always deeply in love with Eva. Max says yes, LP was interested in Fedra, but only because he was investigating her to find out who she really is.

Mari and Emanuel make up and he apologizes for causing her such sadness because he was a dumba** for not telling her his plan. She says she wanted to die. Eman tells her that if she dies he’s wants to die right behind her. They gaze at each other.

Manana: Emiliano wants a divorce, Muneca asks Fedra what’s up between her and Lowrenzo, Ilitia gets all sexied up for Eman, he kisses her and calls her Marianela.

Aventura – adventure, also means affair
Taxista – taxi driver
Taxidermista – taxidermist
Velorio – wake
Una burla del amor - a mockery of love
Soy una tumba – my lips are sealed (Lit. I’m a tomb)
Van a sacarte a las patadas – they’ll kick you out.
Te tienen amenazada – you’re threatened.


Ahoy all, I will be out of town next Thursday through Sunday for the Thanksgiving weekend. Would someone be able to do Thursday's recap? I know it's a terrible weekend for it. If a sub doesn't work out I'll do it on Sunday but I thought it might be worth asking.

Aye, Aye,Aye. Such wailing and gnashing of teeth last night. Such a depressing episode, but you sure gave us some wonderful humor in your recap. Thanks. Wasn't sure I could reread all that about last night.

My favorite: “Aunti Em, Auntie Em”. That was so funny! But Fedra isn't worth getting blotto over Emi! Max should have slapped him good. But Emi is about there to realize her total snakedom, it'll just take another 100 episodes (hehe).

Can I just say how aggravated it makes me in that pension that NOONE KNOCKS! I don't know why it drives me so insane, but the way people just walk right into rooms, especially Brandon last night, I want to scream.
Mari may have melted slightly to Eman(gees who couldn't looking at those gorgeous teary eyes, but I digress)but there will be something that drives her away. Maybe the Ilitia meet up?

Oliver - okay. Those scenes made use of several kleenex's. if this was US TV, I'd be saying give that man an Emmy.

Happy Friday all!

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Oh, no, wrong novela-- how can I delete that, or can someone else!! I'm soooo sorry!


Khalilah...right now the "trash cans" that enable delete aren't showing up. But if they do, we will. Still, your comment is pretty funny. We don't mind it being over here!

Hi Sylvia. Guess we're going to have to start calling Fedra Mrs. Malaprop. She sure mixes up the language. The taxista/taxidermist number was a hoot.

You cracked me up with the very first line about the "battling suitors rolling around on Netty's techicolor couch." Great way to start the recap. Terrific visual.

And then the Raven imagery, the shout out to Wizard of Oz....topping it off with "bootless threats". Yikes, what Maggie started!

On that conversation with Kristel and Ilitia that you questioned, I think Kristel said just because you're in all these magazines doesn't mean you're the most "codiciada" (coveted, desired) woman in the world.

Even though I knew the dead kitty trick was coming, it was still icky. And I find these drunk scenes so annoying. Emiliano is still shaping up to be a stupid weak man who attempts to solve his problems with affairs and drunkenness. Hope he takes a turn for more heroic means soon. I hate seeing one of my favorite actors play such a spineless doofus.

Okay. I deleted Khalilah's comment as requested. But if you're curious, it's over on the STuD line.

Thanks Judy! Codiciada makes total sense. I fixed it in my recap.

I thought Khalila's comment was a hoot and can pretty much apply to Ivana, Fedra, a whole host of villainesses.

Fedra is definitely a Madam Malaprop. Last night I kept switching back and forth between cringing at her nastiness and laughing at her antics. Poor Gretel wasn't the only schizophrenic last night. I felt like one too.

If both Gretel and Oliver don't win some sort of award for their acting there is no justice!

This is great, Sylvia. You really captured the various tints of last night's romp and I love the literary laces woven throughout.

Fedra is a masterful ghastly work of art. I naively thought the gift wrapped box would have something like a Hello Kitty sleeping bag... well... hello kitty! And then for her to say that she "...was thinking about hiring a taxi driver to do that thing where they pull out the intestines and make a stuffed animal..." well... how to respond? Gag? Recoil in horror and disgust? Choke with unfettered laughter? Fedra, may you eventually rot in Hell... but meintras tanto... keep on bringing it.

"Brandon struts like a bandy rooster..." indeed you keep expecting the next words out of his mouth to be, "COCKADOODLEDOOO!

I cracked up when... was it Gladiola?... doused the cockfight with a bucket of water.

Why didn't Gretel confide in Oliver about what was really happening when they were left alone? He's a big strong, resourceful (well, resourceful) cop for goodness sake.

Is it time to start the FREE MAURICIO chant?


Sylvia and I will switch nights next week so I can "pre-cook" and she can head off for a Thanksgiving break.

And Sylvia, forgot to mention...I too was very impressed with the acting skills last night. The actor playing Oliver I've only seen in comic roles (Gancho and Guapos). He really brought it last night as did the actress playing Gretel.

As for why she said nothing when they were "alone", I think, Carlos, that Bernardo was lurking right around the corner and signaled to her that she'd better play it straight. At least I think that's what I saw.

Brandon's strut is amazing. He did the same thing in Mi Pecado so I'm wondering if this is the way he walks all the time. In real life, that might get quickly tiresome. But you know, he probably has a little Napolean complex going on there (he's pretty short, no?) so he makes up for it with that antler-bashing strut.

Sylvia, what a hoot. Your recap was way, way more fun than I remember the episode. Though I did love Fedra thinking taxi drivers stuff animals.

I'm impressed that you worked in a line from The Raven, too. That's one of my absolute favorite poems.

Poor, poor Oliver. I wish Gretel had felt there was some way she could let him know what was going on, but I guess with the threat of his murder hanging over her, she just didn't dare. She should have tried to pick up some tools while she was in the office...a letter opener or something she could hide under her clothes for when she's locked in the cellar again. Might come in handy for breaking out.

Great recap Sylvia, thanks.

Carlos, why in the world would you want to free Orange Boy?

Fedra is one nasty piece of work. I can hardly wait for her demise, I hope that it will be long and painful. I still cannot understand how she has gained so much power and money. Surely it is not a result of her night job?

I didn't like Brandon in MP, but he is funny doing his banty rooster routine in this one.


Thanks, Judy B. and Cap'n Sylvia. The level of discourse has really deteriorated over at STuD: plot line is totally stoopid, but we're all "biliingual" masochists. Maybe I'll catch up on Llena from your caps, looks like a fun show. Sorry about the mixup!


Khalilah, you are certainly welcome to join us here. This show is hilarious with the exception of a murdered cat here, the occasional murdered innocent there, and a ton of vicious fat jokes.

Looks like I'll be recapping tonight's merriment, so please drop by some time tomorrow afternoon.

Rosemary, ummm... I can't think of a single believable reason... let'm rot.


Hilarious, hilarious recap! I was laughing out loud so many times. You are a genius!

Oh, it was so tough seeing Gretel lie to poor Oliver like that. How many episodes will it take before they get things resolved?

Tonight's episode should be interesting!

Hilarious bit with Gladiola whacking a strutting Brandon on the head. LOL!

Thank you, Carlos, the story line does look lika a kind of voluptuous La Fea fairy tale.


Sylvia and Judy, I looked ahead on my DirecTV guide and it looks as though LldA will be pre-empted for a dancing show next Thursday. No such luck for Friday.


Miss Judy, I'll still do Wednesday's recap so you can get your Thanksgiving dinner together. You've subbed for me and others plenty of times. I know I owe a recap or two somewhere.

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. About 3/4 of the way through last night's show I couldn't help but feel that everytime a scene changed someone was yelling at someone else. I couldn't mute because the CCs were not very good last night.

I couldn't believe that Fedra had Dumas in the box for Gretel. Thank goodness Kris isn't watching this show or she would be beside herself!

Khalila, we love to have you visit here. Please stop by any time.

Thanks Sylvia. I will accept your kind offer with Gratitude. Perfect for Thanksgiving.

Khalilah...yes, please stop by. Your remarks are always hilarious. And you don't want to miss Carlos' recaps either. They're always gems. You know his puckish humor from reading his comments on STuD. So a whole recap of that wicked irony is a treat.

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