Saturday, December 18, 2010

Llena de Amor #90 (Mex. 95) Fri 12/17/10 Llena de que?

Amor eh? Well, I'm not seeing much of that...but I'll be telling you what I do see ...

So we open with mod chica Ilitia being perfectly upset about the Espanolita bringing Manny his clothes back, of course VicMar TOTALLY takes advantage of the situation (who wouldn’t if they had the chance to give that diva wannabe the opportunity to form frown wrinkles) and plays it off as no big deal, but Ilitia will defend her man to the which VMar aptly responds, well, I hope you have a good dentist then!! Take that ! Manny just shrugs and smirks apparently enjoying the stew.

And now a word from our sponsors, Maggi Sason de la Calle for chicken boullion…Muneca is cooking roast chicken and the maid is simply in awe of the little cubos and how to do this. Hmm, not likely.

Now we go to yuk, Bernardo visits Delicia for some of her Delights, and she has to fight him off. He is not easily dissuaded and forces her into the closet…

Speaking of closets, Oliver is wondering if GMan shouldn’t be coming out of his, but not wanting it to be with him. S-He just wants them to be friends, but he wonders about those looks…he shouldn’t be looking at him that way…Consuelo breaks in and thanks him for covering for her about, you know, the other night…he saved her life…no she’s saving his from Manoseolo…but she is oblivious.

Now Bernardo has pulled Delicia onto the bed and well of course because she’s on top the chic who bursts in thinks Deli is after some meat… and spews shame at her. She won’t believe Deli’s protesting essentially calling her a little tart and Benni no better for accepting. Hmph.

Ah jees now we go to Emiliano wanting to bond more with his daughter, umm yeah, to get closer you’ll have to etch off the 8 feet of makeup layers on this chic, which are clearly affecting her brain/oxygen flow, as she wants him to help her be top model, he wanting her to get a clue and leave her shady ass orange boyfriend. Nice try Emil, but see above re etching off layers first…your concern will not get through to her otherwise. She say Mau loooves her and he’s all she has…pulease.

So now Muneca and hubby are at the office and Low teases her about being at work and then being asleep when he got home last night and then dreaming about him as he could see her face moving funny or something and who walks in but our man orange of the hour. He wants to apologize to Muneca because the money that was stolen he intended to donate to her shelter and children’s hospital. She laughs at something ironic that the Lirio de Plata robs and gives to the poor and the money was intended for helping her help the poor, really, she laughs because she got the money afterall, but thankfully our intelligent detective has not sleuthed this yet. Orangeman promises they’ll build the hospital even though the money went missing… Muni is a little shocked.

Back to the office where VMar has had enough of princess accusing her of wanting to sleep with her husband; oh but Brandon walks in on cue and says Il’s nose is wrong, VMar is mamboing horizontally with him. Dos muy impactado looks from the newlyweds…

Fedra is fretting over the photo of her in the paper that declares her the hostess of the most elite corrupt ones in the country…how’s that for a title! This doesn’t stop them from critiquing the foto.

Benigno and Emil chat about the investigation the General is conducting and the nugget here is that it turns out that the Fedra Curiel they found, so couldn’t be his wife because of the age, instead her mother, but that chic never had children… Emil fears that Fedra has been deceiving this whole time.

Back to the office of impactados, where Brandon explains how he and VMar discovered the delights of each others flesh and the other two jeer a bit in slight disbelief. Spitting and hair pulling ensue, well figuratively, and Ilitia admits to knowing Brandon way better than VMar could ever hope to. Brandon smirks and Manny wonders why that is. Later Ili explains that she knows his type well. More bantering here but let’s move on.

Oh we didn’t get very far, back at the: hmm how can that be that the first Fedra had no kids, is he sure? Is there a mistake? No, y no, and oh our orangeman gets around because now he’s visiting Emil and proposes to him an offer he can’t refuse…uh oh…well, next we know all the suegritos are together in an office discussing that the money was for the hospital and he’s sorry he was so upset, and woes him, he carries the stigma of being the son of a mafioso (stigma?…I thought that was pretty much an absolute)…anyway, ole Emil says, curiously enough, he talked with his daughter today about him and agreed to give him a chance because he supports her but his eyes will be on Mau like flies on…well that’s the idea anyway. Don’t mess up dude, so what is your business prop?

So Brandon wants to know what Mani knows about the Lirio de Plata..they chat, Bran reciting the similarities between him and the Lirio, Eman turns it back on Bran that he too shares these characteristics. The conversation then turns to the girl…with Bran reminding him he’s a free man and well Eman has already found the girl of his dreams, no?

The girls now get their turn…and VMar gets flowers from Mau… Ilitia says take him, that will get him away from my sister in law…but stay away from my hubby!! VMar says she will play the game with him, but he will pay for all of his former insults of her when she was la gorda.

Th group now chats about this great event that Mau wants to hold to raise back the money for the hospital. Muni wants to manage it all, she doesn't need Low to help. He goes out but remarks that when this is over she'll have not interest in the investment.

Ah that Fedra, she actually goes to the rag mag office and complains about the article, she wants to know who wrote the article but the folks actually don't was the Lirio de Plata...that guy gets around too. Robber, writer, man what a talented dude.

Ilitia bumps into Brandon in the hallway...did anyone else notice the car alarm going off in the background? He makes a comment about her rolling around with Mau on her wedding day. Naturally this pisses her off, but he warns her to be careful as she is deceinvg her hubby and playing with fire...she tells him not to get used to Vicki, he'll lose her too like Marianela. Later he teases her again.

Low demostrated his namesake and blows lots hot air at Doris introducing himself to her, telling her she'll have to do some body make up. She wonders who,'s her (and our) bon bon...this is a good scene!!!

At the paper, Fedra learns and does not like that the pseudonymed Plata thief wrote the article. They have nothing to say about it...ha...anyway on the way out, she runs into GMan, who is muy impactado to see her and says her name. Of course from behind her wall of ringlets she wants to know why he's so freaked out, well he just recognized her from the mag, everyone knows her now the jefe says. She leaves, but not before she spits some more at him. Jairo recommends that Manolo take acting lessons from Netty, because these have give him lots of security.

Emil comes into VMar and Eman and says he has news...Mau will be working exclusively with VMar on this new hospital building event. Eman can't believe his ears, that his Pa is trusting that low life, and where did the money come from and so forth... yep.. She's not happy that he didn't get consulted first and Eman keeps on insulting Mau, he won't work with this kind of people, really VMar is whom he will work with...

Doris proceeds to make up the bon bon, who promises he will act like he's dead, he knows who she is, and that will make her at ease to work on him. She would like nothing more.

Emil begs Vicky to do this for him as a favor.

Axel shows up to ask forgiveness of Netty.

Mau wants to talk to Vicky alone... Eman leaves but warns her Mau is dangerous, she says he's not so undangerous.

Mau invites her to eat at his house, she can't she's busy, and he was never given permission to tutear her. Nope he says, you'll cancel your plans, oh and I will tutear you. You'll be there at 9pm...y fin


Hey Kris. Thanks for part one and clearly up what silly game slimy orange guy is up to. Was it clear (or not) that this is a ploy to get his money back? Is there a way it can all blow up in his face? All I can do is hope for the day that loathsome Lo finds out what the jerk did to his daughter. Since Lo probably can't be redeemed, he's our best candidate to take out Agent O (and by take out I do mean kill).

Hi there Kris. Love your wry "diva wannabee frown wrinkles". Just great. And your transition "speaking of closets" was a hoot. But my favorite is "shady ass orange boyfriend". Excellent description of Mauricio. Top notch.

Didn't know whom to feel sorrier for last night...Emiliano or Kristel. That poor wretch is soooo stupid. Vapid. Empty-headed. And even waist-high culture is a stretch for her. Her punishment for her sins is getting the guy she wants...Mr. Shady Ass.

Great to have you back Kris. Enjoy the holidays. And thanks for a terrific recap.

Hi Kris, such a funny recap, love your humor. Like Karen, I got the feeling that Mr. Shady Ass Orangey was almost subtly threatening Muneca in a way, trying to find out if she had his money, but I couldn't be sure.

Kristel is unbelievably stupid. Maybe Mr. Shady Ass and Ms. Dumb Ass would make an OK but doomed couple after all.

"Office of impactados", perfect description of that busy but confusing place.

Very funny recap, Kris. I do enjoy your pitiless treatment of our least favorite village idiots.

Now that Emiliano is trying to reclaim or discover assertiveness, I hope Delicia tells him that Spidey tried to force himself on her. Maybe Bernie will get chucked out after all. And when Fedra complains that she can't live without him, Emil can throw her out, too!

Does Emiliano not know that Fedra's real name is Juana Felipa Perez? I thought Emanuel knew they never talk? Or was I just imagining that Eman knew? Can GretelMan just go ahead and print that in the paper so everyone will know?

I'm sure Mau is up to no good with this hospital benefit, and I'm really hoping it will backfire on him. The scenario I imagine is that he will steal the money and blame El Lirio, but the real Lirio will steal it back and it will go to the hospital after all. If VickyM goes to his house for dinner, I hope she takes bodyguards and cootie spray.

I love watching Mari irk Ilitia, but hate the way Brandon is treating her. Some torments she deserves, and others she doesn't. Surely taunting her about enjoying Agent O's company is not the naco gentleman way.

Wonderful job on the first part of the episode. Not so much of a slug fest like the night before, more watching all the conniving and spying everyone is doing. Emi should join forces with his own sons - but that won't happen yet - TN law.

had to say, I cracked up wtching Friday. One of my sons who just got home and has never seen this TN walked in the room as Agent O appeared on screen, looked at the TV and said " What the heck is wrong with that guy? eat too many carrots?"

Julia...I cringe everytime Brandon makes a wisecrack about Mauricio to Ilitia also. Alas, we know his ire is fueled by raging jealousy and jealousy brings out the very worst in everyone. If she'd just tell him the truth, he'd lay off her...but then of course he'd have to go kill Mauricio.'ll have to wait until one of the lowlifes do that. Got to keep our naco hero pure so he can deserve a happy ending with his beloved.

Hey nice to see your photo with your guys. Fraternal twins I assume. Great-looking family. Congrats.

Heee, thanks folks...the rest is there now...I tell ya, this one bounces around a bit, and so many side stories!!! Wow!

Thanks Kris, you really had your hands full with this episode, so much yackety yack! Is it me or has the plot gotten very complex all of a sudden? Usually I hate the side storylines but I'm enojoying the ones in this TN.

That Mauricio is the most horrid of the horrid! I hate his cheeky attitude and oh yea, he's a rapey snake.

I don't think Andres is the greatest catch in the world but Doris seems to like him. At least he knows who she is so he's not completely clueless.

Thanks again Kris, fantastically funny recap. Have a great holiday.

Thanks Judy - yep them's my boys, born three minutes apart and different as you can get. But that's a good thing, keeps things lively for me that's for sure!!

Kris, loved the rest of your recap. I'm so cringing at the prospect of Mari having to deal with Moron-cio. Man, could he be anymore abnoxious? Maybe if we're lucky, El Lirio will show up to save the day.

Thanks Kris, very funny. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I see that you have the same fondness for Orangeboy as the rest of us.

You've also captured something that I noticed Fri. and that is that Vicky actually may have a bit more control over the situation than it first seemed, though I'm not sure what to think about her upcoming meeting with Malicio. I hope that she is not planning to walk into his lair without backup. At least she is seeming a little less 'luded out than she was when she first returned. Maybe it really was jet-lag.

Poor Manolo was doing so well until he ran into Fedra. I was so afraid that Fedra would see Gretel cowering under that wig behind that mustache and glasses. I'm surprised she didn't smell her fear. Vipers have keen olfactory sense... you know?

I agree with Jairo, acting lessons from Netty wouldn't hurt. Just one more reason for our two impostors to confide in Netty.

Ilitia and Brandon are such a treat to watch when they are together. I'm believing it. They are a unique pair and yet evoke fond memories of Coni and Beto (Gancho).


"Didn't know whom to feel sorrier for last night...Emiliano or Kristel."

Indeed. Though I've been betting that she is actually Lorenzo's spawn, she certainly seems to have inherited Emiliano's smarts. Is he a complete idiot?

Apparently Andre pays a bit more attention than he previously seemed to. I hope Doris doesn't go all gooey on us. I really like this actress... a lot.


Kris, my apologies for ringing in late here. What a fabulous title and opening line! Too cute! Thanks for this great recap! (You are SUCH a quick study…but then, we knew that….)

“VicMar TOTALLY takes advantage of the situation (who wouldn’t if they had the chance to give that diva wannabe the opportunity to form frown wrinkles)” ROTFL!!!!!

“And now a word from our sponsors, Maggi Sason de la Calle for chicken boullion” Muñeca was cooking and then ran off to do a lot of other stuff, if I understood the chronology correctly. So, I’m wondering if she chilled it or reheated it or just left it in the pan collecting bacteria all day. (Had too much time on my hands this morning. Causes me to think of all kinds of things).

“Deli is after some meat” ROTFL!

Emil, poor naïve devil, has only recently zeroed in that there’s a trapped cat here (i.e., something fishy). He is so clueless about who Fedra really is that he’s in for major impactados moments in the next 100 or so episodes.

“it was the Lirio de Plata...that guy gets around too. Robber, writer, man what a talented dude.” LOL! Jack of all trades, and mastering so many….

So Ándre did remember Doris, and making her cry. Good start! (The body make-up’s a good start, too).


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