Thursday, December 09, 2010

Llena de Amor #83 (Mex. 88) Wed 12/8/10 Three red herrings, two fresas, and one rotten orange are stinking up the joint

I got confused trying to keep track of Marianela, Victoria, whatever her name is. So if I write Mari, Vicki, MariVicki, I mean just the one person, Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa. Also, tonight there was a lot of talk and not much action. Was it just me or did the episode seem to drag on? Oh well, I guess it can't be exciting every night.

The very boring wedding is still going on. However, in the den or wherever it is the purses and money are kept, El Lirio de Plata de Darth Vader has tied up MariVicki. She wonders is he the same guy that attacked her way back when? No, that guy was violent and this not so much. They almost get found by Nereida but since she’s a lazy maid who doesn’t do a thorough search El Lirio and Vicki remain undiscovered.

Max summons Paula to the foxhole to tell her he saw Gretel who is safe even though she spent TWO YEARS in the wine cellar in the same outfit.

El Lirio goes through the purses and Mauricio’s money-stuffed briefcase (hoorah!) grunting happily as he finds the goods. Throughout all this he entertains Vicki with his story, that he robs not for himself but for others in need. Mari thought bubbles that he thinks he’s Robin Hood and crazier than she thought. That made me laugh. He robs the safety deposit box, swipes her necklace, places un Lirio de Plata in her hand, smashes the window and casually strides out of the room. Whatever happened to opening a window and sneaking out?

The wedding party breaks down the door to discover they have been robbed!! Do they not notice that Eman’s not there?

Ilitia gripes that this pirate Robin Hood ruined her “wedding”. Muneca pipes up the guy’s not all bad and suddenly Ilitia notices Eman’s not there. He appears and is “shocked” to hear that that they have been robbed. Fedra shrieks for Bernardo and busts everyone’s ear drums. I think this is a red herring to make us wonder if Bernardo is El Lirio. Doesn’t work.

Consuelo moons over Brandon and tries to suck up to Dolores her kinda maybe future mother-in-law. She wishes.

Back at the wedding party Ilitia doesn’t like that Eman is talking to MariVicki. Mari in her fake Spanish accent asks has anyone called the poleeth? Speak of the king of Rome and through the door Brandon enters.

Paula begs Beni to take her to Gretel. She could care less that she’s supposed to be working the wedding so they sneak out, telling Delicia they’re going to fetch refreshements.

Brandon does his police thing, waves a black glove around that he found outside and claims it belongs to El Lirio. Eman thinks it’s suspicious that Brandon all of a sudden shows up and Mari thought bubbles that this is no coincidence, she’s certain Brandon is El Lirio de Plata. Little do they know he was probably just sniffing around hoping to catch a glimpse of Ilitia.

Nereida and Delicia, who are acting exceedingly casual about the house being burgled, think it’s very suspicious that El Lirio was able to get in and go straight to the room with the purses and Malicio’s briefcase. Nereida licks her lips and wonders if Bernardo is El Lirio de Plata.

Eman continues to cast suspicion upon Brandon (and away from himself). Ilitia’s not liking this and pipes up that the Spaniard is a stranger and it’s probably SHE who is the thief. Fedra jumps on this idea and starts to attack until Mari tells her to look in the mirror, her makeup is running. This throws Fedra off while Jacqui snickers in the background. Mari says she’s a stranger now but very soon they will know more about her. Emiliano forbids Fedra to attack Vicki and Brandon.

Ilitia keeps trying to implicate Vicki but Vicki defends herself by pointing out she was robbed too. She tells Brandon the only thing the robber said is that he was El Lirio de Plata. I guess she forgot that El Lirio blabbed nonstop while he was robbing the place.

Doris finds Oliver in his pigsty of a room. They discuss The Kiss and Oliver admits he was looking for an antidote to the pain that is Gretel. Nevertheless he really liked the day he and Doris spent together. She tells him she can count on her for anything. They hug, get a little too close, stare at each other, and jump apart.

Brandon goes into the den to look for clues and Vicki asks Emiliano for a favor. Can she visit The General on behalf of Marianela? Oh, and can she have a job? That would be two favors but who’s counting?

I thought Max would recognize Vicki but no, she says she’s Mari’s friend. Max wants to hear all about Mari’s marriage. Is her husband a fatty like her? Good grief I can’t believe he asked that! I would have ripped him a new one but Vicki thinks it’s funny. She says she’s come to deliver an important message from Mari. Carlota confessed that Max’s suspicions are correct. “Then it’s true, Gretel is my daughter!”

Cut to Gretel sobbing on her bed and having a flashback to the unfortunate kiss between Oliver and Doris. Thank goodness she, and we, are saved by a knock at the door. Paula hugs Gretel like a, well like a long lost daughter.

Vicki gives Max a letter from Mari which she says explains everything. “Dear Tio Maximo, I’m fulfilling a promise I made to Carlota. She confessed everything blah blah blah, hired detectives to look for Gretel in Mexico and Europe, couldn’t find her, made Tia’s guilt even worse. Poor Carlota, asked me to find Gretel’s parents and tell them sorry for the terrible damage she did by taking away their baby.” OK sweetie, no harm done, Carlota can have a Get Out of Hell Free card.

Gretel is sobbing to Paula that she lost everything. Paula volunteers to look for Gretel’s novio but Gretel tells her too late. Everything’s gone, her family, her love, she’s more alone than ever and has nobody, doomed to a life of fleeing. Paula swears that she will stick by Gretel and go with here no matter where!

It looks like Max has told Vicki about Fedra locking Gretel in the wine cellar because they are trashing the witch vehemently. He says because she’s Mari’s friend and has the eyes of a pure soul he’ll admit he’s got Gretel hidden in a hotel. (Some General.) Vicki wants him to tell her where so she can visit Gretel this very night.

Back at the hotel room Paula is ready to stay with Gretel and never go back but Benigno fears that if she’s a no-show then Fedra and Bernardo will be on them like a pack of vultures. Gretel adds that last time someone tried to help her, namely Oliver, Bernardo tried to kill him and she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Paula. “Benigno, take her away now.” Sobs and tears and Gretel is left alone once more.

Time for a commercial break. You know what I like about the holidays? Chia pets, and this year we have all new Sponge Bob and Shrek in addition to Scooby, kitty and Obama. Makes a great gift so order yours now!

Ilitia gripes to Fedra that her wedding was a complete flop. Ya think? Brandon wants to take Vicki down to the station for questioning but Vicki’s not liking this idea. Can they do it tomorrow? Eman puffs up his chest and smugly tells Brandon that Victoria doesn’t want to go anywhere much less with him. I’ll bet Vicki prefers to speak for herself.

Axel and Delicia sneak away so she can give him something. No, not the kiss he was hoping for but something else. She bought him a gift, it’s a guitar, how sweet!

Brandon tells Eman to occupy himself with his wife and let Brandon do his work. Mari announces she’s fine with helping out the poleeth. See toldja Eman.

The two fresas are off in a corner hissing that they hate the españolita even more than the fatty. Ilitia’s pissed because she’s getting the attention of all her men. “All?” Kristel reminds her that Eman is her only guy, right? And Brandon? Ilitia snickers that she’s not at all interested in that naco. Ew, ew they squeak in unison, and then they hungrily check out Brandon’s assets.

Axel is very touched at Delicia’s gift and they decide he has to leave the guitar there (is it her room or the laundry?) so Fedra won’t find it in his room. He moves in for a kiss, closer, closer, and BOOM Nereida walks into the door to burst the moment. Delicia shoos Axel from the room but Nereida has seen enough. She tells Delicia she’d better not be having it off with the young lord. If she decides to tell Fedra Delicia will find herself in the street.

Malicio has the nerve to get on Emiliano’s case about the theft, boo hoo he wants his money. Emiliano and Emanuel gang up on him and kick him out of the house. Kristel whimpers as Malicio ominously bids the new Mrs. Eman a good wedding night. Creep.

Bernardo busts into the room holding Fidel’s arm behind his back. He announces he found the thief sneaking around outside. But Fidel says he just took the kids to the orphanage as instructed and he’s back to see if Muneca needs a ride. Lowman gets all huffy and says she doesn’t need her chauffeur when she’s with Low. Fidel says “but you always dump her and run off with your clients.” Somebody give this man a gold star.

It won’t be Ilitia though. She proclaims Fidel’s innocent because he doesn’t have the brains to be Robin Hood. Thanks bitch. Low leeringly laughs and suggests Ilitia and Eman run off and start making them grandparents. Even the baby-loving Muneca is nauseated at his suggestion.

Mari’s at the poleeth station telling her story yet again, can’t describe him, all in black with a mask, low voice, he tied her up, she was paralyzed. Brandon becomes very excited when he hears that Vicki is Mari’s friend.

In the boudoir Ilitia is in a high dudgeon over her wedding day. Eman tries to comfort her and says he knows something was bothering her in the church. She tells him he doesn’t get it, it’s everything, that stupid Malicio who almost got in a fight with her dad, the ceremony that didn’t happen, the theft, that obnoxious Spanish friend of the stupid fatty, just everything. Eman immediately sticks up for Vicki which sets Ilitia off and she stomps out of the room.

Vicki tells Brandon that Mari told her all about him, Netty and the others. She tells him that Mari is married but he will always have a place in Mari’s heart. She and Mari and more than friends, they are like sisters.

Eman is in bed thinking of happier times with Marianela. He scolds himself, he needs to tear her out of his heart. He picks up all the unopened letters, “Why did you come here Victoria and bring back all the memories of my fatty?”

Ilitia comes back in her wedding nightie and Eman tells her he wants to make her very happy this night. He kisses her but she can’t stop thinking about when Agent O violated her. She pushes Eman away and cries, “Let go of me! Leave me alone!” She’s in tears and Eman is all Que the hell?

Tomorrow: War and Death


Thanks for the recap Sylvia. Also enjoy your trip.

I liked your observation about the writers trying to throw us off the scent of Eman as the thief. But really can't they give us more credit.

And speaking of audience appreciation, the Vicky/Mari thing is so silly. When Eman was looking deeply into Vicky's eyes nothing (but the subconscious).

Please Ilitia denounce the rapey snake ahorita mismo.

And I got my Axel and Delicia fix so yeah. And yeah because classes end for me in 18 hours!!! Yes there are finals to grade but like Gretel, I'm free!!

This may have been a slow episode, but there were a few things that really made me laugh:

Una, Nereida to Delicia, not believing her story: Do you think I'm an idiot?
Delicia: Well, yes.

Dos, Darth Lirio oh-so-casually smashing a huge floor-to-ceiling window and strolling out.

Tres, Kristel and Ilitia's "ew, ew, ew"-fest, followed instantly by their ogling Brandon.

Okay, one more thing that was at least mildly amusing...Emanuel's smug looks of satisfaction during everyone's ranting and accusations in the aftermath of the theft. He is quite pleased with himself.

Plus a dose of Delicia and Axel. That was really sweet of Delicia to get a guitar for him. I wonder what his life plan is these days. Is he going to school again?

Terrific recap; love the title. Some great jokes, too...

the "poleeth"...heh, Mari's Spanish accent is a little sketchy. But hey, it's working and NO one notices Vick has Mari's voice.

"Get Out of Hell Free card"...yeah, nice try. Too little, too late, Carlota.

"Someone give this man a gold star"...I still hope Fidel will end up with Muñeca. Ilitia sure is a master of the backhanded show of support.

Ilitia really needs to speak up. No need to involve the police, she just needs to say a word to her mafioso dad and rapey snake will disappear, no fuss, no muss, no scandal in the headlines.

Hi Karen and Julia, I think there is one thing that we can all agree on, we want the rapey snake to find his own particular hell and pronto. It's very hard to watch him in action.

Julia, I missed that little interaction between Nereida and Delicia. Thanks for pointing it out. Delicia's such a hoot. I wish she would enunciate better.

Every time I see Fidel I think he would be perfect with Muneca. He's such a gentleman and much classier than her Low-rent husband. I loved his subtle smack-down.

Karen, congratulations on the end of your classes!

In the previews, in between War and Death, it looked like Nety might recognize Mari. Is it another fake-out or the real deal?

VERY funny recap, very comprehensive! Thank you!

Oh, it's so frustrating, why oh why does not anyone recognize her? GAH!! I agree with whoever suggested that maybe Emil guesses. (Was that you, Sylvia? I get so overloaded with recap reading I forget!)

On the other hand, to be fair, some people are horrible at seeing this stuff, and someone mentioned in an earlier recap, no one is expecting for Mari to change. When it comes to disguises, I'm a freak and am usually not fooled, but it amazes me that many people are. (There have been whole movies which rely on everyone not recognizing someone in disguise, and sometimes I can tell anyway. Weird.)

I have to go back and see the scene where both Kristel and Ilitia go "Ewww naco" and then leer at him! Must see! LOL.

Yes, it seems pretty obvious that Eman is the Lirio, the way he is so smugly smiling.

I cannot BELIEVE that Ilitia actually said that Fidel is too stupid to be the Lirio! I agree, I totally am rooting for him ending up with Muñeca!

BTW, if you follow Eva Luna you know that I've been experimenting with making HD video clips. . . well, I finally made a little page with some downloadable HD and HQ video clips from a popular TNs, including Llena de Amor: Read more here.

LOL! I just realized that one of the downloadable clips I have on that page is the one of Kristel and Ilitia leering at Brandon! I obviously didn't notice it before!

Sylvia – terrific title! VERY clever! Loved the Get out of Hell free card too, and much more.

Now if Emanuel is the Lirio, then that makes him a thief, and not just a thief, but a thief who has plenty of money himself he could be donating instead of scrounging around in ladies’ purses. It seems very odd to me to have the romantic lead be a criminal, especially for no good reason.

I thought this was a fun episode, and the Gretel part particularly touching. Also, I squirmed for Ilitia on her much-dreamed-of wedding night, and here she is just hours from having been raped.

Sylvia, I just love your recaps. Warms my heart before heading out into the cold and snow this morning. Not as madcap of an episode as yesterday, but my cat appreciated the fact I was being less verbal and excited.

Here's my big hope - Mari goes and visits Gretel, reveals who she is, and since Doris also knows her secret, maybe they can give Gretel some sort of makeover so she can be incognito too.

I want to hug Delicia. We need to get some major lip-lock action between those two - I want some positive romance somewhere.

As for Lirio, I don't think the writers are trying to throw us off so much as rousing enough suspicion between the hairbrains of this TN so Eman stays off their radar. We know it's not Bernardo or Brandon, but they don't!

Only beanie moment - Ilitia oggling Brandon with Kristel after so recently what she went thru. And it wasn't as if she was just going along with Kristel - seemed a bit weird. Her interaction with Eman was sad. will she tell him though?

Sylvia, it's icy cold here but your excellent recap brought pure warmth and sunshine to my day.

One of the things I love most about your recaps is that I smile just about all the way through. "MariVicki", "since she’s a lazy maid who doesn’t do a thorough search El Lirio and Vicki remain undiscovered", "OK sweetie, no harm done, Carlota can have a Get Out of Hell Free card and my favorite (already pointed out)"Ew, ew they squeak in unison, and then they hungrily check out Brandon’s assets". Stellar!

I didn't see this and was sorry to have missed the Paula/Gretel scene. I'm seriously hoping for a family reunion shortly.

It is definitely beanie time that no one has recognized Mari. An oft heard (and hurtful) comment people make to someone who has lost a signicant amount of weight is "I didn't recognize you - you don't look like the same person!". Of course you ARE the same person, only smaller. A simple "you look great!" would suffice. That said, One of Mari's best qualities is that people's failure to recognize her is that she simply finds it amusing.

Thanks again Sylvia. Have a wonderful trip!


Hi Sylvia. Your "poleeth" quip is going to have me laughing all day. Lord that's funny. Her fakey accent couldn't fool anybody, surely. And while people who lose a lot of weight and change their hair color do sometimes throw us off, a person's voice does NOT change and she has exactly the same voice. So failure to recognize....unbelievable.

Okay, so what? It's a telenovela.

Loved, loved, loved the title. And I agree with Julia, the random humor in this one was great. The Nereida /Delicia scene, the Ilitia/Kristel number....very very funny.

Anyway, thanks so much for the recap, the humor and the "poleeth". I plan to use the latter myself. It's a keeper! you, amiga.

Thanks for all the comments everyone. I like the idea about Gretel recognizing Mari and getting a makeover. But I wonder if Gretel would reveal herself to Doris if she's thinking that Doris is Oliver's new novia? Alas, I fear there is still time for lots of misunderstandings before we achieve satisfaction.

Loved it, Sylvia. Have a wonderful trip.

Isn't it funny how things bring back memories... When my little brother was 6 or so, and missing his front teeth, I would hear him playing with his trucks and once in awhile he would yell POLEEEEETH! I got double my money from your comment.

I don't like Ilitia, but feel so bad for her. She had the worst wedding day EVER! Please, please TELL somebody!

Great job Sylvia. I really enjoyed this episode because of the humor sprinkled throughout and your recap, of course, is excellent.

Poor Lorenzo was dinged nicely by Fidel and it was funny to see that all the wedding guests understood and appreciated. Not much for Lo to do but change the subject.

I almost fell out of my chair when Dee innocently and matter-of-factly acknowledged that she thinks Nereida is an idiot.

Interesting that Max thinks that Gretel is just fine and was so quick to trust Vicky.

Even though no one realizes that Vicky is Mari, the old dynamics of Mari's relationships with the other characters continue without missing a beat. Manny and Brandon are both smitten and instantly jealous of each other over her, Fedra, Cristal, and Ilitia hate her, Emiliano and Max are charmed...

I'm enjoying the awkward attraction between Doris and Oliver and amused but uncomfortable with Consuelo and Brandon.

Karen, I had my tutoring session yesterday and Adriana expressed exactly the same sentiment. (She's retired but teaches 2 classes at Lone Star College.)

Will someone please abduct Axel and take him to a barber?


Maybe Doris could do a makeover on Axel as well. What demented stylist thought that new do would be flattering to the actor? Delicia is a saint indeed to be attracted to this unattractive waif.

I'm looking forward to finding out Emanuel's reasons for playing Robin Hood. To me it seems like he's just acting out because he's frustrated over the situation with Marianela. To fill the huge void in his life, he's turned to thrill-seeking, seeing what he can get away with, and since he obviously doesn't need the money he gives it to the orphanage to make his actions less bad. But does he have some other reason?

Announcing the criminal as El Lirio de Plata both at the scenes of the crimes and on the box that's delivered to the orphanage seems like it's maybe specifically meant to needle Fedra and Bernardo, since they're among the few people for whom that name has any meaning.

And where do you find a jeweler who will make you a bunch of lirios de plata and not say anything to the police when they're left as calling cards at crime scenes? Or can those be ordered off the internet with a prepaid debit card and delivered to an anonymously rented post office box?

Thanks Sylvia for the recap. So to throw everyone off that she's really Mari, "Vicki" speaks in a Spanish accent. I was surprised that she didn't tell Max the truth of who she really is. I guess the we will be having "Vicki" around for a while.

That was cute when Delicia gave Axel a guitar for a present. A really sweet brief scene.

Eman was quite pleased with himself that no suspects the he's the Lirio.

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