Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Llena de Amor #106 (Mex. 111) Wed 1/12/11 Another Busy Night In Llena Land
So let's break it down scene by scene. (Whew! Taking a break to check on the basketball game. OSU DID beat Michigan tonight. How sweet it is.) Now back to Llena. Netty's trying to sneak up to her room with a tray and nosy Gladiola is trying to get in on the act to no avail. Fortunately Brandon is there to divert Mom by reading the article Manolo wrote stating that Mauricio Fonseca engineered the Lirio robbery at the agency to make off with money he owed his associates. Glad recognizes that even though Manolo's a little light on his feet he "tiene pantalones" (has guts). But Lordy! what about Netty? The doctor spent all night in her room. It's one thing to throw "una canita al aire" (have a little fling) but to "echarse la peluca entera" (but to have a bodacious fling, my word!)
Back to Fedra and Emiliano. Last night it looked like he was going to kill her.

But already, our pathological liar is wheedling her way out of trouble. In a nutshell, here's her explanation. She's a devoted mother and couldn't bear to send Gretel away to a loony bin in Switzerland or anywhere else. Better to keep her close to home where she could be well cared for. The wine cellar!!!!???? Emiliano interjects. Yes, well, the doctors said she needed to be away from the family. For her own protection. Go ahead. Just ask Dr. Peralta. He'll confirm what I'm saying. But my children are sacred to me. My own flesh and blood. How could you believe such ugly things about me, whimpers Fedra.
Emiliano looks bamboozled again but he remains on task. WHERE IS SHE NOW? Well, unfortunately, Devoted Madre doesn't have that particular information.
So let's switch to some other recent crazies. Benigno and the General are having a chat about the loco soup they both ate while Paula bustles off to do the dishes. The General wants to know what he said and did. Well, you talked to people who weren't there and you told me Gretel was actually your and Paula's daughter. The General sniffs and allows as how they lost a battle but not the war. Revenge on Fedra is just around the corner.
Poor Oliver continues to receive the worst of care from GretelMan. If she's not all over him cutting off his oxygen supply, she's winding him up with tales of Gretel's sequestration. He's bound and determined to haul himself out of bed and confront Fedra and find his woman. This would be a great time for her to let him know who she really is, but instead she fights with him while he bleeds some more and tries to get dressed. Ugh. I know it's for purposes of plot but it's maddening, no?
Has Netty been any better? Well, somewhat. After a lot of arguing, she did finally call the doctor. And now Emanuel, dressed in Doc's shirt, says he'd be dead without her help. I didn't help YOU, she snaps. I helped el Lirio de Plata. So how come she hates him so?What did he ever do to her. Not me! To my niece. She found you making love to Ilitia in the very bed where she gave you her Love for the first time.
Emanuel is shocked. Why he hasn't touched a woman since he made love to Marianela.

But....hmmmm....he sees a mental flashback of his drunken bachelor party scene. It's all coming back now. He was soused out of his mind. Ilitia said she had another surprise for him. She dimmed the lights and started unfastening her dress. Uh oh.
Hold that thought while we zip over to Vicky's cell. It's been outfitted with a cot and a light sheet , and Vicky has managed to sleep without mussing her hair, rubbing off her make-up or wrinkling her skimpy dress. Telenovela magic! And here's Prince Charming Brandon with breakfast, flowers and some freshly minted documents proving she's really Victoria de la Garza. Cool no? (By the way, I have read that friends and family are responsible for providing food and drink for prisoners while incarcerated, so Brandon's breakfast is indeed welcome.)
Oliver and GretelMan continue to tussle in the hospital room. This cannot be good. Manolo finally threatens that if he doesn't behave, GretelMan will give him a spanking. "Brincos diera" (you wish!) snaps Oliver. Back down on his bed for now, Manolo hovers so close, a kiss seems imminent.

Oliver closes his eyes and hope's the guy will go away. He doesn't. Oliver begins to have doubts about his masculinity. (Oh for Pete's sakes Gretel. TELL HIM!)
Well, secrets are still being kept at the boarding house as well. Emanuel's trying to sneak out, with Netty close behind. Consuelo and Gladiola want to welcome Dr. Arnoldo into the family. And by the way Netty, your romance is fine with us. Why not? You're a good-looking woman. Free. Go for it! Gladiola adds.
Consuelo sticks her oar in and sniffs that she's been called a loose woman(cascos ligeros) but look at Netty. All night long with the doctor if you please. Not the same, snaps Glad. Because....because...well because Netty is the owner of this place. Emanuel keeps his back turned to the ladies, shrugging and waving good-naturedly while Netty gradually pushes him out. He makes his exit grabbing for her shapely derriere (gotta play the part y'know) and does escape without being detected.
Well, Brandon didn't waste much time in Vicky's cell. He's now out at the police station canteen discussing Emanuel's dondeabouts with Ilitia. After a few digs--you know your husband could be el Lirio de Plata but nah...he has nowhere near the guts and the stature of that guy--the conversation switches to the marital relationship. Leaning closer and closer, Brandon opines the Manny isn't giving Ilitia what she needs. Hubster isn't making her feel like a woman. Undeterred by her token insults (patan, gorila) he gets nose to nose and reminds her that they're so much alike. If she doesn't like him, it's because she doesn't like what she sees in the mirror. They are the same.
Ilitia: Don't you dare equate us! And don't get any closer either.
Brandon: How long are you going to keep up this role of the faithful wife? Do you like being the difficult woman that men fight over?
I: MY HUSBAND is the only man who interests me!
B: You're not my type either. But something about you....gets into my heartand into my head...and drives me nuts. We had a beautiful time together in Los Angeles, don't you remember?
Ilitia's face softens for a moment and she smiles, indeed remembering. Brandon moves in then to kiss her and suddenly the face of Mauricio appears. She screams, jumps backwards and dashes from the place.
Whew. Now there was a scene with some juice to it. Lots of tom-toms beating in the background. These two can certainly heat up the screen. But I suppose they'll take their own sweet time getting there.
Like Oliver and GretelMan. Our gut-shot policeman drags himself into the police station just in time to be confronted (again!) by an enraged Emiliano. Papa wants to talk to the Comisario, but he's more than happy to start pounding on Oliver in the meantime.
So back to our lovers. We see Ilitia, lost in thought, vowing never to be touched again as she walks into the street right in front of a car. Brandon dashes in and saves her. (Ah, our favorite teenaged fantasy, right, gals? Strong, broad-shouldered, big-chested man swoops in and rescues us from danger. Fade to black.) Well, all right, fade to a park bench. Brandon carries her there and then sets about ministering some sexy first-aid. He can't do much for the twisted ankle, but that cut on her knee..... well now, he's ready to put some spit on a clean hanky and wipe it off. Seriously, I understand that saliva can be an antibiotic for cuts. And Moms do this all the time. But naturally Ilitia is all oooheeeyuck about having Naco Drool on her skin.
Still, Brandon prevails, being the manly man that he is, and then decides that her pallor and cold hands indicate she needs hydration. Off he pops to get them both a snow cone (raspados), and hey, a third one for the other guy on the bench. Now the die is really cast. This is always a pivotal scene in telenovelas. When the snobby hero or heroine, settles in to enjoy poor folks food with the naco hero, well, can coitus and true love be far behind? Not likely. Even though Ilitia natters a bit about it being "fattening" , she's soon sticking her elegant tongue into the delicious concoction while Brandon encourages her to dig even deeper and suck it up!

Oh my! Junk food foreplay. I love it.
Things are heating up at the police station also. Emiliano wants to find Gretel. So does Oliver. How dare he say that after kidnapping his daughter and torturing her!? GretelMan jumps in to defend Oliver as having had nothing to do with that.

Emiliano looks at him/her like what would YOU know about it.
G: I know Oliver DEEPLY.
O: Not that deeply! Jeez!
G: Well, I know he'd die rather than let something happen to Gretel.
The Comisario shoos them out and then has to deal with Emiliano on his own. He wants to know why Comi hasn't fired that beastly policeman. Take it down a notch, threatens the chief. Oliver is an excellent officer. Well, my daughter's disappeared and we must find her!
Okay. A somewhat quiet moment at the boarding house. Delicia is busy sweeping because golly gee whiz, she's not used to just sitting around. When Glad wants to gossip about Netty's new romance, De proves once again she's the sharpest pencil in the box. She doesn't believe for one moment that Netty's got something going with that paunchy doc. Just then Nereida arrives with a false peace offering and a request for Delicia to return to Misery Manor. Delicia suggests that Nereida take the broom and fly off 'cause no way is she ever going back to that madhouse. Not even if she begs her on bended knee (a rodillas).
And we zoom back to Benigno and the General who's getting the 411 about Marianela naming Victoria as her representative. The General's dthat his niece is sharp enough to do that and even more pleased to think how the news will affect Fedra. Now it's time that he pull himself into shape, get spiffed up and presentable. Emanuel arrives later, shrugs off his tendertsender shoulder as an exercise injury, and lets General know he's going to put all his wealth in Marianela's hands.
Now here's my favorite scene (well, after the hawt goings on with Brandon and Ilitia). Running a close second is the juicy encounter of Fedra with Garduño in the prison visiting lounge. Fedra opines as how they don't run in the same social circles but by golly, he's just her kind of guy. You'd better believe it. And she has an offer he can't refuse. She knows powerful people who can spring him out of here in a minute. All she needs to do is make a phone call (telefonazo). And the deal? Make Mauricio Fonseca marry her daughter. Weeellll, Garduño could do that. 'Cause if Mau doesn't follow orders, he ends up in the trunk of trailer headed for the Great Beyond. Fedra looks conflicted for a moment. Gee, which would she rather have, Mauricio six feet under or Mauricio as a son-in-law? Motherly Love plus Kristel's blackmail pressure put her on the side of the wedding. It's a done deal. She licks her lips and burbles that she just knows she and Garduño are going to be great friends.
Now while Emiliano is emoting over finding his daughter, Oliver is taking concrete steps. He hands a photo of Gretel to another officer, tells him to memorize that face and look for her! Enter Axel, who's come, belatedly, to join the hunt for Gretel as well. GretelMan is stunned to see him and give him a look of delight and adoration that leaves Oliver a bit miffed. And it goes from bad to worse. She hugs, she gushes, she hugs again (because Marianela was sending extra hugs, doncha know?)

Well, that was a cute scene anyway. Rather touching. Not so the leering lewd scene with Lorenzo and our shapely little Kristel. She's engaging in all kinds of sexy poses for the camera, while Lo thought bubbles than taking his revenge on Fedra will be no trouble at all. This sexy little dish is quite to his liking.

Kristel is happy to go along with it to a point. But no "mochi-mochi" like I saw you up to with Mom. Our little fresa draws the line somewhere, I'm happy to see. And besides, Mauricio is her true love. And arrives right on cue to thunder and protest Lo's hands all over his woman.
L: Didn't know you owned her, bub.
M: Well, I do. So run along to the park with you little kid, granddad, and leave her alone.
L: I'm just concerned about her. You don't seem to be treating her well.
M: You'd better be concerned about your own wife Muñeca. And I'll kill you if you ever lay hands on Kristel again.
Good Lord, Kristel is in seventh heaven. She's practically dancing she's so stoked. This is as close to a declaration of love as she's ever going to get from her skanky beau and she's thrilled. Even though Mau is brusque as usual and informs her he's not there to see her at all. It's Victoria he wants to meet. Well too bad. That Spanish wannabe is in a jail cell, accused of theft and complicity with el Lirio de Plata. Close-up of Mauricio looking impactado. ( And rather handsome when you come right down to it. Sorry, I know you all hate him. But the guy has nice bone structure underneath that mantan skin.)
Well, okay. What about Vicky? Seems she has another gentleman caller. It's Emanuel. She's still not playing nice. "Qué haces aqui?" Manny thinks that's a little cold. How about a "Hello. How are you"After all, he came "en son de paz" (in the name of peace) and toting both a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Well, our beeyatch will take the coffee but forget the sandwich. She loses her appetite when she sees him. Harsh Vicky! Harsh!
Well, I came to get you out of jail, is his mild reply. And there we end.
Ilitia finally tells Brandon the horror that happened on her wedding day.
Brandon goes to kill Mauricio.
Emanuel tells Vicky he hasn't made love to another woman since he loved Marianela. She snaps that she doesn't believe him. She's not the fool she was before. QUÉ!? he stammers.
echarse una canita al aire....echarse la peluca entera = to have a have a bodacious fling!
tener pantalones = to have guts
estar en sus cabales = to be in one's right mind
brincos diera = lit. to give jumps fig. you wish!
y si mi abuelita tenia ruedas, serias bicicleta = if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle, in other words...yeah, right, sure fella, like I believe you...not!
o te comportas o te da un par de nalgadas = either you behave or I'm going to give you a spanking
de muy buen ver = attractive
soy de cascos ligeros = I'm an easy woman
eres un lanzado = you're very forward
brote de celos = an outbreak of jealousy
Dicho of the Day
poner los ojos como platos = to have your eyes get big as plates, to become very surprised or overwhelmed with amazement (Mauricio when he heard Victoria was in jail for complicity in theft)
Labels: llena
No kidding it was a busy night. Kristel made Mauricio jealous in one fell swoop. Fedra gets down to business as usual; she's very efficient that one. It looks like Ilitia's going to spill the beans on Mauricio which is AWESOME! I'm so glad about the last one. That poor girl has been holding it in for way too long.
So Oliver is finally jealous? I'm with you Judy, Gretelman should tell Oli NOW before his poor heart explodes. However, it was cute when Gman hugged and kept hugging Axel.
Wasn't it funny how Eman copped a feel as he was leaving Netty's place? I wonder if that was ad libbed.
Fedra and Garduno were great. She makes everyone look good in her scenes. I wonder how she will enjoy playing Trivial Pursuit when Garduno gets out of jail?
Gracias Amiga for the incredible recap and absolutely perfect screen shots. Great title and vocab words and phrases too.
Both Ilitia licking the snowcone and Gretel reuniting with Axel were very cute. SO FRUSTRATING that Gretel still won't tell Oliver who she is. What's she waiting for, his funeral? When they're 90 she can cry over his coffin and confess to his corpse that Manolo was really the love of his life all these years?
I don't know what enjoyed more last night, Ilitia/Brandon, Emi almost throttling Fedra, Gretel's reaction to Axel, or Netty trying to sneak out Eman.
Watching Moron getting in Low's face, talk about calling the kettle black...and it's just sad that Kristel just hangs on the crud coming out of his mouth. and then Mama dearest conniving to get her married to save her own skin...gross. That prison scene - snake meet viper.What a pair. (Sylvia, love your Trivial Pursuit comment! Can't picture Fedra winning at that game.)
Now that everyone and his mother is on the case to find Gretel, Gman just needs to stop the charade. How could Fedra do anything to her now?
Can't wait for that talk between Eman and M/V. She really does need to start putting two and two together and finally not come up with five. And Ilitia confessing to Brandon - interesting she tells him it's Moron, or maybe he figures it out? Go Brandon!
What a fun episode. This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? The lapses in continuity and even at times coherence (not to mention plausibility) simply don't interfere with with the enjoyment of this madcap romp. Here lately I have not not wanted the episodes to end so quickly and find myself looking forward with anticipation to tomorrow's installment.
Dee's "si mi abuela tuviera ruedas, seria bicicleta," brought back fond memories of one of my first tutoring sessions with mi profa, Adriana over the dreaded Spanish if clauses.
And who would have guessed that snow cones could be so romantic? Well, I for one. During hot weather, the Lovely Linda prepares me a snow cone each afternoon to enjoy on our drive home from work.
Fedra was great last night and I actually teared up when Manolo grabbed and hugged Axel. Now I'm wanting a hug from Manolo. Almost makes part of me want to keep the little guy around. Face it, he's a lot more fun than the brooding, inarticulate Gretel.
Carlos, I agree with you that I look forward to each of our episodes now and am sad to see them end. This was a particularly good episode, with Eman finally getting some clue as to why Mari ran off and is mad at him.
I was disappointed that Emil seemed to swallow some of the bs Fedra was spewing and didn't throw her butt in jail for kidnap and torture of their daughter. Then continues to believe in some of her previous lies by still believing that Oliver kidnapped and tortured her two years ago before her supposed major mental breakdown. Hello! He now has proof about who would actually do something like that- FEDRA!
I loved the GretelMan scene with Axel and Oliver. Oliver is going to lose his mind if he doesn't find out soon why he's so drawn to his pollito. That was a great pic too Judy.
And of course Ilitia and Brandon on the park bench eating snow cones. Very romantic. I could tell they had filmed that scene at least once before because Brandon's tongue was already bright pink before they got the snow cones. LOL! I loved that picture of Ilitia delicately licking the treat like a cat licking milk. So glad he finds out the truth about what Mau did to her tonight.
Your pictures are always so much fun.
So glad everyone is enjoying this now. There seems to be a better balance of humor to malice now and that makes it a lot more fun. Like Vivi, however, I was troubled by how Emiliano seemed to lose steam as he listened to Fedra's lies. Though I admired the power of her delivery. Wow that character can turn on the tears, drama and obfuscations at the drop of a hat. Years of practice.
@Julia...Yes. I'm sure you'll never have reason to say "soy de cascos ligeros" but the phrase does come up a lot in these telenovelas and a few years ago, we were all having trouble figuring out what the heck it meant! Now it's old hat., I love that story about the Lovely Linda making you snowcones. Now do you have Ilitia's zany style when you eat them? That was quite a scene.
And yeah, we won and Duke lost, but honestly, they're still No. 1. And should be. Plus teams have really figured out how to shut down Jared Sullinger, so our other guys still have to rise to the occasion. But it's great. Just wish now that those nasty Philadelphia fans and reporters would quit beating up on my sweet Evan Turner.
@Pata...thanks for stopping by, dear one. You had a recap to write yourself, and I understand you're dealing with a virus as well. There's nothing worse than having to write a recap while sick. We've all been there, but it's no fun. Feel better soon!
Carlos, you mentioned continuity and coherence…both were on my mind last night. Like how does Brandon figure that he and Ilitia are alike, as they’re polar opposites, he kind, honest and giving, and she (up until now) mean-spirited and selfish, quite the little brat?
And I was also amazed when Emanuel said he hadn’t slept with anyone since he slept with Mari. Are we to believe that he and Ilitia have done nothing except kissing for over two years? Some episodes earlier when she was so upset about not being able to be the complete wife to him, he assured her that she had always been great in the woman department.
Anyway, this was a great episode, and like others here, I too wish they ran longer, and I’m always looking forward to the next one. Fun!
And somehow this keeps working, even though Emiliano and Emanuel and Axel all KNOW that she is no fine lady and much of what she's done has been specifically to the detriment of her children.
It's nice to see that Emil is finally getting fed up but he's still lacking the follow-through.
ITA w/the comments about Emin letting Fedra slip past him again. Considering all the angst he showed about her situation, it's very frustrating he didn't so something to Fedra.
I agree Gretel needs to tell Oliver who she really is. Now he's questioning his sexuality. The scene of her hugging Axel was too cute though.
So Mari slipped up when Eman tells her he hasn't made love to another woman since he made love to her. That should be interesting. I wonder will he help her get out of jail after she was so mean to him.
I think I'm liking the Axel who is emerging now that he's settling down from the angry lashing out. He seems to have a great sense of humor and he's recovering the sweetness he had before the amnesia.
word verification: mensism. What nearly every character is suffering from.
@Karen...yes, you've got to go to a basketball game. The atmosphere at IU (well, especially during the Bobby Knight era)was and still is incredible. Hoosiers ARE fans. I always went to the sectionals in Indy when I was growing up. But those were the Oscar Roberson days so we were watching history. He went on to quite a career in the pros.
As for Emiliano...he's so frustratingly inconsistent. Has spurts of rage and taking-care-of-business and then fizzles again.
I had come in there wanting to write a thesis, antithesis, synthesis type article like we'd learned to do in college and he busted me right out of that pronto!
My "career" training was actually to be a French prof (after originally planning to be a physical therapist) so I've been all over the map. Only worked for a newspaper after I got married and couldn't find a job teaching in the same city as my husband.
Or....I could be wrong.
Sounds like we all enjoyed the fanny tap and all hated that Emiliano wilted under Fedra's clever barrage of "victimization".
Looking forward to Brandon going after Mauricio tonight even though we know it's way too soon for Mau to be eliminated.
Anyway, for me learning "raspadas" was the most fun last night. And to think that Carlos has someone to make raspadas for him all the time! You're livin' right Dr. Dude.
Maybe one of these days Garduña will have Mau tied up in a warehouse, and Brandon will find him and cut the ropes off, and slip a little with the knife, and whoops, castration. Hey, accidents happen.
I imagine his demise will come at the hands of Garduño....whom I would find rather attractive if it weren't for that....whatever it is...on the side of his nose. Let's get some surgery fella!
I did a bit more work, trying to understand how some of these phrases evolved into their current meaning:
echarse una canita al aire - to let one's hair down.
echarse la peluca entera - to throw off the whole wig!
I'm so glad you caught the "te voy a dar un par de nalgadas" phrase because I was thinking Gretel/Manolo was saying - "I'm going to give you a pair of buns?" What?!?! Now I see that "nalgada" is a smack on the bottom. OK! Clarified - whew!
"cascos ligeros" is another good one that had me totally stumped. I guess the closest English phrase is "light-heeled" referring, of course, to a loose woman.
Again - I so appreciate the great help with idiomatic Mexican Spanish.
I started learning Spanish 5 years ago, mostly teaching myself by looking up words in Spanish magazine articles and trying to understand the newscasts (I can remember at first the only words I understood were "Casa Blanca" and "George Bush". Once I learned about closed captioning, I started taking notes and kept a dictionary by my side when watching. Looked up the words during ads. It's been fantastic fun leaning that way and meeting other Spanish learners or Spanish speakers on this blog. Hooray for the Internet!
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