Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #37 2/23/11 A Truimph of Revelations

I started nodding around 7 tonight, so I will be recapping in the "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" style. (Often ignored in college Lit classes, but well worth the study.)

  • Os is revealing to JP that Leonela Montenegra is indeed alive.
  • Vic and Toni (not to be confused with Cagney and Lacey) are still on the trail of Maria Desarreglada. They are disgusted to learn she works at the seedy bar in which they are standing. RandomHO comes up and says she knows where Maria Desarreglada is.
  • JP mentions that if Os is still married to Leonela, then he isn't married to Vic (hmmm. JP has been reading our comments.) Os says, no. A divorce was granted immediately. She's in jail...for killing her lover. I told Max she was dead. She's never going to get out. Jamás (which means either someone is releasing her right now or she's escaping as we speak.)
  • Vic and Toni have found María Desarreglada and she's pretty beat up. (But her hooters are fine. Whew!) Mi hija! and sobbing.
  • Os asking JP: "now do you understand?" His cell rings and OMG it's NOT LindaHO. It's Burnie with a follow up threat. Vic's got amantes! Os is all "nuh-uh" and hangs up. 
  • Burnie thought bubbles: Stupid! You will both get what you deserve.
  • Eva is climbing a dresser of doom looking for evidence. Way at the top she finds a black box of...crap. Nuthin'.
  • Os is wondering aloud to JP "Qué the hell con tu mamá? JP says something in defense of Victoria and Os says "You talk as if you've known her for a long time."
  • Back at the hovel, it's decided that María Desarreglada will go back with
  • JP recovers quickly and mentions that Vic has confided a lot to him at confession (?) so of course he knows a lot about her. "Besides", he says "who are you to judge?" (I think he may have said "Mr. I can't keep it in my pants" but I can't be sure.) Os leaves and JP prays that peace returns to the family.
  • At the Casa de Modas Max and Maria share hallway smoochies and Pip catches them. But it doesn't matter 'cause they've "gone public."
  • In comes Jimmie and she is super PO'd. She practically attacks María. Max steps between them. Jimmie tries to convince Maria, Max (and probably herself) that Max still loves her, Jimmie. He's just trying to get revenge for her supposed (psh! REAL) cheating. Jimmie will do anything to keep Max.
  • After Max and Maria (M&M) leave, Pip tells Jimmie to just quit. NO! She says. Max is mine!
  • Max comforts Maria.
  • Eva is still looking around and finds of a picture of JP's bio dad and the wife (Burnie's first victims.) Turns out Eva is the sister of the wife and she has sworn vengeance.
  • Burnie goes on about flames of hell, sinners, blah blah. She gives Fausto important instructions.
  • Jimmie is throwing stuff around and cursing "that damn Orphan" (The working title of that broadway hit "Annie".) Ofelia enters and I'm pretty sure there was talk of working together to control or do something concerning Gui. (I need some gap filling here.)
  • We are magically transported to Acapulco where M&M are enjoying a romantic dinner. She wonders what will happen. Max says they will get married and be happy of course (yeaaahhh, riiight. Eventually, but there will be some interruptions.) Love talk and a brindis "to our love." (Enjoy that wine Marí're gonna be preggers soon if you aren't already.)
  • At Toni's house, they are caring for Maria Desarreglada. Vic asks Toni how she felt when she hugged the girl (since, you know "the call of the blood" is sooo much more accurate than DNA. Twit.) Toni says she felt something at that they probably have found the right girl.
  • Gabi and Fer are discussing the gardener and Fer wants to teach him a lesson.
  • Vic and Toni decide they don't need to call a doctor, but they'll watch her tonight. Vic says she needs to take care of a few things, but she'll be back. After she leaves Toni thought bubbles: "All I felt for the girl was pity." Methinks Toni doth doubt.
  • Fer and Jardinerito are talking about horses and riding and such. Something about her wanting to learn to ride a horse. She set him up for an insult. I pretty much missed the whole conversation. I'm thinking the conversation was a very double entendre kind of thing. Cruz fusses at him self for being so stupid (bruto.)
  • Milagros and LindaHo are shopping for the wedding dress. LindaHO has on quite a monstrosity. She wants a Victoria Sandoval. Milagros balks at cost and JuanJo isn't made of money. LindaHO doesn't care...of course.
  • Fer still complaining about Cruz. RTSB shows up.
  • Millie and LindaHO on the way home. Millie can't believe LindaHO didn't like any of the dresses. LindaHO says she's going to get married in a dress she likes. Napo and Cruz show up. Cruz asks LindaHo if she is sure about getting married. She says she is. They vaguely threaten her.
  • Fer is whining to RTSB that all he ever wants to do is know...She wants romance. Maybe a rose or a serenade. RTSB laughs. How old fashioned! He invites her to his apartment. The two get in Fer's car and leave.
  • Fausto meets Pimp on the street and beats him up as payback for JP's beating.
  • Maria Desapmarada daydreams. Jimmie comes in and tells her Maria will not take her man. She calls her an orphan and says even her parents didn't love her. ouch.
  • Max at church FF>>
  • Jimmie and MamaRox show up at Vic's office. Jimmie whines that M&M when public and they are going to marry.
  • Boxing lesson with church kids. FF>>
  • Jimmie, MamaRox and Vic still pow-wowing. Vic asks Jimmie "Did you cheat on Max?" Jimmie says "May my mother die if I'm lying...I didn't!" (priceless look from MamaRox.) Vic tells Jimmie that Max is very sure there was some cheating and that if that turns out to be true, Vic is gonna be her worst nightmare.
  • Max visits JP at the Cruz Roja and tells him he finally came clean about the romance. He says mom wasn't happy, but that he loves Maria and no one will keep him from her. 
  • Cue the kayak
  • Vic encourages Jimmie to use her womanly wiles to seduce Max. (I hate Vic a little more each episode.)
  • Os visits LindaHo and is shocked to learn Maria lives there. At the same time Max is coming to call , too! 


That was fast; good stuff!

Now that we finally know who Eva is, I can't wait to see what she has in store for Bernarda.

RTSB should be very afraid of the competition.

I didn't catch every word of Cruz's dissertation on riding but it was full of double entendres about how it takes a certain approach to riding yeguas salvajes. Very similar to things Franco said in FELS.

Sara what a fast and LOL recap thank you.

I'm sorry i 'm still ROFL at the line that Vic ask Toni abnout the call of the blood line because that is so much more accurate than DNA, you twit haha too funny:)

Who are you to judge i can't keep it in my pants? Priceless.

So Eva was the sister of Fausto's mother this makes it even more interesting with the revenge.

Now if Victoria had any type of good sense she would see and recognize how desperate Jimena is acting and maybe have her background checked out. But sense she is a twit with thinking the "Call of the Blood" has more credence than a DNA test never mind i'm giving her character too much common sense to think like that.

I did love that scene with the three witches in her office complaining about Max going public with his romance with Maria D. Jimena swearing on her mother as her mother sits right next to er and probably knows by that frighten look that Jimena has cheated on Max for real. That was too funny i do love the actress playing Roxana for this role and she was funny also with the faces she made in Mi Pecado too.She look like she was going to have a stroke.

Sara, there's nothing wrong with a quick list and I enjoyed the snarky asides.
Too bad we can't line up everyone somewhere (maybe a church?) and start finding out what each one knows. I foresee lots of toil and trouble ahead (oops, that's the standard TN format, what am I thinking?)
So Fer is beginning to prefer romance and roses over tattoos? I could vote for that, especially when it comes with musical accompaniment.
Eva looks both scary and determined, not someone you'd want to mess with. Maybe Burnie has met her match (pun unintended).
La Paloma

Thanks everyone! I'm glad that the bullets were ok. I was pretty sleepy last night. If I didn't do wham bam thank you ma'am, I may not have been able to get the recap up until after tonight's episode. That would have been confusing.

I was very pleased that we found out rather quickly why Leonela Montenegro was not in the picture. I was afraid we were going to have to wait forever for that. Same thing with Eva. I'm still not completely convinced that Fausto is the boy. I mean, I'm sure he's supposed to be...but he looks so much younger than JP.

I was just over on Telenovela World and someone posted that they wish they had a dollar every time someone in this TN said "suplico" which lead to other "wish I had a dollar for..."
*every time Max said "wow" or "ok"
*Napo said "pollón"
*Every time we see someone with something around their neck
*every time someone said "mi hija"

Thought this was a funny list. It was also mentioned that this TN is kind of boring. Maybe so, but I find it perfect for snark slinging. Also, it's like a game finding all the running themes (scarves, mi hijas etc.)

I'm shocked that Eva Luna is entering the Ultimas Semanas portion of its run. I wonder if I can manage to fit Teresa into my schedule, too. Then there's Para Volver a Amar....

Thanks so much for this wonderful fast recap. My sister called just as I was about to tune in and after we had a nice, long conversation, I went to sleep! Great to wake up to this review -- better than the DVR version.

I did manage to see Ximena grabbing Maria out of Max's arms. One does wonder how he could have been attracted to her in the first place, but who am I to judge? Wonderful line about JP's response to Os.

Sara - Thank you for the pithy, snarky, funny recap. I love bulleted lists, and this is right up my mental software's alley. :-)

I will have to FFWD--> thru the recording to see the wedding dress LindaHo tried on.

Fer is beginning to prefer romance and roses over tattoos.... and (ew!)braided goatees.

Thanks, Sara! Loved your recap and all of your predictions. You're amazing. :)

Great Sara, MM's hooters are ok, ja,ja.

Did any of you speak of your sig other always using their last name?
Max ALWAYS says María Desamparada.At least through plenty of repetition we know what the word means & will never forget it.

TN's are a great vocab builder.

Sara, this is great. My favorite line demonstrates your firm grasp of TN principles:

"She's never going to get out. Jamás (which means either someone is releasing her right now or she's escaping as we speak.)"

No doubt.

To add just a little detail to the encounter between Ophelia and Ximena:

Ximena: "...Don't you have any dignity?"

Ofelia: "... if we were to talk about dignity, neither of us would come out looking very good."

and Cruz's talk of horse training was full of double meanings and the nifty thing was that Fer understood them perfectly well.

My favorite scene of course was watching the nervousness displayed by Roxy as Ximena vowed,

""May my mother die if I'm lying..."

too funny!


...hi new here on a TN lover but i dont understand spanish, so, i really really need ur recaps..guys, could u just tell me more about the conversation of Max and Maria when they were in Acapulco??..i like that scene but i just couldn't understand it...hope u'll give me the details...thank u and God bless..

Sara i was thinking maybe we should include every time Victoria says mi hija as another drinking game but i changed my mind because it seems like she says it for every darn episode.Sorry but i don't want to become a lush. I'll skip the scarves and anything else covering up the neck seems like it's overflowing with those on this novela's set.

Kaye, you will love this site, the recappers and commenters are great. I had some spare time, so went back and listened to the recording of the conversation between Max & Maria - here goes:

Maria: What's going to happen with us?

Max: With us? We're going to get married and be happy forever, that's what.

Maria: Well,"La Senora Sandoval"
is never going to go along with that.

Max: Well "La Senora Sandoval" as you call her, will have to understand that my happiness is at your side, if in fact she loves me like she says she does. So don't worry, very soon, "the owner, the queen" of the fashion world will realize how wonderful you are and that you are the best choice as my wife.

Marie: I'm also convinced that you are the one for me and I thank God every day for putting you in my life.

Kiss kiss kiss kiss

Max: I toast to our love & I want to tell you that you are the cause of all my desires. Your mouth is the origin of all my crazy desires and the way you look at me caresses all my dreams. I love you with all my life and always will.

Maria: I toast also to our love, because my feelings are born with your voice and because your smile is the joy of my life, and because I am nothing without you and that I believe I loved you before I even met you.

Max: With this toast, we seal the eternity of our love. I love you mucho. Mucho, mucho, mucho

And Sara, thanks for the great & funny recap. I love the bullet-style also.


Thanks, Sara! Stream-lined and witty -- great job!

I especially loved:

"That Damn Orphan" as the working title for the Broadway hit Annie

Toni and Vic channeling Cagney and Lacey

and as Carlos pointed out, you show your telenovela chops when you say:

"She's never going to get out. Jamás (which means either someone is releasing her right now or she's escaping as we speak.)"

Welcome! As Jenna says, you're gonna love it here!

Jenna, great job transcribing M&M's dialogue in Acapulco. the writing may not win any awards but it was a very sweet scene. Thanks!

Great recap! Love your humor, too

Yes, some things that sound so beautiful in spanish sound a little strange when translated into english. When Max said something like: "Esa boquita tuya provoca todos mis deseos" it sounds so romantic, but when translated sounds rather creepy: "That little mouth of yours provokes all my desires".

I think I would slap someone who said that to me! (although I know Max was being very loving and not creepy at all) I guess some things are better left untranslated!


Hahaha! So true, Jenna. Once you get past "Te amo", translating sweet nothings (in either direction) becomes challenging. And literal versions are always a bit off and frequently comical. But you know I was talking about the novela writing and not yours, right?

Blusamari - Did you see Victoria in La Madrastra? She "Mis hijos!" us to death in that one, too. That and "veinte años." Ack.

NovelaMaven -

I knew you were talking about the show's writers - no worries!


Sara, thanks for the fast recap! I like to read it early in the day and appreciate that you didn't wait to post it. The bullet recap was great for my busy day and your humor got me out the door smiling...

Doris fortunately i missed that masterpiece of La Madrasta but i do get a kick out of the spoof of that novela on "Talk Soup". I think Telefutura had it on last year in the late afternoon.


I forgot all about the "veinte anos" and "mis hijos." Oddly enough I got a kick out of that novela. Campy to the max, with tears galore from Victoria. She is a good actress, IMHO, but seems to gravitate to these roles that either call for tears or she interprets as calling for copious tears.

In case you all have missed it, The Soup has been spoofing this one lately.

Carlos, your novia Gardenia is on Mujeres asesinas tonight.

Thanks again, everyone! I'm glad the bullet points were ok. Thanks to Carlos and Jenna for translating some of the mumbly bits. I have a dickens of a time trying to catch M&Ms dialogue.

I'm back with one more stupid question...How do some recappers include screen shots? Anyone know how to do that magic?

Variopinta, thanks. I'll be recording it since I watch India at that same time. Looking forward to seeing Gardenia and her natural assets again.

Sara, I do the screen shots for my recaps of LldA. I use a Mac laptop, and if you're using Mac I can give you pretty good instructions if you Email me at

If you already have snaps or a way to do them, all you have to do is click in the icon that looks like a photo on the blog creation page, upload your picture, then use cut and paste to insert it where you want it. I'm betting that anyone who is using screen shots would be willing to talk you through it. I record the show on a DVD and get my pictures from that.


Sara, Thank you so much for your recaps. Love the snark factor!

Kanoelani everyone, esp to Jenna, thanks so much for answering my question...:) sure im gonna love this site..may God bless us all!!...keep up the good work!!

Carlos, lo siento mucho, no Gardenia ASSETS last night. The actresses are never made to look glamorous in Mujeres asesinas. I enjoy seeing them in a completely different role.

I don't think we have a recapper, could someone post a discussion link?

Thanks a million, Sara!!
Always love to read your recaps, no matter the style!

As for adding pics, if you can freeze your DVD screen on your computer then you can take a snap of that scene and download to your pictures. When you start your recap you'll see at the top of the box a place to "insert" photos. Upload as a file and that's it.

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