Saturday, February 12, 2011
La Verdad Oculta 104: The Reports of Adolfo’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
Adolfo and Bertha’s wedding ceremony begins with a bang! Unfortunately, it’s not of the fireworks variety, but instead what appears to be THE BIG ONE- a heart attack. Bertha and the guests panic as Adolfo collapses. But then they all do common sense things that telenovela characters usually don’t. Jimena calls an ambulance, Bertha gives them directions, the maid calls Yolanda, Dante loosens Adolfo’s tie, assesses that he is still breathing, although weakly, and talks Bertha out of taking him to the hospital in her car.
At the hospital, Yolanda, Dante and Bertha wait for word about Adolfo. Dante explains how affected Adolfo was by a fax he received just before the ceremony. Bertha thinks he’s been acting strange for a few days now. He even had a terrible argument with Carlos recently. Savvy Yolanda barely holds her sarcasm in, “Oh, really?” Adolfo’s doctor approaches and tells them that Adolfo is in intensive care. They will keep him there overnight and do tests to determine if he had a heart attack (infarto). Yolanda’s face reflects worry; Dante looks like he’s thinking about how he can benefit from the situation; and Bertha looks like she sees her inheritance coming sooner than she thought.
On a quiet street corner, Edgar, the man of many skills, expertly breaks into and hotwires a car. While driving the stolen car, Edgar calls up one of his compadres (compa for short). He asks him to get him information on Elsa Rivera.
Back at the hospital, Bertha calls Carlos to give him the news about his father. Carlos thinks it’s high time Mother Nature became Lady Justice. He sarcastically congratulates the expectant widow and tells her to send his greetings to his father. She informs him that they actually didn’t get married, and tells him to p*ss off (vete al Diablo). As soon as she hangs up on him, Carlos calls David with the news.
Eddie’s friend works really fast, because he’s already called him back with the info he wanted. He tells Eddie that his name has been brought up in the case against Elsa and it was Ulises who accused him. He’s not a happy camper.
The game of telephone continues, and David calls JJ with the news of Adolfo’s heart attack and Bertha’s frustrated wedding. JJ thinks it would be great if the old devil kicked the bucket. All their problems would be solved.
At the hospital, the doctor returns with results from Adolfo’s tests. Seems he didn’t have a heart attack. Instead he’s suffering from gastric reflux (reflujo gastro-esofágico)- brought on by his excessive drinking, and made worse by stress. Ha! He’s already left intensive care, but will be kept overnight if they want. They all agree.
The next morning Ale comes to invite Gabi to go out to eat with her. Meanwhile, at what appears to be an old warehouse, Edgar hides the diamond shoes and photo in a black trash bag in some sort of trash shoot/storage bin.
Adolfo’s back in his own home, tucked into bed in his jammies. Dante wants to know what’s up with him and what that fax was about. He pulls out one of his cigars to settle in for a long chat. Adolfo stops him. Doctor’s orders. All that stuff is hurting his health- smoking, drinking, who knows what else! He gives a few weak coughs. Dante is sure it was the visit of those three idiots and that mysterious fax that put him on the road to ill health. Adolfo explains about the faxed letter and old employee application. He’s sure this letter is the real letter. They are interrupted by the maid who brings a mysterious envelope. Dante, who seems to have lived in DC during the (still unresolved) anthrax scare, wants Adolfo to be careful opening it. It might contain some harmful substance or explosive. Adolfo looks at the thin envelope in the light, and shakes (!) it. Nope, no explosives here. He opens it to find a Polaroid photo of a seemingly dead, and very bloody, Susana. The two experienced baddies aren’t fooled for a moment. It’s a fake. Look at the blood—it’s fake and has obviously been applied with fingers. (These two should join CSI. They’re experts.) Dante wants to know who the woman is. Someone Adolfo wants to have killed. The note attached says, “let’s talk.”
Over their meal, Ale tells Gabi about the boys’ latest stunt and how worried she is about JJ. Gabi thinks they may not have to worry for much longer, if Adolfo had that bad heart attack. Ale doesn’t want to speak bad about anyone, but frankly, it wouldn’t be a loss. Gabi is in total agreement, considering all the headaches he’s caused so many people. Ale wants to know what David has told Gabi. He explained about how they’ve tried to bring Adolfo’s downfall legally, but since that hasn’t worked quickly enough, they’re taking another strategy, without informing Leo. Ale understands, but she thinks they are taking too much risk. They should be taking advantage of Carlos’ change of heart, and use him to bring Adolfo down legally. Gabi is (rightfully) skeptical of Carlos’ seemingly sudden change. After all that he did to her- making her feel like the worst kind of woman, causing trouble between her and David, and even trying to force himself on her (abuso de mi- can imply rape, but less harsh). Ale is shocked and asks for the details. Gabi tells her all the sordid details of Carlos and Roberto and their games with her and her sister.
Eddie and Adolfo finally have a chat via phone and Adolfo wants more proof that he completed his assignment. Eddie thinks the photo is all the evidence he needs. Adolfo agrees to meet him in the warehouse (bodega). After they hang up, Eddie smashes the incriminating cell phone he has been using to make calls. Weak Adolfo gets up to go take care of business, against Dante’s advice. Dante will go with him, and will take the opportunity to smoke outside while Adolfo readies himself. As for the Three Musketeers—Adolfo has a surprise for them.
The Pretty Primas are still discussing all the disgusting things Carlos did. Ale is shocked to learn all the crap he’s done, and understands why it’s so hard to believe he’s changed. She wouldn’t put her hand in the fire for him, but she understand why he is the way he is—his father. He’s always been given anything he wants, and when he saw Gabi and became infatuated (incaprichado) with her for obvious reasons, and well… Gabi wonders if this doesn’t prove that he’s not a good person who’s not to be trusted. Ale thinks he’s reached a point where he’s reflecting on his life, and has decided he doesn’t want to end up like his father. Gabi is worried that it’s a trap that Carlos is laying for David and JJ, that will be sprung on them in the worst moment (mala hora). For this reason, Ale thinks they’ve got to keep an eye on things and have their husbands’ backs (estar dependiente). Maybe they should call Leo and tattle on their hubbies? Gabi doesn’t think this is a good idea for either the well being of their men, or the well being of their marriages. They should show them that they trust them. Ale agrees.
At the warehouse, Adolfo and Dante arrive with four armed goons. (I guess it takes six men to bring Eddie down.) Adolfo throws the supposedly faked photo at Edgar’s feet, and tells him he doesn’t believe a word he says and knows it’s a trick (truco). He wants Edgar to take them to where he buried the body, right now! The goons grab Eddie and drag him out.
Back at Carlos’, Yolanda continues the tale of the failed romance between Mario and Marta, and their love child. Carlos is shocked; he never knew this. She then explains about Santiago being in love with Marta, proposing marriage to her when she was left knocked up by Mario, and that Santiago is Fausto. Gabriela is the child Marta had with Mario. “Yes my love. Gabriela is your half sister.”
Carlos is ticked. “Do you know what could have happened?!!” He explains about forcing himself on Gabi, taking her to the beach house, and he doesn’t even want to think about what could have happened! “She’s my sister!” Well, now he knows everything. Carlos asks if Gabi knows. Yolanda believes she only knows Marta is her mother. Carlos insists she has to know all the rest, and he’s going to tell her. Yolanda reluctantly agrees. “No more lies. You’re right baby doll. You know what you must do.” Carlos falls to his knees and approaches Yolanda. “So from the beginning, you have always been my mother.” “Something like that my love.” “No. You have been my TRUE mother.” Big hugs, kisses, smiles and happy tears. Yay!
Edgar takes the goons, Dante and Adolfo to the remote place where he supposedly buried Susana. They are all taken aback by the putrid smell. Adolfo orders the goons to dig!
Gabi answers the door at Casa Genoves to Carlos. She tries to quickly usher him in to see David, but he asks for a minute of her time to talk. She’s not happy about it, but agrees. “I don’t know where to begin.” He knows it must seem strange his working together with David. He wants to apologize for the way he treated her when she worked at the Club Sagittarius. When they first met, he immediately felt a special attraction to her. Not liking where this is going, and not wanting to relive it, Gabi tries to put an end to the conversation right there. But Carlos goes on. He apologizes for the beach house fiasco. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Apology accepted. But what you’re planning with David and JJ better be on the up and up, because if you hurt them!... Carlos calms her down before she works up a true Gabi style fit of anger. He knows his father is a bad person and he wants to put a stop to him (frenarlo). But, that’s not everything, Carlos goes on. Yolanda told him Gabi is the child of the dancer Marta and Mario. Gabi confirms that she recently learned this. Well, it turns out that Marta had a child with Adolfo before that, and that child is Carlos. They are half siblings. Gabi stands up in utter shock.
At the supposed body dump site, the stench has gotten worse the further down the goons dig. They’ve found something! They all look on in disgust at the corpse we can’t see.
Back to the two new siblings. Gabi wants to know who else knows. Both are feeling sick to their stomachs, particularly Carlos, given what his intentions were with her. Gabi doesn’t know if she can take any more. Carlos asks Gabi, “And now that you know, what do you want to do?” Sensible and kindhearted Gabi thinks they need to let time allow them to feel for each other what they are-- siblings. This brings a small happy smile to Carlos’ face. He’s gaining family.
JJ and his work computer are still not getting along. He asks for Super Urbina’s assistance with the auto-correct. (I need an Urbina in my life!) Carlos comes to visit, and JJ first wants to know if Adolfo kicked the bucket. No such luck. Something else has discombobulated our dear Carlos. He begins to unburden himself to JJ.
In JJ’s office, Carlos continues to unburden himself. He needs to talk to someone. Since he was a child, his only refuge has been Yolanda. But now the poor woman is in a worse state than he. JJ wants to know what Carlos is trying to say. Carlos says he can imagine what it must have been like for him all those years in prison. This sets JJ off. Carlos CAN’T imagine what it was like—to have to deal with the kind of men who are in prison; to be separated from your mother, who is alone; to be accused of a crime you didn’t commit. Carlos thinks that the discovery that he is a coward, and the regret and guilt he will carry with him ALL HIS LIFE is similar. He feels he has an obligation to put an end to the pain JJ carries. He’s made a decision that he wants to tell JJ and David-- he’s going to kill his father! For all the harm he’s done to them all. This high level of hotheadedness even takes JJ aback. He urges Carlos to calm down. At first when Carlos teamed up with them, he thought he was just doing it to get back at his father. But now he realizes that Carlos really does now understand what a criminal his father is. “And your mother? Did she die? A long time ago?” Carlos explains that he never knew her, as JJ goes on about there being nothing in the world like the love of a mother. (Just rub it in JJ.) Prison is scary and cruel, but he also learned a lot and had some of his happiest moments there, like when his mother visited him. She was a sweet, fragile little old lady. We get a flashback to one of those loving prison visits. She died just a month before he was released. JJ explains how Elsa cared for his mother while he was inside. And now she’s in prison unjustly accused. That’s why he needs to help her. The two big guys are a puddle of tears by this point. But Carlos is still determined to kill his father. The only way to get rid of rabies is to kill the rabid dog. JJ (yes, JJ) tells him he needs to calm down. They’ve already got Adolfo cornered/up against the wall (acorralado). They are sure to get him. JJ lightens the mood and gives Carlos one of his megawatt smiles. “Who would have known we’d be buddies?” (cuates) They fist bump to their new friendship. Carlos is so grateful to JJ for considering him a friend—the first he’s ever had. JJ says he’s going to make him cry. (Awww!) They chuckle. “And what about Roberto?” “Him? He’s just like Adolfo.” The two new BFFs get started introducing Carlos to his new job at the Hotel Mirador, the place where their destinies first collided.
At Genoves Manor, Gabi enters Mario’s study to speak to David. She’s in tears and looks shell shocked. When she tells David that Carlos was here, he assumes they argued. Nope. They spoke like siblings. “Carlos Avila and I are half siblings.” David looks at her in shocked disbelief. “What are you saying?”
Labels: verdad
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Yesterday I mentioned heartburn because it's been a stressful new year for me, so far, and I have had acid reflux, as well. Stress really does exacerbate it. Never really thought those pills Adolfo was popping were like Tums. I'd be funny (bad karma for me for thinking this) if Adolfo really had the Big One next time and they thought it was acid reflux.
Love the male bonding...very touching and tearful.
Gotta run to a BD party, too, but wanted to thank you and Jeri.
The Carlos/JJ scenes were really good and those two are well on there way to becoming BFFs.
So it turns out that Adolfo just had a bad case of heartburn and not the big one. I suppose with his list of crimes, he's going to come to a spectacular end.
Glad that now Gabi and Carlos know they are siblings and he is gaining a family. Wonder how will Fausto take the news?
Juan José's good cry with Carlos in the office made him remember how wonderful Elsa was to him and Piedád, so I hope he will able to help Elsa now, too.
GinCA, I was amazed a Televisa hospital came up with such a sensible diagnosis. Esophageal spasms can be terribly painful; I've been coping with acid reflux for a couple of decades. Sorry to hear you have been dealing with that, too.
(The only thing I found that works without being on medication is to never lie down to sleep until five hours after my last meal. Kind of a logistical pain, but it works for me. I pretty much never eat dinner.)
Pirate Babe, I am wondering the same thing -- who or what was in the dirt pile.
Jarocha, if you are around, could you please tell me more about Marco Méndez in Rubí? I recorded that novela the last time it was on but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Does he have much to do in it? I'm prepared to start looking up all his work.
According to Wiki he started off modeling. Also, he's from Michoacán, which always makes me think of monarch butterflies.
Here's a link to Marco Mendez at Wiki that shows his roles.
I am concerned for Eddie. I hope he successfully escapes with the money.
Jeri: He was in Rubí's class at the beginning, I think he was the boyfriend of Alejandro's sister.
Here's a nice capture of Marco as a cop:
I think he auditioned for the lead role in Rafaéla, there's pics of him during the audition but Jorge Poza got the role. Rafaela is flunking and it seems the leading man is a jerk so maybe it was a good thing he didn't get it. That's no way to start your first lead role.
I was surprised at the Bertha/Carlos phone conversation. I was so glad he seemed to recoil from her and a few short hours he was again trying to ingratiate himself again with his Musketeers and half sister. In novela style, he'll be with selfish Bertha again, too bad.
JudyB, so sorry about your BB loss. Your loss is Jeri's gain though, she and the hubby are Wisconsin fans! I've been thinking about you lately. One of our galans here at LVO has forgiven the person who put him in the carcel for 12 years. He was innocent of the crime. His ability to forgive so unselfishly has been a joy to watch, you would have loved it.
The Yolanda/Carlos scenes were stupendous. I have been worried about her mental well being lately. They both seem to be on the road to recovery now. There are many, many children who have been raised by the kindness a person in their family or circle of friends. I've seen it myself. Floridia, with your big family, I bet you saw it to with some of your children's friends. I'm glad Yolanda did that for Carlos and he so LOVINGLY recognized her gift and THANKED her. WOW!
Aribeth, szia! or szervusz! Thanks for your recap yesterday, your Adela Noriega reference was hilarious.
Marcos has a wonderful look, he could be in Hollywood if he had the right agent and a little luck.
I have also been impressed with Carlos' quest to make ammends with the people he hurt. I'm so glad Gabi didn't reject him. Yes Jarocha, I do like Gabi. She didn't leap into his arms, but she obviously is going to make room in her life/heart for her new brother. Carlos looked so relieved after that conversation. And I loved his conversation with Yolanda too. He has had a mother from day 1- it was Yolanda.
I also loved that he gave Bertha the cold shoulder on the phone. I really hope they don't get back together, because I am not a Bertha fan. I'm still sticking to my hope that he finds someone better.
I really wonder if Edgar killed Susana. If not, whose body was in the grave????! Edgar is cold and calculating. I wouldn't put it past him to kill Susana, or to carefully plan enough to find another body to plant there.
I'm a U. of Arizona alum, and the Wildcats are my college team. Jerry doesn't really have one.
He did go to UW-Green Bay; but he got his masters at the U. of Chicago, home of more associated Nobel prize winners than any other school, whose motto is: "Where Fun Comes to Die."
They are a Division III sports school and don't figure into things. ;-)
The Arizona Wildcats are, however, a big basketball school. We won the national champ in 1997 and lost to Duke in the national champ in 2001. We're usually in the rankings.
Right now we're rebuilding after the retirement of coach Lute Olsen, but still #15 in the coaches' poll and at the top of our conference, the Pac 10.
Sorry about the sports, but it is Sunday, LOL.
Sandy and everybody -- so glad you all can use the links for this insomniac show. Sandy, you are intrepid on the phone. I actually like watching stuff on my phone, though; it makes crappy quality look good.
The real people to thank are the EY fans who, as Aribeth astutely pointed out, make sure all his shows are online somewhere. Very grateful to them!!
Vivi, thanks for your weather sympathy, LOL. I am happy to report the temperature WENT ABOVE FREEZING!!!! It was in the 30's yesterday, supposed to be today, and in the 40's later on in the week!
Now we will only have to deal with flooding after the snow melt and ice breaks on the rivers, LOL.
Yeah...Bertha and Carlos: two people who love their luxurious lifestyles; and he will understand her perfectly and be happy to take her back. :-)
That Édgar -- did he really kill Susana? Man, I am seriously wondering now. I think Édgar might have to die, so that would seal the deal and make everybody feel better about it. But it's not a foregone conclusion yet, is it? They keep us guessing.
Vivi, you'd make a good ship captain cause your recap really sails along. "But then they all do common sense things that TN characters usually don't" set the stage and lines like "The game of telephone continues..." keeps the tale barreling along. "Dante, who seems to have lived in DC during the anthrax scare" - this DC native was thinking the same thing when Dante advised Adolfo about the envelope.
I noticed Carlos' sexy eyes long ago when he was a rat bastard trying to mack on Elsa. So glad to see him come full circle and join the Musketeers. Since he was once so low as to try to frame JJ to send him back to prison, I think he can really get Bertha's total self-interest attitude. The trouble with Bertha though is I don't think she's ever given a thought to changing her ways, so he'd better get ready for a lifetime with a selfish dame. I liked her wedding dress too.
I want to see Edgar go to jail. Sure he's a hit man with a heart of gold and he's probably got some dead animal rather than Susana in that grave, but he framed Elsa for jail. He left all his military/security training (was I hearing things or did he say once that he'd been in Iraq?) to go to the evil side purely for money.
Glad Ale and Gabi had a confab. Love the bromances but we need some girlpower too.
Fausto blew a wonderful opportunity to tell Gabi all. I'm thinking in the recesses of his mind he never plans to reveal the fake Fausto/Mario to her. "Daddy you mean when Mario said Fausto was my real father because he loved me, raised me, and sacrificed for me that that was really you tooting your own horn?" Maybe Fausto is thinking he'll let Mario die a natural death, like go on a business trip and never come back. But would David go along with that?
Can't wait for the Gabi, Carlos, Juli sibling fest.
If Edgar lives much longer, he won't be able to hot-wire cars, they are so electronic now.
Did Edgar break his personal guide line on never harming women and children, or is Susana dead? We'll have to wait Monday to find out!
What a WONDERFUL episode!
I uploaded the screencaps of episode 94-104:
OK. End of my Marco M. Moment. (aka Mmm...)
Regarding Dora and Adolfo, she was likely just another maid/waitress/dancer/etc. Adolfo bonked that he doesn't remember. He made Carlos with Márta, murdered her and doesn't recognize her exact copy in Gabriela.
Dora may remember him, but what good would it do her? She doesn't want to know him now and doesn't want him to recognize her since her witnessing the murder of her co-worker -- undoubtedly relieved he doesn't.
Also it fits that Dora's lover was said to have gone to the U.S., because Adolfo has contacts there and maintains them.
Sandy, Gancho seems to have had its dedicated fans; and like CS, got dissed and booted to the middle of the night.
Vivi, I think you're right about Marcos's silver hair bringing out the silver in his eyes. What a relentless combination, calculated to enslave. ;-)
In a way I don't understand Adolfo's incredible fear of Dora's info. With all the things that he has done, including arranged murder, a miss identification, from several floors away seems minor......unless we don't know everything.
The stench coming from the grave can't be Susana. She wouldn't be decomposing that quickly. It was interesting that Edgar didn't seem too disturbed, even though he was handcuffed. It is probably a very ripe side of beef and Edgar figured Adolfo wouldn't want to get any closer.
On the other hand--why was Edgar wrapping up the shoes and the photo and putting them in a dumpster. Susana wouldn't have let them out of her hands too easily.
Edgar put the diamonds in the fishbowl on Adolfo's orders--as a good right-hand man should. Not saying it was right. It's Adolfo and Dante who are responsible for Elsa being in jail. Now I remember that Adolfo offered JJ a deal, the letter for getting Elsa out of jail--so JJ & co. thought up the first fake letter deal because they knew the real letter probably would never show up again.
The viewerville jury is out on Edgar--if it is Susana in the grave, then Edgar is doomed for TN punishment (dies in a hail of bullets trying to save Adolfo and Dante).
If it isn't Susana, then Edgar is doomed for TN rehabilitation (dies in a hail of bullets trying to save David, JJ and Carlos). Note to writers--make sure our Three Musketeers are wearing their kevlar vests from now on.
Jarocha and Jeri--thanks for the link to Marco. He now goes on my really handsome list (the drop-dead gorgeous list is headed by TBLMOE, and a few select others).
Carlos is rehabilitated in my book. He doesn't need to kill Adolfo to prove it. I hope someone stops him. Will he and Mina ever get together? Please don't let it be Bertha.
Mario is in a bind with Gabi. If he tells her as Fausto that Mario is dead and he's playing his part until the contract is finished, he's risking her getting furious all over again at David--and it's David's secret to tell. If he tells her as Mario that he's not Mario but Fausto, then, I go with what Niece says.
Interesting that so many novelas have that recurrent rationale for hiding truths--yes, I knew, but it wasn't my secret to tell. Sort of like the spouse who is the last to find out that the other one is cheating on him or her because everyone knows and won't tell.
Loved the telephone tag.
I lived through the anthrax scare, too. In fact I used to use that postal facility a lot when our office was near there.
I am fond of Psycho Eddie and think he hasn't killed Susana since he now probably thoroughly hates Adolfo for asking him to kill the children and putting that gun to his throat. I think he and Susana are in cahoots to take the money and run. But since Eddie has much to amend for, I'm not sure about his fate but as Newbie mentioned, he may die a redeemable death saving the good guys.
Aribeth, thanks for screencaps.
I have been MIA for a few days because my computer got some kind of virus that affected every single program. I couldn't get on the net or use Word or even play solitaire. My son came over and we spent hours figuring out what was wrong, installing security software and cleaning the drives and files. I hate, hate, hate the creeps that create computer viruses and worms. I just can't imagine someone getting their jollies by randomly screwing over other people's computers. Jerks. Now that I've vented I feel better. :)
Speaking of attacks, the DC anthrax attack actually was solved - more or less. The main suspect was a government scientist who committed suicide before he was arrested and prosecuted. You can read about it here:
"Please don't let it be Bertha.
Oh Newbie, I agree! I would rather see Carlos become a monk than end up with Bertha.
I don't think Susana is dead. I'm thinking that she and Eddie are playing Adolfo again. I hope it works.
What's everyone else's take on Dante? I get the feeling he's the "Bud Lite" of Bad Guys (50% less evil than the Avila brand). He seems like he's just hanging around to scoop up the leftover crumbs of Adolfo's evil deeds. When Dante pointed his gun at Edgar I actually laughed. No offense Dante, but you're just not the scariest bad guy on the block... He's like an evil shoe salesman.
GinCA and Jeri, sorry to hear about your heartburn.
I enjoyed Carlos and Gabi getting along. I can't wait to see how Juli reacts.
xlntperuvian and Newbie, ITA w/you both about Carlos and Bertha. He deserves much better. And she knows Adolfo isn't right but she'll overlook all this b/c of money. It's a really bad situation.
And it will be interesting to see what Edgar did to cover himself regarding Susana. As others have mentioned even if he did kill her, she wouldn't smell that badly yet.
Aribeth, thanks for your recap for Thursday.
Thank you Jeri for the links.
I agree, Marco M is a real cutie. Lovely skin colouring and sexy eyes.
Carlos and Yolanda are a team again. They were beautiful together. Yolanda seems so much more calm now. Getting some of that weight off her chest regarding Marta, and her kidnap experience with the kids, seems to have done her good.
Can't wait to see Gabi and Carlos finally embrace as siblings.
Loved your Bud Light-shoe salesman portrait of Dante.
Are you IN Peru or FROM Peru?
I agree with Jeri that she's very pragmatic and money makes her happy. She and Alejandra were born into a rich family, they were raised as rich girls, but their lame father and mother lost their wealth. The girls reacted differently. While Ale worked hard and became an ambitious architect, her little sister was lazy and she was envy of the Genovés's money and David's lifestyle. Ale desperately needs tranquility, order and tidiness to feel secure (on of the reasons why she was so annoyed at JJ's lifestyle and friends at the beginning), Bertha needs money. She doesn't have any profession, she's useless, or at least she thinks she is. So marrying Adolfo's money and purchase lifelong happiness seemed to be a good idea for her.
But it's a horrible idea. First of all, Adolfo may live for 10-20 years! She'll lose her best years like JJ, and she'll live in an awful prison. Adolfo treated her like a princess, but if they get married, she'll be his property. He won't let her sleep around or do what she wants all the time. We all know what happened when she tried to disobey: he manhandled her and kicked her out of the condo. That is the face of Adolfo that she doesn't know well enough. She'll depend on his money and he'll force her to commit more crimes (like false testifying). In 5 years she'll be his slave.
Our beloved Carlos redeemed himself, and I forgave him for trying to send JJ back to jail - but I'll never forget it. As I said before, in my opinion trying to ruin someone's hopes and life for the second time was more cruel than keeping his frightened mouth shut for 11 years. JJ had 8 years back and he would've been convicted for at least 4-8 years for rape assault and for being a recidivist (is this the world you use for criminals who commit crimes again?). 12-16 years in jail again, after tasting freedom... I would've killed myself.
Carlos conveniently forget to mention his little trick every time he speaks with JJ. So no matter how I adore this boy, he isn't a Saint Mauricio Medina either. He and Bertha are cut from the same cloth, there are only two differences between them: Carlos has a profession, and he's more sensitive, he realized in time that he'd done very bad things before. Bertha is immature.
Probably she will learn a few lessons in the next episode, and IF they get together again, I'm sure she'll appreciate Carlos's love and she would never leave him again.
Marco Méndez and María Sorté: awesome and so heartbreaking.
Marco Méndez and Gali Montijo: great and moving.
Marco Méndez and EY: megaawesome and moving.
Vivi, I loved the recap.
"then they all do common sense things that telenovela characters usually don’t"
"Carlos thinks it’s high time Mother Nature became Lady Justice."
"(These two should join CSI. They’re experts.)"
"JJ says he’s going to make him cry. (Awww!)"
Aribeth, szia! or szervusz!
LOL! And szia! :)
My questions:
- Qué the hell happened to Susana?
How much time passed by since the wedding?
- The timeline.
Day 1: Psycho Eddie lets Yolanda and the kids go. The thughs beat him up. His face is unshapen, his arm is broken (ep. 98).
Day 2: Quarrel between Elsa and the Victorias (ep. 99), she and Mau go to have dinner, Eddie hides the diamonds in her fishbowl (ep. 100).
Day 3: Wedding, the cops arrest Elsa (ep. 101), Carlos meets JJ and Ale in the parking lot (ep. 102). Eddie's face looks much better.
Day 4: The Victorias create a fake letter, the musketeers visit Adolfo and Dante (ep. 103).
Day 5: Jorge visits David, Dora writes a new letter, Adolfo's wedding (ep. 103).
Day 6: The meeting in the warehouse (ep. 104). Eddie's face and arm are perfect.
Either he's Wolverine's son (with extraordinary ability, or there was a huge timegap between day 4 and day 5/day 5 and day 6.
I learned that like many other actors, Julio Alemán released a CD approximately 35-40 years ago. He's singing mariachi songs and it's quite likeable. His voice is beautiful.
It's nominally a bit of a risk for Bertha marrying Adolfo, but he's doomed; if she doesn't know it, we do. In figuring whether Carlos and Bertha get together, what we know counts.
The last intimate scene they had between Carlos and Bertha was not about sex but rather love. They played the same theme they play for the protagonists. Those two are destined, IMO.
Yolanda is a perfect mother and mother in law for those two; she was a slave to money her whole life.
This is how many days went by:
1st Day: Quarrel at JJ's with Elsa; Ed's fist full day in hospital; Adolfo visits him; Ed learns Adolfo will return tomorrow
2nd Day: Ed escapes hospital with Susana and learns all
3rd Day: Ed goes to see Adolfo and gets his Elsa assingment, etc.
Those two are destined, IMO.
Yes, I have the same feeling, and I don't mind that.
JJ and Alejandra were talking about getting married the day the kids showed up. He said let's get married tomorrow! She asked him: tomorrow? You mean, _tomorrow_ tomorrow? Yes!
I checked the outfits in episode 99 and 100: Elsa wore white trousers and a brown blouse (in JJ's house and when she and Mau left for dinner), Ale wore black trousers and a blue jeans coat, Caramelo wore a pink cardigan, Mauricio wore blue shirt and a white-grey striped tie, Gaby wore a red dress. Nothing changed.
Aribeth, you captured some wonderful screencaps of film noir J J with his curl and beautiful smile.
I thought they were talking about marriage after midnight: they were already asleep when the kids showed up, and I don't think they are those types who go to bed early. They spent at least one and a half hour with the kids before going back to their bedrooms, so it was day 2. In the morning they asked Abe to help them, next day the got married.
This timeline is still better than CS, where (judging from the dresses) too many things happened in two days:
episode 74 (or 75?), day 1: JDD is arrested, Reggie doesn't marry Fed, JDD is set free
episode 75-78, day 1: Aimée has sex with everyone, decides to flee with JDD, and when she finds out he lost his money she dumps him
episode 79, day 1: Reggie and JDD lie they are lovers
episode 80, day 2: Reggie and JDD get married
"compra" expression; love it.
Didn't watch novela until last night because I flew from east coast of Florida to west coast over weekend to be with my 9 year old identical twin granddaughters for a little Valentine celebration.
They are so precious and innocent
at this stage of life, truly a joy to behold.
Jeri, on the way back I sat next to a 59 year old woman from the Chicago area who said it has been
the coldest and/or most snow that
she can remember. She told me that Aurora is the really cold spot.
Vivi, I am tending to agree with your theory (and that of others) that Edgar planted some other kind of body in the stench-entrenched landfill. Or, his compras could have given him a tip as to where some members of their hit lists were buried.
I am not rooting for the resumption of the romance between
Carlos and Bertha the Betrayer, the Inveterate Betrayer). However, I am rooting for the resumption of the romance bewteen Susana and Marcos. She, like Bertha, likes fine things, but she has steadfastly stood by her man and made the best of any opportunities that might help his plight. I am hoping that as Mauricio promised Elsa, he would find him a good lawyer. I want him to be released from prison for time served for any and all offenses charged against him. He was wrongfully imprisoned in the first place defending his sister from a horrible violation. If I were wrongfully imprisoned, I am sure that I would jump at a chance to escape.
The other day I posted late that my husband grew up in Cambridge and I in Milton.
Also, your comment yesterday about
knowing someone brought up by a person other than a family member
rings true. At Thanksgiving an interesting scenario was revealed to all in attendance. A 40-year old young lady who is very close with my daughter-in-law's mother,
told us that she had just learned
the identity of her birth mother,
and she had recently found her picture on Face Book. It seems
that when the child was 3 days old,
her mother left the hospital and
stopped by to see a friend. She told the friend she had an errand to do, and she never returned. She never wanted anything to do with the child and even to this day does not want anything to do with her. ( I'll call the child
"Annie.) I do not know the legalities of the situation with regard to adoption etc, but "Annie"
calls the woman who raised her
her grandmother. They moved to
Florida years ago, and the mother has always remained in the New York City area. Like Gabi, "Annie "just found out that she has 2 brothers, one older and one younger, and she has talked to them via phone. The amazing part, like the novela, is that when she saw her mother's picture on Facebook, "Annie" is almost an identical twin to her mother (like Gabi and Marta). She showed us the Facebook page, and we were all stunned. I've known "Annie" for
12 years, but never knew her
family background. She has no feeling for her mother, and like Carlos, she truly loves the woman who raised her. Truth is often
far stranger than fiction.
Re - JJ, I thought he acted quite mature for the first time in his scene with Carlos.
Here's one for the experts:
I am wondering why the writers chose to make JJ's mother appear so old; to me she looks about 100.
I calculated that if she had him when she was 42, she would have been about 72 just before he was released form prison. If she had
given birth to him when she was a young woman, she could have still been in her 40's when we were introduced to her. I don't remember a plot line regarding his father. Just for the heck of it, I am speculating that his mother could have been another victim of Adolfo and that he was unknowingly raised by his grandmother. If that were the case, then all of the guys could be medio hermanos along with the 2 sisters.
Aurora airport is the closest municipal airport weather station to our village here, so I use their website online. They always seem to be the coldest in Chicagoland, it's true.
Rockford is also cold; in fact, they are in a little finger of USDA Region 4 that snakes down through the banks of the Rock River over the state line from Wisconsin.
My own mother was given away to family friends when she was born. She knew of her younger sister as she was growing up (the one child my garndmother kept), but only found out in her 20s about her middle sister (my mom is the oldest)who never even met or saw a picture of my grandmother. My grandmother abandoned her with her father who married and raised my aunt with the kids he later had with that wife. My mom and that aunt are now the best of friends/sisters. She recently moved to the States very close by to my parents' house, so they spend a lot of time together. My mom is an exact replica of her mother (really scary actually). And I and my other two aunts have a lot of her features too. All three women have different fathers and they are only a year apart! They might also have other other siblings too as each of their fathers and my grandmother's few friends knew she had married very young to a man who abused her. After she ran away from him is when she started roaming the islands (Jamaica and the Cayman Islands) sowing her wild oats, taking different lovers, having daughters, and abandoning them. So yes, truth can often be stranger than our novela fictions.
By the way, it was a stranger in a market place who first told my mom about the young market stall owner who looked "just like" my mom. That's how she discovered her sister!
As for Piedad: I don't know, for many episodes I didn't even want to accept the fact that she was his mother. I thought she was his grandmother and by "mi mamá" he meant "my grandma". After all, I called my grandmother "mama" and my mother "anyu". ("Anya" means mother, "anyu" is like "mommy".) My grandma lived with us and she took care of me while my parents were working. My dad was raised by his grandmother since his doctor father and nurse mother died in the second world war. So I automatically assumed that JJ had a grandmother situation, too.
Then I thought JJ was over 35 and his mom was over 30 when he was born. But he was 19 when he was arrested, so... It seems he was a VERY late child.
Three years ago I spent a week at the hospital due to complications from a ruptured appendix. It was a state hospital since I had just finished college and had no job at the time. I met a woman in her late 50's who was studying to become a nurse, she used to check on my vitals at around 8pm and she told me about growing up in the house where her mother had worked all her life. She kept living and working there after her mother passed away until just a couple a few years before when she met her husband. Since both of them were poor she decided to start studying at one of the schools for adults and got her secundaria (sort of middle school degree) to get better chances to find a job but then made an agreement with her husband and went into a CETEC (one of those government schools were you both study high school and a skilled job) to become a nurse. She lived 45 minutes from Veracruz and made the trip every noon to go to school and then stayed the evenings to do her practices at the hospital.
She told me her youngest sister (who was in her forties) had just had her second child. She also married older, even though she didn't stay working at the same house in her adult years.
All fascinating stories! See how much we are learning from this novela and its sidebars. Abused women can never be judged. Who knows what we would have done in that same situation?
Vivi, I'm not that great; I went to see my granddaughters in Tampa
where they live, but they didn't travel with me. I brought them little inspirational books. One was called "Reach for the Stars, and the other, "I Believe in You."
It's actually a little egotistical; I want them to remember these little moments when they grow up. Then I took them to their favorite browsing store; they chose to buy a bunch of little squushy erasers for a total cost of less than $2.00, but that's what they wanted. Then we went for special ice cream treats.
The ice cream was very expensive, something my daughter would never buy for them, so I was permitted to make an exception, and they appreciated it. The place is called Fro Yo topia; you may know it; all the stuff is weighed.
It's the toppings that add up.
Aribeth, A while back I posted that one of my daughters adopted 2 sisters from Ethiopia. The girls
call my daughter, "Mommy," but they call me "Mamá" which is what
the grandmother is called in that country.
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