Friday, February 04, 2011

Llena de Amor #122 (Mex. 127) Thu 2/3/11 Some Like it Hot

Emanuel has a very good day today. Is it because Ilitia is out of town? Is it because he gets to spend the day with Vicky? Is it because he got to annoy mommy? all of the above? Valentino Lanus does a good job portraying angst, but when he gets to play a scamp he is hotter than ever. Don't believe me? Well check it out.

After a smooch-filled preview for tonight’s show we open with…

…a smooch-filled moment on Netty’s couch courtesy of Gman and Oliver. Netty pitches a fit when she finds out Oli was fired for kissing Gman on the job so she dials her resident lawyer, manager, and lunch guest, Licenciado Pacheco.

Eman and MarVicky are clothes shopping for their country shoot. Eman is struck dumb by a vision of MV in an exceedingly attractive swim suit. Fedra shows up and is struck snarling by the same vision. She demands that MV cover her shame. MV laughs and says there are worse outfits such as a cabaret floozy…“mi reina,” she adds.

MV twists the knife by explaining that due to the superb chemistry between them she and Eman are doing a commercial together. Fedra is sure MV plotted this simply to destroy Eman’s marriage, snarl snap snarl. What with Bernardo missing and now finding them like this what could be worse? “We’re sleeping together” MVgleefully suggests. Hee hee.

Oh ick. Lowrenzo’s got his blechelor pad all duded up for a night of cradle robbing. Kristel arrives on way-too-high heels which don’t do much for her knock-knees but Low doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy ogling her ruffly floweriness and trying to explain away his affair with mommy dearest. With promises of modeling jobs and other delights they clink glasses.

Netty storms into El Comisario’s office with the wronged couple and their lawyer. Poor Comis doesn’t stand against Nety and Gman. Oli jumps in with his demand for gay rights and Nety wraps it up with a quick scolding about equal rights for everyone that leaves El Comis slack-jawed.

Over at the agency an absurd scene is unfolding. Malicio, asserting his partnership in the company, is angered to hear that Vicky plans to leave town to make a commercial; he forbids it. Eman is amused beyond words, adorably so I might add. His delighted facial contortions are the highlight of this scene.

He lets Vicky give Orangey the verbal smackdown he so richly deserves. She is the major shareholder, remember? And as such she’ll do as she pleases. Furthermore he doesn’t have enough power to participate in any of the company’s decisions. She sure crushed his cheeto.

Apparently Netty and El Comis are on a first name basis. Agustin swears his decision wasn’t based on discrimination but on Oli’s recent past history of tardiness, drunkenness and suicidal behavior. He respects Oli’s personal life but his kissing that kid in his office is problematic. Netty bats her eyes and urges “Agus” to give Oli a second chance…for her.

Back at the blechelor pad Kristel gushes over her “super delicious” meal. Low is ready for dessert and he doesn’t mean the fattening kind. In fact it can help her lose weight, can she guess what it is? (Oh gag me with a spoon!) OK she’ll play; is it water flan? Sugarless cactus jello? Cucumber with nuts and yogurt??? Ahhh, now she's getting the picture. After his leering description of what he has in mind she throws her napkin down, jumps up and heads for the door.

While Lowman is dealing with Mission Improbable Netty is over at the Polis Station choreographing her slam-dunk. Reminding Agus that love can move mountains she blows him a kiss and leaves Oli to his fate. After a short and perfunctory scolding El Comis reinstates Oli with his badge and gun and only squirms a little bit when he is rewarded by a big gay hug. Agustin is going to be one confused hombre by the time our little passion play comes to an end.

Kristel tells Lowman he’s like an uncle to her not to mention her novio will be super jealous. As she heads out the door Low drags her back (open door alert!) and gushes that she is so very beautiful. Really, she asks, prettier than my mom? Oh much younger and prettier he purrs, laying a big one on her. That lasts about a half a second as Fedra’s medusa-like curls loom up in the background. Lowrenzo! Kristel!

MV’s got her bags packed and she’s heading out the door of the pension as Doris explains to the group that MV and Emanuel have got a hot kissy-face commercial shoot scheduled. Brandon’s not happy to hear the news but MV insists it’s just work. Eman pops his happy head in the door and gloatingly concurs, it’s just work, no fun at all, workity work (chamba chamba).

Ya see? Sez Doris. They’re working together because of all that chemistry. Brandon glumly struggles with the concept while Eman elbows him out of the way, grabs MV and her bag and splits. Road trip!! This is the part where Gladiola asks Brandon if he wants Cuernitos for dinner. (See vocab below)

Over at the blechelor pad Fedra is about to explode. She weeps and cries to her daughter about cutting her heart into quarters. Kristel promises nothing happened and after getting her requisite slap on the rear runs out the door. Fedra turns her wrath toward Lowman and the scene ends with him in a headlock.

Cut to the cantina where Netty, Oli and Gman are celebrating Netty’s success and Oli’s reinstatement. Netty says since she can’t spend the rest of her life with the one she loves she at least wants them to have a sporting chance. They respond with a lip lock which turns a few heads at the neighboring tables. Netty hisses a warning about two guys making out at the cantina so a pinkie lock will have to do satisfy them for now.

Speaking of headlocks (and we were, weren’t we?) Fedra still has a red-faced Lowrenzo in a death clasp that’s got him gasping and wheezing for mercy. She grabs a fork and wields it in his general direction while wailing that Bernardo warned her about Lowman’s lowness. Low’s insistence that Bernardo loves Fedra distracts her momentarily, but then she lunges with a steely grip around his neck. In a surprising turn Low yells at her to leave, Largate! Not so easy, she threatens, and as is usual for these two, attempted homicide turns into foreplay and they stumble into the next room.

Kristel has returned to Manic Manor and nervously chats up her novio. He’s slightly suspicious of her weird behavior but since he rarely thinks of anyone but himself he soon loses interest. He tells her he doesn’t have time to play because he has to travel to a location for work. Kristel might be dumb but she ain’t stupid; she knows this has something to do with that wannabe flamenco. Mal is all “I’m an important shareholder and I’ve got to go hablahblah.” Unfortunately for him Fedra comes in (wow, talk about a quickie) and tells him he’s not going anywhere because he’s going to marry Kristel immediately.

Uh oh, Eman and MV are driving in the pouring rain which never bodes well for anyone in these shows. To make matters worse she thinks he’s driving too fast. Oh, and we also find out that they are driving up separately with the rest of the staff and gear to follow along a safer route. I think he says they’ll be staying the old RydeT hacienda where Eman and Mari spent many happy times. As they both ponder the good old days a car comes screeching around the corner and is heading right for them, aieeee!

The suspense is killing me, yawn. But before we find out the fate of our star-crossed lovers we’ll pay a visit to Bernardo in his cellar cell. He thought bubbles angrily that if he ever gets out of there he’ll get that damn polis and Gretel too. More angry thoughts toward Gretel’s real father Tio Max and Paula who is likely her mother. They’ll all pay!!

So close and yet so far, Fedra is giving Beni and Paula the third degree as to Bernardo’s whereabouts. They reveal nothing. Nereida is summoned and then summarily dismissed for wearing mourning dress, dressing like a vulture to be specific. Poor Fedra, it’s just one annoyance after another.

Fedra’s pity party is interrupted by Emiliano. “You have your nerve!” she accuses. “Yep, living with you for more than twenty years does take nerve,” he retorts. Apparently his crime du jour is allowing Vicky de la Gartha to travel alone with their son.

Although at the moment said couple is at a dead stop having survived the near-crash intact. Eman checks with the other driver and it turns out some bridge got washed out and they’ll be spending the night together alone at the house. Eman’s day just keeps getting better and better. “This weather suits you,” he grins, a non sequitur that elicits an eye roll and a sigh from MV.

Fedra’s whines reach a fevered pitch until Emiliano pulls out the stops and announces that the big client in charge of the ad is Marianela’s own husband Jorge Llauma. Emiliano won’t forgive Fedra for all the horrid things she did to his niece and the day that he holds the proof in his hand is the day she’ll pay dearly. Not sure why he needs proof if he’s so sure about her, but OK.

Eman and MV arrive at the old family homestead (very deluxe if you ask me) and she recalls happy days of their youth playing hide and seek. They were happy then. Eman blathers giddily while MV sadly recalls being with her parents in the house.

Back at Netty’s the family proudly looks at Mari’s wedding album and gushes over her hunky husband. Brandon thought bubbles that he wants to take the picture of Mari, Jorge and Vicky to the lab to authenticate it. The talk turns to the commercial and Consuelo pipes up that knowing Vicky the fictional romance will soon become reality. Netty denies it, saying Eman is true blue, a real hero. “Like El Lirio de Plata?” asks Brandon. Oops.

While MV dries off in another room Eman gets a call from Fidel. There is a 24/7 watch on Muñeca’s house by the polis and both of them are under suspicion. MV walks in overhears Eman telling Fidel they’ve got to move the merchandise soon. He convinces her that he was just talking about photographic gear at the studio. Whew, disaster averted yet again. Then his cell battery dies.

Lowrenzo arrives home and hollers for his flower only to discover that she is still working at the orphanage. With his wife at work, the kids asleep and the servant going to bed he decides this is the perfect time to find the money that Muñeca and Flora hid.

Brandon pays Muñeca a visit at the orphanage. He’s there to review all her accounting records and he’s not leaving until he does. Is it just me or does it seem a bit late in the evening for such a call?

Eman comments that Vicky seems very comfortable in the kitchen. She frets as he dreams aloud about Mari’s amazing chicken soup. But good news, Mari taught Vicky the secret recipe. I guess this makes him amorous; he gloms onto her like an octopus to help her chop onions then kiss her little boo boo. Could Eman’s night get any better? Hell yeah. The lights flicker off and since our chairwoman of the board is afraid of the dark she leaps into his arms. And this is where we leave our cozy couple until tomorrow.

Mañana: Eman and MV are white hot.

Acostarnos = We’re sleeping together. (acostarse = to go to bed)
Chamba = slang for work
El amor puede movar montanas = Love can move mountains
Largate! = Take off, beat it!
Poner los cuernos = to cheat on someone (Lit. put the horns on someone)
Que valor tienes = you have your nerve
Química = chemistry
Te sientes bien esta clima.
Vestida de buitre = dressed like a vulture


Hi Syl. Great title and lots of funny lines.
Mission Improbably
The suspense is killing me, yawn. are just a few of them.

Really liked the vocabulary too.
Missed this because the Buckeyes were playing last night (another "too close" game) but I'll have to look at my recording to catch that nyah nyah nyah look Emanuel gave Mauricio. Plus I love the choking scenes. Lowrenzo always turns red which makes me think the actress playing Fedra is really pressing pretty hard!

"She sure crushed his cheeto." Sylvia, how do you think of these? (And is it me, or does Orangey seem to be a bit more "orangey" than usual?"
I also LOVE your description of the Low prepping his blechelor pad and Kristel's entry. Too funny.
In fact the whole episode had some good chuckle moments. (Well, except for Bernie, but it was brief.)I so agree that Valentino just has a field day when it comes time to be playful. To me, he's one of the best handsome galans who can do both the drama and then make an absolute fool of himself and he's STILL SEXY! Hey, did it just get hot in here????
So Brandon wants to analyze one of the pics? Think he may be the first to realize Vick is Mari without her telling him, of course? Then what would he do? Would he go after Mari or use it to get Ilitia away from Eman....hmmmmm.
Looking forward to the "alone in the hacienda" scenes. Interesting Vick's slip heading straight for the kitchen without Eman telling her where it was, and even he looked puzzled. Think man!!

Daisy, wish I could claim originality for the cheeto but it was our own Julia who coined that one when she called Mau a "Cheatin' Cheeto". Guess I just couldn't get it off my mind because it's too perfect.

Judy, congrats to the Buckeyes for pulling off another victory, albeit a close one. I hope you get a chance to watch that scene with Emanuel making faces at Mau. His funny faces and little grunts of satisfaction as Vicky delivers the smack down are pretty funny.

Vicky may have slipped up with the kitchen but at least she asked where the bathroom is.

Good morning Sylvia, Judy and daisy.

Sylvia, Emanuel was smokin' and so was your recap.

Your pictures and vocabulary - sensational. This was great fun - so well written boosting so many clever expressions. In addition to what Judy and daisy noted - "blechelor pad" (my favorite) and "struck snarling" were great.

Netty certainly sizzled, didn't she? She had her vamp on and in high gear. El Comisario had no chance. None. Nopis. Putty in Netty's hands for certain!

Valentino certainly shone last night. Great chemistry with Vicky.

Loved Fedra being usurped by her younger, hotter daughter. Excellent!

OT, Julia, Massachusetss has had over 70 collapsed roofs in the past few days. Structural engineers are in high demand here. We are due for another 6 plus inchhes tomorrow. Spring can't come fast enough.

Be warm and safe everyone!


Slyvia, thanks for the fun recap. This really is turning into a fun little story that I am really enjoying watching and now looking forward to all the recaps.

Sylvia, great recap once again. Loved the whole episode, especially Eman & Mari/Vicky scenes. Laughed outloud with Eman's reaction to Senor Orange, crushed Cheeto he was.

Its about time Brandon uses his Dectective skills, that is what he is paid to do, I think.

I cannot wait for Fedra, Lowman, Kristel, Orange, Spiderus to get their due.

Ooh, and tonights episode it looks like somethings or some people will be bumping inot eath other in the dark. Can't wait! Unless the roof caves in; I live on the top floor of a 3 family in Boston. Flat roof, so needless to say a little paranoid. The house has been owned by my family for over 40 yrs and has not cave in yet so fingers cross!! Spring can't come soon enough.

Sorry for the spelling errors, blame it on cold hands "inot eath other" instead of into each other?, I think I have Vicky's spanish accent in me:)

Sylvia thanks for your great recap of Eman's best day ever! ITA w/all who think Lanus is so great when he's silly (dramatic too).

So is it official that Low and Kristel aren't related? And even if they aren't their relationship is wrong on so many levels which is probably what turns him on.

For those in Boston, stay safe and warm.

Hi again Sylvia. Forgot to thank you for your excellent photos. I'm sure you caught the two best moments of the episode. The Fedra strangulation foreplay is especially awesome. Whadda gal.

Great job, Sylvia. This episode was a lot of fun and this recap is perfection.

Netty charmed me every bit as much as she charmed the comish. Wow, when she bats those beautiful eyes and purrs like that... You guys have Emiliano with those doleful, worldly eyes and and that mellifluous, confident rumble... well, Netty is every bit the feminine equivalence. Not a bad job of pairing.

Silvia, was it out of a sense of propriety that you left off Kristel's last guess at dessert (cucumber with nuts and yogurt)? ...and then, dirty old man that he is, Lorenzo said that now she is beginning to grasp the idea. Beavis and Butthead would love this show.

Poor Fedra, she has pretty well lost her control of events. I loved how she wistfully mused about reuniting Emiliano with his brother. Wishful thinking or planning?

Maureen, Yikes! Good luck. I'll be thinking about you. As predicted, Houston has pretty well closed for business today. Not a lot of snow, but iced-over roads.

Best wishes to everyone in coping with this weather. And Julia, don't forget the sunscreen.


Carlos- I am sure Silvia was too much of a lady to recount the cucumber line. But thank YOU for bringing it up. LOL!

Silvia- This was wonderfully funny recap. Crushed Cheeto was also one of my faves. :)

Fedra really is losing her grip (but not her grip on Low's throat thankfully). She's lost without Bernie, and now her other men are spiraling out of control. I loved that little spanking she gave Kristel as she exited Low's blechelor pad. I wonder if it was scripted?

Oh no I am NOT too much of a lady. I totally missed Kristel's lewd comment. How unlike me!! I will add it later after work. Carlos, you are a hoot.

Carlos, thanks. I'll I can say is that most of us wish this snowy, icy winter would go away. Boston has had more snow this year than we had all last year. Spring can't come soon enough!!
P>S> is tonight your recap night? Love your recaps lots of humor in it. Always give me a good chuckle.

So much fun, Sylvia. Your recap was full of spunk and sizzle but I think "the suspense is killing me, yawn" was the funniest.

Emanuel may be a tad slow in matters of romance, but is he ever HOT when he gets to have a little fun. Plus, he looks extra-hot in black, so this was really his episode. Can't wait for tonight to see what shenanigans he gets up to.

All this time the family has had this hacienda out in the country that they don't use? Why don't any of the family members go live out there to escape the ones they hate? It looks like a nice place. Probably one of the fancier Love Shacks we've seen, and with a stocked kitchen.

Poor Gladiola is going to lose her mind. She is SO confused by Oliver suddenly falling in love with a dude, after all his years of chasing ladies.

My eyes bugged out a bit at the cucumber line. These writers, always going the extra mile.

Don't worry, Carlos, I am back under cloud cover and safe from the dangerous sun. Survived the long drive in that strange blinding light but I'm now more relaxed back in my comfort zone of drizzle.

Loved the recap Sylvia. Today does seem to be Eman's lucky day. It just gets better and better and judging from the previews, he and MariVictoria give in to their mutual attraction. I also agree that VL (a mighty fine specimen) is hamming it up. Love that he can play both the angst and the comedy.

The Lo/Fedra S&M scenes were hilarious.

I wonder if Brandon did take a pic to have it analyzed. If so, he will find out it was photoshopped.

LOL Sylvia! One should never let a good cucumber joke go to waste.

I love Malicio trying to wield power at the agency with his little bit of shares, and everyone rolling their eyes and mocking him. MariVicky and Eman should start sending him to scout distant know, something they need an important partner in the business to do. "This is going to be an ad for a security company...we need you to go to Caracas and find the very worst slum possible for a backdrop. It needs to look really dangerous..."

I'm new to the group and this is my first time making a comment. I have been reading everyone's entries for a few weeks now, and enjoying them as much as the show itself. I started watching Llena in the summer to improve my very limited spanish and surprisingly am completely and totally hooked on the show. I know there is so much that goes over my head, but I manage to catch just the tiniest bit. Your recaps and explanations have helped me become even more obsessed with the show. I'm sure my husband would like me to stop giving him episode updates during dinner, but I'm having too much of a blast. Thanks everyone!

Welcome Michelle. We're always delighted when someone new shows up to join in the discussion. And since we all started for the same improve our Spanish...and consequently got hooked just like you did...we enjoy having a "fellow sufferer". We may be a bit addicted, but at least we're learning new language skills. Hope to hear from you often...and glad you're enjoying the show and the blog line.

Well, I’m late commenting as usual, but I do want to tell you Sylvia that I just loved your wonderful recap. Funny all the way through! We had horrible captions again last night, so I missed a lot.

Michelle, it’s great to have you join us!

Snow people, I just can’t believe what I’m seeing on TV. You are hardy souls indeed to live through all that weather.

With the bad captions, I wasn’t sure of much, but I did think the commisario said something to Netty about how he’d loved only one woman, as she well knew. Did I hear right? Could he mean Netty herself?

He did say that. I couldn't tell whether he meant Netty, or someone else she knows. I didn't realize they were so well acquainted. If it is Netty he's interested in, he's sure kept that to himself all this time.

That's the impression I got also. The "one woman" was Netty. That's what gives her leverage and that's why they're on a first name basis. Netty's sure rackin' up the suitors isn't she. But of course there's only one man for her, the velvet throat Emiliano.

Hi all. TGIF!!

I wasn't sure that I'd heard the comisario right but I assumed if I had he was talking about Netty. Thanks for filling in the blanks because my closed caps were AWFUL!!

Carlos, you will be happy to note that I added the cucumber dessert to the recap. Couldn't let Vivi think I would let a perfectly good cucumber joke go to waste, could I?

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