Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #36 2/22/11 Max is Scorin Hella Points; Victoria's in the Negatives.

Maria Desamparada is not with the program—not with Max’s program anyways. She’s with the novela program of separating the lovers at every opportunity possible. Despite Max’s pleas, she thanks him for his love, and kisses him goodbye. He’s confused and hurt.

Antonieta can’t believe Max quit. Victoria blabs about Max’s obsession with Maria Desamparada. Antonieta is upset that Victoria is letting her pride distance herself from her son—wasn’t the separation from a daughter enough? Victoria doesn’t care; MAX WILL MARRY XIMENA!

Maria is crying to Nati and Linda about the breakup. Linda thinks she’s dumb for doing it [Agreed]. Maria says she knows what it’s like to lack a mother’s love. Oh, shut up, Maria. Linda tells her to call Max and tell him that she loves him. Nati tells Linda that they won’t understand Maria Desamparada’s dilemna. Linda is the only one makin sense here. She doesn’t think Maria should sacrifice her love. Oh, and now she’s crazy again. She says she hates Victoria and is going to steal Osvaldo away.

Antonieta and Victoria are still discussing Maria and Max. Victoria thinks he’s infatuated; Antonieta doesn’t understand why Ximena sounds like a good choice [for anybody!]. Victoria, who I wish would get struck with lightening, says Max will only be happy with Ximena.

Cruz remembers Fer yelling at him. I think he says he’s going to tame her.

Ximena tells Guillermo that he’s cruel because of something. Ew, I’m too not into this scene.

Victoria thanks Christ for reuniting her with her daughter. She then asks why she doesn’t feel anything special for Maria Magdalena. She begs Jesus for mercy. She also adds that Maria Desamparada isn’t good for Max. In the back, Maria Magdalena enters.

Osvaldo comes to church. He wants to talk to Juan Pablo. The other padre tells him that JP is at the Red Cross.

Ximena tells Guill that she loves Max. He doesn’t believe her. She asks what he understands of love since he’s never loved. She’s wrong, he’s loved before.

Cruz sings to Fer from outside of her house. Where the hell is the dramatic Sandoval family now? Fer wakes up and gets out of bed.

Guill says love is powerful. It can make man into a beast. Ximena says it can hurt people. More kissing. Nastyyy.

Cruz sings, and Fer looks out at him. She shakes her head with a slight smile. She looks moved, but doesn’t open the window to let him know. She asks herself what she’s doing, thinking of this gardener? She says she loves Federico. Cruz retires for the night.

Fausto remembers bumping into Maria Desamparada. Damn it, I didn’t pay attention to what he read, but he longingly says Maria’s name.

Maria cries in bed, remembering the meeting with Max. Max without a shirt [WOO HOO!] in bed remembers the same. They both get out of bed. Maria picks up the phone, dials, but changes her mind. Same with Max except I’m drooling for him. They both think of each other.

Bernarda’s upset that JP didn’t tell her he was at the hospital. She wants to take him to a private hospital. She asks who hit him and vows not to rest until the culprit is found. The pimp and Maria Magdalena show up, and Bernie slaps the pimp! She calls them sinners. Osvaldo enters, and JP thanks him for the visit. He’s introduced to Bernarda who asks if he’s Victoria’s husband. She knows Vicki a lot more than Os thinks. Os is confused. She asks if he knows that Victoria betrayed him….

Victoria, who at this point has zero sympathy from me, cries to Antonieta that she feels nothing for Maria Magdalena. She doesn’t think she’s her daughter. If only she could be sure…Heyyy, get a DNA test, idiot.

Osvaldo doesn’t understand. Juan Pablo tells Os that Bernarda is not well and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Bernarda denies having issues and excuses herself, inviting Os over anytime he wants more information.

Antonieta brings up the DNA test idea. Victoria thinks that it would be betraying her beliefs. Dumbbbbbb. Victoria says she’s going to help Maria Magdalena no matter what.

Maria Magdalena calla JP a savior. Both she and the pimp are changed people…aww touching…

The pimp laughs about tricking the priest with the confessions. He pressures Maria to do as he says.

Osvaldo is pacing around JP’s room. JP wants to know what’s up. Osvaldo wants advice, and he wants JP to promise secrecy. JP promises, and Osvaldo reminds JP of his confession…He tells padre that Bernarda says Victoria has a lover, but he is the one with the lover. JP is impactado.

Milagros tells Linda that they’ll get her bridal wear from somewhere, and Linda acts snobby about the place, but agrees. They hug.

Fabian says he doesn’t understand women. Why did Maria Desamparada do such a thing? Max defends Maria, and—hey! Wait, why is he at work? Anyways…Max tells Fabian that he’s going to get Maria back. He smiles confidently.

Pipino tells Oscar to make sure Antonieta doesn’t find out that he loves Victoria. Oscar doesn’t mind if Antonieta knows, but he forbids Pip from telling Victoria and hurting her. Pipino tells him that he can find a nice unmarried woman.

Maria Magdalena is being abused by the pimp.

Maria Desamparada sits uneasily and tries to read. Nati tells her just to call Max. Maria’s a stubborn mule. Nati leaves, and Maria sits pensively. There’s a knock at the door. No one there. Knock again. No one there. [This seem familiar to anyone?]. Knock again, and a cute little kid is there with red roses for Maria. He says these are flowers for the prettiest girl in the world, Max pops out and hugs the kid and tells him that he wasn’t lying about Maria being pretty, huh? Maria smiles.

Victoria and Antonieta are by a brothel or something, waiting for Maria Magdalena. They’re crying because of the environment.

In Maria Desamparada’s apartment, Max tells Maria that he just came to say goodbye. He feels that Maria doesn’t love him with the same intensity that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him, but he counters that. She’s always trying to distance herself from him. She’s abandoning him with the pretext that she doesn’t want him to sacrifice for her. He doesn’t want excuses. He tells her that he won’t abandon his family; he’ll live with them although that means he has to be sad forever. He hopes she’s happy and finds the family that she didn’t want to have with him. [Ok, I admit it. I cried!] Max heads to the door, but Maria tells him not to leave. She tells him that she loves him, and God knows that she’ll die without him. He comes back, and they embrace.

Pimp invites Victoria and Antonieta inside. They’re looking for Maria Magdalena; the pimp tells them that Maria has mood swings. Sometimes she’s happy, and other times she’s angry. She’s probably at the bar.

Max tells Maria that from today they won’t hide their love. Maria doesn’t want to cause any problems, but Max is determined to show the world that their love is true. When they come back from Miami, they’re getting married. Besos.

Osvaldo tells JP that his life with Victoria got worse, and his life with the other woman makes him feel loved and young. JP tells Osvaldo that Victoria has personal problems, and Os tells him she tried to tell him the other day, but he fell asleep. JP gives him the guilt trip.

Victoria and Antonieta are at the bar and ask for Maria Mag.

Os tells JP that he’ll try to make Victoria tell him the truth. WTH! All of a sudden, Osvaldo tells JP that Max’s mom is alive?!

Sweet William Luscious Levy in a kayak.


Feel free to add/correct.

Novela Maven, thanks for yesterday's recap!

Cielo De Levy great and funny recap thank you.

Ok why must Max marry that heifer is she made out of gold?Really can't stand Victoria and her convoluted logic. He can only be happy with her really is that kind of like the same happiness you have with Os?

Oh by the way great thinking on believing you don't need a DNA test to prove MM is your daughter or not. So after you've invested your time and emotions with little orphan Ho' and find out she's not your real daughter that sure will make you feel grand right. Cielo's right Victoria is a real idiot.

The nerve to say Maria D. isn't good enough for Max but your supposed been around the block long lost daughter all she needs is to be cleaned up a little and pushed on any unsuspecting chump to take as his bride?

Maria D. you really did prove last you are the idiot's daughter with your lack of logical thinking. Max after getting off to a horrible start in this relationship has really step up his game love a take charge man who knows what he wants.

Highlight of the night Burnie pimp slapping the heck out of the pimp in front of her son the priest. Now that was funny and should be a little wake up call to JP that dear old ma isn't as old and fragile as she would have him believing.

Great recap as usual! Definitely agree that Victoria was obnoxious in this episode. And as usual, Max. Is. HOT. Even more so when he is make sad puppy-dog eyes....

Great recap, Cielo! I agree about Vic. She is getting no sympathy from me. That rant about rich guy/poor girl and not having any common ground? Does she even remember herself 20 years ago? Grrr. I keep waiting for Antonieta to slap her. Vic better appreciate Toni. And who would of thunk LindaHO would be talking some sense?

Anytime Cruz, Fer and that beautiful song are on the screen I swoon. I do believe I'm becoming a Pablo Montero convert.

Fausto was reading Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. Very romantic.

I think Vic deserves the "Dumber than Val award" DNA test? Moe-ron.

Why am I not surprised that Ossie's first wife is alive? Perhaps because Os and Gui had that conversation recently and they felt it necessary to not only say her full name but to mention she is Max's real mom (like neither of them knew that.) Now the fun of trying to figure out why she's not in the picture. Crazy? Maimed? hmmmm....

Cielo- I missed most of this episode and have not yet deemed this show worthy of the dvr, so I'm glad for your fun recap. Thank you. I am so glad I missed Gui and Jimena doing their thing. Also glad that Max talked some sense into Maria D. Vicky is still on my sh!t list though. I am sorry that I missed the serenade. :) So, if Ossie's first wife is still alive, are they divorced? If not, then he and Vicky aren't really married and Fer is a bastarda, just like her big sis. Ha! That would be great. :)

Aribeth posted the nominations for the next TVyNovelas awards over on LVO. Here they are (TDA will be in next year's running):

*** Mejor Telenovela
Para volver a amar
Soy tu dueña
Llena de amor
Cuando me enamoro

*** Mejor Actriz Protagónica
Silvia Navarro por Cuando me enamoro
Lucero por Soy tu dueña
Angelique Boyer por Teresa
Rebecca Jones por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actor Protagónico
Sebastián Rulli por Teresa
Fernando Colunga por Soy tu dueña
Valentino Lanús por Llena de amor
René Strickler por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actriz Antagónica
Margarita Magaña por Teresa
Rocío Banquells por Cuando me enamoro
Azela Robinson por Llena de amor
Jacqueline Andere por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Actor Antagónico
Alexis Ayala por Llena de amor
Manuel Landeta por Teresa
Juan Carlos Barreto por Para volver a amar
Sergio Goyri por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Primera Actriz
Laura Zapata por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Silvia Pinal por Soy tu dueña
Magda Guzmán por Para volver a amar
María Sorté por Mar de amor
Ana Martin por Soy tu dueña

*** Mejor Primer Actor
Juan Ferrara por Mar de amor
Alejandro Camacho por Para volver a amar
José Elías Moreno por Niña de mi corazón
Eric del Castillo por Soy tu dueña
César Évora por Llena de amor

*** Mejor Actriz Coestelar
Paty Navidad por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Alejandra Barros por Para volver a amar
Ana Brenda por Teresa
Altair Jarabo por Llena de amor
Jessica Coch por Cuando me enamoro

*** Mejor Actor Coestelar
David Zepeda por Soy tu dueña
Arath de la Torre por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
René Casados por Cuando me enamoro
Jesús Ochoa por Para volver a amar

*** Mejor Actriz Juvenil
Gabriela Mellado por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Renata Notni por Mar de amor
Paulina Goto por Niña de mi corazón

*** Mejor Actor Juvenil
Diego Amozurrutia por Llena de amor
Alfonso Dosal por Para volver a amar
Eleazar Gómez por Cuando me enamoro

*** Revelación Femenina
Thelma Madrigal por Para volver a amar
Fátima Torre por Soy tu dueña
Cristina Mason por Llena de amor

*** Revelación Masculina
José Carlos Fermat por Zacatillo, un lugar en tu corazón
Paul Stanley por Soy tu dueña
Brandon Peniche por Niña de mi corazón

*** Mejor Tema Musical
'Regálame un beso' de Fanny Lu
'Para volver a amar' de Kanny García
'Esa hembra es mala' de Gloria Trevi
'Llena de amor' de Luis Fonsi
'Cuando me enamoro' de Enrique Iglesias y Juan Luis Guerra

Total Nominations:
PVAA: 11
STD: 11
LlDA: 9
CME: 7
Teresa: 7
Zacatillo: 5
MDA: 4
Nina de mi corazón: 3

CdL - thank you for your Funny & snarky recap.

Meh. Victoria cries waaay too much and surely needs a unit of IV fluids by now, or some Gatorade.

"Antonieta brings up the DNA test idea. Victoria thinks that it would be betraying her beliefs."
Gaaah! DNA test would also shorten this telenovela by two months, therefore putting Mejía & cast out of a paycheck for 2 months.

If Vic is so adamant about Max+MD, she is going to go ballistic when she learns about Cruz+FerBeast. Makes me wonder why she hasn't already gone ballistic over Fer+STRB and sent Fer to a convent. Makes no sense at all to me.

Eeew… another tawdry food-abuse scene with Gui & Xi.

Oh Cruz, you sang on key again last night, and beautifully. Maybe in this telenovela you will finally convince me that you really can sing. Now, go tame that FerBeast!

Fausto + MD ….. I heard anvils last night and predict he will kidnap MD at some point in our story.

"They’re crying because of the environment." ROFLOL

Max's Mom is alive? Que diablos? Why am I not impactada?

Great work, Cielo.

Victoria doesn't realize it, but she is repeating the toxic parent cycle. She is becoming just as controlling as Bernardracula. She may or may not have directed Max's education into business and now she is attempting to force him to marry Ximena. Isn't this a rerun of Bernardracula brainwashing JP into the seminary?

I don't think Osvaldo will believe that Victoria is cheating on him -- especially with Oscar -- for more than five minutes. She's just a garden-variety workaholic.

Osvaldo's first wife will obviously turn up before much more time goes by or her name wouldn't have come up.

Refusing a DNA test? Esta loca? Victoria had better appreciate Antonieta because at the rate she's going she will alienate everyone else.

And speaking of the Magdalene, I knew that neither she nor Pimpdude had reformed. It only remains to see if he abuses her sufficiently for her to attempt escape.

I'd love to think that when Osvaldo finds out that Cruz is interested in Fer he will hear him sing (yes, where were the rest of the family when he was under Fer's window?) and bring him to Televisa for a makeover and an audition. But that's too easy an out for the writers when they have Pablo.

Hiliarious, LOL .. thank you !!

First we have tatoo boy of braided beard fame, now we have tatoo face with that scary scarf ... yes, they certainly are into neckwear on this TN. Vic is sickening, so is Maria D, so is Jimena, so is Gui, gee I could go on and on here.

Vivi in DC-Thanks for posting the nominations. I am outraged that Golodrinas Viajeras did not get nominated for best Theme. What a travesty. lol.

Isn't Para Volver a Amar the next one slated for the midnight hour?

I've also seen a couple "muy prontos" for Teresa. Which on will that replace?

Doris- "Victoria cries waaay too much and surely needs a unit of IV fluids by now, or some Gatorade." Very funny...and sadly true. I've just about had it with Vic.

As for Os's wife (the first one) I also have to wonder: Good guy? or Evil Be-yotch? My gut tells me champion to Max and Maria D and foil to Vic la llorona. Why or why has she not been around???????

Sara- Yes, Para Volver a Amar starts in less than two weeks when LVO ends at midnight. It's supposed to be really good (and has the nominations to prove it). I didn't see an ad for Teresa. Interesting. I have no idea when they would show that. Nina de Corazon started this week I think some time in the afternoons. I actually am surprised that STUD's theme song wasn't nominated.

Thank ya' guys! =D

Cielo and commentators: Great, thank you.

So many secrets last night. Are we to suppose that Oz never divorced his wife and that he's a bigamist?

Fausto has fallen in love with Maria Desamparada. I see a Phantom of the Opera problem here. Mas to the rescue.

Vivi- So many little time.

Pasofino- Egads you're right! We *are* headed into Phantom territory. Ugh. As already mentioned, though, isn't Fausto her half Uncle? (Despite looking younger than his half brother.) Kind of icky.

Pasofino - I was thinking "bigamist" also. I don't think we can take the tears THAT revelation will generate from Victoria. Won't that de-legitimize the FerBeast, too?

Great Cielo, gracias.

Why is Jimena wrapped in a sheet & Guillermo fully clothed, complete with jacket?

Lucero y Joan Sebastian's song not even nominated, ¿Qué the hell is up with that????

A little surprised that Julio Alemán wasn't nominated for Mejor Premir Actor.

I don't know how the other Primera Actrizes were, but I thought Silvia Pinal was lousy.

Great recap! This episode was hard to follow, as my Spanish is still at the beginner level. These recaps are priceless!

I am thinking Gui is actually Max's father, perhaps b/c he was a beast to Max's mom and raped her. I am overthinking. Back to Max in the kayak.

Vivi i don't see Nina De Corazon over here i look through both channels and telefutura and it's not saying it's broadcasting maybe it might replace Atrevete in the afternoon that one has been on for a long time.

From the last line, Jardinera:

"I will have devil of a time thinking of David Zepeta as a lead. He's good, but I'm just not ready for him. He still looks like a scrawny kid who flunks gym class to me. Oh well...."

I think that actually works well for his character in LFdD. At least for the first part of the novela.


"What happen to Sylvia Navarro's novela? I saw the advertisement for the Teresa novela here the other day but i thought that Sylvia's novela would be the next one coming up."

Cuando Me Enamoro is doing well in it's timeslot, better than Triunfo is doing it's own actually.

I think the reason Univision picked Teresa for the 8pm timeslot was because it's been a bigger success. The numbers are supposed to be very impressive. Also, in my opinion, it's the better novela. CME started well but ended up in a crazy circus, saved only (maybe) by quality performances.


Variopinta: Silvia Pinal is taking Raquel Olmedo's place (she plays Oriana in Teresa). This is my most painful snub of the year.


Blu- you might be right that Nina starts next week after Atrevete ends this week. I saw an ad for Nina last night that made it look like it had already started, since they showed some real drama happening. But it might have just been a preview for the first few episodes.

Anyone thinking of switching over to Telemundo to watch La Reina del Sur, starting on Monday.

I hate organized crime kinds of stories, but the novel is terrific and I've loved Kate del Castillo since I saw her in Alguna Vez Tendremos Alas many moons ago. BTW, her galan in that novela, Humberto Zurita, is in La Reina as well. Only 62 episodes.

What does LFdD stand for?

Variopinta: La Fuerza del Destino, a new novela starred by David Zepeda and Sandra Echeverría (El Clon).

The producer is Rosy Ocampo (La Fea Mas Bella), the writer is María Zarattini (Sorti, Pasión, Alborada, etc) and the director will be Benjamín Caan (La Otra, Amarte es Mi Pecado). It will be only 100 episodes.

Other actors: Laisha Wilkins (Gancho), Gabriel Soto (Sorti, LVO), Marcelo Córdoba (Sorti), Rosa María Bianchi (Dt Capellán in Mujeres Asesinas), Alejandro Tomassi (El Manantial), Juan Ferrara (Pasión), Leticia Calderón (ENDA), etc.


By the way Cielo, excellent recap. You made me laugh several times with:

"Linda thinks she’s dumb for doing it [Agreed]. Maria says she knows what it’s like to lack a mother’s love. Oh, shut up, Maria."


"More kissing. Nastyyy."

but especially:

"She doesn’t think she’s her daughter. If only she could be sure…Heyyy, get a DNA test, idiot."

Hahahaha. And god, Victoria is so stupid, how did she build that company?


Thanks Cielo, excellent recap. So, completely out of the blue, we hear that Max's mother is alive. QTH??
La Paloma

Make all the new character introductions stop! ;-)

I can't stand the drug novelas and Telemundo has had plenty lately. From the two El Cartels and then there's the storyline plots like in El Clon major pass on Reina Del Sur.They were advertising another one called Ojo Por Ojo in November but i don't know what happen to it if was cancelled or not.

Jarocha thanks for the info on the new David Zepeda novela will that be the one replacing Llena de Amor?

Blu: I don't know but I don't think so, it replaces Cuando Me Enamoro on México. If Univision decides to keep a comedic novela in Llena's place they will probably show Una Familia Con Suerta which is already airing here and came after Llena.


Tks Jarocha,
Great cast, I have never seen Sandra Echeverria though. yum, Marcelo Córdoba y Gabriel Soto.
Is David Zepeda going to be his usual bad guy or has he graduated to protagónico?

If you said when it starts, I didn't catch it. Maybe this one at 9PM & Silvia Navarro at 8PM & I will have to increase my novela time to 2 hours.

Sth about David Zepeda,he is in the Colunga school of vida secreta. You can only find out that he was a model, dob & is a great tennis player. In one of the magazines, they couldn't even find out his novias name that attended his tennis match, a very good looking blond.
I actually appreciate that & the paparazzi needs to leave these people alone. They only owe us a good, hopefully great performance.

Jarocha thanks once again for the info you are a fountain of info on the latest news with Univision novelas.

Variopinta i'm very surprised that david Zepeda was able to do that in this day in age of how the paparazzi are with stalking celebrities.What id o know about David Zepeda is that he and William Levy are best friends they have known each other for a long time. As a matter of fact David was a lawyer from what i read and i guess he wasn't happy with that profession. William introduced him into modeling and the rest they say is history.

I think he did star in another novela before on Aztec TV i think Jarocha can fill us in on that one. Don't forget he was the lead in Accoralada with William playing his brother.

Thanks Cielo de Levy. Excellent.

LOVELAMPS, with this new information, I don't think that it's far-fetched at all that Gui may be Max's father. I even considered earlier that Padilla could be Fer's father, but of course that now is very unlikely.


Did I miss the conversation about Gui raping Max's bio mom? Or is that just conjecture?
I'm a little confused.

Variopinta: Yes, Zepeda is the protagonic. Blu is right, he was also the lead in Telemundo's Acorralada.

Blu: David appeared in 5 novelas from TV Azteca: Marea Brava in 1999, Ellas, Inocentes o Culpables in 2000, Como en el Cine in 2001, La Heredera in 2004 and Los Sanchez in 2005, he also used to appear in some American shows. He studied in Azteca's school of acting with Silvia Navarro. Then he left to the US and worked for Telemundo. The story of William introducing him to modeling is odd since according to wiky Levy's first acting gig seems to be in 2002 while Zepeda must have entered Azteca's acting school in late 1997 when William was 16-17.


Sara- All we know is that Ossie and Gui were in love with the same woman, but she married Ossie. That's all we know. The rest is conjecture. And now we know that she's alive, but nothing else about how and why.

Sara i don't recall Gui saying that either so i don't know if the person is guessing who made that comment or not.

Cielo, nicely done, as always! And funny!

Carlos, really? Max and Guillermo swimming in the same end of the gene pool? Lo dudo mucho! Now if you told me JuanJo was Gui's secret love child, THAT I could believe...

But I am intrigued by the newest ingredient in our heady mix -- Leonela Montenegro, the only woman Guillermo ever loved. Where has she been? With another man? In prison? In a manicomio? At UNAM getting her doctorado in abnormal psych? I guess we'll know soon enough!

Jarocha thanks for the info once again i was repeating what i read quite awhile back concerning David Zepeda and William. So it could be what i read about him being a lawyer and William got him into modeling was made up by the person who wrote that story.

It looks like maybe it was David who might have gotten William into modeling from what you wrote instead.I did read that William was a pretty good baseball player and gave it up to become a model.

I remember David Zepeda in Accoralda because he was so awful in that one. Nice body to look at though that was he only redeeming acting in that show:)

Last episode Gui and Ossie discussed the only woman Gui has ever loved and said it was her. The conversation made Gui antsy, so they dropped it. There was no mention of raping or fathering of children. That's the conjecture part. But we do know that Gui was in love with her.

Blu: I had to look up David because I couldn't remember him in anything other than Los Sánchez. It was great for him that he left for Telemundo and Carla Estrada picked him and brought him to Televisa, he wouldn't have had such luck on Azteca. I really liked him in STuD and he looks great in LFdD. He seems to have a sweet chemistry with Sandra Echeverría and a hot/passionate chemistry with Laisha Wilkins in the promos.


I heard that too Vivi it seems that Gui is coveting any woman involved with the Os.

Ok. I feel less confused now. I wonder how long we will have to wait for her to show up.

I keep meaning to mention: I noticed that MamaRox got her own little blip during the opening credits last night. Guess she will become a key player as well...either that or the actress renegotiated her contract. lol

PS: I really stared to like David Zepeda's character in STuD as well. They wrote his redemption well.

I'm hoping Fausto will become the redeemed character in this one. They've painted him rather sympathetically in the last couple of episodes.

Thanks for the laughs Cielo!

The wardrobe people are out of control!? Add to the recent comments on their 'inconsistent' clothing choices: Maria-Ho and Maria D. don't dress that differently. It's unnecessary to put a young, beautiful woman into clothing so short, revealing, tight, or otherwise inappropriate for the role. Maria D. is suppose to be a fashion model for a high fashion clothing line, not Fredrick's of Hollywood...

Sara i don't feel that Fausto is evil as someone said the other day he's more like a Avenging Angel.i can't say that i can blame him either because of what Burnie did he lost both of his parents in the fire as far as we know. He's been disfigured his whole life imagine what his life was like growing up as a result of Burnie anger and revenge for being fooled by his father.

it's one thing to take out the father of her child but she set out to wipe out that whole family. So whatever Fausto and Eva has in store for her she does deserve it.

Cielo: Terrific snark! You get a major ITSA from me! Let's put our good manners before wasting our time with something so rude as definitive scientific testing. Yep. I think even Miss Manners would find that line of reasoning hard to comprehend.

Jarocha: Thanks again for keeping us informed on what's brewing down south of the border, amiga! The casts you've mentioned, as well as the writers for the upcoming novelas, are definitely encouraging signs these should be good prime time novela fare in the long run. =/ : ? )

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