Saturday, February 26, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #39 2/25/11 A Bit of Heaven, Some Hesitation, and a Lot of Horse-Hockey

Cap. 39

Well, I brought my pillow and blankie to this little slumber number.  Be sure to have yourself at least a double espresso before sitting down with is one.   Now it seems our three chiquitas bonitas find they’re at a point in their lives with some muy large, life-altering decisions to make.  (Frankly, I wouldn’t give you two bits for their choice in life coaches considering the life coaches these characters consort with need more than a little coaching themselves.)  Here’s the 20 second rewind of the night before: Max tells Maria that he gave up his position at Modas Victoria and will start up his own fashion house making women’s fashions once they return from the Miami show.  Maria points out that he’ll be in direct competition with Vicki.   Max rather likes the way that sounds.....

Back at Maria’s apartment, Nathy’s still up late, hitting the books, when Linda comes back in tears after speaking with Juanjo.  For the first time in her life, says Linda-Ho, a guy actually sees her as something other than simply a sex object (and it’s moved her to show a little conscience if not conviction).  “--JJ is so decent and generous that he doesn’t deserve what I’m doing to him.”   Nat tells her to grab the guy before it’s too late and just kick Osvaldo to the curb cuz he’ll never offer her what JJ is offering her; it’s not like she’s going to be young forever!  (Ok. Ok.  Juanjo may be a prince of guy but Linda’s kissed him three times and still he looks and croaks like a frog.  Naw, Linda shouldn’t have to settle for a lily pad and toady-faced tadpoles.  Maybe Cruz has a couple of brothers?  Cruz’s side of the family might be poor, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about waking up in the morning to warts.)   Linda agrees that Nat has a point, and then runs off to her room to seriously “consider her future”. 

At the restaurant again, Maria asks Max why he was so insistent about having Linda and Nat join them for dinner.  He signals the maitre d’ and three waiters appear with covered silver trays.  Max tells Maria to choose whichever one she feels holds the symbol of their love.  “--Well, since the heart is on the left side, then I choose the left one.”  Inside is a ring box.  Max takes out an engagement ring and proposes.  (Now that’s a proposal worthy of Max’s reputation.)  He puts the ring on her finger and waits for her to answer.  (How can she say no after that, right?)  I guess it is “Sí” as major lip-locking ensues and telenovela fairies sprinkle stardust on the ring to make it sparkle (ting!) just in case Viewerville hadn’t noticed the number and size of each of those stones.  

Across town, Bernarda’s on the phone with Padre JP, aka Her Son the Priest, to apologize for her rude behavior earlier.  JP forgives her.  “--We’re all human.”  (Again, when it comes to Burnie, the Viewerville jury’s still out!.)  She tells him that she wants to offer him her support and as a means of demonstrating her change of heart she will help him find his daughter.  She offers to let Maria Magdalena stay with her there and to help her find her way back to Dios.  JP is relieved to hear that and says he knows Mama will be an excellent model for guiding Maria-HO back to the path of righteousness and to possibly forgiving her mother.  The momentary leer on Burnie’s face at hearing that last is e-vocatively vile

Maria-Ho finally wakes up from her delirium in Antionieta’s guest room.  She overhears Vicki tell Toni from the living room that Vick wants her to keep Maria-HO hidden away in the apartment for now to avoid anyone taking advantage of her, or from their attempt at taking the girl away from her.  Toni asks if she expects to keep her jailed there at the apartment like some sort of convict.  Maria-HO doesn’t quite understand, but she certainly doesn’t like the sound of the little bit she does get.

Max and Maria now walk back to the apartment building arm-in-arm and she asks him to tell her more about his childhood and his relationship with his mother.  He tells her that Vicki may be crusty on the outside but she’s a pretty decent sort overall.  Max reminisces about how loving Vicki was towards him from the first night he came to live with her.  This was a bit after his father told him that his mother had died while they were living outside of Mexico City somewhere and on a film shoot.  We see flashbacks of Vicki with mini-Max in his bedroom, lovingly assuring him there was no need to be afraid and that she would now be his mother.  Maria says she’s got no right to separate Max from his family or from Victoria this way, but Max points out that all birds eventually leave the nest; and that’s simply what he’s doing now with Maria at his side.  He kisses away her worries.....

Meanwhile, upstairs in Milagros’ apartment, Millie wakes up Cruz and tells him she’s worried because it’s obvious that Linda doesn’t love Juanjo,  nor feel the same affection for him that he does for her.  Cruz isn’t going to step into this emotional pile of poop and fakes a couple of well-placed, and very nasty, sneezes [estornudar].  While Millie makes tea he thinks to himself he’d rather disgust her than discuss what he knows about the situation.  (Yech!  Your faithful recapper has just suffered a gag attack whilst reviewing this scene, and must take a moment from recapping to recover.)

In a corner of St. Burnarda’s manse, Fausto is awake reading more romantic poetry in between sighs and thoughts of Maria.

Back in the barrio, Maria races in from her dinner date and shows Nat the engagement ring from Max.  Hugs and tears.  Happy, happy!  Joy, joy! Then Nat suddenly begins crying.  She’s so envious of Linda having JJ while Nat’s only ever been kissed once and that wasn’t even out of love, just Fabian trying to make Max’s kid sister jealous.  She’s happy for Maria, sure, but she feels terrible because she’s certain she’ll never find love. Oh, sob, sob!  She’d give anything if Juanjo would have fallen for her instead.  Maria gives her a pep talk and tells her to keep the dream alive.....  FF>>

Max has returned home.  He remembers his nasty lunch conversation when Vicki told him that if he didn’t drop Maria she was cancelling the credit cards and punishing him with pauper-dom.  Max is sure that someday she’ll be happy knowing he fell in love with Maria. He thinks back to all their sweet times together and their stealing kisses.  Maria is thinking about the same things and says to herself that as of today she “surrenders her heart to Max.”

At Casa Scandal-val early the next morning, Oz is on the phone in the bedroom explaining to Linda the reason they didn’t go out together was because the situation there at her apartment was just so embarrassing for him. Linda of course, was born with a short in the electrical circuitry of both her modesty and her shame genes.  She throws a fit.  Oz promises to see her that afternoon for lunch and says he’ll bring her birthday present with him.  Vicki walks in on the conversation which suddenly turns into a business chat between Guillermo and him.  Once he hangs up, Vicki asks what he’s doing on the phone so early with Guillermo and who the present’s for.  (Oz forgot to pocket the box and buys time while he thinks of something reasonable to say.)  He deflects like any self-respecting guilty party.  “--You come in here after a night out and already wanting to put everyone else’s life in order for them: demanding, directing, inquiring when you ought to be offering a few explanations yourself!  Why are you coming home at this hour, Victoria?  Where were you?  Where did you spend the night?”   Vicki’s a bit hesitant to answer.  Oz snidely tells her not to strain herself coming up with lies.  She probably spent the night with her lover!

At the same time, Millie’s posse is sitting around the kitchen table watching t.v. and listening to ranchero or some such.  JJ asks the others if whatever they’re discussing isn’t just terrific [está de poca].  The others agree it’s just awesome.  Something about the sixth and him wanting to set the date, then.  Naco Napo tells him to reconsider jumping into things so quickly; he might regret losing his freedom later.  Millie gives Naco a nudge of her elbow, and then gripes at him over giving JJ such bad advice. It’s obvious, she says, that he’s just a bitter old fart.  They squabble over his supposed female admirer, ”Rosie”, and why he hasn’t written her if she’s such a hot honey.  This gives JJ and Cruz a good snicker, but I can’t say that for the rest of us.  FF>>

Downstairs at Maria’s, Linda’s comparing her bling from JJ with Maria’s bling from Max and she figures she’s gotten the raw end of the deal.  Nat asks when Maria and Max are getting married.  She says right after they return from Miami.  Linda remarks on the ironies of life and love: Maria gets a tycoon [magnate] but she ends up with a fireman.  What crummy luck!  Maria says luck’s got nothing to do with it. It’s Luuuuuhv.  Well, lots of heartfelt hugs and smiles anyway as Linda congratulates Maria.  A definite Sister Sledge moment.. Let me hear it now!  ♪♪♫ ‘“...We are family..buhbuhbububuh.♪♫...I got all my sisters with me...♪♫♪♪’” bu-ubuhbuh--Break it down for me!.....)

Ok.  Where were we....Oh yeah.  Vicki goes off on Oz for doubting her fidelity.  She tells him she’s got no lover and that ever since meeting him the only man she’s ever loved has been him; and the only man she ever will love, in spite of all their differences, will be him and only him!  Ok, says Oz, then where did you sleep last night and why didn’t you let me know? She spent the night over at Toni’s , she says, and if he doesn’t believe her he can call her and verify.   She tried calling him but he wouldn’t answered his cell!  (Uh yeah, cuz he was over at Gui’s man-cave havin’ a few sexist tantrums, telling free Gui why he hadn’t divorced her yet, and pointedly ignoring her incoming calls.)  Oz’s version, though, is that Gui always turns his music on loud and poor Oz didn’t hear his cell.  He says he has nothing to hide from her either about last night....  (Viewerville does a major eye-roll here.)  She asks again who the little case is for.  He pauses a moment and then says it’s for her.  (Let’s just hope he isn’t crass enough to go back and buy another one just like it for Linda again!)  Vick asks him what gives.  First he complains about her [recriminar] and then he flatters her [halagar].  She wonders what’s happening to the two of them.  Oz says he wonders the same thing and what it is that’s pushing her away from him.  He opens the case and puts the diamond studded bracelet on her wrist.  They kiss and make up “como Dios manda.” [as God commands= i.e., doin’ what comes naturally]

Maria pays a visit to Padre JP to see how he’s doing since the assault.  She’s upset and thinks the guy responsible needs to be put in jail.  JP counsels her on forgiveness and not usurping Dios’s domain in judgment of others.

Meanwhile, Eva serves Burnie breakfast and gets a bit too nosy concerning hers and Sra. Victoria’s relationship, namely why she can’t stand having the Sra.’s name brought up in the house.  Burnie grabs her by the wrist and tells her to mind her own bidnez!  Instead of asking stupid questions she and Fausto should be helping her locate Maria-HO for her son at all costs!!

A bit later, El Alacrán (Pimp Guy with the scorpion tat on his face) knocks on the front gate of the Scandal-vals asking for Maria-HO.  Cruz tells him that there’s no one there by that name and shuts the gate in his face.  Maria-HO, though, is sitting up and taking tea in Toni’s living room at that very moment.  Toni suggests that she’ll get cleaned up and they can go to the mall and shop for some new clothes for M-HO.  The Unhappy Hooker says fine and Toni goes to get ready.  Maria-HO figures this is as good a time as any to escape and sneaks out the front door while Toni’s in the shower.  A few minutes later Toni comes out looking for her and realizes the girl’s run away.

A bit later that morning, Fernanda is driving --more like zigging and zagging all over the road--with a panicky Cruz to the stables for her first riding lesson.  (Maybe he’d better give her driving lessons instead?)  She forces him to swear that he won’t let her parents know she’s been learning to ride from him.  He won’t tell a lie to her parents!  The zigs and zags get worse.  Ok! He gives!  That being out of the way, Fer puts the pedal to the metal and Cruz nearly pees his pants.  ”—Isn’t fast fun?” 

Back up in Oz and Vick’s bedroom, the two are still sharing private moments when Linda calls his cell for the umpteenth time wondering where he is.  Oz checks the caller ID and says the call can wait. 

Linda has a fit over having to leave Ozzie voice-messages.  She’s also had a change of heart between last night and this morning’s phone call.  Nat asks Linda why the change in attitude.  Linda has decided trading beauty for baubles from a handsome hunk like Oz trumps a lifetime of want with a bubba like JJ.  Besides, it was only a moment of weakness and swears it won’t ever happen again!    

Fer and Cruz finally make it alive and in one piece to the stables.  He brings her a saddled, gentle mare to learn on.  She’s a bit frightened by the size of the animal.  (--not without good reason when you figure the animal weighs almost as much as that silly red cupcake on roller skates she zooms around in.  At least a car doesn’t have a mind of its own-- and it doesn’t bite, either.)   That hat Fer’s wearing is what really frightens me!  It looks like the Fer-beast had a run in with a mad hatter getting over a major hangover when he designed that cuckoo's nest and stuck a $ sign on it!)  Cruz and Fer have their flirtatious fits and starts in between instructions on mounting and making the horsey go, stop, and turn.  Eventually they make it to the pasture.  She’s still a bit frightened by this whole horseback thing.  She’s ready to go on her own now, though, she says.  He tells her to grab the reins and hold on tight; he slaps his reigns on the horse’s behind as hard as he can!  The Fer is literally flying……

Back at the manse, in the meantime, Oz and Max share a tender father-son moment as the two discuss how happy Max is now that he’s in love and marrying Maria Despamparada (chug-hic!).  No, Oz has no problems with his choice of brides; all he cares about is that Max is happy.    “Stay attentive and faithful and neither of you will ever suffer.”  Max says there’s no one better to have learned that from than his pop.  For a brief second or so, fear and embarrassment flicker in Ozzie’s beautiful, deep, dark eyes.

Once Fer’s horse pulls to a stop she lets Cruz have it for causing the horse to race off like that right off the bat.  He answers, with a mischievous gleam in his eye, “--Why, I thought you loved speed.”  Fer frowns and simply says she wants down.  She’s tired of riding for now (and not quite so comfortable when she is so obviously out of her element, putting her safety and well-being into the care of someone other than herself).   Cruz helps her off and then withdraws his hands as she hops out of the stirrups and starts to regain her balance.  For a second or two, as she dismounts, she realizes Cruz has let go his hold and a flash of panic shows in her eyes.  Fer looks frantically around for him.  He moves in quickly to grab her waist and steady her.  She looks up into his eyes as his meet hers.  Cruz goes in for The Kiss and.....Uni cues the kayak!!


Bien hecho, Jardinera!

The jury is definitely still out on Bernardracula's humanity. Considering that she sucks blood and breathes fire...

LindaHo kissed JuanJo three times and he's still a frog? Well, she isn't exactly a princess. While we're talking about her I don't see her being the mother of anybody's children.

And if Ximena showed her crazy to Victoria she sure as hell wouldn't want her as the mother of Max's children.

Os would so be in Max's corner on this.

I think Eva will be more careful from here on in.

Thank you, J. Always a treat -- sometimes more than the novela.

Maria D. is looking very pretty lately and Max is seeming more mature. I guess this is what they want us to think as things go awry.

Never in a million years did I think that Pablo Montero's appearance on the screen would be a high point of a novela.

That said, we viewers soldier on.

LOL, Jardinera! Your recap was much more entertaining than the episode. Especially the frog part. Juan Jo is just not an appealing option.

Thank you Jardinera.Great recap,had me in stitches. Ximena's craziness wouldn't have made any difference to Vic.The woman is not only a control freak but also a snob. Maria D is just not good enough for her family. My grandma always said to treat people right, lest you end up offending angels and not know it.Here she is looking down on the very person she is pinning for. Poor JuanJo,he is so clueless,LindaHo could be sleeping with Os right under his nose and he wouldn't know what is going on.


Jardinera - thanks for the great recap on a snoozer of an episode. You definitely had the double espresso to stick with this episode.

Wouldn't Max need some capital to start up his own fashion house? I somehow can't see him on Project Runway.

Loved the bling "ting".(not) !Que cursi! Eh, isn't this the same ring Max gave her a month ago? Qué the ****?

Didn't someone else's ring (in another telenovela) "ting" when it sparkled? Count on Mejía for cheesy....

Great recap! I totally agree about the pure fugly-ness of Fer's outfit. WHAT a mess. The hat was especially distracting.

Jardinera, thanks for that recap. Much higher quality than the actual episode. I must agree with Traveling Lady:
Never in a million years did I think that Pablo Montero's appearance on the screen would be a high point of a novela.
I just haven't been able to work up much interest in these people. Maybe if I add a ruffle to my tinfoil beanie and wrap a scarf around my neck??
La Paloma

Thank you so much for this recap! I started to watch it but the signal totally went out on Univision (it returned for other networks, but not until later for Univision—bizarre!) and I missed this whole episode! So thank you so much for the recap.

I'm trying to prepare myself for the end of Eva Luna (ultimas semanas—*sob*) and will start watching this TN more often. (I've watched it off and on since the start.)

Thanks for a great recap, Jardinera! I felt like this was another slow episode, but you breathed life into it.

Fer's hat was indeed hideous. I've said it before...but for folks who's livelihood comes from fashion, none of them know how to dress.

I got the latest issue of TVyNovelas in the mail recently and there is an article about Maite Perroni and her new love interest. (Some singer) There was a huge picture of the two of them...he's wearing a big ol' scarf. I had to laugh.

Any idea what will be on after Eva Luna? I have it on waiting for Truinfo, but don't pay that much attention.
I'm hoping it's La Fuerza del destino with Zepeda or Cuando me enamoro with Silvia Navarro.
Maybe Jarocha has some idea. They will probably start advertising soon.

Jar, Amiga...gracias! I'm going to watch this capitulo on Novelas y Series. I'm SURE this capitulo won't be half as interesting and funny as your super recap!!

Vario: Every time I see La Fuerza del Destino...I have to step back as I think we are talking about Verdi's Opera "La Forza del Destino"! LOL!

Curious though, is the TN based upon the libretto of the opera?


Well...I guess I am not going to watch it as I can't find the latest capitulos on Novelas y Series!

Really, really appreciate your re-cap, Jar!! Bien hecho, como siempre!


Hi, y'all. Glad to know I wasn't the only one watching this TN. LOL!

Susanita and anybody else who might be behind on capítulos, here's a link. You can search around for the proper episodio:

I hate to say it folks, but I believe I really do not like this TN. I've given the thing 2 months but the story-line is just so watery thin at this point. I know it's Mejia. The actors are great and they do their parts well enough, especially DR, WL, MP and OR. I totally dislike Blanco and worse, can't stand to look at him. We used to joke about how Pablo Montero couldn't act, but at least he's eye-candy. And wouldn't ya know it? Pablo is quickly becoming more of the traditonal galán that even hunky Will in a kayak. What's sad is that they're extending this thing now and will be veering from the original EPDA storyline, for better or for worse. I hope it's for the better!

Sorry. The link to see TDA on line got cut off.

Jar: Gracias for the link. I know you have given it to me before (daily motion)and thought I had it bookmarked, but...I didn't!!

I noticed on Novelas y Series that there was some poll to see if Blanco would 'make it' as an actor and if he should remain on TdA! I must say...I was tempted to do the poll!

I'd like the endless tears and 'mi hijas' from Victoria to end. I had moments in STuD 'supporting' Valentina, but Victoria is pushing me to my limits!!

This is a main character who does not make me want to like her.

I can't stand St. Bernard (and Romo does not interest me one iota), but are my words to you: "Get over yourself and now!".

As for Ximena (as they have it spelled on the credits, but have it written as Jimena at N y S) and the scenes with Garcia Cantu...I can do without those as well.

I'm beginning to think this Domenika/Ximena character is a one dimensional is she any different on this TN than she was in MEPS?! We simply have gratuitous, ugly to watch sex scenes with the same forever dazed look she had on MEPS. This is acting?! I ask you?!


I remember FELS being downright painful to watch & I expect this one will be the same way. Tough to take crap & stretch it out, it becomes more & more ridiculous.

Jardinera, you are such a good writer and so witty, that you manage to turn dross into gold with your recaps. Thanks for this one.

Personally, there's enough in this novela to keep me interested. The campiness is a hoot. As you say, the actors (well, most of them) know their craft. And there are lots of pretty scenes and people to look at, even if I have to squint a little and pretend that JuanJo is Juanes in order to get through the scene without gagging.

I know a lot of people will disagree with me and I don't mean to offend anyone's taste, but I found STud, for example, absolutely unwatchable. I tuned in at the end because "últimas semanas" are always fun. But the loooong months that preceded them -- uh uh.

Traveling lady, The Telemundo page is going to be following (although not formally recapping) La Reina del Sur. I'm really looking forward to its debut on Monday.

Susanita, I'd be amazed if La Fuerza del Destino were based on anything like a Verdi libretto, but who knows. It's just that after "Eva Luna" turned out to have nothing to do with Isabel Allende, I came to doubt. You could say I lost my telenovelafidelity :-)

Jardinera thanks for livening up another dull episode.

Ita i don't know what it is but something is definitely missing with this novela. I am enjoying MP,WL,DR and OR performances and i love the actor playing Pepino he is making me laugh when he comes on.It seems with the sparkly sound effects like they are trying to cater to teenagers and not us grown adults.

Some performances or actors who are miscast JJ, Jimena and Gui i know you guys who saw him if FELS love him as a villain but he's doing nothing for me in this and he makes me cringe every time i see him with a woman or food nearby. BLECH!

I think the worst actor of all is Victoria Ruffo she is just not doing it for me. As i mentioned this before about Daniela Romo in Sorti and i'll say it again here she looks uncomfortable and just not believable playing this role. To me at least she is not capturing the nuances of this part like Helena Rojo did. I believe she's over compensating by crying too much or moaning out mi hija to make us feel sympathetic towards her and her pain. Sorry Victoria but it's not happening.

The magis is missing maybe it's the script and the dialogue but the chemistry that WL and MP had in CCEA is missing here. Still no spark or or little burning ember between the two but ope that maybe it picks up later.

Susanita ita Domenika is not doing it for me i know Altair Jarabo is working on Llena de Amor but she would have been far more perfect for this role. She has far better ranged and doesn't look like she's still hooked up on drugs from MEPS.

Variopinta really are they going to extend this further than EPDA? I can't remember how long was that one about a little more 125 episodes right?

Great recap Jadinera! You guys always make my day with all the humor. By the way, did anyone notice that if Fausto is the kid whose parents were killed in the fire Burnie caused, then that means he is Padre JP's half brother, which makes him the half-Uncle of Maria D. So he has no chance of being with her.

Didn't we hear this one is about 145 episodes? We ONLY have about 100 to go, buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

I can't stand Victoria's character, mi hija, mi hija over & over ¡jesucristo! enough already. But it's probably not her but the Mejia influence. He thinks the more you cry or yell as in the case of Yañez then the better actor you are, wrooong.
Lawrence Olivier said to the effect, if you appear to be acting, you aren't doing it right.
I'll look up his exact quote.

I saw Ruffo & her sister in a spoof making fun of TN's.

Again, thank you to all! To me, the fact that one reads whether they comment or not is fine, but the comments do as Paual H. says, tend to keep the recappers well fed! LOL!

Hanna/Caroline: Welcome! Glad that you're now among us and hope you'll reappear regularly. ? : > )

I remember that Jarocha mentioned the show gets better after the first couple or so months. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm waiting for the Mejia traditional circo to eventually drive us crazy, but so far he's kept that from happening.

OT/ I read that the Cuna de Lobos redux of his is supposed to be a series instead of a telenovela. Perhaps I'm mistaken in that. The actors are a good troupe and that's a plus. I would love it if Uni would start putting their oldie goldies on the air, like Nicolodean or the other cable channels do. They'd probably have to have CC's added and that might be costly, but I think there's such a fan base built up, even here in the States now that it would be worthwhile.

Yes, Fausto would be Maria's half-uncle, and somebody. So, it wouldn't mesh with telenovela rules that he would get anywhere with Maria. He's definitely in for a nasty surprise eventually on that score!
Doris: I think the sparkle and ting was in FELS with the flower on the dead sister's grave and it usually signified that she was listening from Heaven and had received their prayers/messages loud and clear. Cheesy with a capital C!

Thanks for the links to see the episode online. I am curious—are the episode numbers the same? It is episode 39 for us watching on Univision, would the episode on Daily Motion also be the same? I started watching episode 39 and I wasn't sure if it matched up with the recap description.

NovelaMaven: You know...after I wrote my question about Verdi's opera and a possible relationship to the TN...I said to myself...'wait a minute, self, Eva Luna had NO connection to Isabel Allende!'. So, you and I are thinking along the same lines. What even possessed me to think such a thing?!

Blusam: ITA...Domenika has zero range of acting. Is it the part? I don't know, but her blank, expressionless face never changes. Even when she and Garcia Cantu are 'having fun', it is simply NOT believable. There is simply no way that Max would EVER return to this woman and how in the world Victoria cannot see that is beyond me. Also totally agree with your comments re actor playing Pepino. I do enjoy watching him!

I also vote for getting JuanJo off this TN. Who knows...maybe he will have an accident in one of those fires, but he's got to go!

I suppose they could just focus upon Dorismar (Doris born by the sea?) and her various stages of undress.

Caroline: Agree. Mr. Faustus is in for major disappointment when it comes to Maria Desinformada...I only hope he does not turn his disappointment against her.


NovelaMaven - Thanks for tip on LRDS. I sure hope that it stays true to the complexity of the book and doesn't devolve into a glorification of the drug trade.

Never could get into StuD -- partly because I was watching a novela I really liked (Donde esta . . .) but mostly because of overacting of GS and AM.

Jardinera - Thanks for your wonderful recaps when you are losing heart on this one. I didn't think it needed to be redone to begin with and am hanging in until something better moves me. If I can find one novela every year that really grabs me, I feel lucky.

Over last two years, I really liked Donde esta Elena, La Palabra de Mujer and Manana es para siempre and enjoyed Sortilegio and Las Tontas . . .. I feel like I had a very good run and am now hanging out waiting for either La Reina del Sur or Para Volver a Amar to make love novelas again. We'll see!

My sister has decided that if a twin mysteriously materializes to advance the plot of the Young and the Restless, she's never watching it again. I keep telling her that she needs to lower her standards! She could learn forebearance from us TN watchers.

looks like I'm not the only one snoozing! The re-cap was way more fun than the actual episodio, thanks to you Jardiera.

I tuned out mid Cruz sneezing and am this close to bailing, I can't take the all the crying and the endless cycles of breakup-get back together, they just haven't managed to make me care -ni un comino- for this story. Maybe it doesn't help that I saw EPDA.

FELS was at least fun because of the craziness and camp, but this has none of that just treacle and tears. It's discouraging to hear that it's being extended.

Thanks for this excellent recap, Jardinera. Your beverage selection (a double espresso) for this episode is certainly appropriate. I found myself nodding off a couple of times while watching. However, as ever, your retelling is captivating.

"She offers to let Maria Magdalena stay with her there and to help her find her way back to Dios."

I doubt that Bernarda and Padre JP are really on the same page as to what that actually entails.

So far, this show hasn't really offered me any character that I really care much about although it's fun watching to see if JuanJo can deliver a line convincingly, or come up with a meaningful expression that conveys more than, "What the heck am I doing here?" I really do want him to succeed.

Maybe a coma is in his future. We haven't had one of those yet (isn't there a requirement for at least one?) and it's a task that I think he's up to.

I can't believe I just said that mean thing... look what this show is doing to me.


I am so back and forth on this one. Some episodes are great. I get into some story lines, and then things grind to a halt. There seems to be no real consistency on this one.

But I will hang in there. I'm kind of wondering if I can find time for the one replacing Eva Luna too.

Jardinera, thank you once again for help my sense of this nonsense.

Before I forget, tomorrow will be a two hour episode from 8-10 pm cst.

If Max's mother is in jail, maybe they will let her out and that will cause some fireworks for sure. Is Max's mother the same woman that Max took away from Guillermo?


Maybe Juanjo can impress us with a little fútbol, like Horacio did with bullfighting In STuD.

Jardinera - w I'll come clean and admit I'm not enjoying this telenovela, either. It is rather boring and I actually watch only once or twice a week, but read the recaps almost daily in hopes it will get better and that I'll get interested in it.
STuD drove me nuts with Ivaca until I finally read some summaries for the final two months, and quit watching because it was not going to get better, but watched the Por Fin.

On the brighter side, our first (early blooming variety) daffodils are blooming right now. Spring will arrive one day. WooHooooooo!

I heard it picks up...Keeping my fingers crossed! Let's hang in there

Carlos: You mean JJ hasn't been in a coma this whole time?

Well, the avances for this week look promising. Maybe this week the show will have a break through that will give it a nice push. Lets hope if it does they don't switch it to midnight!

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Now I have to go back and screened the episodes I've missed. Have fun with your grandson.

Jar: I am laughing, amiga! JJ in a coma the whole time...ITA!!!


P.S. Do we have a 2 hour episode of TdA tonite and no Eva?

Susanita, not according to my cable guide but one never knows, especially if the pre-empted program is in its final chapter.

STuD was pre-empted a zillion times during its last weeks because of the Christmas season. They did the same thing with EPDA back in 2002.

Just to be safe, I'd set my recorder for two hours of TDA. I think it's supposed to be from 8-10 Central time. So I believe we'll get Eva Luna also at its regular time.

The newspaper says 1 hour, Comcrap online says 1 hour,
MyWay online listing says 2 hours.
I leaning toward 2 hours of Triunfo.

What TV listing do you use? I can see the newspaper would be behind if there is a last minute change, but Comcrap online s/b up to date. The one I have that says 2 hours is

Eva Luna will be shown at it's regular time for the fans of that novela and TDA will be shown from 9-11 2 hours so no Don Francisco show tonight. I guess they are making up for when TDA was preempted for the Prmios Juventud special show.

My Windows Media Player guide says 2 hrs. also. It's always been more reliable than msn or yahoo t.v.

Variopinta: I use for the most up-to-date scheduling. You need to enter your zip code and cable provider and then bookmark the site. We use this a lot when traveling. They are always correct, so far. Although with change a friend called me, and I double check online.


Rosemary: Thanks again for the heads up cuz I wasn't expecting it and always skip the commercials!

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