Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #21 1/31/11 The Accident that’s No Accident; and Cruz and Fer Cross Paths.

LindaHo continues in full stalker mode. She waits for Victoria’s car and then throws herself in front of it, landing flat on her shameless face. Why doesn’t she look beat up? C’mon, give us something, a broken nose, a few chipped teeth. But no, when Victoria runs out to her, concerned, and she turns over and starts to fake cry -- There's no blood, no nothin’. Thinks Victoria: I know that girl!

Country Cousin Cruz is telling the gang at Yenta Center how he lucked into finding a job, how the boss had been talking to a pretty girl outside the building and the girl was crying… Milagros and JuanJo try to guess who that girl might have been. There are a lot of pretty girls in the neighborhood.

Osvaldo is musing about his last encounter with Linda. He didn’t want to hurt her… he hopes she’ll be lucky enough to find herself a good man who will make her happy.

Don’t worry, Os. LindaHo, now being carried on a stretcher to the waiting ambulance, is the kind of girl who makes her own luck. Victoria climbs into the ambulance to accompany her to the hospital.

María Desamparada shares her news with Nathy: She has been chosen as the top model in the upcoming show.

In the ambulance, Victoria asks LindaHo what happened. Linda has a well-rehearsed story. She was waiting to talk to Victoria about work -- she wants to be a model -- and she was sooooo desperate and couldn’t get an appointment with her. Victoria promises she’ll give her a job.

Back at the Sandoval home, Fer tells Osvaldo that she has enrolled in the University. She doesn’t want their driver to take her to school. She wants a chance to show off (presumir de) her new car. She manipulates her father into giving her permission to do so.

Clearly, they have not taken LindaHo to the Cruz Roja. She is lying in a hospital bed in what appears to be a nicely decorated suite. She asks Victoria to let her fiancé know about the accident. Victoria looks at her closely and says:
Yo te conozco, ¿no es así?(Don’t I know you?)
LindaHo admits she’s a great fan of hers – and of her husband too. She’s the best designer in Mexico, she oozes, and he’s the best actor – and the handsomest!

At the Sandoval home, Osvaldo tells the housekeeper to expect the new gardener.

Then it’s just the guys at the table. Fer has gone to the University, or so she says, and Victoria has gone to work, or so they think. When Max asks his dad when his poetry reading will be, Osvaldo looks rather sad. It was cancelled a long time ago, he tells his son. He says: You haven’t been paying a lot of attention to me, have you? You didn’t come to the opening of my film, you never ask me about my work. [Um, Osvaldo, Max is your grown son. Not your wife.]

A contrite Max gives him a big hug and apologizes for not paying more attention to the emotional needs of his 50-something father. And Os reminds him:
A veces los padres necesitan sentir el amor de los hijos aunque se hayan convertidos en hombres grandes, hechos y derechos como tú.(Sometimes parents need to feel their children’s love even though they’ve become adults, like you.)

Their father-son epiphany is interrupted when the maid announces that there’s a priest at the door, the same one who was here before. Osvaldo goes out and tells Padre Juan Pablo that Victoria isn’t home. The Padre starts to walk away but Osvaldo runs after him saying:
Necesito hablar urgentemente con usted.
(I really need to talk to you.)

The Milagros contingent has arrived at LindaHo’s bedside, JuanJo carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. Millie and Don Napo introduce themselves to Victoria. Linda gives a self-serving version of the accident and the sad life events leading up to it. And she was so desperate for work. JuanJo reminds her that she won’t need to work when they get married. But spunky Linda insists that until then, she has to support herself. While Victoria is reassuring her and congratulating her for her independent spirit, the hamsters are running on their wheels in Linda’s brain. What an idiot Victoria is to believe me, she thinks:
Si supiera la muy tonta que todo esto es un plan para quitarle a su marido.(If she only knew, the fool, that all this is a plan to steal her husband.)

Padre Juan Pablo sits beside Osvaldo in his car. They allude to the secret he confessed earlier to the Padre – we don’t know what it is, exactly – and the fact that it wasn’t hurting Os’s family back then. Now, Os tells him, things have changed. He is hurting his family: He cheated on Victoria with a younger woman.

Milagros gives the girls, Nathy and María, a jingle to tell them Linda was run over, but they reinflated her and she’s good as new. Nah, not really. She says except for some bruises, she’s ok. Nathy and MD leave for the hospital.

In a nod to good hygiene and water conservation, we see Ofelia and Guillermo showering together.

At the Sandoval home, Fer shows her big brother Max the classes she’s going to take at the University: marketing (mercadotecnia) and advertising (publicidad). He’s impressed – just the preparation for entering the family business. He shouldn’t be though. Cuz as soon as he leaves for work, Phoney Fer pulls out her cell to call Scuzzy Tattoo Boy, arranges to meet him and heads out the door where she crosses with –

Their gazes meet. A norteña song plays somewhere: ♫Me enamoré♫♫……scriiiitch goes the needle on the record player when Fer proceeds to instruct him on precisely who uses the front door (we do) and who uses the back door (you do) in the Sandoval house. His response:
Señorita, usted es más bella que todas estas flores en todo el jardín.(Miss, you’re more beautiful than all the flowers in the whole garden.)
Her haughty look is softened by a small smile. All it took was a little fertilizer.

Sweet William in the kayak – Don’t go! There’s more! Max’s training is going swimmingly!

Osvaldo continues to unburden himself to Padre JP. He’s quite sure he doesn’t want to see the girl again and he and Victoria have made up their differences. Still, Victoria is difficult. Sometimes she’s affectionate and loving and other times she’s abrupt and comes on strong. JP says that even though Victoria may be voluble (fickle, changeable), she does love him. Osvaldo insists he needs more affection, more time, more attention from Victoria.

Victoria, however, is still at the hospital dancing attendance on LindaHo. She is on the phone with Antonieta arranging a model job for Linda (What could she possibly model? Does Victoria have an exclusive contract with a burdel? Ay, Pipino, be prepared for a challenge!) Victoria is puzzled when Don Napo exclaims: Now we have two models! And then María and Nathy walk into the room.

Os takes the pacifier out of his mouth, adjusts his drool bib, and continues: his need for affection made it easy for him to fall into another woman’s arms. JP advises him to do whatever it takes to avoid any further involvement or he’ll end up hurting the girl, Victoria and himself. He warns him:
Estos amores ocasionales lo único que generan es un gran vacío en el alma.(These casual affairs, the only thing they bring is a huge emptiness in the soul.)
But, he goes on, if you’re in love with the girl, you need to be honest with Victoria.

Nathy and María, both aware that Linda deliberately caused the accident, are nonetheless fussing over their reckless roomie, when María’s phone rings. Victoria, who is closest to it, picks it up and is surprised to hear Max’s voice. When she says: ¿Eres tú, Max? (Is that you, Max?), he doesn’t reply. She is distracted, for the moment, by her own phone ringing and hangs up María’s.

It occurs to Toni to let Osvaldo know about Linda’s Accidentally on Purpose Accident.

Cruz dances with a broom to the strains of “Me enamoré” and thinks:
Qué rechula es esta señorita!(What a cutie that little lady is!)

And doesn’t she look cute as a button rolling around in bed with Scuzz Boy. Rechula!
Osvaldo appears at the door of the hospital room. Sly Linda looks up and says: It’s a pleasure to see you again, Señor Sandovaaaal.

Oscar whines to Toni about how hard it is for him to have Victoria so close and yet be unable to console her. Toni looks as if she's thinking: Yeah. Tell me about it.

JuanJo places a protective arm around his beloved while Osvaldo tells her how sorry he was to hear of her accident. Nathy and María are looking frantically for a barf bag, as are we at home. Milagros is star-struck: Osvaldo Sandovaaaal!

Since LindaHo is now well attended by friends, the Sandovals take their leave. In the car, Victoria lays it on the line: Osvaldo clearly knows the girl – she is Linda Sortini, the one whose phone number he had in his wallet, the same one who accosted him so weirdly at the premiere. Yeah, he says, a lot of my fans give me their phone numbers. So what? And you see she has a boyfriend and she’s getting married.

Victoria continues: I’m paying for all her hospital costs. Then she adds: And I’m giving her a job in my agency…
Osvaldo seems to lose control of the car, and slams on the brakes. Screeeech!
--You’re giving her a job???
--It’s the least I can do, answers Victoria. Don’t you think?

Max is working the phones. First he talks to María and reassures her he’ll take care of the problem with his mother. Then he calls Osvaldo and tells him, over speaker, that he’s delighted about Fer going to the University. Victoria asks why he called María’s cell earlier. She’d prefer that he stay away from her. No can do, says Max, reminding her, ever so nicely, that he’s not a child.

LindaHo sends JuanJo home. Ho hum. The chicas, Nathy and María, will keep her company. Before she leaves, Milagros offers her piedritas curativas (curative little stones). When the roomies are left alone, LindaHo pulls the sheet over her head and giggles.

Fer tells Victoria she couldn’t register at school today because of the long line, but she’ll go back tomorrow. Victoria is as proud as any deluded mother would be that her wayward girl is finally turning her life around.

Then she notices Max is missing from the dinner table. She calls him and he tells her, truthfully, that he’s dining with Fabián. He hands his friend the phone and he confirms what Max is saying. He knew his mother would call, says Max, and he wanted to be able to tell her the truth. If Fabián is offended by being used as part of this game, he doesn’t let on. Anyhow, Max is planning to see María later.

Fabián wonders how Max will handle the Ximena problem. When she gets back from Paris, she’ll come looking for Max. But he’s not worried. María is the only woman he cares about. For the first time in his life, he’s in love.

Back in the barrio, Cousin Cruz has prepared a feast for the family: comidita norteña. Too bad Linda’s not here, rues JuanJo.

Nathy confronts LindaHo. She tells her:
Deja de jugar con fuego, te vas a quemar.
(Stop playing with fire, you’re gonna get burned!)
But fires are precisely what LindaHo is looking to set. María is disgusted with what Linda is doing and how she has insinuated herself into the Sandovals’ life all to get back at Osvaldo. This is nothing, she says, just wait:
Yo no soy desechable y se lo voy a demostrar.(I’m not disposable and I’m going going to prove it to him.)

Victoria and Fer are sharing a sweet moment together. You’re so lovely, so young, and you have your whole life ahead of you, says Victoria. Sometimes, says Fer, I feel that something is keeping us apart:
A veces, yo siento que no soy la hija que esperabas.(Sometimes I feel I’m not the daughter you were hoping for.)
Well. Victoria is much nicer than most of us who are overhearing this conversation. We have to bite our tongue. But she tells Fer how much she loves her and how she would give her life to keep anything bad from happening to her. Hugs. Tears. Kleenex.

Nathy and María put their heads together over the Linda Problem. They never thought she’d go that far.

Victoria tells Cruz she’s glad Osvaldo hired him but wants to know the story. He tells her about returning the dropped wallet. Where did this happen? she wants to know. But before he can answer this interesting question…

…An ominous cloud fills the room. It’s St. Bernarda! (And I was just thinking she had the night off, was probably getting ready for her SuperBowl party, mixing the dips, buying the chips). She thunders:
¡Dile a ese mugroso que se large!(Tell that filthy person to get out!)

Cruz is no fool. When the devil tells you to leave, you get out while you can.

Once St. Bernarda has Victoria alone, she delivers her message:
Si vuelves a molestar a mi hijo, soy capaz de matarte con mis propios manos.(If you bother my son again, I’m capable of killing you with my own hands.)

Victoria fires back: You don’t scare me! (She scares me! I inch back from the screen.)

But Bernarda keeps ranting. She wants Victoria to tell JP that the child wasn’t his. That damned bastard is nothing to me, says that pillar of the church.

Alarmed by the sound of their shouts, Max comes running downstairs. Bernarda turns to leave. Her parting salvo: You were warned!

Max wants to know who that woman was and what she wanted, but Victoria only answers cryptically:
Sólo a mí me incumbe.
(That’s my business./It is only important to me.)

He’s unsatisfied with her reply.

Take two: Sweet William in a kayak.


Thanks for a fantastic recap! Loads of fun and laugh out loud snark. ("Um, Osvaldo, Max is your grown son, not your wife")

I was toying with the idea of giving up on this one, but after last night's episode there's no way I'm leaving now.

LindaHo ("the reinflated her..." classic!) just might take the prize in the category of most evil manipulator. She took a huge risk throwing herself in front of a car.

Os- I like him, but now he's just getting whiny and needy.

I'm pretty sure Cruz and Fer will end up together. Rich spoiled girl ending up with salt of the earth is an oft used plot device in TNs isn't it? I'm thinking of the sister and Rocky in ADCLG.

I don't know why, but it occurred to me that Nati and Fabian might be nice together. There is no way I want her with JuanHuh?

I can tell I'm going to have to choose a few characters to follow and stick with them. I get the impression that they are setting up a lot of plot lines and I'm not sure if I care about them all.

Thanks so much for the recap. I love the Spanish phrases sprinkled throughout -- and the music notations! Fantastico.

I've been looking at EPDA resumenes and don't see this episode with Linda-Ho (Lorenda in EPDA) throwing herself on the car. I sure can't remember it. Is this something new, I wonder?

Osvaldo is such a big, preening, overgrown baby. I can see why Victoria drives him crazy, but it comes across as a simple lack of attention from someone who needs to look and feel 25 for the rest of his days. I think that the actor is doing a good job but he's way too pretty for the role. I read again somewhere that the producers wanted Cesar Evora but he was busy with Llena de Amor. Would have been more believable as a middle-aged man just worn out with his wife's pride and moodiness and tempted by a woman who throws herself at him. (That was the way that Andres Garcia played it.)

Nonetheless, I thought things rolled along last night and that the story is picking up. Lots of plot lines, for sure, and new characters coming out way, with Cruz the first good surprise.

Can't wait to see Maria d. at the shows. Her looks are so different from the other (uglier!) models. Interesting to see what they will do with her.

Shades of humanity in Fer.

"Cruz is no fool. When the devil tells you to leave, you get out while you can." LOL!! Indeed. He knew when to get out of Dodge. And he had enough sense not to blurt out that Vicky's husband met him in his hood after arguing with some pretty girl. He should get a promotion from Os for that.

Ossie is indeed very needy. But it doesn't surprise me since he's a famous actor, used to having his ego stroked and being the center of attention. It's a bit annoying, but at least it takes some of the blame for the marital problems off Vick's shoulders. It shows that it's not just that she's super busy, but Ossie is super needy. Neither is good.

I also had to look at the clock when I saw Max in the kayak. :)

I would like to point out that this is the FIRST episode when Vicky did not cry. She got misty in her talk with Fer, but tears did NOT fall from her eyes. Woohoo! I wondered if there has been some real way that Vicky has held back her love from Fer, in mourning the loss of her first daughter. It still doesn't excuse Fer's horrible behavior.

Where are my manners? Thanks so much NovelaMaven!

Excellent recap. Gracias.

Fernanda is just as spoiled as Princessa from Rebeca but a lot more shrewish. She has no manners and obviously no respect for work or the people who do it.

She doesn't deserve Cruz.

LindaHo is clearly mental in her own way. She's a sociopath with a preferred target. As for re-inflation (that was hilarious), I didn't see anything happen to her implants.

Ximena is going to be a whole new bag of crazy.

That makes for a trio of female sociopaths, along with Bernarda. As for her Super Bowl party, I'd bring my own beer if I were you.

Thanks, amigas! You folks are on a roll this morning!

Sara --
I agree. Tonight's episode sealed the deal. I like the way the way things are moving along and characters are getting more multi-dimensional. Os, for instance, is less attractive now, but a bit more interesting.

JuanHuh? Good one!

Cruz and Fer would be the matching bookends to Max and María, no? In real life, people seem to fall for others very like themselves but in TNlandia, opposites almost always attract.
Traveling lady --

"Osvaldo is such a big, preening, overgrown baby."

Yes! Exactly my thoughts! And he's so blinded by his own selfish needs, he can't see what a user Linda is or how resentful his 'best friend' Guillermo is. This episode forced me to take another, more forgiving look at Victoria.
Vivi --
I've been thinking the same thing about Fer, that Victoria has been holding back as if in mourning for her first, lost daughter. It's as if Victoria feels that by loving Fer, she's betraying María. And tienes la boca llena de razón-- that's no excuse for Fer's horribleness. It does soften her a bit, though and sets us up to feel for her when she starts to suffer -- and man oh man is she gonna suffer!

Misting up doesn't count as crying? Hey, I have to check the rule book :o)
Urban Anthro--
"She [Fer] doesn't deserve Cruz"
So true! But then who does? Personally, I'd love to see a Cruz/Victoria romance though that's extremely unlikely.

"Ximena is going to be a whole new bag of crazy."

"As for [Bernarda's] Super Bowl party, I'd bring my own beer if I were you."

You crack me up!!!

Ximena looks emotionally disturbed in the credits. Maybe she needs to go back to Dr. Obregon's manicomio.

Ozzy's gotten more needy because his career is failing. Sure, people like Milagros and the hotel florist are all like OMG OSVALDO SANDOVAL but the Televisa people AREN'T fawning. I'm sure Osvaldo sees "Fernando Colunga," "David Zepeda," and "William Levy" hanging around the Televisa set getting all the good roles. I wouldn't be surprised if "Eduardo Yanez" started taking Ozzy's roles, too.

Victoria isn't stupid, she knows Linda is shady and that's why she's giving Linda the modeling job, to keep her eye on her (or, subconciously put her in Ozzy's path to catch Linda & Ozzy in the act).

Fer, you are correct. You are NOT the daughter your mom was hoping for. You are a spoiled, lazy, nasty brat with a bad attitude. Why would anyone "hope" for you?

Fer + Cruz = Taming of the Shrew. I don't see her throwing away Cruz's gifts like she trashes Fabian's.

NovelaMaven: Super! Pero Super!!!

Loved this one: "...nod to good hygiene and water conservation'!!! I could NOT stop laughing!!

I think this capitulo had some subtle and maybe not so subtle turning points.

Agree with all of you that this time, Victoria did not shed huge crocodile tears, but very believable tears in her discussion with Fony Fer.

Fony Fer, for her part, had one brief moment where she actually appreciated her mother. I think this will come back to her at a time that she needs to really remember this.

Oz: did you all notice how he looked at Linda Ho and Juanjo with a look of subtle anger when he shut the door behind him? No, it is not over with this little story and LindaHo will go after this man for all his is worth (which may not be much in the end).

LindaHO: In the beginning of this TN, one could maybe laugh at her antics, but things have drastically changed now. Even Desinformada sees this change and she knows that this is not good. LindaHO is dangerous. Milagros might be the one to do her in for what she is doing and will do to her beloved Juanjo.

Victoria was indirectly shown in a much better light in this capitulo which makes it easier now for me to take an interest in her.

As for St. Bernard, honestly, she is just laughable...absolutely laughable. Desinformada will cringe when she finds out all of the things her beloved St. Bernard has said about her.

So...who is this Ximena and how have I missed her in the opening credits?!

Wonderful recap, NovelaMaven...wonderful!!


Wow, Susanita, gracias!

I adore your idea of Milagros being the one to give LindaHo her comeuppance. Who says you can never find a bruja when you need one?

Oh and about Ximena--
She's the lovely actress who played Lili in MEPS. She spent most of that novela in evil Obregon's manicomio.

We can see her with Max and his little toy car in the opening credits.

We haven't met her yet, but they keep talking about her imminent return from Paris. She and Max have a history.

Great recap! Thank you! Also, Linda-Ho is the WORST.

NovelaMaven excellent and funny recap as always.

I couldn't stop laughing at the line when the Devil tells you to get out you get out as fast as you can.

St. Bernadrd has a pair and then some how anyone can go up in someone else house like she did and talk to the people that work for that house in that fashion. Wow maybe she should lend some of hers to Os.

You guys aren't lying that LindaHo' has turned into clingy,scheming stalker Ho'. No telling what else she has in her bag of tricks. She better be prepared though because once Victoria figures out how much she's playing her for a fool it's not going to be pretty.

NovelaMaven: Thanks!

I don't think Victoria is about to become Lady Chatterley and I think Cruz's behavior is more refined than Mellors'!

This is Pablo's second round as Petruchio; this seems to be a more popular idea than one would expect.

However, he needs to be cast as a military officer again so he can shave.

Thanks, NovelaMaven. So many terrific lines in this recap. If Osvaldo only knew about Vicki's prior history with the padre. He was being needy, wasn't he?
Loved the instant attraction with Cruz and Fernanda. Will he be in danger if he messes with Papa Padilla's plans?
La Paloma

Thanks for the recap NovelMaven. Others have mentioned your great phrases and your comments (especially the bust on Os) were perfecto.

LindaHo - I still want to see her and Fer lock horns. It may be my only consolation until the former reaps what she's currently sewing.

Many of us keep making comments about the galans with 5 o'clock shadows. Maybe this is a trend and they think it's cute. I find it funny that most of us don't and want them to shave muy pronto. .

Another very well-crafted recap. Thank you.

I hope everyone is managing to stay safe and warm. Here near Houston, we had storms this morning and in less than 15 min. the temperature went from 61˚ to 39˚. Now the sun is shining brightly but it's very cold. (Well, OK...for us).

I suspect that after many slip ups and lots of angst, Fer will become good and will end up with Cruz. Sorry, Fabian. I've seen that look that passed between them in many TNs. I saw ePdA but don't remember the Fer character in that.

Looking forward to seeing Lili (Ximena) again.


Thanks again, guys! Glad you liked it.

La Paloma, I sure hope those awful Padillas don't pose a threat to Cruz. But Cruz looks like he knows how to handle himself. And the thing about heroes -- and I think our boy is going to be one --is their willingness to face danger.

Urban, it's true -- Even as we speak Shrews are being tamed by Galanes on the Televisa lot. Not my favorite fantasy, but clearly someone's.

Anon 11:41, I think you're exactly right about Victoria's motives in giving Linda a job. She wants to keep an eye on her. She knows Linda is after Osvaldo. But I think Blusamurai is right too -- Victoria doesn't know how shamelessly Linda is playing her. She also doesn't know that Osvaldo has already betrayed her (although thanks to her dear friends Ofelia and Guillermo, the news will reach her soon enough.)

If Fer looks down her nose at Cruz, then how can she tolerate tatoo boy, not to mention TB's Daddy?

This recap was tooooooooo funny !!!

Karen -- It's kind of funny to think of LindaHo and FonyFer locking horns, but I don't think I'd want to see it. And we already know Linda is tough stuff: she can through herself in the path of a moving car and escape unharmed. Fer, I fear, has a soft white underbelly.

Carlos -- Yes, I saw "the look" too. But I've been faked out before. In this very novela, early on when JuanJo and Nathy brushed hands and then looked shyly at one another, I thought: it won't be long before we see them posting the banns. And now, here's JuanJo betrothed to LindaHo. Go figure.

oops, I meant "throw" herself, not "through" herself.

Anon 3:58 -- good point. Fer's not a classist. She's an equal opportunity perra!

NovelaMaven: Thanks for the infos on Ximena. I did love the Lilli character in MEPS. I've been wondering who that was having a little 'fight' with Max in the opening credits. It goes by so quickly, I can't tell.

I'm glad you like my Milagros idea. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this brujita gave Linda Ho 'what for'?!

Agree about Pablo and Prince William getting rid of the 5 o'clock shadows. Such lovely faces should not be hidden!!!

Now Juanjo...that...is another story! Lol!


Anybody remember when Carolyn on Dark Shadows dated a biker named Buzz? She did this to mess with her mother's head. Could Fernanda be doing the same thing when her parents are concerned with achievement?

It must be a generational thing but I don't find anything appealing about Tattoo Boy.

"scriiiitch goes the needle" --That would do for the whole hospital scene, too, amiga! LOL! Great snark all the way through! Also had to wonder how Burnie got into the manse without a knock and then to command Victoria and her help around like she owned the place. That was another scriiiiitch!

I wonder what kind of trouble Linda will cause for Maria once she's integrated into the modeling firm.

Completely off topic:
I begin with confession-soy maestra...de español. Sí, yo sé mucha de gramática...pero nada de lo práctico.

Anyhoo...we're going over sports vocab today and we translate "jugador"- player. Of course, all the teens are like LOL, "playa (as in womanizer). And mujeriego pops into my head.

Thank you Caray Caray. I know "womanizer" but I have to look up "gasp" when they ask how to say it in Spanish. And no, I did not teach them mujeriego. :-)

Sara, that's so cool that you teach Spanish. Yes, we know all the really useful vocab here at Caray, Caray. If your students need about thirty ways to say "slut," we're all over that. The things we learn from these educational shows...

Sara: How wonderful! You are a Spanish teacher! Perfecto!!

UA: Speaking of Dark Shadows....hallo...how is the plan going?


NovelaMaven - thank you for the funny, snarky recap. I didn't watch this episode, so I thoroughly enjoyed your version. I have full faith and confidence tha6t your version is much better. ;o) Thanks again.

Sara: We need a recapper for Tuesdays now as Kat's doing Thursdays. Why don't you consider checking with Melinama and recap for us?


Maybe things have changed but up to now, Cielo has been covering Tuesdays. So if 5 Ft changes to Thursday, the gap is on Wednesday. Or no?

Doris and Jardinera, Thanks for the nice words.

Sara, You're a Spanish teacher -- very cool! I've always thought that the best teachers were the ones who remained active students of their subject. It sounds like you're one of them.

And it's certainly true that the vocabulary we learn from novelas skews toward the insulting and the histrionic! jejeje

Jar--er, I can give recapping a shot, but sometimes there are huge gaps in what I understand (Sad, embarrassing and true.) I do get the main idea of each episode, though.

Wednesdays are good for me...but recaps may not be done until Thursday afternoon.

NovelaMaven/ Sara:

Oops! Sorry!! Yes, I meant Wednesdays, all! I was thinking STuD schedules I guess. Melinama's address is listed at the bottom of the orange column. As we are all volunteers here, it's up to you what time you post as best fits your schedule. You have a wonderful sense of humor and a Spanish teacher is a special treat!! I'll post this again in case you miss it.

Hi Love the snark always gives me a giggle... So far have we seen several actors fron Cuidado Con El Angel? Armador, Beatrice, Cecilia? Really Really thank the recappers....

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