Thursday, March 10, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #51-52 3/9/11 One Wedding and a Funeral

There may not be as much snark and brimstone for this recap. In the interest of fast turn around I'm  being Joe Friday. Just the facts, ma'am. I'm also going to try to make some sense of  all the story lines, so the order may not match the episode. Hope that is ok.

Burnie and Crew
  • Burnie has a face to face with Sor. Clementina about Los Dos Marias. Burnie tells Sor Clementina that JP was seduced by Vic. So now Sor. Clementina knows about JP's paternity. We know what that means. Even though Clemintina has sworn never to tell that JP has a daughter...her death is imminent. When Burnie asks about María Desamparada's mother, Sor C gets a hinky feeling and it is eventually revealed that María Desamparada is JP and Vic's daughter. Burnie is she removes a hypodermic needle from her purse.
  • Meanwhile back at the Burnie Cave, Eva has found hypodermic needles...and one is missing! She calls Fausto who let's her know he's at the huerfanato with Bernie. Eva warns him someone is gonna die! Either Padre Hair-ónimo or one of the nuns.
  • As Sor Clementina goes to call JP (despite Burnie's insistence he not know), Burnie raises high the needle of untraceable poison and we get a close up of gloved hand, habit and hypo. Descanse en paz, Sor Clementina.
En la Casa de Modas
  • Pip and Vic talk Ji/Xi and Max. Vic talks about how hard it is to be a single mom and for this reason she wants Ji/Xi not to have to suffer.
  • Pip asks why she's guaranteeing the happiness of Ji/Xi by forcing a life of misery on Max. (Don't we all wish we knew the answer to that!)
  • Vic thinks all the problems are María Desamparada's fault, but she's sure once Max and Jimena are living together their love will be re-ignited.
  • At a business meeting, there is much discussion about Os's shares in the company. Max supports dad, Oscar says no. 
  • Later, while talking to Toni, Vic admits that she knows people think she is hard but she had to make it on her own blah blah blah...a lot of dialogue that should make her realize what a jerk she's been to María but apparently she doesn't even hear herself when she talks, either (kinda explains why she doesn't listen to anyone.) Toni tells her that it's sad that no matter how high she's climbed, Vic is still alone. Success doesn't bring happiness.
  • While they talk, a rival boutique calls. María has used Vic as a reference. Toni takes the call and recommends María highly. (And reminds Vic that no matter what she thinks of María, she was a great model.)
  • Not much, except he's making plans with a lawyer (I think) and I think I understood enough of his scenes to figure out that in reality this "buy a theatre" scheme is just to screw Os over.
Fausto and Eva
  • After Burnie's nun-killing stunt they realize they need to stop the crazy as soon as possible.
Fabián and Nati
  • Max asks Fab who he's bringing to the wedding. Fab says his girlfriend (I panic for a moment.) Max calls his bluff and says call her now. Fab calls Nati (whew) and makes a date for later that afternoon.
  • Later at the restaurant they both bemoan the misery of their friends and somehow the conversation turns to Linda and her affair with a married man. Being such a good friend, Nati knows she can trust Fab not to tell anyone that the married man is...Osvaldo Sandoval! (You may remember him from such roles as Pimp Daddy, Hypocritical Advisor of Son and Douchebag.)
  • Fabián gets around to asking Nati if she will come to the wedding and act as his girlfriend. She is  unsure. First off, she's not pretty or elegant enough. Fab (*sigh*) assures her she is beautiful inside and out (eventually he will figure it out about Fer's fetid soul.)
Sra Dingy Dientes and Daughter (MamaRox and Ji/Xi)
  • Heeeey, can anyone help with this convo? About all I caught was that Dingy Dientes really doesn't think that much of Vic. (Neither do we, hon.)
Nati, Linda, María Trio
  • Linda tries to convince Maria to tell Max about the baby. (You know she made financial arguments.)
  • Nati comes in as asks María for permission to go to wedding. María cries, but concedes. My heart breaks.
  • Nati again confesses her insecurities and Linda offers her services. (NO! NO! NO! I scream... not Linda!)
  • That night Maria Desamparada puts on her María Desinformada costume and sneaks out to see Burnie...and tells her everything. Max better watch out. Really...and I quote Burnie "Por ti soy capaz de lo que sea" (For you I am capable of anything.)
  • Nati is being made over by Linda. 
  • Fabian is waiting in the living room and tries to make nice with María. She is keeping it together. 
  • Linda comes in and introduces the new Nati. Our first indication is Fabian's face....he looks very a good way.
  • Nati enters and LOOKS LIKE A DREAM! Just beautiful!
  • As the two not-quite-lovebirds-yet leave they run into JuanJo (hah! Take that you shallow fútbol playing naco!) He too is amazed and dazed. Nati is so classy through it all.
  • María cries (and we do, too.)
  • Fer is being a twit with Maya the Beak and Gabi the Mole. Fab arrives and you can tell he's still trying to make Fer jealous. He plants a big kiss on Nati.
  • Jimena looks Ji-deous.
  • It's a civil ceremony. (In TN world it's the church wedding that really seals the deal, right?) MamaRox can't sign the paper fast enough. Os looks like he knows he's just signed his son's life away.
  • Maria and Linda crash the wedding and hide. (Can someone fill me in? Linda made a crack.."Are you gonna..." something something " in the telenovelas?")  Max says "I do" and Maria really gets upset. Now it's real. She was hoping for a miracle.
  • Really not much happens. Gui, Pedro and Ofelia comment on how few guests, how unhappy Max looks. Gui makes an uneventful toast to Max and Ji/Xi. Pip and Toni also comment on Max's misery.
  • Apparently, after crashing the boda, María went to the church. She stumbles upon Son Clementina's funeral and is impactada. I cannot believe *no one* called her to tell her. She cries and monologues. (I FF>> sorry, I can only take so much heartache in one night.)
  • At the reception, JP lurks. Eventually he and Max are alone and he goes off on Max. Max assures him that he loves Maria completely but had to marry BSC Jimena. JP asks Max to stay away from María so she can find happiness away from him.
Post Boda
  • Burnie swears vengance on Vic. And she'll start with a Max appetizer.
  • BSC Jimeana is lingere-ed up (complete with fishnet) and actually thinks she and Max are gonna do the dirty. It's their wedding night! A special night! Max utters my fave quote of the night: "una noche especial es suficiente." (One special night is enough.) Max lets Jimena know he's here for the baby. Jimena asks about her, as a woman? Max utters my second fave quote "Nada." He goes to bed. Jimena fondles a bottle of pills and champagne.
The Next Day and Beyond
  • Max can't wake Jimena. Wait. Damn. He manages to get her into the shower and later we see her drinking coffee and feeling better. Max tells her not to take pills. She has the baby to take care of. (Let's see, we've seen her drinking alcohol, coffee and she took a bunch of pills last night....she's going to be a great mom.) She slimes all over Max and tells him she loves him. She needs his love..blah blah blah. puh-leeze. BSC Be-yotch.
  • María does a great job modeling at her new employer's place (did anyone catch her name?) Although Maya comes to torment her about not belonging to Max and Jimena's world. Jimena calls her, too...using the name Mrs. Sandoval. I hope those two break out with acne.
  • Linda leaves the apartment to stalk Os. JuanJo sees her and tries to get her attention, but she doesn't see him. He follows in his car and sees her with Osvaldo. They don't really *do* anything, but their conversation makes it clear they got a little whoopie going on. Os agrees to take Linda to the theater he's buying. JuanJo continues to follow.
  • Burnie arrives at the church to confess. She makes a big show of deciding who to confess to JP or PJ? (de tín marín....) Finally she settles on JP. Padre Hair-ónimo visibly relaxes (or maybe I just saw that.) Being the confessional abusin' pro that she is, she confesses to JP that María Desamparada is his true daughter.
  • Night. María and Nati talk. The door bell rings. It's Max. Bastard.
Cue the Kayak.


I think Dingy Dientes told Ximena that she really didn't care for Victoria but knew Max was a catch so she stayed in touch with Victoria to snag Max for Ximeana. One time she was Victoria's customer. She thinks Victoria would not be where she is if she hadn't snagged Osvaldo.

I think the nuns said they had been looking for Maria Embarazada but they couldn't find her.

Burnie vowed on her altar that she was going to use Maria Desinformada to destroy Victoria and her family and once they were destroyed, she was going to destroy Maria so no drop of Victoria's evil remains.

Msria should have put on her thinking cap: if things were so swell with Max, why would Ximeana call her up on her honeymoon? You're supposed to be lounging in bed with your new hubby, not playing on somebody's phone.

I can't feel sorry for Juanjo at this point because Linda told him she doesn't want to marry him, but he won't take no for an answer and neither will Millie.

I need for Nati to run a comb thru her hair at all times.

Sara great work and what a fast and delightful recap.

Where to start so tired of listening to Victoria and her stupidity. Tell me i wasn't the only one having a good hearty laugh when Os asked her later lying in bed to forgive him. Her response was he has done nothing so why is he asking for forgiveness? Pepino was right she is sacrificing Max's happiness for the sake of the real social climber.

Burnie i have to say i am enjoying this version of the Burnie character more than the one in EPDA. I did feel she was moved by Maria E. angst as she told her about how Max decided to marry Jimena instead.

Max was on a roll on his Noches de Boda but then again what bridegroom looks like he's in front of a firing squad instead of his own wedding?

LindaHo' asked Maria E. if she was going to speak up and tell Max not to go through with it like they do in novelas?

Os deserves to be taken by Gui i can't stand his hypocrisy either,i can't wait for Gui reveals his true intentions.

Sorry even though Nati makeover was more improved than that tarty look she gave Maria D. that one time. Nati reminded me of one of those bar girls working in a saloon in a western.

Every time i hear the Ferbeast and her nasty selfish taunts about how Cruz and Maria E, are on her social level it's like hearing her mother no wonder she turned out like this.

I didn't appreciate Fabian using Nati to make the Ferbeast jealous really that brat isn't even worth it. He could have just gone and completely ignored her.

That other model really the way she looks you can understand why she is so mad and jealous of Maria E. even now when she doesn't work with her anymore.

I agree Jimena just exposed herself as a loser what woman calls up her rival the day after her wedding night? Even one that didn't have the expected wedding night of her dreams?

Hooray for JP for laying into Max and telling him to stay away from Maria E. Too bad Max is suffering from Victoria's disease of not listening. Shame on you too Max you made the choice to marry Jimena so stay away from Maria.

So far the past three days have been the best of this novela too bad we had to wait this long to get to this part.

Haven't read the recap yet, but am about to, and wanted to say thank you in advance! (I'm sure it's fabulous).

Also, this little TN sure is getting better. Boy did they turn this train around! We went from "what a bore" to "give! me! more!" in less than a week! Glad to see they've done such a turn-around. Can't wait to see what happens next....

Ok, Andale! onto the recap.

P.S., word verication = try tb (where do they come up with these!)

Thanks for the recap! It's hard to watch for two hours, let alone recap it.

I'm having serious trouble finding any redeeming qualities in Vic. Why is Toni still her friend? And glad that at least Pip asked her some of the questions I wonder about. Like, "Why would any mother think it's OK to save the honor of a girl she's not related to, at the expense of her son's misery?"

I missed the first hour tonight. I'm sorry that I missed St Bernarda and the Sister. I'm not sure why Bern (I like how this sounds like BURN) decided to confess to JP that MD is his hija, but she killed the Sister to keep her from spreading the news.

I like Linda. She is definitely mixed up and her priorities are out of whack, but she is loyal to her friends. She supports them and treats them with kindness.

Nati looked great! I wish I had gotten a closer look at her hair. I liked that Juanjo was stunned at her appearance. I wonder if his stalking of Linda will convince him that they are no longer novios.

Will Bern buy Osvaldo's shares of the business? That will be fun to see Bern try to take over Vic's business. Vic couldn't keep Padilla out of her office, automatic locking button or no. She'll never get rid of Bern!

I'm not sure who wrote it, but I agree that the actress who plays Bern would make a GREAT Disney villain! Imagine HER as your step-mother!

..i h8 max, sooooo much!!!!!...
that's all what i can say from this episode!

Thanks everyone!

A big thanks to everyone who filled in gaps. I'm a little mad at myself because during MamaRox and Jimena's conversation I made a note about "No la soporto." (That's how I figured out how MamaRox felt about Vic.)

Blu-You are not alone. It's pretty bad when the cheating husband asks forgiveness and I think "for what?" Vic has just been a shrew to all of them. And then she's all like "I could never had made it without you. You are my rock." Blech. And thanks for clearing up Linda's comment. It would have been hilarious though if she had said "Are you going to light yourself on fire like that girl did in that telenovela." lol

Nati did look a bit like a saloon girl, but it gave us a taste of the make-over. I was really disappointed the next day when she was back to her old self. I thought we would at least see brushed hair.

Fer was so rude to Cruz. It was sort of sad/sweet (I can't think of a good description) how Cruz was telling Fer that he knew about Max's business 'cause they were friends and Max was an honorary bombero etc. Fer was just a twit about it. Social class my a$$.

And yes Blu and Alicia Sophia it *is* super amazing how quickly this train has turned around. I have loved this week! I can't wait to see what happens, either. Now even the plot set ups interest me (ie: Os's shares being sold...there's no question this is important.)

Mariquita- I'm starting to like Linda a lot more, too. She really is a faithful friend and I completely believe she would do anything to help Maria and Nati. I want her to end up happy, too.

Thank you for the well organized recap. Just great.

Well, we're having some action now. And, some of our least favorites (I'm think LindaHo and Os) are showing some good traits.

Two hours -- quite a commitment for recappers and us viewers who find it hard to stay up during the best of times past 10!

Have a nice day, all.

Thank you Sara !!!

Dumb comments but here they are anyway. Has anyone noticed the nude on the wall in Gui's den. Here we go again with the silly censorship. Bare breasts must be exposed because they are blurred out. I laugh everytime I see it.

And why would Bern BURN (like that) have to go to confession to tell her own son about MD? Did I miss her telling him something about the car accident or her role in the separation of Vic and MD?

Great recap Sara! It was sidesplittingly funny. (Is sidesplitting a word?)

I agree about Vic, I use to feel really bad for her, but she has been a total *itch! I cannot wait to see her reaction when she finds out that Maria E. is her real daughter. and that her oh so perfect eposo is cheating on her.

As for Nati's makeover, it was a dud! I did think she looked like a woman working in a bar in a western saloon. It was the hair and that big A$$ flower on her neck. I hope she ends up with with Fabian and I hope Juanjo ends up with no one.

Mariquita- I agree with you about Linda, she is a lot of things (a lot of crazy things) but she is a loyal friend. I hope she ends up with someone not osvaldo or juanjo.

Is it just me but the actress who plays Jimena looks a little old. They should have gone with a younger actress. and her name should be XXXimena for being so nasty- who in their right mind would cheat on MAX (capitalized to add emphasis to his hotness) to be with gui (no capitalization to emphasis his feo-ness).

The scenes with Maria were heartbreaking, but I thought she should have told MAX about the pregnancy. My TN senses are tiggling and I have a feeling that a new MAN (capitalized to emphasis that he will probably be as good looking as MAX) is coming to Maria's life.

Oops, I have ocd or something so just wanted to say that I spelled esposo wrong. I had to correct it so that my eight years of learning spanish didn't go to waste. My spanish teacher would be so decepcionado (I hope that means disappointed).

Thanks Sara! Nice work!

Now that Linda is being shown in a more sympathetic light, I wonder if we should start worrying about her...

And speaking of light -- I think they shoot different interiors with different light filters. Roxana's apartment (and Bernie's Cave) are always seen through a yellow miasma which tends to make teeth kind of yellow too. (Even if in other settings they are as brilliant as a white porcelain toilet that has never left the Kohler showroom.)

Victoria's shots mimic daylight which brings out the pink in her skin and emphasizes the whiteness of her teeth.

Did anyone else think Victoria was channeling Kirstie Alley at the wedding? I was expecting to see the gang from Cheers hoisting a beer in her honor!

So many things I forgot to mention. I think Burnie is hallucinating that bright light.

XXXimena is perfecta! Mind if I use it?

I noticed the censoring of the painting before too. Sheesh.

And Domenika (XXXimena) is a couple years younger than I am.....which means to old for this part.

Sara - thank you for the recap. Short and succinct is what I need today.

Nathi's makeover is a definite improvement, but that hairstyle and the flower-on-ribbon around her neck were giving me serious mental images of Miss Kitty in Gunsmoke, although it was probably more the hairstyle than was doing it. ack.

Oh wow. Burnie is so going to have a terrible ending and burn in hell, for killing a nun.

I thought Max was going to quit Vic's business and start his own, after they all returned from Miami? I must have missed something ....

I'm thinking Bernarda will buy Os' shares of Vic's business, too. (which means she won't, because my predictions never come true. LOL)

Sara, great recap, thanks.

I am surprised that Ofelia has not spilled the frijoles about BSC Jimena just to stir up some trouble since she doesn't like her.

I think there was something said during the Burnie confession about the "seal of confession" so JP couldn't tell anyone about Maria. The previews show JP removing his collar. Does that mean he is leaving the priesthood? For sure, that will take Burnie over the edge. If Burnie had gone to church yesterday instead of tending to her evil ways, she should have gotten her ashes. That would have been really funny if she had walked around all day with ashes on her forehead!

After Maria went to Burnie's and Burnie was thinking about how evil Vicki and Maria were, she should have thought about herself and her very own bastard son. But I guess if she does anything evil, it doesn't count, right.

Poor Max, he looked like a model in a catalog at his own wedding. When he found BSC Jimena konked out he should have left her sorry-self alone. She was suffering from adult infantilism with that early morning call to Maria.

I have been thinking about BSC Jimena and Max - was that the first time he had done the deed with her (if he really did) since she insisted that they now had to get married?


Great recap, Sara, and very skillful organization on the different plot strands and characters.
MariaD came across very well to me showing her heart-stabbing grief. As she was saying in her soliloquy over the mother superior's coffin,the nuns taught her dignity. She's doing a much better job showing that quality than Vicki or XXXimena. Or Fer. Bernie has dignity too, especially when she's parked at the confessional window pouring the truth like acid in the priest's ear.
La Paloma

I am surprised that Ofelia has not spilled the frijoles about BSC Jimena just to stir up some trouble since she doesn't like her.


It wouldn't be to Ofelia's benefit to spill the beans on XXXimena. X is with Max now, that leaves Gui all to Ofelia.

Busting up Max and XXXimena leaves X free for Gui and Ofelia can't have that.

Burnie's teeth were dingy in Sortilegio, too.

Bernarda told her son about Maria E so he could share the guilt she feels about his conception. Of course she could later claim that this was a test of his vocation because he can't even share this with Padre Jeronimo let alone Victoria and Maria.

I have often wondered why the Catholic church permits priests to hear relatives' confessions. In theory they are supposed to detach emotionally from their birth families, but they are only human.

Keep in mind also that on some level Bernarda knows that her murders were crimes or she might have confessed those to JP who BTW still doesn't know that Octavio wasn't his biological father.

Ximeana (good one!) is emotionally about two years old. She's worse than the FerBeast because she's old enough to know better.

Daniela Romo would make an excellent Wicked Stepmother or Evil Queen because [inset drum roll] most Televisa novelas are fairy tales for grownups. Which makes me wonder who dubbed those roles in the Spanish releases of the relevant Disney films. Televisa has that contract.

The flower at Nati's throat made me think of Aimee in CS 2009. Otherwise it was a good makeover and I was disappointed at Nati's appearance in her next scene.

Roxana is just as declasse as her daughter. They have some nerve ranting about social classes.

One more thing: The travesty wedding in EPDA was a larger affair and Victor Manuel had the same look. The press were at that one and his dad told him to fake happiness because of the gossip that was already happening at the reception.

Nati looked great and JuanJo was creepy as Linda's stalker. Sure he got played but still creepy.

James Bond

Burnie killed the what was she a mother superior? The nun because it wasn't a confession that she had to keep once Clementia realized that Maria E. was JP real daughter not MM she went and picked up the phone to call him and tell him the news.Therefore Burnie had to get rid of her she wasn't going to keep silent about this. If JP learned of this news from Clemencia he could have told Victoria.

What i found amusing was the look on Jeronimo's face as Burnie came to confess some more you could s=tell he was scared to death as Burnie was deciding who to choose to confess between the two of them him and JP. The confessional makes JP bound by his vow he can't disclose the truth no matter how much he wants too.

I didn't noticed the blurred out image of the naked painting but we get LindaHo's naked behind though that's acceptable huh?

Ita LindaHo is really a true friend and this role was the same way in EPDA.

Max and the XXX-factor did have a intimate relationship before she left to go overseas but he broke up with her after he strongly suspected she cheated on him. He has made it a point to her so many times that they would never go back to the way they were and it's completely over between them.Of course this didn't stop BSC XXX-factor for conniving and tricking into sleeping with him mind you she got also full approval from his step mother to do what she had to make him hers again. Naturally Max had to be stinking drunk and blindfolded to do the nasty with the XXX-factor.

Great point also about what Pepino ask Victoria why would she sacrifice her son't happiness for someone who wasn't her family? As much as she says she thinks of Max as her own son she is after all his step mother. You can say she the same way with the Ferbeast but the difference is Max is a full grown man and the Ferbeast is still a teenager.

Victoria is sacrificing Fer to keep up illusions and appearances. What if Padilla decides he wants to rape Fer after the way Osvaldo & Victoria treated him?

She's sacrificing Max to keep up appearances that she's a high class lady (when Roxana, Ofelia etc. all think Victoria is a low class social climber who got lucky in marrying Osvaldo).

And she's sacrificing Maria M to Burnie/Scorpion Pimp by keeping her hidden and not telling her family the truth for fear they will look at her funny.

Victoria's gonna be just like Barbara Greco, making up schemes to destroy Maria, only to grovel at her feet when she finds out Maria is her long lost daughter.

Super recap Sara, gracias

I understood that too about the confession of Bernarda to JP, but I can't make sense of it. It's not Bernarda's sin, so what does it have to do about NOT revealing it.
Gotta get my beanie.

I think Max has a cold.

It's that green cast on the intros on Bernarda that make her look so evil.

I noticed that in the last two weeks when Max and Maria were in happy, happy mode, Max ditched the scarves (but Maria gained them). Now he's all covered up again, with a thick purple scarf.

Thanks for the good recap which was 2 hours worth. This indeed marks a new turning oint in the relationship or rather the lives of Maria Desamparada and Max. The fact that Bernie Discovered Maria Desamparada is tully her Victoria's child and her grand child complicates matters now.

BTW my comments last ni8ght and earlier this morning were wiped out. I wonder if the software has a bug or if my computer was acting up or someone deleted them. I hope this one stays. Oh well. Looking forward to tonight.


I am wowed by the Maite and William's acting skills. The scenes with them crying are heart-wrenching!

I too was a little bummed with Naty's makeover. Maria gets to strut her stuff in cute little numbers, and Naty got a turquoise princess prom-dress that went to her midcalves, and a weird flower choker. What, is she in eight grade or something? I hope that wasn't her big exciting makeover.

I think the fact that we are all starting to like Linda a little more does mean she may be in trouble soon. Uh oh....

I think we've got to keep in mind that Nati had a Linda makeover. Remember Maria's Linda makeover? That didn't stick either. She's a bit heavy handed, but she means well. And they always do look better than when they started out, just over the top. Nati will eventually find her "look", like Maria did. I'm sure it will be pretty and low key. At least the small pink glasses stuck after the suicide attempt. No more 80s glasses! :)

I actually liked Nati's look. She is a stunner.

It seems to me that Juanjo is going into a dark place with his obsession with Linda. He is brooding and then stalking her. Quite a change from the seemingly innocent quiet type. He looks like a seething powderkeg that could explode at any mnoment now.


Thanks for providing the male point of view about Nati Ibarramedia. I think that is exactly what Fabian and JuanJo thought too. They didn't get caught up in the whole saloon girl thing we ladies fixated on. She just looked real puurty to them. :)

You're welcome vivi. I just call it as I see it. I was literally speechless.

Here was what I posted last night from what I can remember what I said:

I have been out for a few weeks and just got caught up with the comments and watching. 99% will not agree with me and that's fine but I enjoyed watching Linda in Acapulco. I figured most of of the CC posters had seen a lot fo William Levy and OZ in showers and whatnot. :D

One thing I really like about Jimena are her calves.

Regarding the condfession, I think it is a combination of Not being able to control themselves from bragging and at the same time they think that the confessor which is the priest won't be able to break the sanctity of the confession,thus being obligated to keep the confession a secret.

Another thing is that Padre Juan Pablo could not possibly advise Maria Desamparada to use birth control or contraceptives because it is against the Catholic doctrine. I'm Catholic and I disagree against their no contraceptive stance. I don't think it is realistic to not use it. Better be safe than sorry..... but you know..

In FELs, Gabi burned soledad's house many years earlier causing her disfigurement and blindness. She would repeat the process many years later towards the end of the series. She also attempted to burn the panaderia/house that the 3 Reyes Brothers were living in long with her 3 daughters. Though I don't remmeber if she actually realized the girls were in there at the time.


I forgot to add, Say what you will about Linda but she always has Maria Desamparada's back, same with Nati though they have their differences. Linda is a loyal and dedicated friend who happens to be obessed with Osvaldo.

The Ferbeast is coming around. I think Cruz will tame her like in taming of the shrew. She really is a nice girl albeit a little spoiled brat.


OMLG, I am dying trying to keep up every night! It's all happening to fast!

Thank you for the recap.

If Fabian is just using Nati and breaks her heart, I will break his eyeliner'd ass!


Both Fab and Nati are using each other. She for sure enjoyed strolling out of the building with him holding hands and looking fab as JuanJo looked on. I think they are using each other to get over their crushes, while at the same time falling for each other. Note that Fab already thinks Nati is beautiful inside and out. He's not bad-mouthing her and then using her. They BOTH have to get over their crushes and realize what's right in front of them. Nati is just now starting to be stirred by Fab's kisses. I am sure they will soon show him remembering her wedding look fondly.

Coming in very late to this, but can't thank you enough Sara for such a wonderful recap!! Gracias!!

I will confess that I had some tears in my eyes over Maximiliano and Maria E. Perroni was believable ( important thing for me!) in these scenes.

UA: you make an excellent point about TN being adult fairy tales. I was thinking this myself after having seen the first capitulo of PVaA (at midnight, no less!) PVaA is very 'in real life'. This might be harder for me to take as the TN really are an escape.

After seeing the first episode of PVaA, it really placed TdA in that fairy tale category. I'm not sure if I will make it through PVaA as it is very hard for me to see women abused by men, but the opening scenes with the various couples getting married was very well done!!

The theme song for PVaA didn't do too much for me (considering it won the award recently), but I am biased in favour of StuD's theme song.

The X-Factor (Xi-/Ji-mena is/was beyond sickening. That her nasty mother schemed all along for this union (was I the only one who was annoyed watching Dingy Teeth clap for just about anything during that wedding?!) makes her and her daughter totally without any class whatsoever.

Romo is doing a great job with St. Bernard...her downfall will be spectacular...I am sure.


I think it it was pure comdey that Jimena's mom was randomly tossing the petals during the weddng. It looked very out of place and random.


Susanita- I think we are in the same boat irt the STuD theme song. I loved it and missed it so much when the show ended. Of all the themes in TdA, Cruz and Fer's theme is my numero uno, bestest favorite. I guess I just love the traditional ranchera and mariachi music. I've watched the first episode of PVaV and while it is very different from the usual telenovela fare, I really like it and I hope I can keep up with it (though I agree about the theme song...*meh*)

Does anyone know if Univision will have at least Spanish language summaries of each capítulo for PVaV?

Vivi- I noticed the scarf, too! I totally understood braids=virginity symbolism...but I'm not sure what the scarf means...misery? (Makes sense, I'm sure he feels constricted by XXX-factor-mena.)

And an off topic question that has probably been covered before. How are the capitulos numbered? Each epi is a capitulo? I ask because I did find a recap of PVaV Cap 1...but everything in it hadn't happened yet!

Could someone straighten me out on Bernarda's confession? I must have missed sth. The fact that MD is JP's hija doesn't seem to be confession material to me.


PVaA Cap 1 recap:

PVaA Cap 1 recap:

No, it isn't confession material. In the purest sense, Bernarda doesn't believe she needs to confess because she doesn't see herself as a sinner; she's too afraid of what she thinks that means.

She tells JP this in the confessional because she knows that he can't reveal anything he hears there.

Remember Padre Tadeo in FELS and all the ugly things he heard from Fernando in the confessional? He was powerless to warn Sofia directly or to tell Juan so he could protect her. He was warned that he could be excommunicated for violating the seal of the confessional irrespective of the motive.

Bernarda wants to make Victoria suffer and she refuses to understand that JP is suffering equally.

I am absolutely certain that if she truly believes that a child born in sin is impure or something worse this was the motive for her pushing JP into the priesthood. He is tainted with her sin and her obsession with him becoming a priest was about removing him from earthly temptation because only that would make him "holy enough" to absolve her of her sins.

Like every other narcissist in the world Bernarda projects her own sins on others. She projects her own sins onto Victoria and to Maria E by extension. Victoria is starting to repeat this pattern.

Bernarda and Ximena are both flaming narcissists who are incapable of seeing anyone's needs other than their own. Ximena is in complete denial about Max's feelings and Bernarda doesn't appear to realize that JP has his. Neither of them has a conscience and neither does Roxana.

Linda -- for all her faults -- is not a true narcissist because she cares for her friends and sticks by them. Victoria isn't one either because she can be self-aware. Her Iron Lady facade is a defense mechanism for fear of her own vulnerability.

I've gotten verbose again; disculpeme.

Excellent analysis of the characters Urban! Not too verbose at all.

Urban i disagree about Victoria she is doing the same thing that Bernarda is doing with the exception of killing people. I said this before about the two of them the difference while JP went along with his mother's wishes and not really thought seriously about going against then or thinking of another career choice for himself. Max has told Victoria repeatedly he does not love XXX-factor.

Did this make Victoria think seriously and give it some deep thoughtful contemplation about his wishes? NO! If anything it spurred her even more about wanting to force him to marry the woman of her choice. She is as much a narcissist as Bernarda is even worst she overrides her child's needs with her vision of what she wants as the right and perfect daughter in law material for her step son.

Look at what Max told her last night and what she told him she didn't want him to escape from his responsibility. Sounds like she is talking about herself and what happened to her.

Really her fear and self defense mechanism is a poor excuse in how she treats people. Calling Maria E a social climber? Really if Maria E. married Max as quickly as she married Os maybe i might could see her pov. But if anyone was more suited for that label i would say it was more fitting for herself. Probably she has heard those insults but really at this point whether she has suffered a lot and is in pain.You don't heal yourself by making others as miserable as you are.

Sara: Just finished watching capitulo 1 for PVaA. I think these are going to be very interesting stories, but two women being abused (one physically and the other one mentally) is going to be so hard for me to watch.

I'm still scratching my head about the PVaA theme!

In any event...I digress.

UA: I think you give an excellent analysis of St. Bernard and The X-Factor. X-Factor and her mother are parasites and huge phonies...nothing more, nothing less.

It's Victoria that is a puzzlement to me. I would love to hear the back story on how she managed to snag Pimp Daddy Oz and get married to him within a week! I wonder what Oz and his parents thought about this? Was any of that said in the beginning? From what I remember, I do not think so.

Perhaps, this is something to be revealed in the future.

Also agree with UA that LindaHO is not a narcissist. She is self centered and scheming, but she does care about her friends. I think she is going to experience a lot of hurt and disappointment before all is said and done.

Maximiliano has done some stupid things, but I SO appreciate his honesty with the X-Factor. I suppose his money is sufficient enough for her to stay married to a man who does not love her.

Ok...getting hugely late and I am spending oodles of time watching the TN!!


Thanks for the links, Vivi!

UA-I always enjoy your insights. They get me thinking. I realize TNs are escapism, but sometimes they really do feel like case studies for a psychology class.

I have to agree with Blu. Victoria doesn't commit murder but she is a narcissist all the same. She can't wee anyone else's point of view. She admits being hard and cold, but then excuses it because of her hard-knock life. With is, to me at least, the other side of the "they deserved it 'cause they are sinners" coin. In fact, didn't Vic recently go on about how no one helped her? She accuses Maria of social climbing, but look at her own behavior.

Then look at Maria. She too has had some bumps and bruises, but she can still feel empathy.

Ditto Linda. Self serving and egocentric to be sure...but she is a true friend to Maria and Nati. I was actually worried for her last night when she ended up at Gui's.

Susanita...I totally wish we knew the Vic/PDO back story. Hopefully that will be part of the plot fodder in weeks to come.

Victoria doesn't commit murder in the sense of killing a living body, but she commits emotional murder--she's killing the spirit, happiness and lives of those around her.

Interesting observation about when Max wears the scarves. He's probably keeping the baddies from his jugular.

I noticed Reina del Sur is repeated on T'mundo an hour after the 2-hr stint of TdA this week. T'mundo is probably saying "take that, looneyvision." ;-)

Sara excellent point about Victoria and i really do want to find out the back story of how and why Victoria married PDO so fast.A week and then marriage?

Doria also made a excellent point about Victoria killing the spirit and happiness of those around her.Including family and when called out upon her attitude she acts surprised to hear that she is being unreasonable.

Really i'm surprised she hasn't cut into Luci her secretary like she does everyone else?

Telemundo has a habit when they start their new novelas playing them twice in the original time slot and then later on once again after the news. It will last for maybe two weeks.

Let me just preface my stupid question by stating that I am now trying to catch up on at least 2 weeks' worth of TdA after being away from home in various combinations of out of town/state/country on business trips for the last 1 1/2 mos and that to make my life even more difficult apparently Univision decided to make 2 hour episodes (wth??) and I might have ffwd through something but am pretty sure I didn' here goes: why/how/when did Max decide to marry Jimena? On 3/8 he was swearing up and down the river that he wasn't going to marry her and I saw NO scenes where he agrees to marry her and suddenly on 3/9 they're having a wedding? I also checked the recaps and didn't see anything about Max agreeing to marry Jimena. Please someone help before I go crazy. Thank you!

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