Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eva Luna #90 Mon 3/14/11 It's The Clink for Dano; Eva Admits She Got It Wrong

Giorgio is all for Marcela having Bruno found, tried and sentenced to at least twenty years in jail for the fraud and embezzlement of funds.  Marci assures him that Bruno will receive his "just desserts" (i.e., something quite a bit more permanent than any jail sentence).

Marisol goes to Geraldo's offices to sign the recording contract.  They celebrate with a bottle of champagne and Gerry assures her this is only the beginning of things to come and invites her to a celebratory dinner.

Matilde tells Alicia that Eva left early to catch Daniel at home before work.  Dan is already at work,though and asks Olga why she's not in her office yet this morning.  He has a batch of paperwork to go over with her which he leaves on Eva's desk instead to discuss later.

Liliana surprises Laurita at school and they spend time at the beach together. They take pictures of seagulls with the new hot purple camera Lil gave her.  Francisco waits at the car.  Lil's plan to make Laurita like her is working like a charm.  (Who'd have thunk all it took was bribing the kid with a digital camera and a ride home for lunch?)

Mari returns to the boarding house and tells Don Ricardo and Just a that she just signed a recording contract.

Ali arrives at work and one of the make-up gals tells her about Bruno absconding with the company's funds and that no one knows whether they'll have a job since the modeling division might be forced to close.  Ali says she'll mention it to Eva and see what's what.  Tony shows up and she starts to go ballistic.  He says she told him clearly the day before what she felt about him butting in.  He says that today he's there to tell her what he feels and he looks like she better listen or else.  

Lil takes Laurita home for lunch.  Laurita shows Jackie the new camera.  "--Liliana is nifty neato ya know!"  Dano arrives home for lunch.  The police ring the doorbell looking for Dan.  They explain they're there because Eva Gonzales has accused him of running down her father and killing him.  Dan is totally dumbfounded.  He gets dragged away to jail in handcuffs [esposado].  The others are in shock.  Laurita's in tears.

Tony tells Ali she's acting crazy and selling herself to a jerk who treats her like dirt and beats her.  "--This is supposed to be open-minded, liberal thinking?  You're sleeping with your sister's boyfriend!  That makes you a whore!"  Ali tries slapping him but he grabs her arm and continues.  Somebody has to tell her and try to get her to see reason, he says.  He's doing it because he loves her more than anyone else.  "--The only thing that matters to Leonardo is Eva.  You're only a toy, a diversion for him but I really love you!"  He pleads his case telling her that he had no idea how to appreciate her when they were together before.  He didn't know how much he cared for her or how much he loved her until the moment he realized he'd lost her.  She begs him to leave but he won't.  He begs her not to tell him she's fed up with him again since he knows that deep down she really does love him as much as he loves her.  She'll always have him to be there for her to help her and to protect her --even to protect her from herself!  With that he lays a major lip-lock on Ali.  Ali doesn't exactly fight it, but then suddenly she catches herself and pushes him off her.  "--Let go of me!" She races away.  There's a smile on Tony's face because the wall she's put up around herself is beginning to crumble.

Just a and Ric tell Adrian that they're having a birthday party for him with balloons and cakes.   He should invite his friends from school.  Adrian is overjoyed.  He's never had a party before!  FF>>

From her bedroom window Victoria watches the cops take Dan away.  She thinks the police were there because Eva filed charges for kidnapping the baby.  At first she's angry but then thinks it's not such a bad idea because it would definitely separate Dan from Eva.  

At the agency's coffee shop, Ali is thinking to herself that Tony was right about her.  The only thing she knows for certain is that she can't bear the thought of Leo leaving her.  Deb walks in looking for her there.  She stops for a quick chat to plead her case to Ali.  Ali asks her to stop giving her the same lie and admits she was too little at the time that Deb left for it to have effected her emotionally; so if she'd admitted she'd done wrong from the beginning, says Ali, she would have been inclined to forgive her.  Deb insists it is the truth.  Alicia excuses herself and says she wished it were because she could have used her mother to confide in about now and to help her to find herself.

Leo's arrives at work and takes a worried call from Icky.  He tells her to calm down because Eva didn't accuse Dan of kidnapping.  Icky asks why?  Because his nosy maid came over to tell Eva that Dan came home alone a while after the baby was taken.  So, yes, Eva and the others suspect Icky's taking the baby was her idea alone.  "--Then why was Dan taken out in handcuffs?"  He tells her it's not important right now and she'd better just stay in her room after the baby incident.  Her crazy act will get her thrown into an asylum.  Ick-toria realizes she very well may now be between a rock and a hard place. 

Back at Eva's, Eva tells Tilde how Leo forced the issue over the death of her father by calling the police himself to accuse Daniel.  Eva thought he jumped the gun a bit since she'd wanted to discuss it with Dan first.  Tilde thinks that it is just as well because now the police will do a proper investigation and they'll eventually know for sure whether he is guilty or not. Just then Laurita runs into Eva with Lil right behind.  Laurita wants to know if it's true she had her father sent to jail.  Eva finds it difficult to explain.  Lil comes down on her like a ton of bricks.  "--It's not easy for you to find the words to lie to a child, eh? Why don't you just come out and say it?"  Eva  hisses at her not to interfere.  Lil says she will interfere because of the way Eva had Dan dragged out in handcuffs, "-- like he was a common criminal [vulgar delinquento]!!"  Laurita assures Eva that her father wouldn't hurt a fly.  Eva agrees but says everything points to him.  Lil turns to Laurita and says Eva's lying.  She only accused her daddy because she wants to get even with him for marrying another woman.  Eva tells Lil she doesn't know what she's talking about and to just stay out of it!  Laurita begs her to get her father out of jail.  Eva tearfully says she can't do it.  Laurita turns on her and says she agrees with Liliana that Eva's wicked, and that she never wants to see Eva again.

Downtown, Dan talks with his lawyer.  He doesn't know why Eva has charged him.  The lawyer's working on bail.

Back at the Villanueva's, Lil and Jackie follow Laurita into her bedroom to pacify her.  Lil tells Laurita that Eva doesn't care what happens to her.  Jackie objects but Lil says that with her father in jail and Icky sick, Laurita will be left all alone; that the authorities will probably send her to some children's home.

Eva is distraught over Dan's being in jail and what it's doing to his daughter, but she's determined to carry through with her promise to avenge her father's death.

Deb prays in a nearby chapel for Dios to let her daughters see the light.

Marisol has a fabulous business lunch with Geraldo. He gets around to asking her what she did for a living before this.  She stretches the truth a bit and says she was in "public relations".  When he wants more details she avoids answering and changes the subject to the marvelous way the food tastes.

That evening Tony is with Leo in the office at the casino.  Leo fires him him for kissing Ali that morning and trying to turn her against him.  Leo says he saw it all and then attacks Tony, pushing him up against the wall.  Tony breaks away and says fine, let's have it out here and now, man to man: "--I did kiss Alicia and I told her you're a liar and a cheat.  You stole Alicia from me!"  Leo says she left Tony because he was more man than Tony in all ways possible.  "--You don't know how much I enjoyed her in bed!"  Tony goes for Leo's jugular.  He's got Leo in a death grip, choking him till El Gallo and a goon of his walk in on the fight and break it up.  El Gallo shoos Tony out and asks Leo what's got him so angry he's ready to kill him.

Meanwhile, Dan paces his cell.  He can't stop wondering why Eva would do such a crazy thing as to accuse him of killing her father.  He asks himself just how long Eva and he will continue hurting each other like this.  The guard yells over that he's got a visitor.  It's Eva.  "--Why did you do such a thing, Eva?  What makes you think I killed your father?"  She tells him she was there and saw the red sports car, that it didn't stop.  He's the owner of that sports car.  Dan looks like he's awake in the middle of his own Kafka-esk nightmare.   He swears by their son that it wasn't him!!  He tells her it could have been any number of people with a red sports car like his!!  She says she thought that too and wanted to let it go, but there was a witness.  He swears that's impossible since he never ran over anyone!  Well, she insists, there is one and he's going to have to face him at the trial.  Dan says any witnesses are liars.  Exasperated, he makes his own accusations.  "--What's the idea?  To make me into a criminal to separate me from my son?"  Eva swears it isn't like that at all.  She knows he didn't kidnap Pablito and that it was Icky who took him.  She wanted to tell him that this morning, but then the business with her father happened.  It's the reason she didn't marry him that time, and the reason that they can't be together now.  He continues to swear he's innocent as the guards drag him off again.

El Gallo has a big laugh after Leo tells him why he and Tony were fighting.  El Gallo can't understand him wanting to kill the kid just because he saw him kissing his lover!  He should thank the kid instead because he'd get the girl off his back finally.  Leo yells back that he'll get rid of Alicia when he wants to and not before.  No way he's going to let anybody take her from him, either!  El Gallo laughs at him for being a dog in a manger over Alicia.  Leo says no matter!  He want's Tony dead!  El Gallo pulls rank and says Tony is too important a part of his organization and he won't have him killed over a problem with some female!  Leo says ok.  "--Calm down.  Chill.  I take care of it myself.  I'll get rid of him."  El Gallo threatens Leo. "--If you want to continue breathing, don't do it."  Leo stalks off.  

Eva gets home and finally gets a chance to tell Alicia that Daniel is the one who ran over and killed their father.  She explains that Leo is the one who says he's guilty.  That's why she was so upset the day before the wedding and why she ended up not marrying Daniel.  Neither one really believe Dan did it, though Ali says if he's guilty then let him pay for it!  Eva says she hopes he can prove his innocence.  Ali mentions Sra. Deborah keeps coming to see her at the agency swearing she's innocent also.  Eva gets ticked at the way the woman keeps showing up like a bad penny.   Eva will go have a talk with her in the morning about leaving them alone once and for all.  

The next morning Dan's lawyer comes back for another meeting.  He mentions that things are complicated since he was the owner of a red sports car at the time of the accident and it doesn't look good that he sold it a little bit afterwards.  He adds that Leo is Eva's mystery witness and the only conclusive evidence they have against Dan is Leo's testimony, which was what the police used to have him arrested.  Dan swears it's a lie.  The lawyer will follow up on it.  First they deal with the bail hearing.

As Eva drives up to the front entrance of Deborah's house, she remembers this as the house that she and her father were about to visit when he was run over.  She has numerous flashbacks to a number of hints her father began dropping just before and right after they arrived in L.A. 

Laurita tells Jackie she'll never forgive Eva for what's she's done to her and her father.

Lileach comes upstairs to see V-icky.  She sees right through the bimbutt's psycho act and the two have a good laugh over how ingenious it was.  Now Icky needs to find a way out of playing La Loca and to eliminate Eva.  She admits, though, that she can't think of anything right now.

Deb graciously greets Eva despite knowing she's there to bite her head off again.  Deb tries once more to convince her that she spent years having detectives trying to locate the three of them.  Eva says she knows from personal experience what it is to lose a child.  She's acting rather subdued and eventually she apologizes to Deborah for doubting her and treating her so unfairly.  The kicker was this morning when she drove up and recognized the house as the one they were coming to visit the day he was killed.  Eva says she realizes now that her father was bringing them to L.A. to meet her.  If she refused early on to consider Deb might be telling them the truth, it was only because she didn't want to sully her father's memory; but seeing the house this morning she knew then and there that Deb had been telling the truth all along.

Back at the agency, Giorgio shows a maudlin Marci the picture of the models they'd hired.  Marci has him throw them in the trash since Bruno had been the one to pick them.  She authorizes G. to hire all new ones.  After Giorgio leaves Marci answers her cell phone.  Julio's voices greets her: "--Hi there!  Remember me?  It's your husband."  Marci flips out from fright and drops the phone.

Later that day, Leo gets back to Eva's and asks Renata where Eva has been since she didn't go to the office today.  Ren says she might have gone back to visit Dan at the jail again.  Leo asks when Eva saw him the first time.  Ren says she went the night before to speak to him.  He wonders why.  She don't know, but she thinks Eva still isn't convinced Dan did it.  Ren says she isn't exactly convinced he did it either.  Leo doesn't like the sound of that one bit and looks a bit worried.

In his cell that evening, Dan begins to think back to the time he, Leo, Icky, and Claudia went for a sail on the yacht, the day that Leo had begged to take Dan's car for a spin.  He also remembers Leo coming back and apologizing for hitting some planters in the median or something with it, and Leo offering to pay for the repairs.  (That way it'd be off the record and there'd be no insurance or police reports needing to be filed.)  "--Of course!  How could I have been so blind?  Leo's the one who killed Eva's father!  He's …a murderer!" 


Hi all! I need somebody to put it on the post it to the feed for me. Thanks!!!

Jar: Amiga...this caputilo was chock full of infos and revelations! Bien hecho, como siempre!

Tony: Since when is this little pimp an 'important part' (per El Gallo) of Gallo's organisation?!

Spandex Alicia: She has no idea that Tony the Thug is part of Gallo's gang? She is so clueless that she can't see just what kind of men (Leo and Tony) surround her?! She's even lied to her sister about her relationship with Leo. This one deserves some kind of punishment for her stupidity.

Bruno: I wonder, will he get away with his scam?

The Leech: Clearly rising to the occasion and showing her true Leech Colours. She is a disgusting tramp in the same class as Bimbutt.

Eva: So, she finally came to her senses re Deborah. Good, for she has not been using her brain much these past few capitulos.

Maybe Tony and Leo will cancel each other out, but I feel that they BOTH deserve huge punishment. Tony is delusional if he thinks he is any better than Leo.

Right now, Alicia's STUPIDITY is getting old.

Oh...and Don Ricardo still in a huff over Justa and her long lost love. Get over it, Don R. Either live your life with her or leave.

Gracias, Jar!!



Thank you for the recap.

I could have choked the spit out of Liileach last nite, with her posioning Laurita against Eva.

What a mess Eva has herself in now. I hope the writes don't think all women are this stupid. REALLY!!!!

Where is Don Julio? He put her in this snake pit, and her stupidity put her in the trouble shes in now.

Tony should have choked the living hell out of Leo. So now we have mob boss protecting Tony. Leo better watch his back b/c if something happens to Tony, Leo dies.

Glad Dano's brain is working and he's put it together that it was Leo who killed Eva's father.

My theory on this is that Eva's not going to tell Alicia in time that Dano didn't do the deed. And Alicia's going to go get the gun in Leo's room (with her finger prints on it). There all going to be together Dan, Eva, Leo, Tilda, Renata,Vicky, Lilileach, maybe for the suppose wedding and Alicia going to shoot Leo (Killing him). And Leo realizing he's dying and going to HELL for all the bad things he's done confesses all. Oh and I forgot lets let Alicia shoot Lilileach too (she can be a Cauaslty of the gun getting away from Alicia). Then will deal with bimbutt and her Mama Marcie who will end up in the Looney bin for life. There Happy ending!!!!

Gracias Jar.

Leo: Gallo will be his downfall. In the avances it looks like Dano accuses Leo of framing him in front of Eva. Maybe this will wake Eva up?

Deb: Maybe now Alicia can confide in mama about Leo.

Bruno: What a stupid idiot, Bruno Arismendi! what an a$$..lol. He is making it easy for Marci to catch him.

Somebody better shut up Lileech.
I do not think there will be a wedding between Eva and Leo.

Vicky: She is a loose canon for Leo and Marci, thats why Leo is not telling her what is going on.

Am tempted to miss my Lab class tonight......mmh


They could always pull an El Fantasma de Elena and have our resident stupid ingenue Alicia not (officially) end up with anybody at the end of the show, partially as a result of her own choices and now-head villano Leo's manipulations, but I don't see TPTB being that daring. Either Tony's going to sacrifice himself for her and she ends up with Carlos, or Carlos will completely flip out somehow and she and Tony end up together after the inevitable timeskip. (Which would/might allow for some sort of karmic backlash, depending on what happens before the timeskip. Door number three? Mebbe.)

As for Leg Show Lili being the one to get closer to Laurita and thus Daniel...sure, she's Leo's puppet, but she's still a much saner choice than Vicky (like we'll get that far, but hey). Yeah, I said it. :) If only she had been introduced a bit earlier in the show...then her being a Plan C for Daniel would have made more sense!

Jardinera, great job.

To me it looked like Eva accepted Deborah prematurely. Or am I just accustomed to what happens in Televisa's series?

I hope there are documents proving Dan took the boat out that day.

I doubt that Bruno will get away with his embezzlement. Considering Marcie's "request" I think he will lose the family jewels before this is over.

Marcie herself will lose more than her jewels when she can't pay up or will be arrested herself before payment is due.

Icky will go nuts for real. Playing crazy too long will do that.

Thank you Jardinera.
All I can say is Don Julio I LOVE YOU. That prank call to the Wicked Witch was great!

They should really rush through any scene with Tony and Alicia, what's the point? They deserve each other. I know on another novela, they had to get rid of an actress because the viewing audience despised her role, I know Eva is ending soon, but they should have done the same on Alicia's character. Uggghhh.

Icky it's incredible that what goes around comes around, the way she's getting double crossed by Lil, I know Icky is going to shoot her.

It's nice to know that Eva and Dano will soon recover and get their brains back.

Thanks for the recap.
I didn’t understand all that what happened about Marcela’s money. She opened that modeling agency with her money. She sold it to Arismeldi’s company after Julio’s death. Now Bruno steals her money. Then why someone told to Alicia that now after Bruno steals Marcela’s money probably they will close that modeling company. What it has with Marcela’s money? Even if she has nothing left that couldn’t affect the company. I’m so confused.
I was thinking how Tony could be El Galo’s son. We know he is protecting Tony all the time. I think how they are very close family.
Leo didn’t tell to Victoria why they arrested Daniel. Why he is hiding it? Maybe she will save Daniel?
I’m glad Eva started thinks with her head- about Deborah. That is a very good sign.
I saw surprised that Lily didn’t make sour face when she was playing with Laurita. jjablan.

Jardinera, thank you once again for the recap.

After last night, I am beginning to think that Tony might be related to Gallo. There is no other explanation for El Gallo's soft spot for the little thug.

Finally, Eva is starting to think like grown-up again. Maybe there will be someone in Deb's house that saw the accident and Leo driving the car.

I doesn't look good for Marisol when the record producers find out about her past. Sorry, but she should have told the truth.


Jardinera, Greaat recap. Thanks do much. I will tag this for you now.

It,s tagged Jardinera.

Lots went on last night. I agree with you JJablan. I bet Tony is El gallos son.

Too funny when Julio called Marci.
And Dan's lightbulb moment when he finally put it together.

Can't wait for tonight to see how Leo tries to snake his way out of this. I bet Vicky spoils it for Leo some how and admits that Leo confessed to smashing up the car. Maybe this will be her semi-redemption.

Thanks very much, Jardinera, for another excellent recap.

I too was very surprised that El Gallo claimed Tony was too important in the organization for Leo to harm him. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It seems too easy a resolution for Leo to kill Tony and then be killed in turn by El Gallo. Besides, I suspect that Vicki will be Leo's undoing, since she's the only one (other than Dan) who could testify to Leo's having said he had an accident with the red car that day. I don't know whether she'll say this to hurt Leo or, perhaps more likely, accidentally, but my money right now is on Vicki's testimony being the key.

JJablan: Excellent theory re Tony and El Gallo! Excellent! The thought never occurred to me. Tony is such a little weasel.

He and Alicia deserve each other.


I have a question, didn't Leo take the car directly to the autoshop to get it fixed? Wouldn't the autoshope have records to say Leo bought it in on such and such a day? Or am I getting this wrong with this novela?

Nellie ,

I car had to wait to be fixed b/c the part wasn't in if I remember correctly. B/c Leo and Dan were discussing it back when Dan and Eva were going to be getting married.

I'm wondering if Eva will get smart tonite or will we have to wait another week for that to happen.

Jar: fabulous recap!
Urban: Isn't the yacht Dan's? Why would there be paperwork? What about paperwork getting the car fixed? I seem to remember Tony delivered the car--at some point, after the repair, anyone else remember this?
Love the idea Tony is Gallo's son.
Don't know how everyone feels about this, but I think we should give awards for things regarding the TN. Like, And the envelope please, the Best Skank in a supportive role goes to Lilliana. No, really, I am serious.

Thanks Jardinera for your recap. Many things happened as this TN winds down.

Though Alicia is stupid, she doesn't deserve Tony. I hope she gets a clue and some self-respect.

JJablan - your theory about Tony and Gallo is good and makes sense b/c I can't understand why Gallo would protect him.

I do hope that Eva continues to think. In the previews, it looks like Tia is going to get mad when Eva says Debra is good. Tia needs to get over her anger quickly.

This is still not tagged to pop up under the Eva tag.

thanks,folks! pata--tk u 2//

Thanks Jardinera—I admire how you just toss off these superbly entertaining and thoroughly detailed chunks of writing. You never miss.

I'm thinking TiaTilde is in for a comeuppance. Whatever is bugging that gal has already wreaked havoc on everybody else. Time for the big reveal.--Agnes in NJ

Tony was hired by Leo to call Dan and make arrangements to have Dan come to a certain place... that is where Leo took Eva to show her that Dan was getting out of the car and begin his brainwashing of Eva regarding her dad's death. I doubt Tony actually knows enough about the accident at all to help Dan...
I love the idea of Tony being Gallo's son, but I dont think it is so unreal for gallo to jump on Leo saying Tony is untouchable since Gallo has to protect his 'rank' and show Leo and anyone that HE is the one who calls the hshuts ultimately.
I have a feeling Tony will end up dying saving Ali's life...
I still say it will be either Leo having a nightmare that someone hears some juicy details, or Vicky will act crazy, slip her tongue to the wrong person and 'wala!!' Dan is a free man!
But Tony can tell Dan that Leo did take the pictures of Eva and had her 'secluded' in that house...
Eva and Dan still need to do lots more note crosschecking before all is cleared up... e.g. the pictures of Eva and Leo and Dan's reactions to them.

Also, the main things Eva remembered from her dad was when she was saying he was the best dad and he rebutted saying he was not so good, that he was selfish and he had prevented them (Eva and Ali) from having things in life they were due (their mom's moolah). Also Eva remembered when he tried to talk to her defending Deborah but Eva did not let him speak... and also when Eva kept confronting him about why move to L.A., they moved many times in Mex and she did not understand why the constant moving around, that he said when they got to L.A. they would understand. (remember the police/investigator had contacted Ismael and let him know where Deborah was living currently so Eva was right, her dad wanted her and her mom to meet and find out the truth...)

The excuse for having Dan go there was that the part for the car fix that they were waiting for was avaialble from this third party vendor. And Dan was told by Tony to meet him there so Dan could buy the part from him.

Thanks for your great recap Jardinera.

If Eva would have accused Dano about hitting and running away from her father things would have worked out okay. But then we'd have no story. However, I thought it was too drawn out.

Am I the only one but was the music drowning out the actors?? It's so annoying. I remember when Eva was talking with Deborah I almost had to read their lips. Don't they play these episodes back before they release them??


I have to wonder if Icky will be the one killing everyone off. Wicked Witch said she did not have the gumption like her and Leo to do things. What is Icky going to do when she discovers that she is really the legitimate and sole heir of Don Julio's estate. When she discovers who her real mother is, is she going to wonder how different her life could have been? Will she prove Wicked Witch wrong when she kills both "her mother, and her brother". Just wondering. I keep remembering when she told her "brother" that if he ever betrayed her she would kill him. Has anyone seen anything as to when this novela ends? There is still so much to tie up.

Jar, another masterful recap. Love reading your prose.

In your recap, I don't think he sold the red sports car right after the accident. Remember, we saw it at the carry-out where Eva was working temporarily.

Without going back to check the dialog, I think Dan or Leo took the car to get fixed soon after the accident but all the parts weren't available. They were on back-order, I guess.

Nellie--Michele is correct. There were several discussions between Dan & Leo about not being able to get original parts and that's why Dan fell for that 3d party seller deal.

Why he would go to the park and not have the "guy" come to his house is beyond me, but that called for a slight beanie adjustment. (Of course, Jacky would have recognized Tony.)

Emarie--The yacht is Dan's. That's where he met LilLeach for the first time. I don't think you have to "sign out" your own boat. Maybe you do. That would help. But really, only Vicky's testimony contradicting Leo will save Dan.

I wonder what her little pea-brain will decide is of the best advantage to her--Dan in jail and away from Eva or Dan at home starting divorce proceedings to be with Eva. It's funny that she thinks that he can't divorce her if she stomps her feet and says she won't permit it!

Pata--I think you have something there. Vicky does need a little rehabilitation since she is Justa and Don Julio's child. Maybe she will spill the beans on Leo--maybe AFTER she learns her true parentage?

UrbAn--love the idea of Bruno losing his family jewels.

Also, I'm glad they resolved the lost mother-daughters issue before the finale. Too many things yet to be revealed and we need that boda. Maybe Deb will play a part in saving one or both her daughters by sacrificing herself.

What was Don Julio thinking??? calling Marcie. Maybe he's getting ready to return to life and laugh in her face and say, it was all a big joke; I'm satisfied now, you are ruined and I'm back in charge of the Arismendi empire.

Nevertheless, it was cute the way he freaked Marcie out. Too bad the scene wasn't longer.

Leo needs to live miserably watching Dan & Eva be happy. I don't want him dead until after he's accused of involvement in Claudia's death and the hit-and-run homicide.

How many of you could see Jacky and Carlos together? Could happen. But, I think Jacky and Francisco are destined to be together. She is a nurturing mother-figure who wants to take care of helpless little creatures (Laurita, Chico, Frankie) and he wants someone to take care of him. Marisol is not a homemaker. She needs to go off with Gerrardo.

I've rambled on enough for today. Can't wait for tonight.
Una Nte

Una NorteAM: Re selling the red sportscar. I don't have the recording any longer, but I was certain selling it not too long after the accident was part of the lawyer's spiel. "not too long after" could mean anything I guess in Telenovela time. He said it wasn't such a serious thing they couldn't overcome, but the kicker was Leo's written statement as witness. I also think altho' it took a bit for the part to get replaced, I thought Dan told Leo one lunch hour that he had been thinking of selling the car once it was fixed. If somebody has access to that 2nd conversation between Dan and his lawyer, maybe they can clear that up for us.


What is EXTREMELY annoying about the sound on this novela is that whenever a character says something significant, they have to do this loud pum-pum-PUM! Like what! - Are they trying wake up their audience - they think we fell asleep? Or they think we are just too dumb to realize that a character said something significant? It is so patronizing - it drives me crazy!

Rant off - thanks! LOL!


I have the same problem and I think it's either Univision's signal or our cable systems. When I watched the early episodes of FELS and CS09 on YouTube their sound was fine.

Forgot to mention this before but Julio gaslighting Marcie was hilarious and should have been longer.

Those damned photos need to be resolved as well. Since Leo is incapable of telling the truth and Icky's masquerade can't last forever, both will probably be discovered through the usual means -- eavesdropping. I think Renata will be the one to find this out.

The idea of a doctor being bribed to lie to a patient's spouse or relative is offensive. All through FELS I kept wondering how commonplace this could be.

There has to have been a witness to Dan's taking out the boat.

Lileach also needs to be punished, but I'm not sure what's appropriate. My guess is that Icky will do her in.

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