Friday, March 04, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #44 3/3/11 A triumph of all kinds of bad judgment

***This recap is now complete...for realz***

Cruz's heart is broken.

Pip finds out what Maria D knows about The Affair. She swears Linda's not bad, she's just confused. Or she's just drawn that way. Or something. Pip says it's all over when Vic finds out.

Oscar gives Vic the paperwork for the Miami trip along with some tickets, passports, etc. He noticed Maria D's has the last name "Expósito" (abandoned at birth) and Vic sorrowfully explains that's how it goes with orphans and it's why it's so difficult to locate lost children. She doesn't take the time to explain to him why she knows that. She does admit she's got problems with Os, but she thinks it's her fault for being chicken.

Fer goes back out of the house and sees that Cruz has left the rose sitting there. She looks around before sitting down next to it and remembering their last kiss. Geez, Fer. You're an idiot. She picks up the rose and smells it while a glycerine tear of puro dolor rolls down her cheek. She does this much better than her "snob" act.

Vic yells at Maria D for smacking Ximena around. If Maria D "disobeys" her again, she'll be fired. She won't make a move in Miami without Vic's permission. Maria doesn't verbally agree, but she doesn't disagree either.

Fabian tells Max he assumes Miami will be a Max and Maria pre-honeymoon. Max is like, "yeah, her, me, my mom, my crazy ex, and a whole crew." Fabian's not worried about it. He thinks Max should just sneak her away. Max finally tells him about Nathy's suicide attempt. Fabian runs right out of the office. There's another idiot.

Os keeps working on his song in his office. We see a picture of a younger Os playing guitar next to him. He remembers the argument with Vic over Fer dating Scuzzball. And calling her a smug, superior bitch. And Linda saying she's going to leave him because he won't make time for her and stands her up. And Gui telling him life is short and he's got a great opportunity for a young, willing love slave. Os thought bubbles, "Victoria…Linda." Idiot.

Part II

Bernarda likes Padilla's place, but she objects to the lack of any religious iconography. Padilla says it didn't come with the décor. Bernarda won't trust him if he doesn't hurry up and put up some statuary. She wants to pray over his place in the meantime. He really doesn't like the idea of either praying, or kneeling. "Prayer is joining with God." Padilla looks really, really uncomfortable. Like he's about to hurl. Or like he's just realized his loan shark is batshit. He looks up like he's looking for God up on the ceiling.

Linda is being nice to Nathy for now, bringing her tea. Fabian starts to ask her what happened, but Linda interrupts him, saying the doctor said not to ask her those questions or it might upset her. So he asks her out that night, but Linda says she can't. Nathy disagrees, puts on some new, smaller, pink glasses and insists she can go out with him. Fabian leaves and Linda jumps right to "You're not going to tell him, right?" Nathy asks, "Do you think I'm capable of betraying you the way you betrayed me?"Burn.

Vic tells Ximena that she pulled rank on Maria D. Ximena whines that it's not enough. As long as she works for Vic, she'll be stuck to Max. Vic says she thought Ximena was smarter than that. "If I fire her, Max will just go after her. I'll fire her when we get back from Miami." Oh, that makes sense. Ximena promises she'll be engaged to Max within a month. Vic says they can't take risks. Ximena needs to stick her hooks in Max no matter what it takes. Ximena feels faint and blames it on all the stress. Heh. It's a demon baby of Gui's isn't it?

Linda leaves her apartment and runs into Napo and Cruz. She mocks them and they give her crap because of Nathy. "Yeah, I feel bad about that." Napo asks if she's ready to quit playing with two men at once. Not that he cares about Os, but they're more worried about Juanjo. Linda says she'll break it off with Juanjo, but Cruz doesn't want Juanjo to suffer. Napo tells her she'd better find a way to not break Juanjo's heart or else. .."Like it or not, you're marrying him." Damn. It's the Naco Mafia!

Part III

Max pulls up at the fire house. He got a call from the comandante, but he doesn't know why. All the guys come running out to give Max a salute and officially thank him for saving Nathy. He gets awarded an honorary firemanship. It comes with a shiny helmet and a fanfare. Juanjo gives him a thumbs up. The guys break out to come slap Max on the back and throw him up in the air. I worry about him smacking someone on the head with his shiny helmet!

The new Amy-Wynn Pastor of the parish is teaching the guys about staining wood. Domingo leads the guys in a cheer for Lorena, including some mimed fireworks.

Osvaldo calls someone and asks for a favor. Vic will be in Miami and he'd like to go to the beach with Linda, so he needs someone to lie for him and say he's off filming…Gui, maybe? Os then calls Linda and invites her to a "honeymoon" on the beach. The maid overhears and gets pissed off, thinking Vic doesn't deserve to be cheated on.

Padilla comes to stink up Victoria's office some more. He reminds her of the night he raped her, so she takes his cigar and tells him to get out. Hello…security! Why are they giving just anyone a badge to get into this building? Padilla retrieves his cigar from the trashcan and gives her the message that if she doesn't leave Padre JP alone and forget about her daughter, she'll pay the price. Well, Vic has every intention of taking her daughter away from Burnie…as soon as she's back from Miami! Way to prioritize, there. Padilla says she'll be thrilled to see Vic and leaves.

Vic goes over to Bernarda's to tell Bernarda that she's ok with Maria M sleeping over at grandma's house because she has a "previous commitment" (point of order…isn't her commitment to her daughter previous to her commitment to do a show in Miami? Just checking) and also because she knows Bernarda has already started the brainwashing. Vic will come pick her up when the trip is over and in the meantime, she'd like Bernarda to not let her stay up too late, make sure she brushes her teeth, and don't let her eat too many sweets. Bernarda is like, F that! She won't want to go home with you 'cause I'm going to let her eat ice cream for breakfast! Vic pulls out the copy of the picture that Eva gave her and says if Bernarda doesn't hand over her daughter (after her very, very important Miami trip), Padre JP will find out what his mommy did to those poor people. Bernarda freaks out very quietly.

At the gym, Ximena is running and starts having trouble. She stops and a trainer comes over to help her sit down. That's the manliest butterfly tattoo I've ever seen. She full on faints and the trainer says to call a doctor.

Linda packs for her honeymoon trip. Nathy comes in to say she's going out with Fabian, but she'll be home early. Really, Nathy, I'd prefer a "don't wait up." Please trip on something and accidentally rip enough of that outfit to make it enticing. Linda brags about going to the beach with Os after spending the night in the love nest. Nathy shows a little spine and yells at her for taking the blame when Linda's just going to do the same crap again. Well, she wrote Juanjo a letter to get him off everyone's back for the weekend and then when she gets back she'll break up with him and then he's all Nathy's. What is her skull made out of? Because I think it would be the perfect material for beanies--nothing gets through.

Ximena's doc comes in and says she's not got anything serious. Just a parasite. It will grow internally for nine months and then she can carry it around outside the body. Yay! Hm. Ximena doesn't look happy. *shrug*

Part IV

Cruz is spending a sleepless night on the couch. He remembers Fer saying she was just toying with him. He thinks she was telling the truth and vows he won't go near her again. He remembers meeting her for the first time and the first time he kissed her. I drool over the Fer/Cruz montage. They really would be cute together if she wasn't such a spoiled rich girl. Damn Fer! He brings you roses and serenatas and he even knows how to cook. Your scuzzy skank boy can't top that. Screw the money! It's not like Scuzzbucket's in your "social class" either.

Ximena goes over to Gui's and tells him she's pregnant. Wow. That was direct. He laughs. "Dude, you know it's yours." Nope. He doesn't. And even if it was, he won't accept the kid and he won't marry her. Time to drug Max's drink and make him believe the baby's his. Better do it quick. (Come on, we all know it's coming.)

In Miami, the gang is welcomed by Joaquin (hello, hottie!), who shows an interest in Maria. Max says there's no time for conversation. They've got to get checked in. Joaquin waves them in the direction of their rooms and looks pensive.

Part V

Some random pimp and ho are in the back of a limo. Oh, wait…that's Os and Linda. And Linda's copious cleavage. Blah, blah, blah. I love Acapulco. We're gonna get busy. Blah, blah, blah. Linda wants to live there, she wants to go to the beach, blah, blah, blah.

Bernarda looks through her photo albums and sees the picture is right where she left it. She hits herself on the head wondering how Vic got a hold of it. She locks her cabinet of infamy again and goes shouting for Eva and Fausto. She demands the truth about who betrayed her by taking a picture and giving it to Victoria. They both swear they don't know what she's talking about. Fausto says if she couldn't trust them there would be more things missing, valuable things…why would they take a picture? What could they get out of that? Eva hesitantly suggests that they're not the only people in the house…not that she thinks that poor Maria could have done it…but that Alacran guy…hm? Fausto says maybe he comes into the house when they're not there. Bernie demands Fausto bring him immediately. Eva smirks behind her back.

Linda parades around on the beach with her ass hanging out of her bathing suit. Just before my DVR cuts off and I contemplate what horrid thing I could say about it that hasn't already been said, Mr. 5ft tops us all by asking why she needs a seawater enema.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak, that's all I've got on this episode. Please tip your waitstaff generously and try the chicken. I'll be back next week with another installment of "Pretty, Pretty People with More Looks Than Sense."

But wait...there's more...the upstairs DVR caught the very end of the show.

Linda answers Os's phone after he runs off on the beach, but she doesn't say anything when she realizes it's Victoria.

Bernarda yells at Fausto for not being able to find Alacran. Bernarda tries to get the info out of Maria M, but she doesn't know. She also doesn't know what business he's in. Bernarda slaps her for "lying" and saying she didn't open the house up to him to let him come in and steal. A screaming Maria M is dragged off by Eva with orders to lock her up. Fausto thought bubbles that Bernarda doesn't give a crap about other people's suffering, but she'll pay for it one day and he'll be the one to make her pay!

Linda tells Vic that Os is very busy at the moment and he won't be able to attend to her or anyone else. Linda goes on to say that she's also very busy, so bye. Vic is in shock. Linda giggles and runs back into the ocean to frolic with Os. They get sand in places I'd rather not think about.

Vic calls Gui, who tells her he doesn't know where Os is. Pedro gives him a shocked look. Yes, Pedro, you can't trust Gui.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak!

Tomorrow: Fer is conflicted; Joaquin makes a play; Max and Maria get sand in uncomfortable places.


This gets us up to the first commercial break.

Thank you! You're the best! There was not a lot last night, really. A lot of it was covered in the discussion thread that was started.

Perhaps the title should be "Triumph of Butt Cheeks." ;-)

From an earlier post and comments:

I see that no one put up a post, so I've decided to do so. I can't remember what happened other than Os and Linda went to Acapulco and made out on the beach; Linda answered Os's phone call from a very annoyed and suspicious Vicky; Fabian visited Nati to cheer her up and she somehow has smaller/cuter glasses now (is this the start of the slow transformation?); Eva and Fausto convince Burnie that Scorpion Face took and copied the photo for Vicky/she slaps Maria M. around (who needs a pimp when you have Grandma Burnie to do his job?); and Fashion House Vicky arrived in Miami, and some dude who works with them is macking on Maria, much to Max's displeasure.

Feel free to comment and add details.
posted by Vivi in DC at 5:34 PM on Mar 4, 2011

Susanita said...
Vivi: Gracias for getting us started!!

How much more of LindaHo's rear end do we have to see?! I'm sure the guys loved it, but enough is enough. Oz looked like a pimp in that white stretch limo (and probably an open target for the narcos in Acapulco!)

Do we really think she is going to give JuanJo his walking papers and tell him she is not going to marry him? I thought it was interesting that Don Napo and Cruz told her that on no uncertain terms she WAS going to marry him. I doubt these men can make LindaHO do anything against her will.

Eva: I think she is taking HUGE chances by providing Victoria with infos against St. Bernard. I was rather surprise that Victoria flashed that foto of the couple that St. Bernard burned in that fire. I was hoping she would use it as a trump card, but Victoria doesn't really think about anything except Victoria and her hija (I almost hate the word now). I hope Eva is careful or else she could end up in St. Bernard's fireplace just like Tomasa.

LindaHO/Nathi: Since when does LindaHO tell Nathi she can't go out with someone?! I'm glad that Nathi stood up to her and said she would go out with Fabian. Agree that the new glasses might be a part of the slow transformation of this girl. It was nice to see that Fabian did not think that Nathi was a nut case (as he very well could have)

Xi/Ji-mena: So..she thinks Gui is so wonderful, but he out and out treated her like dirt when she told him she was pregnant. I wonder how she is going to get Max to 'take the fall' for this one?!

New galan in Miami: Wowsers! Nice looking, but didn't catch his name. This should make things very, very interesting for Maria D.

Gui: I loved how he promised Pimp Daddy Oz that he would cover him and his lie, but the minute Victoria called..."no, I don't know where he is".

Frankly, I hope Victoria finds out soon about Oz and his double life. That ought to bring her back down to reality.

I'm blanking on what else happened on this action filled TN.


Fri Mar 04, 06:31:00 PM EST
5ft Latina said...
I'm working on it, guys. I'm really sorry for being late, but I'm at rehearsals until 10pm every night and I actually had to work today. I haven't even seen the shows for this week yet.

Fri Mar 04, 06:46:00 PM EST

Vivi in DC said...
No worries Kat. If you want to just e-mail to me when you're done (click my name), I'll just pop it into this space later.

Fri Mar 04, 06:48:00 PM EST
Blusamurai said...
Vivi thanks for putting up the discussion page.

Susanita you pretty much covered all that happened last night.

OMG i am so with you and lack of sense Victoria has and i'm about to go up the wall with her crying mi hija and her heaving and sniveling altogether.

Eva you're right she better be careful but i don't believe Fausto will allow anything to happen to his aunt but then again if he's not around mad dog Burnie might strike.

What exactly did Jimena expect from Gui who always told her he doesn't want to be tied down to one woman only.

The guy at the hotel was cute whatever his name was?

What got me is how Maria D. sat in bi-polar Victoria's office and allowed her to verbally abuse her again and tell under no uncertain terms she wasn't allowed to do anything with out her permission when they go to Miami. Where was the Maria D. who wouldn't have taken this nonsense and told her where to shove her job at?

I can't wait for the dictator to find out her husband is cheating on her.She needs to be knocked off her high horse.

Bravo to LindaHo' for answering the phone and hanging up on her.

Now for my rant to the censors if you're going to delete our love scenes which really aren't that graphic or showing a lot of sex. We don't need to be subjected to a naked behind for about 3-4 minutes with a string up the crack of her backside. I couldn't believe there wasn't any blurry picture or nothing to distort this image at all. Just goes to show that the censors are full of it and don't come across as objective but more like selective.

Fri Mar 04, 06:57:00 PM EST
5ft Latina said...
I just put up a new post with what I've got so far.

Fri Mar 04, 07:01:00 PM EST
Sara said...
LindaHo's butt was a nightmare. I remember an episode very early on when they did indeed blur her butt (she was flouncing around in the apartment she shares with Mari and Nati.) Why did they decide it was ok to show it now?

I was honestly worried for Eva last night.

I couldn't believe they actually got to Miami.

I *loved* Fabian's reaction to hearing the news about Nati. He just flew out of the office and ran straight to her. I ditto Susanita's comments IRT LindaHo telling Nati she couldn't go out. I hope LindaHo ends up totally alone and penniless.

Fri Mar 04, 07:04:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Thanks, Vivi and Susanita. It was difficult see what happened last night. First, I fell onto the floor laughing at Oz' gangsta hat. Then, my retinas were burned by the light reflecting off LindaHo's mostly bare bottom. I think I spent the rest of the hour huddled in the chair, sobbing softly and checking Idol for eliminations. I did catch a glimpse at Nati's new glasses. Did her old ones break in the roof rescue?
La Paloma

Fri Mar 04, 07:08:00 PM EST

Sara said...
La Paloma---LMAO!!!! We reached new lows of TN idiocy last night.

Fri Mar 04, 07:09:00 PM EST

The previous posts were the comments from the temporary post. Hope it's easy to follow.

Great start Kat! Can't wait to read the rest.

What the hell? Is it in her contract that a certain number of minutes of her naked ass must be shown?

Blusam: I KNOW!!! Victoria has just about reached her limit. Someone or something has GOT to bring this woman down a notch.

Sara: ITA with you re LindaHo and her bare butt. Honestly, I think the cameras were homing in on the butt crack the ENTIRE time! Yet, they censored a beautiful love scene with JM and Valentina?! PUH-LEEZE!!

Kat...not to worry. We know you are burning the candles at both ends. We do greatly appreciate your re-cap and glad that my little comments helped a tad.

I wanted to reach right into that telly and slap that HO so hard that she would not have known what hit her!

Blusam: I can't wait to see what kind of 'action' we get with the new galan.

ITA re Maria Desinformada (again!) just standing there and taking it from Victoria! Just who does Victoria think she is?!

Let's pray that Tia Eva doesn't get three whacks as I don't think Mr. Faustus can handle this alone.

Gracias, Kat!Gracias Vivi!


Tks so much for the great recap, I was having withdrawals.

This is for Levy lovers, especially Cielo,22491,1926199,00.html

Wow. Ok. Nothing critical in those last few minutes, so let's cram as much naked ass in there as possible. I'm going to go claw my eyes out now!

Susanita i believe what Os called Victoria was what i have been thinking when she acts like that with Maria D. and her own family and best friend who she pimped slapped the other day. A smug and superior bitch really i get the urge to reach in my TV and lay a serious pimp slap on her mug myself unfortunately my TV doesn't cooperate with me.

Yes that camera was honing in on LindaHo's butt crack like a homing pigeon for Thursday episode. Someone get me the address for these darn censors they deserve to be pimp slap also.

Kat - Thank you for the snarky funny recap/recrap. Sounds like I don't dare watch the Linda B-C scenes without Clorox, to disinfect & scrub my eyes. Eeeew! Should I just Delete without looking???

I like "Triumfo de Butt Crack" LOL

La Paloma - I am ROFOL, too, at your post.

Qué The hell? Is it a two hour episode tonight?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Yea i was surprised too Sara because it was saying the Guadalupe show was supposed to be showing at 10pm. Perhaps someone forgot and gave us two hours of TDA instead. well now we know how old drugged up looking skank will pin her pregnancy on Max. Geesh the boy still can't tell the difference yet when he's kissing Maria D. and Jimena? His skin should be crawling every time she puckers up to him.

I'm glad I'm in the habit of recording both TdA and the show after it. I've gotten burned by Loonyvision's scheduling too many times.

I was having STuD flashbacks. Jimena knew there wasn't enough dark or drunk in the world to completely pull it off, so she made sure to blindfold him.

Muchas gracias, Kat. A superb recap in the face of your challenging schedule. Loved the seawater enema and sand in uncomfortable places. I hope LindaHo got enough sand to give her serious chafing and discomfort.
The only people I have sympathy for are those with unrequited love: Cruz, Nathy, Toni, Oscar. The beanie is no longer sufficient. Perhaps a full body bag or TN Snuggie is in order.
La Paloma
My verification word is merdple. Is that a pile of merde/mierda?

La Paloma i would say a big pile of mierda for Mehjia is shoving to us so far in this novela.

Sara LOL ita not enough drunk in the world but the skank probably succeeds blech!

As much as i watch her scenes and it's hard to see anything that remotely resembles a top model i keep wondering why she's barely a step above Nati in what she wears? Still scratching my head on this who is dressing this woman?

Oh boy looks like we have to put up with the smug SB on Monday and the look she gave Maria D. and Max after he won his rowing contest. It's like she's miserable with her life and she wants him to join her in her misery.I seriously have to question why Max continues to give support to her at all.

Blusam: We are BOTH in the same boat! Our tellys won't cooperate! At this point, I think Maria D should be asking herself: "self, do I really want this Victoria chick to be my mother?!"


I just posted my recap of the latest Mujeres Asesinas, featuring William Levy. If you want to see him be a bad guy, the full episodes are available to watch at

Or you can avoid it all and leave his image untarnished in your mind, whatever floats your boat :D

And thanks, y'all. If there were three ends to the candle, I'd be burning them all! Ah, the sacrifices we make for our art :D

Doh! Should have said "Whatever floats your kayak." I can't believe I let an opportunity for a kayak joke pass!

Loved ythe remarks about Linda-Ho's big butt....LMAO!!!!

When she got on that speed thing-a-magic(sp) her a$$ looked like a big fat pumpkin to me....ugh!!!

And that Jimena...between those curls and scarves wrapped around her neck, all you could see was her face. Is she supposed to be model material???


Thanks for making time for this great recap!

has anyone else noticed that Ximena's extensions are a different color from the top part of her hair?

Anon from Saturday: Yes...I noticed those extensions that don't match. I think they look horrid.

Ann: I think we are all still baffled as to why Xi/Ji-mena is/was a 'top' model. Desinformada, who's only been at this business a short while, can certainly do the catwalk business a whole lot better!

La Paloma: Triumfo de Butt-Crack! YES! With out being a spoiler, I think this TN is definitely headed in that direction. Oz the Pimp and LindaHo and her Butt-Crack have come to define this TN. Thank you, MEH-jia!

Kat: I re-read your recap...I am STILL laughing. You are absolutely hilarious...and tell Mr. 5Ft that all of us are also wondering why the HO needed a seawater enema...that was super bueno!!


Your recaps make watching this crazy show all worth it!

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