Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Triunfo del Amor #100 4/27/11 A Triumph of Screeching Harpies
Buckle up, folks! This is a pretty action packed episode. Practically everything was important. Very little FF>>
We return to the drama at Casa Victoria. Ximena la Loca has won custody of Osvaldito because Max el Estúpido barely put up a fight at the courthouse (hello? Drugs, alcohol suicide attempts etc?)
The officers of the court say their lines and Ximena goes to get the baby from Vic. Xi coos “chiquito” but it just makes me sick. Vic balks. Rox gets all “give her her baby, eh?” (Check out Oscar…very intense…reminds me of when Snoopy would pretend to be a vulture.)
Crap. I don’t know if I can get through this recap. Vic hands over Osvaldito and Xi starts saying Oh I missed you my love…no one and nothing will separate us. (Words cannot describe how much I despise this woman. Ivana looks like sweet Donna Reed compared to the Xi-la monster.)
Vic begs Xi not to take the baby. She says to Rox “you know Xi is lying.” Rox denies that. Vic says they will take the baby over her dead body. The officer of the court asks her not to provoke anymore problems. Fer even begs.
Xi and Rox leave with the baby and Padilla (really, I’m still wondering why he’s there…) tells them they are paying for all the harm they caused him.
PJP and Os are talkin’ and walkin’ PJP is telling Os this is hard on everyone. Os can’t understand how Vic could keep such a sensitive secret from him. PJP calls out Os and says he’s been keeping a very sensitive secret as well and that Os has no right to condemn Victoria for a mistake she committed years ago and for which she pagó creces (paid dearly.)
Os asks PJP if he knows who Vic’s daughter is. PJP answers yes. Os begs PJP to answer him. Os says as he priest he can’t lie. PJP explains that it’s true that he can’t lie, but that circumstances dictate he remain quiet. Os still doesn’t understand. What circumstances? PJP has to remain quiet while Vic is suffering? Os says it’s not very Christian. PJP hates that Vic and her daughter are suffering, and they deserve to know the truth, but the secret was revealed in confession and he’s obligated to remain quiet (if you are keeping up with the Spanish, you know I was a little fast and loose with the translation. I couldn’t think of any other way of putting what was actually said in Spanish.) Os is confuntado (confundido+impactado.) A confession? Wha? Who? PJP says “my mother.” (what gives, padre? you can tell practically everything BUT who Maria is?) Os says “your mother?, but why” PJP says it’s because Burnie never forgave Vic for having PJP’s child, but viewerville knows the real reason: because Burnie is her own brand of BSC and while it doesn’t have the same hysterical edge as Xi’s brand of BSC, it packs the same punch. Os suddenly understands all of Burnie’s hatred of Vic.
At Burnie’s Xi is handing the baby over to Dona Dementa and it looks way too much like placing a sacrificial lamb on the altar for my tastes. Burnie says she will take over the education of the child. Rox says “you and us, right?” Burnie disagrees. Roxana doesn’t know how to be a good mother. If she did, Xi wouldn’t be in the trouble she’s in. Ximena doesn’t need to worry. Burnie won’t take her child away, but the child is chosen to be Xi’s salvation. Osvaldito will become a priest. (Great facial expressions from Rox.)
In the vecindad, Maria is trying to explain to Lonso that he can’t make decisions for her and the baby. Lonso claims that wasn’t his intention, then he backtracks and says it sort of was. He says that ever since he met her, he just wanted to care for her. He begs for another chance. He loves her. María says she can only love once and she loves Max her heart is his. Say what you will about Lonso, he speaks truth when he says Max’s heart isn’t hers. Max has given her a million promises but he still isn’t free to love her. Maria says but he’s going to be! Their love finally has its moment to triumph (again sweetie, you’ve got about 45 more episodes.)
Max is at Burnie’s trying to get Osvaldito. Burnie tells him to leave. Max says not without the baby. Burnie says she’ll call the police if he insists on getting the baby. I miss a bit (I miss a lot don’t I? lol), but Max tells Burnie that with her hating him so much, there is no way his kid is going to live with her. Then Burnie says something about her son (PJP) and Max’s son. She doesn’t get the comparison and Max says you know exactly what I’m talking about: blood. You are the grandmother of Maria Desamparada.
Maria is still trying to get rid of Lonso. He thinks he can conquer her and he’s going to do everything to win her from Max. Maria continues to explain she will be with Max. Lonso asks to just be near her and her baby. Such.a.creeper. Maria turns away, but Lonso hugs her and continues to beg. This is of course when Vic walks in…that is, at the worst possible moment.
At Burnie’s Max is making threats. If she won’t let him see his son, he thinks now is the time to tell Maria the truth: Burnie is Maria’s grandmother. He leaves. Burnie gnashes her teeth (very biblical.)
Oh boy. Back to Vic and her vitriol. She wants to know what Maria is doing with Lonso. Doesn’t she love Max. Vic just goes off. You just used Max to get pregnant and trap him. Maria tells her to watch her words (midas sus palabras lit: measure your words.) Wow, Vic is the energizer bunny of BS. She just keeps going and going. Maria tells her not to talk to her that way—She loves Max. Vic says Maria’s little friend took her husband away and now Maria wants to take her son. Maria is a social climber (arribista.) Lonso defends Maria and explains that the two of them just have a great friendship. What Vic saw was not what she thinks. Vic tells him not to defend Maria; she knows exactly what class of woman she is. PJP comes in and asks what’s going on? Vic says she saw Maria kissing Lonso and that Maria is trying to exact revenge on Vic. Maria was unfaithful to Max. PJP asks Vic not to say things she will really regret. Vic says she’s calls it like she sees it and this women is an opportunist. She’s just like Linda. No principles and no morals.
Maria gets mad. She tells Vic that she doesn’t want her hatred around her child. Vic will never see the baby. Vic says Maria is just like Ximena, who also won’t let the Sandoval’s see her baby. PJP asks what’s up and Vic quickly explains. Lonso is worried harm my come to the baby; Maria worries about how poor Max will suffer. Vic says they are all suffering and it’s all Maria’s fault. She’s just like Ximena. Vic will never let Maria take her grandchild from her. It’s HER GRANDSON. Vic is ticked that JP-ito is Maria’s child (maldijo que sea TU hijo…cursed/dammit that he’s YOUR son.)
Xi with the baby. Well, be-yotch. You got your way…¿y ahora qué? Xi’s thoughts exactly. She’s yelling at the baby “What do I do with you?” Baby starts to cry. Ximena yells at him “Don’t cry.” She picks him up roughly.
PJP is begging Vic to send the frogs upstairs (STFU) and ask Maria to forgive her. Vic refuses. Maria tells Vic to get out of her house. Vic says not without her grandson. Maria says JP-ito isn’t Vic’s grandson ‘cause Max isn’t even Vic’s son. Vic says JPito has awakened a tenderness that Osvaldito hasn’t. PJP asks have you asked yourself why? Vic says no and she doesn’t care why (what a friggin’ idiot.) Ximena accused Max of torturing her and took the baby and now Maria is taking the other baby. And the worst is that PJP’s mother is behind it all. PJP wants to know what Vic is talking about. Vic tells him that Burnie is supporting Xi.
Speaking of Burnie. She’s having a minor anxiety attack. She can’t let Max tell the truth. She smooths her brow for comfort.
Cripes. Fer and Fab. I couldn’t take it last night and I can’t take it tonight, either. FF>>
Cruz is gardening and waiting for Fer to return home.
Xi has taken Osvaldito to Gui’s house. Baby is crying so about all I catch is that Gui is the dad and should take some responsibility.
Ok, the scene at Maria’s is getting comical. Vic has just said Burnie wants to destroy her and Maria is wondering por qué the hell Burnie hates Vic so much. What does little Osvaldito have to do with anything. Enter Max…he will tell her. Enter Burnie “you won’t say a word!” PJP wants to know if it’s true that Burnie is helping Ximena take the baby from Max. It’s true says Max. And she’s trying to keep me from JP-ito(?) Maria wants to know what’s going on. Max thinks that now that they are all together it’s a perfect time for the truth…and eternity of impactado close-ups. Burnie says not to even dare to say anything. He doesn’t know what she’s capable of. PJP asks Lonso to leave. Max comments that he doesn’t understand why Lonso keeps hanging around. Vic says she knows why. She just saw him and Maria kissing. Another eternity of Max and Maria close ups. Dammit, Vic! Just shut up!
At Gui’s house. Gui is not going to take care of that baby. What did Ximena think? That they were going to be some happy family? She doesn’t have a shred of a maternal instinct. Xi just wants Gui to take some responsibility. She’s tired of taking care of the baby. She wants her life. Gui isn’t going for the happy family bit and dismisses Ximena. Baby continues to cry.
Back to Max. He wants to know what Vic is talking about. Vic says she saw Maria kissing that photographer. Maria insists Vic misunderstood. Vic says no. Maria is just like Linda, going after men she can’t have. Burnie thinks this is funny considering what a sinner Vic is and Burnie has punished her for it. PJP tells Burnie to shut up. Burnies says no. PJP is the one who needs to shut it. She goes off about his leaving the priesthood and he tells her not to judge him for something he didn’t do. Burnie asks if he’s trying to kill her (the mother’s eternal lament.) Well, she says, go ahead. Kill her. She’s tired. Tell everything, but he’ll never see her again. She leaves…
…and they cut to Casa Victoria. (Damn, are Vic and Maria never gonna learn the truth?) Toni is crying. It’s not fair, just when things were going ok. She’s tired…kind of a FF>> scene except Oscar and Toni share a tender moment…and he kisses her!!!!
The aftermath of Burnie’s fit: Max doesn’t understand what’s going on. Vic wants to know how far Burnie is going to go. She doesn’t want to hear PJP defend his mother. She wants to know how she’s supposed to have faith when one of God’s own is keeping quiet and letting her suffer. She’s supposed to turn to God, but PJP who is supposedly closer to God is just hiding his mother’s evil. PJP tells her to be quiet. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She says with he’s silence she’s condemned to suffer. He told her that the truth would come out (like the spray on the waves…how very poetic), but she doesn’t believe him. She’s not going to insist anymore, but she hopes that when he sees the image of the Virgen, the image of Christ, that he also see her pain and suffering and that he is moved to tell the truth and leave all his mother’s evil behind. She leaves. PJP leaves. Maria and Max look at each other.
PJP asks Vic to wait. He still can’t say anything. Vic says his mother continues to attack her and he says nothing. PJP says he knows she has no reason to believe him but he wants her to trust him. He promises that today everything will be revealed (I bet “today” means about 5-8 episodes in TN time.) He says she’s not the only one suffering. He’s going to talk to the bishop today.
At Burnie’s Eva informs Dona Dementa that Ximena isn’t home. She left the house and hasn’t been around all day. Burnie asks if she’s sure. Eva is completely sure (I do like her makeover.) Burnie wants to know where the little ingrate could be. She tells Eva not to return until she finds her. The doorbell rings. It’s Os. He’s come to pay a little call. He knows PJP is the father of Vic’s baby, not Padilla like Burnie tried to make him believe.
Max asks Maria if what his mother said was true. Maria says Vic misunderstood. They argue about Lonso. Big argument. Maria says, yes, Lonso confessed he loved her. Max is suspicious. Maria can’t believe he would think such a thing. He reminds her that she didn’t tell him she was pregnant and disappeared and went off with Lonso for months. Maria says she did that for Max, so he wouldn’t have any more trouble. Er…Max goes a little Ricky Ricardo and I miss a bit. Maria interrupts and says Lonso doesn’t interest her. She gets fed up and tells him to leave. He questioned her love, her fidelity, her devotion. Out. (FYI: during this entire episode, the baby that has supposedly been asleep in the other room has not made a sound…despite all the family turmoil.)
Max is outside asking PJP how much longer does Viewerville have to wait for the truth to come out? He gives Max the opispo spiel like he give Vic. They discuss Lonso. PJP wants to know how Max can doubt Maria. She loves him more than anything. He quotes 1 Corinthians 13:4. Didn’t catch much after that except if the bishop allows it, Maria will know PJP is her dad.
Burnie snatches PJP’s picture away from Os. Burie wants to know who told him such dreck. Os isn’t going to fall for her crap. Os says he’s only here to see his grandson, little Osvaldo. He says something about letting an innocent girl fall just so she could defend her son who is a priest.
Burnie says go ahead and talk. You’ll pay with your life. Os is not afraid of her threats. If she keeps up with her baloney and support of Ximena in taking away Osvaldito, he’ll go public with the news that her son the priest had a child and that PJP’s own mother is the devil incarnate.
Split screen: Max outside/Maria inside. Max says they have to talk. Blah blah and musical inside/outside montage.
Burnie is giving PJP a hard time for ignoring his sacred duties. He says he did no such thing. She says he blabbed to Max about Maria being his daughter and she pulls the confession card. PJP says Burnie forbade him from telling Vic that Maria was her daughter. Burnie is punishing her and the only thing she did wrong was give her pureza (purity) to him. Burnie tells him to watch it and remember who she is. She brought him in this world she can take him out. He says she had him so she could give his life to God so he could save her from all her sins. She asks what he’s accusing her of. He says someone else came to see him in confession. Burnie asks who and what did they say.
Alacrán is rallying the crowd against the burned one (like he can talk.) He's bad luck. He says nothing good can come of this burned guy. Fausto wants to be left alone. Alacrán goes on to say that in his pueblo burned people attract fires. He thinks they should get rid of Fausto. Seriously, is anyone else remembering Disney's Beauty and the Beast? (Gaston "Let's kill the beast!) The crowd starts pulling at Fausto. Max comes to his defense. Alacrán tells Max not to meddle. Max tells them he is an innocent man and that messing with him is an act of cowardice. He tells them if they mess with Fausto, they mess with him.
Ah, Ximena alone...taking pills. Quelle surprise. She's whining and scratching at her self. No one gives a hoot about her. wah wah wah. This is the world's smallest violin playing "my heart bleeds for you."
Rox comes in and wants to know what is going on. She tells Xi now is not the time for one of her crazies. Look at everything they've lost. Xi says that's all that matters to you: what we've lost. Xi tells her to leave her alone.
Rox tells Xi she is being selfish. Just thinking of herself, but what about her mother? (sheesh)
Xi says she hates Rox. Detests her! Rox never cared for her. She throws her out and pinches herself in a weird and creepy way.
Max continues to protect Fausto and the crowd turns against Alacrán. Max scares him off.
Fausto thanks Max and Max finds out that Bernarda sent Fausto to protect Maria.
PJP tells Burnie he's going to see the bishop and she asks if he's going to leave the priesthood again (I vote yes, please....better costuming.)
Sweet William Levy in a kayak! My daughter who lives in Tuscaloosa txted about the time this ended. I was happy indeed!
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