Friday, May 20, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #118-119 5/19/11 A triumph of the elder statesmen of Televisa.

The barrio gets organized to look for baby JP. Everyone takes off with flyers to post. Actually it's a very nice baby headshot they've all got copies of. Maybe while they're at it they can find him an agent.

Padilla wants a raise. Bernarda isn't happy about it, but she agrees. If he screws up even once…he promises not to. Once he leaves, she talks to herself about needing to get rid of him.

Padre G is going to say all his masses today with the intention of Maria D getting her baby back. He tells PJP to buck up. PJP asks God for mercy and for MD to find her baby quick. And to not let MD suffer any more. "She's already had a crappy life, God…maybe she could catch a break, huh?" Bernarda overhears and gets pissed off.

Max vows never to abandon Vic.

Burnie is pissed that he was talking like that with the door open. She tells PJP that Os vowed to publicly tell PJP's terrible secret. PJP wants Burnie to vow that she didn't kidnap the baby. She won't. She also won't tell whether she killed Octavio or why she's afraid of fire. When he says he's going to accept his parental responsibilities, she smacks him one. She screams at him about how he's leaving God's path and she's glad MD is suffering so she can wash herself of sins. PJP thought bubbles, wondering if Burnie did steal the baby. Has he not seen this show before?

Fer shows up at the barrio. She and Maria cry together. She insists on going with Cruz to help him post pictures.

Os goes to Televisa. Whatever dumbass he's talking to doesn't suggest putting Os on the air. He has to ask. At least the guy says yes right away. Even if he's not doing it altruistically, what took him so long to figure this for great publicity?

Leonela and Gui are also at Televisa. Gui's trying to get Leonela to get back together with him. They struggle and as she gets away from him, she ends up in the path of an SUV. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

Oh, damn, she's ok. The car drives off. Sorry, it was just a car. She demands Gui get away from her. He convinces her to get into a taxi with him.

MD cries to PJP and Alonso. Max walks up and she lets his jacket have a turn at getting soaked.

Bernarda visits Mama Lulu. The baby's been behaving, just like Burnie when she was young. That doesn't bode well. Mama Lulu talks about how nice and sweet Burnie was as a baby. She asks about Tomasa and Burnie says Tomasa stole from her and ran off.

Max has hired some PI's but no one has any info yet. PJP begs MD to keep the faith. F faith. How about turning in your psycho mom to the cops instead? MD insists on going out to look for the baby.

Burnie keeps up the pretense that BJP's mom is a big 'ol sinner. She gives Mama Lulu some money. Mama Lulu gives BJP to his crazy grandma while she fixes his lunch. "Your mother is a sinner, but I'm going to take care of you."

The hosts of whatever show is being taped are all thrilled to see Os, but they put on their serious faces real quick when he says his grandchild had been kidnapped. The female host gets to comfort Hot Grandpa for a second.

Crazy Grandma is doing her crazy quasi-religious babbling about how this new JP will be perfect like the other one hasn't turned out to be.

Oscar passes the news of the kidnapping on to Pip and Toni.

Fabian helps Fer start spreading the news of the kidnapping online, on el Tweeter.

Max passes out headshots in the park. A woman points out a baby, which will probably turn out to be the wrong one. Max, Maria, and Alonso all run after the taxi.

MD ends up crying in the street while Alonso takes pictures. He'd better be getting the plate and not pictures of MD crying.

Leonela doesn't want to be controlled, damnit! Gui wants her to quit drinking and realize that her life has been crappy since she broke up with him. Leonela suggests that if she digs deep enough she'll find out he's not so innocent…maybe he's even killed someone! Gui remembers la pobre de Ofelia.

Alacran gripes about how everyone's all fussed over the baby. Fasuto thinks Alacran knows who took the baby…or maybe did it himself. Fausto insists that he'll get the truth out of Alacran, the easy way or the switchblade way.

Leonela thinks she's got Gui's number. He goes back to talking shop. He wants to put Leonela on stage at his new theater. In Othello. She likes the idea and agrees…on one condition. Osvaldo plays Iago. "Leonela Montenegro at the side of her two great lovers." Why does Gui look like he's going for it?

The dudes aren't fighting. Alonso commiserates about losing a kid and how it feels like your soul's ripped out of you, your heart's in pieces, and you know your life will go on without having any meaning. Max is like, dude, totally. Alonso is like, I dig your chick cause she had the baby. Not like your crazy ass wife who aborted my baby. Max is like, dude, that sucks.

Xi tells Rox she couldn't resist making MD suffer. Rox wants her to chill out and let everyone else live in peace already. No, Xi's not ready to let go of that bone. "Her child has to die, like mine did." Rox insists the baby is still alive. Xi insists that Rox is only saying it to fake her out. Rox drags her to go see the baby and prove he's still alive.

Alonso's like, dude, she's a bad, bad woman. Max is like, yeah, man, crazy bitch hates me. Max's cell phone rings and he braces himself. Gui tells him that Leonela had "a little accident." She got hit by a car, but she's fine. Gui's just calling because Leo asked him to. Max leaves.

Rox tries to show Xi the baby, but Xi is fixated on having heard the train. Rox finally convinces her the baby is alive. Xi now things it must have been a nightmare. No, those pants are the nightmare, Xi.

Max comes in and Leonela plays up her nonexistent injuries. She weeps pitifully. Max is pissed that Gui didn't take her to the hospital. He says he's taking Leo home with him, but Gui insists he can't.

Maria cries to Alonso. She's sure her Spideymama sense must have been tingling and she ignored it. Alonso tells her to have faith--his baby's dead and hers isn't.

Gui tells Max he loves Leo and he's the only one who knows how to take care of her. Max says he's just a coward and he's glad Gui's not really his father. And he says Gui isn't Baby Os's dad either. Cause he doesn't have the balls to be a dad. Max is the one who stayed up with him, etc., etc. Max carries his drunk-ass mom out of Gui's place.

Mama Lulu's grandkids come running in scared because a strange man with a scarred face wanted to talk to them. She goes to put BJP down for a nap while the grandkids go wash their hands, thus missing Os's plea on the TV show they weren't going to watch anyway.

Max rented a suite for Leonela to live in. She whines about being rejected by everyone, including her own son. Max says his son is more important right now. He tells her BJP has disappeared and he'll be back when they've found him. He leaves her in the suite. She cackles with laughter that she finally got what she wanted--Max will set her up like a queen and she won't have to answer to anyone.

Max asks the hotel manager to keep an eye on his mom and keep her from drinking. Dude, this ain't rehab, it's a hotel! The manager promises. Dumb. Ass.

Vic tells Toni that she told Max the truth and they had a good cry over it. She's having flashbacks to losing Maria. And it makes her understand Maria. She kept asking the Virgen for a miracle (like Maria D is asking now), she kept blaming herself for being with a man she shouldn't have (like Maria D is doing right now), etc. Vic cries over not being able to remember who Bernarda told her her child is. Gotta start bugging those hospital rooms, people.

PJP hears Maria D crying for her baby. He's moved and wishes he had the answer to "Why?" He would give anything to keep her from suffering. He won't give her the frickin' truth…but, hey, anything else. He asks God not to let them down and help them keep their faith, which they need more than ever. More, apparently than they need the truth.

Vic is allowed to go home until they get some more test results back. She can stay there in between treatments. He advises her to rest, stay calm, etc. Don't send her home, then.

Maria and PJP find Fausto outside crying. He blames himself and says it was his fault the baby got taken. He left the baby alone, and he shouldn't have. He failed to protect MD and the baby. He knows Burnie well and she's a bad, bad woman. He's sure she had something to do with stealing the baby. He screams that Burnie is a murderer and PJP knows it. MD assumes it must not be true, and PJP lets her think Fausto was just upset.

Vic is happy to be back home. The house has been decorated, including rose petals up the stairs. Os gives her flowers. Vic asks what's going on with the kids. She's surprised, but happy, to hear that Fer is helping with the search for BJP.

PJP asks Burnie if she has the baby. She's pissed he would even think that. Every time something bad happens, everyone blames her! Well, that's cause it usually is you, you crazy bat! "If Maria D had handed over the baby like I asked her to, this wouldn't have happened. It must be a punishment from God!" PJP gives her the update that God's not all Old Testament fire and brimstone anymore. He's more of a hippie tree-hugger, who's all about peace and luuuuuuurve. Burnie's not diggin' it.

Max runs into Xi and asks her where the baby is. She denies knowing. "Where did you get the stupid idea that I know where the baby is?" Um, cause you told MD you did. Xi blames it on being crazy. She shows him all the drugs she's taking to keep calm and blames him for being crazy in the first place. "See, see how you upset me!"

Os and Vic go to see MD. She invites them in. Os, ever the gentleman, pulls chairs out for both the ladies. Vic says she's worried about her grandchild. MD is grateful for her being there, but there's no news. MD cries and Vic comforts her. MD misses her mommy. Vic understands. She knows what it's like to lose a child and the hope of finding her daughter is what kept her going. Os promises her they're doing everything they can. As MD cries "Why?!" Burnie obliges her with an answer. "Because you deserve it." Why am I still shocked at some of the petty, spiteful, tacky-ass shit that comes out of her mouth?

Leonela orders a bottle of whiskey from room service. The concierge tells her she's basically a prisoner there and she's now going to detox without any medical supervision, on Max's orders.

Burnie says it's all MD's fault. She says PJP told her to go console MD, but she can see MD is being consoled by a sinner. Os marvels at her being the mother of a priest. Vic accuses her of serving the devil. Burnie taunts her. Vic comforts MD, calling her "hija" which sets Burnie into another fit of mocking. She says that Maria isn't Vic's daughter. Os attacks Burnie with the accusation that she's being such a bitch because no one ever loved her. He says he feels sorry for her for being so alone and so far from God. He grabs her by the arm and escorts her out. Once she's gone Os, Vic, and MD hug.

Leo calls Gui to beg him for a favor. "I don't do favors; I make deals." She wants alcohol. Gui says he'll bring her a drink if she gets back together with him. He grins at her insistence that she'll do anything, but she needs a drink ASAP!

Padilla and Alacran commiserate about being sick of Burnie. A ho hits on Padilla…I assume, because I can't imagine someone sleeping with him voluntarily. Padilla and Alacran plan to rob Burnie's safe.

Gui brings Leo a bottle. He had to bribe someone to let him in. The guy even asked for an autograph. Gui starts lobbying to spearhead Leo's triumphant return. Leo agrees, if he'll stop ordering her around. Gui says he's got to go and after they suck face for a minute, he pries himself away and leaves.

Os and Vic tell MD she's got all their support. More MD and Vic hugs.

Fabian wants Fer to go to the clinic, but she's over it. Fab says today will be a very important day for her therapy, but he doesn't know why. Fer agrees, on the condition that they get right back to the search as soon as they're done.

Vic is keeping an eye on baby Os. He's in a camo hoodie. Seems like a bad idea. One kid's already missing and you're encouraging the other one to blend in with his surroundings?

Alonso shows MD and PJP his surprise. It's a picture of BJP and Mama Lulu blown up billboard size, with contact info.

Fer and Fabian in the pool. Fer either felt something or moved. She gets excited.

The doc at the clinic says Fer is a good candidate for another operation. She's not sure she wants it. She's more confident than she used to be. They try to convince Fer to meet with the surgeon.

Nathy and JJ look for the baby. JJ takes the opportunity to give Nathy a little soccer ball…that's actually a ring box with a ring inside. Ugh, ugh, ugh! She accepts, the twit! Ewww…they're sucking face!

Fer meets with the surgeon…yay! It's Cesar Evora! Dr. Cesar wants to know what Fer wants to do with her life. Fer says she's not sure she wants an operation.

Pipino tells Oscar that he's worried about the Sandovals. He's afraid when he thinks of them getting out of one scrape and into another. He thinks that witch Bernarda has something to do with it. Luciano Ferreti comes in, further upsetting Pip.

Dr. Cesar asks if she doesn't want to walk and run and dance again. Fer admits she would, but she's afraid of having her hopes dashed again. He tells her life is a challenge and we have to meet it with courage. He says he'd like to tell her up front if she'll be able to walk again, but he can't. He can assure her that she's got a good chance of the surgery being successful. Pues, si lo dice Dr. Cesar.

Vic is feeling bad. This situation is bringing up so many memories. She wants to light a candle.

Burnie doesn't want to look at designs. She needs a cold head to make decisions. She's tormented by her son being distracted from his priestly duties.

Vic prays to St. Joe and the Virgen.

Eva suggests leaving MD alone, but Burnie insists it's her job to punish sinners. Neither MD nor Vic deserve to find their children. Eva can't figure out what draws PJP to MD. Burnie says he considers it his mission to get her away from the sinful life. Well, then, isn't Burnie afraid of driving PJP away by getting between him and his alleged mission? "I can't figure out why a saint like you, who had a child by the man she loved, would insist on being close to those sinful women. Or is it possible that Padre Juan Pablo is also the son of a forbidden man?" SLAP! Ooh, that Burnie…props to Daniela Romo, no matter how much this show sucks, she just keeps bringin' it with the crazy!

Alacran and Padilla plot to do away with the old bat. Fausto asks what they're planning. Padilla worries that he heard them and says they should get out of there before Fausto tells PJP.

Burnie is pissed that Eva would suggest she's a sinner. "I'm a decent woman who deserves your respect!" "Then get away from that girl." Burnie says she will, now that she knows that BJP will be raised in a moral environment and she will teach him how to be good and virtuous…not that she knows where he is, but she'll find him. Eva says Burnie seems very sure. "Because God will guide me to him!" Burnie sends Eva to find Padilla.

MD, PJP, and Alonso come back to the apartment. MD tells PJP about the visit from Vic. "What if the same thing happened with you as with little JP?" Alonso doesn't get it. MD fills Alonso in about how her evil grandma kept PJP from telling her the truth about her mom. She doesn't want to see her evil grandma ever again.

Padilla tells Alacran to be careful with the "pollo rostizado" (roasted chicken) because he's sure Fausto already went to go rat them out to PJP. Alacran notices the billboard. Padilla doesn't think Burnie will be pleased. He calls her. She's shocked to hear that it's BJP on a billboard with some woman.

Sweet, sweet William Levy in a kayak. How we've missed you.

Tomorrow: more wacky shit goes down; Burnie messes with people's emotions; there's an attempt on PJP's life. Or so we're led to believe.


Why is this show still on the air? And why for two whole hours? Why? Why? Why?

Nope, Daniela Romo did not just walk into my house and announce that it's because I deserve it for being a sinner. More's the pity.

Well, I'm back in rehearsals, this time for a Lunchtime Theater show at the Herberger...details on my blog. And I've been on several auditions, and tomorrow I have a gig in the afternoon that I'll tell you more about when I actually know more. It never rains, but it pours!

Thanks for the recap, 5ft! So thorough - thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Good luck with the auditions! (Would you work in Gui's new theatre? Or only if Osvaldo was your co-star?) =)

I had a similar thought with the woman hitting on Padilla - if you had to choose one of them, it wouldn't be Padilla. What makes her think he has money?

That soccer ball engagement ring made me simultaneously gag & laugh! Nati is going to be hooked with an adolescent boy in a man's body. Is their bedroom going to be decorated with soccer paraphenalia, just like JJ's old room. yick!


Why? Why? Why? Is spot on why would Univision torture all of us this way?

From a fast paced great acting Novela like Teresa were two hours flew by because so much is going on they make the move so that Triunfo del amor can have the same old back and forth for 2 straight hours of pure agony were be are left at the same exact spot when we finish an episode as when we began it.

I think the only winners of this move are Teresa recappers as they have to recap so much relevant interactions and exchanges between the characters and plots as opposed to TDA.

Think positive and be prepared you'll do great at the audition I'm sure you will do great best wishes that you get the part easily.
(Or did I misunderstood your audition process?)

I hope he's taking photos of the plates and not of Maria D crying lol Alonzo is a little crazy but I desperately hope he was zooming in on the plates as well.

How did Alonzo get a picture of Mama Lulu with the baby?

Thanks for the recap, 5ft Latina. I missed the first 40 minutes for a concert. This fills me in.

Thanks so much 5ft. and best wishes for new rehearsals.

I was glad to see Victoria being nice to Maria and I always like scenes between las hermanas Maria and Fer.

That's it. Snooze-fest -- literally -- all around.

We're in the last episodes of La Reina del Sur, which is also fast paced and very well written and directed. Topic isn't for me, but the quality is so good I never miss it. A less on for producers at both Uni and Telemundo.

Suerte, 5ft.

We all knew that there had to be at least one near miss with Osvaldo's television appeal. More than two would be insulting.

The billboard bothered me, too. With all the photos Alonso took of the baby you'd think that he would have posted one of Maria or Milagros holding him. How could he have gotten a photo of Lulu? He couldn't have gotten a photo that good through the rear window of a moving cab.

With the camera angle in the scene with Maria, Victoria, and Osvaldo aiming at the door I kept hoping that JP would arrive and Maria would run to him saying "Papa!"

Eva needs to watch out; Dona Dementa could be adding her to the hit list.

If Fer refuses the operation she's a lot less intelligent than she seems.

Oh no they didn't I guess I missed a classic dumb novela no logic scene.

I was too busy watching La Reina del Sur from 10-11pm but was cuttie Alonzo able to snap a good picture of Lulu in the cab from his angle?

If he was able to all I have to say is bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this TN is getting so much better (because its getting worse)

I must say for as dumb as I think this Marichuy duece novela is I love to watch as much as I can just for laughs.

Oh I hope I'm not offending anyone in anyway to the TN or the people who watch it as I do watch from time to time Tfor laughs)

I obviously think Caray Caray was sort of created so that we could laugh at some of the nutties craziest no point out of the believable story lines Televisa can throw at us as a someone here pointed out.

Kat - Thank you for writing this recrap and serving up the wunnerful snarky comentario, along between your hectic schedule. How great, though, that you've got the jobs and auditions ! Go break a leg.

What a lagrima-fest for Vic and Maria scenes last night.
I watched some of the first hour, flipped channels during the llorona scenes (and caught a lot of The Office) and kept falling asleep during TdA so I bailed on the second hour and called it a night.

How did Alonso geet a pic of Lulu and BJPito, indeed! Telenovelaland and Viewerville want to know. My beanie hat will not tightern enough for that.

They must not have Amber Alerts in Mexico.

Poor Burn-arda. It is so difficult to find competent goons to work for you, and the half-baked ones you do hire want a raise. What ingrates. They didn't tell you this in villana school, Burn-arda, did they? Good help is so hard to find.

Toni's striped hair highlights were rather distracting.

Great recap, Kat. So many wonderful lines. I think my favorite is:

"No, those pants are the nightmare, Xi."

though I also love:

"PJP gives her the update that God's not all Old Testament fire and brimstone anymore. He's more of a hippie tree-hugger, who's all about peace and luuuuuuurve."

You never fail to crack me up.

So that is Lulu up there on the billboard with JPito? Amazing. Dang Alonzo is good.

Poor Leo, I think that even Gui was disgusted with her last night.

So those kids are going to have to watch cartoons with no sound... I wonder how their CCs are?


Good luck 5Ft. Appreciate with your busy schedule taking the time to put together a recap of any kind. So painful to watch some of these scenes and there's so much repeating of the same conversations, threats, etc.

When we finally get some action, lord help us, it's JJ and Nati. Good time to check the Dallas/Ok game. I missed most of it (thank goodness).

And for one brief shining moment we got to see Cesar. 5 lousy episodes, but I'll take it. And we just know that under his care, Fer will walk again!! That smile and voice can do wonders - hey it sure made me feel better.

If we are being asked to suffer thru double episodes, shouldn't we be hitting the Ultimate episodes by now?

How is it that Lulu is Bernarda's nanny? She looks almost the same age as her and she should be dead by now or at least 120 years old. Bernarda is the great grandmother of the baby.

How in the world did Alonso get the picture of the baby and Lulu? Extreme lapse of logic and common sense here.


I just watched the 40 minutes I missed for the concert last night. I see now how Alonza was miraculously able to get a side-angle image of Mama Lulu with baby Juan Pablo from the back.

Also, all I have to say is that, priest or no, I am ready for Padre Juan Pablo to grow a pair, see his mother for what she is, stand up to here, and start talking. Or if he can't do that, grow a brain and start leaving obvious hints! Or maybe hints are not enough. The players here seem to need to be hit over the head with information to get it.

I think we should all stop being amazed that things in this novela don't make sense. Last night I decided to just go with it and I feel much better for making that decision. If I didn't do that, I would be asking all kinds of common sense questions, like:
How the hell did Al get that picture from that angle?; How the hell is Lulu Burnie's nana? (perhaps she learned the same age-slowing secret as Fausto); Why in the hell does JP believe anything his lying/murdering mama says?; Why in the hell is Vic keeping her cancer a secret?; Why the hell can't Vic make the logical leap to conclude that Maria just MIGHT be HER Maria? So many more questions that my head would explode. So I've decided to just stop asking.

Many thanks Kat for another snarkilicious recap in the midst of all the things you're doing.

The actress who plays Lulu actually is 19 years older than Daniela Romo. However, Bernarda should be at least 66 years old (15 years older than Romo at the time of shooting), which means that Lulu should be in her 80s.

I would have guessed evil makes people age faster but that wouldn't explain how Padilla still looks the same.

I'm also wondering how Victoria missed seeing the magic crucifix, unless Maria keeps it in the baby's room.

As Carlos pointed out a few weeks ago, the seal of the confessional isn't as strict as Televisa and Dick Wolfe tell us it is. There is no good reason for JP to remain silent anymore.

I realize that novelas aren't referencing the recent Catholic scandals, but in view of those events a priest having a pre-ordination relationship with a woman that results in pregnancy wouldn't even make the news radar.

"I think we should all stop being amazed that things in this novela don't make sense. Last night I decided to just go with it and I feel much better for making that decision."

@Vivi in DC - That's the spirit! (roflol) Have you seen the quote on the sidebar that echoes basically the same thing?
--->*** "NJ Sue: don't ever, ever ask that question. Just let it go, let your brain float like a canned pear half in partially-set red jello...

That was posted while we were watching FELS, another Meh-jía production and IMO a better -if there is such a thing- one than TdA. You'll find it under the link for ADCLG recaps. It is so perfect.

Another voice for the how the hell did Lon get that picture. When I first saw it I thought huh I must have not seen it clearly but the second time I couldn't figure it out. OK when MD and Mad Max were running after the taxi Lon did have his camera with him and he was snapping away. As a professional he would have a high speed lens and telephoto. When Maria fell on the street I though he was taking her picture (odd in itself) but obviously he had a super duper lens to get the shot. At least it shows he can think quickly on his feet. And speaking of feet WTH is with MD teetering along on 5 inch heels and platforms while out hiking around to find her child?

Obviously all those slaps cross the face from his demented mother have dislodged any brains PJP had. How on earth he can remain silent about her crimes is beyond me. If anyone else dies or is hurt by her actions HE IS just as guilty as she is. And from that preview it looks like death is coming for a priest something shocking to see in a novela and first for me.

Good scenes between MD and her sister and mother. I am amazed that Os who as an actor is trained to observe people, doesn't see the resemblance among the three of them

I've been wondering about the cross and where it was but last night Maria was in the bedroom and picked it up off the bookcase where all JPito's toys were. Too bad she doesn't bring it out and put it ion the shelf with the picture and maybe MD would spot it and have a lightbulb moment since obviously no one is ever going to tell her who Maria's father is.

The Voice has arrived and in a nick of time to keep us from falling into a brain dead stupor watching this exercise in insanity. Boo if it is only 5 episodes but obviously Fer's operation will be a success. Of course in the true fashion of this novela and her family she won't tell anyone she is having the surgery and will miraculously appear walking the day after the surgery.

Big over reaction from Bernie when mention was made of a forbidden man. Do we know anything about that or gasp! was he about to become a priest when Bernie lured him into her clutches thereby fueling her religious fanaticism after she killed him.

Daniela Roma is a heck of an actress. She does these demented controlling mothers really well. Anyone remember her icy scheming in Alborada. She is also a first rate singer.


But wasn't it frustrating having Ozzy, Vicky, and Maria all in the same room together, with all the information needed distributed between them, and yet not have the topic of Maria's mom even come up?


Loved the recap and so fast. Thank you so much. I wonder about the pic of Lulu and the baby. Also the baby's pic was so clear. How come Maria could not see that it is her child. It is only a few hours? days? since he disappeared.

UA, I was just wondering how old Bernarda really was and had no age reference for her. I was guessing she was at least in her 70's. I guessed Padre Juan Pablo and Victoria to be in their mid 40's at the very least. (BTW Romo looks pretty good lately and seems to be enjoying herself) So that is why i thought that Lulu should be THAT old.

Doris and Vivi, I should have know better than to ask but that was too absurd even for Mejia's standards. I was along with you for the FELS ride Doris and I too think it was a bit better if there can be such a thing. Lol.

OT: UA, I discovered that they had a Gritos de Muerte Y libertad DVD and it is in 13 parts spread out over 2 disks half an hour each. No need for me to wait to see the series now since I have the dvds. Along the way I also found La Antorcha Escendida which stars Leticia Calderon along with many of our TN stars. It is like an all star cast. 1200 hours spread out over 4 disks and it was supposedly 65 episodes. I'm sure you heard of it. Not sure if it was ever shown here.

Oh, and about Cruz, you really,really want him to shave don't you? I think he like his characters with that scruffy look just like Franco Reyes from FELS. Same with the climbing over the window routine. ;)


Is Gritos complete? IMDB says it had 22-min episodes but not how many there were.

La Antorcha Encendida was supposed to have had 180 half-hour episodes. It aired here sometime in the 90s. All the reviews on Amazon complain about how cut-down it is.

It truly annoys me that these series are so cut-down for DVD release and all the producing networks are guilty of this. Most have less than 10% of the TV footage. At one of my past companies we used them as video wallpaper in the reception area and they're not good for much else.

My two main complaints are that while most of them keep the main love scenes they cut all the confrontational ones. Most don't have the original theme songs and most of those barely have any of the original incidental music.

Some are so egregiously edited that a main actor ends up having one or two scenes. That is insane.

Ay de mi. Thanks 5ft for enduring the show and THEN having to re-write it in English just as the Spanish writers have dictated.

Daniela Romo was superb in last night's session.

I'm done with Ximena, Leonela, Gui, Milagros, Naty and the whole barrio bunch. They don't add anything to the story.

Had to watch CeEv very closely--it was funny how they panned from his shoes up, very, very slowly. However, he came across as glad to do a very special PSA announcement and happy to be paid for a short run. Don't get me wrong, I do love the guy. He can give me a talking cure any time.

But--isn't Fer still underage? How can she be making medical decisions for herself with only Fab in attendance? When I had my tonsils out at age 20 (a big deal at the time)--my parents were right there and signed all the papers, etc.

The Lulu/baby billboard was a miracle in itself. Alonso must have a camera that does right angle shots. BTW where did Alonso get the money for the billboard--it can't be cheap, like a freebie on Televisa. And when did he have time to arrange with the companies that do outdoor advertising--oh, I keep forgetting that anything is possible in a Meh-jia induced drama. And of course we know it's in the wrong barrio, so no one who knows Lulu will see it.

Enough b@#ching. I for one am glad it's two-hours long. Can't get enough of PPJP or Maxie. Glad to have the kayak back!

One more thing - those abs on Max must not only look good but must work to have picked up Leo so easily.

I watched all two hours of this in 45 minutes by fast forwarding. I see anything with Max or Maria, I fast forward. I usually stop for the villains because I like to see them get what they deseerve. JP asked Bernarda to console Maria? Well shes not doing a very good job, calling her a sinner. Hasn't anyone noticed that Bernarda's vitriol makes her the most likely suspect? I've got to stop watching this after "Law & Order" because it makes their aproach to criminal forenzics seem implausable by comparison. I'd like to see how sgts. Driscall and Green would approach the malefactors on this show. They would have this wrapped up by now. I'd arrest Lulu and interrogate her and threaten her with kidnapping forcing her to give up Bernarda. If Fausto would agree to testify to getting rid of Tomasa for her, that would be it.

UA - Are they going to show Gritos here in the US at some point?

Hilarious recap as always 5ft love it.

LOL from what show is PJP been watching and XXX-factor pants are a nightmare. I would say most of what she has worn throughout this novela is a big fashion don't.

Why in the world doesn't PJP turn his mother in my goodness how many more crimes will she be allowed to get away with because of PJP's silence. I know it keeps the plot going.

Daniela Romo does deserve a Premio for this performance though.

I have no idea whether Gritos will air in the states. We're past the normal broadcast window because the DVD set is out.

As to the billboard: In recent times getting a billboard up takes a lot less time than it did ten years ago. Imaging is done digitally so nobody is painting it anymore, which means it can go up within days or hours of receiving the image files. This cuts down significantly on production costs.

As to paying for the space, I'm sure that something like this would not have to be paid for. If Televisa owns the billboard space (they might) they might take over "expired" spaces with such messages.

BTW, I don't know if these exist in Mexico, but there are video billboards in some markets in the US which could carry Osvaldo's TV appeal. Those are queued by computer and can be changed in the wink of an eye.

I do believe even if it did cost money that Alonso is rich too.

Esquip--I'm with you on forensic investigations a la Law & Order.

Mexican telenovela's are VERRRRY careful about having pruebas (remember Bruno in Sortilegio, throwing it in Alex's face that he had no pruebas for all his said malefactions).

Of course any suspicious manner or activity that is reported to the authorities by chismosas can lead to an arrest, incarceration and trial (remember Padre Juan Cristobal [as interpreted by the terrific Arturo Peniche] in ENDA and Alejandro [Guy Ecker] in Heridas de Amor) is good enough for them.

I'm convinced--or almost 100% sure that every good telenovela has to have all of these before the end:
1) jail scenes
2) hospital scenes
3) water scenes
3) great kissing
4) babies or near-pregnancies
5) lots of tears (or hiccupping--Lucero was doing it in Alborada, too).

TDA has had them all, so far.

Actually, the bingo game that someone started on Eva Luna was kind of fun--listing all the scenes that were de rigueur in TNs.

Kat, another great recap, thanks to your witty way with a big ol' hot mess. Hope all your auditions and performances go well.
The best event here--Dr. Cesar finally making his appearance, ready to scalpel and soothe Fer into mobility.
The worst event here--JJ presenting the tacky soccer ball ring box to Nati and her accepting it happily.
La Paloma

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