Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #108 5/10/11 Highlights

Max finds it in his heart to forgive Osvaldo and when the latter is discharged from the hospital, he takes him back to Casa Sandoval to convalesce.
He is a free man – his divorce has come through -- and is determined to stay with María for good this time.
He resists Rox’s pressure to go back to Ximena.

She is determined to stay with Max and fight for her own happiness. She hangs tough against the pressures coming from all sides.

He comes home to Casa Sandoval where Fer receives him warmly.
He wears disturbingly tight jeans. Oh my.
Os warns Max that Leonela is dangerous.

It’s not Victoria’s time for redemption. Her heart is still closed to Os.
Once again she is drawn to her daughter without understanding why. She shows up uninvited at María’s newly decorated pad (nice colors, she acknowledges) and asks her to model for her new firm; she is annoyed when she refuses.
She notices a framed picture of María and JP. We send intense thought beams into the tv – Look at the cross! Look at the cross! Thought transmission fails ;(
[Just to be clear -- we don't see the magic crucifix either but we all know it's there!]
She rounds out the day by accusing Padre Juan Pablo of having a tawdry love affair with María after he is foolish enough to tell Vic that ‘love’ is what ties him to the girl.

Bernarda also asks María to model for her. María turns her down too and asks her to leave.
Bernarda says María can’t make her leave because she owns the joint. Our girl replies, showing off that newly formed spine of hers: Outside the door, your rules; inside the door, my rules. And the Demented One leaves in high dudgeon.
The new designer in her company, Luciano Ferreti does a clownish makeover of the madeover Eva.

While at Casa Victoria, Pipino is so overwrought when he hears that Luciano is working for Bernarda, he goes on a dummy and fabric rampage. Oscar and Toni struggle to keep a straight face.

Ximena still languishes in the manicomio. She vows to get revenge on everyone who did her wrong, starting with Guillermo.

Leonela and Gui
Leonela repeats her “I was Medea” speech in a cantina to an unimpressed crowd.
She admits to Gui that the only one Leonela Montenegro loves is -- Leonela Montenegro!
She and Gui summon Max to Gui’s place. They tell him Gui, not Os, is his real father. True? Or are they just messing with him?

Alonso, like a bad penny that keeps coming back, shows up on María’s doorstep with a bouquet of pink roses.


Buenas a todos!
I just set out "highlights" so you would have a space to comment. Please fill in details, corrections, additions...

Gracias NM

This sounds kinda like, I'm my own grandpa. Guillermo is everyone's padre. That would make Osvaldito Max's half bro & the son of his wife.
Too much for my mind.

NovelaMaven -- Thank you for the highlights. I didn't watch, and this is sufficient for me. It could be sub-titled "More of the Same" or "Same old, same old."

Leo's "I was Medea" sort of thing reminds me of the old Gloria Swanson film, "Sunset Blvd." ... er ... moreso the parodies of it.
AND THEN I start thinking of Tyler Perry's movie character Aunt Madea . . . even though it is spelled differently ....
Too many movies in my brain vault!

Maria definitely inherited some of her grandmother's 'coraje.'

So Dior fires John Galliano and Casa Bernarda picks him up?

Thanks you so much for the recap hilights!

No way is Gui Max's sperm donor. This is a lie concocted by Gui and Leonela as part of their plan to alienate Max from Osvaldo.

In Leonela's twisted mind, Osvaldo ruined her career by impregnating her at the best age to build her career. Any hurt inflicted on Max will be just as deliberate.

Ximeana is completely beyond help. Nobody addressed this in time. Had there been a useful medication that could have helped her two years ago she would have refused to take it. Roxana enabled her addiction and Victoria didn't notice it two years ago because Ximeana was OK as long as she had any adulation as a model.

Maria and Max, congratulations on your spine transplants. Did you get a family discount or was it BOGOF? Now, use them!

So neither Bernarda nor Victoria noticed the magic crucifix. I'm guessing another 5 episodes if JP doesn't explode telling Victoria to look at the obvious.

NovelaMaven, you entertain even as you hit the high spots.

"He wears disturbingly tight jeans. Oh my."

A detail I thankfully failed to notice while watching.

Urban Anthropologist,

"No way is Gui Max's sperm donor. "

Not so fast. I want DNA testing. I think that Max resembles Gui more than he resembles Ozzy.

The new Eva... Yikes!

NovelaMaven, I rewound the scene with Maria and Vicky to look for that cross. I didn't see it. I would have thought that it would be prominently displayed.


No, Carlos, I didn't see the cross either -- I just felt its presence! :) Maybe María set it in the bedroom near JPito's cradle.

Carlos I didn't see the cross either and I was looking for it. Drat that would have made things interesting.

I noticed the tight jeans too and though maybe that was why it hurt him when he sat down to talk to Fer. LOL.

Those spine transplants probably won't last. Max is too stupid and Maria has too much of her mother in her with a dash of Bernie.

Loca Leonela or Lush Leonela, pick one, is a consummate liar. I'm not even sure Os is Max's father and the idea that Gui is adds exponentially to the creep factor. One thing is worrying me. The earring in the hospital. They made a very unsubtle point of showing it so I can only assume it will appear when some one finally snaps and offs the woman (just a guess since someone pointed out that she only appears for 17 episodes and deserves killing).

I'm trying to figure out who will do the deed with my money on Gui since he is so obsessed with her and there was a nasty look on his face when she said she only loved herself. But someone has to be framed - perhaps Os since Vic has already done her unfairly accused time. Unfortunately the earring belongs to LL so maybe someone will use it to frame her and send her back to the carcel. Then again it is novelalaand and it might mean nothing at all.

Once again Hot Padre had a chance to make a mild slip and say there was blood and let it go but no once again he hints and creates a wrong impression.

Loved the John Galliano line.


Max looks more like Leonela but his personality is more like Osvaldo. There is no llamada de la sangre happening here and we know there is a conspiracy.

I'll bet Fer and Maria could call Leonela on her crap. Those encounters will be interesting. Maria will go lioness on her to protect the baby boys.

NM, thank for the highlights.

The manicomio really cleaned out the cages for this group of BSC people. There is Gui, Xi, Leo, Burnie that are certifiable and a lot that are borderline.

I hate to admit this but Leo really is Medea. I hope she doesn't kill her child like Medea.

I looked for the cross also, but I guess it is too early for Vic or Burnie to find it in Maria's newly painted hovel.

There is no way Gui is Max's bio dad, I just won't have it. Doesn't Max know that you can buy a DNA test kit is almost any drug store. If that fails, I am sure our very own Dr. Carlos could help him out.

Alonso, Just.Go.Far.Far.Away.


NovelaMaven, thank you for the highlights and recap. I didn't watch most of the episode.

I don't like either Victoria or Bernarda. They both keep bothering Maria. Both of them are unbendable. Jimena is just going crazy and delusional. She needs to stay at the psychiatric hospital. She has some kind of mental condition. As for Leonela, she is also crazy and an alcholic. She drinks like there is no tomorrow.

It seems that Guillermo has a thing for crazy women - Jimena and Leonela.

I am glad that at least Osvaldo has the support of his children - Max and Fernanda.

So is it true that Max is divorced now? I am surprised that Jimena signed the divorce papers. This means that he and Maria could marry if they want.

I have question, so will someone let me know - how long is this telenovela going to go for. How many more to go when things get resolved? Please someone answer my question!!


If I understood correctly Jimena admitted to María that the baby is Guillermo's, but I'll bet the house it will take 15 episodes for María to tell this to Max.

The earring may mean nothing. Remember Gardenia's shopping bag left lying in the road in MEPS when she was kidnapped?

Genevieve, last night was #113 and it supposed to have #140 episodes. It is hard to tell when it will end because of scheduling. But it should end in 4-5 weeks.


I think that Guillermo is really Max's father.Which means that Lil O's is his brother.WOW.

Maria is really dumb. Xi told her that Lil isn't Max's and didn't bother to tell him. I'm glad she finally grew a backbone and told both Vic and Burine f off. I wonder how long it will last.

I kept on wanting Vic to look at the magic cross!!!!!!


Oh thank God. Only 140 episodes. I thought it was more like 150. As we lumber toward the end, my nerves are at the breaking point.

Good thing we have such great recappers to get us through! Thanks so much NovelaMaven!

Now, off I go to celebrate Hubby's birthday.

There are 140 eps on a certain site but 140 isn't identified as the finale. EPDA had 155. If this goes back to 2 hours next week (as TV Guide says) they should be saying "Ultimas Semanas" very soon.

I read that there are 169 episodes.

Novela Maven: I wondered why Os didn't look quite right. I didn't notice the tight jeans.

I noticed that the last few times Vic has shown up at Maria's door, Burnie isn't too far behind. What's up with that? Are they really that psychically connected? lol

Jardinera - is finally back up - etter late than never - so I can finally post a comment to thank you for the recap.

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