Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alborada, 6/21/2011. Cap. 16. She who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #4 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 16 start at this link.

Everyone thank Carlos for today's picture. He chose one with more "bipartisan appeal."


Great screen cap and I still say this is one of the best novelas ever.

It figures that Diego was Augustine's killer. In theory, there is now nothing to stand between Luis divorcing stupid little Espe but we know we're not there yet.

I forgot to watch today, so I appreciated the link. I noticed that Hip was also carrying a chamberpot when she met Martin in the convent garden. Luis was pretty firm with Perla about her finding out what Hip said to Martin. She told Luis that Hip is in love with Martin. Perla is beginning to realize that Luis is muy interested in Hip. Does she know that the little casa Luis bought her is actually a lovely parting gift ? And poor Marcos has his hands full trying to run interference for Luis not only with Martin but now with Perla as well.

Was Agustin Juana's former love? I suspected that, Isabel suspected it, Luis suspected it but she denied it. Even Isabel said that she could have had a much more prominent figure. Did I miss a revelation?

Judy, yesterday you said that Agustin did hit on Hipólita, and he kinda did, but I considered that just more or less the obligatory courtesy hit that we dirty old men do for lovely young (and not so young) women.

It's expected of us.

Dona Nube, I agree that Don Agustin's murder didn't quite ring true. Surely someone like that would have been accompanied by at least a servant.


Carlos~~~Gee, I'm not sure. I didn't think that Juana and Ag were lovers, but maybe I missed something. Aggie was such a pompous ass and a legend in his own mind that he probably didn't think he needed a bodyguard. The funeral and procession were quite something with Addie in that full dress uniform and rakish hat. By the way, what did Mirtha the Meddling Maid get from the Voodoo Queen to put into Espy's tea ?

Addie ???...make that Aggie. Sorry, it's after midnight, and I'm on my way to bed. Yawn. Can't wait to see the Three Musketeers ...and Martin in tomorrow's episode as the plot thickens.

Just now, I told my husband that I thought of a title for this episode - "She who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind." He thought I said, "She who sows the wolf shall reap the werewolf." Hmm. Maybe that's more accurate!

I had interruptions so shall use the links later. Thanks Paula and Carlos. Since Perla and Marcos are both orphans, they might make a couple. Especially if Marcos can be empathetic, understanding and forgiving of her difficult past.


ZOWIE! What an episode! More plot progress in one cap than a whole month of your typical novela!

* Diego told Mommy a bold faced lie, and she knows it.
* Luis gets confirmation that there's a good chance Rafael is his.
* Luis and Isabel now know Agustin was Hipo's father, and they're tightening the noose around Juana.
* Juana is beginning to recognize that she has created a monster (Diego) (when she says, "His answer to any problem is murder," I wonder if it occurred to her that she may not be immune to his caprices?).
* Mirtha is turning Espy into a vegetable.
* Andres started courting - I forget her name - Marina?
* Martin went rogue.
* Luis was told that Hipo loves Martin.

And that doesn't even touch the avalanche of turning points in the last minutes of the cap! Zowie!

Didn't Vicente tell Marcos that nobody's seen Gasca in several days? What's up with that?

No way were Juana and Auggie ever lovers. It's just the only logical reason Luis and Isabel can think of for what power he could have held over Juana.

I like that Juana isn't 100% evil and is concerned about her son's murderous ways. But she did create this monster.

Why was Luis trying to stop Hip's Martin-aided escape? He wants her out of there too. Why does it matter if it's him or Martin helping her? In my mind, it's his fault that the whole fight with the gaurds and Perla's shooting went down. I have to watch the recording again to see the sequence, but it seemed to me it was Perla's shouts to Marin and Hip that alerted the gaurds and started the whole mess.

Don Aggie was not Juana’s lover. Luis and Isabel think so because of Juana’s protection of him. They can’t find a logical explanation so, they assume Juana and Aggie were lovers. What Mirtha got from the “healer” was a potion to calm Espe’s nerves. I couldn’t remember why Hipolita annoyed me so much the first time around. I am remembering why. She’s impulsive and brainless sometimes. I didn’t see the logic of her going to Juana for help. Then accepting going into the convent for life abandoning her child. She doesn’t accept Isabel’s help. She doesn’t accept Luis, but she accepts Diego. Now she’s trying to escape. What changed to make her wanting to escape? She knows Martin is in love with her and she giving him false hopes. No liking Hipolita at all.

i'm appealing to the other costume drama peeps here...
pasofina has written a 3rd La Pola recap and it showed on the caray homepage just fine, but didn't get attached to the sidebar properly (either she did or didn't use a space betwen la and pola).
it's getting harder to find the post as the week goes on.
it would be much appreciated!

um and to keep this on topic, luis, luis, luis. sexy!

-mai tai

Carlos Carlos Carlos...obligatory flirting!!!!! Is that why you're so nice to all of us? Well fine...'cause we love it. Too bad it's "obligatory".

Judy, obligatory like breathing... caused by something in our genes.


Well God bless those genes then.

All Hipo is trying to do is a simple escape from the nunnery, but all these meddlers turn it into an absolute (and deadly) fracaso! One moment everything is quiet, the next, all hell breaks loose. I'm sure Hipo is thinking - what the heck? Why are all these people all over the place?


I think that Luis doesn't want Martin anywhere near Hip because he knows that he's in love with her and that he's the one person that Hip seems to trust and is willing to accept help from. Like all guys who like to be large and in charge [I am speaking from some experience here] , Luis thinks that he is the only one who can help Hip. And Carlos~~~I like your genes, too. You kind of remind me of my dear cousin Drew who has always loved the ladies...all ladies. He now has 3 daughters and 2 stepdaughters.

I agree with all of you, this was a great episode and it reminds me why this was my favorite telenovela ever.

Paula, thanks for the recaplet and the fantastic title. I remember once you said you don't like doing titles yet you often come up with some real zingers.

GinCA, I like your idea for Perla and Marcos. Poor Perla, she had a hell of an episode. Luis orders her around, she gets herself kicked out of the convent, then Marcos rips on her, then she gets shot! Bummer. After Marcos got tough with her he looked very regretful. He and Perla are a lot alike, both kids from the street that Luis has helped. Perla's story to Hipolita about being sold to a brothel at age 13 was a sad one.

Mirtha told the curandera that if Esperanza was burned at the stake for lying, etc. then Mirtha would be burned along with her as her servant. Yikes! Tough times.

Thanks all, great comments, thoughts and ideas.

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