Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Alborada, 6/22/2011. Cap. 17.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #4 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 17 start at this link.

Excellent picture tody, Carlos. Thank you!


Tks for the link & the picture.

We left Luis devastated because Hipólita said she hated the midnight boinker. What would he expect, she didn't get a good look at him, otherwise------

Lots of closeups of that handsome face. Carla and Monica know what the viewers want to see. I believe that the name of the finca is Valverde , and Luis and Diego were both born there. It's a beautiful place. Poor Perla has had a very bad day . Meanwhile, Luis has scored an embrace from Hip who is feeling guilty and alone. I loved the look Luis gave Martin while he was embracing Hip. That look said , ''Mine.''

Yeah, me too, loved that look to warn Martin off.

Poor cub, just can't compete with the head of the pack.


Totally agree here, Variopinta. I love that shot in the opening credits of FC's gorgeous chest.

Martin is sweet, but needs to mature a bit.

I agree with you Susanlynn & Audrey about that scene. I've watched it a million times and it never gets old. You know that Martín doesn't stand a chance, but he's so darn cute and passionate about everything. The subtlety in the acting* here is remarkable for a TN. Only later does FC resort to his trademark facial tics.

Martín's character is interesting, because it combines the impulsive rebellion of adolescence with the new revolutionary ideas (about equality and class struggle) he picked up in Europe. These ideas do NOT sit well with his elders. Mexican colonial life was quite provincial and old-fashioned compared with the huge cultural changes taking place across the pond at that time.

*I was referring to the male actors here. As much as I like Lucero, even in this role, she's a bit out of her league at times. I'm glad that Carla and Monica have given her some interesting stage business to distract from all the sniffling. Like that bit about washing Luís' handkerchief and returning it after she, rather uninhibitedly, blew her nose into it.

LXV~~~Yes, I agree. I got a big kick out of Luis gallantly offering Hip his handkerchief and gently dabbing her eyes followed by Hip taking the hanky and loudly blowing her nose. I usually try not to do this in front of people , especially when someone is about 2 inches from my face. Very funny. Also, the scene in which Hip figures out that she and Luis are ''related'' since his father-in-law is her padre and his wife is her stepsister was...odd. I liked the look on Luis's face...kind of ''Que the hell are you laughing about ????'' Your analysis of Martin was spot on. Sorry, Martin, you are a pup , and Luis is the big dog here.

I think the laugh was a " I just can't believe my luck" kind of laugh and a little histerical. Not only she finds out who her father was, she also finds out she's Espe's half sister. Therefore, she's related to a man she "despises."

I do like Val Lanus (Martín). In Tontas his was the only character in the whole show that wasn't one-dimensional (sorry, Jaime, I adore your acting, but your script was a dog!). Val plays conflicted so well.

In fact, from his point of view, his anger is reasonable. He doesn't know that Luis and Hipo have a history, so as far as he knows, she was all alone, he took responsibility for her, she accepted his help, and they both made googoo eyes. He staked his claim for this woman, and she didn't argue. Then in marches the rich dude and jumps Martin's claim, and everyone tells Val to shut up and step out of the way. Without the missing piece, that Luis was Hipo's first "lover," why shouldn't Martin be mad?

About the continental vs. colonial state of mind. Don't forget, there were only 21 years between France's revolution and Mexico's. Then again, I get the impression (someone correct me?), that Mexico's 1810 revolution was between the Spaniards born in Spain and the Spaniards born in Mexico, no?

Yes, Susanlynn, we love the closeups of that handsome face.

But poor Hipolita has rarely gotten any smiles or a happy face from him. He's usually looking glum, intense, worried, frustrated, angry--you can tell by the furrow in his brow. I think I'd be a little afraid of him, too.

She's still not sure of his motives and whether he is trustworthy. She is fierce about protecting herself and the only thing that matters to her--her son.
Dona Nube

Paula, that's what I love about this novela. The characters have so much dimension. Martín's anger is believable and not only is he frustrated in is affair with Hipólita, he's also chafing at being in the servant class. Luís is his better and he resents it because of what he's learned during his 4 years away (which Luís paid for, so I'm sure there's resentment about that obligation as well). I have to check myself about spoilers but I find his whole situation heartbreaking. I fell in love with Valentino Lanus in Alborada.

Thanks again, everyone for pics, site etc. I am still unable to restrain myself and am galloping through the whole durned thing but once I've reached the end, I'll watch each episode along with you and be a little more relevant.

Will admit that for each capitulo, I am quite happy to feast my eyes on Luis' awesome abdominals. Strictly professional interest, mind you.

Judyb~~~I don't blame you one bit for galloping through to the next delicious episode. I did exactly the same thing the first time I watched. I am feeling sorry for poor Marcos who has been trying unsuccessfully to obey both Luis and Felipe and control Felipe and Perla. The poor guy is trying his best without much luck. Didn't Tia enjoy her shopping spree for Hip ? She must have a very good eye because the dress Hip wore today fir perfectly. I felt a little sorry for pobrcita Perla as she looked at Hip's new wardrobe and tried on a few hats. I guess she didn't get a new wardrobe.

Whoops...another mistake as I try to type fast before I return to my chores...Marcos is trying to control Martin and Perla...not Felipe. Haste makes waste.

Fun, Judy! I'm rushing through right along with you! Just finished #66.


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