Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #136-137 6/1/11 So near to the end and very very far....

Anoche's leftovers
  • Vic is cancer free (completamente limpia completamente limpia)
  • Vic cries
  • PJP thanks God for his goodness and mercy (bondad y misericordia)
  • Maria discovers Alonso is doomed. (By reading the test results that Max stole and withheld from Alonso. Asshat.)
  • Maria tilts her head and sort of squints...I think I figured out why she does that-it makes the fake tears run down her face, but not drip off her chin. (eh. It's a theory in progress.)
Tonight's steaming pile:

Her Majesty is confronted
Burnie sits upon her throne drinking sherry and reminds her visitor (who turns out to be Chente) that she knows nothing about what happened to Tomasa.  How long is she going to be bothered with it? Chente says until his godmother shows up. Burnie suggests that Tomasa is probably out enjoying all that cash that Vic gave her. Heck! She's probably in the US. Cousin says his godmother was incapable of such a thing and until she reappears he's gonna keep looking. Burnie says people change and she wouldn't put her had to the fire for anybody. Cousin says he's going to keep coming back and asking about her. Burnie huffs and sips her sherry.

Alonso lies (like a rug!)
Alonso is looking for the (purloined) test results. His phone rings. It's PJP with ESP because he's calling to see if Alonso has found the results yet. (If you pause it just right, you get to enjoy the "Aw sh*t!" face Alonso makes. Drink it in. Hilarious.) So if he hasn't found it, PJP is more than happy to accompany him to the lab again. Aaaand Alonso lies about finding the results. Dayum. These people lie about everything. So when PJP asks what's wrong Alonso tells him nothing grave. Just a little salmonella. (Hang on, I'm laughing my a$$ off....fainting and nosebleeds are a sure sign of Salmonella. Diarrhea and vomiting aren't glamorous enough for a TN.) PJP asks if he's telling the truth. Alonso is all "of course."  Better not let Burnie find out you lied to her son the priest. PJP is glad it's nothing serious. He tells Alonso it's important that he rest and take his antibiotics. PJP says he'll come to call. Alonso says no, he'll go to him.

Max and Maria...well...same ol' same ol'
Maria is reading the results and "no puede ser"-ing. Max tells her that he pilfered the results and  Alonso doesn't know. Only he, Maria and Dr. Voice know. 'Cause, you know...we don't have enough secrets in this show and we do have to drag this out a bit more. (I added that last bit. William "Mushmouth"  Levy didn't actually say that.) Max explains there is nothing that can be done for Alonso but to make his last days comfortable. Maria tilts squints and cries. Max squints and looks heavenward. Since this situation could be considered a crisis, they do what they always do... they hug (the TN equivalent of burying your head in the sand.)

Vic and Voice at dinner...romance ahead?
Dr. Voice and Vic are enjoying a meal at a fancy schmancy restaurant. Dr. Voice is glad to see her happy. Vic is glad he saved her life. Dr Voice thanks her for dining with him. She asks how could she not? He saved her life. He says she's exaggerating. She touches his hand meaningfully. Thanks to him and his insistence, they are here celebrating. She says it's true. She toasts him for selflessly taking such an interest in families. She toasts him for giving her a second chance to live. She toasts themselves 'cause even though they are no longer doctor and patient, she is sure they will be great friends. Dr. Voice toasts to their friendship.

Meanwhile, back at the Scandoval residence, Os is calling for Victoria and thought bubbling. He finds it odd that she is not there. She never wants to go out anymore...only when absolutely necessary. Where could she have gone?

Irony...Vic is at that precise moment telling Dr. Voice that it's been a while since she enjoyed herself. She hasn't really wanted to even leave her room lately. Dr. Voice is glad to see her so full of optimism. It's natural that she want to live fully. They continue to hold hands. He reminds her again in true PSA fashion to get checked again in 6 months. She says she will ...and he can remind her. What a flirt. Doc asks Victoria about re constructive surgery. Vic says she and Os have talked about that. She has to think about it. Right now it isn't her priority. Doc asks what *is* her priority and she says "to live; to seek happiness."    

Her Majesty is miffed
That damn country hick is going to make her life impossible looking for Tomasa. She will have to bring it to a stops or she won't be able to live her life in peace. She turns to a picture of PJP. He is her best ally and says no matter what, he will forgive her. This time he will have to help her. She slugs back her sherry and leaves. Eva comes in and wonders what Burnie is up to. Surely nothing good. She makes a phone call Fausto who is praying at the parroquia. She lets him know that Burnie has gone out and that when she goes out at this time she's doing something bad....or visiting PJP at the sacristy. She's calling to warn Fausto. Take care with her and don't let her see you. PJP enters and wants to know why he isn't with the other muchachos. Fausto likes to be with God, praying, chatting, hoping God hears him. PJP says of course he hears. He is our father. We are his children. And like a good father he forgives when we repent. Fausto asks for PJP's blessing and PJP obliges. Fausto gets up to leave and opens the door. And there stands Burnie!!!! (*Gregorian chant and eyebrow*)

And you thought your mom was bad!!
PJP asks if Burnie realizes what she's asking: that he be an accomplice to her crimes. Even though she's his mom and he cares for her and respects her...this can't happen. Burnie says no one has any proof to accuse her of anything. She's coming asking for his help. Everything he knows about her actions he found out during confession. She's protected him. Ha! She's protecting herself! She says he can see it the way he wants, just remember he himself asked that she not say anything to anyone and she's done that (huh? I don't remember this.) He has nothing to reproach her for. PJP says he has plenty to reproach her for. mumbeldy mumbledy. Chente is going to keep looking for Tomasa. He's not going stop. He's eventually going to talk to Vic...who insists you killed Tomasa. Burnie rants. She wants to stop talking about what happened to that estúpida. PJP tells mommy dearest that she should have a more humble soul and not express herself that way. If Chente talks to Vic about his doubts, he's gonna send justice after her. Daniela Roma, consummate actress, makes this great face between minor fear and defiance. She is amazing.

Vecindad break
Mushmouth Max is on the phone with the maid. He will be late and needs her to watch Osguito. BTW, how is the little tyke? The maid assures him the bebé is fine. Max asks about his mother. He is informed she went out and hasn't returned. He wants to know as soon as she returns.

Back to Burnie...Her lips are moving, so she must be lying.
She asks if PJP is really worried about her. PJP asks how she can doubt it. She's his mother. Burnie says what more can a mother ask but a son like him. She was blind but know she understands so much. She asks PJP to forgive her for all the harm she's done; for not paying attention to his wise counsel. PJP gives her a priestly lesson on repentance and good actions. Burnie says she will repent. She will be good. Chants begin as she turns to the picture of Jesus on the cross. She begs forgiveness she didn't know what she was doing. Puke.

Leo and Os and Bebé make three
Os gushes over bebé. Leo reminds Os that bebé is their grandchild. Os looks a little nauseous.

Vic and Voice continue to dine
Doc Voice loves Vic's perfume. He smells it on his hand. There is some hand sniffing on Vic and Voice's part. Vic apparently didn't realize she was holding Dr Voice's hand. She asks Dr. Voice if he thinks Fer will be able to be a mother. It's her greatest wish. He looks very serious...

...and we cut to Cruz and Napo. I tend not to catch much of what they say... :-( I think is was about makin' bebés 'cause Fer overheard and prayed to the Virgencita that she permit her to one day have a bebé. For her happiness and for the happiness of Cruz.

Leo and Os and Té make three
PSA about alcohol. (Why does Leo hold every glass with both hands? It's not a sippy cup for pete's sake.) She didn't drink for the flavor of alcohol, but for the feeling it gave her. Os wants to help. They talk AA blah blah. (I think Leo is sincere, though.)

Always get a second opinion
Nati has consulted her medical texts. Sadly, Alonso is still doomed. There is no hope or cure.

XXX-factor is back with a vengance
Xi is dining with a mystery date and is making a call to the maid taking care of Osguito. It's obvious they are in cahoots and the maid will keep Xi posted on everything that's going down as Casa Vieja (the hotel where Leo is holed up.) Os had come to call and he and Leo were quite cozy. Xi wants to know if they drank. Only iced tea says the maid. Xi complains that doesn't help her. She needs Leo to drink alcohol. Other than that, no big events. Xi wonders what Vic would think of Os and Leo together. She gets off the phone and orders champagne. She notices Vic and Doc Voice together.

God's law vs. Man's law
The Holy Duo (Jer and PJP) discuss repentance and the law. God's law is very different from Man's law. When some once sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness. God grants it. Man's law...well, that's different. They lock you up in the clink and throw away the key.

Max and Maria still struggle with problem solving
Max has come to visit Maria. He is still thinking over the Alonso situation. Max has been searching the 'net and researching. There's no hope. Dude is dying and has a month or less. Speaking of dude, there is a knock at the door. It's the doomed Alonso with a bouquet. He apologizes for coming. He didn't realize Max was there. He came to beg Maria to reconsider the commercial. Maria says she won't do it and Alonso asks Max to help him convince Maria. It's such a great opportunity. blah blah. She could be the greatest model in South America! Max says why not? Maria is impactada. Obviously, this is part of the "keep him comfy and happy" plan.

Alonso is surprised, but happy Max has taken his side. He promises not to take advantage of the situation and try to win Maria's affections. Max-the-mushmouth drops a bomb (loosely translated with lots of liberties due to said mushmouthyness): Hey, you never know what's gonna happen. Life throws us curve balls. Maybe we aren't as in lerve as we think. Maybe our time is done. Alonso is surprised as all get out.

Os gets the good news
Os is a little upset that Vic didn't tell him about the doctor's appointment. But Vic didn't know what the results would be, so she went alone. Vic tells Os she is cancer free. Happiness and hugs. Os is so happy. I like these two together. They thank God for listening to their prayers.

Alonso and Maria and Max make...two? ('cause one of 'em isn't making it out of her alive.)
Alonso is all Dude! QTH? Are you saying you don't love Maria or that Maria doesn't love you? We don't get to hear the answer cause Alonso is overcome with pain. He takes an OTC medication from his pocket. He explains about his bad headache and other symptoms. He mentions the analisís? He says it doesn't matter and goes on to talk about plans for tomorrow and the commercial. He leaves and Maria wants to know what the heck Max meant by his little speech?

Os is jealous
Os wants to celebrate, but Vic explains she's already gone out with Dr. Voz. Os is a little jealous. But Vic smooths things over. Os wants to know where Vic is going all good looking and perfumed. Vic wants to go to the fashion house, spread the good news and get back to work.

Eva's pleas fall on deaf (and kinda crazy) ears
Eva says if PJP is willing to risk everything to protect her, then she needs to repent and not do harm to anyone. Burnie tells her to shut up; she didn't ask for her opinion. She grabs an apple and tells her nada bueno sale de fruta podrida (nothing good comes from rotten fruit.) La fruta podrida solo pudre a los demás (one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.) As always, Eva says, you are all ready to judge others. But not yourself. She's got chutzpah.


  • Padilla curses Burnie and I think wonders where the rest of the cash is.
  • The Vecindad is in a snit, but I can't figure out what about. They've got to organize themselves. Burnie, I think. Some plan is being hatched. Hmmm, maybe it's more like a neighborhood watch. If that's the case, it would have made more sense to have this scene after Nati's attack.
  • Millie announces the JuanJo/Nati nuptials and invites everyone.
  • Os wants to go back to his acting career. 
Back at the sacristy
The Holy Duo discuss the new opportunity to bring Vic back to God (whose ways are mysterious indeed.) PJP says he can't break the seal of confession. Padre Jer says he's not asking him to do that, but to appeal to Burnie again. Some Spanish I'm a little to lazy to figure out, but I think PJP is saying he's tried to get mom to spill the beans, but she won't and he's sworn to secrecy. Vic has to continue to wait. Padre Jer says Vic has waited 20 years to find out where her hija much longer does she have to wait? (We are asking the same.) PJP says only heaven (and Mejía) knows.

Max and Maria have terrible problem solving skills
Well. They aren't cowering in a corner or hugging. Max tells Maria not to marry him, but to marry Alonso. We are treated to the Alonso montage of doom. Maria tilts her head and cries.



Sara - Another Triunfo de Recap! and up so quickly!! and so snarky!!! (roflol) Thank you. I opted out and watched the hockey game tonight. (Stanley Cup finals series)

Umm so let me get this straight the right thing to do is steal someone else's mail, read it find out their dying withhold the results . Tell everyone else he's dying and then proceed to force your to be wifey to be into a pity marriage? This makes everything better? Okay I'll roll with it. But I still mad at Max for taking someone else's mail. Al deserves to know that he's dying. I know Max wants to do the right thing but getting Maria to marry Al because he's dying is kinda cruel to me.

So why does X-factor want lil O' anyway? It's not like she cares about him and wants to take care of him. Well maybe she cares a little cuz when she thought he was dead she went extra insane.

So Max leaves lil O's at the house and doesn't go to see him. He just calls? And so it's okay for Vic to see him but not lil JP. Wow they better get this favortisim thing under control before he gets old enough to notice it.


What a stupid plot line. I suppose Maria is going to do what Max says? NOT!!! Maybe she'll marry Fausto. Who is writing this stuff??? I should have watched the game!

I missed tonight's episode because I just didn't have the strength. This has got to be the dumbest plotline! Good grief!

I'd love it if Alonso didn't die and instead lived for 40 years, after marrying Maria. How would that grab you, Max? LOL.

I forgot to add, thank you for this succinct and very snarky recap! I really appreciate it.

Paige - Xi only wants the baby because it would make Maria & Max miserable to give it back to Xi.

If Alonso really wanted to know about his health, he would have opened the test results. He'd rather not know and live in denial. It's not Max's right, however, to take the letter and open it.

Karen - the game was awesome, goal scored with 18 seconds to go.

...Sara, tnx for the recap..,

what the hell is happening with Max?! why didn't notify Alonso with his condition?! Alonso should be the first one to know his illness rather than his number 1 rival..!..*t..Max is the one telling Maria to get married to Alonso! craP!! who wrote this novela?.. i think i'm gonna punch him right through the face!.. and i'll never let anyone give him a pen for the rest of his life.. this TN is insane...they made Max the dumbest lead man ever!!...

guys, are they any LevyAdictas here?.. if there are, does anyone know if "Hasta que la Muerte nos Separe" is already on the go?.. and if yes, when will it be approximately aired?..and wat channel?..
tnx in advance..

PJP and Padre Jer talked about getting Maria and Victoria together by chance. This actually shouldn't be too difficult now that Fernanda is a neighbor of Maria's.

There is still a chance that Osvaldo will take action here.

I have now lost any respect I may have had for Max. What he just did is more than enough reason for Maria to ditch him permanently.

Bernarda has not repented. Nobody like her ever does.

Ditto on previous comments about Ximeana. We will definitely have a kidnapping story before the ultimos capitulos.

So I got brave and decided to actually tune in last night. All I can say is MY BRAIN HURTS!! Hats off to you Sara sludging through this show and then writing about it to. You're humor sure help in the reading!

What's the phrase "You can't make this stuff up?" when something is out of left field. Well, the writers on this show sure can. WTH on the Alonso story line? Maria needs to tilt her head (Love your references to that!) because maybe her brain hurts too. But the once "top of class" young lass (you have to wonder what dunderheads she went to school with) will most likely do just want Macho Max tells her to do.

Glad to see my darling Cesar in more episoides than the official cast list gave him credit for - but seriously, they're hinting at a romance btw him and Vic? Or he falling for her....I don't know - it's stupid period.

I can't bare to watch a JJ/Nati wedding, so I may have to rely on recaps for a few days. Miss my PJP - but even he's getting on my nerves with his endless babble to Momma about redeeming herself. Get a grip dude-she's never going to do it. Please someone put Diego in a really good new TN where we can truly appreciate this guy!!! (And make sure it isn't Meija produced.)

The Meh-jía writers probably have one of those old board games where you spin a needle, and wherever it stops determines your next move; sort of like Russian Roulette and possible forerunner to Wheel of Fortune on TV.

Here we have the telenovelaland version: Wheel of Misfortune, or Mexican Roulette. Take your pick.

In the case of TdA, the needle stops at any one of a multitude of plot directions, hence the 'wheel of misfortune', and thus determining what nonsensical thing happens next.

Sara, once again, great stuff. Loved the headings too. Thank you!

Bernie...her lips are moving so she must be lying. Ha!

I gotta say I really hate this particular plotline -- Max is treating María like chattel, just passing her along to Alonso. Maybe Max is the one who should devote himself to taking care of Alonso in his final days -- AFTER he gives Alonso back his test results. (Speaking of which, why doesn't anyone ask the lab for another copy of the results? Huh?)

About the head tilt: Most of the images of Mary show the head tilt. I thought they were just pushing the María/virgen María thing in our faces just like they have PJP looking like St. John -- or more disturbingly, when they have Bernie assume her saint with the broken neck pose (cue the Gregorian chant).

The vecinos are talking about what to do now that their "portero", Faustus, is gone and the owner of the vecindad (Bernie) hasn't replaced him. They are coming up with rules for when to lock and unlock the gate (zaguán) to the street.

Thank you so much NovelaMaven. I will admit, that if I don't think it is super important (which is usually the case with the vecindad crew) I rarely take the time to pay close attention and really figure it out.

And the Maria/Virgin Mary/Head tilt never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense now.

Sara thank you for doing two great recaps back to back.

It's hard and excruciating trying to slog through watching these episodes but the recaps make it all worth it.

Wow are we ready yet to anoint this novela as Mejia worst produced yet?

I believe Jaorcha spoke the other day about the lead writer quitting this as we soldier on towards the final can we really blame her?

Sara you are killing me with the maria head tilts too funny:)

Well thank God I missed this mess because of a soccer match. I don't know when they showed it in AZ. I kept checking and it was Teresa instead. Looks like I didn't miss a thing except perhaps Xi possibly scheming to steal little Os.

So Max is now pimping out the love of his life. WTH why? The lettuce in my fridge has more brains than he does. If I were Maria i would kick his stupid behind to the curb, pack my stuff and get out of dodge forever.

Maria and the head tilt. Nice explanation about the Virgin but unfortunately as far as I can remember Maite always does it. It is one of those annoying tells that some actors have. You see then fall back on it constantly. A good director which apparently doesn't exist on this show would call her on it because it is a sign of lazy characterization.

Thanks for the great recap. I just can't watch this Tn anymore but I'm still curious about the end, but getting less curios each day. I can't believe Max wants Maria to marry Alonso, he is actually pimpimg her out. Who in their right mind would want a man after a suggestion like that??? Not me!!!!!
I think Maria tilts her head to hide her big nose a bit. She is pretty (although built like a box as someone mentioned yesterday) but she does have a pinochio nose.


Thank you Sara for another fabulous recap. I couldn't wait to read it today because my Spanish isn't so hot and, as you say, WL is a mushmouth. I could not IMAGINE that I had heard correctly that Max suggested to Maria that she marry Alonso. And yet, he had.

As someone so aptly posted the other day "PJP is dead to me": Ditto for me after his RIDICULOUS blocking of justice. He bemoans his cruel mother withholding the truth from Vic and yet when the truth was revealed he LIED and blocked it!! (What kind of priest does that?!) And now he's back to whining about his mother not revealing MD's true identity?!

And now Max is dead to me. I have been a die hard Max supporter, mostly because he's so darn cute, but really, Max? Pimping out your girlfriend, the mother of your child? As what, a thank you for finding your son? Because you feel sorry for Alonso? It's disgusting.

The only question in my mind (and I'm afraid I know the answer) is whether Maria is DUMB enough to go along with his incredible plan.

How are we supposed to cheer for Max, Maria, Vic and PJP at the end when they are making decisions which make them utterly unlovable or even likable?


The lettuce in my fridge has more brains than he does.

Dani - this has to take the prize as one of the best comments ever! I can't stop laughing.

I also agree on Maite's head tilt - I've seen her do that in all the TN's I've seen her in, but I think the difference here is that Meija and company really overuse it - it's almost every close up done of her.

I can't believe I've been sucked into this HORRIBLE novela!!!
I'd much rather watch paint dry at this point. On a good note, I truly enjoy reading the recaps!!!

I can not help but think there would be some justice if Maria does enter a pity marriage with Alonso that Dr. Voice would find a miracle cure and Maria would decide she was better off with a man who took care of her during her pregnancy and has always looked out for her instead of a mush mouth and mush brain fool who hands her off to another man. I wonder if Max has thought that Alonso might want to sleep with his new bride. Oh forget it Max can't think more than two minutes ahead.

OMG, Max wants Maria to marry Alonso (his best buddy) WTF? Max is so jealous & he wants the love of his life to SLEEP with his rival. Can Mejia get any more stupid, the answer is probably, but this is near the top.

Someone asked if this is Mejia's WORST novela, I say Abrazme muy fuerte & Fuego en la sangre are worse or sth has happened to my standards. AMF even had Colunga in it & I couldn't finish it, now that IS bad.

I'm done with these new plot twists. Alonslow and Maria? Dr. Voice and Vic? Leo and Os back together?. It's enough to make me grind my teeth and spit at the screen.

Now, if they were to pair up Max and Alonso--there would be an interesting new twist.

Voice and Vic? Naahhh. He deserves better. Unfortunately there is no one good enough for him in this group of characters.

Leo and Os together again? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he actually "accidentally" kills Desdemona if he does Otello.

All I care about now is if Fer is going to be able to have a baby and if Fab falls in love with Luci.

Poor PJP, if he can't save his mother, he'll be tortured with that knowledge for the rest of his life.

P.S. I think Meh-jia unintenionally opened the script for ENDA, read the last few scenes and stuck his TDA people into it. We need Padilla up on the roof again.

I have no words to say except that I agree with everyone's posts.

Thanks for the recap.

great recap Sara! Although it is sad that Alonso is dying, but how can Max just offer Maria up to marry Alonso just because he is dying. I have a feeling that Alonso's Asian viral disease is going to be a mis-diagnosis, but Maria already said yes to marrying Alonso. It is going to be heartbreaking for all three. I know Max and Maria are going to be together in the end, but I feel bad for Alonso. He really is a nice guy and not complicated like Max.

It seems all novelas follow the same guidelines, only the actors change & the rewrite is better or worse depending on who does it.
Does any novela ever end w/o the wedding at the very end? Always a stolen baby, many lies, many hospital scenes. Someone marrying someone they don't love & that's not taking into account arranged marriages of long ago.

Can you see yourself marrying some guy because your true love feels sorry for him ?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't take it anymore!!!!!

Sara, you are A W E S O M E. 2 in a row and that little gem yesterday is one of my all time favorites.

Max has now confirmed what I've thought of him from the very first... that he thinks the world is his playground and everyone else here is for his pleasure. Now he gets to be generous and sympathetic by offering his favorite toy... Maria... to his dying playground rival... Alonzo. How noble. His egocentricity exceeds that of Bernarda. I'm with you, Dani:

"I can not help but think there would be some justice if Maria does enter a pity marriage with Alonso that Dr. Voice would find a miracle cure..."

I'm ready for Nathy's and JuanJo's wedding... I'll bet there'll be lots of good food.

Desahusiado was my first big TN word that I actually got to use in a conversation. Got a nifty "¿QUÉ?" from my profa. Amazing how often it appears in these shows.

Love all the comments today and happy to be in the mainstream (we'll, maybe not about the Nathy/JuanJo nuptials).


Everyone the comments today have been ROFL LMAO hilarious today first prize to Dani for comparing Max's brain cells to less of your lettuce in the fridge.He's just a fictional character but what in the world is the writer's excuse for writing this drivel? I'm crying from laughing too much because the more i watch the more absurd this novela gets.

So i have to ask you FELS fans did you experience this same thing when FELS was on?

Someone asked the other day why we continue to watch even though we complain? Well most of us have invested a lot of time into this novela already and even though it gets worse by the episode. even though we complain in it's own twisted way it has endeared itself to us i have to believe this is true or truly i am a masochist? Which i sincerely hope i am not.

The unbelievable writing of this novela just draws us in if for no other reason to make fun of this absolute totally not believable crap.Like it has been said it's a train wreck and may the good Lord forgive me but i can't seem to stop watching no matter how many times i keep saying surely there is something better than this crap on right now?

THanks everyone! It was most refreshing to only have to recap an hour long episode! Back to one hour next week and the time slot doesn't even bother me 'cause I'm on vacation woo hoo!

BTW, comparing Max's IQ to the lettuce in one's fridge....classic. It needs to be quoted on the Caray Caray sidebar.

Hello all I'm a newbie that's been lurking about reading the recaps -- this is the best site for those! virtually the only place I could find a comprehensive Cuando recap to catch me up!

Anyway, now that you guys have mentioned the Maite head tilt IT'S ALL I CAN SEE! I find myself wondering if she even can hold her head straight...

I think I would buy Max's take on Alonso's situation if they had shown him tossing and turning through sleepless nights of guilt for a few (tn) weeks and maybe getting really religious. Because, truth be told, Alonso did save his life, find his son, protect his mujer and unborn child and find her work when Max's mom shut her out of everywhere. And Max really has just swept in and taken all the glory what with showing up for the birth of his son and pushing Al out, and standing by while Vic blacklisted and badmouthed Maria all over town and not putting his foot to the gas pedal on the marriage thing. He should feel guilty. Of course, it would have been nice if he had at least spoken with Maria about that, instead of making that crazy leap himself...

Problem is WL is just too cute and it makes him too cocky to pull off that level of humility.

But also, how clueless is Maria to not see where he was going with that? Even the day before when he was first giving her the news, their infant son could probably see that Max was heading to that point!

PS They did a story on the radio the other day about a town in...I wanna say Taiwan? The kids were sick from pollution in the ground and there were researchers who knew this and published their findings...but didn't tell the parents anything. When the reporter asked them why they said essentially that the parents couldn't do anything about it, so why go there? Why tell them exactly what was wrong with their kids if there wasn't anyway to fix it. Clearly, Max if of this mindset.

PS: Who is that old( guy that's calling Xi "mi amor"? What poor schmuck is she about to torment now?

Sorry to leave such a long post about one point my first time out, but your convos are so much fun i wanted to join in :)

Hellashelle, don't apologise; long posts are the norm here!

90% of Televisa's novelas end with weddings. Off the top of my head I can think of 6 or 7 that didn't (including the only one I saw that had a sad ending). This list doesn't include teen-oriented ones like Primer Amor where you don't expect weddings.

BTW I'm upset about Edith Gonzales going over to Azteca. I don't get that network so I will have to look on one of the video sites for Cielo Rojo. She is an awesome actress and would have been more believable as Victoria.

Fabulous! Funny! Loved all the section headings.
The many idiot characters are forcing me to let my son watch hockey instead of me watching my TN.
La Paloma

hi all......i've been over on Alborada set......i could not make myself watch this mess after i caught myself yelling at the t.v. the other nite....where pjp denies he is maria bio. dad.........i could not believe mushmouth max telling Maria to get with Alonso...what an ass he is....Max that is.....i thought a novela was just that, a bunch of strange and funny wierd things happening.....but really this has gone tooooo the recapps and love to come here to read about the dosent hurt my head so much....Muchas gracias BNinCA

Perhaps we're all overlooking the obvious - Alonso doesn't have a rare Asian virus - he has scarf fever!!!!! Did you notice his draped over the back of the neck accessory this evening?

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