Thursday, June 09, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #144 6/8/11 Some Good Old Fashioned Uncaged Rage for the Otherwise Unassuaged

Viewerville returns to the land of the lusty, the lusting, and the naively trusting to catch Victoria’s reaction to Bernarda’s matter-of-fact confession that years ago she was the one who ran Bitchi down because she wanted both her and her little daughter dead! D.E.A.D.! Once Vic hears this admission of guilt from our demented dowager, she totally--but totally--loses it. Thwapppp! Caaaat fiiiiight!!! Bitchtoria slaps the old broad across the choppers and takes her by the throat. Burnie collapses onto the couch. Vic jumps on top of her for an even better choke-hold. Unfortunately, the chauffeur and the maid come running in and pull her off before any real and long lasting harm is done. (Viewerville lets out a communal “awwww!” in solidarity of disappointment!) Alas, Burnie gloats that Bitchtoria can’t lay a glove on her since Her Son the Priest, Juan Pablo, is sworn to secrecy under rules of the confessional, so Vic hasn’t got any proof to make a complaint to the police over it. She smooths a wrinkle on her brow, lifts a supercilious eyebrow, and smirks as she strolls out the front door, obviously enjoying Bitchi’s resulting conniption fit to the hilt. “--Don’t bother to show me out. I know the way.”

Back in the bowels of the barrio in Maria’s mouse-hole of an apartment, Max and she hug and agree they’ll have to start seeing each other secretly at night. Max then puts in a couple of good words on Bitchtoria’s behalf with Maria. Maria says she’ll continue working at Casa Victoria The Redux cuz she needs her job. He tells Maria that Vic wants her near her because she cares about her. Maria says fine, but it’ll be strictly a business relationship.

At Casa Scandal-val meanwhile, Vicki has apparently given Osvaldo the 411 on the 480 (hit and run). He pulls a gun out of a nearby drawer to get his gangsta on. He is going to confront the b!tchwitch once and for all! He’ll make her pay for Vic’s--and his--veinte años of misery.  [That's 20 years-- for you non-La Madrastra aficionados out there.]   Vic tells him to put the gun away and nix the nutty machismo. The last thing they need now is that kind of problem on top of everything else. Oz  agrees to back off for her sake. (Anyway, his baggy chinos and XXL boxers were still at the dry cleaners and Michaela borrowed the hairnet.) Vic says she’d rather he help her find a way to get Maria to warm up to her instead.

Back at the vecindad, Alonso tells Max something doesn’t square [no me digiero=can’t digest or assimilate] cuz he knows what real love is, and a person doesn’t just fall out of love overnight. Max just looks at him and says, “You’ve got her now. Take advantage of that. Be happy. Get married.”

Across town, Fausto has a meeting with the Bishop who tells him he’ll have to pay his debt to society before he can become a priest.

Abuela Burnie stops in at Maria’s next. However, Burnie’s now persona non grata with Maria also. Maria gives her grief for denying her the chance to have a real family. As far as she’s concerned, all the problems she’s had to deal with are the old bag’s fault. Things could have been so different if Grandma hadn’t meddled. Doesn’t she feel the least bit sorry for any of this? No, says Burnie. Not at all. Juan Pablo has always had a sacred mission. Maria wants to know what kind of mission would trump everything else: saving his mama!

Antonieta is thrilled that Vicki has found her “Pequeña Maria” for really real this time. Vicki says it doesn’t matter because the girl hates her and has rejected her outright already. Toni thinks she’s exaggerating. No, says Vic, and she doesn’t blame her. Toni is shocked to hear Vic confess to the way she humiliated her and worked her to the bone (granted to make a top model out of her) especially after Maria got involved with Max.

At Televisa, Cruz records a record. (It sounds great. It has a good beat and I bet you could dance a flamenco to it.) The producer he’s been assigned takes him to lunch at the Televisa campus cafe. (She can’t seem to keep her hands to herself, either.)

Leonela comes by Guillermo’s place to do some of the prep for the play. He lies and says he’s gotten a family inheritance and is drawing up plans to remodel the man-cave.

Fausto gives his statement to the police. He talks about the fire and claims it had to be Bernarda de Iturbe who set it, but he can’t prove it. The lead detective/judge of the day? puts a warrant out for Burnie’s arrest.

Meanwhile, Maria gets a little motherly advice from Milagros. “Forgive and forget. It’s hard but life’s too short.”

At Casa Bernarda, an invitation to a major fashion show arrives. Burnie figures she’ll beat the pants off Victoria and Casa.


Oz returns to the studio and agrees to take a role in a telenovela. He finds out afterwards that Lushous Leo will be his leading lady, but also that Gui will be the villain. Yep, just like old times. The producer later tells Oz that he knows all about the problems between him and Gui. Oz says not to worry; that he’ll act like the professional he is on the set.


Back at Casa Vic, Pepino is apparently ill, but he covers it up pretty well by clowning around. There is some planning meeting he’s invited them all to at some restaurant that night.

Vic also gets an invitation to the same gala fashion show as Burnarda. Then Vicki’s prayers are answered as Maria shows up for work just like she’d hoped. Maria rejects both Toni and Vic’s attentions. She leaves to change and Toni is distraught at the fact that Maria doesn’t want anything to do with them. (Not everybody is made to be a lapdog, my dear.)

Alonso visits Padre JP and Padre Jeronimo. He mentions that Maria and Max have broken off their engagement and that Maria has opted to give Lonnie his chance at romance with her. Papa Padre JP can’t get his head around that and starts sputtering.


Back at Casa Vic’s, Fer and Maria meet in the hall and discuss the second operation and Fer’s urge to give Cruz a child. Maria gives Fer a heartfelt hug of encouragement and solidarity in motherhood. Speaking of depressing things, however, who should waltz in the room and start slinging insults, but Jimena! “--Ahh! What a touching picture! The whore hugging the crippled girl.”


Jimeana finds out that she’s picked the wrong day to mess with Maria. Maria turns around and gives Ji’s motor mouth a walloping in an attempt to get Ji’s snotty snoot back into joint. Thwappppp! “--That’s so you’ll learn to stay quiet!” (¡Éso! Viewerville jumps onto their respective couches and chairs to cheer. We’re definitely ready to RRRRUMMMMMBLE!!!!) Ji pops right back up like one of those obnoxious blow up rubber dolls. “--So now you’re the defender of the defenseless? What a crock! All that’s important for you is power and money!” “--That’s a lie! You just don’t like that I’ve been able to get ahead on my own. Of course, I’ve never tried murdering anybody!” Ji calls Maria a big fat liar and a home wrecker [roba-maridos = husband robber, or, literally a stolen husbands] and slaps her back. When Fer calls foul, Ji goads her too. “--Defend her! Aren’t you going to get up and defend her?” Maria moves in for the take down at that point and the knock-down drag-out we’ve all been waiting for finally arrives.

Toni and Vicki hear the ruckus and race in to pull them apart. Vicki starts screaming at Jimeana. “--Don’t you ever touch her again! Do you hear me??? Don’t touch her again!” Vic let’s Ji have another one across the chops for emphasis. Thwapppp! Ji thinks there must be a mistake cuz Vic’s yelling at her instead of belittling Maria. “--What’s the matter with you, Victoria? Why are you defending her? Don’t you realize what a seductress this whore is?” 

By now, the rest of the staff have run out to see what the commotion’s about. Jimeana is stunned. “Why are you sticking up for her?” Vicki takes a deep breath. “--Because Maria Desamparada… is my daughter!!!” The camera pans a couple of times to capture the startled expressions of everyone else in the room who isn't yet in the know.


Jardinera - Great recap, great snark! Thank you. I can't wait to watch my recording of this episode, mostly for the smackdowns.
;o) I esp. can't wait to see the look on Xi's face after Vic told her MD is her daughter.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I rely on you recappers for the details and the snark.

Didn't we all just sit up and cheer so many times last night? Made you feel like you were back in school when fights broke out and you cheered your side.

I feel like I was watching the old Batman series. All it needed were those cheesy "Bam" and "Pow!" words. Or what are those words in Spanish?


Good going, Maria! This is so overdue.

Victoria seems to be coming to her senses preventing Osvaldo from leaving the house with a loaded weapon. However, Os should tread lightly trying to bring Victoria and Maria together.

Ximeana needs to be put out of her misery.

When Fer can walk again she should be a model for a little while before getting pregnant. Once she sees other women throwing themselves at Cruz she'll need the confidence. This would also be good for Casa Victoria: How could a fashion designer not win the day with designs modeled by two beautiful daughters?

When the hell is Alonso going to tell somebody that Bernarda was behind the kidnapping of baby JP?

BTW, he's the most alert baby I've ever seen.

I'm a little confused. When was the show aired? I record all the episodes and the guide reads that the show will continue on Friday evening after the football games. Is it showing at another time other than evening?

Fantastic re-cap.

I'm realizing now that, even though I can understand about 1/2 of what I'm hearing on the show, I am going to be kind of sad when it's over.

The whole victoria/maria forgiveness storyline actually has me hooked and in deep reflection at the moment, as I am in a similar situation with my estranged father.

Back to the show: I have a theory that the incident btwn Vic and Burnie at Casa Sandoval was actually a set up. Burnie knows she's in trouble with the law and she may be trying to find a fall gal for her crimes. The choking incident might be used in court to prove Vic is actually the murderer of all those people Burnie killed. Just a thought.

The Fer pregnancy storyline is puzzling. I thought she was paralyzed from the waist down? Can you have sex if you're a paraplegic?

Jane: You can watch the numbered episodes you missed on dailymotion at

if you can't stream them from Series y Telenovelas (the Univision access site) directly. We have learned over the years that you can never trust the various viewer guides, so you always have a recorder set --especially if there's a conflict in times or a questionable hiatus do it manually. : ? )

Thank you so much for the info. OMG, this is my first experience watching a novela. LOL.

Tks so much Jardinera

I did doze off, but I think it was a 5 slap night

There was one on Alborada also.

It's no longer miiii hiiiija, but mi pequena Maria, over & over.


great recap, captured the true moments. All I can say is slap, slap slap away. The best would have been to see Fer spring out of her chair and slap Xi! now that would have made for a great telenovela moment.

I wonder if Xi will now spill the beans on Momma Victoria, and how she told her to get Max - that's all Victoria needs, I would like to see Victoria's face, will it be Victoria's turn to get slapped? Will Momma respond by telling Xi she has the wig used to killed Linda? Or will we get another "my little maria"

Great recap Jardinera. You never disappoint. I was cheering so hard last night.Maria should have blooded Ji's nose. We will settle for the mother and daughter bitch slaps.That baby JP is my favorite.He has the most amusing facial expressions. I just love Pipino.very funny and dramatic. Maria remembers Antoneta fondly and she has always been decent to her,so why did she reject her too? Maria has a lot of good people in her camp who give excellent advice.Vic gets good advice but never follows them. I hope she doesn't turn out like her.Thank you again Jardinera, you rock!!!

Fine stuff, Jardinera! This episode called out for color commentary and you really channeled your inner Howard Cosell!

My favorite lines (and you had so many zingers it was hard to pick):

"Oz agrees to back off for her sake. (Anyway, his baggy chinos and XXL boxers were still at the dry cleaners and Michaela borrowed the hairnet.)"

BTW, I noticed that the maid who conspired with Xi when she tried to snatch little Oswaldo is still working at Casa Sandoval -- so there's still a snake in the Sandoval garden. If Bernie staged her 'revelation' to provoke Vic and then use her reaction against her, she will have a convenient 'witness for hire' in the little strumpet in uniform.

Love your recaps. Witty!!! AND on target.

ANd baby JPito is a riot of an actor. He listens intently and responds to all the dialogue swirling around him. Hilarious!

Thanks for the snark.

What crime is Fausto in jail for? I must have forgotten.

My fave line of the recap:
He pulls a gun out of a nearby drawer to get his gangsta on. ROTFLMAO... Jardinera you are a mess =).

I so loved the mother daughter bitch slaps from Maria and Victoria. We have waited so long for Maria to finally put foot to a$$ to Xi-Monster. I thought it was also funny before Maria slapped Xi-Monster she kissed Fer and the head as if to say let big sis handle this.

I'm a little confused on why Fausto was locked up? Did they not think he was telling the truth about Burnie?

So Al ins't as dumb as he looks. He doubts that Maria ad Max are over and done with. Why do I get the feeling that Xi-Monster is going to tell him that he's being played?

I wonder if Xi-Monste is going to kill Leo?


Soooo funny, Jardinera!!! Loved the whole "gangsta" scene and when Vic told Oz to "nix the nutty machismo"!!!

I am loving the way things are shaping up. Bit by bit we're getting our pound of flesh from the bad guys. I want Ximena to get a good slapping in every episode from here on out. Especially since she's back on top of her game and acting like queen bee again.

I'm with those who aren't clear what Fausto's in jail for. Possibly accomplice to murder since he chopped up Tomasa and burned her in the fireplace? And what, exactly, did he share with the police re: Burnie. Burnie has so many crimes...hope he got a lot in.

Max told Maria "we'll have to meet at night"? Did it ever occur to him that Alonso may be hanging around at night?!! Again, I can't go down that road because i get too frustrated with the writers.


Hi, y'all. Thanks everybody!

As for why Fausto is in jail, I believe because he was an accomplice to Tomasa's murder. // Too bad we'll have to wait till tomorrow to catch up with Lonesum Lonnie. I'm betting he croaks before Maria ever has to do the deed with him. I can't imagine Maria in bed with him. She won't even lock lips with the poor shmuck.

In US law Fausto would be charged as an accessory after the fact. I'm not sure what the punishment is for that.

I don't think Bernarda expected Victoria to leap at her. I'm sure she was hoping to give her a heart attack or a relapse. Yes, it's possible the nurse could try to cash in on this but it's time for the tide to turn.

Not a spoiler request ---> In EPDA was there the same Alonso/Maria/Max storyline, and did the Max character pimp out his Maria character to the Lonnie character?
Or is this a Meh-jía twist?

My station does not have it on tonight. It is on tomorrow night. I am going to miss the nightly fix of slaps.

Back on Friday.

I sure do not like Alonzo. I did at first but now, he just gives me the creeps. I do like Oz and now, I like Leo. I don't want them together, so who is left for Leo? The good dr. I guess, because I want Vic and Oz together at the end.

And don't add another story line with this broad after Cruz!!


Maria didn't really reject Antonetta. When Antonetta first hugged Maria, Maria's arm went around Antonetta's waist for a hug. It was only when both Victoria and Antonetta hugged her that she rejected the hug.

The best part of the WHOLE night was the fight between Xi and Maria. It was about time Maria hauled off and knocked the crap out of Xi. But when Victoria announced to Xi that she better leave Maria alone because she is her daughter...I think that this may be the start of the turning point for Maria. Victoria is the first to defend Maria in front of everyone and not "hide" that she is her mother.

Looneyvision's web site shows no TdA tonight (fútbol instead) but it's back on Friday for one hour.

I figure if Uni's schedule is messed up, nobody else will know what's going on. ;o)

Jardinera, thanks for another delightful recap. You always crack me up.

Also, belated thanks to NovelaMaven for your excellent recaps for Monday and Tuesday. I almost missed Mon.'s show thanks to the schedule on DirecTV showing a 2 hr. Teresa.

A reminder to la Pola fans that it is scheduled to be on early today and I think tomorrow as well at 5:30 EST/4:30 CST (at least that what the DirecTV schedule shows).

I'm a little miffed at Toni for being so negative at every turn last night and I don't like the whole Alonzo thing, but I'm especially annoyed that they plan to get together behind his back... gee, what could possibly go wrong there?

Loved Vicky's assault of Bernarda and especially Maria's slap for Ximena. Both were very satisfying.

Dr. Voice continues to practice a very strange brand of medicine.


Jardinera what a delightful surprise to read your recap today and wonderful and funny as usual thank you.

In EPDA the Max character did not pimp out his woman this is all Meh-jia and his version.

WHy in the world is XXX-factor allowed to even stroll up into Victoria's place of business like that anyway? She's not exactly on good terms with Victoria either?

Maria boy did that slap look real good.

Dr. Carlos: Can you explain forsome of us whether a paraplegic woman can really have sex? Why must Fer have another operation just to be able to carry a fetus? To walk, yeah but pregnancy?


I think you are taking this TN too
serious. lol


Yes indeed paraplegics can have sex, certainly women and even some men. I once had a patient who was a world-class wheelchair athlete... until she discovered boys...

Getting pregnant should not be too difficult, but she will need to have a C-section.

As I said, "Dr. Voice continues to practice a very strange brand of medicine."


Jardinera, thanks for the excellent recap. I'm late checking in, but still smiling from the slaps and cat fights in this episode.
La Paloma

Dear J. -- Another witty and wise recap!

Any thoughts on the way that they depict Fer as a disabled person? In some way, it seems to me to be a positive portrayal-- Fer works at home and at the fashion house, has an intimate relationship with her husband, is planning a family, does her therapy, etc. She's also a beautiful young woman. In other ways, for example, the blanket always over her legs, Fer's physical limitations are made to seem shameful.

I worked with several people who use wheelchairs at an independent living center. Everyone was so completely competent and able in all ways that physical limitations were pretty much invisible. I am very curious about how Fer's mobility will be resolved. She has turned into one of my favorite characters in a novela that is losing me!

The choking incident might be used in court to prove Vic is actually the murderer of all those people Burnie killed. Just a thought.

Except Victoria would have no motive to kill most of the people Burnie killed.

What motive would Vicky have to kill Gonzalo and Rosalia? She didn't even know them.

What motive would Vicky have to kill Octavio? He was nice to her.

What motive would Vicky have to kill Tomasa? She was nice to her.

Maria Magdalena left town, so there's no motive to kill Alacran.

She DID have a motive to kill Padilla, though. And I'm thinking the gun she took from Ozzie will used at a later date against her.

I'm wondering when Street Witness will come back into the picture and accuse Ximeana of pushing Linda in front of the car.

*I know the cops killed Padilla but this is Mejia we're talking about.

Also Vicky would have no motive to kill Sor Clementina.

Jail is probably the safest place for Fausto right now.

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