Friday, June 17, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #149 6/16/11 A triumph of same old, same old.

Alonso hangs out with bikini clad models at the pool. Mr. 5ft wants him to fall in and drown, but there's a waist-high wall between him and the water. Sorry, sweetie. His assistant bugs him about working too hard and needing to chillax. Al says he will, but for now, it's time for the models to work it some more. What's up with those gratuitous shots of the assistant's tight-jean-clad ass? Al is still having headaches.

Gui hangs out in a warehousy place rigging something. Mr. 5ft: "Who knew he was a recycler?" But the green bags hold the equipment he needs for his nefarious and probably stupidly useless doings. Gui thinks he'll have fun.

Rox and Xi come to hang out at Casa Burnie. Xi walks in like she owns the place. She gives Team Burnie the news that she's the Queen Bitch now. The complain that they're supposed to vote. Too bad, Burnie owns 51% of the shares, so she makes the decisions…unless they want to sell off the company…? Xi tells Luciano to do more daring designs, then dismisses everyone so she can talk to the lawyer. He wants to talk about Burnie's appeal. Xi and Rox pretend they know how to read, then tell him they're not appealing, at least not for the moment. Xi says they're going to let Burnie extend her vacation just a bit.

Luci hangs out at Nueva Casa Vic and molests a picture of Fabian…BUSTED! She tries to walk out after leaving him a copy of the budget, but he wants to know why she moved out of his place. Luci says she doesn't think it's ever going to happen with the two of them, so she figured she'd go find a man who actually…um…is a man and is going to make a play for her instead of pining after a girl who barely gave him the time of day before she had her major attitude adjustment. Or something like that.

Maria D fills Max in on her convo with PJP. He's not in the mood to talk about Al right now. Maria D is worried Al will find out she's faking. Riiiiight, because refusing to kiss him isn't a dead giveaway. Max tells her about Fausto saying that Linda's killer was Xi. MD can't believe she's just sooooo evil. What's up with all these evil people doing bad, bad things while she obsesses over telling little white lies (like…I love you and want to marry you and no, you're not dying of some exotic nameless disease), wonders Maria D. Smoochies. Fabian busts them.

Gui and Burnie hang out in the visiting room in jail. Burnie says this little stint in the pokey won't disrupt their plans. She won't be there long. She promises him payment. She thinks he has a thing for Vic and encourages him to do whatever he wants with her, but that MD shouldn't suffer. Um, isn't he supposed to be killing her?

Cruz gives a press conference. These are the nicest, most well-behaved reporters ever. His bitch of a producer lies and tells them that Cruz doesn't have a girlfriend and won't have one for a long time because he wants to dedicate himself to his music.

Meanwhile his WIFE (who is totally either going to kick the producer's ass when she can walk again or is going to kick her ass by running it over with her wheelchair) is at physical therapy with Mama Vic. Dr. Cesar tells her they'll perform the surgery next week. Vic is grateful to him for everything he's done for Fer. Doc flirts. Os walks in and wants to know what's going on and if she's just coming to Fer's therapy to flirt.

Fabian is now in on Operation Let's Not Tell Alonso He's Dying and he is not happy about it. He tries to be the voice of reason, but ends up saying if Max wants to screw up his life, it's his own business. Max swears him to secrecy and they joke about Fab being "chismoso" (a gossip). Fab tells him Luci moved out and he's bummed about it.

Antonieta tells Luci that if she really wants Fab, she can't give up. Toni, seriously, SHUT UP! You spent years pining after a guy who was hopelessly in love with your best friend and couldn't be bothered to marry you until someone else set up a shotgun surprise wedding. You're the last one I'd be taking love advice from! Luci has too much self respect to keep pining after Fab. I hope she sticks to that. Luci won't follow Toni's path. She's happy it all worked out for Toni, but she's just not that patient. She's also decided to quit and go work somewhere else.

Max tells Fab not to go after Luci unless he really wants her. Women want men who know what they want (a woman wants a man who knows what he wants…not what she wants…though that would probably be useful too, but it's not what he meant).

Os thinks Vic and Dr. Cesar have a thing going on. Plus he has no right to ask what's going on. Fer comes up and hears the tail end of his jealous scene. Os says if she likes Doc better, he'll step aside. And so he does. Fer wants to go after him, but Doc wants to talk schedule. Fer won't let him operate because she thinks he's taking advantage of her to get to her mom. Dr. Cesar consoles an upset Vic.

Maria D wants Xi to pay for killing Linda.

Some shady dudes hang out in an alley. I'm ignoring them. Oh, someone has footage of Linda's death on his cell phone. The dude wants to turn Xi in for killing Linda.

Luciano's designs are not pleasing Xi. Who despite acting like she owns the place answers her own phone. She dismisses Luciano, who tells her to watch herself…"No one talks to Luciano Ferreti like that!" Then quit, you dumbass! He struts out of the office and lets Max in on his way out. Max asks her about selling the ring he gave Maria. She claims to remember the letter, but she didn't sell the ring…it was her mom. Max wants to sue. Xi tells him he's got no proof, so he should just chill. The ring's back with the bitch and they're broken up, so who cares?! She sucks on Max long enough for Maria to walk in. Oh, great, another stupid break up.

Gui sneaks around and puts something into a water bottle.

MD thinks something was going on. Max reminds her bitch crazy. Max and Maria can't properly argue with Xi because they can't tell her that they haven't really broken up. Maria tells Xi that she's going to turn her in for killing Linda. She bitches at Max and says she'll leave him there to kiss Xi some more. They both leave and Xi calls them stupid. Oh, shit, I just agreed with Ximena about something.

Prison ladies gossip about Burnie. She's going to get free sooner than expected because her son is a priest who has influence with the bishop. "Siniestra" the goth prisoner says she'll sure as hell be leaving sooner than expected, cause she'll be DEAD, muahahahaha. What. Ever.

Doc thinks Fer's reaction was perfectly natural. Vic says it's her fault for neglecting Fer while she was growing up. She wants to talk to Fer, but Doc says he'll do it.

Oh, shit. Gui was doctoring Leonela's water with booze. She undresses way too slowly to be doing it only for herself. Gross!

The producer takes Cruz home. She explains that if all the chicks think he's single, he'll be a bigger hit. Then she hits on him. Fer catches them.

Leonela gets dressed again way too slowly. No, wait, I figured it out! The mirror is a 2-way mirror and there's a guy on the other side who's paying some exorbitant fee per minute to watch, right? She drinks from the vodka-ed bottle and freaks out.

Cruz lays down the law to his producer and refuses to let her talk smack about Fer. He throws her out. Of course Fer didn't hear that part.

Producer Bitch runs into Fer outside and tells her that Cruz loves her and would sacrifice his singing career for her, but she doesn't think it's fair. "If you really love him, you should convince him to continue." Fer agrees and says she'll talk to him, but she doesn't promise anything. She ducks a kiss on the cheek and cries.

Leo starts to leave the room and has to give herself a pep talk. Sealed bottles only from now on, Leo, and don't trust any drink that leaves your custody. Aw, shit, she convinces herself she can take just one more drink.

Os and Gui get ready to film the scene, but Os is distracted. The producer starts yelling for Leonela. She shows up drunk. And half falling out of the top of her dress. Os asks if she's been drinking. "Shh! Just a little!"

Vic comes to visit Burnie in jail. "Asesina!" Yeah, Vic, I think you're going to have to be just a little more specific.

Oh, Tomasa. Burnie denies. Then she says she's just punishing sinners. "Tomasa was a sinner?" Burnie says it was Vic's fault. "You're the one responsible for her death. I killed her for betraying me. The money you gave her made her brave. I'll tell you how it happened, but if you tell anyone else, I'll deny it. She threatened me…." Burnie flashes back to Tomasa threatening to tell PJP that she kept Vic's pregnancy a secret from him. "I killed her because she deserved it. See how it was your fault? You made her disobey me. You fed her rebelliousness." Vic says she'll pay for her crimes. Burnie doubts it. They won't find a body. She needles Vic some more about how MD will never forgive her.

Two dumbasses in a truck with ski masks chase after Maria D.

Vic needles Burnie about her son the priest knowing his mother is a murderer. "Do you think your son will forgive you?"

The bishop feels sorry for PJP, who is very confused and wonders what he did wrong. Why he never realized his mom was batshit crazy. The bishop says he's not the boss of Burnie. "Don't get confused. You don't have anything to do with her behavior. It's the parents who have to raise the children, not the other way around."

MD gets shoved in the back of the truck by the guys in ski masks.

PJP doesn't know how he can ask his parishioners to follow the rules when his mother is such a big 'ol sinner!

Burnie says it's her son's job to forgive, so she's off the hook. He'll pray for the salvation of her soul. Vic thinks it's waaaay too late for that. But Burnie says they'll just see who suffers more. She smoothes her 'do and struts out.

The guys take off their ski masks since MD is blindfolded. They tell MD that her worst enemy sent them.

No Sweet William Levy in a Kayak? What the hell did I watch this episode for?

Tomorrow: MD is kidnapped, Burnie's still in jail. I guess that's it.


Good night, all! The show opens Tuesday (preview Monday night) so I'm under serious pressure now! If I get a chance I'll put up a picture of me in my costume on my blog!

Once again, a great recap. I especially loved the line of "X and Xmom pretend to read." Very funny.

Does anyone know how that bishop's beanie stays on? It looks like its practically falling off, but never does.


Great recap! I love your last line about the lack of Sweet William Levy in a Cayak! LOL!

I was able to skim through some my recording of this episode because I could just read the recap. I only stick around for Padre Hottie! And Doctor Voice. LOL!

Break a leg and gracias for taking the time to do this one.

Now that we are officially in Ultimas Semanas I think we've just seen the beginning of the etapa culminante. Maria was kidnapped by order of Bernarda who wants to keep her out of the way at least until after the fashion show. It looks like the kidnappers know that Ximeana killed Linda but it's too early in the morning for me to speculate how these two things relate to each other.

Of course, this potentially changes my prediction for Alonso's final fate: He might sacrifice his life to save Maria. My comments about Maria and Max's plan still stand.

Cruz still needs to lose the country bumpkin look. And the naivete about Diana. He needs to take this over her head. If Fer tells her dad he might be the one to do it.

If she doesn't have the surgery that benefits no one, least of all herself.

Leonela's strip and dress was purely gratuitous, but I'm wondering what Gui expects to gain by her backsliding. He has both a TV series and a play at stake that will now suffer.

Just what did Victoria and Max expect to gain by confronting Bernarda and Ximeana? Victoria could gloat, of course, but Max only tipped off Ximeana that he knows about Linda.

Ximeana ain't never lied when she said Max and Maria were a pair of estupidos.

I wonder how Gui's going down, after having slipped vodka in Leonela's drink?

Why would Maria march over to Ximena and let her know she knows Xi killed Linda?

Why would Max march over to Ximena and blast her for convincing Alonso to give Maria the same ring Max gave Maria? If they were truly broken up, who cares?

I hope Oz realizes that Leonela has been set up and doesn't blast her for drinking.

Fer should have run her wheelchair oven Brazen Hussy's foot instead of crying like a simp. We need spunky Fer back!

And why is Fer the only one who calls Maria "Maria?" Everyone else calls her "Maria Desamparada."

5ft Latina hilarious recap as usual too funny and thank you.

Oh boy another kidnapping just great and creative writing here.

Tell me Maria wasn't trying to run away from the kidnappers in those silly high heels again? the same ones she tried to run in trying to catch up to the woman who had little JP.

Now Urban you know better than to ask what did Victoria and Max hope to gain by confronting the two crazies? As for Max, 5ft said she had to agree with Ximena when she called him and Maria stupid. Frankly i find myself agreeing with her too.

It looks like the kidnappers know that Ximeana killed Linda but it's too early in the morning for me to speculate how these two things relate to each other.


It looks like that one kidnapper had the cell phone video of Ximena pushing Linda in front of the car. When Ximena told Maria she didn't have any proof of her killing Linda, Maria was like "Oh well I'll get some."

So I'm thinking some kind of way Maria will get her hands on that cell phone to call Max (never the police) and some kind of way that video will show up and Maria will have her proof.

I've just not had the stomach or patience to sit through whole episodes anymore. But the recaps are great, and today, 5 FT you just made my day. This was hysterical. ( love the "No Sweet William Levy in a Kayak? What the hell did I watch this episode for?")

Seems we've covered just about every TN cliche in the book with this show. Now the heroine gets kidnapped by the bad villian and someone has to ride in on the white stallion and save her, probably causing the demise of villian? My bets are on Alonso once again. Heck, when does Max ever save Maria from anything? So Al will die a noble hero, never aware he was dying, blah blah blah. Poor sap. And Max will get all blurbly and snoochie with Maria.

Since I haven't actually tuned in...stupid question, but who's watching the kids while all this is going on? Just wondering....

Great one 5ft, gracias.

Fausto tells Max that Jimena killed Linds, phew, now we'll get some justice, 'cause he's going to call the police ahora misma, whaaaat, nooo??????.

OK Max tells María that Jimena killed one of her best friends, Linda & she will definitely call the police, ¿¿Qué????? nooooo!!!!

I wonder if Mejia had several run ins with the law, he just doesn't believe in calling the police very much.

It always cracks me up when some little female grabs some big guy to kiss him & he can't pull himself away, Max/Jimena - Cruz/producer, & of course the sig other ALWAYS catches them.

Speaking of Cruz, he goes to an interview with that maldito straw hat. The hat must go, now, ahora.

Milagros is watching JPito, as someone said that worked out well before.
Plenty of people at the Sandovals to watch Osito, he even has a nanny.

So now Fer has officially made her bones as a member of the brain dead Sandovals. She rolls up overhears daddy in a jealous rant, immediately turns on her mother and then decides she won't have the surgery. Well dim wit exactly who is that going to hurt? This family in addition to being excellent at secret keeping also shines when it comes to jumping to conclusions and in instant rejecting. Too bad The Voice isn't a psychiatrist for real because this bunch could use it.

That scene with the odd dudes in the alley threw me for a minute because it came right after commercials and I had to check my channel to see if I hadn't accidently changed it some other show.

Good for Lucy - get away from the moping mutt and find someone who has some actual smarts and appreciation for you.

Wonder how long it will take for someone to notices that the tilt head is missing and think to call the police. Oops forgot no one ever calls the police. Max and his equally stupid other half now have been told that Xi murdered Linda but do they go to the cops? Of course not?. Obviously it is so much smarter to confront a killer on your own. Morons are us.

What on earth is with all the stripping scenes or bath scenes with Leo? They serve virtually no purpose in advancing the plot. On the other hand for a women in her late 30's who has two kids she looks pretty darn good. It certainly took her all of a New York minute to decided that one little swig of vodka wouldn't hurt. I fear her chances of ever beating her alcoholism are getting dimmer by the minute. And yikes that dress put her within an eyes lash of a major wardrobe malfunction.

Burnie (love the new appropriate spelling) is still swanning around the big house with her nose in the air and her hair perfectly coiffed. I keep expecting to see little poofs of smoke surrounding her like those occasionally shots of heavenly light that Maria and Vic get just in case we haven't got it that she is the devils spawn

Ultimate Semanas - Praise the Lord!

Hey everyone, tomorrow I'm spending the day with our favorite Mexican guest commenter, Jarocha! I'm giving her the grand tour of DC's neighborhoods, monuments, and nightlife. She sends her love to you all. She's wrapping up the first week of her two week DC grad school program with an exam today.

Kat - Great recap and snark. Thank you! A shout out to Mr. 5 ft also. :-)

What was up with our gratuitous porn Leo strip and then get dressed scene? Que the ***?
That dress itself is X-rated. I kept wondering if The Girls were going to pop out of the top of it.

How did the bishop keep his hat on? Superglue? Bobby pins? It defied gravity and distracted me from the conversation.

Oh noes!!! Resorting to lame kidnapping plot!!!

UA - Gui can't stand that Leo is sober and getting better, and might even have a new male love interest. It's all about power & control on the part of Gui the sociopath.

"Morons R Us." Dani - LOL!!! That should have been the title of this telenovela.

Kat- I watched this with only one eye, so I thank you for filling in all the details and making it SO darn funny!

I walked out of the room during the Leo strip tease because I could not believe that the writers/producers were going there, yet again. Those scenes make me long for those gratuitous ads for Maggi or yogurt.

I did LOL when Xi came strutting into Casa Bernarda and Rox pushed people aside so that Xi could make her catwalk entrance. All the bystanders had a WTF look on their faces.

Again... hilarious, Kat. Lots of funny lines, mu fave:

"'Asesina!' Yeah, Vic, I think you're going to have to be just a little more specific."

Let's see... Padre JP catches M&M almost mating, Fabian interrupts an intimate embrace... hmmm... now what could possibly go wrong with the Alonzo Project?

Urban Anthropologist, Dani, Vivi, and Doris... ummm... sorry, I was distracted by Leonela and forgot what I was going to say... nevermind.


Thanks, 5ft. I am concentrating on Alborada , so I only catch bits of this novela. Well, I guess we all know why the actress playing Leo was hired. That opposite-of-a-striptease was ...odd. How did you like that dress she was almost wearing ? Yikes....And enough with the Willow Smith impersonation. ''I swing my hair back and forth.'' We get it....You're a mature , alcoholic sex kitten.

It's obvious Leonela loves herself.
But hey why not, wish I looked like that. Take a cold shower Carlos. Mrs. Carlos better watch out.

Thanks, 5ft. I'm not keeping up with the show like I wanted, but I was definitely wondering what was up with "two dumbasses in a truck"--let alone knowing that Ximena killed Linda, which last I knew only Gui knew. I guess this is part of where the villains all turn on each other like rabid dogs, since it's ultimas semanas and all...

Thanks Kat, and all of this week's brilliant recappers. My watching and reading have been sketchy, so I really appreciate y'all's razor wit and the commenters' comebacks.
Loving Burnie in the big house, she's one you don't mess around with.

Yaaaay! Ultimas semanas!!! It felt so good to see that tag onscreen.
La Paloma

Good morning

My daughter is in Mexico she told me that the last capitulo will be Sunday the 26 which will be capitulo 176.

I *just* watched the episode. Your recap was so much better. We see eye-to-eye about the chick in the tight jeans and her butt? What was with that?

And your comment about agreeing with Xi...very funny.

I hope the preview is great on Monday and the best of luck to you for the show.

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