Monday, July 18, 2011

Alborada, 7/16/2011. Cap. 34

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #11, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 34 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Another striking composition.


Thanks, Paula and Carlos---our fearless leaders. Maybe we should have a contest everyday to provide a caption for Carlos's screen capture. Here's mine : ''Do NOT mess with The Inquisition.'' This episode is one of my favorites. The confrontation between Luis and Tony is GREAT. I especially love the expression on Luis's handsome face when he says , ''Incapacitado.'' I often replay that scene. Also, Luis holding Rafael while he waits in Hip's room is so endearing. Then, we have Diego's unrestrained joy when he gets to inform Luis that Tony is Luis's amante's HUSBAND !!!! And , Juana in her elegant navy blue gown accompanying Crazy Espy to Fra Alvaro.

Mil Gracias Paula y Carlos. Susanita, I agree with the enjoyment factor of this episode and at least and at last Luis and Hipo have another tender moment and kiss. They really make us work for our screen kisses in many telenovelas. At least in Alborada they do sprinkle these sweet scenes throughout the story. I too adore the tenderness of Luis carressing Rafael when he first sees him in this episode and then later sitting with him while Hipo confronts her badly rugged hubby.

Thanks Carlos for the shot and Paula H. for hosting us. I've been fascinated by the friar's "tonsure" wigs. In general, they look pretty good, but occasionally the camera angle makes them look really goofy.

The love scenes in the novela are in a class by themselves. Unlike others (TdA comes to mind) I often have to cringe or else yawn, FC has such style and magnetism.

I've fallen behind (again) and just finished watching Friday's episode - haven't seen today's yet.

Hoo doggie, I knew Juana was bad, but if La Poderosa's afraid of her, then Juana must be a lot worse than I thought. Interesting - Juana doesn't approve of Diego putting hits on people left and right, and raping young women, yet she's denounced people to the Inquisition? I suppose the logic there is that letting the Church condemn people to death means she won't be accused of murder herself.

Tia Isabel and another trip to the Regidor's wife. Man, the things some people will do for a cup of chocolate!

I also thought Cristobal was amusing with that piece of fruit when he went to visit Catalina. (Again, this was the Friday episode...) He kept looking at it funny and even grimaced a bit when he bit into it.

Would it be redundant to say again that Diego is super-icky??

I don't think Rafael likes Lucero very much. I've noticed in at least 2 scenes that he pulls away from her & they immediately move the camera. One was today when she went to his bed, he wasn't interested, at all. He likes FC, well who wouldn't?

Vario, You're so right. Remember after she had been sequestered at Olmedillas and was finally reunited with Rafa. He looked away and jumped back on the bed and they cut the camera immediately. Nothing like that with Fernando. It's all smiles and open arms

that's the other one I remember, the cut away was so obvious.

It's probably her hiccupy crying.

I noticed she does the same thing in MEPS.

Gotta hand it to Lucero though, she didn't break character when the kid rejected her. But it was disconcerting at the very least.

My word verif is "sulti" and all I can think is "sultry" It's nearly 100°F here today.

He does like Adalgisa, there were times that she was holding him when I thought it s/b his mother.
Kids & animals, who knows?

Well, I have to make my pronouncement, men simply do not fiddle with their hair in the way that Antonio does. I'm not even sure that gay guys do. This is definitely a feminine trait indicating sexual (albeit perhaps mild) interest. Now it's curious that Antonio seems to do the most fiddling in the presence of doña Juana. Conflicted?

I loved how the altar boy went about his business seemingly oblivious to the serious conversation which was certainly reaching his ears. Maybe he was preoccupied with thoughts of the seductive lady perched outside the cantina the previous night.


Carlos, that "altar boy" is actually the scribe for Fray Alvaro. If you look closely, you'll see he's writing a transcript of the proceedings for the Inquisition. I remember at one point, he is actually so shocked, he drops his pen and looks up (but maybe we haven't got to that part yet). He's also the one who came round to the house with a message for DJ to bring Espy for her interrogation. Sort of an all-purpose acolyte.

Thanks Agnes, I didn't realize that. What an interesting job. The stuff he hears and records would probably make for several fascinating books, but I suppose he's sworn to secrecy.

Yesterday I noticed that when Diego arrived at the restaurant (on horseback) he was accompanied by servants (running along behind (on foot). This guy would be so funny if he weren't so evil.


I'm glad some readers have brought up the reactions of Rafael to Lucero. This is the one drawback. The child is wonderfully natural and they let him chirrup and cavort to his heart's content. But he doesn't like "mom" and clearly adores Colunga but also some of the other women. Just not Lucero. Odd.

Doña Juana is an interesting study. Clearly conflicted but drawn more and more into wretched evil by her original choice to put her own son in as the count.

Judy B: I love your choice of words "chirrup and cavort". Perfect!

I love the scenes between Luis and Antonio, two wonderful actors excelling in their profession. They actually have great chemistry.

Carlos, interesting observation about Antonio's hair fiddling in front of Juana. She definitely affects him. This is something that I think completely eluded me the first time around. I'm going to pay more attention to their interactions. The first time he saw her walking through town he commented on her great beauty, yet I don't think it was a basic attraction per se. It was something else.

Paula and Carlos, gracias amigos, once again a wonderful post with an intriguing screen shot.

I may be mistaken; didn't we see a photo once, of Lucero smoking? Maybe Rafael pulls away from her because she smells like an ashtray.

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