Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alborada, 7/20/2011. Cap. 36

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #12, Wednesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 35 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Espy's sure having a bad day.


Tks Paula H & Carlos.

I just knew it would be poor Andrés getting the blame for this merequetengue (great word). Who else?
Common sense should tell them it wasn't him & that it is indeed Diego. But the novela must go on. If Luis kept at Esperanza, she would eventually cave.

And why isn't Andrés saying who he thinks it is?

I do sympathize with Esperanza, her husband doesn't want or love her. She gets the blame for being raped.
The shame if Luis divorced her. She is a poor lost & loca person. And the actress is doing an excellent job, I'm convinced.

I've got it!

Antonio divorces Hipo for abandonment. Of course she does not contest it.

Luis divorces Espy for lack of an heir. She does not contest it.

Luis marries Hipo, of course, and they raise Rafael.

But here's the key. Antonio marries Espy and takes her back to Panama with her baby. He's willing to recognize another man's child, right? Espy will be spared the embarassment of rejection, and what's more, she won't have to deal with that icky sex stuff. Antonio will have a wife who isn't always bugging him to come to bed.

Everyone's happy!

Funny BUT
Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen Paula, because I think Esperanza is going to die in childbirth. Luis, our sort of honorable good guy, will not let the inquisition have her. So how else do they get rid of her. And having babies is a risk for her.

Paula~~That's an interesting premise teaming up the two that enjoy sex and the two who don't . When Felipe and Marcos are talking at Felipe's, doesn't Felipe guess that Diego is the rapist ? Also, didn't Carmela ask Marcos to come live with them , and Felipe told her that Marcos had his own life to live ? Poor Carmela. This. Show. Is. Awesome.

Paula and Carlos, thanks for the post and the screen shot. Poor Espy.

Paula, I too loved your idea of teaming the two different couples.

While Luis was telling Hip that Espy was indeed pregnant she seemed to be clawing her skin as if out of desperation, or that her heart was breaking. Interesting.

I am dying to know what Antonio's "problem" is. From the outside it looks like the rumors are true that he is "efeminado" and is just not attracted to women. But he seems to feel that there is something he can explain to Hip, and change. Is this not so? The only other thing I could think of is some sort of psychological thing about not being able to perform while his emasculating mother was in the same house. And now that she's dead, he believes he can perform. None of this would explain why the girls at the brothel don't float his boat, but Juana does seem to unsettle him. Does he have a strange oedipal complex? He IS a complex guy!

Now that his mom is dead, going back to Antonio isn’t such a bad deal for Hip. Sure, she can’t be with Luis, but she’s not willing to live as his mistress anyway, and that’s what she’d have to be since he can’t get out of his Espe bind.

Poor Andres. There had to be a fall guy though. Glad they didn't choose dead Martin who can't defend his honor. I'm sure Andres will be able to convince Luis of his innocence.

Luis looked like a LOCOmotive as he chugged through the door and straight at poor Andres. Diego is despicable, and Espy is so weak that she can be coerced into anything that she thinks might save her. Whatamess.

Vivi~~It's complicated, but all will eventually be explained. Fasten your seatbelts as the story unfolds. Alborada spoils you for the usual novela. I started my tn experience with it, and everything else I've seen pales in comparison...with the exception of Amor Real. FC really inhabits the role of Luis. He makes you completely believe his love, his desire, his anger, his pain, his worry, his frustration. He even conveys his ''born to the manor'' attitude as he swaggers with a firm step his shoulders turning and his hand on the hilt of the sword. Sigh. Where was I ? I think I'm going to jump in the pool. It's already 90, and that commentary did not help cool me off.

Wow, what an episode. Paula, I like your pairing idea. It's pure brilliance and it seems like it would work out for all involved. I'm not sure Esperanza would want to be in Panama far away from her family; but hey, those pesky details can be worked out.

Poor Andres, I had forgotten they blamed the rape on him. Man, it sucks to be poor.

I'm liking how Catalina seems firmly on team Hipolita, especially since Asuncion can't stop harping about the "bad" Hipolita. Sheesh mom, give it a rest already. YOU popped her out so stop blaming her for all your problems.

Thanks Paula and Carlos!

Vivi—I agree with susanlynn. And I counsel patience and attention to detail with this novela. All your observations & character analysis are spot-on and you will be rewarded by the denouement. I get nervous about commenting because I'd be afraid to let a spoiler slip out, but I love almost everything about this show.

I don't think another novela has ever attempted this level of complexity, character development, scenic accuracy (costume construction notwithstanding) and plot resolution. Yes, there will be some of the usual old hack telenovela sub-plots thrown in, as you will see, but they are tolerable because of the generally high standards throughout, and because the characters actually develop. So glad you are on board for this. Now I'm wondering what to watch in the 9PM slot when TdUm is over.

The Premios Joventud will be broadcast tonight, right? The Uni on-line schedule doesn't show it, but that site is generally wrong.

Can anyone tell me what time the Red Carpet will broadcast, Pacific Time? I know the Red Carpet is always boring, but Camil is up for an award and attending, so I'm hoping to see Heidi's baby bump.


Go to Zap2it and you should find the current listings for your area. You will need the name of your cable provider as well as your zip code or city. They are usually correct.


My Tivo lists the Noche De Estrellas starting at 7:00 p.m. and the Premios starting at 8:00 p.m. Thanks for the heads up on Camil.

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