Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Alborada, 7/5/2011. Cap. 25.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #7 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 25 start at this link.

Carlos sent me a rather intriguing picture from today's episode. Thanks!


Paula etc. Kids and grandkids here. No time. But thinking of you all!

CarayCaray! Capitulos one through twentyfive
  I have just caught up; I'm watching online
No abridged DVD, more of Luis, Oh how divine!
  Because as we know, He is Just. So. Fine.

He is super-fine.

Paula asked over the weekend which characters we thought were going to meet with a horrible end. I'm starting to think Perla's future looks to be going downhill fast. Too bad, because I liked her at first.

Juana's been pretty horrible so far, but she has time to turn back.

I think we can all agree that Diego is a lost cause already and isn't likely to become any nicer. Hopefully his outcome will be worthy of his misdeeds. Based on Pasión, I expect it will; on the other hand, I'm still haunted by what happened to Lisabeta in that story, so apparently my theoretical vengeance has limits.

Say, is it just me, or is it REALLY strange for a man to claim that he doesn't know who his child's mother is? I can think of a handful of weird situations in which this might be plausible, but all of them would prompt a lot of difficult questions.

Oh and Gasca. I figure he ends up getting mauled by an amorous, enthusiastic, gigantic bat, in a case of mistaken identity.

Nice poetry, Barbara. I'm glad you'll be able to join us now.

Judy, enjoy the young'uns. Thanks for cking in.

Julie, you're right. I can imagine some deadbeat dad forgetting the name of a woman he made pregnant. But if she means so little to him, he certainly wouldn't choose to adopt (or whatever) her baby.

Hi, Judyb..enjoy the kids and grandkids. My daughter is here from Toronto for a few days. Wow. Great episode. Lots of closeups of That Gorgeous Face, Marcos in his longjohns, Martin sulking and weeping, Francisco being unappreciative and disgusting [per usual...where's the big anvil ???] , Gasca propositioning poor little Marina for Diego, Andres putting the moves on her as well. Julie~~~Let's see...how could a guy possibly claim that he doesn't know who the babymama is ???? Well, perhaps in the case of a real player...the baby is left on his doorstep ,but he's bedded so many mujers that he doesn't know which of his amantes left the bebe there.

I love the way that little Rafael ripped open his gifts from Isabela. That kid is a hoot. Also, when Catalina kissed him he wiped it off. Lucero looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

Barbara, I'm glad you are caught up and going to watch with us. That's awesome!! This telenovela has amazing eye candy for all.

It's fun to read everyone's thoughts on appropriate demises. Once again I am reminded that we are an inventive bunch.

If such a way really existed for a man to claim a child as his, you can bet this was invented by men, for men.

Probably there were many situations where a man's wife was unable to bear children or had only given birth to girls. He might want to claim and raise his mistress' child as his own but not have the inconvenience of dealing with the reality of the mother for the rest of his married life.

It's pretty much a contrivance that usually would only benefit the father.

Julie, RE: Gasca
"mauled by an amorous, enthusiastic, gigantic bat"

Just watched my recording. This episode, and the title of the pic, should be called "old habits die hard." Perla certainly wasn't fighting her old habits. Although now she's her own boss and gets to keep all her earnings. Not a bad deal.

I don't see what the mute and the henchman are getting out of this deal, other than a peek at Perla's stockings. She's not paying them well, they have to run all the risk of the kidnapping and Luis' vengeance if he finds out (which we know he will), and they have to bargain with the pirates.

I'm not liking that Juana is planning to take Rafael away from Hip. I'm liking even less that poor Marina is about to fall into Diego's brutal hands. Blech and double blech!

Little Rafael was hilarious when those gifts came in. I bet he thought what was inside would be way cooler than some frilly dresses.

I just now watched today's cap. A few things that struck me.

1. Did the priest told Modesta that many men baptize babies w/o the mothers name, or that mothers baptize them w/o the father's name? The second scenario seems more to be expected, but I thought he said the first, and right now I can't replay to check.

2. Juana's fiendish smile when she realized that Hipo will be left with no rights to Rafael.

3. The way Andres tugged at his hands when he told Marina that they are forced to do whatever the powerful ones tell them. I'm sure he was thinking about murdering the thug.

Perla might be her own woman for now but I don't see her being able to work her current arrangement for long. Did y'all notice the group of women who obviously left the cafe because Perla was showing her wares to the out-of-towner? Unless she somehow convinces the cafe owner to take a cut it will only be a matter of time before she's banned.

I believe the priest said that unfortunately many ("If you only know how many") men have their babies baptized without knowing the mother's name.

Vivi, that explains why Rafael ignored the contents and kept playing with the boxes. Frilly dresses...harrumph.

Here is my ending for Gasca.

Every time he sleeps, he has nightmares of being tortured by all the victims he murdered. Very soon, he's afraid to sleep. But sleep deprivation quickly makes him delusional, and the characters from his nightmares now inhabit his waking delusions, until he is driven mad, incessantly tormented by his victims.

I like it!! He's never sure if it's real or his dream, because it's both. And then in his few lucid moments he is mauled by the giant bat.

Good point about Andres wringing his hands. I hadn't noticed so thanks for pointing it out. I almost forgot that he committed murder. Talk about bad first day on the job! I'm sure you are right about his thoughts.

In the blooper reel, they set up that scene where Perla says goodbye to her client on the porch with a whole string of guys. The actress takes the last guy [a short guy] and leads him back to her door with a laugh. There seems to have been a lot of fun on this set when you watch those bloopers.

OK, where did I see a villain(ess?) being taunted by the ghosts of victims? I know it happened to the crazy inflated-looking half-sister (or cousin, whatever) in STuD, and to Feo in FELS. (Those are just the two I can think of right now - I'm sure there are plenty more.)

I enjoyed watching their torment, but both characters ended up killing themselves, which I found disappointing. I don't like it when the bad guys get to die on their own terms. They did not show such courtesy to their victims.

But I'd be okay with a suicide attempt that gets foiled by a much more horrific accident or attack.

I'm still trying to decide what to do with Diego. My suggestions for the day are: Slowly getting devoured by crabs (not the kind that you dip in butter); poisoning someone else's wine but grabbing the wrong glass by mistaken; the Fluffy Cushions.

Gasca. I figure he ends up getting mauled by an amorous, enthusiastic, gigantic bat, in a case of mistaken identity.

Gasca cracks me up just because he's so cliché about the whole villain thing - "I'm Gasca! I'm looming and ominous and dressed all in black! Watch my cape billow in the breeze!" (And a lot of the time I'd actually be attracted to that, but Gasca, unfortunately, just doesn't do it for me.)

I've been fascinated by the walls in Cristobal's apothecary shop so I paused the picture yesterday to study them. Someone said it appeared as though the walls were covered by cigar boxes. After looking closely, I'm pretty sure those are built in cabinets for storing herbs. I was able to read one of the boxes and clearly made out the word Lupula, which is the name of a plant in the aloe family. If I'm right, Cristobal probably has the best stocked pharmacy in all of Mexico at that time.

I loved watching Rafael play with the boxes. He certainly doesn't seem to mind being surrounded by all the ladies.


Mad Marley Grey - LOL, yeah, Gasca does have kind of a Darth Vader thing going on with that outfit, doesn't he? The cape is a bit much for him. And I don't like the way he combs his hair - actually that's what it is about his face that somehow reminds me of a bat.

Carlos - I have yet to see a kid Rafael's age (or a kitten or puppy, for that matter) who wouldn't rather play with a cool box than whatever's inside!

When Luis tells Hip, ''I need you, and I'm no saint,'' I couldn't help thinking of the Boss's ''I'm no angel.'' Luis is feeling good because things are definitely falling into place...winning over Hip and officially giving Rafael his name...but uh-oh---here comes some trouble. [You aren't surprised, are you ?]

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