Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #165 7/18/11 Victoria triumphs, Bernarda gets trounced, and María takes a nosedive.

In brief:
Casa Victoria wins the biennial competition and María wins a special award as best model in the show.
She’s not pregnant, she’s sick, you bozos! To judge from her symptoms, it appears that María is suffering from Alonso’s Curse.
And as a great rabbi once said: All the rest is commentary

At the new Casa Victoria, the rumor of María’s pregnancy reaches Max. Now he’s excited too. María tells him to cool it until they know that it is true. [I don’t want to be crude or anything, but how is it that no one asks if María is ... er ... late?]

Fer gets a call from Cruz. He’s back with his dad and she sets off to meet them at the doctor’s office.

You’ll never work in this town again
At Televisa, the director fires Gui. I know we saw this before but I could watch it over and over. One minute Gui is telling the crew to peel him a grape and the next, he’s needing a cardboard box.

The pregnancy rumor makes its way to Victoria, too. She gets a little mopey about not being able to enjoy the excitement with her daughter. Toni tells her to snap out of it – she has a Bienal to wrangle.

Cruz and his father, Dionisio, are finishing up their consultation with Dr. Sabelotodo (know-it-all), aka Heriberto, in his office at the rehab center. Don Dionisio agrees to use his inhaler and follow Sabelotodo’s instructions while they wait for some test results to come back. Then Fer, waiting just outside, joins them. After a brief introduction to Papa Robles (who turns out to be as gallant as his son), she asks for a few moments alone with Sabelotodo.

Sin pelos en la lengua
Fer lays it on the line. She’s grateful for what he’s done for her as a physician but that doesn’t give him the right to take over (apropiarse, to appropriate) her family. And he had his nerve ruining the plans she and Max made when he barged in on her parents’ evening...

...Here Sabelotodo tries to deflect her outrage, telling her she still has a lot to learn about love.

But Fer is undeterred. It’s time he realized he can’t use the familia Sandoval as replacements for the wife and children he lost. And he can’t condemn her father – a very good man -- just because he made a single “mistake”.

[We can forgive Fer a bit of rhetorical excess. A “mistake” would be washing the reds with the whites in hot water and turning the undershirts pink . But Osvaldo’s relationship with LindaHo involved a series of choices and a chain of deception and lies over several months. So please don’t tell me adultery is a “mistake”. Whew. That rant was a few months and several telenovelas in coming.]

Sabelotodo tells Fer she doesn’t get it. The only feelings that count are Victoria’s and the decision is hers and hers alone.

Well. Dr. Know-it-all may believe what he’s saying but no one in the Maven house is buying it. He seems to be working hard to manipulate Victoria’s feelings and keep Osvaldo at a distance.

Check it out. The big night is here and there’s his big smarmy self, settled in like Jabba the Hut, accompanying Vic and cheering her on on the night of the big show.

Where’s Osvaldo?
The seat next to Juanjo is empty. Yeah, like that’s a surprise. Oh, wait ... Turns out the seat is reserved for Osvaldo but Os isn’t coming because he doesn’t want to run into Heriberto.

The precompetition entertainment begins. It’s a celebration of the roots of Mexican culture. The runway fills with native-costumed dancers moving to the sound of drums and flutes.

Backstage at Casa Victoria, an amazingly relaxed Vic rallies the troops telling them to enjoy themselves and be proud of their achievement. Max and María reassure Fer, who is, after all, a rookie at this game.

[Anyone who has been watching this show from day one will be struck by the contrast between this Victoria – generous, encouraging, comfortable in her own skin – with the one we met at the big desfile de modas at the start (it was sometime during the Reagan administration, I think. I distinctly remember Nancy telling us to “just say no”). That Victoria was tormented by her past, and by the loss of her daughter. She was controlling and rigid and her people cringed when she approached. From the crucible of her suffering, a new Victoria has emerged. I forgive you, Vic. ... sniffle sniff...]

Backstage at Casa Bernarda, a predictably frazzled Bernie -- and here’s someone who has not changed at all since we first met her -- abuses, browbeats and belittles her troops. We see Eva in action so at least we know Bernie hasn’t chopped her up and eaten her for breakfast.

Happy chaos reigns in Casa Vic’s hair and make-up area.

On Casa Bernie’s side, it’s all raw nerves and bickering. In the absence of a small dog to kick, Bernie makes do with inanimate objects.

Vic and Bernie talk trash.

Vic tells Fer she is bellísima – and she really is! It’s her moment, her mother tells her. Enjoy it!

Casa Victoria is up first with the Armando Mafud collection, his fusion of high fashion with Mexican traditional. Fer struts with perfect confidence. [Also with a perfect gait. How much time has passed since her surgery, anyway? Shouldn’t the babies be walking too? And talking? And starting to wonder why their parents are still not married?]

The vecindad gang chatters in the audience. Never mind the Upstairs Heri-Vic-Os dilemma. Jarocha-Joel-Jarocha have their own Downstairs triangle going on.

Luciano and Pipino talk trash.

Now it’s Casa Bernie’s turn. After Armando’s fantastical, Fridaesque creations, Bernie’s dresses look dull and borderline ugly. We’re off to a bad start, says Bernie.

Victoria and Bernarda glare at each other backstage.

Team Os weeps
Far from the glitter and excitement, Osvaldo sits alone and hopes that things go well for Victoria. He’d be there too if it weren’t for Sabelotodo.

María continues to feel weak and dizzy. Max, Toni and Vic all fuss over her. Max offers to take her home. Vic thinks maybe Dr. Sabelotodo should examine her. But María is a trooper and she tells Vic she’s fine. She made a promise to Vic and she intends to keep it. Vic moves in to hug her daughter and María ... hugs her back!

The cocktail dress portion of the show is coming up. These designs reflect the work of Pipino and Luciano and their respective bosses, Victoria and Bernarda. [Seriously. When did Bernie become a designer? When did she ever show taste or talent or interest in fashion? Or is it that in the current True Blood craze, her taste for the Inquisition is suddenly seen as panache?]

Backstage, Ximena is looking for a drink.

Cruz’s father has a coughing spell and Heri and Cruz lead him outside. So, romance aside, maybe it’s not such a bad idea having Dr. Know-it-all there. After all, when was the last time you heard someone stand up and ask: Is there an actor in the house? I mean, someone who wasn’t watching a telenovela.

Here are Victoria’s Phase Two creations. I’d never recognize them as cocktail dresses, but what do I know? There are some cool designs with calavera prints – you know, those iconic death’s head images -- and painted figures looking like they stepped out of a mural. No unibrows though.

Roxana has some chisme (gossip) for Bernie: Victoria’s star model is feeling sick and it’s possible she won’t be able to close the show. Gracias, Señor, says Bernarda with a pious upward glance. Me, I think she’s directing her thanks in the wrong direction.

Gorgeous Fer walks again in a long black floral-printed number.

Then we see Casa Bernarda’s entry: a lot of tall skinny girls in short sparkly dresses, some with leggings.

Backstage, Ximena, drink now in hand, overhears Luci and Fabían refer to María’s pregnancy. ¡Estúpida! she sniffs. ¡No puede ser!

Roxana catches Ximena holding a pair of scissors. She’s ready to run off and slash Victoria’s collection. (It wouldn’t be the first time!) What’s got her so unhinged? She tells her mother that María is pregnant again. She and Max are going to have another baby.

Things don’t look too good for Casa Vic.
María is fading fast but no one can take her place as star of the show because her dress was tailored just for her. Max reminds her that hateful Xi will be her competition on the runway. That seems to stir María’s fighting spirit.

Max and María become uneasy when they hear generous applause for Bernarda’s phase two collection.

An announcement is made: the competition is now a tie. Casa Victoria has won the first phase and Casa Bernarda the second. The winner will be determined in the third and final phase: evening gowns (los diseños de gala). Also, the judges have decided that in addition to the main prize, there will be an extra award given tonight.

Ms. Bottomless-Pit-Of-Need and Dr. Know-it-all: a match made in rehab
In the audience, Leonela asks Dr. Sabelotodo if he has plans after the show. He tells her they’ll all be going out to celebrate with Victoria. If she wins, that is. And if she loses, asks Leo? The two agree that after a loss, Vic probably won’t be in the mood to go out. So how about dinner, persists Leo. And the good doctor accepts, but tentatively.

The two houses show their evening gowns. Casa Vic continues with the Viva México theme; and Casa Bernarda’s stuff is a big yawn.

Now Ximena takes her star turn on the runway. She may be nicely buzzed but there’s no detectable stagger. Her walk is professional and well-received.

And then the last model of the the evening is announced: María Desamparada Iturbide. Here’s María standing as tall as a little girl can, radiant smile on her face. She wears a mariachi hat, and a long strapless sequined gown. We hold our collective breath as she descends the steep stairs, walks the length of the runway and back, and then climbs the stairs, turns, and exits uneventfully.

And the envelope, please:
The winner is – Casa Victoria!

Sore-loser Bernie prepares to leave immediately. Isn’t she going to stick around for the best model award? asks Rox. Answers Bernie with a sneer:
Me importa un rábano aunque gane la imbécil de tu hija.
(I couldn’t care less – even if your idiot daughter wins. Literally, It matters a radish to me...)

Once again, the envelope, please:
The best model is – María Desamparada Iturbide! (Meh. I voted for Fer.)

Great Galloping Ghost of Alonso! Are they really setting us up for another llorathon in intensive care?
María strides out, still wearing her game face -- although she left the hat backstage. She takes her place up front with Victoria and accepts the award. Then Victoria looks at her closely and says with alarm:
Hija, te está sangrando la nariz.
(Daughter, your nose is bleeding!)

And then, as Victoria looks on with horror, María collapses at her feet.

Sweet William Levy paddling a kayak rumbo al gran fin


Whew! I wasn't sure I'd be able to do this today. We lost our power for several hours during a thunderstorm earlier but fortunately it came back before primetime:)

So we get a week off, a week on and then the grand finale -- woo hoo!

Thank you so much for the fast and excellent recap. I so look forward to these 7:15 a.m. eastern time, recaps, along with my coffee and donut at work. Do we have any more evenings of Triunfo this week? You said a week on and a week off??

NM - What a great recap! Loved the commentary (what it finally is, as you say).

You are so right. If you have stuck with this thing from the start, you do see a big change in Victoria. She still managed to greet the news of a second pregnancy thinking about her own needs, but what the heck. Her own personal sense of style seems to have gone to hell, but her human relationships are surely better.

Fer is my choice as well. She is certainly more model-like in build than is Maria. However, Maria strikes a dramatic pose and looks good at these desfiles. I loved the sombrero and the dress until I noted the eagle on the front. More is less, no? (Not in novelas, I know.)

Poor Cesar Evora. He's probably never been in a role that brought so many funny criticisms. From Dr. Voice to Dr. Know-it all (I love Dr. Sabelotodo) to the short form Dr. Todo. His relationships with Victoria seems to consist mostly of his ponderous sermons and the two of them giggling. But,whatever works!

We're sliding toward home and I note in the previews more hospital scenes. How many more "hija's" will we hear before it's all said and done?

Anon 7:21: I'm so glad you're enjoying the recaps. Thank you.

As for the upcoming schedule, it looks like there are no more episodes at all this week. The show has been preempted every day and there won't be another episode until Monday, July 25.

So: 7/25, 7/26, 7/27, 7/28, 7/29;
Then: el gran fin 8/1

But as usual, stay tuned.

Traveling Lady: I love your observation about Vic and her Dr. Sabelotodo:
"His relationship with Victoria seems to consist mostly of his ponderous sermons and the two of them giggling."
Nice. Very nice.

I agree that in spite of her distinctly unmodel-like appearance, María/Maite always looks quite elegant at these things.


Thanks for the hilarious recap. I particularly liked the "Jabba the Hut" comparison. I have not seen this actor in other roles, so unfortunately for him, my initial impression will always be as an overbearing know-it-all whose kisses I can't stand to watch. I don't think we ever saw Jabba kiss anyone in the movie, but likely it would resemble those of the good doctor.


Still, will very much miss this soap when it ends. Love the characters! A question: Is the part of Antionetta being played by the same actress? All along I was noticing her hefty arms and full figure and now she seems somewhat smaller. Does she have a twin maybe? Nice actress, though.
Thanks for the english recaps.

Great work with excellent subheads. "You'll never work in this town again" and "Ms Bottomless Pit of Need..." were the best.

The preshow entertainment was spot-on, but who is going to wear any of those clothes?

The super-plain schmatas from Casa Bernarda in their introduction virtually guaranteed that they would lose.

I was initially hoping that Maria and Fernanda would be on the catwalk together but no matter. Per Traveling Lady's comments, Maria knows how to work a crowd from the catwalk. Body type notwithstanding, she would never make it as a model in the US because she has too much personality. Fer tambien.

I shudder at how Bernarda would have treated a daughter. Probably worse than she treated Victoria.

Of course Demetrio was added as an afterthought or why else would he not have been at Fer and Cruz' wedding?

Has anyone ID'd that actor? My gut is telling me something.

Erica Buenfil is still playing Antonieta although I have no idea whether shse has a twin or not.

Cindy: if memory serves ol' Jabba did lick Leia at one point. (And transposing that to Victoria and Dr. Todo...yeah, there's a mental image I really didn't need this early in the morning...)

Cindy, Anne and Urban: Thanks so much for your comments.

Cindy, César Evora has an impressive range as an actor but whether he's a hero, a villain or something in between, he always brings a certain gravitas to the role by virtue of his strong face, solid build and wonderful booming voice. Here he almost seems to be parodying himself. I can imagine that wonderful booming laugh echoing through the set between takes.

Anne: I think you're right. Toni/Erika seems to have trimmed down in the course of the novela. Victoria too. Good for them.

" The super-plain schmatas from Casa Bernarda in their introduction virtually guaranteed that they would lose"
Yup. And I hate to admit it, but the deck was stacked against Bernie as soon as Armando entered the mix. And somehow Casa Bernarda failed to get the memo about the "Roots of Mexico" theme of the show.

Cesar Evora's voice will probably condemn him to becoming a permanent villain when he's older. I do love the sound of his voice and often wonder whether he ever thought about training for the opera.

Of course, basses usually play villains in opera no matter what they look like.

I've already seen the remaining episodes, but it still sucks that this is preempted for the rest of this week.

Thanks for a great re-cap, NovelaMaven. My DVR cut off soon after the winner was announced. I'm sure your recap of the final moments beats the real thing.

For the first time in this show I felt like we were seeing real haute couture. I liked Victoria's collection.

No TdA 'til Monday? Sure, this isn't the greatest TN, but I miss it when it's not on. *pout*

My TV cut out just as they were about to announce the model winner and I had a feeling Maria would do a face plant just in time for Dr. KIA to act the hero. Poor Os sitting home along with a scotch while pushy doc rides to the rescue. Bah Hum bug.

Loved the Day of the Dead motif on some of those dresses. Really spectacular.

Very funny with the director telling Gui he'll never work in Televisa again. Oddly enough that echoed something that happened back a few years ago when a group of galans wanted to spread their acting wings and do something different. They signed to do some Telefutura things and Televisa told them you'll never work in Televisa again which was stupid because there were some very popular people involved. And for years they didn't work for Televisa but were happy apparently and now are sen on Televisa again.

In any event poor Gui is certain to be seething and plotting trouble for Os.

Interesting comment that Cesar Evora will end up in villain roles as he grows older. Not so sure about that Juan Ferrara has another one of those distinctive voices and while often cast as the evil doer does play other roles as well so it will be interesting to see. CE is extremely versatile however an I've seen him in all kinds of different sorts of parts. One thing about being a really good actor is that you don't get stuck forever in the same kind of parts and good actors fight for different kinds of things.

MOAP was so over the top backstage I kept expecting to see her do an Ozzie Ovbourn and bit the head off a chicken if one had been handy.

Oh, before I forget--that wasn't actually Lupita friggin' Jones hosting the desfile, was it? (Lupita, mi amor, por que?)

Cruz & his papá go to Dr. Todo, neither one removes his hat. At least Cruz, though unshaven, looked good for the show, but papá had on his straw hat. I feel sure not even a country bumpkin would do that.

Those maldito hats annoy the crap out of me. They are worn in the fields for protection from the sun, you idiots.

NovelaMaven, that was another great recap. For whatever reason, Burnie had a slightly softer variation on her twining tresses. Loved the dresses with the skull motif, didn't care too much about the big eagle. All the charro sombreros? Not the best look with a ball gown, but maybe it was the heritage thing. Fer looked lovely and yes, her gait was solid.

Do we know what disease Alonso had? Or just your standard wasting TN fever? How does Dr. Todo keep up with the literature for all his specialties? I've seen CE do some great crazy stuff in other TNs, so this smug overbearing role is sort of boring.
La Paloma

"Ms. Bottomless-Pit-Of-Need and Dr. Know-it-all: a match made in rehab"

NovelaMaven! Amiga!!!! I LOVED this line! It says it all! So many, many wonderful lines in a truly excellent recap! Gracias, gracias, gracias!!!

Wowsers. I was dying to have some of those creations from Casa Vic! Fer looked absolutely stunning. We are definitely going to be seeing a lot of this actriz in the future. She will probably win the Premios award next year for best newcomer (or whatever that award is called).

Like UA, I have wanted so much for Cruz to shave his lovely face, but he just flat out refuses! Such a disappointment. I could not believe that he took his sickly father to this affair. That was a beanie moment for me.

Here's my question: do we really have time to tie up all of the significant loose ends?

Eva has fizzled and has been relegated to a bit player. Fausto..how can this story line be allowed to just fall off the planet?! Just dealing with all of Burnie's criminal acts...is Viewerville really going to have some sense of satisfaction at the end of this TN?!

...and Alonso...the gift that keeps on giving. OY!!! At this stage of the game (with a whole week off, no less) they hit us with a MAJOR illness. No puede ser...no puede ser!!

...and Gui...he just gets off with a 'you won't work here again'?!


I guess I had better get a huge grip as I just don't see how all of this will come full circle.

In any case...I am going to miss looking at Padre JP (and what has happened to Padre Jer...remember when we all thought he was not long for this world?!)

Diego...you must come back to us soon (minus your mujer).

Just wonderful, NovelaMaven...just mah-velous!!


I believe they said it was some rare Asian disease.
They can't be specific, these people don't know how to treat a cold.

Alonso died, but Dr Todo will cure María.

Or maybe Mejia has a surprise for us,
they are ALL going to die. This novela s/b laid to rest.

You kill me Vario...you kill me. :)))


NovelaMaven - Thank you for the stellar recap and wonderful sub-headings!

So Maria is not preggers but suffers the virulent Alonso virus. Sheesh!
Oh telenovela gods, spare us, please.

No TdA for the rest of the week? Oh yipes. NOW what will I watch tonight to fry my brain? . . .

NovelaMaven: I loved the whole magilla. The rants were hilarious! My only question is if there's no cure to Alonso's Curse, are we to actually lose Maria or will they find out there was a miracle cure for it but only after Lonnie's dust and ashes?

Maybe they are all dead and this is hell.


If you looked closely in the avance last night, you noticed that BICTORIA was actually lying on a hospital bed with a tube in her nose. My guess is that Bicky saves Maria somehow through the miracle of genetics.

Getting nervous this thing is comin' to an end...no idea what I will watch next! Nothing will compare!

Lots of great comments, guys -- thanks!

Sara and Doris, What can I say? I also miss this lovable wreck when it's not on.

Dani, Never mind a chicken -- I was afraid the MOAP would go for Eva!

Bill C, You know this might be one of those times when memory isn't serving you well. Let the image go... :)

La Paloma, I don't think they ever named Alonso's disease. But Padre Jerónimo seemed to be familiar with it from his mission days. Maybe it will turn out to be something that it treatable in the early stages but has a high enough mortality rate to keep the llorathon going for the next 5 episodes.

Variopinta, I just love your way of looking on the bright side:)

Doris, Thanks so much! But I don't have any hope that the telenovela gods will spare us -- they never have before...

Susanita, Me encanta verte aquí otra vez, amiga! Thanks for your lovely words.

Let's keep track of plot points resolved each day next week, shall we? I suspect ALMOST everything will be wrapped up, even if not to our satisfaction. As for Fausto, I suppose his story HAS been resolved in that he has given up the idea of vengeance. I certainly hope he gets a Get Out of Jail Free card before this is all over.

Hey Jardinera, thanks! I'll tell Mr. Maven you like my rants. Maybe he'll get on board:)

Jarocha, Ya think?

Diamond, The previews were really more confusing than usual, don't you think? Well, I'm ok with that. I'm happy to be surprised with the whatever wildly implausible mechanism they come up with to get us to our happy ending.

I can see it now . . . Victoria will give either Maria a bone marrow transplant or an organ transplant -- something that will save her life -- and Maria will then have to forgive Vic and make nice with her .... para siempre. Gaaah!

We haven't had enough hospital scenes.
The grand final is going to have EVERYONE in the hospital. Dr Todo will also come down with the Alonso disease, so this is going to spread through Mexico faster than the swine flu did.

Victoria should give up all of her organs, that'll shut her up.

I really can't wait to see what porgueria they come up with next.

NovelaMaven, great job once again. I thoroughly enjoy your hilarious recaps.

My hero last night was Fer. Although Dr Intruder brushed her off, she calmly chastised him for inserting himself into the effort that she and Max made to give their parents a chance to be together and talk. Hasn't she come a long way?

He'd best not be too smug. Why did he not see that Alonzo was contagious? Nice work...Doctor.


Re Alonso. It is sad - He had the life threatening disease. Everyone knew and would not tell him. It is too late now for him, but they will cure Maria of the same disease? When he could have been cured, had Max, Maria, Padre, Os, XI and everyone else that knew. This is another one of those things which is famous with the spanish novelas "lack of communication and/or seeing something happen that is not really the way it looks, but the actors "assume" the worse. Everyone knows but thinks it is best to keep it from Alonso and "just let him slowly die - but not maria. We will get her the best treatment????? how unfair???

" Nice work...Doctor. "
Seriously. If this doc is so 'sabelotodo' , he should have known that the disease is contagious and taken appropriate steps.

One of the funniest things I've noticed over the past few weeks on the comments page is how quickly the sentiment has turned against Hiberto. When he first came on, everyone was all, "oooh that voice! what a welcome addition to this ridiculous TN!" and now, he's Dr. Sabelotodo! Ha. Dont get me wrong, I kind of agree, but it also seems like they added this guy into the show ad-hoc, presumably 'cuz the real-life actor brings added credibility to the proceedings, no? That's a tough spot to be in.

In these final episodes, I'm pretty much rooting for:

1. One more flashback scene involving Linda. And/or a jacuzzi. Not a speeding car.

2. A come-from-behind win for Team Os.

3. Fer becomes a trapeze artist.

4. Several more instances of Bernie rubbing that space btwn her eyebrows.

5. Luci in a kayak!

Thank you, Carlos. You know Fer was my hero too. It's too bad Sabelotodo didn't seem to hear a word she said. And talk about bad doctoring...well.

Diamond --
So true. We're a fickle bunch around here. jajaja

As for your wish list, will you be happy with one out of five? Because one thing IS certain: Brows WILL be swept.


I also agree how cool Fer was when she told doc KIA that he shouldn't try to replace his lost family with hers. I think that is exactly what he is trying to do and I also thought he was a tad smug lecturing her about letting the decision be Vic's when he went to the restaurant and crashed the party. Apparently it is a case e of do as I say not what I do.

I'm going to give the Doc a slight pass on the mystery disease. He did do research but it is possible that there was no hint that the disease was so contagious or should I say selectively contagious because otherwise half the cast would be down with it now. Maybe it has something to do with rare blood types which would be the catalyst for Vic donating marrow and the inevitable reconciliation scene. Who knows it is Noveleland after all.

My great fear is a Vic/Doc scene with her hysterically begging him to save "me hija"

Five Star Coffee Spitting Over the Keyboard Moment by Jarocha:

"Maybe they are all dead and this is hell."

I CANNOT stop laughing!!!!

Will it be Dr. voice pushing vic over the edge to marry him, because he saves her "hija"?? I feel it would be so disappointing if Os doesn't wind up with Vic. Although he is too good for her at presnet, the whole novela was about him trying to make amends so they can reconcile. I would be really bumbed out if she goes to Dr. V.

I think if Vic goes with Dr. KIA she'll be doing Os a huge favor in the long run. Maybe then he can move on and find a woman who loves him and isn't constantly working or feeling sorry for herself over something.

"My great fear is a Vic/Doc scene with her hysterically begging him to save "me hija""
dani - if we have another one of those scenes, I am afraid my TV screen will not survive.


I'm sure it is inevitable plus at least one more comment about being cursed by God. Can't blame her for that one because MOAP has done everything in her power to destroy her life. Even PJP must be starting to wonder if his daughter and her mother have been cursed.

I really enjoyed the preamble to the fashion show. I would have liked to have seen more of that and much less of the "stare-down" between Burnie & Bicki. Burnie really knows how to be intimidating, but Bicki just looks uncomfortable.

Re Alonso. It is sad - He had the life threatening disease. Everyone knew and would not tell him. It is too late now for him, but they will cure Maria of the same disease? When he could have been cured, had Max, Maria, Padre, Os, XI and everyone else that knew.

Actually by the time Max & Maria found out about Alonso's disease, it was already too late. Alonso could not have been cured. The test paper said he had only 1 month to live.

Alonso might have been cured had he gone to the doctor like everybody told him to when he first started getting dizzy/having nosebleeds. He brushed everyone off and only went to get tested when PJP made him. But by then, it was too late.

BUT, if Maria is in the plastic tent (per the avance commercials), then Alonso should have been too, to protect Maria and JPito.

Hopefully Alonso breathed some of his germs on Ximena and she'll die, too.

Can anyone clarify next week's schedule for me? No show tonight? and we start back on Monday? or what? Muchas gracias!

According to zap2it.com, no show tonight.

Next week, Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs -- one hour at usual time (8pm central)

Friday, two hours, 7-9 central

La Gran Final, Monday, Aug 1, two hours, 7-9 central.

As usual, stay tuned...

Gracias NvMv

Question??? What is up w/Rox's voice and chin...It looks & sounds like she had extensive dental surgery and I noticed a band-aid on her chin...Just curious if anyone else noticed???

TG, only another wk


Some time back someone said she had I think throat cancer or sone kind of surgery. I always think it sounds like her teeth have been gued together.

Poor thing, my cousin had throat cancer and it was a struggle. I've got to hand it to this actress for persevering with such a terrible handicap. She has the thankless job of playing a dimwit conniver, but still manages to toss in a dollop of humor despite her infirmity.

Running very late with my thanks, but Gracias, Novelamaven! The rest is commentary, but it was great commentary!

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