Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Alborada, 9/13/2011. Cap. 74.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #28, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 74 start at this link.

Carlos found another great picture for us today.


Thanks Paula and Carlos. I am so impressed that you are able to keep up with the picture posting, Carlos, considering the horrendous week you have just had. Thank you especailly for keeping us tuned in to your family's progress.

For the picture, I would quote Emily Dickinson: "Exultation is the going..."

Thanks Paula and Carlos. Caption : ''I told you that you would love the breakfasts at the Holiday Inn.''

I just finished watching this episode. There were some great photo-ops including Rafael sticking out his tongue but I stand by my selection. How wholesome is that?

I think that Diego wet himself when he was with Tony. I like the diagnosis of tertiary syphilis and I think that is what I thought first time around. Marina has no worries... he is long since contagious.

My new hero is Sara. I love how she defends the honor of the deceased Count Carlos.

I also love how Carmela dotes on Marcos and I agree that Marcos is almost too good to be true. I much prefer him over that little hamster, Andres.

The fires are over, the horses are home and things are returning to normal. Thanks to all for your concern.


Paula and Carlos, thanks so much for sweet screen shot. I think they are the only happy couple in this TN.

I notice the scene with Rafael sticking out his tongue - it was green. I wonder what he got into or if someone gave him a piece of green candy. He is a beautiful child. I wish my son had been so well behaved at that age.

Carlos, I thought you liked hamsters.


Thank you Paula and Carlos. Just finished watching the recording. Finally, C&C are truly man and wife. Yay! Great photo of the wedded bliss.

Carlos- I also admire Sara for being the only person who believes Count Carlos (your namesake) loved his wife too much to cheat on her. I had to giggle when she said even if he somehow accidentally impregnated someone, he would have recognized his child legally. I kept thinking of the ways someone could accidentally impregnate someone. "Ooops! Now how did my penis get THERE?!" On second thought, Diego would have cause to say something like that...

Andres the hamster - I love it!

Carlos, gracias a diós that all is well, and that your daughter has a home to go home to.

It's looking like we won't get that hoped-for Vicente/Mirtha pairing. Too bad. Their children would've been beautiful - tall, graceful, and stately.

I don't understand how Luis and Hipo think they can just run away and disappear into the woodwork. That MIGHT work if he took a job weeding cornfields. But if he is going to be his own boss and work his own land, I don't see how he could stay under the radar. There are deeds, taxes, baptismal cert's for future children, all of which require records. Oh! I know! He could go away and make a living as a pirate! But then he'd fall hopelessly in love with Susana Gonzalez.

Rosemary, I adore hamsters. As I've mentioned in the past, as a teen I was a hamster rancher. They're cute and cuddly... but I wouldn't want my daughter to marry one.

Vivi, as an intern, in OB clinic I encountered a young woman who was in her 3rd trimester... astonished to discover that she was pregnant. She told me that it was impossible because she had never had sex. I assured her that it was very unlikely that she could be pregnant without having sex. She thought for a moment and then said resignedly,
"Well, sometimes I sleep with my sister and her husband... I guess some of that stuff must've sloshed over on me."


Wow, Carlos, the stories you could tell !! We're here...tell them. So glad to hear that your daughter and the horses were able to return to her home. Very scary. I have a few minutes before I have to dash off to teach the past perfect and past perfect progressive tenses, listen to speeches about friends and relatives, and discuss Americans' changing lifestyles and new eating habits, so I popped in here. Carlos, I think that you accurately personified Andres...a hamster. Hamster pales in comparison to my loyal, valiant stud muffin Marcos. I guess that there is no accounting for tastes. Marina is young and maybe foolish. C'est la vie. Well, off I go into the fray. p.s. Is anyone watching Dona Bella on Telefuturo at 8 pm ? It is in final episodes, and it just keeps getting weirder and weirdo...good times. It is my current stress reliever.

Carlos- That is a hilarious story. There is a whole show, I think on TLC, about stories like that. It's called "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Go figure!

Carlos, that story is a hoot! Please reveal to us, how did you react?

I think La Poderosa and Isabel make a wonderful team. If those two could hook up for tea or chocolate everyday there would be no mystery left unsolved.

Carlos, I do agree that in the one scene with Antonio Diego soiled himself.

I think I remember from the outtakes that Lucero had given the little boy some gum and somebody, the cameraman I think, "scolded" her for it. He's such a dear thing that I wouldn't be surprised if the actors slipped him little treats and candies from time to time.

Vivi are you teasing us or are you serious? "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" is an actual show?

Paula and Carlos, thank you for the post and the lovely screen shot. My comment on C&C...FINALLY!!!

Sylvia, I remember that clearly... I said,"Ummmm, OK." Then had to leave the room for a minute... the concept didn't bother me so much as the word "sloshed"... when I had composed myself, I returned with a supply of prenatal vitamins (with folic acid mind you... some forty years ago) and an appointment for the next week. 3 weeks later I actually got to deliver the miracle child myself.


Sylvia- Oh, it's a real show! I don't watch, but I watch The Soup which makes fun of it all the time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Didn't_Know_I_Was_Pregnant

The women don't know they're pregnant until they go into labor. There are enough people who experience this that they can make a whole multi-season show. This just amazes me.

Vivi, I think the scariest thing is that these people are breeders. I'll bet some of their stories put the telenovela writers to shame.

Carlos. I'm speechless.

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