Friday, September 16, 2011

Alborada, 9/16/2011. Cap. 77

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #29, Thursday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 77 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's wonderful triptych!
Most Friendly

Most Likeable

Most Likely to Succeed


Carlos's note with the pictures:
Gasca's execution
3 pictures
3 very satisfied people with very different motivations

Thanks Paula and Carlos. Yes, three great pictures again. I'm kind of glad you didn't pick one of the main attraction with blood coming out of his orifices. The show airs at 12:00 noon here first and I wisely put off eating lunch until 1:00. Quite the episode though. I liked Diego kissing Modesta to thank her for burning Gasca's throat so he couldn't rat him out. Juana is ever more dependent on Modesta too ot be the brains in the palacio what with Tia Isabel galavanting about the countryside to help Luis while she pretends to be looking for a finca to buy.

Did Juana really tell Isabel that she was using the coaches too much? Surely they have more than one. And afterall aren't the coaches hers as well as everything else in the palacio?

Cheryl- Juana asked Isabel why she wasn't using the palacio's coaches and using "hired" ones or those of other people. As in, why would Isabel want to go incognito?

Oh goodness, guess this is ending soon. I will so miss Luis. A sequel of him as Condé would have been wonderful! We could see Rafael grow up. .

Modesta is one of my favorite characters, even if she is a little "mala". Why does she wear a bell around her neck? She does many things I don't think she'd want announced!

I think Modesta, with her floppy-eared cap, is supposed to look like a sheep. Do sheep wear bells? Actually she fills a role more like a shepherd than a sheep.

Gracias Paula for reintroducing this wonderful novela.

And the pictures, wow Carlos.I think it's the first time I've seen Modesta smile & I believe it was at the demise of Gasca. I expected him to be burned at the stake not garroted. Was that a common Inquisition final solution?

I think the Modesta character is terrific, certainly not likeable but very capable, actually I do like her. Couldn't believe Diego kissed an INDIO, ¡Dios mio!
It will be interesting what she does when it all is revealed. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she survives. If I wrote this novela, she would.

There are no bad performances in this TN. Everyone is doing a magnificent job.

We do get to see Martín in the opening credits, pobrecito. And Marcos gets spoiled by Carmela. Marcos needs to find the love of a good woman, but I don't see one yet.


Thanks Paula and Carlos. Yikes ! Perhaps the caption might be : YEARBOOK PHOTOS ....#1 Most Likely to Become a Lady Pirate who successfully achieves revenge...#2 Most Likely to wear a bell and administer caustic sunstances ...#3 Biggest Loser

Funny susanlynn, but if it's yearbook, I think # 3 s/b
most friendly, likeable, popular, most likely to succeed ===take your pick.
Probably not best dancer.

Susanlynn & Vario, thanks for the good ideas. I tweaked them a little.

Here's what I want to know. Why does every executioner (and torture "technician" too) look like Uncle Fester?

Exactly Paula, he has a job any time they need an executioner.
Felipe has a job all the time, not handsome, but very appealing, wonderful profile, he has a roman nose. He sits a horse beautifully, one of my favorite opening scenes. He does wimp well in Fuerza.


Uncle Fester!! Thanks Paula, I needed that. Great likeness.

Anya, Thanks for clarifying what Juana said. See how wrong your thinking can go when you don't hear a "no or not".

I'm watching this episode right now and simply had to stop and share this unexpected tidbit.

Tony and Andrés were saying goodbye to Hipólita and Aldagisa and of course little Rafael was in the room. Asked about his upcoming marriage to Marina, Andrés confirmed that indeed they would soon be wed.

Little Rafa piped up and yammered something that I didn't understand but everyone in the room beamed.

The CCs confirmed that the kid said:

"Que todo salga bien. Que todo salga bien. Así es y así será."

Hmmm, where do you suppose he got that?


And thus portrayeth the #1 Telenovela Villain Demise ever in my opinion.

Oh. My. Goodness. This episode moved me as deeply this time as it did the first. Carlos, your pictures sum up the emotions perfectly.

I'm laughing now at the comment that all executioners look like Uncle Fester because that is exactly what I thought when I watched the episode.

I love the way that Catalina and Cristobal look at each other, like "everyone is crazy but us".

Carlos, I'm so glad you shared your tidbit about Rafael's yammerings. He was very insistent but I couldn't understand him. No wonder Antonio looked like he was on the verge of cracking up.

Cheryl, like you I waited until after I'd had dinner before I watched this episode.

Paula and Carlos, bless you both for making this re-watch so much fun for us. I'm having a ball.

I just watched my recording for the last two days and was very glad it was after dinner. Not only was the blood gushing out of Gasca during the execution off-putting, but so was all the drool flowing from his mouth when he writhed on the cell floor.

Carlos- Thanks for the great pics and for telling us what little Rafael was saying. LOL! Some days he's quite chatty. I was actually thinking about him yesterday after hearing an NPR interview with an actor who was speaking about working with twin babies for a show. Labor laws in the U.S. guarantee that a baby or small child can't work for more than 4 hours a day. They have to have at least 2 babies to play one role. It also helps for when one is sleepy or cranky- you switch them out. I know from the comments in the original post that people thought it was strange that Rafa's so quiet half the time. Given what we know about how long tn shoots are each day, and how many scenes he appears in, I give the little guy props for being patient and looking awake most of the time. I'm sure he was exhausted. I noticed in yesterday's episode that he was zonked out in Ada's arms at the finca.

Loved how they showed how Hip, Catalina and Andres will be financially set for life, as Luis changed his will and Marina and Cristobal signed their marriage contracts. But all poor Francisco can think about is himself. My heart bleeds for him. (rolls eyes)

Asuncion is standing up to him more. I'm starting to like her.

Didn't Luis say way back when that he knew how to NOT get a woman pregnant? (Not sure if he has access to some 19th century condoms or is well versed in the pull out method.) But here he's knocked up Hipolita, TWICE!

I think Felipe (or Luis?) once mentioned that Luis didn't have a will. Unwise, after someone has already made three attempts on your life. He probably didn't care before, since his estate would automatically go to his wife, or if she was gone, then to his mother. But now he certainly doesn't want Juana getting her hands on his estate, so he needs a legal will.

I loved the two dichos Isabel threw at Juana. I hadn't heard them before, and I'm adding them to my Dichos Page.

Cada quien cava su tumba con sus propias manos.
(Everybody digs his tomb by his own hands.)
Cría cuervas y te comerán los ojas.
(Raise crows and they will peck your eyes out.)

My new mantra is "así es y así será". Kinda catchy, no?

Vari - yes, Luis did brag about his contraceptive knowledge, but guess that only applied to rameras, i.e. Perla (who isn't to blame for being a ramera, as she reminds us).

I watched Gasca's death from his nose down, didn't want to see his eyes bleed or pop out, just in case that happened. Too gruesome.
Does that happen?

Mostly they just rolled back in his head. The actor was pretty convincing.

I believe Perla's friend asked her if she used protection. That was when she was telling her she had a new protector & the friend guessed that he was married.


Well, sop much for weekends off to get the laundry done and sleep in. Daughter scratched her poison, which turned into impetigo, so we ran for gauze, tape, and neosporin. Son-in-law is at the Penn State game. Now we have the little girls here while their mommy washes all the bed linens and towels and then soaks in a vinegar and water tub and tries to mend. I did think of 2 alternate captions in the midst of the morning chaos. Caption #2 : ''Welcome to To Tell the Truth...and will the real executioner please stand up. Caption#3 ''Menage a Trois.''

Thank you Paula for letting us know about this TN. I am thoroughly enjoying it. Loved the captions.
I am amazed that Felipe is the wimp in Fuerza and I hadn't even noticed! Sometimes I am such a space cadet that I amaze myself. I just thought he looked familiar from some where. Such a different character.
That Modesta is a smart cookie. Gasca trusted her completely. Poor Gasca got possessed by the devil no less!

The Thrillsome-Threesome at Palace Guevara may think they stopped Gasca from saying anything about their criminal misdeeds but remember he can write, as he penned the ransom notes when Rafael was kidnapped....Could there be a poison letter festering in the dungeon of the Inquisition?Hee-hee!

Not that it matters...I meant to type "Vivi" , not "Vari" in my sentence about Luis and "protection".
I just wasn't paying attention, thinking about Luis, and, well, you know....

Carlos and Paula, thanks once again. I really like the screen shot of Victoria, she looks so sad and pensive.


Hello all, just checking in to acknowledge my existence! Obviously I've fallen behind again and was staying away to avoid spoilers. I've read the recaps to catch up but haven't caught up on comments or viewing yet. I can put off the viewing for a bit, but I don't want to miss the discussions here in our final weeks!

So, Gasca... I thought for sure Modesta was going to poison him dead to keep him from talking and spare him the horror of a public execution. But I suppose she would have been the prime suspect if they found him dead in his cell. Burning his throat was an interesting (and horrifying) alternative. Ew.

We ARE in the final weeks, Julie! Only 13 episodes left. Get on board quick, or you'll miss the boat!

Modesta's bell:

It sounds like a falconry bell - the bells tied to the legs of hunting birds of prey. It seems kind of large for that, but ni modo (maybe works for a golden eagle). In a recent tour at the Birds of Prey Center near Boise, a falconry expert explained that falconry bells were introduced to Native Americans by Christopher Columbus. Columbus expected that falconry would be popular where he was going, as it was a universal sport in the old world at the time, so he brought falconry equipment for trade.

Well, the Indians didn't practice falconry, but they sure loved the bells! These days, if you attend any southwestern pow-wow you will hear the falconry bells on the dancers.

Maybe for the purpose of the plot, Modesta's bells are to remind us she is indian?


Gruesome stuff! I had to cover Gasca's face on my iPad because I just couldn't handle the realism!

The garrote was the principle execution device used in Spain for centuries according to wiki. It wasn't abolished until 1978. There were still executions by garrote in Spain in the 70s!


Oh, gross! If I remember correctly Cristobal made a comment while observing the execution about how inhumane it was, or something like that. Still, it's an interesting fact that the garrote was still in use into the '70s.

Also, very interesting fact about the bells. Thanks Audrey.

There is a time change announced for Alborada to 6 am EST on telefutura according to a post on Telenovela World. Anyone else catch that? Or can confirm?


Comcrap still shows it at 1:00PM est.

They wouldn't chg it this close to the end, would they??????


I just checked Zap2It and sure enough it has been changed it will be 5 am beginning the 20th. Nothing on the l9th. I cannot believe have done this. Thank goodness for Paula and Carlos, we can follow along on the internet.


I forgot to add that Tontas will replace Alborado at noon (cst).


So Albo, a true classic, is in its final weeks (13 caps left), and they move it to 5 or 6 AM????

And they're bumping it for Tontas of all things? Noooooooooo! I'm a big Camil fan, pero hay limites. Hay limites.

(If you guessed that I won't rerun recap Tontas, you guessed right.)

Imbécils, estupidos. malditos idiotos, they can't wait 2 wks to air Tontas?
You hate to get involved with anything when they pull mierda like this.


Well, I guess that's ONE advantage to watching on youtube... no scheduling nonsense. 6am, that's ludicrous. Anyway, they should have been showing it on Univision all this time, IMO, not Telefutura. Much as I love Destilando Amor (and you know I love it a lot), I would think it would have made more sense to run Destilando on the lesser network and Alborada on Uni. (Or preferably BOTH on Uni, for my convenience... though preferably not at the same time, because it's difficult to keep up with ten hours per week!)

Ah well. What do I know? I don't own a TV network. Maybe Destilando brings in more money.

And don't even get me started on Tontas. Uni should really create a third network if they want to re-run stuff like Tontas.

Paula, I have no intention of missing the boat - that's why I'm here despite being so far behind on viewing. I don't know when I'm ever going to catch up watching all the ones I've missed, but at least I'm current with the recaps.

I'm not convinced that Gasca's end was more spectacular than... um... what's-his-name's in Pasion (lost a leg, and either an eye or a hand, and eventually his head), but it's enough since I don't even consider Gasca the most evil person in this story.

On Modesta's bell - Not a falconry bell. I got a much better look at it in the next episode. Falconry bells are always spherical. Modesta's is not. It is shaped more like a mini cow bell.

pooh - to bad about my grand theory....


Thanks for the heads up concerning the move for Alborada. I wonder if the same genius who moved Corazon Salvaje to midnight is behind this decision. I'll have reset my taping. Why can't they just leave it where it is until the finale ? I gave up on Tontas when it was first aired , so I'm certainly not going to watch the reruns. Basta. I wonder if Telefuturo will rerun Pasion .

Alborada is definitely airing at a new time because my TiVo already taped today 's.
Maybe Modesta's bell is simply to know when she's coming in the room so you can watch what you say.

Yep, I just checked my Tivo and it recorded Alborada at 6 a.m!! Idiots.

I'm all caught up on comments now and very sorry I missed out on some of those good conversations!

I just thought I'd share one tidbit on the subject of women who don't know they're pregnant.

When I was in college, I interviewed an 86-yo woman for one of my classes. She told me that one day in the 1920's (when she was in her twenties) she woke up in the hospital on Christmas day and was very surprised to a) be in the hospital and b) find out she'd given birth to a little baby.

She had originally been told she wasn't likely to become pregnant, because her cycles were very irregular. So when she gained a little bit of weight and had a lot of "indigestion" for a few months, she didn't think much of it and never even went to the doctor because she still seemed to be getting "visits from her aunt" on the usual unpredictable basis. She figured she just wasn't eating right.

Nowadays doctors are better at figuring these things out, but I can understand how something like that could still be possible, especially if someone is in denial or isn't getting good healthcare.

Julie- Wow! What a Christmas present!

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