Monday, October 24, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #14 Mon 10/24/11 Dogs will be dogs, even if one of them is a princess.

  • Pancho tries to find out what went on between Veence and Rebeca - he tells Rebe she deserves better than a married man. She doesn't appreciate the advice.
  • Pina and Veence are utterly hysterical over their "daughter" - their pampered Pomeranian revealed her inner nature, she slipped out to enjoy a dalliance with the naco next door, Temo's mutt.

    Pina and Chela insult each other's dogs for being promiscuous. (Popeye says, "That enojon (really mad guy) is my suegro (father-in-law)?" Word of the day, gentuza = "riff-raff." Pancho and Vince declare war!

    Vince and Pina tell the vet Popeye raped Abeja, but the vet says, looks to me like it was mutual. They can't tell for a few days if she's pregnant but the vet's guess is "yes." Screams of misery from Vince and Pina - it's a National Tragedy!
  • Pepe and Tomás drool over Fernanda's cars and are happy they can finally go for a spin in a luxury car without sneaking it out of somebody's garage. Pepe almost hits Monica's car! After Monica calls him naco a few times, Pepe references El Perruris
    Nacolandia is where nacos originate. Of course, Nacolandia is not exactly a real place like Disneylandia (Disneyland). Nacolandia is a made up place by famous Mexican comedian Luis de Alba.

    De Alba created a character called, El Pirruris, who is supposedly the son of a wealthy and influential Mexican. Pirruris talks and acts like the children of the upper-class of Mexico (Fresas). On his show, El Pirruris shares his expertise in nacologia, the study of nacos. Nacos according to the Wikipedia, are "people with illusions of grandeur, airs of importance, bad taste and colorful slang". (Urban Dictionary
    Despite seeing Monica kissing Freddy (who looks about 35 years old to me), despite her telling him again and again she wouldn't want him if he were the last guy on the planet, Pepe is confident: "This doll will fall." Freddy sees Pepe wheedling Monica. Pepe sees Freddy and Monica smooching in the fancy car. He is still not discouraged!
  • Pancho yells at Candy as she's leaving late at night (to go to her yoga class she says). He wants to forbid her leaving, but she's a grownup and will do as she pleases.

    Chela tells him to let her go and says: don't argue in front of the kids. Later, when Candy shows Chela her nice new leather corset, Chela asks: "What if the kids knew what you do!?" Candy wants Chela to come to Paraiso and see the way Vince drools over her.
  • Pancho tries hard to josh Chela out of her jealous fit, telling her how much the family needs her and how much he cares about her. Then he cheers her up by asking for a foot massage and then asking her to sing. He thinks she should sing for a living.
  • Temo has one of those fake stomach-aches, he doesn't want to go to school, all Pancho's kids tell him they get treated like dogs at school, or like extra-terrestrials, or as if they're from "some lower category."
  • Rebe says Pancho can't wear tennis shoes to work any more. She takes him shopping, it's a flirty "Pretty Women" outing, he gets nice clothes and a haircut. He muses over the number of kids who could be fed with the money that just got spent on his clothes.

    For some reason, Rebeca won't let him take the clothes home. She says she will take them to her place and that he must come to her place that evening! He is surprised.

Tomorrow: Vince will show up at Rebeca's apartment and see Pancho standing in his striped boxer shorts in the middle of the living room.


Tks CHF, funny recap for a funny episode. Love the dogs & we know what they are thinking, so cute.

Good work, CHF. I haven't paid much attention to this series, but I love the two little dogs. I expect there will be puppies in a few episodes. Sendel and Castro are hilariously over the top in their anthropomorphic view of Abejita and their insane snobbery about Popeye.

Thank you for the funny recap. Your title is just perfect. I wonder how the doggie wrangler got Abeja to look so in love as she sighed over Popeye? She was very convincing.

Also, thank you for explaining the reference to El Perruris. That cleared up a big question mark.

I agree, Freddy does look a lot older than Monica, but I just checked the IMDB and it says she is two years older than he is! Unbelievable.

Great recap word: gentuza. I'll have to remember that one.

Loved the word of the day, all the info on Nacolandia and el Perruris and it looks like the pot is slowly beginning to boil on this one.

Not sure how the vet surmised "it was mutual" but happy the little princess enjoy her initiation into romance. It's not usually that way. Many thanks Melinama!

Thanks so much Melinama. I loved all that background info you gave us.

OK, I laughed, hard, despite myself, during some of these scenes around the dogs. I could not believe I was laughing at something so silly, but there you go. The dogs are adorable. There must be a very good trainer on set.

I wonder if Sendel and Castro had a hard time keeping a straight face during their senes with Abeja?

JudyB, I got the feeling the vet's diagnosis was more about Vince and Pina than it was about Abeja. Or, like the vet says, he knows dogs.

I would love to see the outtakes of the dog scenes. It looks like Sendel and Castro are having a difficult time keeping straight faces. I couldn't believe I was laughing at that silly stuff too. Every time there was a goofy doggie voice it cracked me up.

Hello friends - I get the feeling there is nobody reading these recaps except our faithful crew, all of whom understand Spanish. So if nobody is reading to understand the story (because they do already) maybe we should just go to discussions? What do you think?

Thanks for explaining El Perruris. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have figured that one out in a million years!

That age thing with Monica and Freddy cracks me up. I thought he looked to be around 30, but he's only 24. Ana, Pepe, Lupita, Mo and Freddie all go to the same school, but they don't look close enough together in age. I can't even figure out whether they're supposed to be in high school or college.

I'm on day 5 of a cluster headache (I had a different, unrelated headache last week). Depending on the timing of when the pain comes and goes (it's not as predictable as some people claim), tonight's "recap" may end up being discussion-only regardless. :(

I like doing the recaps, but twice a week is a lot for me, and three times a week for Melinama is surely worse. We really could use some help.

Unless a whole bunch of people jump in today and beg please please please, I'd switch to Discussion headings, Melinama. This is a lot of work for you and Julie, and it's not like you both don't have tons of other demands on your time.

CHF, thanks for the fun recap and origins of naca and El Perruris. Julie, hope you feel better soon.

I didn't expect Abeja and Popeye to "marry" so soon. Watching Vince and Pina in so much pain was hilarious. Now that Pancho's had a makeover, I hope Chela does one too.

I really like Luz Elena González (Chela). I watched a little of Hasta que el dinero nos separe, & even though she was very hard on the ears, I knew I wanted to see her in sth else.


Heh, I think she's still rough on the ears. Chela is quite the grouch. She played a rather sad character in Querida Enemiga, too, so I hope Chela cheers up soon so I can see this actress's happy side!

I am feeling better now, but will be keeping things short tonight - I still haven't even seen yesterday's episode yet.

Re: Melinama's suggestion about going to discussions, although I heartily enjoy the recaps and both Melinama's and Julie's writing, I know it is a lot of work to be doing 2-3 times a week.

If nobody else can help out with recaps I vote that the recaps turn into discussion headers. I don't have time right now to do two recaps a week (already doing CME on Thursday), but I will take a night to post a header if that helps any.

On the days no one feels like doing a recap, we could post the one from telenovela world. I haven't cked this novela but they usually do one in English in addition to Spanish.
We just need someone to post a discussion group.

Hard enough to do one once a wk, but 2 or 3 times a wk is asking a lot of our fantastic recappers.

Just a suggestion.


My policy is to have only our own stuff on our blog! There is a link to telenovela-world in the sidebar if people want to visit there...

That's a good idea. I just checked the TW phorum site and they have a link to the daily recaps in Spanish:
Una Familia Recaps

Oops Sorry, just read Melinama's comment. Never mind.

Posting discussion headers is no problem - I could be at death's door and still manage to do that. I could even queue them up at the beginning of the week to post at scheduled times if necessary, so no problem there.

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