Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #21 Wed 11/2/11 Candela tortures Vince (not for the first or last time)

Candy is so furious about Vince pretending not to know her: "I'll have him at my feet! I'll have him licking my boots!"

Pepe tells Tomás to get it together and control himself. "I'm insecure. That rich guy Alex has everything." "Don't be a martyr. If you want my sister, shape up and fight for her."

Candy and Chela share their gripes with Ana. She says they should trust Pancho.

Pina is surprised to see Vince home before dawn - she's happy about it, because it's still their anniversary night! He leaves to sleep in the guest room. She complains about her many years of celibacy.

In the morning, Candy visits Pina, who is drooling to know the identity of the man in the video. While not "outing" Vince, Candy pours many delightful insults on his head. He writhes in anxiety. Pina says too bad for the family of that nefasto (guy who does a lot of harm), "while I in contrast have an impeccable husband." Candy likes Pina and offers to appear on her radio show and reveal the identity of the man in question to the whole country. Vince thinks it's a bad idea. In leaving Candy invites Pina to tea at 5 next day, "like the English." She'll teach her how to give exotic massages and how to pole dance.

Rebe comes over to Pancho's house to talk over the video scandal. Commences another tiresome fight with Chela which almost ends in female fisticuffs. Pancho says, you put me in a horrible position, cuni, you don't trust me, you treat me like a child... Chela wants to reveal her secret: "I've loved you for seven years..." He misunderstands and thanks her for her years of loving attention as pillar of the family.

Lunch line at school: Ana now drools over Freddy.

When Pancho gets to work there are scores of reporters asking about the video. "Are you going to resign?" Rebeka and Barbara were gossiping about the revolting Vince vs. cute Pancho when they find out about the reporters. By the time they get outside Pancho has arranged an impromptu press conference and has invited all the reporters to be his friends.

Tomás and Pina meet cute in the elevator, she sighs with delight over the gorgeous hunk with the bad hair. Perhaps Pina's abstinent stretch will come to an end?


Thank you, thank you!

I don't know what Pina sees in Tomas, but good luck to them. I see Lupita as the real beneficiary of that relationship!

Vince would probably LOVE to lick Candy's boots.

Rebeca complains to Pancho about letting his family interfere with work, but she always feels free to visit him at home and make demands on his personal time. I assume that eventually she'll undergo some transformation and stop being a bitch. I hope it's soon.

Thanks Melinama. Watching Candy torture Vince was fun. She should keep that up.

I also don't get why Rebe is so down on Pancho's family having anything to do with the biz when Vince is the CEO's weasely nephew (and has plans for his son to eventually follow his footsteps), Enzo's fresa daughter works there, and Pina is always dropping in to annoy people. Why are there different rules for Pancho's family?

I want Lupita to stop crying over that jerk Tomas. He's horny all the time and so is Pina. A perfect match!

Pancho's family wasn't educated to work in this business. In Rebeca's eyes they are nacos.

This is so like The Beverly Hillbillies sometimes.

Thank you Melinama.

My favorite line of the night was when Vince said outing the culprit on the air was a bad idea and they shouldn't do it, and both Pina and Candy demanded "Why not?" in unison.

If Pina learns how to massage and pole dance I suppose Tomas will be the one enjoying those talents.

I've noticed in these shows it is the supposed upper class who demonstrate the rudest manners. Yes, Pancho might talk with his mouth full but he rarely disrespects other people the way Rebecca so flippantly dismisses his family. Even if she thinks they are just nacos they are still the CEO's family. Yep, pretty much like the Beverly Hillbillies. At least Chela doesn't make biscuits like hockey pucks.

At least in The Beverly Hillbillies Miss Hathaway liked them unlike Rebecca. Pin a is Mrs. Drysdale, too bad we don't have a Jethro.

Boy, I'm really beginning to regret missing the Beverly Hill Hillbillies so I could do a comparison. Bet they had nothing like Sergio Sendel though.

Thanks for the recap Melinama. Succint and sassy.

Heh... well, Pancho isn't exactly a Jethro, but he comes across as one. When Fernanda hired him, all she knew was that he was a nice guy. She had no way of knowing that he knew how to read a financial statement (much less read between the lines of a financial statement), or anything like that.

But Pancho reminds me more of Gomer Pyle. Gomer seems stupid, and he has only a basic education, and he's very innocent; but he's got more horse sense than... than... I don't know, some kind of place that's full of horses. If you mess with him, he'll give you the benefit of the doubt (more than you deserve), but he'll also instinctively, even blunderingly, put everything back in order and you'll end up getting some kind of poetic justice as the result of your own actions rather than his.

So Pancho is Gomer Pyle. Alas, the bad people around him would make Sergeant Carter look like a nice guy.

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