Thursday, November 17, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #31 Thu 11/17/11 False accusations

Vince puts Sandy up to framing Pancho for sexual harassment. Rebeca and Chela catch Pancho in a compromising position. Rebe is forced to take the accusation seriously. Interestingly, she says that they've never had a harassment case there before. (Rebeca has privately accused Vince of harassing her many times!) Chela blames Sandy for the way she dresses. Rebe reminds her that if we judge people by the way they dress, Candy'd be open to the same criticism.

Candy meets with Vince and scolds him for not being nicer to his wife.

Pina takes Abeja to the doggie-shrink for help with her depression. The doctor figures out that Abeja is feeling abandoned and needs to spend time with her puppy-daddy. He also advises her to go to a people-shrink. Pina is offended by that, but even more offended when her credit card is declined. Pancho cut off Vince's credit cards. HA!

Enzo confronts Pepe about Monica and forbids him (again) to see her. Later he confronts Monica about Pepe. She tries to deny everything, but her tears tell another story. After forbidding her (again) from seeing Pepe, Enzo has pretty much sealed the deal and he might just as well start taking bids from wedding planners. Daddies never learn.

Chela and Pancho are called to Temo's school, where he is being expelled for stealing from a classmate. Just as they are about to leave, a couple of girls come forward to say that some other boys framed him. Pancho expects those boys to be expelled, but the principal (who has a permanent look of extreme surprise on her face) says she can't expel them because they weren't technically stealing, just playing a prank. Pancho says those kids are getting special treatment because their parents must be big shots, well guess what, Temo is here because of FERNANDA PENALOZA. (The only name he's gotten right all night.)

Temo cries at home watching himself and Popeye not-winning on the Little Giants show. Popeye does some tricks to cheer him up and Temo decides they're going to try again!


Gracias, Julie.

It occurred to me while watching this that Temo could have the perfect act for his next audition: Directing Popeye and Abeja in a canine version of a fairy tale. He could narrate while the dear doggies do their tricks.

I wonder whether Pancho's cracking down on Vicente's expense account abuse is a commentary on corporate behavior in Mexico. This sort of thing certainly happens here.

I loved this episode, especially Candy's tour de force at the restaurant. You're not man enough for a MUJERON like me! And mimicking his voice "oh i couldn't help it she seduced me." hah hah hah. Sendel was also cute later doing his signature cellphone bashing.

Oh! Oh!! I forgot to mention the cellphone-bashing in the recap. Dangit. Sorry, I didn't even take notes on this episode... I had forgotten it was Thursday. I did it from memory, probably missed a bunch of stuff. Hopefully nothing important.

Thanks Julie. I missed the cell phone bashing lol. I saw part of this espisode. Who called Chela and told her Pancho wanted to see her at his office? Did I get that right? Was it to catch him in the compromising situation? I am glad Chela doesn't believe it.


Thanks so much for the snappy recap Julie.

Melinama- That was my favorite scene and line from last night too. I would love to use that line sometime, or just have the opportunity to call myself a mujerón! Vince is like a whimpering puppy in front of lioness Candy.

Very glad that Chela didn't believe for one second that Pancho would sexually harass anyone. Rebe needs to do some better investigation. I loved how Chela basically called her an idiot if she didn't think there was something suspicious about Vince's secretary all of a sudden coming to Pancho's office to have him sign mysterious papers, and just like that an instant sexual harassment accusation against Pancho.

Rebe has also been with Pancho in very close situations (he even wiped taco juice off her blouse with no hint of lasciviousness last episode), and he has never been sexually inappropriate. Think woman!

So glad Temo's false accusation was cleared up in one episode though.

Julie, thanks for a fun recap. My favorite line: “After forbidding her (again) from seeing Pepe, Enzo has pretty much sealed the deal and he might just as well start taking bids from wedding planners.” lol

I get the sense that Rebe doesn’t really believe the sexual harassment accusation but is investigating it anyway cause it’s the proper thing to do businesswise. I never tire of Vince’s bluntess. So funny when he rudely blew off Enzo to rush off to Candy. The doggy shrink was pretty funny too demanding his money from Pina.

In the US and I'm pretty sure in Mexico, employers are required by law to take all harassment accusations seriously. (How this actually works out in real life is another discussion entirely.)

The first thing Rebeca should have done was take Sandy out of Pancho's office immediately and interview her in private, rather than asking any questions in front of Pancho.

From personal experience I'll add that it's important, both as an employer and as a human being, to be sensitive to the employee's feelings even if your first impression is that the accusation is false or frivolous. (At least until you can prove that it's false!)

I don't know if Rebeca believed Sandy for a moment, but she did pay her the basic courtesy of not calling her a liar. (If Sandy were able to prove harassment in court, an insensitive reaction from the employer would cause Avon a lot more woe.)

Hey Julie, sorry for the late response. I didn't actually get to watch this episode until just now. Practically just in time to catch tonight's show.

Anyway, it was a good episode and I enjoyed the scene with Pina at the doggie shrink. I think he's a very good doctor.

By the way, I was at the Bumble Bee Health Food store today and I saw...Bach Flower Essences!! Call me stupid but I couldn't resist buying a small bottle of the "Rescue Night" drops, guaranteed to help "switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts." After a night of telenovelas that could be just the ticket. Truthfully, I don't believe that crap at all, however I thought it would be fun. Now if only they'd had a bag of Big Mix I'd be set. I could plop down in front of the TV, plow through a big bag of Big Mix, and then ease my "restless mind" with those Bach flower drops, LOL!!

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