Monday, December 19, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #52 Mon 12/19/11 In which Vins does a pretty good "Pancho..."

... and Pancho does a pretty bad "sleazy waiter."

Pancho reveals that he isn't just going to sit around while Vicente (maybe "vice" would be a better nickname) plots against him. He, too, has a plan. Which he will not reveal to everyone (though everyone is clearly concerned that this will be a hairbrained scheme).

Chacho bursts in and informs everyone that Chela's got a boy. His buds circle round to chatter and gossip. Pancho says they need to find out who that suspedocho is.

Meanwhile, Chela is rehashing the jealousy plan. She swore Chacho to secrecy, so half of Mexico knows already.

Lena is still moaning. It's been days. One new detail: she swears she'll have vengeance, which I take to be a positive sign.

Vice is shocked to see "Tomas Plomero" in the house again and tries to show him off, but Pina flounces down the stairs and tell him the sob story about T's family. Meanwhile, Tomas heads off to snoop around the house. Adoracion races off to gawk at him or something.

Monica is with Pepe, rehashing her chat with Fred. Nothing new, but they're pretty cute.

Tomas carries his tools into Fred's room and sees the racing trophy. He begins stroking it and dreaming about what would've happened if he'd been born rich. He sees the plumber off with some rudeness, then sits on the bed inexplicably clutching his heart.

Alex is wearing a ridiculous scarf. He's trying to get back in Lupita's good graces... he claims he can't be held accountable for Fred's actions. She asks why is he still friends with the Fraud? Good question. One explanation: the gayness of his scarf is a clue that Alex and Fred will end up together in the end of the show.

Vice and Candi are at the Avon offices, smooching in the elevator. "How many times have I told you that you drive me crazy?" "Not enough." They stumble into a handy office, and Vice once again admits his mistaken identity scheme. Just like the Emperor spinning his chair to reveal his presence in "Return of the Jedi," Pancho spins around in his huge office chair with a raised eyebrow and a cough of indignation.

Vice claims that this was all to protect Pancho... Seeing as to how we've seen no indications of any other motive, I'll go with that. Pancho is not convinced. As they yell at each other, Beca appears in the doorway just as Vins accidentally blurts out that he's got something going on with Yuriko. Jealous, Candi flounces out as Beca flounces in. She's not happy, but doesn't really support Pancho, a viewpoint she carries through the episode.

The only other thing that happened that really interested me was the hilarious meeting with the Japanese. Fake Pancho and Beca sit down to the meeting, and in walks... Pancho, with a greasy ponytail and a waiter-suit. He attends the meeting, running back and forth whispering in peoples' ears. Then he tell's V that he's actually doing a pretty good impression, but he just needs to laugh more.

The Japanese want 20% of Avon, but Pancho disagrees. He doesn't even want to settle for 15%. He also doesn't want V to sign any documents, so he spills coffee all over the papers. Everyone yells at Lamberto. I'm falling asleep.... Good night, guys!

Also, could anyone cover for us tomorrow night? Thanks!


Ezra- Indeed, Vinc seems to be having a ball playing Pancho. I had a good laugh when he was practicing in front of the mirror.

Didn't Pepe also lose his car in another of those bets of who will win a race last night? It was quite silly since Frauddie has not paid up for the two times he lost to Pepe, but Pepe gives up his care the one time he loses. I guess it shows that Pepe is a man of his word, while Frauddie, well...

Glad to see more smooches and less tears between Pepe and Moni.

That business meeting was a mess, but in a funny way. I wish Rebe would be more helpful/useful though. Why can't they expose Vinc for the fraud he is?

I'm glad that Alex stood up to Lupita and told her to stop holding him accountable for Frauddie's and Tomas' sins. I just wish he would do the same thing with Frauddie and stop being his friend. Or at least become a double agent and start telling these girls exactly what Frauddie is planning.

Hey Ez, I know you were so sleepy so good work getting this together! I think Tomas was telling the trophy that if Pepe had been born rich like Frauddie, Pepe would be winning the trophies. I also really enjoyed Pancho telling off Rebeca at the end - "I live by the truth, I thought you did too, but now I see you differently." She deserved it.

Thanks Ezra for the great recap. Vins did do a good impersonation of Pancho. I too liked him practicing in front of the mirror. It is a shame that Rebe didn't back Pancho up. She is supposed to be there to help him. I think she is letting her personal feelings for Pancho get in the way.

The jealousy plot won't work for Chela. I think Pancho looked happy finding out she had a guy.

Poor Elena. I wonder how she will get revenge? I think Frauddie is afraid of Tomas. He looked relieved when Tomas left his room.

Thanks, Ezra. I wish I could cover for you tonight, but I won't even be home. :(

I can't believe Elena is still crying over that jerk. Her swearing vengeance makes me worry that there's going to be a false pregnancy caper in our future (if we're spared a real pregnancy!).

Part of me hopes that Pepe foresaw Frauddie's plan and threw the bet on purpose and rigged the car to blow up with Frauddie in it. But I suppose Pepe's a better person than that. But I have to admit that when they were racing WITHOUT passengers this time, I saw an opportunity for a plot twist that would get rid of Fraud without anyone else getting hurt. Ah well.

Vivi, thanks for the heads-up about the double-headers Friday and all next week. Hopefully it's going an hour later and not starting an hour earlier.

Sylvia, thanks for reminding me - it was indeed A Fish Called Wanda. I don't think I ever watched the whole thing, but I remember the Russian scene.

I said the bad phone reception thing couldn't possibly be a plot point, but now I'm having second thoughts. People rely so much on their cell phones now - remember how much trouble Pancho was in the one time he didn't answer his phone - I can see a lot of things that could go wrong.

I don't know, Ezra, I like Alex's scarf. Although your theory is pretty funny. Can't imagine why he'd be attracted to Fraudster even so, though. Can't figure out what Ana and Elena saw in the guy, either.

I know Pepe's all noble and honorable and etc., but why did he give up the car when Fred still hasn't made good on his previous debts? What were those debts? That must have been before I started watching. I thought Alex should have at least offered Pepe and Tomás a ride home. Some good guy he is.

Rebeca is an idiot to go along with Vice's harebrained scheme. She should have just set things straight immediately. Now it's all going to get great comedic effect, no doubt.

Speaking of needing substitutes...

I will be traveling Thursday evening and I won't be able to recap. Does anyone want to do the writeup? If not, I will just post a header before I leave.

Thanks Ezra. I always enjoy your perspective on the goings on. You might have something there about Frauddy and Alex. However I get the feeling that Alex is really beginning to tire of Frauddie's nasty behavior. I like Vivi's double-agent idea.

Like the rest of you I don't understand why Pepe and Tomas continue to accept Frauddie's challenges, especially (as some of you so correctly point out) Frauddie never pays his debts. Oh well, I guess it's a convenient device for building tension between the nacos and the fresas.

Shame on Rebe for not supporting Pancho. I don't blame Pancho for telling her she doesn't trust him.

Ez, hope you got a good night's sleep.

I'll be happy to substitute recap tonight. It will be a nice change from the high drama and red herrings we are currently experiencing over at CME.

Ezra, thanks for the fun recap. The Japanese meeting was the highlight for me too. Sergio Sendel (Vince) seemed to be ad-libbing.

Ugh, I don’t like that Elena is still moping around in bed. Sure hope she’s not pregnant, cause that’s just not funny.

Rebe’s background is sketchy to me but from Fer's hints maybe she lost control in the past (with perhaps a fellow exec or a married man?), and now she’s super-cautious. But she always winds up apologizing to Pancho and telling him he was right after all. I hope this time he doesn't forgive so easily and makes her work for it.

Tks Ezra,
If we can just have a discussion page, at least Carayistos can add what we understand. You guys are so appreciated.

I wonder why Fernanda never has any input with her company? You would think Pancho & Rebeca would ask her opinion once in a while.


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