Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #85-86 Wed 1/18/12

Hey guys! No clever subtitle today.

Fernanda, miraculously alive (I guess she couldn't have really died without a week of hospital deathbed episodes), is trying to sign over her shares to Pancho, but Doc Oc would rather get her on a plane to Germany. Pancho needs a little convincing as well, so she lays it on really thick (not just with the "I'm dying" guilt-trip, but also with some heavy handed you're-my-son foreshadowing nonsense about feeling a motherly bond).

We're treated to another barfy Temo sequence, when he shows up at Pina's place to get his dog back. Now Melly is fascinated by the Lopez peasant-speak, and she butts heads with her aunt over the boy.

Alex is moping over Lupita and Freddy strangely gives him some good advice (don't give up on her, you need to hear her side of the story, etc.)... This being-a-decent-guy bit kinda comes out of the blue.

Pancho goes over recent events with Chacho and the new buddy (who, as my mom put it, seems to be there only to help review stuff that's already happened). He nobly tries to convince them that the money isn't everything, but they need some more convincing.

Fers is looking much better, applying some makeup in her motorized wheelchair. Pretty good for a recently-deceased lady. She bullies doc oc into letting her go to Avon, where she hosts a meeting to make Vins miserable. She says she'll be taking the presidency herself, which would actually be pretty cool. Unfortunately for this intriguing idea, Pancho shows up in his vecinidad-wear and seems really excited about getting his job back. Vins reminds Fers that he's got some dirt on her. He reminds everyone that his share in the company will allow him to get his paws on every decision the company makes [which means, I guess, that Pina gets to mess with Pancho, too! I forgot to write about the scene where she learns those shares are kind of hers].
Fers insists that Panch and V must work as a team, and reminds Vins that he needs to set aside his arrogance (after all, the company is his future and he shouldn't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs). She even makes them hug, which they do hilariously, with much distaste. V whispers in Panch's ear "I'll turn you into dust."

Vins was clearly not listening to this inspiring teamwork speech, because he goes right to the peskateers and pledges to use his every waking moment to dethrone Pancho.

Pina has a conspiratorial little meeting with her friend (Katy?). Katy thinks that, to get more power over Vins, Pina needs to get pregnant? How will she do that? Use her stocks and financial power to *force* him to do her. Great plan, girls! Pina is excited about shifting the power balance but more excited about the prospect of a mini-mi Pinita. Heh.

Dumb Ana is still gushing about Fred. Chela overhears and fruitlessly tries to talk her out of it. She's one to talk.

Alex thinks back on Fred's advice, and shows up at Lupita's to admit his insecurity. They make up.

Pancho is delighted to get his chair back. He has a new strategy, and Beto is uncharacteristically optimistic. The new strategy is to divide jobs between him and Vins. Not sure if I got that right (is that really all?).

Chela comes to Avon and immediately butts heads with Enzo. She tears into him, and calls him a thief and a scoundrel. She storms off, and he gets a dreamy look while love music plays.

Back at la casa popular, Chela knows the kids and the dog are hiding something from her. She's starting to get worried/mad, when Pancho marches down the street with his buds and some Mariachis, bringing her a surprise birthday party to the tune of "las mananitas." A very sweet way to close the episode!


Ezra, you are in top form tonight. Thanks for so many funny images. My fav: Lopez peasant speak! This was a funny outcome once the old lady death didn't really end Fernanda's life. But you are right, I also don't think Fer will die wihtout a much bigger build up.

Melli is kind of neat with her spot on imitation of Tia Pina, but it means we have to see more of naco Temo.

And what about Enzo acting dreamy after seeing Chela. Ewwww on some levels but it might make both of them get out of the way.

Thank you Ezra for the funny recap. I too liked the Lopez peasant speak. I like little Melli she is like a tiny duplicate of Tia Pina lol. I love the way she mimics her Amors and Pors lol.

Is Kati crazy? Pina getting pregnant? Never going to happen. I can't see Vins doing it with Pina. All he can think of is CANDY, CANDY, CANDY lol.

I liked Enzzo looking dreamy at Chela, maybe down the road they will be an item wishful thinking! This way she stops obessing about Pancho. I am glad Pancho and Rebe got back together.

I wonder what the three Pesketeers will be doing to Pancho now, although it looks like Arnold's heart isn't in it anymore. I think he will try to protect Rebe.

I am glad Pancho's secretary is back. She really looked like a hot mess. lol.

And Alex and Lupe, I am glad Alex is working on his insecurity, who would have thought Frauddie would give him good advice.

Our recapper Jim, whose part one I just posted, says Meli is actually Daniela Castro's daughter. No wonder she keeps almost cracking up in their adorable scenes. Yes, if only Temo were - mute.

Good stuff, Ezra.

Pina embarazada? No puede ser! Although that would make a hilarious contrast to Daniela Castro's previous embarazo in Mi Pecado.

Just left a message on Jim's recap.

Ezra, this was fun and snappy as usual. Thank you

What a shocker that Freddy can give good advice. Almost all our characters have given others good advice, even if they themselves are royally screwed up. Lupe is the most consistent in giving good advice, and taking good advice too- making her the most sane character of the bunch.

Glad that Alex took Freddy's advice (can't believe I just wrote that) and decided not to believe Elena and to appologize for acting stupid. I wish he had also told Lupe what Elena said. She needs to be outed for the horrible friend she is.

So Vince (and Pina) now have controlling shares in the company (did they say 35%) and Vince (and Pina) gets more say in decisions. OK. We'll see how this new shift in the balance of power plays out. It will be more interesting to see how it works in Pina favor with Vince, than how it works in Vince's favor against Pancho at Avon. How many shares does Fer have? And do they now belong to Pancho? (Or will that only be after her death?)

I thought Fernanda still holds the controlling interest in the company.

But with her out of the country for treatment that may not mean much.

Yes, Fernanda has not given her shares to Pancho, she's holding on to them for now. This allows for many more months of hi-jinx.

Thanks UA and Melinama. I wonder if/when Fer will hand over the share to Pancho. I hope she doesn't have to die for that to happen. I do know that Fer has more shares than Pina-Vince, but now they have enough shares to really have power over decisions. Does Fer have all the rest of the shares or are there other shareholders, I wonder? This all is so contrary to the way that AVON really works. I wodner if the AVON-Mexico people were groaning and holding their heads when they watched this, or laughing because it's so ridiculous? :)

There must be other shareholders because a part of Ines' plan was to use shareholder angst over Fer's health and buy up shares from nervous shareholders.

Someone a few days ago speculated that when Chela told off Enzzo there were sparks between them which might turn into flames of ardor one day. Looks like their prediction may be panning out.

Interesting info about little Meli being Pina's daughter. What fun.

Thanks for the recap Ezra. It was amusing as usual.


Thank you, thank you so much for your recap. I stepped away then came back to a party for Chela and I could not understand what was going on. Thank you for the putting the pieces together for me.

Enzzo and Chela, that's going to be something. I wonder if Enzzo will get into his overalls and go back to fixing cars.

But my most intriguing moment, the lawyer he was delicious, where did they get that grand piece of eye candy?

Ezra, thanks for the great recap. You are a very funny guy; I love your editorial comments.

I was also shocked that Fred gave good advice to Alex. In fact I didn't even listen because I assumed it was his usual rot, so thanks for pointing it out in your recap.

As some of you have pointed out, Melly is fun, but it means having more of Temo, ugh. Oh well, I like her so am willing to put up with stupid Temo's swooning and such. Another reason I like Melly, I can understand her! She has great diction.

Nellie I agree. Can we have more of Fernanda's lawyer? Let's not keep him hidden.

Thanks to those of you who explained about the shares. It was all very confusing to me. I wouldn't mind seeing Fers and Ines square off again. I enjoy watching those two pros do their thing.

I think the actress playing mean old Inez is having a ball. I hope she and the actress playing Fernanda are friends, at least on the set. I often think Sendel and the other comedic villains are the lucky ones at work on this whacko story. I am getting much more pleasure from this tn than the whip wielding nasty ones on LQNPA.


I have to agree 100% with you. I'm getting more out of this than LQNPA. I get thrilled when someone has the same opinion, I always think I'm the only one. I absolutely love Sergio in this one, the three "man love men" are so good, I've forgotten all about Sergio's various other nasty villians. I will say again I absolutely love this TN. They are showing a true person here, nasty but vulnerable and it's not taking them forever to come to the correct conclusion, I even like Freddy.

Ezra, thanks for the fun.

At last, Chela is about to move on! I hope she gives Enzo hell, before cupid strikes of course.

I was able to watch last nights episode.....
Good recap but no mention of Rebe.
I don't see part one recap, because I hope Jim make mention of Rebe and the painted on jeans....That's why Poncho caved in and forgave her so

LOL Anon #1! I guess you agree with Chato, who could quickly see why Pancho forgave Rebe. In case you can't find Part 1 by Jim, here it is:

Fun recap Ezra..enjoyed your eye-rolling at Pina's plan to get pregnant. Lead a horse to water and all that....

Glad to see my prediction wish for Chela and Enzo to connect is panning out. Obviously she can put him on the straight and narrow, thereby losing Vins one of his henchmen.

Missed the second hour so haven't seen the Temo Melli interaction. What bugs me about the kid is his revolting hair style. Almost as bad as Tomas el plomero, who only looks good from one side.

Thanks Vivi in DC, I will need to get to my desktop to see part 1 recap....sometimes my smart phone is not so smart at all...or not as smart as it should be. I do most of my coments with the phone, don't know why part 1 didn't pop up.

JudyB, this show is looking more like Juan Q every episode.....

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